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III Sep 2018
I'm imprisoned
     Behind this static
Echoing its sick
Reverberations inside my head
     But disguising itself
     As muck
Both in the expulsion
     Of my tongue
And the frantic scripture
     Of my pen working fruitlessly.
614 · Jul 2016
The Day Your Childhood Dies
III Jul 2016
The day the magic goes away,
The day life dulls and
Your eyes forget to see
Vivid laughs of color
Is the day your childhood is over,

The moment you can no longer feel
Something you've never felt before,
Like a warmth inside your head
Or in your chest
Without some form of drug
Or film or book
That brushes off the dust
From things you thought were forgotten,
This is the moment your childhood ends.

But sometimes,
Like love for the first, first time
All over again,
Your soul remembers how to breath
And gasps for a split moment
The air of young
Before the waves of today
Flood into your chest once more,
Little bubbles dancing upward,

One last ray of sunlight
Peaking through the current's whisper,
Swimming softly enough
Just to graze the tip of your nose
Before the black takes over.
597 · Oct 2014
III Oct 2014
She hung strands of
Sunshine from her neck
And painted her eyes with
The froth of the ocean
In hopes to bring the moon
To envy.
592 · Nov 2018
Encased In White
III Nov 2018
And I'll forever affirm
There is no greater beauty
     Than the heavy silence
That accompanies the stagnant hymn
     Of a humble snowfall,
Bright against the murmuring
     Hum of a shadowy winter's night,

The world spinning slow,
     Frosty and quiet,
     Encased in white.
586 · Jul 2016
III Jul 2016
I'm a broken bottle,
And I'm holding all my pieces together
Without any glue.
584 · May 2018
Finding Myself
III May 2018
Ever so slowly,
I am seeing
Glimmering shards of myself
Creep back into the
Beat of my heart and
The cadence of my words.
582 · Dec 2018
2 Star Hotel
III Dec 2018
Never more have I wished
     For paper thin walls

Plaster white only rivaled
     By your porcelain pale skin

If not only to serve
     As some grand, seeing canvas,

Littered with words of our
     Half drunken slurs

And cozy expressions of love
     In a night yearning to stretch longer,

For if those walls could tell the tales
     Of our exploits through and through,

I'd trace them up, cut them out,
     And frame my adoration for you.
551 · Apr 2018
6:15 Sunrise
III Apr 2018
It's so much more
Than the daffodil sunrise
Exhaling puffed purple trails of smokey
Cotton ball clouds
Reflected across the stitches
Of your hazel-green iris
That captures my attention so,
And refuses to return
My breath you've stolen.
547 · Nov 2016
Everything is Okay
III Nov 2016
I keep telling myself
I'm happy,

But I can't stop
Catching myself wishing
For something more than stability.
544 · Apr 2019
III Apr 2019
good piano music
lots of oatmeal

warm and good

eating lots of oatmeal
yum yum **** yea

oatmeal getting lower
bowl getting lighter

do you ever feel like a bowl of good oatmeal
running low on oatmeal

piano music dying
piano music sad

oatmeal almost gone now
reflect on good memories
of plentiful oatmeal

scraping for last pieces
music getting loud

ow it hurts my ear
**** where is all my oatmeal?
538 · Apr 2017
I Just Woke Up
III Apr 2017
I just woke up
in the beginning of the evening

And suddenly became aware
that before this moment I was not aware.

And everything I did
and everything I said
I did without control,

And it feels as though today was lie,
this week was a sham,
this year has been false,
and my life is slipping away

Because I feel myself sinking in again
and I feel my fingers drifting away from my mind,
and it's starting again
and oh God please help me
I want to live
I want to live
I want to live

But here I go, down the muddy hole again.
519 · Jul 2018
Bed Of Grass
III Jul 2018
Grass roots
     Hear my whisper
And feel my touch
     Skirting soft
           As I trace my hand along
                  The moon kissed curls,

And when a blade
     Catches the round of my finger,
      Please don't let go.
516 · Jan 2022
The Dead Wander
III Jan 2022
Death is not so bad;
I died long ago
And didn't realize it
Until now
514 · Apr 2015
Rotten Is The Hull
III Apr 2015
A rope tied
Me to her
While everyone
Else pretended
To sway,
Connected with
Dotted lines.
503 · Jul 2018
Ceiling Fan Wishes
III Jul 2018
    When I'm grasping
          For something to say,

I lay on my back
And stare carefully
     At the dizzy dance
Of the ceiling fan's motion,

And think of all the other times
      I longed for the sky to
      The ground to shake,
      The leaves to tell me
             Their secrets,

All the times I yearned
For something,
To come crashing in a
      Passionate heat
      Into my life again.
496 · Sep 2021
Whispers of Autumn
III Sep 2021
I long for the breath of Autumn,
Lingering on the cusp of a heavier sun
And a horizon layered crackled gold,
For it's the chilled wisps of wind
I hold strong in my lungs
That's melancholic and
Warmly familiar,
It's the hint of a brewing shiver
That calms the aching mind
And eases the souls of the weary and withered.
484 · Feb 2014
Toxic Dream
III Feb 2014
Sh, my Darling,
Slip on your mask,
Protect yourself from the poisons
Of the world,
The world we,
The creators,
Constructors of such a thing
Have reduced to rubble
Just the same,
And Darling,
If you find your eyelids
Feel heavy and your
Breathing slowed,
Drift away from this
Wasteland in the
Comfort of my arms,
And find a better tomorrow.
III Feb 2016
While my body bathed
In the awful waves of
Aching, numbing sand baths,
She reminded me that there's
A whole wide ocean out there,

And I need to worry nothing
When her velvet covered arms
Held my head,
Sang me to sleep,
And let me drift away
To some other day,
Perfectly in between
Never knowing
And knowing she'd make it all okay.
III Oct 2018
With her hair
     Like the midnight Sky
And her eyes
     Gray as the hanging Moon

She told me I was bright like the Sun
     And I wished to create
A solar system together,
     Without any space between our orbits.
475 · May 2015
III May 2015
She felt herself
Maudlin and a
A stitching that
Too often came

But she what
She could not see
Beyond her angel wings
Was the light she made
While sunken in her grave

Surrounded by a ink
That spread through her
Veins and poisoned
Her brain and tinted
Whatever fluid
Sloshed about
In her eyes piercing green
On some days,
Hazel brown on others,

Enveloped in darkness,
Shaded by trees,
The leaves sung for her
And the grass danced,
But she felt wrong
In her own skin
And tried to cut it off.
473 · Nov 2018
Nuclear Love
III Nov 2018
She compared me
To the sun,

And I felt nothing
But warmth

So it must be true.
469 · Jul 2018
Ode To The Fly
III Jul 2018
It feels like
The days pass faster
Than there are sunsets
For me to catch,

Because for so long
    Have I strived
To chase beauty,

But endlessly I seem
    To forget
That perhaps capturing it
Defeats the goal
    Of experiencing it,

So now I find myself
    Like a fly trapped
Between the glass
    And the screen
Of the window to
    Some outside world,

Doomed to burn up
    In my self-generated
Heat, born from the
    Friction of my struggle.
469 · May 2016
III May 2016
Forest birds
Sing me to sleep
So I can escape this awful nightmare.
464 · Apr 2018
"Self Improvement"
III Apr 2018
I've seen the sun,
It's shimmery glow,
And felt it's warmth too,
And yet,
I still swim deeper,
Without knowing why this
Is what I do.
III Aug 2019
I put myself back in that place,
Beyond the veil of that fall-turning-to-winter night
Clentched together in the backseat of my Honda,
The air was foggy with anticipation
As the delicate murmurs of gentle songs
Hummed, and I breathed in the scent of your hair
As my nose rest against the top of your head,
And your eyes reflected off mine,
A halo of fractured light from
The street lamp outside
Graced the silhouette of your lullaby face,

A stern wind shook the car
But were forever still
In each other's arms,

Warmed by the years
We dreamed of
III Jun 2018
If the world
Stood still,
Stuck at 3am,

I'd be content
So long as
You were awake with me.
453 · Apr 2016
Mr. Swimmington
III Apr 2016
I was looking at my fish today
And couldn't help but wonder
"Is he lonely?"

That's silly, of course,
Can fish even get lonely?
Sure, he's swimming in that huge tank,
Back and forth and back and forth
All hours of the day,
Entirely by himself,
His only company the algae hugging
The over sized and over-exaggerated rocks,
But can he be lonely?

Do fish have thoughts?
Does he swim back and forth
And back and forth
Wondering when the glass will tap
And flakes of food
Float down from some gleaming world above,
With nothing but fish-thoughts
Running through his fish brain,
Contemplating his existence:
Why is he here?
As a trophy?
As a center piece to give simple aesthetic to the room?
Is that all he is?

When he dies,
What will be remembered of him
Other than being flushed down into the sewers,
And replaced by yet another
Extremely unextraordinary fish?

But still, is he lonely?
Surely, as am I, he must be something,
Because maybe we are both here just for the aesthetic of being alive,
Swimming back and forth
And back and forth
With of fish thoughts
Waiting for nothing more than to be fed.
451 · Sep 2019
Melting Myself
III Sep 2019
Did the self-encasing ice
Ever melt enough
To reach beyond,
So you
Stretch your tired fingers
In the cool spring air,
And flicker your eyes open
To the mid-morning mist,

Breathed in just shallow enough
To soothe that rain-like pit-pattering heart
And coo the aches of chilly soul,
Hushing the wisps of winter wither
Beyond the mind and somewhere thither.
442 · Sep 2015
The Lawn Mower
III Sep 2015
There is a man
I notice sometimes
From classroom windows
Across the school
Who rides a raging
Metallic beast
With a razor reach
And craving for cuts
Of grass that never stops growing,

He’s soaked in a midday sun
Peeking around a sea in the sky
Dotted with whispers of white,
And drenched in his thoughts
As the hum of the engine
Shrugs off the blurred haze
Of traffic close by,

And he ponders:
“Does this grass feel pain?”
As his blade sweeps away
The shagged green fingers,
For sometimes among
The clean straights he trims
And behind the static of
Mindless television too late at night
He imagines the grass
Sprung from the ground
To be himself,
Lost among a crowd,
Nothing more than a hint of color
In some dizzying hue,
A hair on the Earth
No one would care to lose,

And while he sighs
Once every week or so
And shifts into gear
The lawn to be turned slick
And shiny,
Well kept
By some unsung hero,
The subtle acknowledgements
Chime in hushed admiration
To his unhearing ears.
440 · Feb 2014
Flakes Of Heaven
III Feb 2014
The sky is gray, dead,
Dying, like my thoughts,
It's warm passion far from bloom,
Shriveled in the chill of the dim.

The vast entirety of nothing
Fills the spaces in between,
And little flakes of Heaven
Shimmer to their collective

Pools of concentrated inspiration,
A burden once enjoyed,
No longer found,
Trapped in childhood wishes.
For all the snowflakes out there a little too different from the others.
435 · Mar 2019
Summer Sun
III Mar 2019
I eagerly await
To walk with you beneath
The shine of this summer's sun,
So maybe just then
You can feel a heat
Only rivaled
By the warmth
You bring to me.
III Jun 2018
Okay so,
I told myself
I'd write a poem
Or something
About this because
Writing always helps

So here goes:

You came to me
In a dream last night
(Again.  God, please just leave me alone)
And asked me if
I thought of you

And I tilted my head
And smiled some
Crippled cracked grin
And my chest filled up
With warm water
And I was drowning
From the inside out
As I burbled and sputtered
Through the choking waves:

"There has not
Been a day where
I have not
Thought of you
Since we met."

And I *******
Hate myself
Because I stumbled
Over my words
I was sure would
Spill out poetic,
Or at least better
Sounding than that,
And I wanted to
Impress you someway
Even though the last time
I saw you
You told me you couldn't believe
You fell for my stupid poetry
The first time around,

And I *******
Hate myself
Because now
My dreams are speaking
More truth
Than I can willingly
Admit to awake.
430 · Jul 2018
Auras - Amber
III Jul 2018
An angel fish
Lost deep
     Beneath the waves.
429 · Jun 2018
Prom Part 2
III Jun 2018
Let's live together
     Like a poem
Written from our frosty breath
    Dancing in the cool moonlit air.
427 · Jul 2018
Auras - Sarah
III Jul 2018
Even though
      It's been years,
Whenever I see fireworks
     I think of you.
III May 2018
We are all just broken messes, aren't we?

Just weird abstractions of people,
Clinging to the material and unnatural
Thrills and chills of being,
In some odd hope that we will wake up
Rejuvenated and refreshed
And with a mind so clean
And pure
And sure of ourselves,
But we are really just lost
In our own self-constructed mazes of
Complications and complexity.
420 · Sep 2014
9-7-14, Sunday, 4:53pm
III Sep 2014
It wasn't so much
The fibers of her being
That made the sun get
Out of bed each morning,

But rather the image of
Her existence that coaxed
The Universe to spin steadily
On the axis of eternity.
419 · Aug 2015
III Aug 2015
She had a glow
That illuminated the
Shadow of the sun
That was put out with
A misplaced scalpel
Across her beating neck,
And the gas that
Put her to sleep
Held her down,
Hugged her tight
As she choked,
And woke up
In a place so dark.
419 · Feb 2019
Your Skin
III Feb 2019
You are to my touch
What a mountain view
Is to my eyes.
411 · Sep 2015
Another Fucking Love Poem
III Sep 2015
I'll sit here,
Encased in the night
Before the sun of my screen,
And look over my shoulder
Every now and again
Because I can't stop now,

I'll write another
******* love poem
Like it means something to me
Like these words spilling
Like broken glasses
Soaking this mangle of a poem
Can actually say anything about how I feel.

I could absolutely alliterate
And methodically metaphor
Like a truck stuck in mud
But you see
That's all I'll ever be,
Just stuck in this muddled mind of mine,

Grasping at the ghost of us
That does not exist in any
Tangible reality,
And so I'll write another
******* love poem,
And someone will swoon
And clap their hands together
And tell me how lucky you are
To have someone like me,

When in the scheme of things,
It's not how I feel.

It's not even close to how I feel
Because how I feel
Cannot be articulated through some
Random array of 26 letters,
26 effortless, meaningless symbols
Slapped together without caution,
Stitched together with some form
Of a string of tears I cannot cry
Because the real me is trapped inside you see,

He's trapped up there,
Locked in a rusty cage with
Nothing to read
And nothing to sing
And nothing lovely to smell
When that rotted core of a sun
Beams over whatever fleshy horizon
Exists up there,
You see I'm not sure how to say it
Without making this some
God forsaken love poem
That's just like all the others,

But I'm trapped up here,
And only you
Give me hope
That I'll ever get down in one thinking piece.
411 · Feb 2014
Follow Close Behind
III Feb 2014
Your lungs strain, old,
Torn, a rush of air
Pushing from your chest,
And all you remember is

A troubled flow of blood to
Your head and a quavering breath,
Shaken and hollow and your
Eyelids weigh with all the

Gravity of the world,
Pulling you closer to her,
Bright light,
A lingering touch of her fingers

Against yours, the brush of
Her hair that reeks of decay,
But smells so nostalgically satisfying
In itself.

For love, don't ever leave me alone
In this world unlit by a moon,
I'll follow you close behind.
III Jul 2018
Does the sun
Chase the moon
Afraid of day,
Or does the moon
Follow the sun
Unknowing of night?
III Sep 2015
If you were anything other
Than what I thought you were,
You’d be everything ugly.  

Because I looked to you
As if you woke up the sun each morning,
But you only ever blotted it out.

You took some frizzled brush
With its bristles cut ragged
And pointing in all directions

And you painted the sky
Some slimy, green-black shadow
Which reminded me of pond ****,

Or worse yet
It reminded me of the filtration
In my fish tank I never got around to cleaning,

Oozing yellow pus
And clearing any room with its stench,
It was so much like you.

For just like a soaking,
Disgustingly rotten fish tank filter,
You maintained the image of beauty,

You plucked the sickness
And flakes of half eaten food
From the sea of this world

And built it all up inside of you.
So now people gaze
With some sort of admiration in their eyes

At a tank housing a vibrancy
Of life and plants and healthy things
That only exist to brighten the day,

But little do they know
That if you undo this,
And unscrew that,

You’ll pop right open,
Your filthy inner workings exposed,
And taint all the good things around you,

You’ll leak out into the crystal clarity,
Make it hazy and cloudy and
You’ll blind all the fish,

You’ll **** all the fish
If we don’t keep you closed.
403 · Jun 2018
Be Worse
III Jun 2018
I had a dream
A little while back,

But it's been gnawing
And aching
And beating itself
Against my swimming (drowning) head,

Because in this dream
We were fighting
     (Like usual)
And I told you to
     "Be worse"
So I could stop missing you,
And time could remember
How to tick again

And you looked me in my eyes,
Through my eyes
And you screamed,
You told me you were trying your best.
399 · Feb 2014
Is It Wrong?
III Feb 2014
Is it wrong
That I glance up at the clouds,
Feeling the wind through my hair,
And dream of a mystifying land
Where one can be accepted no matter what?

Is it wrong
That I choose to wear jeans down past my heels,
Baggy and ripped at the knees,
Unlike all the other boys that wear athletic
Shorts, so unscathed and clean?

Is it wrong
That I ask people about their troubles,
Sometimes doing all in my mortal power
To help them surpass the simple,
Even ones I have not defeated myself?

Is it wrong
That while the few friends I have
Dance around giddily and go to
The most extreme only to impress,
But I only hang back in silent content?

Is it wrong
That I do not laugh when others are hurt,
On their knees in blood stained mud,
And I am there with hand outstretched,
Seeming to always be there in time of need?

Is it wrong
That I do not clap, nor do I support
Ones I do not find worthy of it,
Ones who I find in my perspective to be
Quite cruel and bitterly heartless?

Is it wrong
That I choose to sit in the back,
Observe and question from a far,
And wonder why when I do speak up,
It is only taken as a leaf crying softly in the wind?

Is it wrong
That I choose to be one of a kind,
Not part of the crowd, not swimming along
In the universal current of life,
Being my own group, my own person?

They tell me that you cannot win life
Without backstabbing and betrayal along the way,
No matter who you are inside or how honest you are.

But I believe this can only be this:
**The world can only be changed if someone is willing to take the steps to change it.
For all those out there who know there's a place of purity but have not yet found it.  Keep looking.
III Apr 2018
I caught the scent
Of rot
On my breath today,

I think something deep
Inside me
Died recently

And is withering away.
397 · Mar 2019
Dishes At Sunrise
III Mar 2019
When I'm with you
I forgot doing dishes
Is even a chore.
395 · Jul 2018
Auras - Cam
III Jul 2018
If the
Morning sunshine
     Could speak.
III Sep 2014
The best way to **** someone is to tell them you love them, then walk away.  You have a chance to revive them from the dead and save their withering soul each and every time they call, but you hang up.  You have a chance to stitch together all the chipped off shards of their heart each time they knock on your door, but you draw the curtains and hide in the dark of your "empty" home.  You have a chance to kiss their lips not with love but rather with the acceptance they desire so deeply each time they mail you a letter, but you burn it over the flame that brews your tea, a flame that burns hotter than the passion you faked so slyly for them.
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