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neth jones Jul 2020
under my observation -
the telephone
waits to ring
neth jones Apr 2021
indecent descent
the croak of the bed
quaking release bared
neth jones Jul 2021
night drums                
          spousing heat distorts

in tall grasses              
          insects chirr and fling

in moonlight              
a fertile field
neth jones Mar 2022
drowned and round again    
                                 in sick little circles
chopping at the bar
a round                            
                     and drown again    
                                            in little sickle stumbles
                   chopping wise at the bar                    
                                  with your wage crunched
                                   in one mitt
           and your obscenity
           in the other
neth jones Jul 2021
the sun seems to be          
          taking its time setting
does it wish to know          
          what we all get up to
in its absence ?
neth jones Mar 2023
molded ***** sky
broody welling grey udders
rain to be cast or snow ?
winter - February - 2023
neth jones May 2022
summer sky aloft
a massive cloud bank disbands
      lacing into gills
wind huffs make spastic punches
cooling my agitation
neth jones Oct 2024
old lady passed out                
wind and leaves do battle      
she is plagued by shadows
is it rude to wake the sleeping
to check they're not dead ?
alt. version

old lady  passed out                  
is it rude ;  waking the sleeping
              to check they’re not dead ?
neth jones Mar 2023
sleight of hand season
will not be reasoned with
brumal upheaval
winter - February - 2023
neth jones Mar 2022
combined effort
      moonlight, trees, autumn breeze
  form bobbing shadows
a humorous theatre
     mocks my solitary mood
Notes For 00001 01... made into a poem


moon lumin with the breeze
cutting out uglies
cookie dough shadows
wailing hands in the trees
leaves clipped from the earth
cursed in rebirth before the projector
recurring all this wit and tangle
strangulates my solitary mood
and pensive strides
breaks my face into mirth
mad-mad impractical and inefficient
life complimenting simian laughter

MARK (poem)
MARK (notes)
neth jones Aug 2024
warm deluge has passed          
concrete smells steam                
wading the dystopic streets      
my child squeals                        
(cooled rain dripped from a tree)
june 2024 - tanka influenced
swells and streams
neth jones May 2022
uncut grass
   casts long shadows by night
animated on the inside
   of our basement windows
elongating and dashing away
   projected by the passing traffic
no mow may (May 2021)
neth jones Aug 2022
humidity broke
a cooling pavement littered
with Cicada chaff
Haiku version of old Tanka
neth jones Feb 2022
motionless Winter chill
crystal dry and vacuous
life thrives minuscule
busy in me ******
neth jones Jul 2024
milk jade spiders
stowaways   from our past home
a pout of breeding pouch
our new home   is similarly blessed
tanka influenced
original version

a milk fade of green
spiders came stowed in the luggage
from our past home
pouts of breeding pouches appear
our new home is similarly blessed
neth jones Apr 2022
to bed
a head full of cotton wolves
                 to be
calmly deflead of aggression
                 prior to
the cloud cover of slumber
then the beasts and i
         shall procure our fathom
Brevity Homework 1
neth jones Jun 2021
some plants flower at night
  on the pollinators schedule

moon reflects the sun fully
city unburdens its concrete
  of a heat thump

some humans take the night shift
some lovers take the streets
hands publicly crammed down each other
eyes full of moon
neth jones Aug 2021
combed cotton clouds
a light wind tackles
withering humidity
Date : 10/08/21
neth jones Dec 2024
my boots  by the door
wait patient  to be let out
the cat's less stoic
early version :

my shoes wait silently by the door
to be let out
more patient than the cat
neth jones Nov 2024
cackle hack drab dog
outer  to the flames of the campfire
neth jones Nov 2024
the rush hour traffic
  draws  on udders of cloud
i watch  for rain
haiku style
neth jones Nov 2024
old man scatters dry leaves
chasing a 'dame'
spying    i become a child
original version
old man chases up to a lady friend
like a smiley child
he kicks up the autumn leaves
as part of the game
neth jones Aug 2021
the humidity broke
underfoot discarded Cicada sheathes
litter a cooling pavement

the humidity broke
the chaff of many Cicadas


when will the humidity break ?
cicada jackets litter the pavements
into the night
tough breathing aggravates
thought retreats to past struggles
and envisions tough changes to come
neth jones Oct 2024
bloom wounds brightly
ventilated scents      and the air is roused
Haiku inspired

alt version :

bloom wounds  ignite
scents ventilated   and the air is roused
neth jones Mar 2024
a reclaiming tide
each spring   the forrest laps
at my shanty door     then  retreats
nature demonstrates  to me
its permission
tanka style
neth jones Dec 2024
sirens bawl
clear skies mean no school
(prospect of drone-strike)

[the forrest animals quiet
long before i hear
military tread]
neth jones Feb 17
abraded sky  scabbed
      by winter fluctuation
much uncertainty
of 10/02/25
neth jones Feb 18
the sun sets loud
blood soaks into dark places
       below the horizon
haiku inspired
neth jones Feb 22
over snow fields
chimney smoke versus clouds
                         racing shadows
haiku inspired
[original notes from 02/25

shadows of clouds move over snow
versus the shadows of smoke from
an institute chimney]
neth jones Sep 2024
crow cries   metalling the skies
supply the greys
and hack up the winds
haiku style 25/09/24

alt version :

crow cries metalling the skies
  suppling the greys
their social bicker
  hacks up the winds
neth jones Dec 2020
account your blessings :
there is limited space
               for the exhaustion
                       of our mythology
                    to fertilize
neth jones Mar 2022
he said 'wedlock' anti-amorous lead clocked signing them contracted away from their grieving animal truths boothed in a partner grip that'll mend them toward social safety
neth jones Aug 2022
sun    dial back the hour
cared over by petrified habit
couple clusped    our gelid tumour
dare drained from our relation
neth jones Aug 2021
I spot a Spider in the sandpit
abdomen like a gooseberry
     and the colour
          gooseberry green

tastes like regular Spider
neth jones Nov 2022
sky like combed smoke
unseasonably warm for mid November
carrying my coat
i wonder if winter depression
can be missed this year
neth jones Aug 2023
Four Crows fly over
the rear gunner ***** twice as hard
            to keep his mates
Gaps in his Wings
   from history with a Predator

Clammy weather
                 grey summer rainfall
summer 23

neth jones Oct 2022
plough tills the plot
overturns one season
for one of greater potential profit
neth jones Oct 2023
traffic trodden crab apples
                            and choke cherries
                 sluice the sidewalk
not one wasp observed

the wasps this year are found
not around    human food or trash cans
( sugar drunk, bat angry or absurd )

this year they thrive around cut grass
and chippings from outdoor furniture finishing

with this appetite
what are they prepping for ?
neth jones Aug 2023
flying ants are 'the business' today
differing species
clumsy as ducks in landing
unclear of their randy goals
they bat about scorching streets
summer 23

neth jones Sep 2022
headlights feed the darkness
slow to a thief's caution
passing the sleeping houses

   my child pushes back bedtime
from the streetside window

neth jones Jul 2022
reminded of my hurt youth
             that never did quell

reprimand the cowardly self

should have sought
    correction from the harm
                that stoppered me

but i was too embarrassed
            to be met in therapy
neth jones Aug 2023
the dog night salivates and commands
                                     and commands
but i am abroad from that
  asleep with my family
  under the open windows
as others stew in the clubs, bars
     and packed terraces
summer 23

neth jones Feb 2023
closed my eyes
the heart seems hesitant
an unsure child
each beat comes a little late and with question
'is that the right thing to do ? did i do it right ?
neth jones Nov 2023
season heals season
- as the years faster pass -
are we mending ?
Are we passenger ?
Are we story ?
Are we heated energy
        or friction  and grind ?
season heels to season
a scraping yield
neth jones Aug 2023
my little grazing eye
summer distraction
  the people passing by
summer 23

neth jones Nov 2022
faded Ladybirds swarm    my buildings intercom
Are they responding to an electric hum ?

faded Ladybirds swarm
a yellow painted wall
it is an unyielding prayer
no nourishment before the freeze
observation of population explosion of imported faded ladybirds
neth jones May 2022
sunrise                                                      ­   ­                                       
first optic pins toe-tipping play across the meadow
wind bends the forrest fringe west away
the trees adverse to receive
priestly daylight
after all the  
during a most
competitive and predatory
brevity homework - personification
neth jones Aug 2023
in the worst oppressive nights
breeding chafer beetles
  bead the trees   outside the hospital
they copulate
in their hundreds of thousands

what a release
summer 23
no. 4

neth jones Nov 2021
vented clouds
form a mackerel skin sky
implanted chill
fills out
from a marrow ache
to the human exterior

i walk under the sky
porous to it all
connected by the cold
neth jones Aug 2023
  and smudged by impurities

viewed thru aging window
summer 23
no. 1

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