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4.3k · Nov 2014
rantipole Nov 2014
partying got old in a hurry.
it aged like milk that was bought
a few days before expiration.
and I'm lactose intolerant anyway,
why the **** am I drinking this?

I'm looking for something more mature,
that becomes ripe
with the passage of time,
like 50 year old scotch.
and I'm an alcoholic anyway,
why isn't there a bottle in my hand?

overwhelmed with the thought of you
drinking anything
with anyone else
while I sit here alone
and sip another cup of coffee,
with only the wind to keep me company.
and even he doesn't stay for long.
3.1k · Dec 2014
my boots
rantipole Dec 2014
dirt and grime
line the bottom panels.

worn down,
worn out, but
war ready.

an orange-tan tint
on old suede.

an elegant design with
thick rubber soles.

the cushion of leather
around the brim.

yellow-amber laces.

sleek and comfortable
tough and durable.
2.1k · Feb 2015
tap to snooze
rantipole Feb 2015
my eyes open, sullenly.
not a movement from
my body,
but that of my left arm,
reaching out for
that awful device
that forces me
to comprehend
a drab reality.

tap to snooze

waking up from a dream
where every day isn’t
the same monotony,
and every class isn’t
the same anesthesia,
and every moment
isn’t enveloped
in the pain
of missing you.

tap to snooze

i lay here hoping
begging, even,
that this burden
of waking life will cease,
and that one day
i will cross over
to the sleep realm
and never again
will i need to
*tap to snooze
2.1k · Feb 2015
salt water
rantipole Feb 2015
letting go of you
would be like
confining myself
to a boat
in order to taste
the freedom
of the ocean.

and every day I'm
without you
would feel like swimming
to the surface
in a panic,
gasping for air
as your name
fills my lung
and drowns me.
1.9k · Jan 2015
rantipole Jan 2015
I could hang myself
from the distance
between us.
can't you see
the rope burn
on my neck?
can't you hear
my desperation?

maybe it's not
the strangulation
I'm afraid of,
but instead
the idea
of breathing
without you.
1.8k · Nov 2014
rantipole Nov 2014
the snow falls outside
and covers all it encounters,
but will it ever be
as pure as white should be?
can it make me forget that
I have a dark past?
can this frigid frost
cleanse me all the same?
I'm cold as the winter
that surrounds me;
will snow bring me warmth?
No, I don't have much faith
in the snow anymore.
not since I saw it
piled high on tombstones
and empty swing sets.
in fact I haven't appreciated snow
since the last blizzard
that poured down on memories
of us,
as I made snow angels
in images of your smile
and went sledding
in the sound of your voice.
1.8k · Nov 2014
rantipole Nov 2014
let me explore with great length
the cliffs overhanging peril in my mind;
bluffs that overlook a sea
of fear and self-consciousness.
let me not stay here in wretched form,
complying with rules made by them.
them the people who mock my self-worth;
them the people who wallow in my loathing.

let me conquer this world unknown
and explore the cracks & crevices of my mind.
even I know not what lays there, in darkness;
even I know not what I am or why,
or how, or even for how long.

I yearn for knowledge or maybe the absence of.
I fear the vices that consume me each night.
need I these vices always?
need I these vices every night forever?
I am afraid to know the answer.

despair is nothing in the face of truth.
help me get there;
help me be not afraid in the face of peril.
i will walk to the edge of that cliff and fall,
but what happens next, I do not know.
something I wrote in a past life
rantipole Nov 2014
poetry comes easiest
alone in cold and dark,
with a bottle in one's hand
and a dungeon in one's heart.

trapped inside the thought of you,
I cannot find the key.
a hopeless ragged prison
is all that I can be.

home always sounded pleasant;
I found comfort in your voice
and was swept into your gentle grasp.
I had no other choice.

a constant war inside my mind
to love or be afraid.
I asked my heart what I should do.
he said,
" a decision has been made"
1.4k · Dec 2014
rantipole Dec 2014
the moon rises slowly,
and it makes my heart sink.
because the darkness knows all of
the thoughts that I think.
I fall 'sleep blaring music,
to get them out of my head.
but they've already crept through,
the sheets of my bed.

they torture my mind,
every night, every week,
when they whisper to me,
fantasies that I seek.
they chuckle a laugh while
I awake with a shriek.
now you know why at night,
I try hard not to sleep.
1.2k · Nov 2014
the renegade king
rantipole Nov 2014
"the battle is over!
the war has been won!"
claimed the soldiers
while tallying scores.

although blood
had been shed,
soldiers severing heads
rejoiced all across the moor.

"someone call the king!
we must tell the king!
we now own this here land,
how divine!"

but the king had been found
being renegade 'round
his opponents,
while out guzzling wine.

"I killed my dear brother;
beheaded my mother
to service you and
this ****** rotten realm!"

so I'll see to it, you!
if it's the last thing I do,
that you're found
drinking wine in hell!"
1.2k · Nov 2014
cough syrup
rantipole Nov 2014
the first spoonful
was the most bitter in taste
but least bitter in memory.
the second, however,
tasted like mother's rejection,
and the third
like father's absence.
I paused debating another.


another spoonful,
and another for even questioning myself.
I saw your face in the sixth.
with a knot in my chest,
I saw you turn and leave,
trampling my forlorn heart.

but the seventh spoonful
made me numb,
to all the pain of thoughts prior.
and with the eighth
I felt like I was free.
with the ninth spoonful,
I closed my eyes
and was.
written on codeine
1.2k · Jan 2015
rantipole Jan 2015
I've been sleeping all day
and all night lately.
dreaming of fire escapes,
to save myself
from a burning reality.
my waking consciousness
is a box on your doorstep
but clearly the label
has been overlooked,
the box under-appreciated.
damaged and dilapidated,
I am reminded of something
my mother used to say.
"what doesn't **** you
makes you stronger"
but in these

what doesn't **** me,
simply makes me wish
it had.
1.2k · Dec 2014
rantipole Dec 2014
reeking of cigarettes
another shameful night.
"I don't even smoke"
I tell myself.
"everything's fine"
I tell myself.
yes I do,
and no it's not.

energy running low,
I shake off the rust
and pick bullet fragments
from my words.
these wounded lips
have said so much.
this wounded heart
now an empty coffin -
1.0k · Jan 2015
rantipole Jan 2015
everything is bad and it's raining. i'm nauseous and i'm sleeping on a bed of nails tonight. icicles hang from the empty nest inside me. it's cold and birds don't like this type of weather. i'm not sad, i'm not much of anything. it's still raining and i think it will be for a while. just buy an umbrella they say. little do they know i have a collection of them. i buy them constantly just to tear holes in with my teeth. i just vomited again and everything is just as bad as it was before. there are a handful of drugs i could swallow with little smiley faces on them. i've learned to see smiling faces and look right through them. i can't leave this bed because there's shattered glass on the floor from every mirror i've ever looked in. everything is bad and it's raining.
1.0k · Mar 2015
rantipole Mar 2015
what have i done?
it feels like suicide,
like there are bullet holes
in my mind;
like i’m the one
who pulled the trigger.
i miss you.
i could scream it

it feels like homicide,
like there’s a noose
around our love;
like i’m the one
who placed it there.
what have i done to myself?
what have i done to us,
and why?
you reckless ******* hypocrite.
why would you ****
the only thing
keeping you alive?
912 · Nov 2014
words the color of blood
rantipole Nov 2014
yeah it's 3:59 in the morning,
so what? there's ink in my veins and
a bottle of ***** in my system.
I'm bleeding novels here
and it's a rare blood type I've got.

The words pour from severed wounds
and stain the carpet, bed sheets,
the counter tops and floor tiles.
shrieks from my roommate,
"what the hell's going on?!
someone call an ambulance!"


yeah it's 7:03 in the morning,
so what? I woke up attached to a machine
and it wasn't even the government.
chuckles from the nurses,
"he's got a sense of humor this one"

every last letter fled my body
until I collapsed.
and suddenly, I understood
that death isn't about flowers, tombstones,
black dresses or sullen faces.
it's about the words that were left unsaid.
846 · Nov 2014
rantipole Nov 2014
desperate to diverge
from this desolate domain.
dreaming of my damsel
in dainty dress.
dreading the days
of imminent duress.
tomorrow we depart.
tomorrow I deteriorate.
the drugs,
the drinks;
debauchery turns to
doubting & deriding these desires.
the only deliverance
from my displeasure.
846 · Nov 2014
you see, darling
rantipole Nov 2014
there's a thunder buried
somewhere deep in my heart
that only the lightning of your lips
can unleash.
there's a storm in my veins
I love you
like it's hurricane season.


let me be your ocean shore.
bring me your waves
and wash them up against me
like it's high tide.
let's entangle in one another
until no one can tell
where my sands end
where your waters begin.

you see,

people always say
"don't go towards the light" when
someone 's dying, but
you've been my light for ages
and following you
was the best choice I ever made.
I am reborn in the comfort
of your arms
if continued happiness with you
means going towards the light,
I would die every time.
797 · Mar 2015
rantipole Mar 2015
i'll miss you till earthquakes
stop shaking the ground.
i'll miss you till rain clouds
stop flooding the town.
i'll miss you in silence
and miss you in screams.
i'll miss you as fire
engulfs all our dreams.
i'll miss laughing and crying
and holding you close.
i'll miss you when all
that remains is my ghost.
i'll miss you while lonesome,
waiting outside your door.
i'll miss you forever
and forever more.
i'll miss you my dearest,
i'm sorry to go.
i loathe my decision
but it must be so.
rantipole Aug 2015
i promised i would stop
you are the vice
i cannot give up,
the addiction i will always
hold on to.
the comforting
of the fate that could have been
but will not be.

it feels like years
since i've heard your voice,
since i felt your skin
against my skin.
years since
i had something
letting my guard down for.

the flowers were still
in bloom
and the warmth
was plentiful.
we were alive
it is winter again
even in the dead of August,
even in the smoldering heat.
it is winter
and i am cold
without you.
740 · Apr 2017
rantipole Apr 2017
I love you &
I'm paranoid.
Missing you;
It's a disease.
I'm scared...
Of who I am?
Of who you think I am?
I love you,
And I don't know...
If it is e n o u g h
683 · Jan 2015
final toll
rantipole Jan 2015
there is a voice inside my head
that tells of dreams and tells of dread.

thoughts of peace and thoughts of war
in which I’m rattled to my core.

the pain’s not real, I tell myself,
but it feels as though I’m in poor health.

a broken heart is not to blame,
instead my own eternal shame.

my soul’s been turned into a puddle;
the hands that hold it turned to funnels.

I feel and watch the water pour,
accumulating on the floor.

and there I sit, and there I shake,
while all my walls begin to quake.

within I feel I am not whole.
my mind must pay the final toll.
673 · Nov 2014
rantipole Nov 2014
happiness is but an illusion.
just because you smile
while the world burns around you,
doesn't mean
the ashes won't sting your eyes.
and just because the sun comes out
after the storm,
doesn't mean
the rain isn't already plotting its revenge.
630 · Mar 2015
conditions of the heart
rantipole Mar 2015
sometimes my heart is a garden,
sometimes it is a landfill.

i think about love and
warmth and good,
and how i could do
anything because
i’m special and
i’m talented.
i think
i could even go to church
and god would smile
and i would smile back.

i think about thunderstorms
and dark and alone,
and how if i stayed
in this bed all day
every day
i could just fade into nothing.
i’m afraid to open the window
because who knows
if today’s the day
i jump.

sometimes my heart is a garden,
sometimes it is a landfill.
and i'm looking for that
special kind of person
who can find
the treasure
in both.
(and i've found her)
600 · Jun 2015
rantipole Jun 2015
I don't care if I die tonight,
And never grow older.
All my life, but as of tonight,
I've never been colder.
And I realized tonight,
That my friends aren't my friends.
Because it's Friday night,
And I'm alone and I'm spent.
Yeah I'm drunk,
What's it ******* to ya?
How else can I get through huh?
Yeah I'm drunk,
And I hope sober isn't next.
Because I've never felt so alive,
This close to death.
574 · Dec 2014
for my love
rantipole Dec 2014
I’ve danced with your photographs
and set myself ablaze
so you could keep warm
by the fire in my heart.

I’ve spoken with the scent of your skin
and fantasized about the passion
that lays buried in the garden
of your soul.

I’ve climbed to the peak of
the mountain that is
every "I love you" we’ve ever shared
and valiantly planted my flag.

and in the process
I have become
the happiest man
522 · Nov 2014
rantipole Nov 2014
a lonely heart
in a crowded room
and it feels like I'm falling
falling, falling, falling
scars and scabs outline my knuckles;
battle wounds from all the holes
I've been punching,
in the walls of my mind.

I still pretend you're here with me.
but that's like
pretending god isn't laughing at us
or that "what doesn't **** us
makes us stronger" and
it's evident I'm weak.

the flowers are all dead now
without you.
your voice was the sun,
and your smile the rain,
that kept the garden in my heart alive.
now thistle and weeds
are all that remain.

I'm still falling
falling, falling, falling
with no end in sight,
but lately I can't decide
if hitting rock bottom would **** me,
or if I'm already dead.
349 · Nov 2016
rantipole Nov 2016
It's always weird coming home
To no one,
Knowing I did this
To myself.
It hurts,
It makes me feel like
It's time,
It always feels likes
It's time.
I hate it but,
It keeps me feeling,
At least.
Maybe it is time.
Maybe it was a while ago.
294 · Dec 2018
a(nother) heart torn apart
rantipole Dec 2018
this time,
i saw it coming,
or so i say.

this time,
it didn't hurt,
i wasn't sad,
i was nothing.


this time,
i was numb...

whatever was left;
an inkling, a trace of what there was,

is gone.

and this time,
it didn't hurt because the nerves have been stripped,
and i'm not sad because the well has run dry.

this time,
you've taken everything.
and now - what i am and what i have left -

is nothing.

— The End —