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2.9k · Dec 2020
Rain On The Coat
Gabriel Girault Dec 2020
Picture this,
It’s April, the world is moving forward as you are inside a coffee shop.
You went to be at peace, your home has felt like an enclosure.
Although it is most definitely your home there seems to be something always missing.
So you head to your second home, a coffee shop a few blocks away.
They all know you by name, and the inside jokes you all have fills the store with a warm laughter that can be felt even before anyone opens the door.
You have your bag, within it is two notebooks and a laptop. One notebook for any ideas you want to write down, and the other just in case. You have your laptop, because you said you will write on it, but you end up looking up random thoughts in your head.
You seem to not be able to focus, but that’s fine because you’re having better thoughts then when you were at home.
You spend a few hours there before you pack your bag, you get up, say your goodbyes, you look outside, the rain is pouring.
You remember you didn’t bring a coat, you couldn’t wait to leave the obstacle you call home that you never looked outside at the clouds that loomed overhead.
But in your defense you felt that same feeling for weeks now, the way those dark clouds in the sky look is how you’ve felt for most of your life now.
But as you’re walking out of this coffeeshop, someone stops you and asks why you didn’t bring a coat.
Without thinking nor without a hesitation you say, “I’m wearing one can’t you see.”, and before they can say anything else, “I wear my heart not on my sleeve, I wear it as a coat.”.
They look at you and say, “Hopefully next month I will grow from the concrete”.
716 · Oct 2020
Roses Are Red
Gabriel Girault Oct 2020
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
I would love to spend all my time with you.
Even now I dream of futures that may await us.
Each one is more beautiful than the last, and yet nothing compares to you.
I haven’t been religious in a minute, and I find myself on my knees praying that our love lasts past this lifetime.
And although I may simply be a young writer, I would trade the rest of my late college nights just to see you smile. Never again would claws dictate the essence of laws.
Why? Well not only because you can brighten up a room in less time than I can think of an analogy, but because I never want to see you cry. And if you must please let them be of joy.
You’re someone with a heart so pure, I had to double take just to make sure it was real, but not a mirage my mind made up because it was dehydrated of joy. But one made up of simply your Love.
A Love so strong it makes me forget the reasons why I was ever sad in the past, makes me smile so wide my cheeks start hurting from this new expression. Makes me ever forget that I went through a phase, because all of them were simply leading to the best parts of my life.
And every time I think of you the only thing that goes through my mind is:
Roses are Red,
Violets are Blue,
**** I ******* Love you.
702 · Jun 2020
Locks & Keys
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
I wanted to give you the world,
Unfortunately it wasn’t in a college student’s budget.
So I gave you the next best thing,
I made you my world.
Gave you the keys,
And I threw away any locks.
I let you free roam and play around my heart,
and I prayed you wouldn’t play GTA 5.
I may have a big heart,
but it can only take so many drive-bys.
Once you hit five stars,
All I could do is spray and pray for my feelings.
When you finally said goodbye,
Everything hurt exponentially.
So I tried to find the locks,
Before the damage could be done.
But they disappeared the first time I looked into your eyes,
Eyes that completely changed my perspective.
Once I opened up everything to you,
Now I can't go back to heart lock down.
My world has transformed,
For better or for worse only time can decide.
701 · Jun 2020
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
We are all royalty, derived from one.
Man can no longer see the world without seeing unknown men in their Kingdom.
We all can be beauty, but some choose to be the beast. I may Love the color blue, and choose to live within the words I write. But You, you can Love the color red, and choose to dream in the song you sing.
We may never see eye to eye, but we can shake hands and Love each other as if we were related. Because WE ARE related. We live on the same earth, we drink the same water, and everything you need to live, I also need.
The game six degrees of separation can easily show that all of us are interlocked in the same world. The only thing holding us back, are the decisions we choose to make to our fellow brethren.
Next time you decide to cast away someone within the Kingdom remember, they are your brother and they are your sister.
503 · Jul 2020
Pet Rocks
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
People who had pet rocks are successful today because they understand the worth of a rock. Rocks are sturdy and hard, they don’t move unless moved, and are always there no matter the situation.
I always wanted a rock. Someone who would always be there for me when the world was crumbling down. Someone who didn’t leave me high and dry. Someone who I could count on in my worst moments.
I thought I had a rock once, but they left me when everything started falling apart. I wanted to be their rock, but they left me while I was trying to be sturdy.
Rocks are what holds us together. If you find yourself one, stay strong and hold on to them. Rocks are not meant to be kicked around or thrown, they're meant to be held down and loved.
502 · Aug 2020
Heartless Romantic
Gabriel Girault Aug 2020
I’m a Heartless Romantic,
I used to be a Hopeless Romantic,
but my heart has been ripped out so many times I forgot to put it back in. I mean what’s the point when each time you Love it feels like you’re having an endless sugar rush. You’re high for so long that the crash throttles you so far down that you’re in an endless abyss. And once you stabilize you realize how deep into the abyss you went. As high as you went up is as low as you go down. You stay there for a while, trying to figure out what to do. You forget what light looks like and you walk further into the darkness. Dumbfounded by not knowing which way is up and where you’ll find light, you are lost. You are lost and in pain, a perpetual pain that never healed, because you didn’t let it. You realize this and you put your heart back in, and you heal yourself. Through this healing you find your ground, and you feel more comfortable. You finally found some light even though you’re still stuck in darkness, but you slowly get out of it.
You recovered!
just to do it all again...
But I’ll forever be a Heartless Romantic,
No a Hopeless Romantic.
Maybe just A Romantic
Gabriel Girault Nov 2020
To the next girl I will Love.
I’m so sorry you have to deal with the mess that is me.
I don’t know how you got stuck in this position, but you must have the biggest heart.
I bet you have a way you look at me, that makes me smile.
And not the smile that I give to everyone to make them think I’m happy, but the genuine smile of my happiness.
The one I’m always embarrassed to say that I have, because I have a weird relationship with my smile, but you make me overcome it because,
You make me happy. Truly happy which is rare for me.
And I’m sorry for all the baggage I come with, I tried to check them in at a hotel, but they said that they only took one bag per customer.
I know it’s not your responsibility to carry these bags, but while I work on bringing them up to the room can you stand next to me?
Can you be there while I make a fool of myself trying to unpack and sort them?
It’s just that when you’re with me, these heavy bags suddenly become weightless, and I feel like I’m the champion of the world.
Although I may feel like the champion, I know it wouldn't be possible without you,
The true champion that is you.
But while we smile and unpack these bags, can we throw some away and furnish the world we’ve been given?
Together we have a chance at shaping the world as we see fit, so I see no problem with turning it into the world of our desires.
Why live in this place if we can’t make it our own?
We can turn it into something that we can both call home.
And even though I am a man living in a patriarchal world.
I am a Black man.
So at times I’m always on edge, never getting a chance to lay and be relaxed.
Together we can make a place where when we lay our heads down, we can both feel safe knowing that the other is near.
And that world can’t hurt us.
Eden is what we can call it, but neither of us are known to eat apples, so there will be no snakes allowed.
I bet if I look back to see how we started it was something embarrassing.
I probably tried to talk to you, but could only get a few words out.
I bet I was so nervous, because why would someone so amazing like you give me the time of day, especially when we live in an age, where time seems to be the only thing that matters.
Somewhere along the line you took pity on the poor soul that is me, and again,
I’m sorry that you have to deal with me.
I don’t always know what to say, or the time to say things, or when not to say things, or what to do, but you still stuck with me.
I can’t promise a lot except that you will always have all of me, nothing less and everything more.
It’s the least I could do, and even then I wish I could give you more.
I wish I did know what to say at times, I wish I wasn’t a nervous mess, I wish I felt like I deserved you, but I will always think you deserve more.
Again, I’m just a mess with a mantra of trying to do my best.
But never for my own sake, I do it all for you.
The future we dream of, the adventures we shall go on, and the world we shall see.
And yes, there will be hard times, nobody ever said Love was easy.
But together we can do it.
Why should the world stop us, when instead we could shape it?
Through the pain we’ll get stronger, our bond strengthened, and our Love tested so much it’ll be unbreakable.
To write of Love is sometimes complicated to me, but I take a step back and think of you, and all the words I need come to me.
Every adjective, noun, vowel, seems to come to me once I put you on my mind.
It gives me the power to pick up a pen and never let it go until everyone knows of our Love.
Loving you, is like a videogame for me.
My earliest and best moments of life deal with them.
I remember my first video game.
I picked it up and had no idea what I was doing.
But I continued to work on it, never giving up until eventually I got it.
And I kept getting better and better each time I tried.
I got stuck sometimes, but I never gave up.
I kept trying until I got it right.
I’m not the best, but I’m dedicated to seeing it through till the very end.
Bitter or sweet.
Hard or easy.
Long or short.
Now I look back at all the poems I’ve ever written. And although they all aren’t addressed to you, I feel like they were all for you.
Practice for trying to find the words to show you that I Love you.
And when I hold your hand, and refuse to let it go, it’s because I’m scared that I’ll never get the chance to hold it again. So I hold it tight, and pray for the day I never have to let it go.
And yes, I believe that even in death, when I am no longer on this earth.
I will still have my connection with you.
Our flames, still burning as bright as ever.
In our next lifetime when we meet each other again, I only have one request.
Give me that look, the one you know will make me smile, the genuine smile which lets you know how happy you make me.
418 · Aug 2020
The Arrow
Gabriel Girault Aug 2020
As an arrow flies throughout the sky,
it remembers its journey.
How it was
and launched.
He remembers the days where all he did was sit and think,
where he wished to be free.
Now that he is free he realizes that all is not how he dreamed.
He was heading towards a target,
one that he did not ever dream about.
He was going too fast.
All he cared for was life as it was,
but now as he flies through the sky,
breaking the air,
he realizes he wasn’t ready.
404 · Jul 2020
Facade of Mine
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
Some days I feel like a Facade. Not a real person going through the day but a wall that was built to be the separation of the two things.

I don’t know what this wall is protecting or what lies the Facade is even telling. It all feels like I am not a person of true substance, just something waiting to reveal itself.

Hopefully it’s good.
363 · Sep 2020
Gabriel Girault Sep 2020
Am I crazy for wanting Love?
It's all I think about when I am without you. You’ve made me think about all the changes in my life. If I had to choose between you and my world, I wouldn't have to pick, because you are my world.
Without your heart, I would be heartless.
I would be 808's and the worst heartbreak. I would be Frank, no Ocean. I used to be solo dolo, the soundtrack to my life would be a trail of tears.
What I’m trying to tell you is that without you my heart beats slower and I lose my rhythm. Without you I just never feel complete. Without you my world seems darker.
Every day and night I would talk to you, now I'm in a place where I cannot strive. The only way for me to pursue my happiness, would be to shoot for the moon, and never fall to the clouds.
The only thing I believe in is Love, and I would be a martyr for it with ease. A world where Love can easily be found, would be a world that lives forever. Nothing could stand in our way, a Love built on trust, is one that could never end.
What is the end? Nobody knows.
But we would face it hand in hand, no fear, only Love.
Nothing can truly stop Love that is pure and strong.
It will triumph above all.
And all will Love.
349 · Aug 2020
Drip Drop
Gabriel Girault Aug 2020
Drip Drop, Drip Drop.
The rain patters in the distance.
A loud noise heard in the distance.
Creek, Creek.
The sounds of old wooden boards.
All this in a lost forest.
The forest gone within minutes.
The image of a human.
Drip Drop, Drip Drop.
Their tears shatter on the floor.
A picture thrown upon the floor.
Creak, Creak.
A parent at the door, of the sorrowful.
346 · Aug 2020
The Universe
Gabriel Girault Aug 2020
Within her is the world.
Many people take women as a joke or something to use. They are horribly wrong. If you open up a woman, you will find an enigma of truths. Within a woman lies the universe, a mysterious utopian world that has never been unlocked.
The first thing she does is open up to you. Opening up to you is her way of trying to give you a foresight into her own world and dreams.
She opened her eyes to see you, then she opened her heart and soul to know you. She wants you to see with your eyes; the feelings she portrays. She wants you to know the soul she rocks with. Her soul is the thing that defines who she is, her past and who she will be,
her future.
But there is a universe within her, because in truth she should be your world.
She is your world,
and within your world,
lies the universe.
The key to the unforeseen universe is pure, genuine, undoubtedly Love. She needs to trust you,
Love you,
make sure you will always be with her. Then she won't give you the key to the universe.
You will be the key.
The world is her and she is your world.
273 · Jul 2020
Blank Canvas
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
She was like the sunshine hitting a blank canvas, paint splattered with the colors of all the flowers in the physical and ethereal worlds. Although it looked messy at first glance, you could tell she was put together with the finest of details.
She was the hope that defeated the darkness and the light that guided the lost.
She was Love and heaven if they beat hell and hate. As strong and compassionate as one could become.
Through everything she pursued she was an oak plank holding her entire life together. Sturdy and just enough to keep the water from crashing in all at once.
She was everything she needed to be.
269 · Aug 2020
Gabriel Girault Aug 2020
If the world was to end,
Would you stay with me? Would you laugh with me? Would you cry with me?
We will all die one day, we can enjoy our time together, or we can sit and wait for it to fall.
Maybe we can save the world!
It would be simple, all we would have to do is Love. You may wonder how that could change anything. Well it has the power to change the galaxy. Love has the power to take away breaths,
Love can bring life back.
When you are down and sad it can make you smile with the biggest heart you could imagine. Whenever you smile it puts my heart into a leap of Love.
I enter a world where nothing matters, it is a place I would Love to live in with you.
The politics of the world would never  be a thought when we are together.
So do you believe me when I say we can save the world?
Because our Love is my world.
And if the world ended, I would be lost, I would have no home.
I need you not because I simply Love you. I need you, because you can save me,
you can save my world.
There is no pressure in this world, because we always have each other's backs.
Through all the hate in the world, our Love would slice through it, our worlds would become one, and nothing could stop that Love from ever dying.
Only thing that would matter is our Love and the world we made from it.
264 · Jun 2020
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
Life has unexpected turns, truly anything can happen. It is not over until you can be happy.
There is not a guideline for happiness that you can find online. You must find it in your world. A world perceived and made by you, a world that is hidden.
The facade must be taken down, or you will lose yourself in a world of standards. You can not find happiness in someone's world, you cannot find it in science or religion.
But the world you plan, construct, and live in.
This world will have happiness, peace, and above all Love that will never die.
247 · Jun 2020
What Happened?
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
After all this time I still wait and wonder if there will be any type of gestures. Something that would show me everything I’ve ever needed to hear.
After so much time I try and realize this will never happen. Something in me broke the minute we stopped being us.
After crying for what seems to be an eternity I can only think of you. Something tells me I will be like this for a long time.
After it all ended. Something broke in me.
After it all ended. Something broke in me.
241 · Sep 2020
Gabriel Girault Sep 2020
I can tell you about this for an entire year.
No matter what I shall say, or the tears in my voice. You can't see yourself as beautiful. I've been asking myself again and again, through all my friends.
What has been done for you to see the lies and propaganda as truth.
When I look, I see a beautiful woman. But you can't.
Is it used too much?
Do we need another word?
Has society made such a system, that you can't look beautiful unless you look fake?
I wanna show you that you are beautiful, but even more than that.
The word is used to mean outer appearance.
To be beautiful, you must not be good on the outside, but on the inside. Inner beauty is where an entire world lives. For the beauty that lies inside us all, is what truly makes someone.
But the word is wrapped in evil and lies.
But if I can see you being beautiful and awe inspiring without any makeup or design,
Why can't you?
This is a question I ask myself a lot. I may never find an actual answer, but I know one thing. I know that I shall never lie, about beauty.
Because one of the only truths we have in this world today, is the beauty of the heart itself. So Love yourself as hard as you can. You are
232 · Jun 2020
To Live & Die
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
Since I was Born, I was sick.
The World had tried to choke out my Light since before I had Life. Since before I could fully think, it never wanted me around.
So much loss and pain just for one child, so today I must use the Life I gained to throw everything I have back at The World.
I refuse to let my Life be choked out by A World that never wanted to see me Rise. I shall Stand and Fight to make The World better.
Ever since I was a little Black Boy I have watched myself die.
It started with Trayvon, my big brother who died trying to Live Life and buy a snack. I died again with Tamir Rice, my little brother died for being Youthful and for being a child. And I kept dying and watching brothers, sisters, cousins, uncles, fathers, and mothers of mine all die. I was forced to watch my Family die. I have seen myself die in all of these people over and over again. Whether we Lived in the same era or not. I saw myself assassinated and silenced by the people who were supposed to help me bring Change over and over again. I saw myself beaten for sitting down in the wrong place, I saw myself marching to make a difference. I have seen myself choked out, shot in the streets, lynched, and more.
I see my face on all of these men who have died for no reason, I always believe I’m next. Ever since I was a young boy.
Even now as an “adult” I never know how much time I have left. There are days when I have fun and Live every single piece of Life and think, “Today could be my last day of Life”. There are other days where it’s not as great and I think the same thing.
My father turns 50 soon and knowing what I know about Black men, I am scared. I turn 20 soon and knowing what I know about Black men, I am beyond horrified.
On some days I can’t handle knowing all of this and on other days I know if I don’t handle this there won’t be enough people to step up who want to drastically change This World that has been choking me out.
I just wish that my Black Life Mattered so I could Live each day without fear.
228 · Jul 2020
Have you?
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
Have you ever sat back and watched your whole world fall apart?
You spent hours,
putting it all together piece by piece,
brick by brick,
just to be helpless when it all comes down.
Watching it all crumble after all the hope and aspirations you built up for.
After seeing your future and carefully constructing exactly what you needed, just to see it disappear into the darkness you always feared.

You ever love someone with your whole heart and realized it wasn’t enough?
To live,
so hard your worries become something of a distant nightmare.
You remember your depression as a figment of your imagination.
You loved so hard that they became your world.
Have you ever realized that you did all that you could do,
but it still ended unfortunately,
and all you want to do is reverse time and get them back?
But reversing time doesn’t erase your memories.
All the pain is still there.
Your world and love still left you.
208 · Jul 2020
Demons & Me
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
My Demons and I used to be best friends, we used to spend all day together in bed and chat about our future together. It was filled with everything I’ve ever wanted and all the things I was scared of.
At one point I couldn’t tell if it were my Dreams of the future or his. Everything seemed to turn sour, although I was waiting for things to turn sweet they never did.

My Demons and I were best friends, but I can’t live someone else’s Dreams, so now I have to build my own future.
190 · Jun 2020
Baker's Globe Mallow
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
The thought of you made my heart jump-start, I could feel my heart jump from fifty to one hundred beats in a minute. It made sense because we went together and moved through the day like a good song.

Each pump brought a new life to the love that we had. I never understood butterflies in stomachs until I had to look into your eyes. It wasn’t an upset stomach or just nervousness, it was love.

Love that never wanted to be held back, but wanted to spread into the world like a wildfire. And from that fire came something of a Baker’s globe mallow, a flower that blooms only after the fire.

This new beautiful life was something that awakened me each day with a smile and a thought, the thought was you. Each thought brought new joy into my soul, one that felt beaten and used for years, so I gladly opened up to smile and laugh and live and love.

Something I thought I would never have and yet, you gave me all of that and then some. Thank you for making my heart jump and my soul leap. I wished for the beauty of our love to live forever.
170 · Aug 2020
Gabriel Girault Aug 2020
He made his heart flame resistant, so no fire could march in and set it ablaze. It seemed like the perfect strategy to keep the unwanted out.

No Love, no joy, just sadness and tiredness.
But she. She was different. She walked into his life unannounced. She walked straight into his heart. She did something no one had ever done or attempted, she lit up his heart.
One day closed off, the next set ablaze by her.

He was confident he could make her happy, he was confident that would make him happy too.

She had problems from the others,
ones that she carried on her back every single day.
Loneliness, anxiety, and distrust were only a few animals that she carried each day.
He wanted to help her, he wanted to keep her happy.
He slowly took on a little of each, to help her carry that heavy load.
Soon he took those problems as his own, she unwilling, and unknowingly was destroying him.
He needed an out, he couldn't stay. He decided to leave and breathe for himself.

He lied to himself constantly looking in the mirror and seeing his fake reflection.
The reflection was perfectly fine, so he was too.
But in truth he was hurt, tired, and lonely.
New problems that arose for him were solitude, lonesome, and silence.

He realized he needed her back.
He loses his freedom when he returns to her, he can no longer fly.
But instead he gains a grasp over his problems, and knowledge of his time apart.
But did the girl who burnt his heart and set it ablaze, make him happy or content?

Did she really heal him?
165 · Jul 2020
Dear [Redacted]
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
Dear [Redacted],

          It's been about four months. I'm proud and sad to say I still think about you every day. You are still my first thought when the sun's morning rays awaken this slumbering fool. You are still my last thought before I escape into my consciousness at night. And If I could remember my dreams, I could remember my dreams instead of the darkness that envelops them, I would bet that you were in every single last one of them.

         Four months of you not being in my life and you're still my muse. The reason my endless thoughts don't end with just tears on a page, but with words to express myself deeply. I still remember the feeling I got when I looked deeply into your eyes. My soul remembers the joy it felt when I heard your name. [Redacted], I thought of that name all day, just so I can listen to it all night. The reason I slept peacefully, the reason I woke with joy. [Redacted].

        Four months without you.....I gotta keep going. Although my heart pounds for you like the day we spent our first date, being nervous wrecks, still working but oddly satisfying. I must keep going without you. I still unfortunately love you [Redacted]. But now I must go.

~ Still with love, "An Unfortunate College Love Writer"
161 · Jul 2020
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
My pen etches Your name deeper within my heart. With each stroke the pages yell Your name into an oblivion.
But You.
You would never hear the cries that were crying out Your name. I show You my world and You can’t tell me Your favorite parts.
You witness the beat of my heart, but can’t rap the words to my song. I doubt that You care, and You just stare. I preach to the world, but You never saw me reach for Your hand. I shed a tear for Your sorrows, but You never cared about who You hurt.
I write this for You, and You could never see me mouth Your name.
But still, Your name resides on my heart. The black ink stained on the red surface, that has only seen pain, and shall hope the best for Your heart.
What I’ve been trying to say is, I loved You. You used to inspire love. But now I only hope You find it.
This was for,
154 · Aug 2020
Flower 02
Gabriel Girault Aug 2020
I need you like we need O2, like a flower needs H20.
You know everything I know, because I can trust you with my life, I could trust you with my soul. You could never let me down, because you're always looking up.
Everyone else who hurt you, are exactly that, everyone else. I'll make sure I never make the mistakes they did.
I wanna see you fly, even if it takes me a minute to reach your sky. You are wise, like a silver streaked owl, you will find your way, as birds do.
You would never turn your back on me, but I am just depicted as an egg, a young fry of treachery.
154 · Jul 2020
The Box
Gabriel Girault Jul 2020
Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember what it feels like to be happy.
The last time I saw that emotion I was putting it in a Box to store away.
The memory sometimes emerges from my head,
but is quickly submerged by the growing darkness within my own mind.
I will remember those days of a smile always being on my face,
and soon black tendrils come to darken the moment.
I still have the Box that contained all my happiness in my room,
It haunts me. But I adore the Box.
I adore the thought of my happiness still existing somewhere out there.
That Box used to mean the world to me,
but now it only torments me.
I want to open the Box and remember the joy I once felt, the love that was stored away.
Although I could always do that,
I know doing so will drag me into more darkness.
So what should I do with the Box?
153 · Jun 2020
My Love...
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
I really Loved everything about you, the details of this Love can be found everywhere all over me. The way my eyes lit up when I saw you, the way my thoughts instantly changed to become only about you, the way my Heart would beat so loud I swore the people around me could hear it, the way my words would carelessly slip out of my mouth just when you were near me.
I called you My Love, because you were exactly that, My Love. Any anger or frustration I had disappeared instantly when I heard your voice. It was a bull in a china shop, but the bull moved so slowly and carefully because he didn’t want to disturb something he found so precious. It was my piece in my times of madness and a break when the world was crumbling.
Now that your Love is gone, I don’t know what to do. It feels like a distant memory of something I once cherished but was ripped away at a moment's notice with no Love or care given.
But the remnants of this Love still lives in my heart. My heart has always been on my sleeves, but now it feels like it became a hard brick hoping that nobody would watch it cry itself into submission. If you cut up my heart and divide it into sections, unfortunately there is a big part that is still dedicated to you. And no matter what I do, or how I heal this will always be the softest part of my heart. Always being triggered at the slightest of things, sending me into a spiral of emotions I could never hope to recover from…
But I need to recover. Although your Love drove me with such inspiration to take over the world, I must find that again. Maybe not in Love as it is such a volatile force, but within myself. I hope I can become whole again. I know I will become whole again.
144 · Jun 2020
Let's Runaway
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
Since the first time I saw you, I was changed. I wanted better for everyone, I wanted better for me. A story I've told a million times. The story that could never be rewritten. A tale so vivid, I have no doubts it was real. My reality was changed because of you. And now the story continues, with a new path I must follow.

Time has frozen. Time is finished. Time has started. Time could never defeat me, it only holds back the inevitable. So I will prosper knowing time is neither a foe nor an ally. You taught me that. I'm thankful for that revelation.

People come and they will sometimes leave. It's a concept as concrete and old as the human race. I met you for a reason and a season. And you opened my eyes into a world that was once forgotten about. I had the world grasped within my left hand, and your hand held onto my right hand. It felt like nothing could stop me. Until you let go of my hand, and the world dissipated from my grasps. I had seen a place of power, I hope never to go to again. You showed me the worst of humanity's best.

From the first day we met, my reaction could only be called deep infatuation. It means I wanted you, but I truly wanted to Love you like nobody has before. You filled every thought of mine, you and I were close. Closer than close. You were everything I've ever wanted, I could never truly describe how I felt about you. You taught me lessons about different personalities. And how the world can never be simple. It can never be clear. It will always be a mystery. Your Love will always be a mysterious force, that only the strong can harness. For your beauty could conquer a galaxy.
113 · Jun 2020
Death For Love
Gabriel Girault Jun 2020
You left me for Dead.
I was Dead, alone, broken, you just didn't care about me. You never cared about how I felt or how I might react. Before I did anything, I thought about you.
Our time was short, sweet, and beautiful. But everything that's good will definitely come to an end.
There's no denying that.
I will always remember you, you probably don't care or remember. The days without you were long and quiet.
The days with you were quick and self-destructing.

— The End —