Call Now, within, the Prayer OK
No Mistake, Its True
I’m Here to Stay
Even with Gods Consciousness
all Holy work, sometimes a mess
In shock, just Born, each Day ANEW
with sphinx like questions asking Who?
My pen just birthed this fall it seems
my brush, my pen, and All GODS Dreams
I am the ONE, I know its True
From Loves Great Grace, born in Peru
Now Seen, I feel the calm of Peace
the shamans charm, a great release
My Heart is calm in light and dark,
in either field I chase the spark.
This rhythm is a child rhyme,
now seen as Vision, I know its time
Return me now, my woman’s dance
Fertility rites, with manly stance
My writing now turns back to God,
to love the snake that loves the sod.
My body is its fleshly Home
Now seen, I claim, it now does roam..