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Mar 2016 · 444
The Heart Of Me
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
All in all,
You disappear into the heart of me.
Like sunlight coming through a window pane,
You see.
It is a rarity,
A treasured find.
That someone can make me be seen through,
With all that is.
It leaves me not knowing what else to do.
Mar 2016 · 437
Days Of Troubled Youth
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
In our days of troubled youth,
As we tried to reach for the stars.
When those who knew us told us no,
Trying to reach past the moon and Mars.
Now here we are as old as old can be,
With nothing but joy and laughter to see.
Far and wide as the days run,
Here and now we laugh in fun.
Mar 2016 · 381
The Insufferable Sadness
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
The insufferable sadness,
The ire of pasts come true.
The looks the talks the sayings,
All coming back to you.
Fiercely defeated by the known unseen,
Quite heart reckoning.
Far from the normal scene.
I can try and reach from here with the words I use,
But those can be ignored.
One wins but I lose.
Mar 2016 · 243
Time To Go
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
I must be done living with what is,
The time of change has come and I must choose.
I no longer wish to be stuck in this same place,
Or be afraid of what is lost or gained for tomorrow.
I'm not part of the brightest bunch,
I have no degrees in the higher form of learning.
But I know this to be true,
It is time to pack up and move on.
No more waiting,
No more being afraid.
Time to tell the warden I'm free to go wherever,
And that he can kiss my behind.
Mar 2016 · 374
Old Fool Like Me
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
And so in earnest truth,
This is where it stays.
Honest hope long forgotten,
A road now phased.
Is it best to be forgotten?
When no real word of you left rings true,
When distance sets its accordance.
And I no longer have a voice in seeing you,
Then again it was expected,
This is where life always goes.
While one flies in one direction,
The other stays and flows.
So I am glad you have what you wanted,
Maybe that's where you're meant to be.
Better than the alternative,
Wasting time on an old fool like me.
Mar 2016 · 424
The Power Of Words
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
A collection,
A statement.
Voiced principles of another mind,
Carefully picked words for an even cautious sentence.
They pull punches or arrive as a cheerleader,
Screaming with intent of being known.
Or bring forth easement for another day,
Words and their power.
Hidden or clear is yet to be known,
For not all words are clear and concise.
Nor are they always cryptic and wordy,
My power is in my words.
Whether to hurt or heal,
They are the pinpoint boundaries in which I dictate the say.
I wield them,
Though as a child.
I still wield them with ferocity,
And you can be sure that by brutal or enlightened pursuit.
Either depend on me,
And only me.
Mar 2016 · 286
I Alone Amongst The Many
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
I am alone in the crowd of many,
Recognized only by the few.
It seems cantankerous to wish for more,
But sometimes that's all there is.
And for those small moments,
At least I am known.
Mar 2016 · 1.4k
Dawn Of The New Day
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
So early in the morning,
When the sun in my eyes begins to rise.
The dawn of the new day begins,
Though what comes next is still in disguise.
The truth for the answers we seek,
Appear in places we least expect.
Drawn to those unknown spots within the deep,
Lost forever to forget.
Mar 2016 · 403
Never Goodbye
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
I know it,
It burns like hot coals in my throat.
Directions that seem clear,
Only to disappear when it's time to go.
It's never goodbye,
But it feels like so.
What broken record am I that it stays and stings?
A heart is a useful gift,
But sometimes it's use.
Is restricted by what it brings.
Mar 2016 · 572
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
The simple truth.
Drowned out by the complexities of getting older,
As I see with tired eyes.
This world, though wondrous, gets colder,
Breaking from which drags my feet back to the ground.
I see the bells yet they make no sound,
What remains of this big complex life?
When all that remains is but silence in the night.
Mar 2016 · 713
The Cross and King
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
The cross and king,
Whom gave us everything.
Asks for us in return,
Far away from the place that burns.
Inside the fear that hurts,
Bringing the dark clouds in.
Here I can no longer stand,
Only hope left in hand.
Mar 2016 · 254
Tell Me Your Story
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Breath a little and tell me your story,
Tell me why you're cursed and feel resigned.
I'm here to try to convince you of the opposite,
Time after time after time.
I've been here long enough to know you,
Up and down those crooked halls.
The rooms closes in sometimes,
As I rise up and begin to fall.
I will fight to the last breath,
Convincing you not to lose all.
But you are no easy person,
And no matter how much I try.
You push back with the fears in your mind,
And I will not so easily give up.
But rest when it's time.
Mar 2016 · 718
The Minds Refuge
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
What traces of life lives in the mind?
Is it the good, the bad, or the ugly this time?
I survive on the expectation that you'll still be there,
But knowing what you've chosen.
This parts left unstable,
Either true or untrue.
I don't know,
And remaining in such tears me so.
So what choice remaining do I choose?
And what in the end will I lose?
This is the battle of my minds refuge.
Mar 2016 · 333
Don't Forget Me
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
And though the day is gone and done,
Don't forget me,
Don't forget me.
Here lies a space left for one,
Don't forget me,
Don't forget me.
What is,
What isn't.
That's how it goes,
People come then leave me.
This is what I know,
Life brings them here and there.
What part do they play in my role?
Are they lessons for another stroll?
Talking to myself has grown old,
But what am I to do?
When they leave me cold.
Mar 2016 · 383
It's All Temporary
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
"It's all temporary", he said,
With all thoughts in his head.
No masking no forsaking no decline,
"I've given my all and now I bear this fall".
As he said over and over in time,
"So where do I sit now"?
"And get up to the sky somehow",
"Without ever falling back and being afraid".
"This journeyed life it seems,"
"Has broken my dreams".
"And brought nothing to life but gloomy rain".
Mar 2016 · 957
Our Similarities
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
You and I and our similarities,
Bridge us at the midway divide.
Though the worlds soundly sleep,
From you or them I cannot hide.
I am seen through by your kind eyes,
Though how this can be.
To me has remained a surprise,
I am grateful but quite at a loss.
When in the end I pay the cost.
Mar 2016 · 4.4k
Sleep: Hello Goodnight
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Let the sunshine filter through the shade,
Breaking the rules of yesterday.
With dancing beams of pure light,
Singing with voices of lost sight.
While rays of light show dusty bits,
I myself run out of tricks.
So as I watch those dancing beams,
I sit and stay to watch over dreams.
And as the day begins to flow into night,
Sleep, O sleep, hello goodnight.
Mar 2016 · 315
The Last of Me
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
I am the last of me,
No one else is unique to my design.
As I traveled through this blue world,
I searched and searched for someone whom could be mine.
Someone whom I could share with on this road,
But alas any attempts ended in failure and suffering.
So now I sit and stare at the stars,
Wishing for all that has yet to be to come true.
Mar 2016 · 695
Old Soul Melody
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Like a song within my soul,
The view just gets really old.
And though sometimes I'll never truly see,
What happens next to me.
The walls sometimes close in,
And with the song I play again.
With every line the feelings hurt,
There's not a moment sometimes I feel like I've lost my worth.
So play sweet melody,
Bring back those gone memories.
I don't care in which way they return,
It's my heart that yearns.
And I try, oh yes I try,
But it keeps coming back.
Yes it keeps coming back,
No longer are the days simple without keeping track.
So play on old soul melody,
Let every harmony and pitch rise.
Flowing indiscriminately,
My eyes and ears will keep aim on the rise.
For me here and now,
There are no goodbyes.
Mar 2016 · 812
No Sympathies for the Devil
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
There are no sympathies from the devil,
Even less so from human kind.
Be prepared for either or,
For neither received are kind.
I leave a warning for all those who will hear,
That a time is coming to make a choice clear.
A folly is simple and will never work twice,
When the future comes forward with an unsettling price.
Mar 2016 · 1.1k
Judgement Day Cometh
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Judgement day cometh boy,
Can you handle it?
No turning back now,
Walk or run?
There is no other way,
Rise or fall depends on you.
Breath, relax and remember,
The world is big, wide and complicated.
No one comes out unscathed,
But we come out one way or another.
Mar 2016 · 284
Deaths Lost Sting.
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Death, where is your sting?
Has it been lost in thy suffering?
I in myself felt like I accepted you years ago,
But I pushed forward not knowing where it would go.
Now here I am at your door once again,
The empty swallowed pit of my soul.
Knowing and aching at your entrance,
I stand wishing to be free.
Free from the stresses and worries about tomorrow,
The ravenous worn torn heart holding and breaking.
It seems I'm done with it all, really,
A willing life for forsaking.
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
The soundless city sleeps,
Beneath the quaking city night.
Though the people sleep,
Good granted dreams don't always come to light.
I have seen those silly dreams,
And they're not always full of fright.
But when no one comes to protect against the nightmares screams,
Can peace return to such a dream-filled night?
Mar 2016 · 3.3k
Wide Palette Rainbow.
Seth Milliman Mar 2016
Like a colorful wave of a wide palette rainbow,
The colors gleam and shine into my eyes.
Though only blue protrudes,
A rainbow still shines forth.
And allow the words themselves such sights,
As the true range of colors remain hidden.
That even the best of the best,
Take years to see them.
I once again get to live to see those colorful lights.
Feb 2016 · 1.0k
Stories and Stones.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
Stories and stones,
Of broken bones.
Dare one as I not to repeat,
Though broken bones,
By throwing stones.
Can make one's mind be incomplete,
By their understanding,
Or their commanding.
Of lies told through their teeth,
By the end of their lies.
Under their dark disguise,
Only the monsters remain underneath.
Feb 2016 · 1.1k
Two Different Paths
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
There in the moment arises hope,
Of caring for each other's lives.
Dancing with each other off and on the spotlight,
The ties that bind us an unbroken bond.
This is the key of the necessity that is necessary for both lives,
Seeing the world through different eyes.
Their paths different yet similar,
Their choices many and few.
What is needed and necessary is right in front of them,
Their views, their experiences, and just life in general.
Now I know what this relationship means,
And what in life I must bring.
Feb 2016 · 951
Her Drinking.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
The night counts on,
And I'm here lingering.
I know I should go home,
But I can't leave her here drinking.
This worry that weighs down on my mind,
Always about another tomorrow.
Should I count this worry as a lost cause?
Or add to my sorrow?
Feb 2016 · 981
Waiting For the Sun.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
I wait for the sun,
And its new found glories.
The day begins anew,
With so many stories.
But alas from this what do we take?
A selfishness,
A greed.
Something we don't celebrate,
A new day has begun.
With it the warmth of the sun,
So for us this day.
Let us commemorate a day of life,
Our life.
And let us not for granted take.
Feb 2016 · 473
Chocolate Surprise.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
Chocolate surprise,
Hidden in your eyes.
Wouldn't dare dream of taking that away,
What dream is this?
Sparkly sweetness of tomorrow,
Maybe sorrow.
Can't one stay?
To have fun and play,
Is it just a dream?
I don't know,
Only that of tomorrow.
This life is crazy,
But I'm not gonna laze back.
Gotta find my way through the haziness,
Of what I lack.
So be a part of or don't,
You choose your end.
Am I worth the recognition?
Or a forgotten friend?
Feb 2016 · 781
Don't Live Like A King.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
Don't live like a king,
Cause it can be taken away.
Lazy work,
Never fully pays.
Why do we then live like we'll live forever?
A crown can be taken,
A kingdom torn down.
Foolish are the ignorant,
For their folly will be found.
So don't live like a king,
With riches a plenty.
When you don't have any 'round,
In this tragic setting.
We learn lots to be found,
So don't live like you're a king.
And you might save yourself before you drown.
Feb 2016 · 513
More Than A Thank You.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
They want more than a thank you,
Always wanting more than they need.
It never ends with a thank you,
Just saying more please.
Where did we grow so discontent?
Burning desires that never relent,
Why can't we just accept a thank you?
As a satisfying benefit,
This world is always wanting more.
Greed always knocking at the door,
But why can't it just end at a thank you.
Instead of always wanting more.
Remember to say thank you,
And never always wanting more.
Feb 2016 · 221
What If.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
What if you started something you couldn't stop,
Knowing your competition would overrule you.
Saying everything they wanted to hear,
Making it clear.
They are here to change the world too,
Why can't we see it?
Would no one truly believe it?
That the world is run by some fools,
And we're part of too.
Now ask yourself this point of view,
No matter how skewed.
Could you still perceive it?
Darkness and emotions cloud your state,
Feeling irate.
At what you still think it owes you,
This kind of thinking.
Turns smart men/women into cretins,
And we lose sight of what we need to be seeing.
Again and again,
This type of thinking.
That there's no other reason,
To question those whom keep on saying.
They'll change the world.
Feb 2016 · 320
A Chance Taken.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
I've taken a chance,
Was shaken down by the risks.
A bliss for bliss,
Self tormenting found in me.
But this is the way it goes,
Passerby's you come to know.
What's scary is the truth you see,
Touching upon feeling.
Knowing it will not last,
Self satisfied answers that may never pass.
Broken words given in order to shape a stance,
But it can't.
No longer shaped to be molded,
Scolded beyond ones self reasoning.
By this one keeps believing,
That the sun may shine at last.
Feb 2016 · 348
No Place To Stay.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
What mysteries do you appear to hold?
Or challenges you wish to throw at me.
Threats with wild turns,
Don't always seem to be happening.
But I digress in your wanderlust ways,
Of wishing for some past days.
The ones living up to your status quo,
But what do I know.
When I in myself,
Trapped in the life I'm creating.
Can only see what you show,
This I know.
We the sinners fallen from grace,
Out of place.
Yet time is not always kind,
This I've learned everytime.
Beaten into me,
Reminded again and again of yore.
And there the past can always painfully replay,
That I am not allowed there.
I have no place to stay.
Feb 2016 · 276
They All Leave.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
They all leave,
Words left unsaid.
Upset and full of dread,
Where did the time go?
The all important question we'd like to know,
With all saved up.
Now felt wasted.
Time lost to pretty faces,
The dance becomes a game.
Challenging the individual in staying sane,
To make sure heartbreak isn't repeated before.
But in there lies the problem,
No moment of change.
What in the end do we call love?
When feelings left,
Feel no hope of change.
Feb 2016 · 673
No Simple Pleasure.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
There are no simple pleasures without consequence,
No room for error except learning to dance.
Beaten brow for a repeated cycle,
Chasing after rainbows like a daily rebel.
What shining light blinds you so?
When in the world you'd rather lose your soul,
The frightening truth one rarely sees.
When love becomes the motivation,
What then will you be?
Feb 2016 · 714
Lost Time in a Lifetime.
Seth Milliman Feb 2016
I am but lost time in a lifetime,
Small movements disappearing in washed sand.
I can no longer bear this breathing,
Like needles upon the lungs.
Nothing ventured nothing changed,
The fire within dwindling to but a spark.
Shapeless in a crooked shaped world,
I am but lost time.
As far as I can see,
Is life but a memory?
Or a dream?
Jan 2016 · 293
Time To Change.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
You saw an empty room,
But said you had to go.
So I'm left here,
So I'm left here.
There was no saying goodbye,
No question why.
I guess it's time to go,
It was all a good show.
It's time to figure what it all means,
When words are said.
But what one says,
Nobody really means
Trickery with words,
With a clock so full.
I took a second chance,
Knowing my glance didn't matter.
But that again is the fools chase,
Ignoring signs for time to waste.
What was,
Still is.
And what is,
Feels like it'll never change.
But it's my problem,
Never yours.
I guess now things need to change.
Jan 2016 · 267
Always As Before.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Things return to the same,
Always as before.
Roads winding,
Insides grinding.
Putting too much touch,
In hopes galore.
I thought I saw signs,
But again I ignore.
That things will always be this way,
Always as before.
Jan 2016 · 276
The Lonely Burden of Words.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
I've tried,
But there are just no words to scrape up.
Taken in past form,
For future reference.
Laid down for someone else,
Somewhere else.
What to make of things that don't always come?
To bear the burden of the words,
Said or not.
As the world in my head,
Isn't big enough for the world outside.
Alone instead,
Whether chosen or not.
Jan 2016 · 1.7k
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Tyranny, tyranny,
Thy flinching tyranny.
Broken houses and broken walls,
Seeking truth in crumbling halls.
Neither blind nor deaf,
Nor lame or *******.
Can escape the destruction,
When tyranny falls.
Jan 2016 · 431
Where Have You Gone?
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Where have you gone?
No longer around to stay.
You are where you are,
Popping in on your own way.
My how the days come and go,
Without saying hello.
Releasing fate into its place of this play.
Your face doesn't disappear,
It just fades away.
Jan 2016 · 280
Beautiful Sound.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
There is a beauty to the sound of you,
A beauty quite unlike the rest.
Yet when it comes to those moments of doubt,
I find myself second best.
I would say till the sun stops shining,
Of just what you mean to me.
But do I mean the same to you?
As you have always been to me?
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
You don't have to try so hard,
You already have me here.
Though I'm not always able to be in the moment,
My place is perfectly clear.
So don't keep trying so hard,
Because I know where you are.
And the pushing will only make things disappear,
So know that I hear you.
And I see what you leave behind,
And when things are open.
You will hear from me,
When I have the time.
Jan 2016 · 292
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Enough to be written,
Enough to be said.
Is it all gone,
Now that it has gone to your head.
This passing phase which you call true love,
Is nothing but smoke and mirrors,
A blind spot in the heart.
If you go to fast and fly to high,
It'll hurt even worse when you fall from the sky.
I don't want to destroy the happiness that you hold,
But the fear I have is much too bold.
Jan 2016 · 377
Quizzical Notion.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Exasperated, exonerated, running all in between,
Despaired and impaired something not quite seen.
The sigh grows long and wide,
Worried at the worlds inquisitions.
Burning with a fire that is still hidden,
Bide the time or bite the bitten.
What face of fear conquers the weak?
Is it the worlds or the one who looks back from the mirror?
The question is answered by oneself,
I ask in order to know.
What makes you stop and what lets you go?
Jan 2016 · 286
Aching Holey Heart.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
There's a hole in my heart,
There's a problem with my head.
Giving a piece of my heart,
And I end up filled with dread.
Is this the end now?
Leaving me in silence with no word said,
I gave you a piece of myself.
And all that exists in between,
Am I to be time forgotten?
Or more or less a has been?
What can I say or do that'll make you hear me?
And hear in return a word back,
Or am I just a fool with brains to lack?
That hole of my heart how full of doubt and fear it is,
When all but love I wanted to give you.
And to receive in return,
But when no word is spoken from you.
What then am I supposed to think?
What then am I supposed to feel?
Was all that time spent with you pointless?
Or in the end so real?
Jan 2016 · 4.4k
The Ticking Clock.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Each tick of the clock,
With time passing on.
Every second and minute counts,
But when does time become irrelevant?
Is it when we ignore it's protruding stride?
Knowing each second and minute,
Brings us closer to die.
I have watched and wasted,
The many timely hours at hand.
As the clock strikes it's hours,
Across the land.
Jan 2016 · 275
At The Beginning.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
There at the beginning,
That rising hour.
The sun shining beyond the morning dew,
Can all be lost in a sedated life.
Buried beneath the lost few,
I have felt the burden of this world.
Bearing heavily on this soft skull,
Bringing a point to this sleepy lull.
That I have left myself in to do,
Now after all this time I must awaken.
Or face a darkened end despaired,
For all the things I have mistaken.
A hard choice to make,
A grief to bear.
A piece of my heart given,
In hopes of something new.
But all the while in this waking,
I'm left in the night alone construed.
Jan 2016 · 257
Time Is But A Wave.
Seth Milliman Jan 2016
Time is but a wave that washes over us,
Some days we're gasping for air. Others are looking forward to the next big one.
In all of this remember each wave, good or bad,
For they make the person who lives today.
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