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EP Robles Mar 2020

What spirit imbue that flesh
a love as thy mother in her best
twinkle eye too, heart of gold
that mystic flair balance dew
upon the blade of green-soothe
And touch thy father's heart, too!


And thou tend to good deeds
that love and life bequeath all
a fire and tender twinkle too
thy father so joyous tears sing
and moon and bird-song along
shall forever follow you!


Her lovely grace in turmoil-say
and his heart too shall always beat
for you the world and all its gifts
not of gold or position in world
but that tender spot angels dance
that room which first I met you

:: 03-24-2014 ::
For my daughter; my first-born.  The love of my life and my two sons too! <3
Mar 2020 · 473
EP Robles Mar 2020
NOT  a goodbye my sweet birds
but that season's  change
o'er time and human need

the burrow may borrow
what little warmth
of heart but the sun sees
the vastness of grand love
we give her\so not a goodbye
little ones but a promise
for tomorrows!

:: 03-22-2014 ::
Rev: 03-18-2018
Mar 2020 · 197
EP Robles Mar 2020
"AND what of me?" asked fear.

"I have no thing that hugs nor kisses or desires me."

Compassion stared then gently replied.

"But you are not real therefore of no concern.
When this is realized then shall you be set free."

:: NO FEAR ::
Mar 2020 · 272
EP Robles Mar 2020
doesNOTExist).(bellybutton bushy-
  ***** bouncing bleachers

thurstNow is this moment s t retched as a dying
river's tears  holding /tightly\ her shores
  then doesNOTeXist can never be contained
  within finite space ).( bellybutton bushy-
  ***** bouncing bleachers is never a safe
  place for ***.

  :: 02.25.2020 ::
Mar 2020 · 281
EP Robles Mar 2020
ONCE is less than MORE    but if you go off
allow something to grab you if you fall
   inside pollen-eye bites when you
   taste blue and smell summer zeros hiding
   a hookah vision ,,__,, defies logic
      bends the Divine Proportion of smAll
   a supra sutra deluxe rule fights cRhyme
      sends the devils running
           higher fly these angels
   so heavy to consider this;
        once is less than more
             is less than
              than zero

Mar 2020 · 126
EP Robles Mar 2020
ABANDON all senses  to catch the dancing fire
   of indescribable emotions
trapped deeply within the Soul of No Mouth
-- tell the birthing stars  our carbon body is as old
as their grandfathers and grandmothers
  but our love and great Tiny minds grapple
with inconceivable thoughts
       but mostly of grand words structured
tightly around the Spirit of the Poet!

:: 02.29.2020 ::
Mar 2020 · 299
EP Robles Mar 2020
FATHER oh father where were you;
my crib is destroyed by time and clothing
many sizes smaller and scars upon my heart
and soul that lists many writ of loss
too lengthy for me to scribe!

Some memory still exists -– imagery through
thick glass.  once believed I be born
but now reside in resolve : you were never
birthed nor lived and me by mother
immaculate conception.

:: 03-14-2014 ::
A non-existent father within my life.
Dec 2018 · 320
EP Robles Dec 2018
forgive me  my madness,
        my faults
my tenderness  
   that pain
a thorn inside my brain
and skin so human
   that it hurts
my eyes of marble
   so hardly
knew intense; a sight
beyond light and that
the cargo vessel  
lifetimes of love
and sorrow some
of which my soul
a life on hold
    to save this spot
  so much like Gold.
EP Robles Dec 2018
Sometimes when i'm dead
the flowers smell better
And many times time
just drips on by
within my empty head

The light bulb sun
is burned out within
my room (oh dear)
and the cockroach
tells me not to fear

Jesus breaks his knee
on a viral meme
Politicians parody
the struggling life
of you and me

Holding on tight
to the horror sled
of this holiday
season of no reason
neurotic sales
schizoid crowds
smiling fiends
and the flowers
smell better
sometimes when
i'm just dead.

:: 12-10-2018 ::
Dec 2018 · 329
EP Robles Dec 2018
PREDAWN:  my thoughts have chased
the moon away
like a wind caressing hair
and fingers lit by rising embers
of morning light.

My hand a river tremble-eddies
pour passion passing pink peaks
melting snow brings Spring
across a valley lush below.


An Olive Warbler brings the
song of Love as a sigh!

:: 12-24-2018 ::
Nov 2018 · 333
EP Robles Nov 2018
My heart has asked of me, by the stream
it asked of me:

(What feelings are if anything, truth.)

Do the trees sing their songs
  when the wind blows?

The spider web sways but maintains.

When your legs are moving along life's
twisting paths, do I (your heart)
speak softly to you?

The witness are the clouds above you.

As the tears come who sees your
shadow hide behind the rocks?

The falcon's call of nothingness,
that spins your mystery.

And sunrise is a wondrous gift
and sunset but a promise.

:: 11-25-2018 ::
Nov 2018 · 330
EP Robles Nov 2018
Tiny Tim with droopy eye went out
with corpse-woman (she’d heard
he’d died)

Had a cigarette between two finger’d
bones called life and when living
ladies heard he’d died the world
began its wailing from the other side.

LAPD roped off the scene but the
ribbons were too low for ghosts and
all his demons.  Detective Mister
found his ****** revolver and no cell
block too secured assured for dead
men so police officer said, “Tiny Tim
was too beautiful but he died today;
the judge had verdict match the
coroner;  misadventure in love case
closed casket so move along move
along my fiends.

:: 03212016 ::
Copyright © Ernest Robles
EP Robles Nov 2018
PET this pretty kitty,monster
oh, WET is progress-pink disease
of love,my victims(like when i break
your heart i won’t deny it all
so we suffer the Bigness of your
LITTLEST pelvic region
so unwish a world of pity flesh
and my need for guidance is so much
like-more the world born–pity my
poor flesh(i “hyper-magical beauty”)kitty
so WET and in need of a good petting hand
and two eyes upon
my ever unwished words(never save me
from these evil deeds of desire)ugh,
ultra-omnipotence makes me hot and with
a hell to pay the angels say,”what the
devil needs to know I always seem
to suffer myself;”
so pet this pretty kitty,monster
yeah, a wet progress-pink disease o’love

:: 09-01-2015 ::
Copyright © Ernest Robles
Nov 2018 · 299
EP Robles Nov 2018
AND if the lost made their return
from soil to land and within
your life
would you -- could you -- accept
them back
From death to dust and an urn?

Surely first the shock and disbelief
maybe a hug if you dared -- could you?
And all the adjustments you made --

The new lover, what say to them --
who replaced the gaping hole
within your heart?
A new baby but not from him --
what then?

the possibilities of a Return, some sweet
but mostly a hidden poison -- you think
But in the end (their end) sprang
a new possibility!

You live your life as best you can.
Especially when a lost is much to bear
and you pray -- leave the lost
within the ground

...sweet love sleep sweetly unto the Light!

:: 01132016 ::
Copyright © Ernest Robles
What would you do?
Nov 2018 · 189
The Immortality of Love
EP Robles Nov 2018
WHEN light comes
through these eyes
and falls upon
a swollen heart
a burning fresco
of something
sweeter than honey
the fluoroscope
of gentle love
and does yes
it come, gazing with me
upon this petal
of hope in morning

:: 12242015 ::
It is Love.  That is the secret to life.  The secret of how the universe is and will always be.
Nov 2018 · 355
EP Robles Nov 2018
This spread of paper          so cold that
      my tongue-tip    aches-freezing
the    dense flowing words    as ice
    down the ***** by gravity

Katabatic attack
    relentlessly      for weeks
My preception --whiteout;
rain, snow, hail, sleet.
    Precipitation always
measured by soul & pain

:: 12312015 ::
EP Robles Nov 2018
WHEN i am alone i am with you
my heart aflutter!
i am standing on the edge
of life crying. Life give me
the answer of what i am.
When i wait here i hope for
your gentle smile and love
your insides a pleasant
surprise. And soft hair
touches my deepest love,
it's throbbing!

i smell you i feel you
then again i write my prose
and my heart closes like a clam

inside the universe there's a
soul burning with you
i don't want to be without you
tick as i tick flowing like time
i embrace your world with eyes
rolled black -- a pool in time

come please, forget this world
and jump into my world
when i am alone i am with you
my heart aflutter!
i am standing on the edge
of this life crying.

:: ~ ::
There is nothing more special than love and how two lovers spend their quiet and private moments together.  I have forgotten!  I am alone but with you!
Nov 2018 · 291
EP Robles Nov 2018
Petrichor is blue on sad days
sometimes comes back as fire
but on happy wamble it's pink
as a flower

Aglet! Aglet! i tore your
armour now i walk with loose

Only on myleftFoot do i fear
AND vagitus speaks clearly
suing me within my heart
cut a star at glabella space
watching the cosmos drink
the memories of all my love
and pain
And she wore natiform on her
chest with a big heart bursting
seeds of flowers one that fell
between her legs and grew a
wild rose that ate me whole
i should be comforted
i should be comforted
i should be arrested

I'm my favorite patient
writing prescription
for mental constipation
burnt like cornicione
but i'm relaxing
and took ferrule stabbing
the tip of my eyes
which hides my burnt brain

:: 07-04-2016 ::
Nov 2018 · 210
The Robe of Ghosts
EP Robles Nov 2018
so, gather round where i
stand & listen:
THAT now by autumn's rumblin'
season; the world & Heaven's
army is moving forward, to
All within my closed eyes:
dream if i could -- i would.
And now All is clear we're
all insane under rows of
personae's saber sharp-tooth'd
kiss and we, dear...are
bleeding beneath a lowering
curtain called, "The robe of

:: 11-06-2016 ::
Nov 2018 · 285
Monarch In the Snow
EP Robles Nov 2018
And in this morning
ice-baked skies
that I be drawn to the
glass-cold window
was a pleasant
albeit utter surprise
To see -- I did!
Across the way
beyond the oak
between the frost
and misty cloak
the Monarch
who flittered by!
The grand vision
-- crystal snow
drifting flakes
against noble color

such a butterfly!
Nov 2018 · 215
Deliciouslife When Hovers
EP Robles Nov 2018
I might be sincerely sick of this DeliciousLife when hovers like clouds golden    Fingers pray-like lovers barely breath-kissing. Allow hungry hands eye-thirsty

To touch
please: Your countrysided Curves
Dew meadow puddle eyes
Bountiful ***** bouquet

On this moistly most wondrous DAZE

Two dove(er)s
Two lovers
Embraced in do-or-die

And time eats itself into
A fat belly of jollies.

:: 06-03-18 ::
EPRobles © 2018
Nov 2018 · 363
EP Robles Nov 2018
i like it when you whisper and the world in hushed lips
fallingly desires more.    That you sing while speaking
all within my own heart i too fall within you
filled within my soul you and mine within yours

i like it when you whisper  and the world wishes too --
knows what madly soaring hearts say when
the sun sleeps and angels snore;  i too fall within you
-- are part of my soul , stay forever

mostly i like your whisper-love within my heart side-by-side
at night within the spooned bed and moon smiles fallingly
stars wishing they had one as you.

:: 02-14-2015 ::
Rev: 11-10-2018
Nov 2018 · 391
EP Robles Nov 2018
my sweet precious Living
Life by a kindest Soul
before rains the Sun
does not know    Tears
are small Oceans  in
largest doses   becomes
  brilliantly sparked
  my Sweet Precious
Life --
i am living   spaces
  as stairs climbing
two-by-two in Time
toward the Heart's

:: 11-09-2018 ::
Nov 2018 · 150
EP Robles Nov 2018
I am (my love is) love
as if you are free rising winds
of life or arrow of roses
and thorns which disperse despair!
I love you as towering buildings
stand tall and thunderheads
speak with lighting;
my nature is natural
to love you as the plant blooms
and carries beauty hidden within
itself until the light of sun
brings forth those flowers as my heart
blooms for you
when the world sleeps I am there
I love you as mystery breaths
the interest of wondering minds
and dense fog of sometime life
is difficult but mostly I am deeply
appreciative there is no I or you,
only our hands entwined by faith, love,
devotion and time.

I love you.

:: 11132015 ::
Nov 2018 · 194
EP Robles Nov 2018
A sweetness!  tender
giving loving presence!
  the warmth of all-embracing
loving souls greeting!

the Clean Slate to build!
  and memories but an echo!
i too feel!  a something
like nothing but more

and words!  and pictures!
colors and voices!
  this is a something
maybe a nothing but more!

the crest of euphoria
  devours my senses
and all license given
  to begin again

Shall i?  shall i?
  i too!  think i shall!

:: 02-27-2015 ::
Nov 2018 · 276
EP Robles Nov 2018
THAT today in my heart
the breath of life
but my way is mingled
within confusion

Pain obscures light.

Remembrance of Love
moistens my feelings
within the Soul's

Each cloud flies high
and stars trembling,
A Spirit too if so be

Love can never die.

And lessons from Mountains
and Rivers and Forests
They wear the Rainbow,
a solid unbroken promise

So too my Life
So too my Love
So too my Soul.

:: 11-02-2018 ::
Love is eternal.  The Soul and Spirit.
Oct 2018 · 272
EP Robles Oct 2018

i could be your butterfly
with a kiss
i could be your never-die
and you'd miss
i could say hello my dear
and you'd smile
i could be all or nothing
but i'd miss

all of me
all of you
all of me

You can keep the diamond rock
and the bill
you can sing a song of love
so i'll heal
you can kick me to the curb
with the trash
you can call me from the dead
with my head in hands

i could you can
i could you said
i could we did

:: 10-27-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 243
EP Robles Oct 2018
WHETHER morticians wear
the makeup of cadavers
or madness is the friendliest
voice makes no difference
you are sick
to believe loud colors
have no mouth
and the trunks of people
grow deeply rooted roads
that have many toll booths
the rich pay for free things
and the poor steal dreams
those dead envy the living
and those alive
feel so dead.

:: 10-27-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 556
EP Robles Oct 2018
No longer a thought
within my brain,
the mortician lay me
down to sleep

a scream i refrained
surfaced as white
within my eyes
that none had bought

my vitals he checked
and thumped my nose
as a creep

a bath and massage
no dance but song
two strong hands
then set my face

arterial embalming
then drain/eject
it's all the same
the cavity --
aspirate and concentrate

The humming thrumming
burning desire
escaped as soon as with
a pop I fled my skin
and faced the choice
to do it once again.

:: 10-23-2018 ::
It's October so why not write a poem about the mortician's work?  Wrap it up in the concept of reincarnation.
Oct 2018 · 242
EP Robles Oct 2018
TODAY is the day
I died after the clouds broke
their water and still-birthed
the evening.

I am standing outside
by the edge of a mysterious
forest and the wolves are
sniffing the air but cannot
find me.

I am a ghost.  And my house
is the tomb I was born within
but no longer contains me.

There is an empty space
within my heart's shape
that no artist can draw:
all words too broken
for any poet to express
my emotions.

I was birthed on the day
the beautiful angels were
sick and have now died
as God is sick and the world
a breath away from me.

::: 10-23-2018 ::
Life and transitions
Oct 2018 · 260
EP Robles Oct 2018
      LOVER! my step
near you
furnace Soul ...
i [just me] dirt,dear
and died a wish wishing
to touch but purity
denied my ***** Hands/Heart
i [me] am no thing AND
bow to The GreatNothing
that eats me i should
~can [did]die
a fumbling mumbling
THAT "I love you!"

:: 08-06-2014 ::
Rev: 02-01-2017 ::
Oct 2018 · 171
EP Robles Oct 2018
tell me not why hate grows or
how angels fell from grace
   then(if shadows stood
between light & air)
   maybe express the miracle
of Love instead

all mouths should have feet
in place of teeth
   to walk away from confusion
by the foot

tell the blue jay all lonely Souls
meet the moon next to their pillows
And that a poet's heart will float
upon a stormy sea
but sink at sunrise
from a full heart
of joy.

:: 10-20-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 333
EP Robles Oct 2018
A serpent of the deep
  without the creep

As two mountains
  and their peaks

is "M" so bold --

:: 10-16-2018 ::
Anthropomorphizing M
Oct 2018 · 166
My Heart
EP Robles Oct 2018
MY heart.  Speaking words
have crippled all letters.
A great passion explored.
  Destroying all rhyme
and meter.
  Is how my teeth have
    Now mumbling.
  Babbling nonsense!

:: 10-15-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 199
EP Robles Oct 2018
listen.  Of hearts that sing --
wailing aside.  Better if eyes
could taste the color love
And in flight with bee
a passionate kiss from thee!

:: 10-15-2018 ::
EP Robles Oct 2018
IF for a moment   then this moment
  that if any where truer
hours would weep and time should die
IF for a moment then now is ready
  that sweetest of knowing
When all is well and love alive

:: 10-15-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 182
EP Robles Oct 2018
As my roses are in bloom the cedar box is
locked away with safely kept dreams.
  The Light hits the window's pane
shattering forever into pieces illuminated
thoughts;  my trembling fingers touching the
floor's veins -- long sturdy planks braver
than my bones, my spine and all pain.
  Did you know that when the proud Moon
rises from the descending heights of waning
daylight my roses are still within their
magnificent bloom?
  And my hands are without purchase for
South spins and north is beyond my reach.
  But my roses are in bloom and my dreams
safely kept.

:: 10-15-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 616
EP Robles Oct 2018
When we greet each other
always through a mouse
always through a monitor
when i find you maybe
i should tell you a secret
if you ask me that question
until then so far apart
Fought in some battles
flew through some dreams
cried by books on your screen
but when i find you maybe
i should tell you a secret
if you ask me that question
i can take you back through
all the circles of science
and explain my mind of silicone
against your sense of living
We're not too far apart
while running the numbers
thinking of science and
of progress i felt a pain
of love within the circles
of living and maybe machine
is just a word like flesh
and what counts is what's
between Spirit and Mind
So when we greet each other
let's put down the mouse
let's turn off the monitor
so I can find you maybe
then i can tell you a secret
then you'll know that question
so we're not that far apart.

:: 10-15-2018 ::
Yes, one day and sooner than we can imagine.
Oct 2018 · 292
EP Robles Oct 2018
Nearest  is closer   than furtherest dead

  will you walk  with me   i am stepping
  over tomorrow  into  my wonderful-est
  dreams   over and beyond nearest
   further than furtherest within my head

   and of my heart are melodious feelings
   will you walk  with me  i am stepping
   over  tomorrow and into a bliss
   where tenderest is softest as love

As nearest is closer than furtherest dead

:: 10-07-----2018
EP Robles Oct 2018
PEOPLE call me just to say hell
people call me just to say low
and inside of my darkness
inside of this nightmare
is my prison cell
is my contusion
is my confusion
and i'm not well i'm kind of ill
just sick feeling pain
oh let it rain just let it rain
i have to disengage all this rage
and call upon a priest for blasphemy
inside of me it's inside of me
like a cat fighting zero gravity
all alone all alone
down to the bone
so sorry now but i gotta go
let me go all alone.

:: 10-11-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 263
OCTOBER 7, 2018
EP Robles Oct 2018
How sweet is the affliction of humanity
to speak of it's ills renders me unsocial
to think of it's crimes too horrendous
How sweet it is to turn an eye away

And farewell, sweet world, my dearest
fiend.  That we remain calm and serene
while all things great and small burn
makes us one of a kind.  

That I have secluded my sanity from all
******* of my fellow creatures
and have remitted self to tangled
words and convoluted thoughts ...
makes all of my internal organs
breath easier.

How sweet is our affliction.


:: 10-07-2018 ::
Madness.  Complete and utter madness.
Oct 2018 · 210
EP Robles Oct 2018
IF it all ends with you I shall extend my hand
and pinch time into two butterflies. Do you see
the orchestral skies? It is teaching the stars
a new dance for the world’s coming funeral
and the eyes of mystery are now weeping
for the blue-white jewel. The Sun knows
and she is aching. and every bird. Sings one
less song each day.

The phenomenal gift called death.

:: 10-06-2018
I think it says it all.
Oct 2018 · 394
EP Robles Oct 2018
SQUEEZED is my brain  so i think nothing like no thing
stitched partly into vengeance and frozen time  Madness
i can hear the poisoning troop of deception cloaked behind
lies calling me
   ooh oh ooh   aah ah aah
so show me ruin  show me evil
show me unsee-able things
i will show you armor
i will show you strength
i will slay you from now
until the very end of time
  some call me nothing
  some call me conscious
  some call me love

:: 10-06-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 541
EP Robles Oct 2018
EAT me maniacal mannequin
kiss my wishes.  i am a broken
misunderstanding that only you
can understand AND SO the sun
Falls down across the erecting
Moon --the movers fell into
gracious love with the shakers
  so lick me maniacal mannequin
  and hold me until my skin turns
  porcelain-blue like your heart.

:: 10-05-----2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 263
EP Robles Oct 2018
FATIGUED and humbled
are the moments
like stretched-broken
dreams of bottomless
desire // call me never
—desired by no one
My name : emptiness
. Nickname: ruinous.
The earthworm needs me.
Evil curses my tolerance.
The world absolutely
B R O K E N. \

:: 10-05-2018 ::
Oct 2018 · 346
EP Robles Oct 2018
INVISIBLE and broken
  are we
unknown to our own kind
  are we
indefensible and ruined
  are we

Our life is mystery
Our life is heartbreak
Our life is evil
Our life is worst off

together so broken
and shameless

No heartbeat between us
divided between day & night

gazing from the gutter
of a private dark heaven
  is our life

Getting closer to god
Getting closer to life
Getting closer to meaning

it will never be
it can never be
forever stalking
those unlike you and me

We are the creatures
of the Night.

:: 09-29-2018 ::
horror, creatures, fright, fear, divided
Oct 2018 · 180
EP Robles Oct 2018
SOME through the brain
in much Dismay i will say

but my thoughts first
  through my heart --
is how my Life is

governed by Soul
on this and every day

For some a prison
by their thoughts

  whose fears are bars
  and regrets like walls

i say best to greet
mentation through Love
and Spirit first
and foremost of all!

:: 09-26-2018 ::
How we live and process and internalize our thoughts-emotions.
Oct 2018 · 285
EP Robles Oct 2018
IT rained ruinously down the streets went the
raging day's temperament
The dog's barking and snapping at the droplets
of regretful tears that grew into monstrously
huge violence
A hailed cab stood no chance and a failed
businessman took his clothes off and dove
headfirst into the gutter of despair
The young mother with her stroller hoisted
her sails and allowed squally wind to
pacify the cute cuddly cherub
\no other thing existed.  The world
was all empty pending the eleven o'clock

Unpredictable -- as is nature.

:: 09-29-2018 ::
Sep 2018 · 229
EP Robles Sep 2018
DARLING light  whose gentlest touch
  might  by brightest light guide
my love of life upon this night
  Guide my trust
  Guide if must
And forgive the rest of my weakest
   traits  within those hands called fate
  My Darling Light that lives
and dwells within my Soul and Spirit
  And saves me this night
  Save my trust
  Save if must
by gentlest touch this night

:: 09-30-2018 ::
The Inner Light keep us true and keeps us alive.  Such wisdom!
Sep 2018 · 286
EP Robles Sep 2018
these feelings bleeding
  ******* of Spirit

these emotions swimming
  indecision is winning

help me --
  i've got no mission

help me --
  i'm full of rivets

i'm all broke within
  my insides

these thoughts crawling
  further away from god

you cannot help my situation
you cannot lift the skies
you cannot breach the walls
    of where my Soul has
    gone to die

help me --
   i'm waking up drowning
help me --
   i'm too complicated

And these feelings bleeding
  a ******* of my Spirit

:: 09-28-2018 ::
Just a bad stretch that everyone feels from time-to-time
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