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6.7k · Jan 2014
Deep Sea Lettuce Lantern
Mattrick Patrick Jan 2014
Cans of fresh Bear, stockings of the last line: arctic affair;
blue, white, a hint of green and grey.
  Marbles rolling off cool ice infinity.
Fellows, the pillows petals fall as marshmallows to our ******* mouths;
devotion to the holy ****
the holy sacrament:
arctic affair...
5.6k · Mar 2016
Black Lives Splatter
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2016
Black Lives Splatter on the heal of American Jackboot Patriotism.

When will black lives matter?
When all life ceases to be divided into races,
and we are seen as a single species,
as a spectrum rather than as separate colors.
No matter how devastating this reality may be,
it is the reality.
I love all people. I want to see the equality of all races in law and in culture, but also in every human heart on this planet and every other. Love is the answer, peace is the outcome.
4.8k · Jan 2015
Mattrick Patrick Jan 2015
Your lunar crescent dips
beside my tide, your moon glow lips, rippling,
slips me into a deep, watery sleep.
I am but a dancer beside you; your third eye glares into me:
spectacular stars in twilight;
swirls entrance like Starry Night in Van Gogh's day dreams.  

Come dream with me!
Come cleaner than the day you were conceived.
Show me the face that you had before you were born.
Closer, we combine the forces of nature: sublime.
We,  in One Self
unfold as the universe unfolds.

Sweet trinity, holy inspiration,
that those stars would gaze upon me,
and I those stars.
*extraordinary* *complexus*
4.2k · Jan 2014
Touching the Stone
Mattrick Patrick Jan 2014
Immutable proportions, unfaithfully seduced
By this grey witch,
new age daughter of the light;
mother earth midwife:
Co-conspirator of the New World order.
Green occult mysteries
reveal a gold and forgotten bridge
from science to religion.
Learning, Peace, Love, Appreciation:

"The truth shall set you free."
We are one Self.
Discover a golden bridge within!
This is my first poem here.
4.1k · Mar 2015
slap Stick
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
Studies have shown that corporal punishment
at a young age
only results in learning disabilities,

God smacking the grey matter out your brain...

So the cycle of self, ego, perpetuating abuse, goes.
It is a series of footsteps, streams that become rivers;
and we are composed of these chaotic streams: energy

And my brother is a perfect window into "America"
He has a five year old boy, a Girlfriend with a boy and a girl;
They both believe in tough love and hitting;
On Sunday, as they were entering my mothers house,
his son hit him with a snow ball near the crotch, so he hit him
in the stomach, and I saw the boy lose his breath.

"You're a terrible father."  
I picked him up as he started crying.
My brother said he was bad all day before that.

What am I to believe?
That you are raising, caring for, and loving unconditionally,
or you are ******* up as a parent by hitting your child?
What am I to believe? That glimmer of light is a deamon
or that the deamon is you, my brother.

When you slap your child, or any animal, you reduce it
its brain, its body, and its mind. That's why alphas ****;
they just want to reduce the other males around them.
Its an evolutionary trait that carries through to today.

And so do fools, my nephews mother wants to medicate him...

when science meets spirituality, mind spirit
we replace the box with a tree, a galaxy.
We replace the pill with therapy, and community;
petrol with the sun, burning a hole
in the unity of our dreams and the whole of our destiny.
Children are the key to the future.
4.0k · Mar 2015
Sustainable Planet
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
The pimple faced gernment representative told me
I had to hold my pollinated dreams until
next season.

And in my school house dream
matthew told me his dream
nothing less than Sustainable Planet

And as I started to argue, I realized,
my mouth was full of seasoned nuts
full of warehoused food,

because I could not attend
lunch, at this newly packed cafeteria;
I was on a mission to... I forget now
but in my dream it was **** important!

Now that I'm awake, trying to write a poem
that captures the meaning
all I can tell you, as you read my heart
is that no one can tell you when to start
caring about your dreams.

Get on your moral high ground and shout out to the world
"I'm MAD as HELL and I'm NOT gonna TAKE it ANYMORE!"

And unless you get knocked off your high horse
and unless you find your voice dry, horse,  
don't stop yelling until others join you--
because they will join you. We all want freedom
We all want the dream, but will we fight for it
to make it happen? Would you fight for love,
For life?? Would you fight for survival?

This is it, its this or oblivion, its sustain our childish
fever of consumption,
level out our infantile pride or
rest quietly into forever.

They say sustainability is what were after
but what we really mean is sanity;
they say rational policy is what were after
but really what we mean is enlightenment.

I'm asking you to change the wheel of your mind
and your asking me to hold my order until the window!
Can I have fries with that?
Make it a KING sized!
**** your frizzy fries, and your listless orders,
I want none of them, give me liberty or give me DEATH!
I hope you enjoyed the read. I enjoyed the stream of consciousness.
3.1k · Mar 2015
Age of Enlightenment
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
Its not a matter of your body or your age
the truth doesn't carry weight, but sets the stage
for the flow of knowledge: wisdomage.

To abandon nothing, but reinvent everything
including the wheel of your mind;
a complete surrender, absent knowing;

Inheriting nothing, reinventing nothing
including the dreams that you are;
a complete surrender to the way thus far.

We cherish the day, met humbly
without a care, in side and out a tribe in harmony
creating together, sans competition:
pacific planets orbiting the Sun.
3.1k · Jan 2014
Mattrick Patrick Jan 2014
Immutable proportions, unfaithfully seduced
By this grey witch,
new age daughter of the light;
mother earth midwife:
Co-conspirator of the New World order.
Green occult mysteries
reveal a gold and forgotten bridge
from science to religion.
Learning, Peace, Love, Appreciation:

"The truth shall set you free."
We are one Self.
Discover a golden bridge within!
This is my first poem here.
3.0k · Nov 2014
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
Money is a **** producer, who mascarades as a professional film producer, promising fame and fortune to young girls in LA.

Money exploits us all, telling us to cry on his **** as he forces it down each of our throats.


Money talks its valuable poetry, cha ching as we take the money shot, the money shot, the money shot...

Blaw! we take the money and run. Exploited, every one of us carries this inflated value; running around with our heads chopped off.
Where did we put our heads?
Not a one realizing how.
We put our heads collectively in the sand.

Money talks, but we dont. Money walks, but we wont. Money marches, but we cant stand. Can't form a coherent sentence while we're getting ******.

"If my dad finds out he will destroy me!"
"I won't tell."

Money wants us young, dumb, and full of idiom; and as the bubble bursts, we can't help but feel depressed.

Our faces are all over the internet. America the beautiful, I can hardly see your face behind the biggest, blackest ****.

If you want to turn anyone into your own personal *****, first you got to get the money!

Money is king. But is he kind? Money is our god, but what kind?

Money money money, MONEY!

The lyrics of every rap song on the top 100

Can we get some hoes and some money that we can throw's up in here!?

It's what we all want, and its what we all fear. Money controls us and rules us without a peer.

Money replaces trust, it replaces common decency, and puts a friendly mask on the face of a murdering monster.

Money makes me sick. It smells like burning flesh if you read it just right, and put your nose up real tight, it can start to burn you too.

Roll a hundo, give Ben a sniff. Money doesn't care if you sell it off to buy drugs or a train wreck. Money isn't ethical and neither are you.

Money wants us all to bow down, and when we rise up, we look like monopoly men.

Give me some money and I can change the world into a paradise on earth; give your local bank some money, and our world looks like a shopping mall.
2.8k · Nov 2014
Culinary Art
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
In culinary art, honey is my medium and my muse,
And two orange slices compose two butterfly wings.
Every piece I make is eaten
With equal joy as a painting brings.

My canvas is rose red with strands of white  
And when I paint, I use the spices:
Turmeric, oregano, chili, and old bay.
I use them on a salmon caught by a friend yesterday.
2.0k · Nov 2014
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
love I not your lips, but the words that you say
With wit and a candor we think much the same
love I not your eyes, but the way that you stare
True silence be met with the turbulent pair
love I not your cheeks, but the way which you smile
Your carefree laughing hides status the wile  
love I not your hands, but the way that you touch
Warm, temperate passion fills my body with much  
love I not your charms, but the spirit you contain  
A beauty of all life in one woman such sustain
2.0k · Mar 2015
Granny at the Gas Station
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
Little old lady, sitting in a car
oh how lucky, lucky you are
to be living in a country made out of gas
all put forward to feed your fat ***.
I have nothing against old people. This poem is supposed to be humerus, not hateful.
1.8k · Dec 2015
Orenda Scars
Mattrick Patrick Dec 2015
The world is out of balance: koyaanisqatsi!  
Numinous, my heart's nemophilist alerted to the danger,
yet presently in rasasavada,  espies the solstace moon and cries
in acatalepsy:  Mamihlapinatapai with the hunter within...
Should I embrace this smultronställe,
cought in the ostranenie of meliorism,
or drift from this vorfrued to sophresyne;

My only desire is the nurishing erlebnisse of metanoia,
of my dérive towards sehnsucht:
of rasasavada, that I may insulate myself from the Weltanschauung
of modern society, hiraeth to a nefelibata.
1.7k · Nov 2014
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
First, I am the rising sun
and on the coast, I am the crashing waves at dawn
I am the forest murmur, the silent song
I am the nameless nativity,
and when you slow your pace to a stillness, I am there.

My radiance fills the hour and the place
footsteps fall, that leave no trace;
I am the passing cloud, a deep breath you take
cracks in the pavement, a grand escape.

I am your love's embrace, and so much more,
the thunderous sound and the dancing floor,
I am the moments laughter, and biting pain;
my full embrace can drive you insane.

I am the twilight and the milky way,
you find me on the mountain, and as you peak,
and see me in the haze that billows when you speak;
I am the city lights that pull the stars from the heavens to earth;
and when you find me, remember that I am you.
1.4k · Oct 2015
Relaxing by the Ocean
Mattrick Patrick Oct 2015
I am on the front of a beach, a seas exit or entrance.
There was a feeling of superficiality in my vision, and my conception.
The waves, **! The keepers of the fleeting see on the soon-to-be-night tide.
They were so subtle as to loosen me in placidity, a melting hypnosis of crashes and slides. Thus was the nature of my moment with god. I was thus, thus was thus, thus was truth, god was truth, and the moment was god.

And oh, what a season, of fire and explosions, of the heat of summer and the love of the summers warmth, in the night that blew a silver wind in the moonlight, and the days that would either burn your skin, or tan it, depending upon constitutions. And depending upon the angle of the eyes, one could see the beauty of either the blades of grass, where there is no single blade, or the golden-sun dusk that was the most beautiful red, orange, blue, violet, becoming deeper as every memory of the day passes with the sun for new memories to take their place. And I will sit and wonder at the new sky, the freckled face of the drawn beauty, made demure, made to endure, though the moon gets smaller, though the day seems longer, though slept through. I will sit and wonder, until the darkness fades, the silver turns molten; the freckles turn pure blue, the true colors of his natural shyness. Just then, the day seemed like the beach, a seas exit or entrance.    

There was a beauty in the ever foreseen sorrows of the future. Where the time became a fortune telling bell that, even the dulled mind, could hear and know where the tune was going. So as far as the ghastly face of death was concerned, we thought she was a beauty, a dancer at the ball, where infinity, god, oblivion, and me where fixed upon her her, as she was the spitting image of the beach, a seas exit or an entrance.
1.4k · Nov 2014
We're all just machines
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
Were all just machines, bound for the train station that’ll hightail us out and over
To the junkyard where we never sleep and the foundry melts us down to make room
For the new undead, but non-living, to starve for what their computers say they need.
But when you smile, your eyes show me that you have a soul inside that’s beautiful,
And it proves my heart is something more than what the factory made it for;
That my love means something more than a series of chemical reactions in my brain,
That the mornings and nights we spent were worth more than we ever knew,
And that you are someone more special to me than I have ever known.

So, as we fly down the track of grayest metals and coldest weather, into the north country
To God knows where to as the sun is at dawn and dusk at the same time,
Remember that your heart doesn’t need to be held like coal, that your eyes are soulful,
That someone, somewhere thinks you’re more than a piece of electric meat,
That I think you’re worth more than my life,—my holy hunk of steel—but don’t let that
Get to your head missy! And that when we’re laid upon the cutting board
To be scraped and melted down, I want to be laid there next to you
To kiss you one more time, while I look into your eyes, searchingly.
1.4k · Mar 2015
Feeling Medly
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
If you take me by the hand,
and guide me through the door;
make me understand,
and show me what's in store;

If you can see beyond my mind,
beyond my ego, not my heart;
We can leave the past behind,
to make this new, and at the start.  


You told me about your evil ex.
I was broken *****, sulking when
you said he left you salty, sad
then you broke it to me:
no more bands of romance, only fun
with some one...

'not you, not yet,
maybe never.'

Now I'm standing on the outside looking in
and I realize its not about you, its about me
I just never had the self respect to really fight
for someone that made me feel worth fighting for.

Now I'm the guy that you avoid,
and you're the girl I've got to get over
to feel my sour feelings sweetened,
Now that I'm the guy that you avoid,

And that is what it feels like: a void
inside my chest, like a missing signal
a broken transmission from heaven to heart.
And I miss the feeling of feeling.
Mother of mayhem, I'm a *******.
1.3k · Nov 2014
Birth Day Blues
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
Who's self portrait is this,
ragged, aged, what did I miss?
An unkind future's true mistress,
bewildering my mind's new witness
for an unfamiliar face to resign in bliss.
November 9th
1.3k · Mar 2015
Live Long and Prosper
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
Beyond all boundaries, internal and external, we reach for the stars.
Alternative paradigm, paradise distributed, consciousness applied.

So alien, it seems, to be a believer in the power of human will.
The balance of forces, a mastery of the terrestrial realm, not its capital,
but its land, environment. Econ, Eco, eco-nomy, marx missed.
George, progress and poverty, all the money you make will never buy back
your soul. Your kingdom, question the system, change your values!

Ecoculture, biodomes, organic farming, zero point energy.
Ecoculture, biodomes, organic farming, zero point energy.

Every stretch, every connection, closer to perfection.
Unfit for human consumption, sporadic.  Disss

Peace and prosperity to the world, live long and love well.
Acceptance and appreciation, Agape, education, economic democracy
cosmic consciousness!
Words have power. For  Leonard Nimoy
1.1k · Nov 2014
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
An arid desert
hanging tear-like in the eye
of an unborn child.

Pouring, the bucket
splashes gifts upon the rich
leaving slaves to starve.

Waking, a dreamer
from lands untouched and unknown;
he sees the madness.
952 · Nov 2014
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
You, that flower barely blooming; I bear thy pollination.
It is my purpose solely to cause the fruit of thy creation.

Nano art, my pantheism is objective idealism. God is in the details:
the stamen, the leaf… all is fractal, some charmingly chaotic,

All scenery composed, each part of reality is a representation;
a word of the language of reality in her garden.

Her voice is sweet like the honey suckles. Pale like her petals.
All a play, a dance, a game to the night and the sun, and to all her beloved travelers.

And while I watch her, this star behind moon and trees, behind all that I see;
behind my very being. Reality, her character is through and through me.

And in the act of creation, flower and I are as her representations,
There is no thought to our most profound desires.

Innate will to live; our mother is the essence.
Death and life are her androgyny displayed
931 · Nov 2014
The Failure of Ego
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
This: the ache, the strain
Betrayed the high way
The pain.

Swiping clean the mask
and peeling…
Off the skin,
and off the layers.
I say, “Off with rotten reverie!”

And to the bottom
and lust confronted. Wish
The ****** made
unchaste, and further hunted…

Bade. The wire and the sound
the wind upon the end
when wild
the civil keepers
Child, in vane, a-tempts

the sane
with flesh and blood to taste
the wine and bread,
will strain the strings,

of heartless, thoughtless,
loveless, self
protected by analysis:
Paralysis. Portrayed
in the light by time (and life) itself
929 · Oct 2015
Love is Madness
Mattrick Patrick Oct 2015
I’ve got to **** her to prove I’m worth the time—
that she doesn’t need that other job
and that she wants to be with me.
I’ve got to **** her,
so she knows that I’m a man,
a person worth relationship;
that can please her any time,
and pleasures looking good.
I’ve got to **** her so she’ll stay with me,
and love no other men,
to keep her love as strong as now.
Love is always mad.
826 · Nov 2017
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2017
Hands, as delicate flowers fraulein.
Life so delicate, yet strong as spidroin.  

Daughter, mother, life, death;  tethered Aura
of preternatural forces, you are Sophia on Quora.

I am now realizing what's more ah
sweet aura, for the fores of life to crystallize and form a wet web;

A rainbow of sunshine's warm energy, sweet synergy,
dancing between the alpha and omega, love's light in victory.
This is a poem for my daughter.
787 · Nov 2014
Mystic Heart
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
Detached, our distant smiles seem for another,
for another dream that might insist upon one happiness,
joined in the winter by a fine fire of our hearts content;

Upon this earth, we are but slaves to love:
to give and to be received, to take and to be taken.
My heart yearns for the in between, and yet for the extreme...

To be eviscerated by the spinning flame and scattered by the wind,
to feel the torrents of a thousand wounds, and to taste blood and sulfur on my tongue
and yet still compelled to love, though selflessly compelled.  

Silent bonds to lap at the nectar of your heart
lull me deeper, deeper, into the altar of your mystery,
showing the distance between us; the cold and heat are but a dream
to be accepted, learned, and in learning lost.  

I have sung songs for you, on the triad steps you stand,
Perfect in the eyes of men, and in me a seraph, yet my impatience climbs those steps,
grasping at the subtlety of your stares.

For you I would stand alone, watching without a care,
wondering, and wandering the earth, lying with some woman, deaf to her heart
that beats like yours, and only yours

Simple condemnation breathes into my neck,
through my lungs, and from my breast
curled into the center, emanating vibrant
warmth of the hidden fire consolation from my face;

I know that you are the mystic heart,
sent to consent my transcendental start  
in life as in death, and in death as in pre-life
to discover the mystery of our mystery.
771 · Jul 2015
Tired Prose
Mattrick Patrick Jul 2015
Tired of being spectators, they threw down their beer, turned their eye from the spectacle of it all, and started clogging the gears of poisoned progress with their designer clothes, smart phones, televisions, and credit cards carrying the debt of ages.

No longer the spectators, passively accepting their elected fate, they burned the ballot box with the ember of liberty; but it was their breath of righteousness that turned that box to flame. It was only after they turned off the television that they realized their banal heroism--their right to fame.

Together they would inherit the earth in its shabby state, knowing that if they could make it past this winter, a new spring would emerge from the seed they had sewn; no man or woman could hold back the feeling of regret for the past, but it was the children, unseen and unnamed that would strip them of the past, and pave new roads to the future.
769 · Feb 2015
Mattrick Patrick Feb 2015
Body, mind, and spirit:
  itself aware through it: self.
I witness i am.
706 · Nov 2014
Self Portrait of an Animal
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
Baby time is calling to its window
The stars blink in, and fade to ash.
And I am a flower, a rose, a passing hour
Amid a cup of space—horizons twine.
My consciousness is a photon firing,
And we are the matter of gods.

Infinity is painting a self-portrait—
Its faces are everywhere,
Changing and remembering.

When the portrait is complete,
There will be another, by a new hand.
694 · Nov 2014
[P 28]
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
I am not my self,
And nothing is as it is.
Everything is nameless, blameless.
Truth is perceived thoughtlessly;
I ignore them.

There, in truth, is no language to make simple
the complex.
Reality is truth.
Experience is now.
  Everything is now.

Beauty is a symptom of rarity.
Everything is relatively rare.
Everything is relative.
Time, now, exists as a singularity.
Love, now, is life.
“I’m sorry.”

Nothing is incomprehensible.
Everything is incomprehensible.
I am incomprehensible.
You are incomprehensible.
Love is accepting anyway. Love is life.  

“I love everyone.”

But you do not understand me.
You are more understandable to you.
Make me more like you, your Desires!
You love falsely.
I’m sorry. I love everyone.
649 · Nov 2014
Creating a new poem
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
Creating a new poem is like creating a new story
a new paradigm from the depths of history's bowls
from a nightmare, we are to create a dreamscape
something that tantalizes the soul, and draws us near
to the greater perfection within ourselves... who knew?

Creating a new poem, much like a new society
has to start from within, and be drawn out somehow,
and some will be more inspired than others to invent
their own approach, to instill their own values,
to be critical enough to recognize what is most sacred

Creating a new poem demands the ability of the artist
to take hold of his or her feelings, thoughts, and intuit
the flow of consciousness in just the right cadence
remembering the song of ages that goes and flows

Being the poet that you are, your heart is stretched and open
yet you are afraid to be as the caged bird: freedom frightens you!
And in creating your new, new poem, you would be as angels
singing from the achrimony of the ages, singing light and dark
good and evil: but remember god and devil are just a letter off both ways.

Creating a new world is like creating a new poem: if you let go
and just do it, the miracle will wash away the banality of a bygone age
and the new **** will be born as a rose red flower in flames
before the technocratic temple of bright lights and *******

Create a new art, artists, poets, and those average ager's
be a revolution in the heart, an evolution in the swing,
bring first the arrogance, then the confidence of knowing:
you are the master who makes the grass green: the universe in your eyes
the solar flare in your step, and change this world from a prison
to a paradise!

Create your new poem, and singe it like a caged bird!
Give your language the power of princes, without the pomp
believe in yourself and let go of the awkward moment you had
with the love of your dreams last night; create your new life
and transform this new poem into a rally cry for the poet class!
636 · Feb 2015
Mattrick Patrick Feb 2015
Make me your riptide;
drawn ever closer, ever apart.
Dancing on the edge of dawn;
horizons cannot touch your song,
and I am relieved by your presence;
standing at the edges of your essence.
If we could but tell what is wrong,
we would forevermore be drawn;
dancing, lite the fires start!
Lunar Lady, astride.
For Robin on Valentines Day
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
A portrait of the pain:
   Endless time and sorrow in the soul
            Evoked. The arid vein
   Of blood that wanders wax and wane.
           Aimless feet and eyes
     Pursuing air, in breathless love,
          Seeing not of aching lies
     Of longing hearts that now reprise.

           As arrows, seeking not the mark,
            nor the pleasure or the pain
           instead the hour when we embark
    to discover love in vain.
605 · Sep 2016
Lazy Boy
Mattrick Patrick Sep 2016
I can't remember how I got here.
A striving to remember what I was
lead me to a song that I never heard.

Neck and my body strain,
its only when I'm dancing
that I feel like I'm alive.  

But I sit in this lazy boy all day instead.
arthritic hands typing and clicking on internet pages.
I have put myself on the doorstep of death.

But I can't complain about my sore ***.
Or the pain in my head. All I can do
Is remember that life is a cosmic drama dreamed

I am a messenger of the future, hidden truth, planetary organism.
Part of being a seer is knowing when you are going to exit.
I know that I am ready.
603 · Mar 2015
Cybernetic Dark Age
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
The difference between beauty and mediocrity:
beauty is a symptom of rarity and complexity;
mediocrity is a symptom of culture capital.

Whatever we can be convinced to believe
becomes the reality.
Its a brave  new 1984 world

a prison planet
Scientifically designed to launch us
directly into a black hole.
597 · Nov 2014
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
Honey wine sups serpentine,
Sweetness blended from your mouth,
drips droopily from lips to feet,
from eyes to meet eyes and lips to lips

This heady mixture's supple spirits Electrifying,
Your hand’s soft skin flows sparks and light
and prismatic auras like a thousand butterflies
From smiling eyes, and soft soul lightening skin
Embrace my hearts subtle ecstasies  

Behind the cornucopia of your apparition
Beyond the vague attempts to charge  
Distracted by a thousand butterflies, wings a flutter
Smashed off honey-wines that flow from your lips
Yet all the more I focus on that silence in your breast  

Without a season, without a compass, without a question  
The first thought when I wake
That last before I sleep
579 · Aug 2016
Loving Myself
Mattrick Patrick Aug 2016
I'm done with worry; I'm done with pain.
All I want is a love that can sustain
my heart, my mind, my soul without complaint;
and bring emotions to blossom without constraint.

My river has become a flood
upon the surface of my heart, and within my blood,
so I have turned and changed my dream
to redirect this living stream

From finding love in a place outside
to discovering the truth that does reside
within the very heart that strives to love
so now I see, it was me I was dreaming of.
578 · Oct 2015
Every Beat
Mattrick Patrick Oct 2015
I love you more than I can sleep,
I love you more than I can weep;
I love you when I think or pray,
I love you when I eat or play;
I love you like the poet's muse,
I love you like the summer hues.
My heart, it aches for every beat,
which thump and tremble when we meet.
551 · Nov 2014
Rainbow Eyes
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
Family, the heart of the tribe resonates beyond the horizon
beyond the soul into the great spirit, Mother Earth;
her eyes open as ours start to form; a single breath between us all,
in--and out we scream with uncertain emotion.

The spring of all life swells with joy at the notion:
the birth pangs of a new childhood, a circular trust, and a tribe reborn
in the spiritual spectrum of all ages and cultures.
Glistening, on the surface of oceans of joy, Father Sky smiles effulgent.
Learning, Peace, Agape, Appreciation: These are a salutation to unity consciousness. Love and fellowship, we are one self.
Share this with your fellow pilgrims, and shine, for we are the universe, and the universe is us.
541 · Nov 2014
Ocean Spray
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
I would plunge into you and taste your waters.
I your pacific shores...

Sands conform,
waves wax and wane;

Be as the sunset burns,
behind rows of blackened ferns

Sway across the summer dunes
I see your eyes, they are sun and moon.
539 · Nov 2014
Ode to the Prophets
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
To the great brothers and great sisters of Her womb
To the great Mother and great Father, shifting through and through
Calling upon them for the great wisdom of our age
To bridge the gap between science and the sacred

This land has no boundaries, all conventions are made believe
and we are made to believe that politicians have our backs
while the preasts of a false language preach hypocracy to our faces
This is not our Shangrala, we have lost our grasp of Eden

Turning our garden into a guard, lost, we have turned a paradise
to a prison; old men casting aspersions of disrespect to a newborn,
blaming a victim of an obsolete tradition, casting salt onto the soil,
and calling it a blessing.

The prophets throughout the ages have seen a brighter world,
one that had, at its core, the truth; we are all one spirit, inhabiting these many forms.
This illusion of form and distance, made to be overcome, has illuded many, but not them;
They gave us the wisdom to escape the eternal womb of the mind,
and grow gracefully in the warmth of the Father Sun.

Trained to be beaten and broken, our new prophets have been beld and misled.
We call this machine, cold and calculating, Education; beaten and broken from the inside, our prophets are internally bleading: rose red ink on term papers with F wrote large!  

*******! The first words of resistance cries. I am my own authority,
I seek the truth, not your lies!
Tearing down the walls, and begining to tell a new story, we new prophets challenge "the way things are," because nothing is certain;
Our conscious evolution transcends to the stars, and starts in the grasses slowly showing their infinite patience and strangth, like a soft blade breaking the solid ground of traditions floor.

Be the evolution, brothers and sisters, fathers and mothers, be the change, and the change becomes you!

Agape and Appreciation

533 · Mar 2015
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
old as time, and poetic as rhyme:
old grey heads waiting to chime
like carrion birds hungry for crime...

Some spend their life wanting glory;
repeating the past, their fathers worry,
until the mask of death ends the story.

But I will not be so shallow
to rend or to waste , fallow,
that which guides our fate towards that shadow.

Glare deeply into the eyes of war,
prepare your heart to end the score,
to end the game, and those wanting more.
War is decided by old men, and fought by young men. Really it should be the other way around.
530 · Mar 2015
Mattrick Patrick Mar 2015
Carrion with your illusions  
stricken with a fear of here
after. There is no pain,
no thought, no more masks;
what was hidden isn't pretty, but
more beautiful than words describe.

Sing, since the sounds of creation!
Sing till the hounds of desolation! Roll
this dancing digital hologram;
It, is all of it's self, and We are It, i and its:
together we are a planetary organism.

Death will come soon in various ways
when the candle burns from all sides,
it no longer matters how much time you have,
the flames will consume everything.
The sands of time are proof enough:
disintegration renders all to cinders on the ground.
521 · Oct 2015
Mattrick Patrick Oct 2015
There is a sinking discomfort at my core
my ego falls into a pit of quicksand, lost forever more;
lost to the lingering sorrow--for tomorrow will be
as it was today: languishing, writhing in emptiness...

To trust the world, my mothers breast,
as if the heart of man were best,
suited to the freedom that nature blessed
her children of the wild quest,
is folly of the highest order:

poverty and disorder
corruption from the roots to the fruits;
and the starving of this world abound
unseen and unnumbered.

To feel hunger, to know the dark dimension of despair;
this the tyranny of society perpetuates upon itself:
to be a pauper, a peon, a peasant, a pleb under the rule of another;
to work as a slave to someone else's cause and convenience.

To be individual instead of indivisible,
to be alright with the starving children in Africa
if it means I can buy new shoes.

Hunger does not begin or end with you.
Hunger is the slave master of a thousand and one kingdoms.
Hunger is the gatekeeper to the kingdom of heaven.
Appease him and the world will know peace.
511 · Aug 2016
I promise to let go
Mattrick Patrick Aug 2016
I promise to let go of you;
not the reality of you,
but of my thoughts about you.

When I hold on to you, the idea of you,
my image of you, that expectation of you,
I lose you.

To meet you here, now, I must be me.
To love you I must love myself
because the only thing that can truly see you is me myself and I.
508 · Jan 2015
Fortune's Fool
Mattrick Patrick Jan 2015
I don't know if I want to live anymore.
To be or not to be, to see and not be seen;
those hermit eyes can see right through me.
And I feel ignored, passed over, strung out
on the wicked surface of a thousand liquid crystal screens,
on the lips of paltry kisses forgotten.  

I don't know if I want to live anymore
he says with a troglodyte twang
grappling crippled finger bones the keys of ivory sang,
dried, cracked lips with tight reed slicks the river bank.

And I am insane for being sane in an insane world.
Friendless, I feel forlorn, and like so many others,
self-reflection terrifies me more than death. Boredom,
on the border between depression and peace, between suicide and meditation.

Teetering on the edge of the abysmal,
fortunes fool animates an impetuous illusion:
the act of insignificance, the play of powerlessness.
May I die with insobriety, but in life, in spirit, inspiration.
Feeling depressed, not a suicide note.
502 · Oct 2015
Love is Providence
Mattrick Patrick Oct 2015
If in my life, my love I question—
And question I my love right now—
Then let the providence of my true thoughts reprove.  
It is the after-*** feelings of a man—different from a woman—
That makes our love so hard to find, to prove, prevail,
And express presently.

No commitment--we want no feelings felt--
But it is with the tides; our rational dissolves our masculinity,
And the words from lips that be love, itself a symbol,
And the coveted presence of such beauty too.
I lie; I lied for I love and I should ne’er reprove.
499 · Feb 2015
Mattrick Patrick Feb 2015
Struggling to stay asleep,
struggling to stay awake.
With a lover in my bed,
and her soft skin in my head
I cannot sleep so she cannot sleep,
and after a ten hour shift at 3 am
her head is in the z zone,
but I am wide awake.

My heart and my head are the master
of this moment. Of this moment
I am a chastised babe wanting more,
ever more; and she, a hot headed *****
turning the page that sans ardor.
481 · Nov 2014
Him & Her
Mattrick Patrick Nov 2014
You are incredibly worth while,
I'd bend over backwards to see your smile
When you showed me your dreams
and you sang me your song it seems
that I could never forget you
in all my heavy years to get through
to a daffy dilemma that fools fall into.
To a higher tune than the ravages of men
and a softer sound than that most often
Given on the branches of lost relations.
Salvaged by the hearts of two native nations.

(Him and Her)
475 · Dec 2015
When I'm not there
Mattrick Patrick Dec 2015
Bathing under the cool glow of a thousand million stars--
shattered mirrors reflecting your brilliance--
you are the sun, and the great deep your lover.

When I am not there, you see the emptiness in all its implication:
the death of stars, the beauty of change, and the soft significance
that all of this is happening without you, and within you.

I hear you call to me in the midnight hour,
longing to be touched by the warmth of a familiar star.
But I am as empty as the great deep, filled with peace, surrounded by chaos.
Mattrick Patrick Jan 2017
There was a buzzing, woke me from my bed,
(in the place between my ears)
calling me to a place where I'm not alone.
Dreams are fantastic in lovers arms instead,
especially when you've been lonely on your own.

Faint, just a whisper, forgotten;
clumsily on the edge of infinity,
ready to drop into a pool of what's rotten,
you're lost in sweet serenity.

Blissfully alive.
                  But where is your buzzing?
                                                   Where is your soul?

Surely you would have noticed
the subtle silence of a mausoleum,
the clattered bones of yesterday
only scatter when ya see em.

And I'm too 'fraid to 'pollogize for my mistakes,
misdeeds and mistreating you.
I've seen the floor that you whip me with,
and its not worth meeting too.

So I've decided to surrender
                         to that sweet sweet serenity.

I've decided to surrender to that sweet serenity,
running on dreams, standing alone
on a crowded sea of enmity. (I just don't care anymore!)
Its time to sleep. its time to open this door and find myself home.
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