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474 · Mar 2015
The one who led me through
You acted like a mother
As if I was never a bother

I have always been thankful
For your support is always full

Your wise words
Can never be a bunch of turds

I always remember your advice
To think it twice

You weren't just a friend
You were what they call as "The light"
Who shines with no end

Sometimes I think to myself
I now have a lot of debt

I don't know what happened
But we kind of drifted apart
Yet you'll always be in my heart

I guess all I ever want you to know
Is how you are important and so

I made this specially for you
Read it whenever you feel blue
So you'd have a clue
That I love you too
This may serve as my greatest THANK YOU
A friend of mine who has always been like a mother to me... meep... Is this way too cheesy or what? XD hahahaa
466 · Mar 2015
The final act
I thought
You were

But no body informed me that this was all a **SHOW
For those who are hiding behind the curtain. Those ego centered ******.
458 · Mar 2015
To those who makes my day
A friendship like no other
Sure do hope we'll be friends forever

You were there during my ups and downs
Ready to wipe off my frowns

I'm thankful it was you
To cheer me whenever i'm feeling blue

The way you make up ****** jokes
It kinda makes you less of a bloke

But never less than of a friend
Because for me, there wont be an end

To this friendship
Even if we fall and trip

You wont be forgotten
By my brain even though it'd be rotten

My memories of you
Has been carved in a beautiful hue

All I ever wanted to say is
For my guy friends who never fail to make me laugh even though i'm going through a rough phase in life... :)
457 · Jul 2015
C'mon, give me a break!
It hurts my brain
Oh what a pain!
Soon I might need a crane
my back hurts like hell!
If only I could hide inside a shell
and block everything for a little while
cause everything's in a huge pile
When everything came in like a storm...
I wonder where all lost souls go...
I ponder at the thought of them finding their way to harmony and paradise where everything falls perfectly
where they could manipulate everything
where they can feel like everything is perfect

even if it's only just an illusion....
452 · Aug 2015
Patchy you
You said that you're worn out
yet you don't want to mend those
huge gaping holes

Do you really prefer to be broken?
Cause I no longer know what else to do
and I've used up all my tokens
wishing by the well
I've tried to ring the bell
across the hell
but not a single soul there
knows how to make you more miserable
I don't know the right words to say
and I also refuse to be cliche
but maybe those really are the magic words to take all of your pain away
so here lies a speech of mine
trying to make you feel fine.
I'll try to be a vine for you and reach out so you can let all your worries and thoughts wander around.
If there's one thing I've learned from a school specializing "stress" is that you can never survive by being alone and taking it all in just by yourself.
I guess once I've heard what ever is bothering you I'll say
"It's okay"
for I am at lost for words to say because no one has ever told me the magic words yet that would actually make me okay
but one thing is for sure, I'll be here to stay.

I have made a commitment that I'll never leave the people whom has showed me the true meaning of FAMILY.

You are a friend that I'll always defend for.

Cheer up and laugh with us.
Let us forget about our problems in a while and not make a fuss.
I guess it is okay to cuss and maybe feel a little lost
But always remember that we are here whom you can greatly trust.
Don't feel sad anymore please... Didn't you know that I actually forget about my school and life problems when I hang out with you guys?
I wonder for how long are you going to dwell on that heart ache
I guess you need to accept things the way they are
you need to make amends with the past to move on in life
You think I'm blinded by your loud laughter and happy-go-lucky self
I've seen different faces
I've met different people
I've observed more than enough
I'm not that numb not to even see your very thin barrier
Everybody else is just isn't looking closely
that's why you think that you got us fooled
434 · Apr 2015
The empathy in ME
I already knew
Even before I got to know you
You had suicidal thoughts
Every now and then

One can't really hide from me
Because I could see
Behind that mask
That doesn't even last
For I have been in your shoes

But I guess I lack compassion
I didn't know how to show it
You get through
Cause I still have hope for you
Get well soon! :) It is now my turn to support you... :3
434 · Apr 2016
Let me ink away your entirety
Explain every detail of you in a poetry
State the wonders of your personality
And let me bid you goodbye
As I let that paper with my poetry fly
I'll finally set you free as I cry
I hope one day we'll pass by each other
In some other place at a different time
When the pain finally decided to sublime
433 · Jan 2016
A talk with thin air
I always wondered how amazing it was that I could tell how you feel...
But I knew you can never say the same
I always wondered how you were
But I knew you wont ask the same...
I always knew you needed me
But I also knew you never knew...
You're like an open book who's trying hard to be encrypted yet i'm an experienced cryptographer
With just one look through your eyes, I could already tell but you refuse to spill the beans

I knew it was a mistake...
I knew you won't be there if I needed a shoulder...
I knew it...

Yet I thought you'd let go...
Why are you making things hard for me?
I was giving you a trustworthy ally but you never showed you can be one as well
Now im leaving for hell
Then you'll ring the bell
Asking me to come back
It's gonna be hard to go back
I hope you actually realized what you lack
And drop your cowardly act

I just hope i'm not talking to thin air
This is so hard to bear...

*If only you could open your eyes and see the truth that lies within
Ugh... you're too weird... never honest... and is also too numb... I forgive you but your trust wont be given back without a price... You have to work hard to earn it back... But I think you'll still be stupid as heck...
I only wanted to reach out
but how am I suppose to melt those metallic
walls of yours when you even put up
thousands of locks on it?
If there is anyone who understands you
most, it is me but you can't see.
The fact that I am very different from before
than now makes you think that I can never
understand you when the truth is that you
were those who changed me.
I want you to see your own reflection in me.
I want to bring out the best in you.

But I guess I have tried and I failed.
I don't know what to do for you anymore for I
have done my job and failed shamelessly...

I am sorry for even trying...
It was indeed a big mistake...

You can never really persuade others to believe
when too much lies are already circling around them, can't you?
429 · May 2015
The treasure behind poetry
I wish to be discovered
These late night thoughts to be uncovered
I want people to be bewildered
By my poems I want to be delivered
428 · Mar 2015
No, just don't
Friendship is such a magical thing
It seems to be like everything

Just a little bit of ****
and a sprinkle of will

Would you let everything fall?
Even when each other goes for a call

But the real question is
"Are you gonna answer one another's call?"

Just a simple tip
Don't let it slip
Okey... they're fighting way too much okey... huhuhu... it hurts to hear them fight... I don't want them to fall apart as friends... deym guys...
Me and my friends are like a dandelion puff
You'll take a glance
and see that we all look so lively
being with each other

But once you blow
and set us all apart
we'll still look nice in our own way

Yet nothing like how we once looked like
when we were together
425 · Apr 2015
What is it to be Perfect?
Whenever I see a bear
I remember you my dear
The way your sleeping face looks
the lazy face you make while reading a book
the softness of your voice despite being a bloke

They may seem like flaws
but to me they're absolute *perfection
422 · Aug 2015
Your luminosity
You're a billion light years away from me
none have discovered you yet
I'm the only one who noticed your luminosity
perhaps I was looking out in the distance
and was searching for something no one has ever appreciated yet
But you're too far for me to reach
all I ever will be is a star gazer
who can view your lit up face from a distance
421 · May 2015
Stupidity took over (10w)
I thought I fooled them
I was actually the fool
418 · Jul 2015
I think I found my forever
They said "Forget about them""Move on""Accept your fate"
But how am I suppose to forget the people who made me feel like I belonged?
It was a place I've never been and can never live without
It's like finding your true love
but in my case,
I found my rightful place

*And I will never leave.....
I got too attached that it's hard to let go...
418 · Aug 2015
Everyday I grow more and more tired
Tired of living in reality
I fall for my dreams and fantasies

I wonder when I'd live to wake up more
and be happy genuinely right to the core
maybe it's when the memory of me broken gets torn
Oh please stop complaining
I don't even care

This world is full of cruelty
so don't act surprised
just expect it from me

I am done being too naïve
I am done with feeling stupid all the time
and most of all I am tired of all your
unreasonable ways

I am tired of dealing with your nonsense

This time, if you want competition
I will give it to you
and I will show you what I am capable of

This is just the start
you'll see more of me as the time goes by

But you'll never see the real me anymore
because my barriers are stronger and can never
be knocked out by some unworthy people
416 · Nov 2015
Unexplainably amazing
This unspeakable sudden grin upon my face
as your name pops up in my head

It's a cryptic occurrence that I can't decode
Just like you
But it makes my face light up brighter than the moon above
and makes my heart feel as free as a dove
416 · Mar 2015
It's true I tell you
You were that someone
When there was no one

Thanks for lending an ear
I almost shed a tear
Yet I didn't want to show fear

I was falling apart
Thanks for having a big heart

The support you gave
It was all that I crave

Those words of encouragement
They gave me enlightenment

During those days my mind was clouded
My head was shrouded

Here I give you
A poem that may posses being blue
But let me be true
I just wanted to THANK YOU...
415 · May 2015
Childhood memories
I hear the children's laughter
I feel like my emotions are about to falter
it reminds me of my lonely days
when i'd usually be with myself
locked inside
as if my skin wont ever be kissed by the sun
till' I remember the countless stars I've gazed upon,
those numerous gashes and wounds that are now scars,
the number of times I've played outside,
those multiple of friends I played with and to whom I shared some of my stories,
those beads of sweat that form on my forehead whenever we run under the gazing sun,
the sweet laughter coming from our lips,

Yes, I had a good run.
I don't want to forget but
I guess I have to move on and accept what's ahead.
414 · Aug 2015
Want to find infinity?
Let me take you to the black hole where time stops and where our forever shall never come to a halt.
412 · Apr 2015
These things we think about
My head is filled with so many ideas, suggestions, plans and thoughts
I don't know where to start
They're clashing,
smashing my train of thoughts
It started when the good news arrived
Now my head won't stop creating images and words to express my feelings
So happy right now... :D
411 · Apr 2016
My heart starts to race
whenever I see your face
This feeling that I can't contain
and my composure I can't maintain
For whenever you come near
redness on my cheeks start to appear
Just a glimpse of your entirety
leaves a smile on my face for eternity
>\\\\\\< *blush*
411 · Aug 2015
Elements of poetry
I no longer need an inspiration
All I ever needed was emotion
to put together a wondrously moving piece
The letters of the alphabet isn't enough for me to justify
the entire reason of why you make my day
and why I consider you one of my prized and priceless
Call me possessive but i'd like to be selfish for once
You, the one looking for an ally
the one to whom I gave an alibi
It's just that I thought you didn't appreciate
all of the attention I gave when you needed to meditate
Because you didn't know how worried I was
during the past
when I thought our friendship would last
yet I was the one who cut it so fast
I wanted to get involved so badly
because I have felt what you're feeling, sadly
I am sorry for constantly being rude
but I guess you can just give me food
and I shall listen to your story in a cheery mood
I shall help you once again
you can tell me all the pain
so now don't you worry
I'll be here to help you carry
all the pain that is making you weary
I think I almost ran out of words
But maybe you're just one stubborn child
To whom I need to repeat everything to get it all into your hard knuckle head

Maybe it's gonna be worth it
Im still not giving up so why are you?
Neither you or I have found our answers
so why are you telling me everything's gonna be up to no use?
Why are you telling me you're useless?

I myself have thought almost the same telling myself "You can never be like them..." but I found my own voice speaking back to me telling me "One day you'll see... One day you'll gleam with glee..."

And now here I am... Not much achievements but I sure am quite satisfied
406 · May 2015
Coming soon
As the school year
draws near,
I could already smell my greatest fears.
I could already taste those upcoming
salty tears.
402 · Aug 2015
I wasn't looking for a perfect soul
*I was looking for a perfectly lost soul
You've been caressing this pain for almost a year
Up to how much could you bear?

I haven't seen it before for you were guarded
yet you let me take a peek
and now I know everything
I know your whole being

Till now, I'm still skeptic
to whether or not should I mend
those numerous holes on your heart
cause I could sense you falling apart

I refuse to do so
without knowing you'd want me to
Now I'm all puzzled as to
what I'm supposed to do

But I guess I'd still be here to accept you
and give you a hug
and a warm hot chocolate mug
while we sit on a rug
enjoying what life could offer
Best Friends are complicated ain't they? I dunno how to fix your frown my dear...
398 · Jun 2015
Creepy... But true...
Life's a two way mirror.
I see you, you see me.
397 · Aug 2015
Falling into place with you
I can't seem to forget
all the memories I got
during those times
our minds were in a haze
I want to go back to that very place

Somehow, I want to get lost all over again
and find you there waiting to guide me around

This is how my whole life made sense and everything just fell into place
like a puzzle that has been solved
and not a single piece can be replaced
Your looks can never narrate who you are

Your actions speak louder than words

But words express what the mouth cannot pronounce
395 · Jun 2015
~Seems unbreakable yet so fragile~
I don't get it
How the people I love the most
Could be the reason
To why my being wants to burst

This world full of tragedy
To the point when you'll feel raggedy
I don't know what's worst
Loving someone whom can never be yours
Or be loved nothing more than of a friend
388 · Jun 2015
The big revelation
There are so many words left unsaid,
so many feelings left untold
but I know that someday
they will all unfold.
For 15 years of your existence
I have never known the whole you
yet I know some of your blues
I know you miss Gabby's presence
and I do too
but I want to make you happy
so tell me how to do so
cause I am running out of things to show
and you kept on giving me an unamused face
Maybe you have a special place
and that is where you find your inner grace
therefore I must scour this whole place
just to take you there

Allow me to be your crying shoulder
when you need help in carrying a boulder
I don't want to see you fall apart
cause it is precious, your heart
382 · Aug 2016
To my almost twin
Dearest pineapple,
Often times you mumble
Yet I know how much you like to talk
Specially when it's just the two of us who walks
Like me, you have millions of stories
As well as numerous worries
But worry no more
I'll join you and together we shall explore
Today, your special day
I wish for luck to always come your way
I know there are more storms to come
But for you a lullaby, I shall hum
To lull you to sleep to let you rest
And to remind you that it's just one of God's tests
Otanjoubi omedeto tomodachi.... hihihi... :3
382 · Apr 2015
That hellish place
What is this madness?
I don't feel like a princess
it's more like a damsel in distress

My whole being is aflame
Who is to blame

They drive me crazy
They make me go **insane
You were once my rival
Someone who's the best in over all
But never have I imagined that i'd fall
And to think that you'd be called
My everything and all

Now I don't know what to do
With these feelings that wont ever go
I just want to be with you

When you're around
My heart can't stop beating aloud
With just your touch
A red face would be bound

The only thing through my mind
Was how to beat your kind
But now all I want
Is for you to be *mine
379 · Jul 2015
I was silently typing
till I noticed that I was already smiling
Maybe you must have pressed your E
for you have charmed me
374 · Mar 2015
Are you even worthy?
I'm sorry if you're currently in pain
My trust you can't even gain

I don't know if you really want me
As a friend or how you'd want to see

But all I can say is
Your love, care, understanding and friendship
I cant feel it
Although they sometimes appear from you
Most of the time I can't

All I could sense was your selfishness
Your huge ego seeping through your veins
The lack of thankfulness in your voice
Appreciation to what I've given and done for you wasn't always there

And now

You come back crawling to me like a helpless child...

I gave you a chance to open up to me
To tell me all your pain and sorrows
Yet you never did
Now you're telling me that I left you?
What I did was because of YOU.
I kind of felt like I was a tool...
As if you're just using me
I never felt like you're happy to have me as a friend
So I left

Searched and scoured the mountain tops and plains to seek for people who'd understand and take care of me
I don't know if i'd still give you a chance
But all I know is your time is up
Random drama... hehehe
374 · Sep 2015
How do I mend thee?
How do I mend thee? You’re going to need some stitches
I can’t count those numerous scratches
Give me a needle and thread
I’m going to stitch you up from your toes to your head

As time goes by, you’ll soon be patchy
Yet you’ll still look elegant to me
An abstract of a human soul
You’re already broken yet still whole

You refuse to receive what I want to give
But all I want is for you to live
Nothing more, nothing less
I just want to offer you my best

These may be just shards of a broken glass
But let me fit them with yours and it shall shine with class
372 · Apr 2015
Define a poet
That one person who can't speak out through their mouth
So they turn their thoughts in an encrypted
set of words
372 · May 2015
Would you let me?
What's the problem?
Are you ok?*
You can tell me everything.
I promise I wont ever tell.
Not even to a single soul.
Don't worry
Just be happy.
I wont let go.

Cause all I want is for me to know you so.
And to let you know
that I'll be here to and fro
I want to be a part of your lovely soul
Come and let's play hide and seek
I will hide and you will seek
to the end of the hallway
to the upper left of the corridor
I see you by the entryway
and then you bust opened the door

I heard the floorboard creak
and then you let a deafening shriek
I leap out of my hiding place
and saw you with a ****** face

I rushed to the gate
as my both hands began to shake

My name's Dorothy and I was left asleep
they've been searching for me since dawn
but they didn't see me creep
and now they're all gone~
Hmmm... Wouldn't say i'm in love with this horror rpg game I've been playing but... it's my first time to play one... yay! Hihihihihi... :3 this horror rpg game maker called Hide and seek was from where I took my inspiration for this poem :3
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