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2.6k · Dec 2022
2.1k · Mar 2023
Warrior Spirit
SpiritHeart67 Mar 2023
I see no darkness in you.
I see only light
that the darkness
is attracted to
2.0k · Nov 2022
The Innocence of Ignorance
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2022
When a person
is in a certain state
of spiritual ignorance
They have no idea
of the audacity
of their requests
and no concept
of the abundance
of blessings
and Grace
With which they have already been bestowed.
2.0k · Oct 2022
Fate vs Destiny
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2022
I believe destiny
is about the
final destin-ation.
  Fate is about the choices you make
  along the road
   to arrive there...
And don't get me started about Free Will
1.9k · Oct 2022
Power of Divinity
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2022
They built a dam
to cut us off
from the Divine flow.
But like every dam,
if there is
enough pressure
and enough flow
and enough power
Enough energy,
first one hole
will appear,
Then another
and then another
and another
Until finally
there are so many
the wall
can no longer contain
that which it has attempted
to hold back,
And it will burst free
And it will flow again
As it once did...
1.8k · Jan 2023
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2023
What we carry within
is what the universe
reflects back to us.

And where our
attention goes
Our energy flows.

Our very redemption
is found
In that from which
We run.

The truth is not
Outside of us
But instead
is held within.
1.7k · Apr 2014
World's Cradle
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
Upon removal of the camel from my eye, I see the shell of life released across the deserts sands.
A spark, a new light of existence is ignited, from the cradle to the grave
A renewal of the Worlds life, cultivated thru evolved states of honor, respect and love
From the new cradle World will spread with a light, spread cradle to cradle    
All form is eventually set free with the breaking of the bodies simple shell, with Life's release leaving nothing lost or left behind
Yet always others must remain in stewardship to the World re-creation, the call to duty that carries the highest form of honer to be had
And what of the first of the offspring delivered to this cradled place, where beginnings have not yet been written?
With these children come the creation of a new species, born in an unknown world just re-made, each being the only of its kind in existence
The combining of this original energy forms the perfect purpose, creating the path to the heart of this place of second chances.
1.6k · Jul 2023
Stand Alone
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2023
If we are to take
full responsibility
for all of our
and actions
then that means
that the things
that we do
stand alone,
in and of

It doesn't matter who did what
what was happening
around us,
in the moment.
When we are
truly responsible
and accountable,
we do not look
to others actions
or choices
as an excuse
to justify our own.

To accept
is to take
for our own Choices,
first and foremost.

Don't expect
your neighbor
to pick his
dogs **** up
off your lawn
when you
are knee deep
in the horse
you just dumped
in his front yard.
1.6k · Sep 2023
Still Here...
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2023
No matter
what might be
going on in your life
if you are still here
you are stronger
than it...
1.5k · Jan 2024
The Deathless Death
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2024
Ego is the death
that never dies
that you ****
again and again
each day
moment to moment
with precisely honed
1.4k · Feb 2023
Starting Now
SpiritHeart67 Feb 2023
I need to start
walking my path.

I'm just
an Honest
with the best intentions,
achieving nothing

Who can't find
my own way home...
1.4k · Apr 2023
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2023
Are *****
And I find myself
With the entire species

Other times,
They do
the damnedest things,
Restoring my Faith
Just in the nic of time
1.4k · Jun 2014
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2014
Sometimes the healthiest thing you can do is admit defeat, call uncle and walk away.
1.3k · Feb 2021
SpiritHeart67 Feb 2021
I walk thru
these empty hallways,
Looking for an exit
Or a doorway
to me,
Either will do.

But instead I find
Endless corridors
I wander thru perpetually blind,
No matter how
clearly I see.

Lost in a paper bag
open at both ends
I can't seem to find
My own way home.

Written 10/2020
1.3k · Dec 2021
Go Deeper
SpiritHeart67 Dec 2021
Ask yourself a question? What is at the root of every conflict?

Go deeper.
Personal rights?
Still deeper.
Correcting error?
Keep Going.

At the most fundamental level
every conflict comes
from the inability
to understand
the other person's perspective or position
and to respect their right
to think, feel and believe
as they choose
(instead we attempt
to negate
and eliminate
these things).

Everything else,
including that listed above,
all arise
from this root cause.

Now ask yourself this.
What would the world
be like
if this root cause
of conflict did not exist?
I can't say in all honesty that I know the answer to the question that I've asked here, but I would love to hear yours in the comments!

I do know, if 100% of the beings on this planet had the ability to understand the other person's perspective or position and to respect their right to think, feel and believe as they choose,
100% of the time, there would be no need for the concept of 'Personal Rights' to even exist.

It would be a non-secretar and moot. They would not exist as a SEPARATE object because they would be the given way of life and the fundamental root cause would no longer exist.

It's a Nice Thought
1.3k · Dec 2022
Blind Sabotage
SpiritHeart67 Dec 2022
You cannot help someone escape
When they
are the one
mixing the cement
And placing the bricks
In the prison wall.
1.2k · Nov 2021
Self Imposed Peace
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2021
When you let
people places
and things
around you
be themselves
Rather than
your will
upon them,
This then,
is when
we finally
find peace.

It Feels
Really Good
  To Just
   Let Go...
1.2k · Aug 2023
It's Finite
SpiritHeart67 Aug 2023
So glad I'm free
And you no longer
affect me...
1.2k · Sep 2022
Eating With Discernment
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
He's a delightful delicacy
I wouldn't want
to eat him
all the time
1.1k · Sep 2022
Human Freedoms
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
"Everything can be taken from a man
but one thing.
The last of human freedoms
- To choose one's attitude
In any given set of circumstances,
To choose one's own way."

Victor Frankel
1.1k · May 2019
You Took It
SpiritHeart67 May 2019
I gave you my heart
My trust, my love
And you took it
And more.

You took it for granted
You took it for a given
You took it for a ride
And when it suited you,
You left it behind,
Thinking you could double back
And pick it up later.

This time when you came looking for it
It was too far gone.
1.1k · Jun 2023
New Age
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2023
We are in a new age,
not everyone
coming together,
Under One,
but everyone
coming together,
As One.
1.0k · Nov 2021
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2021
As she leaned in
the small of my neck
I felt the Blood
in my vein
Pulse forward
to meet her Lips
by the Pounding
of my Heart❤
1.0k · Jan 2021
There Are Times
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2021
In your life

There are Times
When you Create

and Times
When you
Allow for Creation...
1.0k · Apr 2014
Unanswered Prayers
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
Everyone thinks god is here to
Answer All Our Prayers
& Save Us.
God is here to help us learn to stand on our own.  
Our prayers don’t go unanswered,
they get ‘Prioritized’.

It is in those moments
that we become strong
and find god is there
to do the heavy lifting
when we need it most.
I cannot think
of a single thing
done alone
that I was not
strong enough to bare
and I know the impossible things
that would be left undone had I been carrying
the weight on my own.

No prayer is ever left unanswered;
God will always be found
in those empty places
of space
which we ourselves
cannot fill.
994 · Jan 2024
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2024
is so quick to judge
the Fallen Angels
as god did.

First of all,
Who are you
to judge others
as god does?

I got news for you baby.
Everyone here is fallen.
If you are here,
You are Fallen.

We see in others
that which we recognize
in ourselves,
Any evil
you see in me
is simply a reflection
of what is held in thee.
950 · May 2014
Self Chosen Blindness
SpiritHeart67 May 2014
I've been and am occasionally lost
in a river of self deceit
death accompanying the flow.
my self-blindness and Ignorance leave real life far behind
that which I knew gone, in the blink of an eye.

Who i am, was and meant to be
all washed away from beneath me
in a land suddenly swept clean
Those things I've hidden are finally seen.

We walk and run and hide
oblivious to the truth we've locked inside
until it smacks us on our face
puts us soundly in our place
and then we look & see
our own self created grief & misery!

Will we be aware of that before us
or choose with eyes closed,
to continue the walk in the darkness?
My Mantra - Everything I think I know may be *******!!
923 · Nov 2023
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2023
is all I ever know
And this broken
and mind
Feel like
all I've got to show.

An entire life
spent trying
to keep my head
above water,
My feet
below me
Trying to find
on solid ground,
that at this point
Seems unlikely to
be found.

Just SO
God ******
917 · Apr 2014
Our Saving Grace
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
Love is Contagious,
In-surmountable & Unstoppable.
There is no antibiotic,
no cure,
for Love.
It cannot be negotiated
or destroyed.
It Just Is.
A self-perpetuating, unending well-spring,
that when fed,
will break through every dam
and drown
all that stand before it
with it’s Never Ending,
Life Sustaining,
Saving Grace.

And to think for most of my life i’ve not believed in it’s existence - In This All Things are Possible!
896 · Jul 2014
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2014
Living in a state of unbalance,
cuz peace & rest don't serve.
Take away everything,
tackle & push me to my limits,
with my back against a wall
I will perform all my best miracles.

My saving grace is always found
while I'm walking thru the storm
Peace of mind is death,
Chaos and uncertainty create new waves.

Ask any physicist, Entropy Rules the Day.
877 · Nov 2021
Balancing The Ledger
SpiritHeart67 Nov 2021
When a thing is done
as a means to an end
Any meaning that thing
might have had,
Is ended.

Doing the right thing,
for the wrong reasons,
brings much worse calamity & destruction
Then doing a cataclismically wrong thing,
For all the right reasons.

When we do right,
with cruelty & ill intent
Lifetimes are spent
covering it up.
When we do wrong,
with pureness of heart
Lifetimes are given
to making it right.

The 1st is paid for with Blood,
The 2nd with Spirit
And both eventually come due.

The World we are living in today
Is that time...
798 · Jul 2023
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2023
You find the truth
when you look
in the places
have not.
782 · Jan 2021
That Quantum Field
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2021
if everything that is
has ever been
and ever
will be
already exists
In an all
Quantum Field

Does that mean
It's all already occured
and everything
has already passed
Before it becomes
Our present?

is our
an already existing event
We are just arriving at?

No past or future
Before or after
Just all that is
Unfurled out before us
In every
781 · Sep 2022
SpiritHeart67 Sep 2022
I'm just
An Inadvertent Traveler
On the Fabric of Time.
778 · Dec 2022
SpiritHeart67 Dec 2022
Through our pain
We are emblazend with Glory
And by the flame purified
766 · Apr 2014
The Ground Beneath My Feet
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2014
I stand step and sway
to a beat that's lost to me
in the light of the day
what once made sense
is now lost in the mix.

The ground beneath my feet is weak
trying to walk away
in a constant shifting slip

You take from me
all that was once sane
and leave me struggling to find land
where there is no possible gain.

I know what is right and true
but still you pull the ground
from beneath the foudation of my soul
727 · Feb 2023
I'd Rather
SpiritHeart67 Feb 2023
I would rather know
An honest *******
than A kind liar...
722 · Jul 2023
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2023
The truth
can never
be perceived
when looking
through the lens
of fear
713 · Jun 2021
Running Blind
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2021
The truth is,
as always,
hidden in his Silence
and in that which
he refuses to speak of...

Locked down in his mind,
Self imposed isolation
For all time.

He's running blind
Seeking Any, Every and Else Where
A Heart to match
His blank stare
He carries the void within...

and Burns Everything Else Behind.
To The Men In My Life; you know who you are...
624 · Jun 2014
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2014
Does any of it really matter, Ultimately?
Sunyata (sanscrit for duality)
Everything Matters and None of it Matters, All at the Same Time.
We're getting deep now - pull out those hip waders!  
As Popeye would say, "I am's what i am's" - haha! I like to believe it all equals out in the end. Just Sayin'
622 · Jan 2021
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2021
The light in my eyes
Is but a reflection
Of the fire
in your soul.

try not to burn me...
621 · May 2014
How I Know I'm Alive
SpiritHeart67 May 2014
Pain is the spice of life.
It's how you know you are alive.
It's what makes happiness & pleasure feel so good.
It's the Yin to my Yang.
It's not to be avoided but embraced with grace.
It's a bittersweet agony that when savored,
flavors your soul and makes us more complete & whole.
It is what rounds us out, teaches us & gives us clarity.
Without our pain, there would be no truth or joy.
610 · Oct 2021
Wisdom & Respect
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2021
I feel that this very heavy weight of wisdom
and knowledge
has been laid upon my shoulders,
most of which
I can't share with anyone.

I try to carry it with Grace
and every day
I fight the feelings
of inadequacy
and the failure
of not living up to it.

I work so hard
to be my best self
and receiving respect
and kindness
from the people
closest to me
makes me feel like maybe I'm actually becoming
a better person.

Without it
there's really no reason
for me to even be here.
582 · Apr 2024
Eternal Flame 🔥
SpiritHeart67 Apr 2024
The Weak are Martyred
The Stronge
die Slowly over Time.

It's easy to go out
in a Blaze of Glory
for a Cause.

It's much harder
to get up
and Fight the Battle
day after day
Until the Cause is Won.
580 · May 2014
This Agony
SpiritHeart67 May 2014
How will i bleed for you today
and in what way?
From which vein will my life's blood flow
as the page turns, always a new way.
How will you make me squirm?
Everyday i face, there you  stand
I'm seemingly lost with no escape plan.

Standing strong, my feet upon solid ground
echos of you sweep my steps from beneath me
and yet i know each pain inflicted
releases another injury.
My only freedom will be found
in this self allowed agony.
561 · Jul 2020
Opiate Freeway
SpiritHeart67 Jul 2020
I call it the ****** Freeway.

It seems like it's free but the exits are very hard to come by and there's always a cost for traveling it.

I give constant thanks
For the map
That set me free...
547 · Oct 2019
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2019
In The Rest Of My Life
He Needs To Be
Nothing More Than
A Distant Memory...

536 · Jan 2019
Those Beautiful Monks
SpiritHeart67 Jan 2019
I always struggled with
and did not understand
Those Buddhist Monks
insistent call to detachment.

I longed to attain
their serene, unflappable,
gently smiling

I might as well have attempted
Mt. Everest's Summit.

Until one day
It came around the corner
and swallowed all my thoughts
& grasping need,
And finally, now
I'm beginning to see.

It's not apathy
or disconnectedness
or a lack of care.

It is release
It is peace
It is a still
empty clear space
Where I can finally

The view from Mt. Everest's Peak
can't compare
to this expansive Vista
that is now unfurled
& throughout me.

I slowed enough
for it to over take
& empty me
And now I understand
Those Beautiful Monks look
of Serene Glee...
525 · Jun 2014
Climb The Mountains Abyss
SpiritHeart67 Jun 2014
This message goes out tonight to all the seekers in my life
(you know who you are)

All that beseeches you,
all that drives you,
all that you run from and towards
hold the answers you so desperately seek.

Have no more fear
but walk into the unknown
throw yourself out, over & into the abyss
and know that all you seek and need
lays at the bottom of the pit and at the top of the mountain.

Whether you choose to plummet the depths or scale the heights
you will find that which you seek, your salvation.
This is my promise to you and the truth that you hold within your heart!

Stay Awake At The Wheel and You'll Arrive In One Piece!

I Love All Of You With My Whole Heart!!

Mama T
520 · Oct 2022
The Gods
SpiritHeart67 Oct 2022
If we go back to the beginning,
we shall find
that ignorance
and fear
created the gods;
that fancy, enthusiasm,
or deceit
adorned them;
that weakness worships them;
that credulity preserves them
and that custom, respect and tyranny support them
in order to make
the blindness
of men
serve their own interests.
If the ignorance of nature
gave birth to gods,
the knowledge
of nature
is calculated
to destroy them.

- Baron D’Holbach
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