Holy Spirit,
Tell Me what You Know
Today is a day of Miracles, according to Hafiz
And instead, I ask you for the listening Wisdom..
How can a friend, cherished and adored
be the knife that Mark Anthony sees,
the Hand inside the Soul of Brutus..
All the world seeks the cure of single mindedness
the effects of cancer, Aids, Ebola
and yet does nothing to acknowledge the Word of Welcome held within them
There is more mystery here than could ever be in the fuel of a Rocket
Can You Hear the Pleasure of the Earth Rejoicing for Its Victory of Faith?
I can… It’s Beautiful.
And yet it was called single mindedness for many years
as She sat alone and cried for the destruction of her Being..
Even then the community rampage of the Sovereign Greed did not stop.
Witnessed by All, Ignored TRUTH of the Condemning ReBalancing
Have we given Up the Gift that Truth in Accusation Brings?
From Maraschino to My Lai Trial, you are just God’s Witnessing…….
Violence held, within the Intention of Pure Goodness
Your Devoted Presence is a Peace filled World
Cal Anderson, I always wondered as to your medal.
shall I call you Osiris ???
Thinking it undeserved,
I now hammer at the forge of my own being
and with apology, call you grateful LIFE
More than a victory of deserving,
Love's acknowledgement of Steadfast Being...
Life’s right to Justice on Her terms, not ours
Peace Holy Spirt.
for the Victory,
You are ONE.
Grace in Blessing
And So It Is.