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Feb 2020 · 98
C'est ici
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
Today is the time for me

This breath is alive

The air is mine

My lungs are the trees

This day is mine

They gave it to me.
Feb 2020 · 113
A sordid affair
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
Doona, oh doona
stop teasing me you meaty pillow
waiting impatiently in my room-a

I've had a long day
my feet have turned to clay
And I just want to climb inside
your soft womb-a

Whether at my feet on summer nights
Or mornings frosted, dark and wintery
All else is stale, mediocre cloth
You're always the doona for me.

Doona, oh sweet, sweet doona
Hug me under the light of the moon-a
Don't ****** me from afar
Spread-eagled in my room-a.
Feb 2020 · 124
A casual offering
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
Hello Universe
Dazzling, spinning being
Thank you for my moth-eaten meat suit
For the genes and the jeans and the eyes
I have a favour to ask
-if you could kindly cease your heavenly drumming momentarily-
I hear you say 'love your enemies'
But I have this one that won't desist.
Lend me a cup of self compassion
Oh neutrino dios mi amigo
Nay, a silo full of listening ears
For this my most beloved enemy.
Feb 2020 · 105
Any other soul
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
Any other soul
In their body so alone
In awe of the unknown
No age
No race
No gender
No home
Feb 2020 · 1.3k
Sweet delight
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
Itch those *****, player
Itch them red raw
Bleeding?, who cares!
Embrace your oozy pores
Itchy itchy morning rise
Scratchy scratchy nights
Give me a show I'd like to forget
Make me close up tight
Itch those *****, giant manchild
Itch them to completion
Whatever you got to do, do
During itchy and scratchy season
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
I must be a wombat
I must be a sloth
What if I'm a deformed toad?
What if I'm a lost moth?
Could be a panicked bunny
An uninitiated kangaroo
It's possible I'm a crustacean
Escaped from atop a barbeque
Whatever my face, whatever my fate
And whichever strengths bestowed
I wish it wasn't so **** hard
To cross the ******* road.
#world #animals #life #live #cross #fate #funny #frustration
Feb 2020 · 178
Son, well done.
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
Come one, come all,
With all your **** nonsense
Shed those serious souls
And serial brawls
Engage in gravelly goodness.

Touch hither soft lemony lightness
And ruminate on he said/she said
Like severed fingers in brine
Que appropriate melancholy rhyme

Like Lord Paragon of Virtue
With or withered will
Atop his freshly bejeweled spire
Delights to set the world on fire.
Feb 2020 · 228
Fire up
Spicy Digits Feb 2020
Get it, pull it, pull!
Till your arms are but sweat
Rip it from my ears, sir
Tear it from my skin
Better yet
**** like the ill-advised man
Saving kin from snake
Then lay me in a bath of it
And watch my body shake
Attach yourself, hurl son
Use all you can reach
To yank sinew from bone
And until all disarticulates
Make it happen
Do me that dreaded favour
Equip yourself with courage
And hard and fast throw pavers
Get it, pull it, pull!
Exorcise my non-weirdness
Punch and kick it out my friend
Squeeze the boredom from me
Fire up
Fire up
Fire up
Watch this witch awake
Jan 2020 · 184
How poems are birthed
Spicy Digits Jan 2020
When grief knocks sheepishly but persistently
When anger kicks at my ear drums
When fear hugs me closely, a little too tightly
When I talk to those who formed my inner voices
When thoughts crowd out my breathing
When souls weep over their losses
When sleep backs down after it's fight with stress

When delicate petals and sprouts brave the weather valiantly
When big blue eyes smile back up at me
When rains soak and nourish and my bed beckons
When innocent discussions bond hearts
When he holds my hand while half asleep
When the blissful aroma and taste of hot tea fills my senses
When the cleansing ocean spray makes my skin come alive
When soft music puts my tired mind to sleep like a baby
Dec 2019 · 267
Sweet monologue
Spicy Digits Dec 2019
Why hate these legs
When they get me places

The fat under my chin
Hugs my throat like a winter coat

The backs of these arms of mine
Are my groupies
As I reach those gilded milestones

Why lament the soulful sadness
Of such big eyes
When they gift me joy in sunsets

It's true stomach bulges lazily
But she has endured years of deep sadness and chaos

Why curse my stressed spine
The radar of fear and perfectionism

Hail the skin for being my mother and protector
You beautiful olive spread

Why hate me
When you're moving parts of an intricate story
Spicy Digits Dec 2019
I know you've done your best
So rest
But don't forget to grow
Season's bounty
On show, and yet here we are
And here I am for you
That's just what I do

In lieu of joyful progeny
The story unfolds at length
You gave birth to life
So that life could raise you
Nov 2019 · 202
The acquired savant
Spicy Digits Nov 2019
A rambling evening, Lord of the Flies
Blood-soaked loafers, muffled cries
Days in darkness, cradled cranium goodbyes

Enter the acquired savant

Water spiraled beautifully, air danced on air
The cosmos smiled in mathematical fanfare
The man dissolved, the man was everywhere

Questions persisted in dreams, on lips parched
How the man saw intricate maps of the colony's march
Deep in nature connected whilst society departs

Enter the illuminated soul

Every moribund notion birthed a golden tune
Heartbeats fast and swollen, eyes of Clair de Lune
Every hungry dust mite and early morning dew swooned

Exit the uninspired union

Truly, from pain comes color and sweetness divine
The man's tainted past and ancient whispers combined
And while still human, witness the dissipation of all lines

Exit the fruitless forlorn
Nov 2019 · 147
Spicy Digits Nov 2019
Yay! I have time to myself
Colours ooze from every pore
Mind of a monochrome dictionary
Turning into a fire-red seesaw

Yesss! Can't hold me down world
Throwing gang signs for good measure
Singing songs like I'm in the shower
Dancing naked in this stormy weather

She assured me I'm allowed to fail
And I'll still be loved like hell
So I did a little ***** shake celebration
Shook so hard and fast I fell

Finally! She saved me from my childhood
This woman taught me how
To be intensely me and yet happy
And that's all that matters now

Im doing it! I'm doing it!
I'm becoming what I need.
The woman who listens so intently
It's me, it's me, it's me!
Spicy Digits Jul 2019
Let the rains come
Blue algae syrup flowing
Swallow me with the lounge
Wash away all my tax returns
Drown my fears and silence my eyes
A new flood has begun
Let the rains come
May 2019 · 209
A note to my brain
Spicy Digits May 2019
I look back on them at times
And grimace at almost all of the rhymes
How dark and sinister, how lonely
Depression makes them feel boney
Jutting out like broken ribs
Each one their own screaming little kid
More funny poems please.

I need ones that say "I'm alive!"
I thrive, I survived and now baby I jive!
Moustache ready, bowler hat steady
Dancing in the fire with only my oven mitt
Baby I'm here and I'm ready to do it.
Climb that wall with all your jiggly bits.

Put away all that dark matter mystique,
Replace with crowd flashers and photocopied cheeks.

I just want my brain to bleed comical
***** historical anecdotal gold
Wax lyrical till my eyeballs bulge.
Just more funny poems please.
May 2019 · 180
Spicy Digits May 2019
Here we are again my pretties,
A chorus of confused thoughts lost at sea.

A broken record of questions,
Incessant curiosity for what's around the corner.

But this is a day
A day I'm in
A sky so quiet
It chose me to listen
I'm in this day
A day of blue.

I didn't feel joy in that place of paradise,
Is this me sunk in a vat of viscous apathy?

I admire the cat wandering aimlessly,
Basking in the sun.
The beautiful majestic feline I long to be, free.

Then a wind surrounded me
A hug so personal
I froze.
I'm in this day,
I belong to it
A day better than tomorrow.

Skeletal branches wait patiently,
Unfazed by frost, by Mondays.
I love them fiercely
Lightning-struck scars and all.

Today is the time for me
This breath is alive
The air is mine
My lungs are the trees
This day is mine
They gave it to me.
Apr 2019 · 583
Body double
Spicy Digits Apr 2019
They want to slice me neatly
and pack me into tupperware containers
They want to keep me locked in storage
till I expire

I want to angrily hip-****** to a love ballad
atop the communal lunch table
breaking into song whenever it moves me
till I perspire

They want to grind me down like cinnamon
maybe sweet or savoury but never both,
They want to snort me like a politician
till I disappear

I want to take a baseball bat to parked cars
and disappoint my 2nd grade teacher
I want to wear a sequined cape every day
of every year

They want to dress me in little triangles
and chain me to sullen girls in leather
They want to take lots of fleshy photos
till I matter

I want to paint cemeteries in yellow
and play thumb wars in the nursing home
I want to shave my hair and make it my wig
until I'm even madder
Self acceptance #liberation #freedom #weirdness #self #free
Apr 2019 · 157
Spicy Digits Apr 2019
Nobody understands me
As much as nobody ever could
And when the sun and moon's dance was done
There nobody stood.

Bound by red hot bands of scorn
And passing glances at passing friends
Nobody rocked me to sleep till dawn
And lovingly stayed till day's end

And when my teeth kept falling out
Nobody just held my hand
Nobody cried hot tears with me
And became my medicine man

Nobody really loves me
As much as no one ever did
But nobody's been right beside me
Ever since I were a kid
Spicy Digits Feb 2019
A melting candle
Aflame inside
A stolen gloss.

Slowly withering
Up towards the violet heavens
And vacuous reaches.

Made of magic
And fiery breath.

A fallacy
And perhaps delusion
Or intrusion
Of black thoughts

Nocturnal bickerings
Whispered whimpering.

A question left unanswered
A burn so exquisite.
Spicy Digits Jan 2019
I climbed giant boulders
to gather wild berries for you
A heavenly golden lake stretched
across your vision.

Unfazed by my generous offering
Oblivious to the dragonfly hovering
You drowned yourself in screen-time, buffering
I waded out alone.

I picture wrapping my legs around you
the air full of scents of homely comfort
a long day lightened with sweet laughter
our minds rest, immersed in fictional realms

But online games take away our nights
Political trivialities and football highlights
I sit and dream of smoldering fires on campsites
While you fall asleep alone.

In darkness I wrestle with the devil
for my piece of present moment, untainted
I beg for black viscous sleep to drown me
to wake without feeling half of me is gone

And you wrap me in the soft fabric of your skin
And you chase away the sprites to let the light in
And you breathe for my lungs as the attack glows dim
And it's just you and me alone.
No relationship is perfect, but be with the one who will sit with you in your darkness.
Jan 2019 · 469
Spicy Digits Jan 2019
I've grown cold
a close call
from a stone's throw
thrown from black souls
acid seeps from necrotic holes
in my resolve
worlds unfold
as I lose control
to the arseholes
who police and patrol
break me like a criminal
without parole
they pigeonhole
and troll like Interpol
I duck and crawl,
drop and roll
then with gall
stand tall
10 feet tall and sure
face the ****** brawl
despite the toll
scream till I'm sore
an immovable flesh wall
of colour bold

full of holes

yet whole
Dec 2018 · 324
Keep me alive
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Where oh where
could my little sense of humour
have gone?

Oh where oh where
could it beeee?

Last time I saw it wandering
trying to find a big enough bin
to put my emotional baggage in

Lost among traumatic memories
It didn't enjoy my therapies
Dampened by big pharma remedies

Sedated, it traveled slowly but far
and despite its growing number of scars
Still searched for truth in the bizarre

I've been finding pieces among the trash
Funnier jokes asking to be rehashed
Of times of freedom, a big ol' stash

Where oh where
could my little sense of humour
have gone?

Oh where oh where
could it beeee?

Finally, happy to see me, we embraced all night
I laughed till I cried at it's clever insight
And now humour and I write
Depression and the healing power of humour
Dec 2018 · 693
Compete never
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Compete never

Never worth that fight

Fight only for innocence

Innocence runs through you

You are alive

Alive, but not awake

Awake the dormant innocence

Innocence that runs through you

You fight only to compete

Compete never
Dec 2018 · 219
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
And after all my vacant musings
And energy wasted in worry
I sit here, sorry.

For but a while I lay silent in my bath
Drowning in evaporating thoughts
Lamenting my stories.

He lets me ponder, flail, indulge my mind
And fill my soul with sand
On my self-made dry land.

Until a feather lays at my feet alone
And my little ones say my name
I suddenly understand.

The rays of sun wrap me in their love
And my stubborn perception is severed
Life opens, unfettered.

And after all my vacant musings
My weathered, jaded body
Returns again and remembers

Simple beauty,  
Simple acts,
Simple words,
Pure love is simple.
Dec 2018 · 1.2k
Inflatable universe
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Put down the pizza
Put down your phone
You're now in Pisa
You're now in Rome

Blink once,  blink twice
Use your imagination
Secret agent in disguise
In Grand Central Station

You don't need to drink
To pretend you're free
Take your coat of mink
And ruminate with Dali

Put down your pen
Put down your fears
You are a hundred unique women
Separated only by years
Dec 2018 · 687
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Wish I were sunny and magnetic,
And darkness was only at night
Not in my soul,
Black hole

Wish I were an inspiration to you
To me, just naturally
I would have an armour of titanium love,
Undreamed of

A phoenix rising in red hot embodiment,
A testament
A barefooted rebel of society
And the prison of tradition

The visions clear to me,
Patience flows, unceasing

Wish I could uncover and set free
That little girl inside of me
But my heart is the heart
Of a tragedian
On disappointing the psychologist
Dec 2018 · 197
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Wrapped in a pink cotton blanket,
Warmed and fed, alive
A storm rises in my mind,
a scene of deep forest, a child.

Hidden amongst shoes,
Marbles and a flashlight,
Dancing in space and in orbit,
A lone soul in its element.

Blank face and sullen eyes,  
A sponge to emotion and to fear
Every week another era,
Tempestuous ebb and flow, tears.

She rides her bike, dreaming away
Another rat in a rusty wheel
Looking for solace, peace and purpose,
Something solid and something real.

Undulating waves and frantic logic
Depths of darkness and wells of joy
Inability to fit the mold,
Painful transparency and unsatisfying toys.

Now she's melting into the song of the violin
The tiptoe of piano
The urgency of symphony
The strength of the drum solo.

The feminine, the masculine
The old and young, near and far
She is all in all,  
A cascading waterfall
A torrent
A body no more.
The yelling, the words, the fighting...they all become white noise as she lunges into the safety and sweetness of her imagination
Dec 2018 · 572
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Rest from my heavy heart
And tired soul
From contemplation
From the waves of emotion
From the scars of misunderstanding
From the weight of feeling
From the - I pause to watch
To watch a ladybug
Explore the page
My shirt
And disappear into the spine
Of this book
Dec 2018 · 2.5k
For my girl
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Amidst the humidity and darkness of the forest floor
ants scurry in hyper-speed over invisible highways
mushrooms spread boldly beneath wise wooden giants

At night, black panthers weave through thick overgrowth,
undetected, as birds quieten their hungry young and sleep
But even in the rich darkness of the dense forest
micro flashes of silken pink and yellow cream can be seen
catching the moon's light, glowing like precious gems

By day these colours dim in their translucent chambers
atop the world's most beautiful, fearless caterpillar

This tiny being boldly ventures from one leaf to another
while all others cower underneath
Its crystal spikes hide only soft, sticky goo
and it is no bigger than a fingernail

But don't be fooled by its size and raw beauty,
this bejeweled crown easily summons its strength
to move faster than the angry west winds

Its beauty comes not only from its form
but in its lion-hearted spirit and grace

This confident caterpillar lives
and surrenders to change
without the leaden shackles of fear and worry

and when the time comes
she embraces
and is transformed again
to something new.
Dec 2018 · 290
On the count of 30
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
I get excited by naps
giddy after one wine
make-up itches my face
always wake up after nine
one tea on the hour
one bath every week
two bags under the eyes
two once-perky cheeks
gardening is my ******
libraries, my *******
silence is my saucy lover
- noise equals pain
my hair is lush, healthy
because I wash it rarely
my legs are nice and smooth
because I let them grow hairy
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
And the times changed from rage to solace
to watching lilacs intensify with love

Safety of the heart has been my cure, the catalyst
and science of healing the nourishing water

And when I am safe I am every bud awakening,
the trees whisper to each other my nickname

Glass spheres of dramatic scenes spin precariously
over my head, unbroken, a beautiful dancing mobile

Beliefs of self, of life, of others, of you, I cleansed as often
as sleep and darkness calmed my mind and repaired each cell

A chapter down, a lesson learned and an expanding mind
Is all that's needed to wash away the charred residue of ego

The times evolve unseen to the naked eye, but slow,
in such the way a larvae flickers to a queen bee of gold

I had mercury and sulphur coarsing through my veins
but the oils nourished my bones while I tore at my skin

My mind grew and stretched and tightened like a wormhole,
resistance was my protection but not my mother's milk

Every step my feet were cut by shards of angry memories
but the skin calloused each time and simply smirked, bemused

I have seen the hurricane,

I have caused the avalanche,

the firestorm met me where I lay in bed at sunrise

Yet here I am.
The journey through PTSD
Dec 2018 · 172
Suppress this
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
You look at me sideways, puzzled by my anger
I breathe in the discomfort letting the sediment
fall on my memory, adding that much more weight

I haven't been asked why I'm angry yet
just denied the right to have a voice
imprisoned by my own brittle passivity
and molten fear of non-acceptance

You built the cage for me
and now I stand,
a 6-foot pillar of gold
behind bars of sand
unable to move

Anger, my dark friend in the shadows, has been patient.
He took notes when you said I was wrong
before I even got to finishing on the light I'd found,
on the excitement I found in the reaches
of my creativity, my consciousness.
Anger pinched me to bruising as I sat there,
a passive observer of grey lifeless bodies

You look at me and my anger and slam the door
in our faces, rendering us homeless, cold, starving.
He prefers patience over years, while I anxiously
pull at every eyelash, pick at every wound, shrink.

I want you to see my alabaster skin
and smile of purity
I want to show you my matted fur
and smoking breath

I want you to ask me why I'm angry.
Dec 2018 · 368
Sneaky little changes
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Let the birds feed
and the bugs burrow
allow all of life to be
Tend to your garden only to let it flourish
and watch it sing to you reciprocally

It's not just the colours that paint your vision
and soothe each thirsty soul on earth
The fruit bears witness to health and light
the sacrificial sweetness of rebirth

So let each whisper of wind cleanse,
every velvet leaf caress each fingertip
kiss Mother Nature with every inch of skin,
bow to her wise rivers and sip

Tend to your mind-garden and honor each thing
give to the earth back what it gives you
open every pore
be intimate with your origin
and welcome sneaky little changes
Dec 2018 · 262
Watch me
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
Look at me all fat from self indulgence
custard cream and chocolate pieces on my face
I barely take a breath
from my gluttony
See me swimming in a vat of cinnamon cream
Big juicy congealed bacon-fat emotions
And this little piggy is hungry

Everything you said was bad
has me spinning
Swimming in it now.
I'm flicking cheesecake at your conditioning
smearing mascarpone over my naked chest
without shame I don't
I don't have shame

Lock me up in your prison of doctrine
But I'll eat through that too eventually
Engorged in self release and painted in '**** that's'

Mousse feels good on my skin
Coats my teeth
Sherbet and berry compote in every orifice
Watch me choke on caramel
Choke on life

Laugh while I lapse into a sugar coma
And cover me in told-you-so's
While I come to,
Diving straight back in wearing only a smile
Shame from childhood experienced into adulthood
Dec 2018 · 1.8k
Spicy Digits Dec 2018
You are my lover
My only lover
Whom the world
Shows its colour
And when you need
A tasty other
I am yours to smother

You are my well-girthed king
My only king
Hotter than a thermal spring
Pull on my apron string
Undress me
And impress me
****** me with your violin

Play me like a pan flute
My lover, my brute
Stroke my ego
My resolve is dilute
And you, my broken parachute
Will be my demise

— The End —