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Feb 2021 · 482
Way of the River
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
And I will go in the way of the river,
Till I find my place of rest.
To the place that was made for me,
That which for me is the best.
I know not where the river will carry me,
Which twists and turns will surprise.
I only know of this moving water,
To the place I have yet to arrive.
Feb 2021 · 722
The Junk Of Love
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
The junk of love,
A notion perspiring.
Wanted by few,
Left all those desiring.
A torment unchecked,
By the few who flow with it.
Sweated out till you break,
Keeping the movement brewing.
This ***** love,
While one abates.
Another struggles to master its gates,
The end twiddling like thumbs.
Till the next thing arrives,
Breath kept in motion.
Don’t lose that drive,
So mend it or lose it.
Drive past,
Don’t abuse it.
This junk doesn’t last all the time,
No ***** will heal it.
Neither will those who appeal to it,
The wrong junk to have in your life.
Feb 2021 · 452
A Moment to a Lifetime
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
Give me a moment and I will make a lifetime,
Give me a lifetime and I will make something beyond recognition.
Beyond recognition is a desire aflame,
Aflame, born of dreams forward.
Yet dreams do not push beyond their scope,
A recognition held back by reality.
But reality is a dream in wait to come true,
To come true and be reality.
So what do you wish?
What is your desired reality?
In truth, maybe not much,
In truth, maybe it is.
Only you can weave the dreams of wanted reality to form,
And then, only then, will you create it.
Feb 2021 · 334
Long Days, Short Times
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
And so dear friends the time has come to pass,
Of things of life that never last.
This troubled feature of zombified mind corpses,
Full of distracting features.
Empty road courses,
Thousands upon thousands.
No end in sight,
The road of progress leaves either day or night.
So dear friends and lifes alters,
The door has come aclosed.
The days are long,
But time is shorter.
So live,
But don’t love wrong.
Feb 2021 · 317
Fog of Yore
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
In this misty fog of yore,
To this life been given sore.
Nevermore in one’s own waking,
Tired eyes for the worlds own taking.
Vindictive numbers of judicial pasts,
Moving forward from what never lasts.
This word mistaking of points of view,
Can’t change another’s outlook.
Yet what can one do?
So bask in radiance of what you can,
For the hour of the end comes at everyones hand.
No life immeasurable when at small it stands,
When in this basking glow of forsaking.
Will you stand clear from the fog?
Or by its mist, be taken?
Feb 2021 · 444
Of You or Me
Seth Milliman Feb 2021
I am but a few words,
Mindful of manners and mayhem.
My dreams come in waves of plenty,
Yet I spare only a few.
I mumble and tumble over them,
They beg no quarter.
Yet wish to be heard,
I silence what wishes to speak.
Yet lives on only in single memory,
I dance around in cryptic self-wonder.
But must answer in plainish ways,
Is it the punishment of living onward?
Am I to be the self translator of self?
Cursing but not ending,
Living but not yet dead.
What possible way of misery is this?
What cantankerous absolute point of view is worth seeing first?
Am I the wild one?
Set forth to wander a desert made by others.
Perish the thought I survive someone else’s dream,
That I live the uncontrolled controlled.
What manner of mindset does the fool endure?
What crept, slithered, painstaking idea became my own?
My dream, is it?
My life, is it?
My sadness, my madness, the ups and downs, is it?
Who lives of me?
Who lives for me?
Who desires to see me and not demand compensation?
Does the wind blow in my favor?
This tossing and turning of mayhem and manner is outwardly atrocious,
It begs, it pleads, it demands as like a child.
Am I still?
By others do I mature or am I already?
Questions and personal answers,
But who’s right?
What desire of manner is of self or of others?
I ask and yet self reply,
I see yet seen only others self.
This is the madness of this world,
Am I of you or am I of me?
Apr 2019 · 307
Time To Prove
Seth Milliman Apr 2019
A try to fill.
A chance of courage.
Failing to prove against both,
This mountain unwilling to climb.
A crashed plane with no rescue,
Yet hope for change.
Is always on the morrow,
What then shall one prove?
Or should they end all with no try?
My dilemma,
My unending tumble.
Time to choose,
No longer to stumble.
Mar 2019 · 253
Like Before
Seth Milliman Mar 2019
Why can’t I write?
Like I once did before,
Tragedy and remedy.
Wrapped up simply yet in a hoard,
What bounding breaks of wording.
Make truth simply desired not abhorred,
When words of life are ever fleeting.
A desire of wanting the same but more.
Mar 2019 · 397
One Moment, One Point
Seth Milliman Mar 2019
I am but one point in time,
Of release or capture.
Far down the line,
Breathe in, then release after.
Of worry, hard to let go,
Make better with time.
This failing truth I know,
Swimming in the dark murky swamp.
Depths of empty abyss proceed me,
Cries for freedom tis that life be over.
All forsaken in this tiring race to be free.
Destitution in sorrow slows the pace,
Empty is the ride that’s over.
Lowly disgraced.
Mar 2019 · 245
Said To See, Shining Sea
Seth Milliman Mar 2019
I said to see,
This shining sea.
A case for all to be,
Of tried and tired.
Creation and tyranny,
Why must we fall and rise?
Why must some end in misery?
Does the sun not shine for all?
Revealing all to see,
The world, a ******* up blue ball.
Full of man’s ire destiny,
Is it of destiny or prophecy?
For man it is both,
A tempest *** of problematic dreams.
Aug 2018 · 287
The Man Forgotten
Seth Milliman Aug 2018
What is but solemn grace,
The man forgotten by men.
He seeks the world for riches and glory,
Yet learns there are better men in place.
What ** and wonder,
This cosmic ball of life we play.
Where truth and lies dance together,
Like words with exchanging names.
So forget the man forgotten,
His name rubbed off of glory’s vain.
Where he sits and waits on the worlds revolution,
No redemptive grace.
So forget the man,
Clean the slate.
The world is already a noisy place.
Nov 2017 · 400
My Foreboding Abysmal
Seth Milliman Nov 2017
Compressed chest,
Fully stressed.
Is it ending now?
I crumble in the corner,
Of my few days left.
Fire swirling in the dusk,
Hard to push on.
I fear I have no second chance,
No room left to breath.
My only light,
Dim in the foreboding night.
Feeling stretched till eternity,
Wanting to run.
Can’t leave,
Needing breathe for the last stretch.
Passing out into my abysmal lost wretch
Gone are the moments I can’t remember.
In this, my awful mess.
Nov 2017 · 249
Death The Salesman
Seth Milliman Nov 2017
It's time to go,
Don't you know.
The insides rotting away,
I've done nothing.
To gain my spot,
Tearing holes inside my head.
This dread is full of no appeal,
Burning days for tomorrow.
A wish of better concealed,
Death is but a seldom advertisement.
The salesman with a better deal.
Fear life death self deal
May 2017 · 426
The Ending Of Words
Seth Milliman May 2017
Everything ends and then begins,
The facts of life ensue.
Out of one or the other,
The thought becomes.
So horribly misconstrued,
As words begin to form.
Thought and speech bend to.
The moment shining on the blinded mindless,
As one is entangled within their view.
Where can one of words go?
To follow simply those lines prescribed?
Or by their lead, show?
This answer, a reaction,
A perception of knowledge to know.
Apr 2017 · 405
Months Of September
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
There are things to remember,
In the months of September.
Of what was then,
Now gone away.
Of childish things,
With what childhood brings.
Along our merrily stay,
But when I had grown.
And you had come home,
Something longing had shown in me.
It was you that I had missed,
So wanting to kiss,
Knowing you were home with me.
Apr 2017 · 428
Sweet Candied Love
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
I've seen your face,
I've seen your heart.
You had me from,
The very start.
I wanted to melt into you.
Your sweet candied love,
Keeps me on your line.
Always thinking of,
I don't think I'll last
Cause girl you're so fine.
I want to melt into you,
I want you to be mine.
Apr 2017 · 550
Don't Live Like A King
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
Don't live like a king,
For it can be taken away.
Lazy work,
Never fully pays.
Why then do we act like we'll exist forever?
When crowns can be taken,
Rules bent to our pleasure.
Kingdoms can be burned down,
A fools mind ignorant.
For their folly will be exposed,
As their noise is incoherent.
So don't live like a king,
With riches a plenty.
When you don't have any there,
Lest become a tragic setting.
We learn much is to be found,
From an experience to comprehend.
Living like a king,
Will hurt you in the end.
Apr 2017 · 409
Trees: Nature's Tower
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
What lovely trees,
Nature's inspiring tower.
Climbing to the heavens,
Of every moment of every hour.
It's only quest is to reach,
That never ending blue.
How high it grows,
Is left for the tree to do.
One day it will grow,
Quite green and tall,
Cut down and destroyed.
For a new ones call.
Apr 2017 · 651
Wasted On Tomorrow
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
What wasted energy of today,
Spent hating on tomorrow.
Life's shortness is exasperating,
You'll never live without sorrow.
This maddening madness,
Of screeching ruckus filled despair.
I've lost my edge,
Yet kept my cool.
The thickness of this hot air,
What blinding rage can produce beauty?
What forked nonsense can make rational appeal?
I'm done with this irrational moment,
A needed silence to congeal.
Apr 2017 · 1.3k
Little Yellow Raincoat
Seth Milliman Apr 2017
Little yellow raincoat,
Why do you hide?
Is it better there where you reside?
When questions of you arise,
Are there no rainbows for ever after?
Stories to be told,
Directly from your pasture.
Congratulations of you in silence,
As you listen to their praise.
In depth to your past story,
A horrid in many ways.
So come back little raincoat,
To the spotlight once more.
There is still so much to do,
Like never before.
Mar 2017 · 304
Enjoy The When
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
I must enjoy the when,
Not always all the time.
I wish to see you again,
To dance your crazy line,
So call me foolish, dumb or stupid.
Words of hate time after time.
As I know what's really true.
Seeing past the veils of your line,
Perils I set upon my behalf.
As I get close to you.
Growing up and out isn't easy,
But good things can happen too.
Mar 2017 · 542
A Foolish Man
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
I owe you more than you know,
And yet I the fool do not show.
At what is hard pressed to be expressing.
With this fear,
That is very clear.
I play the caution of my lamenting,
Where my mind goes, there I reside.
But what then does that make me?
A lost soul out at sea?
My words scatter and fail me,
And all that will be left is my actions to prevail thee.
So I simply float on this brazen blue,
Still at times my mind wraps around you.
Thinking, dreaming, and trying to understand,
That I need to change.
To be more,
Than a foolish man.
Mar 2017 · 431
Proclaim Nor Declare
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
Neither declaration nor proclamation,
Can save ones skin.
This paradox of life,
That I'm stuck in,
Consumes and blooms.
To ravage me whole,
This predicted doom.
I cannot control,
The imploding surprise.
Of squandered time with closed eyes,
This back and forth conversation does show.
In time does it die or grow?
The answer a question,
I don't really know.
Mar 2017 · 874
On The Devil's Head
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
From the darkness came the red,
Dancing on the Devils head.
Burning fires like the sun,
The Devils deeds yet to be done.
And when the worst brings forth the fall,
You yourself consumed by all.
As terror writes the rotting skull,
The fires of hell become too tall.
And at the end the dark remains,
The Devils joy, unending pain.
Mar 2017 · 687
Tears On The Land
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
Provided no more tears,
Fall down on ones head.
The rain may continue,
Yet not from dread.
Is there only horrors of life hiding in the wait?
Are there no more avenues for one to create?
This beast of burden I've carried,
So long kept concealed.
Always remaining calm,
Storms brewing infield.
A moment of silence necessary,
For those still living.
Let your mistakes be many,
And always forgiving.
Mar 2017 · 532
This Future I Fear
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
I look into the abyss,
And it tells me somethings wrong.
It usually tells me this most of the time,
And I flail and fail within its words.
But I must try to climb the mountain,
The hills and valleys yet to sallee forth to.
Burn bright forward oh blazing sun,
The time of change is here.
In this the opportunity waits for me to take it,
This future I still fear.
Mar 2017 · 380
To Be Lost
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
I again in me am lost,
Restrained by the sound of my voice in the wind.
There is no tamed charm or lucid movement,
That brings forth a natural act within the play.
The game is always on and the challenge is difficult at best,
What do we succeed for when we become everyone else?
When individual specialness becomes a back boated myth to nowhere,
Is it irony or sarcasm to ones idioms that makes the difference?
A play everyone plays,
A test at one point everyone fails.
We are all not complex,
But neither are we all simple either.
So the question remains,
What are we?
Frivolous travelers looking for a place to lay our head,
Or someone special to enjoy the rest of our lives with.
The question feels unanswered,
And lost feels so much clearer than being found.
Mar 2017 · 276
Star For You To Shine
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
I wonder how many stars it took for you to shine,
Maybe even then you would have been fine.
Though I cannot say nor speak for myself,
I'm just a dim light.
I don't know how to shine,
And my darkness keeps me buried in the night.
I'm sorry, I just can't see today or tomorrow,
I'm searching through the recesses of my mind.
Because I'm afraid of the light,
And what change it may bring to my soul.
Oh I've lost my self control,
And here I am battered and bruised.
Limping to safety deep in the mind,
How long until I see the light?
How much more will it take this time?
Mar 2017 · 364
A Fool Made
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
We make fools of us all,
The treaded road we carry on with.
Detailed moments caught but not seen,
Important lines drawn but ignored.  
Will I ever see beyond my own horizon?
Detailed but not seen fully,
I wish to know the answer.
What road could be meant for me?
Mar 2017 · 356
Heartfelt Motion
Seth Milliman Mar 2017
It such a funny feelin,
When the heart keeps on reelin.
A person of desire to see,
And all this common motion.
Laid out and fully open,
Discussions of pasts used to be.
When I see you,
My heart skiddlyoos.
And I don't know what to do,
When you know you mean so much to me.
So here's my forward motion,
A tiny boat upon this big ocean.
A sent heartfelt plea,
One you'll hear from me.
I love you like the sunrise,
Beautiful light escaping my eyes.
With all of me to you,
I wish, one day, you'll hear this too.
Aug 2016 · 446
Mystery Author
Seth Milliman Aug 2016
Beautiful face on a canvas screen,
What does it mean when everyone adores you?
To me a mystery to an unknown,
Something to learn and know.
But I am simply a small spot amongst your pinned wall,
In this the mystery pushes on after all.
So what say you storyteller with words to say?
What folds of life wrap around your page?
I guess time will tell of the mystery at hand,
Of an author on a journey in a far away land.
Aug 2016 · 794
Self Created Spotlight
Seth Milliman Aug 2016
Like flesh on a page,
All wish to be adored.
Never ignored,
Center of their own attention.
They splish and splash until seen by all,
But there lies their downfall.
For what is given up is a pivotal point of view,
That all can see and watch.
Not a remainder of yourself out of sight,
No longer to remain hidden.
In the self created spotlight,
This touted tussle sets up ones demise.
For all to be seen,
By everyone's eyes.
May 2016 · 942
The Worded Avenger
Seth Milliman May 2016
I'm the worded avenger,
The clickety-clack of typewriters delight.
These are all I have of me,
Words that don't betray and leave.
What else can there be?
But empty pages filled with hollow words,
Leave all to be desired.
For reading can lose all its love,
When all words created expire.
May 2016 · 481
The Shadows Night
Seth Milliman May 2016
It is not the shadows night that scares me,
But the blazing day that does.
For what hides in darkness,
Certainly is there for a reason.
And shining light upon itself,
Brings out the darkened truth of all.
No truth is easily swallowed,
Like a bitter pill needed.
But not wanted,
We hide ourselves from being seen.
For what is the worth of being exposed in hopes of freedom?
For in exchange of an unknown outcry.
We seek to keep the dark bits of ourselves wrapped up tightly,
In the end the truth is always harder to swallow.
But oh, what great joy in knowing, That freedom from burden and despair.
May 2016 · 558
Your False Projection
Seth Milliman May 2016
So why do you say it with such a disdained voice?
Is it not beggars choice that reveals thee?
Do you aim to hurt in return?
Not knowing another way to be kind,
Why do one thing and say another?
Are your promises nothing more than dust in the wind?
Your claim to some enlightened state,
While the reality of you exists oppositely.
You cannot fathom the consequences of the projection you put on and take off,
Alls well that may end well,
But with your choices will you?
May 2016 · 1.8k
Possessive Soul
Seth Milliman May 2016
That possessive soul that stares into you,
Knows what hides deep beneath your skin.
As you say only the devil knows,
What sink you've been sinking in.
The skies the limit,
Nothing now can stop you.
Only until the end will you not notice,
That your just another clown.
Apr 2016 · 1.4k
Was There Ever A Winner?
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
Is the system just?
Is it fair to the end?
Or do those with more innocent looks win?
Unjust rampages spur on till justice presides,
Long winded breaks.
So the guilty may hide,
The fight back and forth.
Won with bills and laws,
It's still so unclear to see those hidden claws.
But in the end a winner appears,
Leaving one to ask.
"Was a winner ever truly here"?
Apr 2016 · 406
Deal With It
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
"You have to deal with it," he says,
"That's part of living on".
"Where things go,"
"This you know".
"We must be getting on,"
"You can erase and try to hide".
"But no matter what she lives on in your mind,"
"Once a door is opened it can be difficult to close".
"Especially those of us who are alike in kind,"
As I squinted and squared away.
The other self was right in this to say,
The heart once revealed cannot be returned on command.
It is given at high risk with just reward,
"So erasing and disappearing solves nothing now", he replied.
"With only your words left,"
"Would you rather feel more empty inside"?
"The emotional stability provided can soothe the soul,"
"But even love can sometimes be a fools game with loss of control".
"So now while you wait and see where the line goes,"
"Live and write for tomorrow".
"The future untold".
Apr 2016 · 571
A Face I Once Remembered
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
I see a face I remember well,
It would cast glances upon me.
And cast me under its spell,
But now it's up and gone.
So it's time to move on,
Like fire that's died long into the night.
Time to find a new light,
I gave to the ungivable.
Loved the hard to love,
But now I learn.
Time to grow,
Hard to give up what one once perceived.
But life just moves on whether or not you agree.
I may or not fall and gain what I wish so much for,
Yet right now the fool in me must agree.
Goodbye to those who'd rather be forgotten or not,
You were already gone before you were free.
Apr 2016 · 450
I Sit And Cry
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
There it is,
The silence of my suffering revealed.
I gave and this is what's left to deal,
What now do I do?
My heart buried beneath the tower I built up,
There's holes everywhere in myself.
I gave and then sometimes stayed away,
But I was always near.
I guess I now know what I truly mean to you,
No more a person.
But a shadow on the wall,
Did I waste your time the days I spent with you?
Was I no more than an annoyance?
What I am now is what it feels like,
Pointless, apathetic, and dumbfounded.
I know you warned me,
And I proceeded onward past then.
Now it just hurts,
You've silenced yourself to me.
Ignore me like I was nothing to you,
Every day of your silence just hurts more.
If this is payback or a lesson,
You've won.
I'd rather be told I'm worth nothing,
And it all meant nothing.
Than hear nothing from you,
That silence kills me.
Especially of how much my heart I gave to you,
So will you continue your silence and keep ignoring me?
Or will you say something,
Even if it's just to say goodbye,
Because no amount of tears can erase you.
And in the end of all things,
I just sit here and cry.
Apr 2016 · 1.2k
This Lonely Fool Believed
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
They grow up and go away,
Thought they'd be here.
But they never stay,
This lonely fool believed.
This lonely fool believed,
But I should have known better.
Better than conceived,
I hoped where I should've held.
Because people have their things to do,
Where in as I grow stale.
To disappear would be a breeze,
Where I'd rather sleep.
Doing as I please.
Apr 2016 · 466
As The Fire Grows Old
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
So much is wrong with me,
I see no end in sight.
Though I walk in the path of freedom,
I stumble and lose my light.
The fire I seemingly showed to put out,
Now is nothing more than ashened snow.
I feel only the empty cold,
Long before the fire grows old.
Apr 2016 · 362
The Time Is Coming
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
People, people, cherish oh people.
The rising sun and joyous cloud-filled skies,
The moment is upon us where darkness will fall.
And man will fail to rise,
His accountence will be bare.
His dues wagered against his life,
The folly of the world and its occupants.
Will one day come to a closing sight,
The curtains will shutter and be no more.
Why then do we not see this setting sun on the horizon?
Are we to be considered ignorant fools?
Cattle raised and branded not knowing for what or why.
This amongst many others,
Is a reason you should no longer lie.
The day is coming Oh man, woman and child.
Will you be ready against its terrifying arrival?
Or like a child hide and wait for the storm to end?
The time is coming.
Apr 2016 · 6.8k
Gone Too Soon
Seth Milliman Apr 2016
Show me where to start,
Show me where to begin.
I'm only moments away,
From cashing in.
The road ahead isn't always straight and narrow,
It sometimes struggles to stay on course.
This of things to lead away,
And make me feel so coarse.
The ironed irony of this simple truth,
Of hated things in faded youth.
Can no longer wait in this waiting room,
Tired, scared, and lonely here.
As today is gone too soon.
Mar 2016 · 571
In The End
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
In the end,
Do not burn in your self-pity.
For the world you see,
Was never really pretty.
So burn in what you may,
No return to once what was.
For life was never meant to be lived in one space,
So bloom and buzz.
Mar 2016 · 3.9k
Disembodied Voices
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Disembodied voices,
Calling to reach the other side.
Only ending up as screeches,
No clear voice or real cry.
This the white noise,
The solemn dark voices forgotten.
What is left in the dark?
But a light left off quite often.
Mar 2016 · 481
Down Below
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Power plays,
On different days.
Bringing irony to the tip top of this plateau,
I struggle with words beyond reach sometimes.
But never forget what's below,
Hellish work for sound minded journeymen.
When all wish to be as quite so,
Yet when one is corrupt.
The mind no longer sound or sane,
This is the beginning to what's down below.
And to what's never seen again.
Mar 2016 · 398
Where You Belong
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
You barely scratch the surface,
You're just two tones too far.
What did you think?
That you could reach my star?
That would only work if you knew where I was,
But your stories made.
And I just a leaf on the breeze,
How quaint that this is where life leads.
Bringing others close,
While dispelling others so far beyond.
I now lost to myself alone,
And you where you belong.
Mar 2016 · 619
This Old Crusty Skin
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
It's hard to get rid of,
This old crusty skin.
Am I to rid myself of this tiredness?
Or by it cave in?
Lost and dreary forever on this empty shore,
Begging for more when all recedes me.
This the never ending struggle of the mind,
Bearing and dragging me down all the time.
And so it is that it bears down more,
When there's no room to breath.
And nary a door.
Mar 2016 · 1.4k
Forgotten On A Bridge
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Forgotten on a bridge,
Left behind in all this whirl.
You'd think it would never end,
But it is like a flag still left unfurled.
No longer can it be said or seen,
That the too few who know.
Now don't know what I mean,
And now with this a sad song.
Why can't we all just get along?
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