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I have been battling insecurity
Just to make sure you stay with me
It all just sounds like insanity
But it's all just to keep it "we"

I remember the day we all became one
The day I got accepted into your clan
Each day was filled with glee
It was the happiest I can be

Seeing us in the picture
Lost pieces of the puzzle
now scattered around the floor
No one dares to move
I don't know anymore

How long will we stay like a mishap?
How long will we misunderstand?
How long will we stay numb?
How long?

I don't wanna know how long...
but please don't make it so long...
To the moon and stars above
Would you gladly listen to my plea?
I badly want to flee
To the mountain top I shall go
And scream to my heart's content
Cause I no longer know
Up to when I shall endure
This unspeakable feeling
It's been following me everywhere
I dont know how to put it into phrases
What more into sentences
Not even a word could express it
Too much thought is taking up my tired and restless brain
There's just so much pain and confusion
I can't even come up with a single conclusion
Everything ended up like a convulsion
But I know there was a root to the problem
Now we need it to be uprooted
Because the bigger it grows
It might soon become a tree and bear
Unbearable fruits      
These fruits look delish but you'll never know that it'll make you perish...

Tell me when... When will this end?
Cause it's gnawing at my chest cavity and it's making the floorboard shriek
It scares me to the bone
And it has made my soul unconscious...
Idk man... idk... ;-; I dont know how to solve this weird mystery that has been tearing me apart limb from limb... Too much drama... ***... I want this to end... so I could also stop this foolishness...
I don't want to leave you, she said
If I could, I'd stay forever but I can't

I wonder what's your reason
to commit such an act of treason
During the night
When the stars shine so bright
I love seeing your sleeping face
You're like a delicate antique vase
Why must your time with me have a limit?
Cause when the morning comes, he wakes you up in just a minute.
I try to make you stay
But you'll just say
If I don't go, there's going to be a huge price to pay.*

But who am I to question
even though I feel so much depression

For I'm just a futon
for you to lie on
well, let's try to see a bed's point of view. hahaha. For me, this is how a bed feels whenever we needed to wake up in the morning and leave yet we really want to stay in bed.
614 · Jun 2015
Don't try to ask me why
   just think of it as my final goodbye

It means you are no longer needed
    you did your part
    and I think you did great
611 · Aug 2015
Not at all
Not all those at the top are the best

Not all those at the bottom are the worst

**Some things are just the other way around
605 · Sep 2015
Let me be
I can't explain
How it turned into an excruciating pain
I was just standing on a plain
Now I feel like rolling down from a mountain
Please take me on a train
And set free my tired brain
What exactly is weirdness?
It is just something out of the ordinary
People think it's funny
But the truth is,
It ain't

Why does everybody even want to fit in?
Because they don't want to be alone
The truth is,
they won't be alone
It takes time for the right people
to show up at your door.

Be happy of who you are
You aren't an error
You have a creator
And He creates such *beauty

If someone tells you that you are weird,
tell them thanks
Being weird is being unique

You are one heck of a special person
Not meant to be like the others...
Meep... for those who have low self esteem... May this poem give enlightenment to those people being called "different", "weird", "ugly", "idiot" and other mean stuff.
599 · Jun 2015
Bestie/Best Friend/Twin
There's this thick border that separates you from them
but I can never explain what it is
all I can say is that I feel it inside of my heart that
you stand out from the rest
and for me you are the best!
596 · Apr 2015
Sorry my dear
When it comes to you
It has always been a battle
Between my heart and my brain
What an endless pain
It has been crushing me to bits
yet with just your laughter
the butterflies start to flutter
and my lips start to stutter

Now you return
telling me you went the wrong turn
You say you want to set things right
but I don't suppose that'll make me smile bright
Cause you are the source of my heartache
and my endless misery

I now have an answer to this encrypted mystery
You ain't sure yet
and I bet
My heart's gonna take all the risk
so i'm not gonna make another wish
Just one last kiss
Seriously... this is the most clichè thing i've ever written... hahaha but maybe this is the influence of all those shoujo (love, romance genre anime) that I've been watching ... XD hahahaha
593 · Jun 2015
I hope you see through me
Don't let your eyes deceive you,
you are seeing through a filter
not in every perception
and the truth wont show itself
unless it is being sought
not just with unreliable thoughts.
593 · May 2015
The YOU in my eyes
From the moment I met you
I knew you were decent
Though not really that innocent
But you were a nice guy
Though you are shy
You still have this charm

Your voice that ain't so manly
Yet for me it was heavenly
Just to hear your voice was enough for me

You may not be the brightest
But among the stars, you are
Your witty answers and logical explanations
These serve as my best inspirations

Your strategic ways
and inspiring plays
They always make my days

I'd wish upon a star
That my love for you
Wont bear a single scar

So honey my dear
I sure do hope everything is clear
Just don't make me bear a single tear
For I might grow in fear
Of your face
That served as my favorite maze
Whenever my emotions are in a haze
Out of the night that covers thee
From your misery, I'll set you free
A mere stella from the void
Even though i'm almost dead
May my luminosity light your way ahead
591 · Sep 2015
How do I unravel thee?
How do I unravel thee? I shall figure you out
Whenever I see you, I just pout
You’re the numbers I can’t decipher
Your music’s similar to a pied piper

Thy voice lures me in unconsciously
A sweet sound of serendipity
That’s composed in an ancient writing
Written on a papyrus that’s so inviting

A puzzle with an abstract image
Even more complicated than a broken page
I focus on solving your deep logic
Wishing that I have such magic

They say you’re unfathomable
Because I am the only one who’ll be able
587 · Dec 2015
You're seen as somebody who is unexpectedly soft
In fact, your persona was described as tough
I wasn't that certain yet when I saw that pure innocence upon your eyes
little did I know that you really were deception
yet I still saw your true reflection
Now I can never look at you the same way
I look at you now with so much care
I painstakingly want to be your very own bubble wrap

An encrypted note on a papyrus
An ancient mystery that refuses to be solved
But I saw through your wall
Now I could sense the tears wanting to come out like a water fall

*I finally deciphered your intriguing paradox
I finally solved you... now a connection has been made... never thought it was possible but I didn't say it was impossible...
582 · Apr 2015
Your effect on me
Just hearing your voice is fine
I feel like i'm on cloud nine

This is for sure
My feelings are pure

Pure happiness
If ever it was sadness

The cause is your frown
I don't want to see you down

I love to hear your laughter
Rather than to see you falter
You don't really cook
or even like reading a book
but upon closer look
you are a man with such intelligence,
a man with so much diligence
but doesn't have that much patience.
Set that aside, you are our life consultant
as if you've recorded all the ins and outs
of life as you grew up and you tell us
all about it.
You act out as our instant super hero when
our heads are coiled up but I guess a poem
can never really explain the whole you.
Only those with you could tell who you really are
even though you have your own shortcomings.
You are a man of many names
"Papa, Dad, Daddy, Pops, Pa, Itay"
and many more names the world could make of
but there is only one name for us
Happy Father's Day!
We Love You!
for my dearest grumpy father... Happy Father's Day... You have taught us so many stuff... good and bad... XD hahahahaha
577 · May 2015
It's all about perception
Not all good people are good.
Not all bad people are bad.
It was just a mere label, it isn't
who they truly are or let's say "were".
572 · Aug 2015
I'm ahead of you dear
You thought it was enough
but I saw through all the hullabaloo and fluff
You can't fool me the same way you did to them
I saw every loose hem
I've been observing brightly colored canvas
and I've smelled different kinds of grass
You could say that I already knew you before you do
I could feel the same as you

Maybe this is the special connection between two people hidden in the word "promise"
but I doubt you'd feel mine once it comes because you've never observed me the same way I have...
Things you realize when it comes to friendship...
566 · Mar 2015
It was a tough journey
For I was a newbie

Yet you were there
Ready to support

Thanks for the tips
The game was crushing me like chips

Shall look forward into playing
LoL is a pretty ******* gaming
Hehehe for all the supports out there... thanks a lot... XD
561 · Jul 2015
Instant happiness
Love doesn't have to be for a certain person
It can be for a group of people with an unknown reason

You make my suffering feel worth it
when I get to see you at the end of the day
I try to keep my problems, confusions and delusions at bay
I try to be okay
But I guess I really need to find a way
to keep all my monsters away

I'll just keep thinking that you will
always appear before me after the rain and after a tiring day

*I'll stare in awe as your serenity sinks into me and engulfs all of the world's cruelty
560 · Jun 2015
Welcome to hello poetry
In this world
all the people who are down
are gathered from different towns.*
They help one another
to pick up their broken pieces together.
559 · Apr 2015
These I can't explain
There is always this uneasiness
This anxiety
This worry

When i'm with YOU

But with THEM
I feel happy
Though I don't know how
*It's goodbye for now
558 · Apr 2015
There will be no end
The more you get enlightened,
the more you get confused.
A paradox...
555 · Apr 2015
Oh Dear
the world we have come to know
has always been such a tough foe
but please try to bear the pain
it is okay to try again
your life's too precious
let's be cautious
hold on to your dearest
because they're the nearest
source of glee and comfort
have a cup of tea by your porch
and talk about life
think of all those people
worried and caring
even though you may not know it
someone out there loves you to the tiniest bit
so dear,
erase all your suicidal thoughts
through courage and hope
despair shall be fought
to those whom are pretty emotional and whose heads are too shrouded to think clearly because of the depressions they've been going through. let's all take care of our lives for we may or may not live again. it's a one shot in pursuing all our dreams. Let us not put it to waste and always find something worth living or striving for.
My days are filled with nightmares
My nights are filled with day dreams...
*How ironic isn't it?
I need a secret place
for whenever I need silence and a tender embrace
From there, I shall gaze upon the stars
and no noise shall be heard even from the cars
just the sound of silence and the forest
If you want to join me, please be my guest
I want to make this a quest
There we shall camp
Whenever our eyes feel damp
Tell stories of our journey and worries
Eat mallows and chocolate dipped strawberries
Let our thoughts wander around
And for a moment feel *safe and sound
547 · Apr 2015
Lost component
The world's gone insane
Is there anyone who's still sane?
It's way too chaotic
Everyone's gone mad

Too much stress
Too much work
Too much criticism

Name it all
You'll find it all
All together, We Will Fall


Where is it now?
Lost in the dark abyss
Lost in the middle of no where
Cause nobody dares to find
Phew... *sighs heavily ... No one is reliable anymore nowadays... they're all too busy for themselves... wow... what the heck is going on???
546 · Apr 2015
Want an advice?
Our days are limited
Our lives can't be edited
Live it wisely
Live precisely
Never amount to much
Never become a nasty bunch
Remember these tips
And spread them using those lips
Teach them with your voice
Always with poise

Sure do wish you wont remorse
Cause life has such a puzzling course
536 · Apr 2015
To fill the empty jar
I supported you
Cause no body supported me
I believed in you
Cause no one believed in me
I cared for you
Cause none took care of me
I have loved you
Cause not a single soul gave any to me

I guess
I see myself in you
And I just want to fill those empty spaces

Because I don't want you
To feel the pain I do
531 · Apr 2015
Maybe we are
It was love at first sight
if it's possible,
Love at first bite

We live in two different worlds
never meant to clash together
a vamp who wanted my blood
a human who only ate "food"

But maybe we ain't different
maybe we are alike

For we both eat flesh
Tear down souls
and enjoy a refreshing red liquid

Maybe it was just us
thinking that you were the bad guys

Maybe we are just all the same

Maybe we were meant to be
*just not in this dimension
I stare at the ceiling
A heavy sigh escapes
Maybe i'll take a rest
And remove my capes
I already did my best
I'll let some of my thoughts escape
and let them cool for a while
They're all already in a pile

Once I come back
I hope I can fill what you lack
but maybe it's all just about acceptance
and not about changing appearance

I also need to clear my mind
my eyes have always been blind
when it comes to my own mistakes
because I don't have what it takes
to be somebody they want me to be
So till then, we'll see

Goodbye for now
Good luck, somehow
We all need a peace of mind at some point, don't we?
521 · Apr 2015
Please, just this once
I no longer want to be caged
like a bird trapped in one page
Let me soar high
and notice my dashing colors by
Down the river I shall greet you
among the waters below the sky of blue
I'll sing a lullaby that'll make you feel safe
and be your hero without a cape
So listen to my plea
this is my one and only glee
I was a lost puzzle piece
waiting to be retrieved underneath a table

I've been trying to fit in with the
beautiful pictures
But nothing ever works out
Never have I imagined that I wasn't meant to be there
No wonder my smiles were just masks
No wonder I felt different
No wonder I feel so lonely
for I was part of something better

I was part of a masterpiece
And it was called FRIENDSHIP

A friendship I've never felt ever before
I felt like I belonged
as if I was the missing piece that they've
been waiting for
519 · Jun 2016
Twisted Beauty~
Smile, my dear
There's nothing to fear
Come on now
Go up there and take a bow
Everybody's screaming
It must be a dream
I feel like I wanna scream
It all feels absurd
But I feel as free as a bird
It all started last Friday the 3rd

Swung my sharp metallic blade
Watched the color in their eyes fade
Saw their blood dance
As my feet started to prance
With every slash upon their throats
It makes me want to sing a note

Now, there there
It's not too much to bear
Soon you'll doze off in an eternal bliss
You'll arise no more
Not even with a kiss

Cause darlin, this ain't a fantasy
It's the harsh and brutal reality
Watch me fly
As you lie there sniffling a cry

So I suggest
for you to rest
That's for the best
Ogle at my perfect crime
Sorry it's already your time
After this, honey, I'm gonna sip some lime
Inspired by the creepy side of Disney ahehehe...
518 · Jun 2015
My place of serenity
I wanted to be unique so bad
but I can't do that in this world full of uncertainty

All I could do is
and evolve

I must be the best mixture above the notch

The only place I can be myself is through that dark alleyway
that leads to the brightest place I've ever been into
and for the first time,
I'd want to be selfish and keep this place all to myself
and cherish it till I read it again from my shelf
507 · Apr 2017
What are you hiding there?
I wonder about the lies
The lies hiding within your eyes
Maybe somewhere there
You have something you'd wish to share
Or perhaps you wish to tear
Papers, writings, inked journals
All those that contain all your denials

Correct me if I'm wrong
But "Is there something wrong?"
I can't seem to shut it
The curiosity that you lit
So here I am, the stupid girl that I am
Asking you the question
I swear, I have good intentions

Yet I know... I know...
You're going to shut the door
I'm going to end up sniffling on the floor
So, I didn't continue
I no longer pursue
I don't want to be sorry
Just because I worry

So I'm going to stare at the moon
For you, I'll no longer swoon
I'll just ponder upon your secrets
Maybe I'll soon find your outlets
In a small memo, a spiral notebook, or maybe even on a piece of paper
I'll wait for the day I see you without a filter
One of those "Im gonna pour everything I feel" type of poems. It's good to have it off my chest. Aye :)
506 · Jun 2015
Unreasonable antics
Don't come looking
for the one who loved you unconditionally
when all you did was treat them irrationally.
Never have I thought that piecing you together could leave me so *broken
meh... midnight thoughts are taking over
504 · Apr 2015
My hearts cosmology
I'm just one of the stars in the sky
I bet that when I die
You wont even bat an eye

To me,
You are the great big galaxy
The way you are is just so pretty
I look at you then i'd feel so happy

I'm just a planet
Revolving around your orbit
Whom you wont miss even for a bit

But to me,
You are the sun
as yellow as a bee
Well... for someone who likes astronomy... :)
499 · Dec 2015
Moody? No. It's hormones.
These hormones inside my teenage body
They make me go crazy
Makes my life a lil' bit more messy
497 · Mar 2015
You were once a sunshine
I was always there whenever you whine

It hurts me to see you cry
That's why

Those broken shards of yours
Was always picked up by me

It may scratch and bruise my palms
But it was worth it
For it was you

Now I seem to have forgotten
As if the memory has rotten

It turned into dust
I cant ever remember

Is this what they call Oblivion?
If it is, why must it feel like Deception?
As if my own thoughts deceived me?
Is that even possible?

My endless questioning
Just maybe
I am in Oblivion....
I don't know where I got my inspiration for this though... XD
489 · Jun 2015
The end is in your hands
Everything has an end but
it is up to you if you'd want that
kind of denouement
or if you'd like multiple of series.
I guess you were nothing special,
not even a heartthrob,
not really a smart kid,
not even this smooth
guy who gets the ladies
but I wonder how
you started looking
like an angel to me.
481 · Apr 2016
Prince from the evil domain
In my sleep, your name I mutter
I wonder still, how you made it flutter
I refuse to acknowledge it
For I know it'll whisper to me my defeat
My heart doesn't believe
What my eyes perceive
I know your hidden shenanigans
I know your every move
But I let my guard down every now and then
Wishing I never knew how you work
Wishing I never knew how you think
Wishing I could just enjoy the feeling you're making me feel
But I knew, you'll be the source of my heart break
It was my second losing streak
As you left me with a teriffying stare
It was so far my worst nightmare
478 · Sep 2015
You're weird
You're pretty weird ain't cha'
we were close and I could barely end the day without talking to you
But you seemed like I was nothing to ya
now you're talking like it was nothing, what's it with you?
476 · Jun 2015
A child no more? No way.
They usually told me to grow up,
to stop running in the streets,
stop giving out childish antics,
quit watching cartoons
and start acting responsible,
start being like a lady,
to open my eyes and take interest
in what adults or teens like to read.

Maybe I still don't want to let go of my childish self
cause it has been a long time since I've enjoyed myself.
I like fantasies that have a different twist, children who are out of the ordinary, stories that come from another land.
They never cease to excite me and make me think that this thing called reality is just a part of a dream, that my real world exists somewhere in another realm or in another portal where in even though you are already having a nightmare it still seems like a dream.
They might've long grown up but I don't think I will any time soon.

This kid inside me is wild and still wants me to imagine wide as if there ain't no boundaries.

*I believe that the only way out of reality is through a fantasy.
I feel sorry* for those people worried more about their grades than their lives

I feel sorry for those people who worry more about the answers rather than the beauty of those unanswered questions of life

I feel sorry for those people who gives more self worth than appreciating the beauty of caring for welfare of others

I feel sorry for those people who cant enjoy life cause they are too worried about the future and are stressing about their past rather than living today

I feel sorry* for those who cant control themselves and give in to anger, pain, guilt and sadness than feel free by forgiving, being happy and be kind

Yes, I feel sorry for myself sometimes
465 · Apr 2017
Where are you hiding?
It felt like it was just yesterday
Remember what we used to play?
It was called "Hide and seek"
You always hid as I seek
As we ran all over the place
Sweat covered our entire face
Kids filled with glee
A feeling like you're about to flee

But... But why? *
As time went by
My role stayed the same
But yours didn't and it drove me insane
It seemed harder than before
I couldn't find you in any floor
Although when I do
To all my sadness I say "shoo"
We converse just like before
And end up in a laughing galore

But still... why?
Tell me the reason why now I cry
Again, I remained the same
Oh, what a shame
I'm ok with it as long as it's you
I'm certain, as always, that I'll find you
No matter where you go
No matter how far you go
No matter how skilled you are
No matter how wise you are
I'm sure
Oh, I'm really sure
I'm going to find you
Yes... I am going to find you...

But where are you now?
I have no idea how
How am I going to find you?
You left with not a single clue
It was indeed gradual
Yet I can't tell if it was intentional
I can't understand your reason
Was this an act of treason?
I wish to find you soon
Are you hiding behind the moon?
Where are you, dear?
Speak up, your voice isn't clear
Or perhaps it is mine
**Because since that day, I've never been fine
It feels painful when your best friend starts to drift away. You'll find yourself somehow feeling lost and all. But I guess that's life. It all goes on and waits for no one. How sad...
460 · Mar 2015
The one who led me through
You acted like a mother
As if I was never a bother

I have always been thankful
For your support is always full

Your wise words
Can never be a bunch of turds

I always remember your advice
To think it twice

You weren't just a friend
You were what they call as "The light"
Who shines with no end

Sometimes I think to myself
I now have a lot of debt

I don't know what happened
But we kind of drifted apart
Yet you'll always be in my heart

I guess all I ever want you to know
Is how you are important and so

I made this specially for you
Read it whenever you feel blue
So you'd have a clue
That I love you too
This may serve as my greatest THANK YOU
A friend of mine who has always been like a mother to me... meep... Is this way too cheesy or what? XD hahahaa
458 · Mar 2015
The final act
I thought
You were

But no body informed me that this was all a **SHOW
For those who are hiding behind the curtain. Those ego centered ******.
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