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272 · Jul 2017
Lightning Dance
Sam Jul 2017
We used to dance with the thunder
Our stage lit by crackling lightning
The storms would always cease
and I guess our love did too
267 · Sep 2017
Sam Sep 2017
If tiredness was next to godliness, I'm sure I'd be omnipotent.
266 · Jul 2017
What Remains
Sam Jul 2017
With every passing star
I feel you next to me
As the world weaves it's wake
Please rest among my arms
When the pain seems endless
And sets your heart astray
Know I'll always be here
Forever and a day
260 · Aug 2017
Moving Forward
Sam Aug 2017
The days pass with haste
And I've grown to realize
Every fleeting moment is as valuable as the last
Time can't be reversed
So the answers aren't in memory
Rather, in the road ahead
They're down the broken pavement
Places waiting to be seen
And the future that I see
Belongs to you and me
I was reaching for your hand
Now I'm taking it in full
Chasing all the dreams
That we gave up on long ago
256 · Jul 2017
Hopes of Yesterday
Sam Jul 2017
Hope is unfamiliar
In this heart of mine
It left me long ago
This life I just survive

So when you see the pictures
The kid who used to be
Smile true and wide
Eyes that owned the world
Know that he is gone
Like the hopes of yesterday
251 · Jun 2017
Now I Understand
Sam Jun 2017
She asked me to hold her.
I was confused at first, and wanted to ask why.
But then I saw the sadness, the sadness in her eye.
We were dealt different cards, but we both got losing hands.
I took her in my arms, and you know I held her tight.
Until the crack of dawn,
through her darkest night.
243 · Jan 2018
The Day the Sky Changed
Sam Jan 2018
When I awoke today
The gray skies had gone away
The orange horizon was kissed by candy-pink clouds
I could feel the change in my veins
My heart letting go of all the pain that's choked it for far too long
I never believed in hope until I saw it in your eyes
Now I don't think that I could ever turn away
Sadness may last forever, but for you it's worth the endeavor
And if the world finds a way
to cast your smile astray
I'll be here forever
To catch you as you fall and keep the dark at bay
241 · Dec 2017
I Still See You There
Sam Dec 2017
I've reached the center of the bridge
Only to find no answers to the questions
Words held hostage
Behind my hopeless lips
I look to you for guidance
But you always fade away
Like the moon before the sun
I tremble slightly
Punching concrete below
Words held hostage
Behind my hopeless lips
Unable to ask
Why you leapt from that overpass
Every time I see you
Tear drops fill my eyes
Every time you see me
Tear drops fill your eyes
The shadow you now are
My knuckles start to bleed
You waltz away again
Words held hostage
Behind my hopeless lips
I drop another rose, and walk away once more
240 · Nov 2017
Sam Nov 2017
Another lonely night
Eyes cast to the sky
The memories of you
Help me survive

I toss in my bed
Blankets dance in the dark
I try to forget
The brokenness in my heart
237 · Aug 2017
Pursuit of a Ghost
Sam Aug 2017
She's everything I'm looking for
But she only exists in shadows
An angel of deception
Someday I dream to find
Her whispers are a melody
Sung softly in my ear
Yet when I turn to see her
The space I see is clear

Somewhere in the shadows
The girl I seek is there
Playing with her hair
Waiting for my lost soul to finally find the way
236 · Jul 2019
Beautiful Ghost
Sam Jul 2019
So I bite the dagger
Cast to the flame once more
Living with this agony
Embedded in my chest
For the space is empty
Where your head used to rest

Now your silhouette
It haunts me
It haunts me oh so sweet
My empty arms pay tribute
To where you used to be
232 · Aug 2021
Shadows of Rebirth
Sam Aug 2021
In the darkness
In the silence
Lurks the solace, Lurks the violence
For all begins, so all must end
Today must die for tomorrow to begin
Creation is the dreams we weave
Caught beneath the somber sea
Exist for now, choose to be free
Exist for now, follow your dreams
232 · Jun 2017
Sam Jun 2017
They say home is where your heart is, and mine used to be with you. Now, it's in pieces, scattered across various bars.
Bars where they leave you to your misery when they see your head tucked in your folded arms.
231 · Jun 2017
These City Streets
Sam Jun 2017
The moon sits high above the frosty night, as the cold belts all below. They gaze occasionally, catching glimpses of cryptic stars. Beacons of light dotting endless shades of dark. They gaze occasionally, hand in hand, trotting slowly, but steadily along the paved walk.
     Holiday lights gleam, the air is alive with the scent of chestnuts and pine. Her hair is tangled, like a fishing net castaway. The snow is light, but all the same, chalking the streets, dusting the trees. His gaze is humble, eyes as if they've solved a puzzle.
      Their lips meet in a moment forgotten by the clock. A moment missed by the candid, but forever etched in the hearts of two. The lights twinkle, as the mid-December air regains the space between them. The feeling lives on, as it always will.
230 · Aug 2017
Keeping Fate At Bay
Sam Aug 2017
Eviscerated is the heart
Still fighting every beat
Holding death in check
The blizzard of pain contends
Sometimes it seems to claim victory
But the remaining pieces keep the blood flowing
The fragments give their all
For a chance...
For a hope...
They may be full again
229 · Jun 2017
Sam Jun 2017
My heart once held a place for you
But now it's fading fast
Faster than the ash
Of this cigarette
I can feel it going comatose
With every waking beat
Now you want it back
After the way you chose to leave
Sorry when I say,
I prefer to breathe
224 · Dec 2019
My Time Without You
Sam Dec 2019
I still see you
Though your casket's long been closed
You haunt me in my dreams
Your everlasting smile
Those melancholy eyes
Each and every night
Tears stream down my cheeks

You're always here with me
I keep you in my heart
Wishing I could hold you
My words met by the dark

Scanning through the room
I know it to be true
You have left this world
So badly does it hurt

I close my eyes in moonlight
Hoping I do not wake
For in my dreams you're next to me
You're holding me so tight
When I finally pass away
I know we'll reunite
Finally trying to write again. I haven't been super inspired lately, but working on more poems soon :) Thanks for reading.
220 · Jan 2018
Riddles of the Lost
Sam Jan 2018
Riddles fill the mind
Am I yours?
Or are you mine?
In the twilight, you drift away
Now I'm begging you to stay
As I cross the bridge
The distance between us grows
I can see you fading
Fleeting like my cries
Hoping you can hear
I know you're already gone
Now regret and turmoil fill my soul
Gnawing at my essence
I must find a way to cope
To navigate the darkness
Now that I'm alone
218 · Oct 2017
Sam Oct 2017
You're the treasure that I seek
The twinkle in the dark
The flicker in my heart
Each day more and more
I find you in my soul
Between me and you
Love forever true
216 · Aug 2018
Melancholy Remedy
Sam Aug 2018
Scar tissue abundant inside, she saw straight past my disguise.
"All your vitals are fine, but internally you've fallen behind"
As if she'd peered straight through my eyes.
My melancholy demise.
She kissed my cheek, a surprise.
Hopeful that I'd survive.

I laughed and told her I was fine.
Confirmed that it was all true.
My heart once whole, now torn straight in two.
In that moment, worry had painted itself on her face.
With my smile worn humbly, I continued,
"But I'll piece it back together, if only just for you."
212 · Sep 2017
Pessimism or Realism?
Sam Sep 2017
It's the same from day to day, and every hour spent awake,
just another hour away from anything that makes me happy.

You tried to catch my every tear, only to realize the depth of my sorrow.

That the crystal beads falling  from my eyes probably never would end.

Never could end.

Sure we tried to play pretend.

To put band aids on the scars, but the blood gushed straight through.

Wounds raw.

Infected by a broken world.

Where dreams die long before the people who conceive them, and greed runs rampant because wealth is considered an achievement.

Words like "Hope"
Words like "Happiness"

They were taught to me years ago.

Now they're just the false, ****** up, lies I tell myself to get to sleep at night.

When we first met, you asked me what I saw the future holding.

I really didn't have an answer, so I just told you "longer sighs"

I guess I didn't lie, cause the clouds confine my mind making reasons to smile hard to find.

Ask that same question today, and I'd tell you my new answer, "The same thing as yesterday"
210 · Jan 2018
Kiss of Darkness
Sam Jan 2018
The darkest of shadows are creeping in again
My cold heart begins to give in
Sorrow strikes tonight
I'm ridiculed by falling rain
I seek solace in the words you never say
This absolution of loneliness
Completion of a broken heart
I've been kissed by sadness, and it's spreading through my veins
I've been kissed by pain, and it's tearing me apart
Somewhere in the darkness, you will find my soul
The remnants of me, fall with broken dreams
Eternally cursed to tumble where the light will never shine
209 · Jul 2017
Sam Jul 2017
For some words form a poem in their lonesome.

206 · Jun 2017
I Do Know
Sam Jun 2017
The girl so full of hope
she wanted to save the world
to brighten it each day

The world was far too heavy
now she's full of pain

She suffers more each day
in this world of dismay
but she is unaware
of just how perfect she truly is

She's ready to give in
to the pain that's deep within
I guess I feel the same

She thinks that she's alone
that no one else could know
but the agony she holds
grabs me just the same

I know her feelings
I know her pain
people say the monsters hide beneath the bed
but mine, mine crawl inside my head

And every now and then
I see her teary eyes
I guess I'm not the guy to walk away
I guess I'm not the guy to give up
cause one day the world will see
the beauty that she holds

Broken and drowning, I guess I know her pain
but I can't let her give up
I can't let her give in
so I'll never walk away.
A response to BeautifulTragedy's Poem "You Don't Know" Please check it out!!
201 · Dec 2019
The Great Escape
Sam Dec 2019
Those maple branches never were the strongest.
I remember the sound as your foot finally snapped one, and you came crashing down ten feet.
Leaving you with your first scar of many to come.

It's engraved inside my mind.
Your parents rushing to your side, as the blood trickled
down your arm.
All I could do was stare in disbelief.

It seems like things went downhill from there.
Your father just couldn't quit the bottle.
All the arguments and fights must have taken their toll.
Cop cars constantly visiting your house.
Yet, you still somehow managed to smile every time
we'd hang out.

Back in high school, we'd always chill together.
You'd always complain about the loser you were dating.
Losers like "Chad" or "Aaron".
It ****** me off how poorly they treated you.
If I wasn't so sheltered, I probably would have asked you out
back then.

I'll never forget the day you pulled up in your car.
That barely-running Plymouth with the busted bumper.
I remember you yelling at your parents.
Tears streaming from your eyes, as you ran across the street.
You threw your arms around me, announcing your grand
escape to the open road.
Your voice was cracking with sorrow as you spoke.
I did my best to comfort you, but I guess I doubted you back then.
****, that day was six years ago though...

I haven't felt much of anything since then.
I really hope you're doing well.
You'd love all the tattoos I've collected, So come back
and see them someday.
In the meantime, I think I'll stick around this dead-end town.
198 · Aug 2017
Sam Aug 2017
It's not that I have a will to live,
I just lack the wish to die.
195 · Sep 2017
Lonely Gusts
Sam Sep 2017
The hour of the calling
Winds subtly howling
Caressing every tree
Caressing my every hair
Filling the space between us
The crease grows on my heart
Forever will I be
Without you by my side
174 · May 2019
My Own Hell
Sam May 2019
I've carried hope for far too long
These wounded dreams I can't release
Flowers rot beneath my feet
Gloom's once more encircled me
I loath the things I see each day
This infernal world's made my heart weak
Like a novel that lacks an end,
The narrative has now lost it's luster
In this dark, I seek no more
Suffering is all I've found
Stuck beneath an apathetic sky
Leave me here
No angel wings
The tears in my eyes
Just won't cease
From now until eternity
I breathe the pain that lives within
172 · Mar 2021
Cosmic Gloom
Sam Mar 2021
There's a lonesomeness about it
This existence
Things come and go, begin and end
We march through the cosmos
Onward towards finality
Towards an eternal slumber beneath the soil

Each story comes to end
Years of memories and experiences to be nevermore
To be buried in the bones
An individual
A species
Slowly strolling the path to the void
A speck in the concept of time
Destin to return to the stardust that came before us
159 · Sep 2017
I Just Know
Sam Sep 2017
Even now, I can feel it in my heart.

This sadness will be with me until the end.

— The End —