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Apr 2016 · 877
Love is... ...
Nirvana Apr 2016
Love is
walking on fire
killing our desire
making sacrifice
and paying price

Love is
living heartless
being restless
feelings being suppress
depression possess

Love is
making life a mess
living in distress
overwhelmed by dejection
a constant fear of rejection!

Love is a Fu¢king stress
only way to stay bless
is to care less
don't get stuck up
keep moving your @$$
P.S.- sorry for the offensive words!
Apr 2016 · 482
Nirvana Apr 2016
sometimes its easy to die
than to simply say good Bye!
Nirvana Apr 2016
lonely nights
show us the darkest sight
of our strength and weakness
to our partner it could bring stress

if you're strong enough
then its fine
else for your partner time is tough
you may act like swine

your heart just give reasons
its our brain that do the calculations
its OK to have an insane heart
but an insane mind can lit spark
from the number of incident
we choose a single moment
where our heart beats loud
and to judge, our insane mind, we allow

the mind come up with harsh decision
but our heart has its own vision
it chooses the one suits
and to negotiate, this decision, it recruits

its us who know;
every moment and incident
don't let your feelings flow
they (partner) may not find it decent!

we must respect every living being
and not take them for granted;
just because they respect our feeling.
our act may get a negative image planted!

if you love the person
love their decision!
and if you can't
simply make space and move on!!

we don't have any right to hurt someone
coz everyone is special in their own.
and what if they hurt you?
its your decision if you want to continue

don't leave any stone unturned
don't let your feelings burn
but to force someone to love
is inhuman hereof!
I think every poet (or every person) is a lover at some point.
so I would suggest everyone that there shouldn't be any word like REVENGE in our life, whether we achieve our love or not. whether we feel happy or sad, lively or dead.
The L not only stands for Love but also for life.
"Live and Let Live"
Our love life can be summed up in three points-

1.Accept and Rejoice.
2.Forgive and Forget.
3.Leave and Live.
Neither su*cide nor Revenge is reply to our sadness. To live on happily is.
Apr 2016 · 803
Nirvana Apr 2016
I wake up every morning
with a heart that's mourning
it only desires to meet you
& throughout the day this feeling continue

I pray to the GOD above
to spare me of this love
coz every day it kills me
but will never set me free

the pain is getting unbearable
your thoughts are irreplaceable
my heart races and not just beat
with your every thought my life is at defeat

I wish my mind get numb
I can no longer act like a dumb
with your innocence in my heart
I walk through the life's desert

I wish I could die
but to rational reasons I can't deny
the reasons my brain put forth
that my fight to get you is worth!

its something which I know
but no more my heart break
it has left me long ago!

DEATH is not something I'm afraid of;
but to live with deprived of love,
its something unacceptable
life and death are not negotiable!!
Apr 2016 · 1.9k
Nirvana Apr 2016
A click here
and a click there
taking snaps everywhere
at the age of living carefree
our generation is obsessed with selfie
with a stick in our hand
everywhere we stand -

feeling sick
let's take a pic
going to party
don't forget the photography

every single moment is;
captured as if was a bliss!
fake smiles captured with a flick
but we never get bored of taking click

we are loosing the compassion
in no way we are human
we don't help the one in need;
fish our camera and take snaps instead

portraying poor and their poverty
the name and fame won't help them any
All they want is may be a piece of bread
but the human in us is already dead!

all we do is take a click
Believe me all this is a sh*t!

Extended verse -

we have strong opinion on social media
but in actual world we suffer anemia
we like, comment and share;
when action is needed all we do is stare

such piteous is our condition
we can't stand in unison
and so its easy to break us
else what the hell is this ISIS
Nirvana Apr 2016
just one sorry is ain't enough
for whatever I've done
those times were really tough
I could never be forgiven

I did broke your heart
I might have hurt you a lot
but believe me I didn't mean it at all
believe the one who made you fall!

I'll surely pick up all your piece(s)
I'll surely make you happy to live
I'm sorry for all that you receive
from all your pain, to you, I'll release

even though I'll do it all
I can't save myself from the fall
coz my heart still feels the pain
for being the reason to hurt you I remain

I'll live with the guilt
punish me as you find fit
coz just one sorry is ain't enough
to live with guilt is really tough

I did share my heart
I acted insane at my part
didn't know you may feel bad
now I can see you're sad

it really worries me to see you sad
but can't do anything to put you at ease
all I can do is beg your pardon on my knees
but all this make you mad (at me)

eventually you'll forgive me
but it's ain't from your heart
you've been great at this art
forgiving others however hard it may be!

you did forgive me
though not from within
yeah you did talk to me
and that's when I confront my sin

my heart cries with you
I can't express how I feel
to make you smile everything I'll do
let's seal this deal

coz just one sorry is ain't enough!
for whatever I've done
I can never be forgiven
to live with a guilt is really tough!

I wake up every morning
with guilt and mourning
my heart curses me everyday
I've to live with it or find a way

I may say sorry a thousand times
but can never be free from this crime
you may **** me or drag me with cuffs (on)
but just one sorry is not enough!
P.S.- words won't do good enough
         I still can't express myself! :(
Mar 2016 · 808
The Revenant 2 (Short tale)
Nirvana Mar 2016
yeah I'm back for the revenge
to take my beloveds' avenge
here I'm waiting for the three
out of casino to set their soul free

I followed the man who was stout
I'm gonna **** him, no doubt
he hurt my beloveds'  wrist
for his (own) I'm gonna slit

the drunk ******* was asleep
I slit (open) his wrist **** deep
he woke up with screams and cry
I watch the rascal- bleed to die

it was the time for the strongest man
who held me by my shoulder then
he was tough and could give a fight
so I tied him with rope, held him tight

I chopped off his shoulder
for his act of being bolder
I bid him last goodbye
and remembered you as I left him to die

my third victim had him isolated
to my surprise he sleeps naked!
I decided to stab him all over
no ones gonna listen as no one lives closer!

but my revenge is incomplete
until I punish the real culprit
the one who was following her
I'm gonna **** that scoundrel

luring the guards to back door
I found him asleep with irritating snore
somehow the guards find out
and give out a loud shout

to which his father came pleading me
begging my pardon and to have mercy
I stab the knife in culprit's heart and eye
escaping the scene, left his father to see him die

the guards didn't dare to cross my way
I wished you A Very Happy Birth Day
standing beside your grave
to be with you again I crave

the police came again to arrest me
but this time they only found my body
the bird was gone, my soul was free
I lived with my beloved ever after happily!
P.S.- its the concluding part of the tale. I request you to read 'The Revenant (short tale) for a better idea and experience.
thank you.
Mar 2016 · 488
The Revenant (Short Tale)
Nirvana Mar 2016
you look at that ******* there
looking him you got scared
yeah he's been following you
however fast you walk he still continue

I saw him glaring (at you)
and marched towards you snarling
that's enough I drove my bike on him
the scene created was really grim

the police came and arrested me
I was looking for an escape if any
the person whom I hurt was influencing
his father a great lawyer was debating

I had lost all my hope
you entered court out of scope
the Jury after hearing your statement
declared me to be innocent!

we left the court behind
left the world that was blind
but a group of people followed us
this all created a whole ruckus

we reached for the nearby taxi
but there was no vacancy
they followed us all over
through silent street I hold you closer

I whispered into your ear
"I LOVE YOU." though we're in fear
you pulled me down and planted kiss,
I was on cloud nine, of course on my lips

the stout little ******* approached near
our hands tightly clasp we're dead fear
the first attack he made was on your wrist
I stormed into fight with that little beast

the other members followed behind
with sharp knife hiding at their hind
the strongest man hold me by my shoulder
the little stout punched me being bolder

you came to my rescue
they stab the knife in you!
they left you there to die
tied me to a pole, left me to cry!!

I will be back I promise
won't leave them who did all this...

To be continued...
A love story
With a revenge
Mar 2016 · 482
Nirvana Mar 2016
The wound grows old to become a memory, while the memory grows deep to become a wound!
Believe me!
Mar 2016 · 1.2k
Ever Wonder...
Nirvana Mar 2016
Ever wonder if-
          Seeking in someone's life  
          was possible & ain't a crime
          whose life would you chose?
          for sure, I'll opt for yours!

Ever wonder if-
          given a chance
          to get someone's glance
          whose face would you opt?
          for sure, you're the one I got!

Ever wonder if-
          we could give away our smile
          & make others happy for a while
          whom would you give your smile to?
          for sure, every time I'll give it to you!

Ever wonder if-
          were allowed to die with peace;
          in someone's lap, who put you at ease
          whose lap would you opt for?
          for sure, I'll need yours!

Ever wonder if-
          sacrificing our life
          was possible to let others survivor
          for whom you'll sacrifice your life                                   for?
          am **** sure, I'll do it for yours!
Mar 2016 · 1.4k
Nirvana Mar 2016
On every drop of ocean
I'll write your name
To every passing breeze
I'll say the same
To every leaf of forest
I'll say how I feel
To every rays of sun
my heart I'll reveal

To ever drop of rain
I'll whisper our tale
To every thunderbolts
our story I'll unveil

To every feeding ant
I'll tell your name
To every soil on earth
I'll say the same!!

Till the breathe of my life
I'll patiently wait
for you to come to me
so my love (to you) I'll narrate
Mar 2016 · 1.8k
Memory Lane
Nirvana Mar 2016
walking down the memory lane
I revived my eternal pain
caught you giving her stare
but you pleaded me to have your share

oh dear me
when you'll be free
every time I visit the memory lane
I find you brewing the same pain

I think its me
who made the history
and you're just
reliving my past!

you're not the one to blame
for my heart that's burning in flame
because of the mistake I made in past
till my last breathe I feel it will last.

let it last however long;
it will and let it come along
coz its the only mistake
for which I'll put my all at stake    

though it hurts to see you in pain
dear me, I'll keep visiting my memory lane
coz as you do
so I love her too!
its the only place
where this soul gets solace!
P.S.- is it compulsory to break down in this last sentence.
Yes I still Love You Madly...
Mar 2016 · 679
Nirvana Mar 2016
I'll put all my effort
to bring a smile on your face
no one will ever find sadness' trace
I promise with me you need no escort!

indeed your smile is beautiful
to evade it I'm a great fool
forgive me if you can
I know I've been the reason of your pain

I'm sorry for troubling you
I promise I'll wipe your tears too
I'll put my sincere effort
just to make you laugh

my words they were harsh
they might leave the mental scar
punish me if it makes you happy
I know my behaviour have been shabby

I know I can't do much about the scar
allow me to delight you up to the par
I promise I'll never hurt you again
and will never allow you to go through any pain

for the words I've selected, I'm sorry
the action I preferred was really folly
I've proven that I'm a great fool
indeed your smile is beautiful!

I'll do all I can
for your smile to sustain;
on your lips and your face
I won't let it simply erase!

And all this while
I've been a fool
indeed your smile
is really beautiful!
P.S.- I'm sorry...
Mar 2016 · 572
Nirvana Mar 2016
Loneliness never did killed me;
Its your thoughts that suffocates me!
Mar 2016 · 1.3k
Love me harder..
Nirvana Mar 2016
your thoughts harbour
in my heart within
your love is my armour
no matter fat or thin

your words linger
in deep of my mind
I'm a puppet of your finger
I request you to be kind

you abandoned me
in the middle
my love couldn't be
this little

if you plan to hurt
hurt me little hard
mix me to dirt
and push me in the dark

I may not be able
to crawl back to you
love is no gamble
to accept and threw
Oh dear! I still love you.
Feb 2016 · 653
I'll carry your HEART
Nirvana Feb 2016
You don't have to carry your heart
I'll make sure I carry yours
Let it be with me
I'll take good care of it, you'll see

Though you didn't permit my heart
to enter your beautiful cart
but I'll make sure your heart is safe
and lives happily at my place

Though my heart is not your guest
buy my feelings you respect
your respect sometimes seems to be a pity
and your replies are quite a time witty

A small talk
and then a long pause
yeah it hurts my heart
but my heart will never give up

call me shameless
or say I'm desperate
I don't give a ****
I'll do whatever I can!
Feb 2016 · 442
Feeling Despair
Nirvana Feb 2016
I've started feeling despair
for the love that we share
oh! sorry I do forgot
the love, its all I've got

you never care to
find my love for you
you were busy in your own
you left me to cry and frown

you talked to me once or twice
you tried your best to act nice
all you said was not to call again
is it enough to heal my pain

you may put up a fight
but don't disappear from my sight
Instead slit my heart
and tear it apart

My feelings have rotten
but you're not forgotten
I still feel the pain
but the conditions have change(d)
to be continued... ... ...
Feb 2016 · 398
To My Love
Nirvana Feb 2016
Passing the nights
Rattling your name
Ask me not
To stop loving you
Its all I've got
kindly ask me to
Stop living instead
Hallucination is a boon
As dreaming you is all I do!

May be you'll read your name
Inscribed on my heart
Hidden at
Right place in
Attic of this body!
Feb 2016 · 307
Nirvana Feb 2016
Now My pillow knows me much better than you does!
Feb 2016 · 278
Nirvana Feb 2016
to show your LOVE you need to be INSANE
But to hide it you need to have STRENGTH/COURAGE
Feb 2016 · 394
Life Moves On...
Nirvana Feb 2016
I forgot my smile
and don't remember my laugh
I don't know who I was
and don't know where I stand
you're the only dream i chase
I'll die surely if you leave me in case!
the plot is set
we'll talk
I'll cry
you'll apologise
for leaving me
I'll sob
you'll give reasons
I'll be silent
you'll hug me and unite
just in order to depart
I'll be dead silent
you'll look back
to make sure I'm not crying
but its my heart not me
the pain will break me
I'll stand there for a year
and cut myself from world
get angry for no reason
will cry for you're not here
pass my days
to feel dead at lonely nights
get restless
and deject(ed)
but you won't be here in any case
I'll feel hurt
its because of my heart
I'll be heartless anyway
yet I'll die everyday
to see you again
eventually I'll love this pain
tears will fade
but not this heartache
whether good or bad
I'll live on the life I had!
perhaps, I'll write my loss
in poetry of course
but will never show it to you
you must not know I (still) love you!
we must not hold on
its life... let's move on...
(that's what you asked for!)
P.S.- I don't know what it is or if it makes any sense but writing this gave me jolts!
Feb 2016 · 268
Nirvana Feb 2016
Dare to dream.
if you achieve it, you'll have something to talk about.
and if you fails, you'll have something to laugh about!
P.S.- well if it hurts, you'll have something to cry about!
Feb 2016 · 333
Random Thoughts
Nirvana Feb 2016
The darkness reside
crickets chirping beside
the light subside
my journey I decide

I'll go on loving you
though hurting me back
is all you do
my enthusiasm will never lack

tears may come and go
my feelings may go high and low
you may never accept me as lover
               (Its Fine)
just your presence makes me feel better

people questions my love
they say we are water and stove
to which I answer them in fuss
"LOVE is as LOVER does."

I love the pain
your memories bring
I may not be the same
to put you the ring
you can't stop me from loving you
as time descends my love will grew
you may get weak and old
but my love will get stronger manifold
          And Still
people questions my love
they say we are water and stove
to which I answer them in fuss
"LOVE is as LOVER does."
Jan 2016 · 371
Nights Do pass
Nirvana Jan 2016
nights do pass
and the pain it cause
I can't bear it Alas!

Your thoughts do come
shake me strong and firm
such cruel they are and stern

I do pass the night
seeing stars shining bright
crying to self, feels so light

I wake at the midnight
searching for your sight
not finding you around gives me fright

The pain it cause
I can't bear it Alas!
But somehow the night do pass

searching for new stuff(s)
handling self rude and rough
Be busy! to survive its enough

like night the day is not sadist
but even it doesn't put me at ease
your thoughts do come and tease

Loving you is all I do
at every moment I miss you
and hope in everything you miss me too!
Jan 2016 · 561
The Core...
Nirvana Jan 2016
I feel lonely
and its killing me
there's a million thing
I wanna say
but I'm not supposed
to say it any way
the heart weighs a lot
pierce my chest and keep it apart
I don't love you anymore
but its not from my core
coz I love you and I know
I can't get over you anyhow
I wish I had a choice
but I'm dying to hear your voice
to smile with a broken heart
yeah I'm good at this art
the heart is bleeding
and desires are dying
hold me tight and let me stay
with my life, this love will fade away
your silence is killing me
instead shoot me and set me free
I don't love you anymore
I know its not from my core
I wish if you can feel my misery!
Jan 2016 · 1.7k
Nirvana Jan 2016
The silence pierces my heart
The calmness tears me apart
numbness is getting over
To my declination I'm getting closer

Can feel the boiling tears in my eye
while the stuffed throat is dry
my tears are ready to flow
while heavy breath is getting slow

Crying in the darkness
can feel this numbness
hoping one day you'll call
and save me from this fall

Now life seems to be a burden
'To feel dead, you don't need to be one.'
that's what I've learn
from the "love" that I've spun (yarn)

'To say hello, one must say bye;
To live again, one must die'
with your thoughts I'll sleep
burry me somewhere deep.
P.S.- Hurting self to hurt you
          crying in order to feel you!
Jan 2016 · 1.7k
My Second Love- POETRY
Nirvana Jan 2016
Every time I think I need some time
A few lonely moments
alone from the society
away from poetries
Away from Myself
Away from everything at once
The moment I feel so
your thoughts bring me back to poetries..
to comfort me
to console me
to make me cry
deeply to sleep
to wipe my tears
to hug me tight
Though I need you the most
but only alternative I've are my prose/poetries...
P.S- Hugging poetries
         and kissing music
         Maybe I'm out of my mind
          and plausibly getting sic
Jan 2016 · 776
May be...
Nirvana Jan 2016
I'm choking
maybe I'm breaking
The Heartache
I can't take

my mind is getting hazy
may be I sound crazy
your image is set
my mind can't reset
my mind is an *****
neither computer nor cam
which delete one
and replace second

my heart is getting numb
may be I sound dumb
but I can hear my beat
screaming your name in it
I wish it get calm
its hurting me ****

my mind is playing game
may be I sound lame
my heart and mind are fooling me
to which I'm believing madly
coz the lie they show isn't true
I can never be beside you
as that's what you've chosen to
I can't resist the dream they show
though you could never be mine I know

I wish to move on
may be to get over you;
it takes me an eon...
I wish to die
or let me live with lie
I can't feel my breath
the earth's moving beneath
you think I'm lying
but may be within I'm dying...
Jan 2016 · 297
Nirvana Jan 2016
Don't interfere if you can't handle (me)

interfere in my life
influencing my heart
and persuading my mind!
P.S.- if you wanna love her go on but please spare me. My other half!
Jan 2016 · 307
Nirvana Jan 2016
To feel dead, you don't need to be one!
P.S.- A heartbreak is sufficient.
Jan 2016 · 761
Un-Xplainable 4
Nirvana Jan 2016
I don't know who's at fault-

whether its the insane heart in me
or is it your mesmerising beauty?
whether its my heart playing game
or is it you wanted the same?

I don't know whom to blame-

the heart which I believed
or my sanity which deceived?
I dreamt of something impossible
so I think its my luck plausible!

I don't know what to do-

whether to cry out loud
and shed all those grey cloud?
or to hold it for long
and with her departure;
I let it flow along?

I don't know what I want-

though I know its you, you and you
but I kept silent at all your view...

I know my answers pretty well-

yet I keep repeating my question
but believe me its not out of confusion
its out of the hope that you may
reply the answer I want you to say!
P.S.- I don't know
         yet I know

I just can't decide whether-
I let my feelings to flow
or let you go?
Jan 2016 · 793
Nirvana Jan 2016
sorry if I caused you hiccups
but I'm missing you so much!!!
Jan 2016 · 895
Silent Night
Nirvana Jan 2016
The lights going down
only saffron surrounds
our shadows going mile
your beauty is your smile
My hand tightly you grasp
our breath coming in gasp
with the night getting dark
our heart is lit with spark
The birds flying back to shelter
and now I'm feeling much better
welcoming the coming night
happy to see you in my sight
under the glistening moon light
I open my arms and hold you tight
I wish if I could halt the running time
the moon is envious to see my moon shine
I want your lap for my life to rest
coz today I saw the beauty at its best
whether it was the beautiful sight
or your presence that add to my delight
whatever it may be
I want you to be with me
through all the day and every night
though not in gloomy but at beautiful sight
holding hands and enjoying the nature
we're happy with the plan of creator
there's a lot I want to speak
but the silence is at its peak
I'll let the silence do its talk
and holding our hands let's take a walk
cold breeze touching my face
though with you its not the case
coz the water is splashed on my bed
and the pain is doubled in my head
though its my head where pain resides
but its my victim heart that cries!!!
it was supposed to be a poem on nature, but its my nature that without her my every work is incomplete!
Yeah if not in reality at least in my poetry.
Jan 2016 · 483
Nirvana Jan 2016
How funny it is I really wanted to stop myself from writing poetries but I forgot that 'MUSIC' and 'POETRY' plays an important role at least in my life:

"Music serves me as a roadway to the deepest secret of my life;
While Poetry serves me as a way back from the darkest corner of my heart."
Nirvana Jan 2016
Take back all your memory
Relief me and set me free
All I wanna be:
Is to act more like me

The memories of your
Doesn't help me csure
With every passing time
They destroy sanity of mine

The betrayal is in the air
There's nothing that I fear;
Other than my own dezire
it's the only thing that put me on fire

My eyes have been searching you
My mind is creating moments that's ain't true
A portrait of yours is stuck in my eye
I can't breathe coz inside I dye

The thing that troubles me
Are not my enemies
The thing that shatters me
Are those memories...

There's something stuck in my head
I battle with me and toss in my bed
I can't take any more of this
I wanna forget all her memories

I hear a whisper of your name
It hurts, but to hear it my mind is tame
I may get rid of me;
But from your memories its difficult to be.

Take back all your memory
Relief me and set me free
All I wanna be:
Is to act more like me
Wanna Act Like Self!!
Jan 2016 · 817
All I Got...
Nirvana Jan 2016
All I wanted was a
       little more appreciation
             and all I got is
           much more pain

             All I wanted is
           to be your friend
             and all I got is

            All I wanted is
        to embrace you in pain
             and all I got is
             cry and strain

           All I wanted was
       a glimpse of your sight
            and all I got is
             lonely night

          All I wanted is
      a few words to share
         and all I got is
     you don't even care

         All I wanted is
       to cry at my top
        and all I got is
           silent sob.
Dec 2015 · 511
Last Wish
Nirvana Dec 2015
Rather than dying as a LOVER I would love to be remembered as a FRIEND!
Dec 2015 · 941
Nirvana Dec 2015
You are there in all my mails
Though in attaining you I fail
You're there in all my accounts
Coz to your memories I'm eternally bound

Your name is my password
The date we met is the security check
Your messages now are mere words
To find the fault I'm reading it (messages) all back

With your thought I slept
Your portrait is on the rack
To which I stare all night through my shroud
With million thoughts and million doubts

The portrait still hangs at its place
But you are not here to solace
The insane heart still stares all the night long
But to you probably i'm a forgotten/old song
I'll delete it (mails and accounts) all
like one delete account's history
I may move on and stand tall
but you'll be an unsolved mystery¡¡¡
Dec 2015 · 1.0k
Retire Heart
Nirvana Dec 2015
the heart has grown old
and my eyes are tired
only tears it hold
and my heart wants to retire

the heart holds the pain
and eyes show its scar
with salty water it contain
serenity of the face they mar

your thoughts hit my mind
every now and then
our encounters I remind
as if you occupied my mind's Ben

with your dreams in my eyes
I remember you only thrice
past, present and future
your thoughts my mind nurture

my heart is sore
and can't take it anymore
even my eyes are dried
I failed in every attempt I tried

I find it perfect
how imperfect my love is:
your ignorance I'll accept
just don't ask me to forget you please!

the heart has grown old
and my eyes are tired
only tears it hold
and my heart wants to retire
Missing You is the worst part of my life!!
Dec 2015 · 379
Nirvana Dec 2015
I don't know what hurts the most
the person
or their memories
their love
or their absence
their care
or the fact that no more they care!
Clueless and confused
But all I know is YOU!
Dec 2015 · 426
I Miss...
Nirvana Dec 2015
I miss her here
I miss her there
I miss her every now and then

I miss her smile
I miss her style
I miss every word she said

I miss those nights
I miss those days
I miss her in every way

I miss those chats
I miss those fights
I miss it all every time I cry
# Holding Back the Tears
Dec 2015 · 626
Nirvana Dec 2015
crying in silence
never allowed my tears
show their presence
I love you I swear

it hurts
your absence
I wanna put cuts
all over deep and dense

listening music
and remembering you
I feel so sick
and I'm so *****(ed)

death may embrace me
and put me at ease
I'm fed up of this monotonicity
I beg you Lord please!!!
#Missing you...
Dec 2015 · 784
Back to The Start
Nirvana Dec 2015
Hope my life get reverse
our relation I could preserve
the friendship that end
may be I could mend

we are now known strangers
I wanna be your ranger
but it is not possible
to be blocked and make it feasible

let's get back to rigorous fight
and you don't listen to any of my plight
suffocate all my dreams that are sacred
and drench me with all your hatred

and we'll go back in silence
after passing through all this violence
and you don't wanna talk to me
neither you want me to see

and then we'll start our normal chat
with million thoughts and million fact
slow and steady our friendship will grow
thick dark and beautiful though slow

later I'll send you the friend request
to which happily you'll accept
and we will become friends again
this time I promise will never give you pain

Extended verses -

since the time moves on
our story will change hereupon
from friend to stranger again we became
but this time with no sorrow or any pain

the strangers with no guilt or pain
and no more expectations remain
coz now, no more we know each other
and our actions we don't bother

How happy our life will be
if forgetting someone was this easy
with moving back in time- reverse
at least our heart we could preserve!!
"We move back till we become friends;
or we move back until we become strangers again!"

P.S.- The story goes backwards, just like time travelling.

Dec 2015 · 3.0k
Be A Cigarette...
Nirvana Dec 2015
lighting up a cigarette    
feels really great
taking its small puff
is living happily, enough?

the ash is falling
and so do we
the smoke is rising
and that's what we aim to be

the cigarette burns it deep
and so we've to perceive
to have a successful reap
for smoky appreciation we'll receive

the first puff could be choking
but do we quit smoking?
alike failures are the stepping stone
arise, no one will pamper you're all alone

burn out like a cigarette
to achieve something great
fall like ash, rise like smoke
learn it from cigarette dear folk

don't panic if something goes wrong
have patience and stay strong
after all a cigarette is finally thrown
as we die our body/story is sown...
A smoker can relate to
And a person can relate too
but a poet/writer can relate the two!
Dec 2015 · 823
Weird Love -2
Nirvana Dec 2015
The First Day:

our eyes met
and the plot was set
I acted my best
to get you impress

our eyes met
your mind got preset:
"throw him out at instant
he's a poisonous serpent"

The Next Day:

we met the next day
I dreamt in my own way:
you said words you'll never say
and the reality brings me dismay

we met the next day
you planned it in your way:
to reject me anyway
'SORRY' was all you say

you stood in front (of me)
I gathered my courage to confront
and express the feelings my heart prompt
you stop me in mid giving me goose bump

you took a while
streaming words from your pile (of words)
your 'S-O-R-R-Y' travelled a mile
you left me with apologetical smile

P.S.- Another illusionary tale (Luckily an illusionary tale!!!)

apologetical smile- a smile (not exactly) at times we don't know exactly how to react!
Dec 2015 · 603
Weird Love
Nirvana Dec 2015
my lips are tied
and eyes are numb
coz my lips always lied
impersonating me to be a ****

lies were told
and you believe it all
truth is yet to unfold
I'm already at a fall

your mind acted rational
while the heart acted dumb
lies you believed were intentional
but failed to read my eyes getting numb

my heart wasn't prepared
to unveil my feelings to you
so to my friend's heart I spared
coz he loved you too!!!

sorry if I hurt you
this situation was a bit new
YOU were not a trophy to be given
for this I must never be forgiven!!!

punish me with all you have
your absence is my reward
Really sorry for being a naive
and treating you like an award

my heart is crying
can you hear its sob
the time is running
can you hear its tic-tock
tic-tock... tic-tock...
An illusionary love story!
Dec 2015 · 434
Nirvana Dec 2015
if love can make us blind
and if it can really so
please make me of a kind
so your betrayal I may never saw

if heart can sing
please play on my thought
give my desire a new wing
and end your 'Presence's drought'

if mind can play the game
and make me feel alright
I wish it to make me lame
that's my sincere plight

if history could be change
and past could be live again
our encounter and talks I'll rearrange
coz without you I can't stand this pain

if love is easy
then what hatred is;
away from you I'll be in misery
to see you at peace!!!
Nov 2015 · 22.8k
Nirvana Nov 2015
woh zindagi bhi kya zindagi hogi
jisme zindagi hi naa **
koi gam nhi
aur koi shikva bhi naa **

Teri yaad bhi naa **
naa tera koi zikra **

woh zindagi bhi kya zindagi hogi
jaha koi alfaaz hi naa **
naa tujhe paane ki koi chaah
aur naa hi tujhe khone ka koi dard **

woh zindagi bhi kya zindagi hogi
jaha mai naa rahu aur tu bhi naa **
naa koi dikhavti hasi
aur koi aasu bhi naa **

woh zindagi bhi kya zindagi hogi
jaha seeney ki dhadkan sirf dhadke
aur dimaag sirf apna kaam kare
koi khwaahish hi naa **
koi aarzoo bhi naa **
yeh saasein toh chale
bas koi zindagi hi naa **

woh zindagi bhi kya zindagi hogi...
woh zindagi bhi kya zindagi hogi...
jaha main naa rahu aur tum bhi naa **
yeh **** toh rahe
par koi aatma naa **
yeh saasein toh chale
bas koi zindagi hi naa **

woh zindagi bhi kya zindagi hogi...
jaha main naa rahu aur tum bhi naa **...!
Nov 2015 · 330
Nirvana Nov 2015
REJECTION is nothing, if we take IGNORANCE into consideration...
Nov 2015 · 2.2k
Nirvana Nov 2015
Missing those talks
Texting you on long walks

Sharing our secrets
Those moments were sweetest

The chat which last
After saying bye an hour past

Every story we reveal
But when my feelings I unveil

Our friendship lose its track
Oh yes I can see the patch

It was me who painted it black
And craving today to get it back

You never knew my intention
But is it crime to have emotion?

Oh yes it is for sure!!!
And you seriously need to be cure
A heartbreak and scream
Is the dose to put off your day dream

Its OK to have emotion and abide (with it)
But to expect the same is suicide

Sorry if I ever hurt you
You may forgive me
But I won't forget you
You may forget me
But I'll never forgive me

Let's play it all over again...
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