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Amitav Radiance May 2014
The constellation of the night sky
Dotted with Asterism
Calling our attention to the mystical lights
Plotting an image on our minds
The celestial space is where minds wander*

© Amitav (Radiance)
*Asterism are pattern of stars visible in the night sky
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Her soul was clenched in the hands of distress
The feeble screams were reverberating in the dungeon
Not even the faintest light were allowed to entertain her
Till her soul regained the power to scream
Only her soulmate in distant land could hear it
As everyone was oblivious of her agony and suffering
Defying all odds, the soulmate reclaimed his Love*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Babu kandula Feb 2015
A reflection of immense light
Forgive me(Amitav) if I am wrong
As the name suggests
You are giving us light with your intellectual thoughts
Everyday is a fresh thought
Every poem is a fresh piece of art
You are literally carving with your words
Can I say one thing
Please continue the same pace you are in
We need lot of them from you
One of the poets I admire in Hellopoetry
Continue your legacy
Thanks for being part of HP
I congratulate you for your completion of 1000 poems in Hellopoetry.
Literally waiting from yesterday for this moment
Wrote this one day ago
Amitav Radiance May 2014
You are a sailor
Drift way from the harbor
Pull up the anchor
That binds you down
Set sail towards the horizon
Take off the blindfold
And hoist the sail
Let the wind be your guide
Sun and the Moon your compass
Steering through uncharted waters
Sometimes calm weather
Or, inclement weather, rocking your ship
Tackling the deep waters with alacrity
Unfathomable depths, yet the ship sails
Cutting through the waters
The saline water, which is a part of you
Seagulls guide you towards the shore
Anchoring at the preferred destination
Every grain of sand cushions your feet
Welcoming you to the island of bliss
Cut off from the mainland
Yet, helping you connect with yourself
Now it’s time to unwind
And join the party after a successful voyage
Ready to set sail for another expedition
As a sailor, cruise till the end

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Bad attitude is like a flat Tyre
It will leave you stranded*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
There is beauty in simplicity
There is beauty in just loving
There is beauty in not knowing
There is beauty in just holding hands
There is beauty in sharing the same drink
There is beauty in being just unclad
There is beauty in just gazing at each other
There is beauty in drawing imaginary hearts
There is beauty in playing with her twitching nose
There is beauty in just running your hands through hair
There is beauty in sitting amidst nature, and counting stars
There is beauty in wishing upon a falling star
There is beauty in listening to each other’s heart beats
There is beauty in watching yourself in her eyes
There is beauty in kissing her twinkling eyes
There is beauty in having her head on your lap
There is beauty in watching her fall asleep
There is beauty in waking her up in the morning
There is beauty in touching her glowing skin
There is beauty in making her a cup of coffee
There is beauty in kissing her throughout the day
There is beauty in going for a walk, holding hands
There is beauty in soaking in each other’s silence
There is beauty in being in each other’s heart
There is beauty in just having her around
There is beauty in just thanking her with your love
There is beauty in being in love with all your heart
There is beauty in acknowledging her presence*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The perception of perfection, changes with time*- Amitav
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Expectations are the baggage we carry
Getting cumbersome, with each passing day
We always get the unexpected from it
Our back seems to be crumbling under the burden
Weaving a web of expectations, and getting entangled
Unable to ameliorate the obfuscated mind
Reciprocating, with the intention of fulfilling expectations
Our steps become heavily laden, unable to walk
Even though a life beckons without the paraphernalia
We have already walked away from it, with our expectations**

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
I was brought into this house
Ordered from the local furniture shop
Made to order according to specifications
I am a wingback,
Upholstered in full-grain leather  
True to my rich heritage
I was placed in the library
Amongst the illustrious works of famous writers
Half- a - century have passed, providing support
To the backbone of the family
Although tired, he finds solace in my cozy embrace
I give him my wings to fly into the world of literature
Cervantes, Bunyan, Bacon, Goehte, Dostoevsky, Chekov, Tolstoy
Some of the names from the illustrious collection
Not all were privileged to have a seat here
He was transported to each era, savoring the rich legacy
Of literature down the centuries
I was privy to the mind-boggling debates
Which he conducted with himself
Trying to reason each work of literature
A mere wingback rose to be a companion
Providing sturdy support on the mahogany legs
One fine day the reading session ended in deep slumber
Five decades of bonding and companionship came to an end
Now, I stand here, forlorn, at the corner of the library
Reminiscing the reading sessions, and siesta
The wingback does not have the wings to fly away from this bond

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Seek freedom from the anxious mind
For, you have the freedom to choose
Break the shackles of intimidation
Claim your freedom for the sleeping madness
Wake up to a world of freedom, for it’s yours
Freedom for the prejudices and the dogmas
Claim your freedom for the untrusting world
Freedom beckons you from the deepest caverns
Thwart the advances of violence, and seize freedom
Do not pay heed to the abusive words
As your freedom to speak up is jeopardized
The weakest of hearts and minds, resort to violence
And their abode inside is wrecked by loss of freedom
You freedom will come when you walk out
Opening the gates of your heart to freedom
The weak personalities seeks to strangle freedom
To dominate the beautiful souls, as they feel threatened
Assert your freedom; this is becoming a puppet’s world
Always made to act when the strings are pulled
There is a world full of love and freedom waiting for you
You just have to cross the threshold of the murky world
Only you can win your freedom, if you choose to
Seek freedom, and slam the door on the world of captivity

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Glistening with beads of passion
The curves accentuated with every touch
Every drop of love quenching the thirst
Enraptured souls breathing life in to each other
Creating a surge of emotional waves
Drowning the lovers in the intensity
Emerging from the depths, to alpine moments
Euphoric bodies merge, to be one*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Nature has engulfed the Earth with Love
The roots firmly entrenched on terra firma
Sometimes nature’s fury uproots it all
Bringing with it, devastation galore
Yet, nature heals over time, lush green with life
Kissed with Life, by the eternal rays of the Sun
Water nurtures with the juice of Love
Breathing Life onto this planet
For Nature is Life, and we keep on strangling it
As Nature’s comeuppance may uproot us all
Our fate firmly bound to Nature; do we have a choice at all?*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
When minds start warring
Reason loses its way
Chaos prevails*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The morning sun rays bathing the soul
Waking it up from the dreaming consciousness
Eyes soaking in the awakened beauty
Taking off the cover of night, to reveal a new day
Sun rays swathing over the valley
A watercolor painting over the Earth’s canvas
Vivid colors are splashed to create a spectacle to behold
A wave of warm embrace caresses us
As we get ready to rise up to the occasion
To usher a new day and new dreams in our heart

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
Rains lashing down
The thunderous clouds
Applauding every drop
The clouds have opened up
Their hearts to bring hope
To the parched souls on Earth
The seeds have been lying dormant
It’s time for them to germinate
Covering our garden with greenery
For it will find roots in the soul
Deeply entrenched with belief
That every shower does not wreak havoc
It also ushers new life and hope*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The art of being humorously disagreeable*~ Amitav
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Sometime you board the wrong train
And you reach a destination, not in the itinerary
Unfamiliar passenger, whom you thought you, knew
But slowly, as the journey begins, you get lost
In the language, you usually do not speak
Unable to decipher, the inner feelings, you feel alien
Sometimes the parallel tracks look familiar
Maybe, they will lead you to your preferred destination
You so wish for the parallel journey
Willing to board the train on that track
Wishing to talk to the driver, about your feelings
If he could just bring the train to a halt
The train coming to a jolting stop
You may have to get off midway and board another train
Your train of thoughts has led you to the train
This will take you to the destination you have dreamt
With the right passenger the journey will be a breeze*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance Apr 2014
I am like a dew drop on the edge of a leaf
Cautiously balancing on tip toes
Another dew drop appears next to me
A whiff of soft wind sways the leaf
We start pirouetting on the edge
Balancing with all the skills we have
Finally, we bond together
Different, yet unrecognizable now
A ray of light passes through us
To create a beautiful rainbow
It’s just the dewdrops

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Lies are strong acids which corrodes the foundation of Trust.*

© Amitav (Radiance)

Ryn (RhymeSmith)

Truly one of the most creative poets here, a master of the concrete. I'm blessed to call him a dear friend and honored to read his poetry. I'm not sure he really knows what he means to me.
Love you!

Creep That Loved You

Even at a young age, she captures emotions that I cannot. She brings a tear with a few simple thoughts. I can call her my friend and caring, she has truly taught.


I don't think I've met another woman with so much soul, you've taught me things that have helped me grow. I'm truly blessed that your poetry, I've come to know.


I've never met another with so much going on, but still stands strong. The weight you carry upon your shoulders and what life has brought on... Well, I can honestly say, I'm envious of your strength and I hope we can grow our bond.

Ember Evanescent

A sweetheart, through and through, I'm so truly proud of you. You write with such courage, depth and truth. You believe in the good, even without proof. I hope joy and love shine down upon you.

WolfSpirit Aka QuinFinn

I'm not even sure where to begin! I've had a poetic crush on you from the very beginning. You're hilarious, smart and such a good friend. You always show compassion, love and understanding.

(I don't think I can rhyme anymore...)

Weeping Willow

An amazing, heathbreakingly beautiful person and poet. You write with such passion and pain. Never Stop.

Amitav Radiance

I actually don't know you too well, but I always look forward to your writes, please continue on.

Joe Malgeri

A painful style you have, yet you always bring so many fascinating aspects of life to light. I always smile when I see something new from you.

Cat aka Catbird

You're soulful and talented, I love to read your words. Seems your emotions just spill onto the page. I can relate and completely agree with everything you say. Also love chatting with you.


So relatable. I respect you dearly as a poet and person. You truly have a passion and talent for writing. Please, never stop bearing your soul for us all to read.

Joe Cole

Well, Sir, can you say nature writing at it's finest? You have wisdom, style and I love the challenges you present. I hope to read your work for many years to come.

The Emerald Outcast

You're different, I like that about you. You stand up for the outcasrs, unknowns and underdogs. I'd like to think I try to as well, but you're much better at it. Such a skill with ink as well.


You're an old soul, with so much to offer us writers here on HP. Heartbreak runs through us all, but I treasure it, along with every word you put to ink.

Pradip Chattopadhyay

I haven't really talked to you much, besides comments but I always look forward to what you have to say. You bring a new outlook on things.

Natasha ML

A friend if there ever was, I thank God for the time zones cause otherwise you may not be up all night helping me through my troubles, and I through yours. You're an unbelievable poet as well

Thomas A Robinson

You have such an amazing insight into the world and the soul, I always look forward to your comments and poems. You are truly talented.


I still remember you saying my comment "this may be weird, but seriously dude, I love you" was the best comment you ever got. It's true, you're astounding and your followers and poetry prove that tenfold. Keep it up.

The DedPoet

You are far from dead, you are alive in every word you write and you bring meaning to my life. The agony, despair and pain you express has literally brought me to tears on a few occasions. You certainly have a brilliant way of expressing yourself.

Oh, my sweet winter Rose, you're truly so beautiful and amazing in so many ways. As a friend, you've been there for me and as a poet you've helped me believe in the impossible.
Love you!


Oh my, do you truly make me feel. I remember the first poem I read by you and the ending truly shocked me to tears, about her feet not touching the floor and every one since has completely enthralled me.


Another wonderful soul I have not spoken with much, but you always seem to like my every post and I always love yours. You make me smile and feel deeply.

Elsa Angelica

My dear, dear friend, how I love your happiness and joy in writing plus the love you've always shown to so many of us here on HP. I love every single thing you post, although we don't necessarily agree on some things, you're always there for me. You're beautiful, never forget it!

Frank Ruland

I may be biased, it's true, but you are the best friend a girl could have and every thing you write truly speaks volumes to the level of intellect and understanding you have of a broken spirit and heart. The ones you write with the song lyrics, my, word, if those artists read them, they'd be astoundingly proud. You have more depth, deeper meaning and metaphorical concepts in your poetry than anyone else. I believe you are truly my favorite poet, like.. EVER. I'm completely envious of you as a writer, poet and person. You show strength, courage and resilience, more so than I ever could. I love you deeply.

To anyone I have missed:

You're beautiful and I've read so much of your work as well, but as you all know... I read A LOT on here. Please forgive my oversight.


This took a lot of time and thought. I hope you all enjoy. Please check out all the authors I've mentioned works. Thx. :)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
A blank canvas on an easel
Not splashed with hues, yet
Yearning for the stroke of a brush
And be painted with the painter’s dream
Most intimate of moments coming alive
Reflecting the colors of the heart and mind
Stroke after stroke, brushes caresses it
Coming alive, with passionate undertones
In cahoots with the painter, an **** of colors
Brushes of passion, colors the emptiness
A masterstroke of the painter; the canvas is filled
With these kaleidoscopic moments
Vivid imagery of the painter’s heart, is an Arts saga

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Chaos has a method of random
And the mind is a whirlpool
Thoughts gyrating to cacophony
The mind and heart are asynchronous
****** in to the vortex of indecision
Chaos becomes the typical jargon
For a mind that reverberate randomness

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
In the slug-fest between Ego’s
Love is knocked out of the heart’s arena
What remains, is the bruised and bloodied individual
Where the referee proclaims the two, ‘Defeated’ by ‘Knock-out’*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Passion blossoms into a flower
Spreading its alluring fragrance
The wind is the messenger
Carrying the invitation of Love*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Wanderer Nov 2014
I am italicized*

We sing and we simmer
Our cosmic tumble tune
Hardly yet wholly
A place without room
Stardust dancing along side our gate
Black hole chancing just beyond our escape

If that gate can be an escape
An entrance to the unknown world
Fistful of stardust
Blow it to the wind
Let the wind be our guide
Beyond the canvas of our life
Our imagination captured beyond the horizon

Sunset washes the day clean
Brilliant peach orange blaze
Still left wondering what this all means
I am connected to you
As I am to this tree
Whole and in pieces
Full picture you see
The circle comes round
We dance to it's beat
Evolving masterpieces
Rarely repleat
Fingertips touching
Secrets yielded to soft sigh
Hoping with sore hearts
You'll always feel this high

In the circle of eternity
The known rhythm is back
In concentric circles
Frenzied steps
Spark that kindles two hearts
Blazing through the night sky
Touch of freedom
Paints the encircled world
Hearts healed with magic potion
Trust emboldens the souls
To soar higher and higher
It’s an eternity
Now, the saga shall continue
Thank you for writing with me :) I thoroughly enjoyed it!
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
More time you invest in Love, bigger the Returns~ Amitav
Amitav Radiance May 2014
She sits at the loom
Weaving the fabric
Interwoven with dreams
The threads of trust and surrender
It’s an intimate mesh of finery
The colors of passion dyeing it
To hues of crimson, from the blushes
Of the maiden weaving her dreams
Intricate designs adorn the taffeta
With the future of love and togetherness
The bonding of a strong fabric of Love
To drape them over their bare bodies
Together, gazing at the starry skies
As they descend to adorn the drape
Shimmering with the passion of Love
The maiden and her lover, has woven a drape
Celebrating their togetherness
For Love has bonded them with fabric of Love
A drape so intricate and warm
For Love shall always be draped, till eternity

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
An Acorn holds the life of an Oak tree
Eggs cradle the life within it
Mother nurtures progeny in her womb
Hearts are the abode of Love
Dreams are the seeds of future Realities*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Would nectar be as sweet, if bees did not adore it?
From miles away it’s intoxicating smell, alluring them
Waiting to be ******, as the flower can’t bear the load
One drop contains all the sweetness of nature
Immortalized as the elixir of life, since time immemorial
If it was not for the bees, we would have been deprived
Of that drop of sweetness, that can match the lover’s delight
Making this world a sweeter place, dripping from flowers
Honey, here I come with the magic potion
Enjoying every drop of it, as we adore it, as much as the bees*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The boundaries in the mind
Is impenetrable by the Light
Of consciousness,
Concealing the obdurate ideas
Within the confines of the walls
Held captive, and mired in obscurity
Leaving the mind in desolation*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance Apr 2014
Don’t be submissive to power and engage in a war against Love.- Amitav
Amitav Radiance May 2014
Soul is the sole sanctuary
A sojourn for serenity
A soulful journey starts
And sorority with peaceful self
Salvaging the soul from strife*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
Let your heart drown in tears
To cleanse away the wound
From it shall spring eternal fountain
Of inspirations, to open your heart
To Love, Hope, and inspiration
Muses will come to drink from it
And poetry shall flow through you
Every particle of you enamored
By the sweet water, flows eternally
Replenish the soul and turn the tide
To delve deeper in to self-belief
And, embrace knowledge to fight a stormy world
Poetry is the panacea for a recuperating soul
For there is the eternal fountain to drink from*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance Jun 2014
The word ‘MORE’ grows exponentially based on the intensity of ‘GREED’*~Amitav
Amitav Radiance May 2014
The filigreed pendant
Adorning your neck
With a drop of red ruby
A drop of your Love
Straight from your heart
Close to your *****
You hold the aura of charm
To enthrall me in a maze
Which leads to your heart
The filigreed pendant
Holds me to your fate*

© Amitav (Radiance)
Sally A Bayan Oct 2014
The life we live each day is a spiritual journey;
we find our places, we sit,
then we sail meditatively
on waters where the past and present play.
a chance to reflect on what to think, what to do,
a place where raging thoughts are purified,
all worries and fears are washed away.
soothing words gently rise and fall
with the waves that fill the sea,
thoughts that dwell in the steerer's mind,
a message he conveys to us, his passengers,
like a wind blowing, caressing our unsettled hearts
as crystal waters, calm and still us deep within.

At journey's end, we rise and leave the vessel, enlightened.
with endless thanksgiving, we gift our captain,
a Soul Whisperer,
his name is
Amitav Radiance.



Copyright 2014
Rosalia Rosario A. Bayan
***Amitav, this is just a dot, a brief way of saying  how your gentle words can calm a restless soul...***
Amitav Radiance May 2014
At the old market place, there is a locksmith
The slipshod ancient road leads to his shop
In the business of repairing locks and making keys
For almost half a century, a dedicated soul
Right from a tender age he picked up the skills
Accompanying his father, to learn the tricks of the trade
Slowly he became adept at repairing the locks
Like a wizard, replicating the keys, for those have lost it
His name spread quite afar, for people sought his help
In times of trouble, as they were locked out of homes and shops
He knew the heart of each and every lock
Reviving at the touch of his dexterous hands
As if he used to command the locks to open at his will
Like a ring master at the circus
Each and every key combination were memorized by him
Recalling them like a mathematical genius
With the permutation and combinations, he found the magic numbers
He wielded the keys like the archer’s precision
Always hitting the bulls-eye
He knew each and every house in the town
For, over the years, everyone had come to him for help
He was the only one who knew the key to open any lock

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
From your love fountain
You offered the charmed drink
Only to be intoxicated
As I slowly drown in you

© Amitav (Radiance)
Amitav Radiance May 2014
A memory so old, turned to sepia
From the pigmentation of Time
Losing all defining boundaries
As the album pages become dog eared
Due to long years of reminiscing
The moments shared together
A happy snapshot, now fading away
Can’t recall anymore on introspection
The album full of memories
Black and white turns to sepia
And ravages of time discolors
Once colorful moments
Captured only in black and white

© Amitav (Radiance)

— The End —