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Jawad Apr 2017
Let's face it!
Many men are dumb
Regardless where they’re coming from

If they were not mysterious
We’d never take them serious

If they were understandable
More men would treat them 'low level’!

Mystery should make curious
It shouldn't make us furious 

The mystery is there to keep
Us fell unsure and insecure

Riddle, to spend with all our life
Trying to nail it, endless strive!

As long as we don't understand
Things will be perfect and as planned

Cause mystery is there to teach us
To be human, and not just men...
Inspired by a conversation I had with a friend about the mystery of women. My opinion was that it is necessary for women to be mysterious to us and that we don't understand them completely. Otherwise we would take them for granted.

There is this saying that goes like 'questions are more important than answers' because when looking for answers, more questions will pop up and we will learn a lot of things during our journey that are more valuable than the original answer we were looking for. And as long as the search is going on, we will be truly human and alive.

And I think this applies to the relationship between men and women. Its not about understanding women as  mush as it is about our journey to understand them that makes us wiser, more considerate, and humble. And I think a little but of insecurity and self-doubt is healthy when it comes to men, in oder to keep the ego in check. Besides, women who see in men the determination to understand them will appreciate their effort, even if men still don't get them completely. But sadly enough, many of us men are not patient and want everything our own way. And if we don't get women, we get angry, which basically means, we go for the dump option instead of being smart about it and wonder what makes women really tick. The mystery is a good challenge that we need to face, and it makes our relationship with women more interesting.

Of course, this advice is directed to myself before anybody else, but I am trying to learn how to be smarter about women.
Jawad Apr 2017
All stars are suns, but
Only your warm light
Does make life on my
Planet *possible...
Something to tell your One and Only...
Jawad Apr 2017
My sunset is
When you close your eyes
And fall asleep...
Everybody has a different sun...
Jawad Jul 2017
My mind is in an abyss of oblivion
From not believing what I see
A poet believes
That a word is worth thousand pictures
But some pictures
They are worth thousand nightmares
While I am awake and gasping for words to breathe
I can't imagine how I should feel
When seeing all the things I see
I can't realize what to think
Caught by a tornado of dispair
As helpness as one can be
To survive, one must have a heart of steel
To admit that the pictures are real
But all I manage to say is
It is not fair....
When seeing the footages showing the children of Mosul being pulled from under the rubble after the liberation of the city from ISIS.
Jawad May 2017

That's how it looks like at the moment in the 'poetrypomus', the part of my brain responsible for poetry...
Jawad Apr 2017
When children play house
They are rehearsing
For real life, where their
Parents get to watch
And to correct their
Not the children’s but
Their own!

             *Children imitate!
When kids play, we should watch and learn!
Jawad Aug 2023
The saboteurs
Are not only those
Who tell lies

But us
Who help them
Defeat us

By closing the window
And blaming the sun
For not shining in

     is a bigger sin!

A wise man once said
Strive for knowledge, not money
Because knowledge guards you
While you guard your money
We need to be aware
Jawad Aug 2023
This side
Oppresses in one
The center of the universe

That side
Oppresses through the many
The chosen ones

Injustice happens in many ways
At least let us choose
If you know you know
Jawad Nov 2018
Stories help your heart think
About the wisdoms of pain

About the plots of lives
And the ends of fights

We are not broken...
We are still fighting.
There is a huge difference!

Those who know how to lose
Can never be beaten

Our story is our fait
We write everyday
By standing up again
They want to silence us, but our story is never-ending.
Jawad May 2017
~~~~~A PERSIAN RUG~~~~~
           Just like your soul          
Complex and stunning
Piece of art
Woven for years
With patient love
By hands of your
Amazing life
It gets the redness
From your lips
The blueness from
Your open mind
The green parts from
Your hazing eyes
The whiteness from
Your shining smile
Let me lie there
On this beauty
Let's fly away
High up the sky
Show me around
On a journey
The magics of
'Poetry Land'
She was from Iran...
Jawad Apr 2017
Best place for butterflies to stand
Is on your cheek
So they can see
Your eyelashes
Wave like their wings…

Best place for butterflies to lean
Is on your lips
So they can feel
Softness beneath

Best place for butterflies to fly
Around your neck
So they can watch
How much you smile

Best place for butterflies to sleep
Is in your hair
So when they wake
They smell of spring

Best place for butterflies to die
Is in your hands
So to forget
Pains of goodbye
Jawad Apr 2017
I do it;
She is it!
Yes, she is that special...
Jawad May 2017
Sometimes, writing poetry feels like...

Playing Charades using metaphors to describe your actions
Solving Jigsaw Puzzles to assemble your current thoughts
Using Ouija boards to converse with your own feelings

Sometimes, reading poetry feels like...

Playing Poker when you study the writer's intentions
Connecting the poet's thoughts as if you were playing Dots
Figuring out the writer's feelings like in Strings

                                                      ­         Anyways, its always *fun!
Its amazing to think about how many things poetry can be...
Jawad Apr 2017
Flowers stole music
From hearts in this spring, therefore
Bees are now poets

Life needs love to live
Love grows poetry in hearts
Hearts are now so pale

Green looks like blue now
Blue turned into brown and grey
Black is the new red

Nectar lost its taste
Gras does not smell anymore
Spring with no love hurts…

Oh, dandelion
Take me with you to summer
I am sad, this spring…

Please, dear butterflies
If you like in fall the leaves
Let’s together leave

I confess, beetles
Already missing winter
Let’s hide forever...
My first Haiku about the sad season of spring without love.
Jawad Apr 2017
World poetry day
National poetry month
International poetry life
Universal poetry being…

Life is a poem
Told by a soul
Badly hurting…

Love is a life
Full of events
Always ending…

Days are like rhymes
Yet at the end,

Hearts are like birds
Flapping their wings
Always singing…

Dreams are like friends
Always at night…

Love fades..
Life ends…
Friends lie…
Rhymes bend..
Pains stop…
Dreams die…
Souls cry…
Hearts sigh..
Birds fly…

And at the end,
Only poetry remains
I might claim that only poets are alive...
Jawad May 2017
Writing poetry
Made reality dreamful
My dreams are real now
Before poetry, everything seemed so dull, and my dreams full of blurry images that didn't make much sense. Since I started to write, I walk around in life looking at things in a different and more interesting way, and my dreams became regular, with really sharp clear images, as if I was dreaming in HD. Added to that, they are often about nature. Short things short, I like my reality and my dreams better now.
Jawad May 2017
Writing poetry
Happening now when sleeping
Dreaming while dreaming
Next to the really sharp dreams, I've also started to write poems while dreaming. If poetry is dreaming but when you are awake, then doing poetry while dreaming is a dream inside a dream, but a nice one.
Jawad May 2017
ARABIC comes from feeling...
We feel emotions and form them into words
We form words to make us feel emotions comes from forming...
A sacred oath between words and emotions.
A devine circle between action and reaction.
The Arabic word for poetry is "****'ir" which comes from "Yash'ur". It means feeling.
Poetry comes from the Greek word 'poiesis' which means making or forming. Its interesting that both words describe poetry by pointing to the different ends of it.
Jawad Oct 2018
Postopone the trip
To help another
Continue the journey

Postone the trip
Embark a new one
With your soul

You are the mistress
Of the path
From tears to fight
Repenting missteps
All your way
By filling others
With delight

Postpone the trip
And understand
The real purpose
Of all travels

To find a truth
Not reach a place
Inside your mind
Not on the map

Postpone the trip
And you shall find
The source of light
Inside your heart

Postopne the trip
You are your home
Regardless of
Where you shall live

Be the destination
You want to see
Be the change
You’re looking for

Postpone it
And you will realize
The end is you
It’s always YOU...
Understanding the real purpose of travel
Jawad Jun 2017
A mother's lullaby
The orchard's scent
The songs of nightingale
A baby's conscious
And its first looks

A worker's hope
The morning after a storm
The essence of a flower
Wishes of a little girl
The concerns of a grandmother

The poems of a lover...
Looking for purity in life...
Jawad Apr 2017
When you are far yet so close
And so silent in your thoughts
When you are so far away
How can I sleep?

When I am lonely and shy
And your heart has become home
Yet I am losing that home
Where should I go?

When the tears don’t **** the flames
When they stop calming the eyes
And the eyelashes so dry
How can I cry?

When the flowers bloom so bright
Yet they are void of their souls
When the souls travel away
Why should I live?

When the feelings feel so numb
And the numbness cracks the soul
When the heart is full of drought
What should I drink?

When the world starts feeling small
Empty but full of demise
And reminders of your love
How to forget?
Lots of confusion and emptiness after a heartbreak
Jawad Apr 2017
When I
Your name

When I
Your smile

Heart beat...
                   ...Heart beat

When I
A message

Some of
Your thoughts

                        Bright eyes...    
Bright eyes...

When I saw
Your face

That I did

                     Hot ears...
                     Hot ears...

When I listened
To your voice

So cute

Goose bumps...goose bumps...

When I
Noticed that
Your eyes

Started to
Tear from
My talk


But since all
Is over

So mundane



Interactions feel so stimulating and emotions so intense when we are in love. The rush disappears after its over, and only silence and a feeling of tiredness remains...
Jawad Dec 2017
Nothing in particular
Just a tiny nasty thought
Trying hard to fit it in
With some thoughts, triangular
And some loops, circles of sort

All the time my mind just crunches
Like a puzzle , crack that code
And the sweat and the headache
Going on throughout the night

And once I am finally done
I destroy everything, cold
All memory of it gone
And it start once more, again
Those senseless dreams that keep repeating when you are sick and try to sleep.
Jawad Apr 2017
When you go to the bazar to sell your memories, hopping that somebody will appreciate them, but don't get much in return...

Painful experience to sell your books, who don't contain stories and knowledge only, but the memories of reading them, because you want to travel and need the money, and then you don't get even a good bargain for them...
Jawad Apr 2017
All beautiful woman are
Reflections of your bright light...
This way, you'll never forget your One and Only, even if you meet a beautiful woman in the street or at work...
Jawad Apr 2017
Like a wild lone creature,
I fell in your trap.
An injured heart I have,
That pains like a soul,
Full of your thoughts.

I want to escape,
But no, I cannot!

When you are watching me…
And doing nothing…
Not saying anything…
Just looking at my scares,
The silence of your heart…
Insanely lethal.

When I’m making sad noises..
While you can see them well…

When I’m giving painful looks…
While you can feel them swell…

Yet all that you do is
Just looking


Don’t let me be like that!
Don’t let me too long…
For it might mean,
That your are cruel..
And the thought of it..
That you are like that..
Hurts me even more…
Than the truth about you…

I beg you, free me…
Take me in your hands…
Slowly cure my heart..
Slowly with balsam..
For the burns feel good..
If they’re caused by you…

Put your hands on my ears…
Stroke them with compassion…
For the sound of your hands,
Feels like a deep ocean…

Take me, take me home..
For my home is you..
And the thoughts and feelings…
That I am loving you

Please, I don’t deserve this...
Let me, let me go.
And if you don’t like me
Let me limp away…
Far from your coldest traps..
Colder than your heart
Let me rote alone..
Agonise and die…

Say something with your eyes.
Otherwise, let me go..
She said no...
Jawad Jun 2017
Words in my head
Stir up with the thoughts of the day
Mix into torment

I am looming around
Nowhere but inward
Deeper into the oblivion
Of unspoken poems

But they
Will be out
Explode in sparks
To rattle the existence
That wraps my destiny
To set me
Once more

I’m back
Though never really gone...
I think my 'creative break' has come to an end. I must write poems again. Hello Poetry, I missed you.
Jawad Oct 2018
I shall return.
From my poetic death.
One day.
To light the stars.
And be enlightened.
It’s been a while.
Jawad Apr 2017
They say, heartbreak brings pain.
I say, pain brings heartbreak…
Hearts break when they can’t
Bear pain anymore!

They say, friends understand…
I say, understanding
Is really what makes
Strangers best friends.

They say, give kindness to
Those who are deserving
I say, deserve kindness
Through giving it…
Sometimes, its the other way around...
Jawad May 2017
Broken in pieces like thin branches for wood fire;
Worn out like a cloth fifty years old;
A trunk invaded by termites,
Rolling down a hill full of rocks;
A carpet walked over with ***** shoes,
Covering the floor of a once busy hallway,
Now abandoned and invaded by mold;
The paleness of a ruin one thousand years old,
Submerged in a thick sea of fog;
The rust on an old broken truck,
Mixed with dust to form an adhesive substance,
Eating the metal through to its core;

Combine this all together,
And imagine it's a feeling.
That's how I am feeling right now...
No comment...
Jawad Apr 2017
When the breeze announces
‘Her Majesty, the Queen!’
Flowers and branches bend
You enter the garden...
Spring is a kingdom, she rules it, and I have been exiled...
Jawad Jan 2019
In my jealousy and laziness
What I want to be
And when

What do I find?
That I can one day!
But never will
Because I don't move

Life is passing, but are we there yet?
Jawad Apr 2017
Its my fault for wanting to hug clouds
Clouds are there to fly through

Its my fault for wanting to drink rain
Rain is there to wash with

Its my fault for wanting to catch light
Light is there to shine in

Its my fault for wanting to keep leaves
Leaves belong to the winds

Its my fault for wanting to have you
You are there to dream of
The blame when you fall in love with a person you can’t have... and deep inside you know it but you don't want to believe it. But love is beautiful thing. And I had to try. I felt it, and now I have to move on…
Jawad Sep 2017
Smelling the sunrise
All the new light
And the chances
That are ahead.

Feeling the wind blow
And its freshness
The soul of the world
Coming to life

When the dreams
And the nightmares
All die of
All as before

When your loved ones
Are around you
Or you remember
They are not

When you wonder
What just happened
How it did come
To what is now?

When you ask yourself
Where did all the years
And all your goals
Just disappear?

Smelling the sunrise
And the new days
And the bad smell
Of your old ones

Smelling the surise
Is how your life smells
You decide
If good or bad...
Waking up early the morning is good, because it is probably the only time during the day where you have clarity to ask the difficult question in life..
Jawad Nov 2018
Strong you are
I do sense you
A mighty will
Despite the tears

You are a soul
Separated from hearts
The hearts you left
On that vast island
Of trivial lives

You keep asking
Will they follow?
And join you
Searching for
The meaning of strive?

You keep asking
What will happen?
Will I continue
Wrestling with fear?

I don’t know for now!
But I do know,
That at the end
Hearts long
For their soul

They will seek it
Beyond the seas
And obstacles
Beyond the fears

They will ask
Very soon
And when they do
The journies begin
No storm and no fire
Can hold them back

For hearts belong
To the soul
Just like children
To their mother
Don’t worry, you will meet them...
Jawad Apr 2017
Teacher, life;
                  Students, everybody;
              Lessons, tragedy;
Homework, poetry;
To JB.

We poets are just doing our homework in life...
Jawad Aug 2023
The aging woman
All her life
Striving so much

Not only fixing bodies
But hearts
She spent her life
Some people keep giving
Jawad May 2017
When cliffs and waves clash
Continuous tournament
Victor is unknown
Imagine if cliffs were our believes
And waves the opinions of others
Will the debate ever stop?
How often do we change our mind?
But just like it is on shores
Sometimes waves bring nice shells and stones.
So does the ongoing debate.
There is no clear victor
But the debates might always bring good ideas.
Lets embrace debates
Even if they don't end up with us changing our believes
We might be missing out on some great ideas!
Jawad Apr 2017
My dream is that you
Become a cog that
Moves many things in
My father's wish that is a compliment and at the same time an advice in disguise....
Jawad Apr 2017
My dam broke with you for good
A river repressed for years
Now I have a massive flood
Sweeping away all the fears
My chest exploded with words
All emotions storming down
Watering all the burned lands
Inside the ditches and ponds
Heavens for guppies and barbs
My birds are finally home
Butterflies are living here
The red soil is dark brown now
Uakari, and brocket deers...
Aguaje and row cacao...
No more dust, but lots of rain
Washing away all the pain...
This tropical life is nice
Please, don’t build another dam
And cut off the water from
This marvellous paradise...
Love is tropical, hot and humid, full of life...
Jawad May 2017
Nothing saddens my heart more
Than a dog who eats my poem
And a tree that is burned down
And a cog that does not turn

Nothing saddens my heart more
Than a book that is sold cheap
And a cousin that is hurt
From the roof eager to leap

Nothing saddens my heart more
Than the earth so full of trash
And myself who is asleep
While the years moving like flash
In case you are wondering about the odd title and the unrelated lines in this poem: in the last day of National Poetry Month (NPM), valerie asks us to reuse lines from the different poems we wrote during the NPM. The result of this exercise was this poem that is like Frankenstein's Creature, a freak. If you want to know from were the different limbs (ideas) in this poem came from, please read my other poems.

Confession: I didn't use exact lines but only the topics that I was talking about in the other poems.

Here is the link to the last prompt in the NPM:
Jawad May 2017
Let me love,
For I can not deny.

Let me love,
My love is not a lie.

Let me love,
Since without love I die.

Let me love,
I’m not ashamed to cry.

Let me love...
Though its not meant to be.

I strongly need to try.

For this time,
Maybe I’ll touch the sky.

On the moon,
Engrave your gracious name.

Be a star
Shining bright with your love.

Be the sun
If you would feel the same.

“I love you”
I need you just to say.

I’ll be fine
This day till forever.
Cheesy dreamy little poem about love.
Jawad Nov 2018
Here comes the strom
You have been hiding from
For years...

Your soul is jittery
And your heart

The expectation
Of your ego
Like a landslide

Yet life
Is waiting for you
After the storm

Yet hope
That the rain
Will purge the droughts

That fire
That will eat
The ailing trees

And you
Making it out

What will happen
If you
The encounter...
Jawad Jun 2017
هي الرجال تبكي
كادب بليغ
يستمع اليه الاشباح
اشباح ليل طويل

ولكن الدموع
تسري تحت الجفون
تحت الوجون
تحت الصدور
كأحجار قبر
تواري جثث احلام وجهود وفشل
مضت منذ دهور

وتمتزج الدموع
بدماء وعرق وقلق
خالقة بحرا ميتا
من علقم مالح
تطوف على سطحه الامنيات
بسكون حكيم

والعمر يمر
وتتبخر السنين
تاركة ورائها ارض بور
تتشقق من الجفاف
تشبه صدور الأبطال
طعنتها مُدى الأيام
في معركة تعيسة
لمدة سنين

ويسخر الزمان
بنكات بائسة
من مأسي الرجال
ويبتسم الدهر
ويهز برأسه
ثم ينظر الى أفق بعيد


Men cry too
In silence
Like eloquent literature
Listened to by ghosts
The ghosts of a long night

But the tears
Flow under the eyelids
Under the cheeks
Under the chests
Like tombstones
The resting places of dreams and efforts and failures
Gone a long time ago

And the tears mix
With blood and sweat and worries
Creating a dead sea
Of salty poison
Dreams floating on its surface
In wise tranquility

And age goes by
And years evaporate
Leaving behind them infertile soils
Cracked from drought
Like the chests of heroes
Stabbed with the knives of days
In a miserable battle
That went on for years

Time makes fun
With lame jokes
Of the miseries of men
And life smiles
Shakes it head
And look away into the far horizon...
My previous poem morphed into another one about men's miseries, but this time and for the first time in ARABIC..
Jawad May 2017
When it comes to big decisions
We often don’t want to decide
Because we have some motives to hide

We don’t want to share them
Because we are afraid
Of what might be said

We are afraid
Of people who have power
Over our feelings and thoughts
Who’s bad opinions about us
Feel daunting

Or because us not wanting
The expectations of others
To be lower

We are afraid
Of not appearing perfect
And pretend that nothing has it effect
On our decisions, thinking,
And emotions

We are afraid
Of digging deep
Finding something that creeps
The hell out of us

Were are afraid
Of searching
Because the path
Long and steep
Might lead
To our ugly truth
As dark as an abyss

But its amazing
Why the most difficult thing
For us to understand
Is ourself
When we are with ‘it’ a lifetime
When we can hear it think
Feel it feel
Watch it change

It makes we wonder
What we were doing
All this time,
Beside not understanding ourselves?

It makes me think
What worth have all these shelves
Of books and diaries and pictures
If they don’t help us figure out
Who we are?

It makes me ask
What value traveling so far
Around the world has
If it doesn’t make us
Tackle the ultimate task:
To understand
Were we stand
From accepting
Our essence
That Justifies
Our presence

The wise keep repeating
Know yourselves...
But we keep deceiving

Yet the most important thing
When dealing with ourselves is
Not to lie
The most important question
To ask ourselves is
*“Who am I?”
A semi-poem half-prose that I wrote yesterday when thinking about my current situation and that of several people I am in touch with.

Its odd, but sometimes several people, including myself, go through the exact situation at the same time, and need the exact same realisation:

I seems that the roots of most of our problems go back to lying to ourselves and not knowing who we really are...
Jawad May 2017
I need a break
So I don't break

Good bye HP
I hope we see
Each other soon

Good bye for now
I need recharge
Hard has been March
April and May

My heart is tired
From feeling much
And needs as such
To sleep some time

I promise I
Come back again

I just worry
If I go on
Without a rest
My force will wane
To write more poems
To write deeply
From down my heart

I thank you all
For being here
You are beauty
Wonder and grace

A sky of million
And one stars
Will still be bright
Without that star
I've been writing almost everyday since I started poetry, and I think I need a 'creative' break to be able to write with more energy. Thank you all, beautiful people of HP, for following, liking, sharing, and commenting on my average poems and I will see you later, hopefully very soon. Bye for now...
Jawad May 2017
tired, I fall asleep
lonely, I fall apart
my broken soul sinking






Really tired right now...
Jawad Apr 2017
Tell me the story
About the war
And the mother
Who used to worry
Under your branches
About her son so far
Away from her
In the trenches

About the two lovers
Who used to coddle
Each other
Next to you
Who carved their name
On your trunk
Who promised
To remain
A couple
And never let
Their flame
And wait
Until the war
Comes to an end
So they can

Tell me
Of the little girl
Who used to scream
And jump
Around your trunk
And sometimes pump
Into you
So that you
Would rain
A few leaves
On her hair

What about...
The fire!
Who brought you hell
So that
You can’t tell
All the secrets
You know
To the crow
And inspire
The young men
Sitting there
To write stories
About you

Tell me
About your story..
If trees could only talk...
Jawad Apr 2017
In our world,

Things have souls that flap;
           Stars always fall in love;  
                 Dreams feel the heartbeat of beyond;
           Colours swim in swarms;
Thoughts are surrounded by auras;
Love is always here;
Souls have mixed colours;
Hearts float around;
Feelings have their own logic;
Each dreams is surrounded by an aura;
Wings go beyond dreams;
Colours tend to share their feelings;
Flowers are ballet dancers.               
Things have hearts that play music;
The wings of souls sometimes make a sound;
                      Feathers often dream of beyond;
The heart beat of an aura is slow;
Souls smile through eyes;
Feathers shed tears, sometimes;                    
Hearts love to flirt with stars;
Things have dreams about feelings;
Auras always smile;                
Thoughts have multiple souls;
Wings have auras, too;
Stars kiss each other when the moon is not looking;
Colours have short dreams;
Love goes beyond;
Thoughts are in love with stars;
An average aura dreams every day;
Things smile to each other on occasion;
Hearts think in beats;
Feathers cry sometimes;
Hearts enjoy dancing with auras;
Bees write prose;
Beyond is always here;
Dreams come in many colours;
Tears are stars in disguise;
Here is always somewhere else;
A star’s heart beat is faster than light;
Smiles are portals to beyond;
Colours smile when they remember;
A dream’s wing is transparent;
Butterflies are secretly jealous of flowers;
The aura of a smile tells a story;
Feathers love colourful auras;  
                        All smiles dream about love;

This is our world.
We are different.
We are beautiful.
We are *poets.
Poets are aware about their world in a different way.
Jawad Apr 2017
Du kannst nicht wissen, was du nicht willst;

Du kannst nicht wollen, was du nicht denkst;

Du kannst nicht denken, über was du nichts weißt;


You can't know, what you don't want to know about;
You can't want, what you don't think about;
You can't think, what you don't know about;
Mein erstes versuch, etwas auf Deutsch zu schreiben.
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