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Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
Dessine moi des souvenirs biasés.
Je ne serai jamais capable de témoigner un coucher de soleil avec toi, car c'est en ce moment même que le jolie papillon aux ailes pointillés vient se poser sur mes yeux pour m'aveugler.

Les étoiles scintillent.
La lune s'élargit pour se rapetisser.
Les nuages tracent des formes dans l'obscurité.
Et tout est beau.
Toi. Moi. Et le papillon.
Le noir m'appartient.
Le papillon le crée et toi tu en fais partie.


Draw me biased memories.
I will never be able to witness a sunset with you, because it is at this moment that the beautiful dotted winged butterfly comes to blind my eyes.

The stars sparkle.
The moon expands to shrink again.
The clouds draw shapes in the dark.
And everything is beautiful.
You. I. And the butterfly.
The dark belongs to me.
The butterfly created it and you are a part of it.

- LynnAA
La date du poeme n'existe pas.
The date of this poem has been lost.

Aug 2016 · 855
Catalepsie - Catalepsy
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2016
La douce brise chaude nous emballe dans une prison translucide. Toi, moi et mes couleurs qui se répandent sur ma paume.
Et une intense lumière noire traverse le mur, assez forte pour aveugler nos yeux, mais considérablement fragile pour pouvoir étouffer les couleurs de ma main à présent étalées tout au long des murs de notre prison.


The hot soft breeze is holding us in a translucent prison. You, me and my colours that are spreading on the palm of my hand.
And an intense black light leaks through the wall, strong enough to blind our eyes, but too weak to smother the colours on my hand that are now spread all over the walls of our prison.

- LynnAA
Translucide: Qui laisse passer la lumière, mais non la couleur.
Translucent: Allowing light, but not colours and detailed images, to pass through.

Jul 2016 · 4.7k
Wilde Nights
Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
I can hear you whispering in my ear, every night before I go to sleep:

"You will always be fond of me.
I represent to you all the sins you never had the courage to commit."

And to that lullaby, my eyes rest.

- LynnAA
When love and hate merge.

The quote is from Oscar Wilde.

Jul 2016 · 1.4k
From a Filmmaker
Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
We are sitting on a rug and lots of pillows watching a movie projected on a white wall
And I can feel the overflow of light hitting our backs so strongly
I look at one of my hairs, the light is striking it and crossing it
I look at my hand and I see it laying over your chest and clinging to it
I see your shirt and how it moves with your breathing
I see you blink your eyes, cross your legs, fix your hair, adjust your position...
I see you wrap your arm around me, pull me closer, bring me to you...
I see you unaware of me being mindful of a movie of my own that you weren't watching:
Our bodies under the soft light of the ever so magical 24 frames per second.

- LynnAA
All these frames, all these seconds...

Jul 2016 · 501
Another Shattered Light
Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
I was standing in front of you.
You taller than me.
I was looking down.

"If you're not happy, you can leave."

And on these words, my mind became numb.
And I pictured us:

You and I
Far from each other
In a wide room surrounded by big windows
And I'm walking away from you
And my heart took a sudden leap out of my chest towards you
And it kept pulling to the point where I couldn't walk anymore
And I was yelling my lungs out at it but it wouldn't listen
And I was pulling it back to me but it kept going towards you just like nickels go to magnets
And you stood there watching me fight with myself
Not coming to help
Neither leaving to help also

"Say something."

I look up to see you
My eyes swollen and my heart trying to find its way to you out of my chest.
I clear my throat and sigh.
Only then you hug me.
And I let you, knowing that, one day, I will be strong enough to pull my heart into my chest and leave you looking at a wide empty room while the light leaks through the big windows to cover the red tiles of the floor on which you are standing.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
علّقت الشّرشف على الحيط
و الشّرشف كبير و قَعَدِت نسمة الصّيْفيّة تلعبلو بطرفو
و أنا كنت لابسي فستان عْلي ورود و إنت كنت لابس قميص بيضاء و بنطالون بني
و أنا عم بركض و إنت لاحقني
متل الأولاد الصغار
و شفت الشّرشف عم بيِعْلى طَرَفو عن الحيط
فركضت أسرع و مسِكتو و تخبّيت ورا
و ما بلاقي غير طار و إنت صرت تحتو
إيديك مش مكَفيِينَك لتغمرني
و أنا حالي مش مكفّيني لعَلْقَك بين إيدَيّي و بَوْسَك
و وطي الشّرشف علينا و خبّى أجسامنا اللّي عم بتِلْتَف على بعضها
و ما بقي غير ريحة الشّرشف لتخَبّر عن أفعالنا

You hung the sheet on the wall
And the sheet was big and the summer breeze kept swaying its end off the wall
And I was wearing a floral dress and you were wearing a white shirt and brown pants
I was running and you were following me
Just like kids do
And I saw the end of the sheet rising off the wall
So I ran faster to grab it and hid behind it
And I saw nothing but the sheet flying and you appearing under it
You not having enough hands to embrace me
And I not having enough of myself to get a hold of you and fill you with my kisses
And the sheet fell back on us, and hid our bodies that were wrapping around each other
And only the smell of the sheet was left to tell about our doings

لين اا -
.لإنّو إيّام, بِكْرَهَك هَلْقَد
Because sometimes, I hate you so.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jul 2016
إجا الربيع
الورود بعدها شي إنها شايفي ضو الشمس
و عم بت واسيلي إجرَيّي
و الفراشات ليك وَينون عم بيلعبو
و عم ب حورو و يدورو حوالي إيدينا ت يفلتُوون
و إنت بتروح بتلحقهم
لأنو بالنهاية ما في غير هل فراشات ت يرَجْعوك عل بيت قبل ما تغيب الشمس ب كعب الوادي

It's spring
The flowers are still young
And they would caress my feet
The butterflies are out there playing
And they would come play around our hands to detach them
And you would follow them
Because eventually the butterflies are the ones that would take you home before the sun sets down over the hill

لين اا -
- LynnAA
بقدم لك وردة, عبارة عن رقت قلب
I offer you a flower, a symbol of softness.

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
كاس واحد و ألحان عربية
و خصري عم بميل يمين و شمال
و فستاني عم بيِعْلى عن فخذي
و شعري القصير عم بجرّب يطال كتافي
و إيدايي متل الموج بالصيف، بياخدوك و بجيبوك ع رواق
و ما شفتك غير واقف قدّامي
عيونك ضايعين ب خَصري
و بَسمتَك ضايعة بين فخاذي
و ما قدرت ما قرّب رَقْصك
و التَفِّت إيدي حول رَقبتَك
و تْمَلَّك جسمي جسمك
و الموسيقى الشرقية بلَّشِت تختفي
بس أنا خصري بقي يهزّ على خصرك
و فستاني بقي يِعْلَى عن فخاذي و عَلَّق بين فخاذنا
و شعري القصير خبّى وجوهنا
و إيدايي صارو متل العِرْبَيْشِة, لافّين حوالي عكّاز و ما ب فَلْتو

One drink, and oriental beats
And my hips are swaying to the right then to the left
And my dress is uncovering my thighs
And my short hair is trying to touch my shoulders
And my arms are like summer waves - they sway you softly
And all of a sudden I see you standing there
Your eyes lost in my hips
And your smile lost in between my thighs
And I couldn't not take your hand and dance with you
And my arms got locked around your neck
And my body owned your body
And the oriental beat started to degenerate
But my hips kept swaying on your hips
And my dress kept uncovering my thighs, getting stuck in between our thighs
And my short hair hid our faces
And my arms became like an espalier tree - wrapped around a pole and wouldn't let it go

لين اا -
- LynnAA

Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
و ركض لتحت الشجرة و قميصه مجعلك, صبّاطو موَحّل و بنطالونه واسع
بس ريحتو مثل الياسمين
عيناه بيِعْكسو نجوم درب التبانة كلها
و صوته موجة عالية بتوصل على الشّط و بتسَرْحِب رغوتها على الرملات ل توصل على إجريك

He ran towards the tree, his shirt rippled, his shoes muddy and his pants too big for him
But he smelled of Jasmine
His eyes were the home of the Milky Way
And his voice was like a high wave that hits the shore as its foam would run up the silky sand to softly touch your feet.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Jun 2016
بنصف البحر، أنا و إنت فلتو إيدينا
و عِلي الموج و قرّب صوبنا
طلعت رغوة بيضاء خبِّت لون جلدتك
و أوّل موجة وصلت علينا، عِلْيِت لفوق راسنا و وقفت
و ظلها خبّى ملامح وجهك
و بقيو إجرينا فلتانين ب مَيّ حامْيِتنا من حالها

In the middle of the sea, my hands and yours got detached
The tide grew high and came closer to us
The white foam covered the color of your skin
And the first wave that came towards us stopped right above our heads
Its shadow covered the traits of your face
And our feet were left free in a water that saved us from itself

لين ا ا -
- LynnAA
بين الموجات (٢) - عم ببتسملك عطول
Folded Waves (2) - I am always smiling at you

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2016
يا زهرة واقفة على سطح من سطوح بيروت، ريحتك متل الأفيون

You little flower planted on a rooftop in Beirut, you smell like *****

لين اا -
- LynnAA
You are cancer and delirium.

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2016
حاملة كاس نبيد أحمر ب إيدا و عيونو عم بتعِدّ خرزات ظهرها المكشوف
و شعرها مرفوع كعكة و رَقبِتها عم ب عيّطلو يجي يهجر شفافو على ريحة عطرها

She is holding a glass of red wine and his eyes are counting every vertebra of her exposed back
And her hair is pinned up in a bun in a way that her neck was calling for him to desert his lips on the scent of her perfume

لين اا -
- LynnAA
متى 26:26-27
John 6:56

Lynn Al-Abiad May 2016
في فراشة بيضاء بتجي كل يوم على شباكي بتفرش جوانحها و بتنطرني انطق اسمه
بتنطرني على وهلة لتحمل اسمه عن شفافي بجوانحها الهزيلة
و جوانحها بتثقل و بتروح لعند الشمس و بتحرق اسمه لتقدر ترجع على ملجأها
و ثاني يوم بترجع ع شباكي مفكرة إنو شي نهار اسمه رح يصير خفّ الريشة و رح تقدر تاخدو معها و ما بقى ترجع لعندي

There's a white butterfly that comes every day at my window, unfolds her wings and waits for me to say his name
It waits for me impatiently to grab his name off my lips on her little wings
And her wings grow heavy thus she goes to the sun and burns his name for her to be able to fly back home
And the next day she comes back at my window, thinking that one day, his name will be light enough for her to be able to carry it on her wings and never have to come back to me

لين اا -
- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
بنصف البحر، أنا و إنت حاملين وردة
و الموج قايم قاعد
و السما صافية
و ريحة الوردة عم ب تمَلّي روايينا
و الموج عم بي جرب ياخد الوردة من بين ايدينا على قعر البحر
و نحنا عم نطَلَّع بي عينين بعض و عم نبتسم
و مش خايفين من إنو هل وردة تختفي بين طيّات الموجات

In the middle of the sea, you and I are holding a flower
And the tide is high
And the sky is clear
And the scent of the flower is filling our lungs
And the tide is trying to take the flower away from our hands to the bottom of the sea
And we are looking at each other and we're smiling
And we're not afraid to lose our flower in the folds of the waves.

لين اا -
- LynnAA
نبّش أكتر
Search harder

Apr 2016 · 744
Fermented Grapes
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
We stain our lips with red wine so we can taste each other pretending that we want to get drunk.

- LynnAA
Cheers to us in my fantasies.

Apr 2016 · 714
Silent Colours, Deaf Eyes
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
And when you come back, if I feel that all of this and all of you are true, I will run into your arms like a wounded lioness who has just found her shelter.

And I will sail with you, till you either drop me on a new land, push me into the water or take me to an island.

I don't care where you'll drop me, as long as you're true. Everything else, I can save myself from it.

- LynnAA
To the man who might be looking at the moon right now.

Apr 2016 · 2.2k
Potatoes, Chicken and Garlic
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
When you are alone in a restaurant
And a stranger walks in and sits on the table facing you
And you feel that he is not hungry for food
But probably hungry for lust, beauty, new acquaintances, intellect, art, knowledge...
And that is when your bill comes back
You leave a tip and then the table
Abandoning him starving for the eye contact that would have fed his hunger.

- LynnAA
To the stranger who willingly came back into the restaurant and sat on the table facing me.

Apr 2016 · 821
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2016
I want to be kissed by an older man.
A man who has been with many women, who knows how to touch them.
A man who would make his women smile from all the pleasure he injects in between their well shaved skins.
A man whose lower lip would meet their necks, dragging its way up under their ears where he would whisper to them all the bad things he would do to them.
And they would move their lips toward his to arouse the only osmosis that will make out of them his little virgins.

- LynnAA
To the musician who dreamed of me in my burgundy dress.

Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
I didn't get the chance to count the freckles that hid on your cheeks under the darkness of the night that lit your face on the run.

- LynnAA
Because we all want the things we can't have.

Feb 2016 · 790
Folded Paper
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
You smell something between laundry detergent and borrowed cigarettes.

- LynnAA
Feb 2016 · 1.5k
Cardamom Woman
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2016
She is dressed in her pajamas
She breathes nothing but the smell of the tastiest food you will ever taste
She sips coffee three times a day
One in the morning after her breakfast
One at noon before her lunch
And one at six o'clock in the afternoon
Always with cardamom and a hint of sugar
Her hair is always *******
She wears three pairs of socks when it's cold
Her favourite companion during the day is a TV set
And at night,
When her husband and two kids are home
She already smells like food and cardamom.
She takes a hot shower
Wears a clean pajama
Puts on three new pairs of socks
And slips into her bed
While murmuring the lyrics of her favourite Spanish song

- LynnAA
To one very special woman who's fond of Spain, a land she can hardly visit anymore.

Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2015
The light is burning your right cheek
Your lips are not smiling
Your hair is medium short
A part of your left eye is showing
And I endlessly look at you
Trying to forget how your skin felt
How your lips read a play for me
How I played with your hair till you fell asleep
And how I looked into your eyes endlessly and smiled
Because my pupil couldn't handle my perception of your beauty

This photo of you is my daily dose
Of getting over you

- LynnAA
I saw the photo. I wrote the poem. You removed the photo.

Nov 2015 · 1.7k
Kindness And Butterflies
Lynn Al-Abiad Nov 2015
You are still beautiful,

Your hazel eyes are still extraterrestrial
Ultraviolet rays still penetrate them,
Whenever you look into the sun,
And they whisper to you
"Only torn eyes
Can draw people into them."
And so they do.
Ultraviolet rays tear your eyes,
Dilating your pupils,
Feeling your iris,
Creating green craters
Only visible to the people who are drawn to your metamorphosis, little butterfly.

- LynnAA
Lynn Al-Abiad Oct 2015
She smokes in front of me
Knowing that the wind is carrying my hair to the back of my face
Knowing that I despise the smell of cigarettes when it beds in my hair
Knowing that she will leave traces of her breath on my skin

Probably she doesn't know, but it soothes me to think that she does
Sep 2015 · 2.9k
Jesus Without Perfume
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2015
She smiled
And just like Jesus
She held her arms wide open
Thinking she could be my saviour too. Once again.
But Sweetie, even if your chain still adorns your neck
And your eyelashes still touch your eyelids
And your pants still heighten to your waist
And your tattoo still crosses your forearms,
Your mouth gagged lies
Your eyes burned in the void
And your neck was haunted by the absence of your perfume.

Sep 2015 · 874
Another Strand Of Your Hair
Lynn Al-Abiad Sep 2015
I can't tell people about you.

They won't understand how my pupil dilates at the sight of you
They won't understand how my happiness resides in your face
They won't understand my silence when you choose to devour books instead of my neck
They won't understand the twenty minute ride back home with your hand in mine against my chest
They won't understand the void your arsenic-like words left me in

And I cringe inside
Because, just like people, you won't understand neither.

I miss you, but *******.
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2015
Its was a red T-shirt
The kind of T-shirt that hangs on your arms and leaves your shoulders bare for the lustful ones
I wore it
It smelled good
Like bad memories
I smelled it again
Time froze.
Your name
Then your face.
It was the scent of your perfume that I had sprayed on my T-shirt after we had fought
Obsession grows from separation
I inhaled it
Your lips slide to the right when you smile
You brush your tall eyelashes
You wear your black backpack on your back
You steer the steering wheel with your knee
And I looked down and smiled

I will buy your perfume.
Aug 2015 · 806
If You Were A Book
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2015
We were sleeping next to each other
I can't remember if we had any clothes on
It didn't matter then.
I fell asleep on your shoulder
While you were reading Ionesco out loud for me
I woke up on your voice
Reading the last page
You told me it was a good book
Then you disturbed my happiness off your shoulder
And grabbed another book
Which title I can't recall at the moment
You pulled me back on your shoulder
I took the book
I wanted to read out loud for you this time
You smiled
The idea of it made you happy
I read on and on
Stopping every once in a while to let you know of how unappealing my English accent sounds
But you smiled and said
"No, not at all.
On the contrary, I'm really enjoying this.
And so I did
Till chapter 6, page 25
Then you took the book off my hands
Put it down on the floor
Hugged me and said
"It was absolutely lovely
Let's sleep now."

Aug 2015 · 470
Dear Silence,
Lynn Al-Abiad Aug 2015
I hope, one day, guilt will eat you alive
Until you wake up every night screaming my name

Yours no longer,
May 2015 · 944
Hello? Desire Speaking
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
My solitude is your bait

You come back
Because I can still be glued to you
Like your cigarette did to your mouth
The only time I slept on your chest

Everything is speaking except for the heart.

May 2015 · 1.4k
Mascara Boy
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
Bat your tall eyelashes away from me
Your kindness is strangling me

May 2015 · 444
Wrong. Always.
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
He had shaved his beard
But his hair was still short

The sun had kissed his skin many times
And had left her mark on him

His eyebrows frowned in a way
It made me want to touch his cheek

Seeing this man
Looking so young
Wanting to be so independent
Made me smile in sadness.

Clint Mansell - The Last Man

May 2015 · 382
My girl, let's fight
Lynn Al-Abiad May 2015
He was next to me
Driving me home
Talking about all the older women he wouldn't be with

And I was next to him
Looking down the road
Feeling pain making surface at the corner of my eye

Another mistake...
Apr 2015 · 992
But If You Love Me, Stay.
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Get up
And leave my bed.

My pillow smells like you
I'm suffocating.

My sheets are warm
They're burning my skin.

Take your gray I-Shirt with you
And your Tom Ford perfume.

Don't look back at me
And leave.

Apr 2015 · 501
Cigarette, please
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
You linger in my mind
Just like nicotine would linger in my system if I ever decided to smoke

Get me a pack of Marlboro Medium.

Apr 2015 · 774
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Spread perfume on your skin
Wear tights under your pants
Make sure your belly shows just enough
And wait.

Maybe he'll notice your belly skin
Maybe he'll smell your hair
Maybe he'll see your legs when you bend down to pick up his shirt

And if he does
Watch TV together
Discovery Science preferably
While his hands try to reach you
Under the one sheet that covers you both.

Allow him to put his arms around you
Allow him to lay his lips on you
Allow him to hear you moan
Allow him to feel your back arch

And the second day
He'll go back to being a DJ
And you'll go back to being a man's bait.

Tall eyelashes, sweetie, make eyes worth looking at.

Apr 2015 · 1.6k
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
Let me tell you something, Sir

You are the reason of my endless waits.
You, Sir, are the reason
Women like me drink coffee at 10 p.m
Believing that maybe
Only maybe
I would hear your voice at 3 a.m
Before I unwillingly fall asleep at 3:10 a.m
To wake up the next morning cursing my coffee.

Apr 2015 · 2.1k
Kiss me, Jasmine
Lynn Al-Abiad Apr 2015
She smells like a meadow of Jasmine trees
Soft breeze carrying off her scent
To the sun shining upon her
Making her floral skirt bloom
And her hair gleam
Like little raindrops
Pierced by a beam of sunlight

Dear sun, touch my neck
Inhale my Jasmines
Burn my hair
And let the breeze play with my skirt
So that my thighs can be kissed by you

Perfume is heavenly.
Mar 2015 · 1.5k
Mediterranean Sea
Lynn Al-Abiad Mar 2015
You hid behind a glass-made wall
Flaring during daytime
Invisible during nighttime.

We smiled at an unknown future
We made love with raw words
We stayed in bed covered in sheets that smelled like endless sleep.

Our skins flooded in unknown perfume.
You never smelled my chamomile hair
And I never held on to your shirt.

And on a sunny summer day
Sunlight hit your glass wall
Flaring rainbows on your body
While you were taking a cold shower
And glass shattered to invisible pieces
Falling down like raindrops at your feet.

Only then, August's sunlight blinded me

And I never saw you since.

- LynnAA
Evoking a past.
Mar 2015 · 2.1k
Bones and Breasts
Lynn Al-Abiad Mar 2015
She uses her skin as a trap
To catch men and drug them
With their own lust until they
Surrender to their hallucinations
And fly away on a trip
To her body
As she touches them softly until
Their bones get filled with dopamine
And their mouths get to taste
Her beating heart under her *******.

- LynnAA
The skin talks louder than words.

Feb 2015 · 2.8k
undress me
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2015
raised her dress
off her thighs
and his lips
met the inside
of her imperfection

"In my imagination, you're waiting lying on your side with your hands between your thighs."
505 - Arctic Monkeys

Feb 2015 · 1.1k
The Whistler
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2015
I walked in our house
And for the first time
In my entire life
Did I hear her whistle.

I stood there.
And pictures of my boyhood
Reminisced in my head.
And I heard myself whistling.
I heard my 9 year old self
Whistling his way
To silence.

I remember the rain
And the door slightly open
Inviting me in
Leading my childhood
To its verge.

I remember them.
A Man and a Woman.
His flesh on her flesh.
Her lips on his neck.
His fingers on her thigh.
Her leg around his waist.

And I remember my mouth
Rounded with silence
As if they stole my whistle
To make out of it
Their melody.

And I never whistled again.

And she stood there
As if my childhood memory
Had silenced her too.
She was beautiful
In her light yellow sundress
She looked even more beautiful
When she approached me
And touched my neck
To move my shirt aside.

She started to whistle again
Leaving little kisses
On my neck
Like little birds
Not caught but visiting - me
And bringing me back
The 9 year old boy
That I was.

Inspired by Mary Oliver's, The Whistler
Feb 2015 · 575
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2015
You might need to estrange me
Because the way I observed your nape
Made my inner vampire arise

No title because this poem is like "double Espresso, it says and tastes it all."
Feb 2015 · 2.6k
Happy Yard
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2015
He was there
Black bearded,
Turning her on
With a voice
That gets hold of her system
Like *****
And sends her tripping
On waves she will never ride
And grounds she will never walk on

It's all in your mind little girl.
Feb 2015 · 528
Junk Hour
Lynn Al-Abiad Feb 2015
He kindly refused
To have a drink with her
For he was physically drained
But he promised her
He'd take her this Tuesday
To the same place she suggested.

She smiled.

Then she felt that
That Tuesday would be
Like any other Tuesday:

Raw with his absence.

Jan 2015 · 549
Snake Bite
Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2015
Lady, why do you cry?
Did his cigarette drag on your hair?
And his black coffee stain your clothes?
Lady, why is your mascara running?
Did he miss your lips?
Did another woman get a kiss?
Lady, why are your watery eyes beautiful?
Did he meet you in the dark?
Or did he turn off the lights on your beauty?

Jan 2015 · 2.7k
Flavored Skins
Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2015
She drowns her neck in perfume
And turns in circles around herself
To inhale the scent
That she will forsake
On his skin

A crazy woman with a passion for perfume.
Especially if it lingers
Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2015
Inhale your cigarette
Exhale its smoke
Take a sip of your American coffee
And lay on your back
Wait for me to lay on your chest
Then call for me to lay on your chest
I whisper words of love coated with passivity
Into your spiderweb-made ear
And you smile for you have heard nothing
I find the courage to play with your beard
And your leg finds its way in between mine
And I mistakenly caress you excessively
But intentionally leave my trace on you
And I breathe one last time on your neck
As you are reaching for your now cold American coffee
And the smoke of your precious cigarette
Builds a wall between us
That reminded me of what I am to you

Pink Floyd - Wish  You Were Here
Jan 2015 · 483
Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2015
Let me stay in your arms a little longer
Before the smell of your cigarette holds on to my light brown hair.

Jan 2015 · 834
Little Bird
Lynn Al-Abiad Jan 2015
She looked at him
One last time
And smiled
Leaving her floral scent
Lingering in his shirt

Sweet innocence, fly safely.
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