I was taught to never speak to boys, to avoid them completely, in order to obtain a clean reputation.
When in reality, I will eventually end up sleeping next to one for the rest of my life.
I was taught to never raise my voice, that a girl should always be quiet and respectful to others.
When in reality, I never learned how to stand up for myself.
I was taught that parents always knew what's best.
When in reality, I question their decisions everyday, wishing I had taken more control of my life growing up.
I was taught many things that I find to be far from real.
Each lesson emerging to me from beneath the false truth.
But I was also taught many ideas that still stand with me today.
I was taught to feel beautiful in my own skin.
I was taught to always be grateful, regardless of my status.
I was taught to love, to share, to understand, to care.
And it's lessons like these that have guided me through the darkest tunnels of life.
For a long time I struggled with the differences between the ideas that I was taught as a child, and the realities of life.