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Apr 2015 · 1.1k
I’m not bullet proof
Sometimes it hits me out of nowhere
a missile that was sent eons ago,
Breaks straight through my window
and forces its poison into my bloodstream.
O' did I saw that coming?
I swear I didn't. I pretend all day and night
that less do I know what pain feels like.
Bullets- they decorate themselves
near the skip in my steps,
the high melody in my voice.
They suddenly choke my windpipe,
with all the lies ever known in one life time.

I’m dead but somehow still alive.
If you ever get an invitation
from this reckless mind of mine,
don’t even dare think about it.
You won’t be able to swallow
even a pocketful of sunshine
in my voracious war zone.

You see, I’m not bullet proof.
I dive deep into my nasty void,
Call my own name
Over and over again
to safe myself at night.
The muscles in my body screams,
While trying to squeeze all the stars
in the universe into each of my broken cells.

                                                                       It hurts.
                                                        It hurts when you are not bullet proof.
Apr 2015 · 522
If only some words were air
If only some words were air,
          I would have breathed in all.
                         Inhale the lines into my lungs
And see how it heals the wounds
                That was forgotten in a mighty storm.
     If only some words were air,
Living this life would have been
                                    like seeing the sunset,
Like how suddenly winter remembers summer
                                          And like how I once fell in love.
Apr 2015 · 1.1k
Heaven’s Shore
Live dear soul, live.
The world will break your bones and more-
Live dear soul, live.
Don’t you lose the fight and just strive!
Some hands will crush you to the floor,
But your love breathes near heaven’s shore-
Live dear soul, live.
The Rondelet is a French form consisting of a single septet with two rhymes and one refrain:AbAabbA. The capital letters are the refrains, or repeats. The refrain is written in tetra-syllabic or dimeter and the other lines are twice as long - octasyllabic or tetrameter.
Apr 2015 · 1.6k
Poison Kisses
Like all beautiful things, love came,
Showered sweet dreams from stars above,
One day, he left without my name
Leaving me like a mourning dove.

What are vows if they are relapsed?
That’s how this heart gently collapsed.
Glass broken into sore pieces,
Lived my days in poison kisses.
A Rispetto, an Italian form of poetry, is a complete poem of two rhyme quatrains with strict meter. The meter is usually iambic tetrameter with a rhyme scheme of abab ccdd. A Heroic Rispetto is written in Iambic pentameter, usually featuring the same rhyme scheme.
Dec 2014 · 603
Falling stones
Slowly I crumble
to the vows of yesterday
now I maybe alive,
but with the pouring rain
I am falling hard
against our broken road
my home is in a secluded place
far from your reach.
Alas, you still promise,
that you will be there for me-
Without knowing where I breathe.
Nov 2014 · 776
Blank Masterpiece
Sometimes to utter the sounds
of love back as an echo hurts.
It hurts as your silence
sits at the edge of a hurricane.
Slowly swallowing every part of
your joints till you stumble in weakness.

Your agony-an unending chaos,
Like your beating heart-
Your chest rises and falls like the waves
in the midst of twilight,
as you breathe just to feel alive.
You belong nowhere,
Yet you run and bump into the wild unknowns.
Sometimes, you are like the forest fire,
adding fiery red to the tranquil greenery.
Dawns comes by quickly
in the world you live in-
where you wipe off that colorful mask
and declare you are just a blank  masterpiece.

These insecurities-defines darkness inside out.
Born with every broken nerves,
and sometimes with newly found scars.
They burn and heal from far,
as I build these high towers of mine.
You see lover, to be a wanderer
I have to spell freedom with my own breath.
So don't hold me down,
Let me fly.
Even if you can't be there
to hold me tight,
at least watch how I fall
from great heights.
Nov 2014 · 1.3k
Speck of Dust
It was like a speck of dust or maybe glitters.
Flew like fleeting birds and gave birth to crystals.
Those sparkly moments that gave perfection a new hue.
My insane mind, thinking I could have it all again.
These seconds that goes by so swiftly,
slips right through your bruised fingers
and leaves you with its lingering fragrance.
Embrace it while your soul is still alive,
for it awaits to turn into some desired memory.
Capture the dazzling beams, the flickers and twinkles.
The dashing street lights,
the sunrise in your heart,
the never ending chaos of a city life.
The sun was envious of my vibrant soul and the glitter that shined in my eyes.
Seeing the earth in fifty shades of grey, it could not bear the dullness.
Taking that as an excuse, it snatched the rays from my eyes and set the stolen light upon the surface of the vast soil.

Greenery was evident; warmth was felt by the nearby tropical trees.
But, the air around me was still and I could barely breathe nor see such boundless beauty. In silent agony,
I could only hear my daughter singing along to a Sunday morning song across the hallway.

Lying bare on the bed, I could only feel the softness of the sheets against my innocent skin,
realizing the truth that there will never come another day to see that beautiful orange sun setting in my hubby's loving eyes.
These provoking thoughts called upon trickles of tears which I had no control over.
Dawn came by silently and sat near the window pane. Slowly, almost deliberately, allowing the sun ray to seep through and hit against my skin.

I felt like screaming at my murderer, the very one that took half my life away.

Just then, I felt someone's arms gently wrapping me from behind.
Familiar touch I would say. That warmth, similar to those of the glaring sun, embraced me in silence.
Unaware was my soul of those dark black eyes that were searching for that lost smile on my expressionless face.
Till I heard, barely a whisper, carrying these few words with such tender grace,
"You were beautiful in the morning sun back in the old days, my love, when I used to stay up all night, caressing your tender body, awed by your timeless beauty. Today, you are still that ever beautiful woman I came to know. Though the rays of those stunning eyes has lost its light, you my dear, can’t be in that plight. Don’t grieve in the darkness within you, I say. For you may not know, I, your hubby surrounds you with a halo. Feel my ray of love through the veins of your sweet soul, capture it in that lost treasure box you dared not open since ages ago. The morning sun gave life to us in a way, to gift you a whole extraordinary life in a new dimension that I'm glad to say. Fear not my dear, for I'll find that vibrant ray within you, day and night, day and night, and time and again. In the remembrance of the vow, no matter comes what may, I'll always be that lost ray."

Upon hearing these words of my lover, my lips curved a smile and my soul felt at peace as it believed that, in the mere darkness I can actually see a rainbow that shines like an aurora in the northern light.
With that, two lips met again and greeted each other, Good Morning, as the sun took its flight across the big blue sky.
A poetic prose.
Nov 2014 · 668
Back in Time
Days pass by like restless flickering lights,
In the misty street you drown in thoughts.
Memories roll like a blue film,
And you breathe in and wander,
If the black holes exists.
Surely if it does,
Can it stop time?
Or bring back
Me to
And hues,
All the joy,
Were stolen gems
Which were trapped by time.
All the stars know these words.
They know my story and more,
Back in time is where I belong.
O’ vast sky, spread the message of mine.
For I truly want to be back in time.
The poetry form, Etheree, consists of 10 lines of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 syllables. Etheree can also be reversed and written 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. Get creative and write an Etheree with more than one verse, but follow suit with an inverted syllable count.

Reversed Etheree: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Double Etheree: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 10, 9, 8, 7, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Nov 2014 · 18.4k
Morning Breeze
Rustles and bustles
Of a lovely morning breeze
That shines crystal rays.
Nov 2014 · 2.6k
Misty Trails
like such
flies towards
the secret moon
and leaves star dust in its misty blue trails.
Tetractys, a poetic form invented by Ray Stebbing, consists of at least 5 lines of 1, 2, 3, 4, 10syllables (total of 20). Tetractys can be written with more than one verse, but must follow suit with an inverted syllable count. Tetractys can also bereversed and written 10, 4, 3, 2, 1.

Double Tetractys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1

Triple Tetractys: 1, 2, 3, 4, 10, 10, 4, 3, 2, 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 10

and so on.

"Euclid, the mathematician of classical times, considered the number series 1, 2, 3, 4 to have mystical significance because its sum is 10, so he dignified it with a name of its own - Tetractys. The tetractys could be Britain's answer to the haiku. Its challenge is to express a complete thought, profound or comic, witty or wise, within the narrow compass of twenty syllables." - Ray Stebbing
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
A New Beginning
Burst of fireworks and a new dawn jumps
On my lap and embraces me.
Birds chirping and trees swishing
Along a fresh path to
A lovely journey.
Excited heart
Can’t wait to
Dance and
A nonet has nine lines. The first line has nine syllables, the second line eight syllables, the third line seven syllables, etc... until line nine finishes with one syllable. It can be on any subject and rhyming is optional.

line 1 - 9 syllables
line 2 - 8 syllables
line 3 - 7 syllables
line 4 - 6 syllables
line 5 - 5 syllables
line 6 - 4 syllables
line 7 - 3 syllables
line 8 - 2 syllables
line 9 - 1 syllables
Nov 2014 · 3.7k
Exploding Hues
my paintbrush
moves from here
   to the

Galaxies explode,
and recreate art.
The Septolet is a poem consisting of seven lines containing fourteen words with a break in between the two parts. Both parts deal with the same thought and create a picture.
Nov 2014 · 2.6k
Mighty Quest
Hues and mist raved through the storm and found me.
Little did the waves know that my soul was not free.

My heart became her starry night till now,
World's chaos challenged the brave and left with a vow.

O' beloved, understand that life is not here to thrash you,
but is those chances given to the moments to build your tomb.
Your places are both in the roots and buds where you bloom.
So when love comes along and asks why, say bliss at rare times paints itself blue.

A hypnotizing halo of life breathing in the darkest grave.
Upon your grace, my trails become my slave,
As I command my footprints to bring me far.

A knight I become and my quest is to save.
Even when you turn into those stars-
My oath still remains to erase all your scars.
Divino Sonetto-

This poetry form was presented by the part Italian poet Divena Collins. It follows the Italian 8/6 pattern, but her Scottish upbringing makes a statement with the sestet, and a much different tempo. Here is the pattern;
a. a. b. b. . . c. d. d. c. . . e. e. f. . . e. f. f.
or .a. a. b. b. . . c. d. d. c. . . e. e. f. . . e. g. g.
Nov 2014 · 1.8k
My dear, hear me out
They may shake you to the ground
But you own arms of a sword.

Strength to just dive in
Enough to rise above all
For every dent you soar high.
The Sedoka is an unrhymed poem made up of two three-line katauta with the following syllable counts: 5/7/7, 5/7/7. A Sedoka, pair of katauta as a single poem, may address the same subject from differing perspectives.

A katauta is an unrhymed three-line poem the following syllable counts: 5/7/7.
Oct 2014 · 806
Black Lashes
Many nights have passed
                       in deep slumber,
O’ how I missed my muse
        that came alive in sheer darkness.
Wide eyes of hers-
            black lashes that
slowly unwrapped themselves
              from one another
and became the flicker
       of a distant fire in the woods.
Tonight, I am finally awake-
           to witness how the
crescent moon waits silently
           for her starry poetry
before the world spins again.
          Truly, hours of darkness
made their home
            on her soft skin.

O’ beloved, the way you became the night
        and how the dusk
embraced you
       along the arches of your collarbones-
left this soul gasping for more.

My mind formed many more verses,
      To sing to you-
For I have finally found you-
          Amidst the thousand lost stars.
Nocturne- a poetry that deals with the theme of the night.
Oct 2014 · 1.7k
Just a leaf
Leaf, one of us, on our own,
Seeking for the pure truth in the horizon,
Drifting in the vast ocean,
They said the world is round,
I believe those mortals,
For they believe mocking death.
I see the light, do you?
If darkness ever dares to steal your soul,
You have my ripples to navigate you.
I am just a leaf, on my journey.
Tracking every sunset, now and then,
Blades of my leaf feel weary.
Oh dear friend, I am in search of you,
If I ever cross path with your ripples,
I’ll own you to be my one and only.
I look like a miniature boat, made out of frail veins,
Maybe you can take a ride on me someday.
For it is strong enough to embrace you.
You will see whales and seagulls,
Creatures you only dreamt of.
Live the journey with me, my friend,
I shall not let you drown, I promise.
I will only captivate you with the art of this world,
Stories of our forefathers,
The endless love from the creator for his creations.
Come; relish this journey to the horizon!
Oct 2014 · 593
~Words have Left its Home~
Words have left its home,
Wonder where my story has headed to,
For today I have no poetry that rhymes.
Opened a treasure box after midnight,
Eyes of mine swelled in tears.
I read the vows and wishes of the past,
Reminisced what history had left me with.

With trembling hands and veins that felt electrocuted,
I still relived flashes of images, familiar between two souls.
You dare to sketch your own grave now,
With my desired wooden swing near your lost soul,
Strings of joy had vanished into your arms for now.
Will I ever revive them into my very own, I might ask.
Doubts of future overwhelms me,
So does what will be and not to be.

You are a pure soul to me,
I don’t understand your defense, don’t think I ever will.
For I have only written your blemishes in the sea shore,
Where the distant waves crashes in and washes them away.
The cravings of your big heart is in mine,
Where it shall remain,
If you ever want to find yourself,
Don’t you look further than the gift within your every breath.

You will find it within your divine smile,
The very light you have given to me.
Words have dried up tonight my love,
How can anyone give nothing yet have given everything?
I can’t sing a melody,
Yet you have heard my rhythm.
Did not miss on a single beat,
I wonder if that is the very reason of your presence.
Tonight I am out of my mind,
It is incinerating the life out of me.

The line before and after shall have no resemblance to one another.
For each line is picked out from an exotic memory.
Call it a prose or a message of a restless heart,
Tonight the lover of words does not care its worth.
I have called you in many names,
I have come to know you in various forms.
The giver, the lover, the fighter, the dreamer.

Whatever you maybe now or tomorrow,
Keep my love with you in your endless journey.
And grow; grow my love out of this filthy world.
It has nothing much to offer you,
So find your own freedom in the only truth.
My voice is your voice,
Use them, keep your morals glowing.

I may not be seeing your every step,
Nonetheless, my smile is immortal in this voyage.
It shall hug your smile every time it collides.
My ramblings are long when I have no directions,
Bear with me as I end my plight soon.
I love you are words that are scarce,
They always have been.
They are just words imprinted on screens or papers,
My love is like nature,
Wherever you go, it shall invite itself to you.
Waiting for you to touch them,
Feel them,
Hear them,
Emphasize the wilderness.

You won’t need presence of this old lover,
To remind you of those etched memory.
I shall strum on an old guitar maybe,
And someday get lucky to have a ring.
That ring of life they say,
The one where they live happily ever after,
I will meet you there, I am sure.
Till then, capture my loving solitude within yourself,
As my smile fades into yours in this spiteful night.
Oct 2014 · 6.6k
Dew Drops
Greenery, O you beautiful thing, barely visible in the wake of early dawn.
Amidst the darkness,dew drops form across your petals.
Sometimes visible like crystals at my lawn.
I look through you, the ray has hit your window,
As I try to grasp the details you reflect like a mirror,
You perish upon my gentle touch,
And here I thought you would turn into gold.
Oh my, I sure am getting old.
Searching for answers within the dew drops of the early dawn,
Knowing everyone just started to yawn,
And lift their sleepy heads,
Here I am standing,wondering where do these dew drops lead to.
Dew drops,you are like ripples of tiny bubbles,
But sometimes,I feel you are the tear drops that fall from the eyes of my own.
And sometimes,I think you are the drops of love from the vast ocean,
Endless,with no edges or corners,
Perfect in your own solitude.
Oct 2014 · 24.1k
Fleeting Moments
Some fleeting moments pass by-
             like golden hues
                     carrying magic
that is only felt
              when all comes to an end.
Oct 2014 · 6.1k
Strange Chaos
I want to be tied
     like a knot or a bow tie,
             entwined and embraced-
in the midst of a strange chaos
          where I shall find myself again.
Oct 2014 · 832
Reality's Charm
Bewitched under reality's charm,
Never dreamt how it shall one day harm.
What was then,are not those now.
Lovers bloomed-beneath the icy flow
Fingers entwined,twitching the air
Abrupt happiness,they never stay.
Feel deep within,they always say.

What if they knew empty spaces-
Was this heart's only sweet escape.
Come close enough
And you shall see how-
Yesterday's flower wilted like a distant memory.
Lips tremble as they form your name,
The last strength to embrace-
Faded stars and footprints of grace.

Tell me someday,dreamers we all were-
To rebuild a broken landscape.
Spilled colors on that pale canvas-
Magic takes time-and there-
Fixed with the vow of tomorrow.
And here,I am home again.
Oct 2014 · 645
No reason.
Twenty six alphabets swirling around
but this soul only has twenty four hours to wander.
Thousands of words
and there is only one of me,
deciding which word should sit next
to the other stranger.
So that it makes sense
to give the whole stanza a reason.
To let it sing a melody
but it just sits there
staring blandly at endless dreamers,
wondering if they would understand
the reason why these words
were stringed next to one another.
Or if they would give up
thinking the poet must have been
some clever mastermind
and the whole art piece needs to
be re-examined word by word.
Decoding each line
that unveils itself and
gives a whole new meaning
of it's existence.
Then again, what if I told you
As you read this
That there is no reason
To my creation.
There is no rhyme or rhythm
No rules that can set these words on fire.

What if I told you, I exist for no reason?
I am not governed by an external force
That is in need to tell a story
Or deprived of a reason to live
Or just to breathe.
Just like how the falling autumn leaves
Falls from its old roots-
Without needing a reason to fall
Without anyone telling - its time is over.

Surely words were created for a reason,
To converse with impalpable creatures,
But words didn't ask for it
It didn't plead to have a reason for its survival
In the lonely throats of the dead.
But the universe came together
And did it anyway.

So today, the warrior words formed together,
In a battle that was long forgotten,
In silence, when it was once thrown into every page,
Forced into the mouths of the filth
And sometimes the lovers
To create romance and never endings.

Today, the words stand here tall
Within the screens and papers
In bold it speaks-
That it holds no reason,
It does not take the blame for the hurting
Nor for the joy of the fresh bonfire
in cold winter.

It stands tall for its own victory-
In its own reality.
For no reason or rhyme,
For it was only meant for those
Built with sovereignty,
Who knew words were only meant to be free.
It belonged to nobody, nor will it ever.
And with no reason,
All the words in the world,
Cease to end right here.
Oct 2014 · 862
Lover's Light
Attempts to quell
sorrow's raging drake,
We met again hoping peace would follow,
But pain crept in still whilst you're awake,
Leaving you once again agonizingly hollow,
With slumber eyes I then wake to see,
My lover reject and doubting me,
However I know with sorrow you do not agree,
And somewhere in there you wish to be free,
Of suffering's grip that's tight on your heart,
I want to help rid you of this pain,
But hopeless once more I know not where to start,
Right now I can but remind you again,
That I love you and hoping it pierces that heart,
Times may come of these rancid pains,
But I beg you beloved not to buckle and fall apart,
For if you don't fight sorrow's rancid rain,
And don't push it all away with an iron guard,
We'll find ourselves in tears, hate and pain,
Where we'll have to restart,
Taking repeated trips down memory lane,
Hearing battles of pain and peace's bards,
Go head to head forever in vain,
So I ask you again my lover so true,
Don't give up, don't give in til our time is due,
Fight that pain fight rain when you're feeling blue,
And remember nothing but these words for you,
What is it you ask?Nothing old yet not new,
These three words that is 'I Love You'.
Oct 2014 · 7.7k
A wanderer of stardust
A wanderer of stardust like no other, does not ask why,
The mountain dew don’t weep nor cry.
Transparent and pure in its own plight,
Some phenomenon just shines that bright.
Just like the rainbow in the sky.

A lost traveler with a bow tie,
Remember your strength as you scrape by.
The battle goes on and you are the only knight.
A wanderer of stardust like no other.

True love is vast as the blue sky,
Even if the enemies deny.
You keep your armor on and fight.
Till the end of twelfth night-
For you know heaven is nearby.
A wanderer of stardust like no other.
Rondeau consists of three stanzas, a quintet (5 lines), a quatrain (4 lines) and a sestet (6 lines), giving a total of 15 lines.
The first phrase of the first line usually sets the refrain R it is admissible to use the whole line used as the refrain.
The rhyme scheme is: R. a. a. b. b. a .... a. a. b. R. .... a. a. b. b. a. R.
Oct 2014 · 590
Constellation of Days
A voracious world indeed they say. And it will be all black, white or grey; but I wouldn't dare to dream a rainbow in one lifetime. How many are there anyway? In one life time? Three? Four?
Maybe a couple more if you have swallowed hundred galleon liters of freedom in one breath; and are on a roller coaster that goes chasing all the sunshine the only star can offer to shine.

One lifetime- how long is it really? Not long enough to imagine yourself as a majestic monolith, standing tall among the great Stone Age. Yet, this heart demands to dream, even if some dreams can be shady. There are still many people left in this world who have a desire for darkness to envelop them and show them how shattered pieces flow in the stream of blood and tears.

Oblivion serves as a savior to those who fear to know the secret, to swallow the truth. The truth is that all the days are consuming us. It is a lunatic who is eating up our seconds and whispering to the howling wind- 'it's time to go'. And sometimes, it stabs you with a frail cold voice; 'there is no time at all'. There is indeed a tragic flaw somewhere within the starlight and the constellations of stardust. For if it wasn't for time, life wouldn't be against us, it would be with us. Alas, we are just outnumbered with the help of passing days and seconds becomes our last breath, our last definition of living.

See, love isn't lascivious and neither is life. It stands on its own meaning, nothing more, and nothing less. Love is part of life and life gave itself to its contagious intoxicant and blended to become one. Thus, sometimes you wouldn't know how to differentiate from the greater good. Evil isn't it? You ask, 'Where the dark dreamscapes went to?' There are many that solely fathom darkness. There are souls who don't surround themselves with such secrets. They are familiar with death even though they are alive. They die while living. A malevolent disease some would say. It is truly not always about the angels.

Sometimes is about the survivors. The dreamers who are warriors; they shed blood within them and sell dreams in the corner of their bizarre mind. A short life and the survivors say- it still a good life my friend.
They fought those combats in the same battle each day, to the extent that the war itself became void. Then suddenly, they remember, the sky above- looks up and a pinch of star dust falls upon their eyes. Hope revealed itself and once again they believed in something. Something can be anything. It can be vague as these words or as mysterious as death. Nonetheless that was all they needed to bring back a meaning to a moment.

Conclusion; A life tucked into a bottle of stolen stars- usually named as days by those simply breathing. The living, the dead, the survivors, the warriors, the dreamers and the ones that despise life itself- they have one thing in common. They all believe that the stars hold a reason. A reason that tells them that there might be one more day. One more day to believe in all the constellations of secrets in this universe. One more day to dance with the fallen poetry that sings from one tree to another. One more day to be under the shadow of the branches and let the wind rearrange the twigs onto the bodies that is so afraid to live. The chances are that the rainbows will not shine on your death bed, not all the stars would remember your name and the trails you have left will remain hidden. But those who dared to breathe in pain and still believed in love, those will be remembered deeply if not widely. And that is one life for you- merely a constellation of days.
A poetic prose.
Oct 2014 · 1.5k
Misty Illusion
Slithering shadows
Once born under those elm-trees,
A forgotten afternoon breeze -
Left the sight of the dreamer
Alas, time froze at dusk,
Capturing fog in its embrace
The long search for mysteries
And voices of the dead
Took its last flight
O’ wind chimes in the distance cliff,
You stole my summer away.
A body at this instant halted by
Some darkened days-
Caged behind the worldly tethers,
Wishing upon shackled feathers,
To let the wind unravel
These locks and chains.
For do you not see,
This dove doesn't want to stay?
Living with delicate truths
These simple unadorned quills,
Entangled by poisoned clouds -
Her soul wants to flee
Perhaps a petty twig she is
On a secret hill
But to be free is her only plea.
Oct 2014 · 804
Made of Dust.
Hush now, the calm breeze whispered,
And ripples twirled on the stagnant sea.
The surviving boat stands in the mist.
So does a traveler on it.
Almost a shadow,
A mere existence of wanderlust,
There is only one God,
He repeats under his breath,
Like a mantra,
As it slowly polishes his rusted heart.

The sun lost its horizon
And dives in the heart of-
A lover.
Leaving darkness with hope.

The traveler knows,
His soul was made for prayer.
That the eternal bliss waits
With light and freedom.

O’ beloved, you are not just a dust in this universe.
For we all may be made out of soil,
The lord still takes you as his friend.

Death-is an inevitable sweet escape.
That was told.
An open secret,
Known to all
Yet, he is alone.
Rest has ran away from their graves,
Even if the sky formed celestial waves,
They won’t be saved.

My signs lie in your silence,
When you utter a word.
I flow like the stream,
Of your solid dreams.
Know me, my lover,
For I am near.
Nearer than your jugular veins
If only you felt me.

All the fallen stars in this ocean
Now knows what is within him.
The boat that keeps him afloat
Understands its companion
Lives with insanity
For no one talks in his sleep
So passionately.

Everything is alive,
Living and breathing
With your heartbeat
A constant hint-
Trying to capture your senses,
For your love is its only desire.
Oct 2014 · 1.9k
The Lonely Dice
The only truth of this moment,
That the dice is left alone.
Blue, red and white in one row,
A puzzle yet to be known.
Some colors are left to -
Wander in a black and white world.

Warmth can be found
In the corner of
Your little space-
The only bitter escape
Alas, your eyes is still flooded
With an unknown storm set on fire.

Hands frozen with reality,
Faded dreams and life’s brutality.
Coldness has seeped through
The four walls and ground,
Slowly making its way to the window,
Trying to toss your
Helpless sorrow to its home.

But for now, the lonely dice
Still waits for your embrace
For is lost without you.
The color is living
In its own chaos without your touch.
It silently pleads and whispers,
‘Little girl, please don’t drown
In agony without tasting the rainbow.”
Oct 2014 · 570
Bleeding Pain
rose blooms
from a heart
that keeps bleeding

knows not
of the scars
that hides blessings

and truth
will always
guide the broken
single: The Lanturne is a five-line verse shaped like a Japanese lantern with a syllabic pattern of one, two, three, four, one.

string: consists of two or more five-line verses shaped like a Japanese lantern with a syllabic pattern of 1, 2, 3, 4, 1; 1, 2, 3, 4, 1; 1, 2, 3, 4, 1; and so on.
The poem should be centered.
Oct 2014 · 7.2k
Glorious Greenery
Green the color of nature’s birth.
Life revolved around these hues.
O’ lover, come out here and smell the dewy grass!
Remember the times we lay under the vast sky?
In the midst of summer days,
Our names were carved in the clouds.
Unbroken and unheard, we were whole.
Sweet escape to the beautiful world!

Goodness in nature is a celebration.
Running free in the valleys and hills creates joy!
Enchanted by the rainbow after the rain,
Embraced the love and letting go of pain.
Numerous plants and countless fragrances,
Enraptured are my senses.
Remember those glorious days?
Young and wild, our lives revolved around those trees.
Acrostic poem about nature.
Oct 2014 · 884
~Empty Land, Eternal Sky~
In pitch darkness, my soul lingers restlessly,
I vanish within your infinite sky.
Endless in your beauty,
As you accept me almost instantly.
I sleep here bare, motionless.
Just an empty land on this planet,
I try to reach you,
To feel the warmth of cherry-red you display,

Sunset has reached the city of troy,
Bursting into life with such joy!
And here I am in my moments of solitude,
Nothing more than appalling dirt.
I can smell the violets blooming across the distant field,
But you are too far to experience this intoxicating moment.
I wonder if I can ever reach you,
Or even just feel you for a brief moment.
I attempt through the night,
I build a giant tower on this empty land,
And try to climb up to you.
But O darling, I fail again and again,
Like I did once before.
I have an old torch in my hand.
Using its divine light to find your hidden stars,
Knowing you have more than treasures to give.

Soon, the night silently welcomes the break of dawn,
The willow tree that grows in the depths of my soil
Whispers that now is the time.
I anticipate this moment the most,
Where we meet at the horizon once more,
An eternal bond of you and I.*
Oct 2014 · 474
Art of Destruction
When tears drown you down
Do not let sadness escape
Make art with the pain
Destruction shall be your muse
Till you rise above the sea.
Tanka is a classic form of Japanese poetry related to the haiku with five unrhymed lines of five, seven, five, seven, and seven syllables. (5, 7, 5, 7, 7)
Oct 2014 · 1.1k
Arcane Science of Drowning
No one knows
The arcane science of drowning-
Drowning deep in love.
Alas, at times thoughts itself,
Becomes a rapid fire,
Burning the nerves-
Of your frozen illusion,
And you try so hard
To join the dancing dots together-
Yet, a new dawn starts with-
An irascible response,
To an unfair universe.
O dear life, you were made
To break and built.
For my existence to still prevail.
Someday, unveil my sorrow,
And see how my ship has sailed.
Oct 2014 · 629
Celestial Hues
Fiery red and mystical ocean blue,
Hidden city dreams and some lonely nights
Then an outburst of abstract purple hue
When all the cosmos crafts an art so bright
A magic will be born and hold you tight.
Secret aura like such seeks your rare love.
No doubt, it knows your heart, the unheard plight.
Let the dew grip the stardust from above,
Flow with this old voyage till is anew.
And let all the colors dance just for you.
Oct 2014 · 575
Lessons learnt through
narrow spaces.
Some widened themselves
to give your soul
some freedom.
Others ****** every
ounce of joy
and squeezed your bones
till numbness was all you felt.


You searched for it,
all over your backyard
and then chased for it
in all the wrong places.
If only my dear, you knew-
The most spacious place
was in that beating heart of yours.
You didn't have to be on your knees
begging for a space in his heart.
You didn't have to be in his flesh
if it was made out of deception
and too many masks to count.
You are a galaxy on your own,
you own the stars,
you do not need another shining light
to flee from the darkness.
You need the darkness
to understand your own space sometimes.
You are an endless space yourself,
if only you allow yourself to be.

The cosmos will shiver at your liberation.
But first, own your space,
which is within you.
And when you find yourself,
do go in depths of all those dreams
you had for years,
Fall in love with your soul
and realize, that it has always left a space for you.

Oct 2014 · 685
Secrets of a Twinkle
Define the edges of a mystical twinkle
That speaks of truth.
An aura that dances in darkness,
And embraces you with its secrets,
While the supernova twirls around
And surprises you with its vengeance.
It is an unfair world,
But when you look up,
It is a magical place.
Where dreams dances,
And horizons gives birth to new meanings.
Sep 2014 · 388
Lost and Found
Hollow is a part of
This filled heart-
That hears the howling wind
From distance as far as the horizon.
No doubt the humidity
In this stranded desert-
No sign of the dead-
Nor the living.
I am a heroine
Of my own story-
Haunted by my own mind.
Right hand clutched above
My beating heart.
A silent prayer to
Be found from the lost
Was made.
And then came a time
I believed in silver lining-
When a horse made with purity
Came to rescue me.
I knew where I was going-
I was going home-
Where I'd be held,
by beloved's hands-
once again.
Sep 2014 · 861
Orchestra of My Heart
Here is the big bang!
This orchestra of my heart-
Screams out the supernova in me
Listen,to this rage!
The thirst to reach the stars.
I'm rolling in depths of my own thoughts
Deep,very deep into that rustic hall,
Decorated with pieces of delicate rubies,
The very pieces of gems straight from my heart.

My eyes blinks for a second,
While the pages flips to the next,
Fire of desire-burning the path of my dream away-
Burning that hall away in the center of my mind.
No no,did you say revenge?
This is no ordinary war.
Is a journey from the heart to the mind,
And the mind to the heart-the only shooting range.
The only territory of a daily struggle.
Is the orchestra of my heart,
How can I retreat in disarray?

Time is like rapids we all walk on,
So slippery,that I can barely embrace it
This sweetness so addictive,
I run and run..trying to chase it.
Feeling intoxicated from this deception.
Where am I running to in this world?
I wondered till I bumped into that dead end.
After many days of venturing through every cracks,
And each corners of this illusion.

I believed in darkness.
I believed in the light that comes after it.
I believed in the unknown.
Then I believed every trail I left on this fragile world-
Was trying to connect its dots in the paradise above.
I finally believed I was finding my way home.
For I am not a deception.
I am real.
This orchestra in my heart you hear-
Is a miracle and I am-
living that miracle with
the biggest bang you have ever heard of.
Sep 2014 · 476
Each strand of hair,
Entwined with memories
Some wither with poison-
Others reborn as flaming flowers.
With roots towards the sun,
Hunger for light-
A need for gravity,
To piece all the-
Truth and warmth,
From a ruthless battle.
Dear fierce fire,
The fight is over.

What verse shall the silent poet utter?
Fingers tapping along the edge
Of a beautiful beast-
O' you, the lost one
Wandering through the gravel road
Fogs and mist
They know you are cold
Less that is known,
Is that you are never alone.

The sky has reached earth
Shattering into crystals
You walk upon a mirror
And have forgotten the dust,the soil.

Breathing slowly into her,
An existence that melts into poetry
A madness like no other-
Of a restless soul
That sees nothing but ecstasy.
An expression that knows no boundary.

Another splash onto that canvas
I see blood, you see vast ocean.
Alas, we both know-
Some love creeps out
From the darkest place,
They swell, they strive-
And suddenly they know not-
How to stop.

Dreamscape; a precious illusion,
Art of the divine-
Alive and twirling,
Adventure brewing silently
Seeping potion of magic-
Into her eyes.

They- the wanderer of the world
She- the lover of life
You-the noble lost soul,
Running in circle-
In this cryptic dream.
I -the silent poet-
The creator of this voyage.
Sep 2014 · 1.1k
Summer comes, Summer goes.
The cracks in the ground,
Captured the old foot prints,
And in return spelled,
Farewell under my sole.
Soliloquies of a wanderer,
Thoughts repeating like a mantra.
Summer comes, summer goes-
I hid behind those hills,
Between the valleys,
Yelled at the peak,
None heard my plea.

My soul desires to blend,
In your gravel made road.
Would you keep me for every summer?
For summer comes, summer goes.
If you let me go,
Who knows when the next time will arrive,
For this wanderer to ever return -
And taste the joy of another sweet escape?

The loyal breeze promises me,
The best is yet to be seen.
I heard the poets write of love,
Within the trails of your palace.
Nature is a beautiful chaos,
Of an unknown universe
And so is poetry.

I walk and chase each and every sunsets,
Without the night wearing me out.
But summer comes, summer goes.

Lust remains to touch the arches of your mountains,
Feel the shade of gold and green.
Swim in the reflection of the milky blue sky,
I’m with strangers,
But with you, I am with no one.

I dream, I dwell and swim in your intoxication,
I breathe in the smell of fresh fire wood.
Hear the cracking of twigs under my feet,
And dance with the evening mist.
Faith will be my grace,
With which I will caress your beauty,
And praise the one above.
For He has given life to lush greenery,
To every waves, ripples and sun beams.

You have become my summer,
I hold your ray in my right,
And your crystal magic on the other,
Summer, look what I have become for you.
A fire ball made of your celestial hues.
Sep 2014 · 465
Crystallized Flame
Bare feet tiptoed on the mellow ice of life,
I shiver in the crucifying frost bite.
But I'm alive like an immortal candle.
I told them twice not to put a price,
For I'm worth more than their burning flames.

I remember the enemies' attempt to turn me into dust.
Alas, they know not of my hidden soul,
And that I am more than just flesh and bones.

I am like a pressed white rose.
Who traveled miles from city to city,
Leaving trails like crystallized flames.
I once fell into the depth of an unknown well,
But I revived. I survived.
Most importantly, I loved.

As I walk along a cryptic path,
on a journey that seems like my very own,
I shall whistle a melody in your way.
Thus when I do reach your shore,
do take note and open the door.

Hoping soon you will treasure
The auburn aura that I shine
My body made with pure crystals
and the light lingers within my soul.
A flame of eternity that vows,
It shall tarnish all your sorrows.

My words sigh for pure love,
That only your fingertips can paint.
Return to me at the end of my day,
I'm waiting on this mellow ice of life,
But I'm still alive.
Sep 2014 · 303
Past,Present and Future.
A second before, you whispered melodies of love,
A second after, you knelt down on your knees,
A second in between, you asked me to look above, and count the endless light years.

A second before, you were my friend so dear,
A second after, we were too close,too near,
A second in between, you asked me what I foresee through the night sky.

A second before, I dared not to dream,
A second after, you made me fly to the sky so high.
A second in between, you captured my timeless beauty.

A second before, you loved me,
A second after, I loved you.
A second in between, we loved each other.

Through these boundless time line,
Where I measure love in seconds,
Where I see the past in light years
Where I grow with you like a beautiful dove,
Where I place my heart in your heavens-

A second before, a second after,
And the sum of all the seconds in between,
You are my happily ever after♥
Sep 2014 · 381
~Garden of Abundance~
The petals of my garden,
wither one by one,
And gently place their rosy cheeks upon my warm soil.
O' Lovely rose, I have eyed you for so long,
Now you are finally home.
I have collected your beauty in pieces,
Spread you across my vast green heart.

I look above,
I see a new bud taking your old home though,
It makes me wonder,
Why she looks similar to you.
Her fragrance gets stronger and stronger as she blooms,
But you my dear,
Seem to disappear, day by day.
How do I revive you from this vulnerable state,
Tell me,you beautiful thing.

Soon came the day you perished within my soul,
This time, I see you again from where I dwell.
There you are, swaying in midair,
Like a maiden, blending perfectly with the sunlit sky,
As rosy as ever, with redness that swells from within.
I can almost taste you.
As you embrace your new life,
My love awaits your arrival, once more ♥.
Cherish my love, for it shall never fade
Hidden beneath the ocean floors I lay
Entrust your charms under my heartfelt shade
I know memories fade to duller grey

Fear engulfs the edges of your tough veins
Adorned my soul with treasures from above
Your melody freed my soul from remains
I will pair my wings like the mourning dove

Vanished, perished without a single trace
Where have you gone I ask a dozen times
The lilies shall bloom again with your grace
Two souls shall reunite with no rhythm or chimes

This eternal summer shall revive life
Winter flowers shall bless me as your wife
Sep 2014 · 434
Secret of Your Fingertips
Love to the edge of your fingertips,
for that is how far you can really go
while your feet are on solid ground.
Your eyes closed,
hold yourself really close.
Don't lose yourself to the starry darkness.

My voice unheard of,
just a script in your vision.
But I am so much more.

Mortals will pour magical dust of love
on the tip of your poems,
and leave when they must.
Still keep yourself whole,
and remember them as muses, not enemies.

Even sorrow gives you a tangible vow
that tomorrow it shall vanish
away from your vulnerable soul.

Believe in your own touch,
the way euphoria pours out of your hues.
Collide with love and feel
how exotic it is when cracks of your
drunken heart start flying again.

You are free now,
more than ever
with the touch of your fingertips,
when you dare to press your
truthful ink onto my page.

O' beloved, my gratitude burns
like an immortal flame,
for trusting me with
your treasured words.

These pages keep secret of
your fingerprints all over
on their surface
and deep within.

Though at times your words are cryptic,
their touch is unforgettable.
I keep you in my legendary frame,
in between the lines that I am made of,
and secretly promise to live by your name.
Sep 2014 · 345
Immortal the Deep~
A tantalizing flame
She stirs up your senses
Immortal she calls her soulful words-
From deep within the secret vault,
take a dive five hundred fathoms down,
Or maybe even further,
And admire the corals,
Not just the vague foam
That forms at the top.

Hear the mermaid singing,
Across the silent world
Immortal become her second role
When emotions becomes her muse.
Re-read her love a dozen times,
And take twelve variations of her art.
Taste her passion not once,
For in the second bite
she is even sweeter.

If you reached the end of this eternity
Then welcome to her ocean of words,
Immortal-the deep;
She shall take you by your hand
into the world where there is no end.
Sep 2014 · 525
Love like such can be spiteful.
When it twist the joints
In your very bones
And molds them into one
Plunges right into your rib cage
And pierces your heart out.
Spitting on your face
Calling it a sweet revenge


Love like such is a deception.
Never did it give any right
To any lover to deceive
And commit ******
And say evil is justice.

‘I love you’

If only you knew what it meant.


I type these endless rambles
From one comma to another
My thoughts ponder
And travel to a faraway land
Where stardust becomes my muse
And I wonder if love on its own means justice
If love didn't need dozen of lawyers
To justify its worth

‘I love you’

Simply means infinite.
With countless possibilities
With narrow escape from lies
And one step closer to loyalty


Love is you and me.
The moment I say, ‘I’ – I pause and give myself to you,
Then I whisper, ‘Love’ and place my life in it
Then finally, all of it comes to ‘YOU’


And hope is all that is ever left.
Sep 2014 · 370
~Shore to the Moon~
Trembling feet in the depths of this cold sand,
Moist and tender just like this lover’s dream.
Distant waves crashes in and kisses my shore.
An abandoned boat of life near the fore,
My solitude moment waits for another journey.

Ripples of your image comes and goes,
An unknown memory that was lost long ago.
Comes and goes just like these distant waves.
It’s never ending melody leaving me breathless.

The enchanting moon has risen over the horizon,
Your face carved dreamily on its sphere.
Splashes its magical aura onto my page of work;
Pure and clear as a beached shell.

I listen to the low and high tide,
Hoping to hear you breathe into my soul,
Then its softness drowns,
In the warning cry of a baby seagull,
Lurching on the bars of waves;
Lost and stretched across the sound.

Each breaker’s damp reaches my fingertips,
Pillowed by the rocks,
My mouth tries to whisper your name.
Alas, the evil wind drives my words elsewhere.

Selfish waves just keep its lust alive,
Kissing the shore, indulged in its own fantasy,
Drowns the name of my love with its hunger,
What a futile effort of mine I wonder.
Every grain of sand is wild tonight,
You stand before me;
Yet my touch reminisces in its plight.
Surely I shall not give up this endless fight.

I am getting old with these broken seashells and stains.
Heart of mine is like a mask in twilight,
Shadow of my love is embezzled by the waves.
Oh dear Moon, you gaze upon with such passion,
Take this chance and cross the vast ocean.

Helpless shore in the midst of dimness,
Run to me from your horizon.
Blend with me with your splendor,
If only you could make these waves dissolve in mid-air.
Then a reunion it shall be called once more.
Sep 2014 · 518
~The Unheard Four Walls~
Fire place burnt till the wee hours of silence,
Familiar red hot cinders, crackling fire diminished.
O little Maiden, my unheard voice is whispering to you.
People believe walls have no hearts,
Yet I feel your pure silent pain.

Sword in one hand, knife blade on the other,
You must be an unknown warrior.
Your dancing shadow tells me your story,
I embrace them within these four walls,
Exactly how they capture portraits in halls.

When you ponder over life near my blessed window,
Mister spider sometimes enjoins you in goodness.
You gaze at the night sky, filled with celestial bodies.
Tonight, the candle wax turns red in your blood.
Once again, I whisper the word "endure" in your ears.

You lie down restlessly in that cosy bed,
Then you stare right through me.
With a blink or two,
You paint poetry with those mysterious eyes.
I get mesmerized instantly as I dissolve in your storm.

Scattered grey words everywhere,
Save me, forgive me, love forgotten,
Poignant, motionless, catastrophe,
Beloved, mortals, eternity,
And I can’t reminisce what else.

Soft morning rays diminished the daunting night,
I wait for your true love to break me down,
Brick by brick.
For I vowed your future shall not be bleak,
You have to see the horizon, least take a peek.

Kept you long in these four walls,
Fallen in love with your divine soul.
Now it is time for you to shine,
As I shiver upon my destruction.

O dear maiden of my world,
You spread nothing but euphoria.
I will remember your poetry,
Just keep these four walls,
That were your shield in your memory,
For only they know your untold story.
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