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May 2014 · 3.5k
The heartless hero
ZL May 2014
I heard noises.
a thumping
soft then heavy
hard and slow
the closer I drew
the more confident
I knew...

I looked to you
cold and distant
yet beautiful.
sinister eyes
you were afraid
'please don't cry'

in the corner
of your dark room
covered in blood
was your heart
I kissed your hole
hopeful for a new start
May 2014 · 471
star of the night
ZL May 2014
pity parties.
I'm my only guest
i have to go now
must look my best
May 2014 · 377
co$t of happine$$
ZL May 2014
Dreaming is pricey
When bills must be paid
For this reason she loves darkness
Inexpensive lay
May 2014 · 1.3k
Working Class American
ZL May 2014
Just to stay alive
Guess if I quite
I die.
May 2014 · 938
A Mortals Medicine
ZL May 2014
the world is sick
people are ill
emotions are viruses
that every human feels
hate is real.
evil kills.
smiling is contagious
affection lives.
then, I awoke from my coma
and realized
LOVE can actually HEAL!
May 2014 · 548
8ternity: Life's proverb
ZL May 2014
"life is every word
good and bad.
Misery trumps happiness.
Suffrage swallows glad,
because temporary pleasures
become infinitely sad."

Said those who lived once,
but forever died.
Inspired by a **** named Iceberg Slim
May 2014 · 1.9k
sleep aid
ZL May 2014
insomnia has become a gateway
to my new drug
sheets are my lover
lonley body it hugs.
brown burden
and laid
routine nights
spontaneous days.
if I never awake
sleeps cousin
has become my fate.
with confidence
blame my death
on sleep aid.
May 2014 · 4.1k
Eternal Forgiveness (10 W)
ZL May 2014
forgive me father
for I have sinned
sorry once
& again.
ZL May 2014
staring into each others eyes
neither of us knowing
whats next;
what lies.

I inch closer
smiling seductively
with a look of coy;
I have always admired
a good old boy

"Don’t be shy with me,
There is simply
no need.
Like you I have hurts.
Like you I bleed."
May 2014 · 4.8k
Inspired by Lana Del Rey
ZL May 2014
to be young and beautiful
is desperate and dumb!
to have it all
to get nothing, none!
to need it bad
anxiously wanting some.

sleepless nights,
dreams of ***!
pain is
promiscuity at bedrest.
angry abstinence shouts
this is a cruel test!

pretty doll face,
glowing of grace.
why have this body?
and not share its joy
why be a good ol' girl
If you cannot love a handsome bad boy?
Young and Beautiful meets Black Beauty
May 2014 · 2.6k
10 W (Tears of a Clown)
ZL May 2014
painted smiles
Apr 2014 · 2.3k
<3 tender moments <3
ZL Apr 2014
I lay there
Tired, Drained
aloof and gone
I have not been touched
In so **** long

You stroke my head
As we lay close
In your bed
Not from a man
Nor my dad

kind gestures of my mother
Who seldom
shows her affection
but this loving touch I needed
her sweetest blessing
A mother's love is PRICEL$$
Apr 2014 · 4.2k
selfish security (10 W)
ZL Apr 2014
I hate you.
For not protecting me
Yes, you *******!
Apr 2014 · 2.2k
intimacy (10 w)
ZL Apr 2014
Not even ***

Nor love

I just need a hug
Apr 2014 · 1.2k
Healer (heal her)
ZL Apr 2014
sing into my deaf ears
sweet melodies
for my melancholy fears
caress my silent lips
make my words come alive
a moan may slip;
the sweetest cries.
sniff out the smell
that has caused men hell;
for a whiff of heaven
morals they bail
no lies. I can honestly tell
that you will provide sensation
extremely well...
blow kisses of love
in my blind eyes
Can you please,
give me sight?
so I can see this healer
named Dr.Might
who claims he can put feeling
back into my paraplegic body
on this night!
Apr 2014 · 16.2k
When Libra met Taurus
ZL Apr 2014
Boy blue
I couldn’t love you.
I apologize,
See the dark
Sincerity in my eyes.

Red drowned my heart
You knew saving me
Would be dangerous
From the very start.

You took no caution
Refused to yield to yellow
Off on green you went
Bull headed fellow.

Don’t dwell on us
You always did think too much
Tell my memories to relax at night
Mistakes always did keep me up
Apr 2014 · 625
Damsel in distress
ZL Apr 2014
to be odd
even among the
is just lonley.
to be mysterious
even to oneself
is to feel lost.
to give advice but never
knowing how to help
myself is hypocrisy.
it's a strange life
one might say.
it's the role
I was given
so this character
I shall play.
Apr 2014 · 3.8k
Good Friday
ZL Apr 2014
Still a good man.
A good friend,
who really does
stick around to the very end.

One who ignored my sin
blowing upon me
Like an extinguishing fan
to quench the fire burning in man

Oh God, what a good son!
he granted me life
offering peace, calming strife
How can I thank him?

Is there any way?
"Happy Easter"
is probably not the most
gracious thing to actually say.
Apr 2014 · 6.4k
ZL Apr 2014
If the wind blows
To hard
She may cry.
Lord knows
What will happen
When someone
She loves dies.
Apr 2014 · 942
Food for thought
ZL Apr 2014
Idle inspiration
Poems for you
Daring dedication.
Never been in love
But I loved your hugs
Hershey kisses too
Chocolate jazz
Brown girl’s blues!

Long way from home
time lost in your smile
Wanting to stay forever
plus a longer while.
Not having you
Is a romantic's oppression
you’re all I feed on
Obese obsession.
Apr 2014 · 1.4k
when I die
ZL Apr 2014
candles of fire and flare
balloons float high in the air
their way of showing me
they finally care

the end of the rainbow
my soul now knows
the end is like the ballon
I've seen where it goes

doves fly peacefully
protectively on my side
I lay asleep
Eyes wide

I dance and giggle
as people cry and wiggle
life was complicated
death was simple

violas laid on my grave
tombstone reads:
no longer a sinner
no longer satan's slave
Apr 2014 · 4.3k
American Idol
ZL Apr 2014
rihanna and lana del rey
please don't become her
one day

dorothy dandridge
whitney houston
marilyn monroe
anna nicole

their sadness I did know
beautiful and broken
the pain never let go
the men, the drugs,
the heartache followed
they were all a living example:
misery is captivating
and beauty is shallow
Apr 2014 · 2.2k
ZL Apr 2014
I never understood
Why people loved ******
many men they love
plenty women adored
Apathetic anger
I never appreciated
Your ability
To ****** strangers
You made me love you too
now my dignity is in danger
Apr 2014 · 395
ZL Apr 2014
I pull their names
Like draft day
One come
Two stay
Disgust and guilt
Always in my way

I replay our acts
Like a favorite scene
I’m silent, he moans
I mutely scream
In my head I live
In my body I’m dead

I recall them
Boy by man
Him and he
Only to realize
no male has
ever loved me
No love lost. No love found.
Apr 2014 · 32.7k
ZL Apr 2014

I just think alot
I'm not weak
I just feel alot
I'm not probing
I just see alot

they whisper
oohh "she so deep"
I ain't loud
I just make words
echo when I speak

I am not
simply because
I utilize
my mind
to think!

Nothing more
far from less
than just another
poetry freak
Apr 2014 · 382
ZL Apr 2014
At night
few things enter my head
one is you
another me
third is my bed
two are present
you are absent
your dark face
I do not see
show up beautiful monster
come from that closet
furfill my fantasy
Apr 2014 · 16.3k
Water signs
ZL Apr 2014
whatever you do
dare not to stare
they will take you places
do not be willing
to go there

they are tainted
they will ruin you
right from the start
cover your body
protect your heart

puppy dog eyes
bedroom glares
never fall captive
to scorpio or pisces
no matter who dares
Apr 2014 · 347
ZL Apr 2014
Woman was not made to alone
Yet there is no calls on her phone

Woman was not made to hate
Bitterness has become her date

Woman was made to feel
But too much too soon
she can’t deal

I was made to do more than cry
But it’s all I do

Please explain why.
Apr 2014 · 925
Voodoo doll
ZL Apr 2014
Should not remember you
Respect for me
You forgot

Should not think of you
Meeting your selfish needs
Inconsiderate of my deeds

Should hate you…
My heart you broke
But with kindness
I shall **** you..

Slowly you choke
*Love is always better than Hate*
Apr 2014 · 28.2k
ZL Apr 2014
Seeking to belong
A beautiful
Sad girl’s song.

I get it
You need your space
But I need
Your love
To wipe these tears
From my sad
Beautiful face.
Apr 2014 · 2.4k
In Two Itching (intuition)
ZL Apr 2014
The touch of your hand
Makes my heart stand
The piercing of your eyes
Screams ***!
Passion cries.
The smell of your words
Was the last scent
I heard
A lover of your kind
Should pay my prudence
Little mind
I’ll bathe in your dirt
As you enjoy
My clean rinse
Together we
Shall awaken
Our sixth sense !
Apr 2014 · 676
tug a war
ZL Apr 2014
s    q    u   e   e   z  e      it     out    of    me

rrrrruuuuuubbbbb it in to me

puuuuuuuussshh it away from me

                up !

sweating tears
cheater fears
mouth eruption
lies destruction
blood my skin cries
pavement is what I taste
have mercy and
help me up from my face!
(the confrontation)
Apr 2014 · 1.3k
ZL Apr 2014
On her knees
Willing to please
Hands connected
Questions deflected    

fall from grace
disgraced face
****** tears
human fears

“What have I done?”
Orphaned daughter
Afraid to hear the answer
From God’s son
Apr 2014 · 1.9k
ZL Apr 2014
It leads men astray
Keeps them coming
Night and day

In the air
On the floor
Charm she masters
Suitors adorn

Lined against the wall
Eyes dark
Like her red gown
Roses as lips
Kissing them down

Dripping in gold
Power she holds
Trapped in her bedroom
seduced by her perfume
Apr 2014 · 190
desert island
ZL Apr 2014
I want to cry
           For you
I cannot revive
         My tears

     I want to feel
     For you
emotions uproot
     My fears

I want to calm
         The storm
   which rocks
         Your boat
Only I can’t
      I’m unable to float
Apr 2014 · 7.3k
Blow Pop
ZL Apr 2014
Is a sucker for love
don’t lick me dry
Lover of drugs
Come get me high
Dancer for romance
Swing my way
Feeling blue
Come brighten my day
once in your mouth
Enjoy me slow
Remember this taste
Before you go
What's your flavor?
Mar 2014 · 408
Breathe without you
ZL Mar 2014
Too proud
To say I miss you
Now you’re gone
And I wish to kiss you
Pride and ego
Have always had this affair
Now my love
I’m willing to share
Wherever you are
Smile because I want you back
with you I can breathe again
No more asthma attacks
Mar 2014 · 257
letter know
ZL Mar 2014
Secrets it hold
Truth be told
Emotional notes
Feelings wrote
Thoughts were sad
Wanting you bad
Warm heart
Cold start
My crush I admire
Tired of erasing
This desire
Mar 2014 · 898
ZL Mar 2014
Mar 2014 · 1.2k
Date with sedation
ZL Mar 2014
Bottle full of liquor
Bottle filled with pills
Numb body
I no longer feel

Bottle full of relief
Bottle filled with drank
Told me I wouldn’t be sh**
Guess I really ain’t

Bottle full of death
Soul raises high like ****
I look down with pity
“Poor old me”

Once full of life

Now near empty...
becuase of pain.
Mar 2014 · 762
Steal. Kill. Destroy
ZL Mar 2014
Memory is gone
Like a chunk of my heart
Feelings are numb
Emotions I shun
Love has wasted
Failures I’ve tasted
Memory is shattered
Deadliest glass
Veil I wear
True self truly masked
Best actress award
Goes to me
Kidnapped life
Stolen identity
Mar 2014 · 486
The blind side
ZL Mar 2014
How did I
Allow myself to be used?
Too compromising
Abused thereafter
Searching frantically
For a clue
Why would you?
How could he,
Hurt me so badly?
Maybe I’m selfish
Or foolish too
I can’t come to terms
With the things he do
Mar 2014 · 556
Same Old G
ZL Mar 2014
You never quit on me
Though I threw in the towel
Over and again
I washed my filth
Took an arrogant bow
You drew near me
Though I reeked of sin
not used to being loved
Intimate woman
I’ve never been...
Feb 2014 · 271
Warm embraces
ZL Feb 2014
If I ever see you in the sky
Don’t be a stranger
And fly right by
If I ever see you on earth
Embrace me like a new born
To its mother after birth
If I ever see you in dreams...
I’ll scream with joy!
...For you my love...
I’ll sing!
Feb 2014 · 542
ZL Feb 2014
One more heartbreak
Added to my score
Liking you became difficult
Like a mandatory chore

One more heartbreak
Against my name
Paint me the bad one
Portray me to blame

I tried to warn you
prevent you from feeling blue
it went unnoticed
so here's a clue...

beware of lust
be slow to start
beware of love
guard your heart
love, heartbreak, romance, breakups
Jan 2014 · 254
Kisses from her mother
ZL Jan 2014
Roses the color of your kisses
Lipstick I wiped from my face

Now I check to see,
If they are still tattooed
In that very place

I simply miss them
Because they came from

The only person,
Whose love was ever
Jan 2014 · 462
ZL Jan 2014
Addicted to love;
The sweetest high
Strangers walk past
Kisses blown by
Some catch,
Most miss
Hopeless romantic
Sprung out
Cupid’s abyss
Jan 2014 · 237
Killers Inside of Me
ZL Jan 2014
A child resides
Inside my soul
Lies told, truth known
Insides my eyes
A child cries
Truth be told
The woman lies
As the child dies
Sep 2013 · 363
Still Waters
ZL Sep 2013
Still waters may run deep
But sometimes
Down the creek
Appears a crack
And that same water
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