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10.0k · Jun 2017
Moon & Stars - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
I miss you like the
Moon misses the stars during
The revolving day
I love writing Haikus, you can probably tell!
4.6k · Dec 2018
Ryan Holden Dec 2018
I want to call you
That sweet outside,
That tasteful yet
gooey centre,
covered in a hard shell,
Yet you have
The beauty of the night stars,
Sky and all the wonders
It carries with it.
4.3k · May 2017
Ryan Holden May 2017
As we struggle for air
Waves crash black bones,
Trees subjugate,
Flocks congregate,
Lost, like dog without bone,
We wither away endlessly
Without a say,
but remain warm
For arms of open joy,
As we fear we might lose
A place we once built,
But remain blind
Of her flawless beauty.
4.2k · May 2017
Haiku - Insults
Ryan Holden May 2017
Thorns give us scratches,
But not all can take insults,
With delicate skin.
3.8k · Jun 2017
Domestic Abuse - Haiku x2
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Spare me excuses,
These aren't falls they are bruises,
Wrong boy she chooses.

Words hurt like fists do,
Apart from words remain scars
Painfully longer.
I'm writing a song on domestic violence, so thought I'd put a few Haikus on.
3.5k · Nov 2017
Foxes - Haiku
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Pointed nose jumping
between shrubs, glowing orange,
Playing hide and seek.
3.2k · Nov 2017
Bunny - Haiku
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Pointed ears hop
Across the field, eating grass
Showing fluffy tails.
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
A little birdy told me, hearts and souls are mouldy,
Walk with me, talk with me on this journey of doubt,
You'll question people and you'll question the drought,
of honesty people lie about, because It's time to scout,
For people of kindness on earth,
From birth, I think I've been cursed
It gets worse, as I rap this verse,
I'm trying to explain how life can be complicated,
Because we're all intoxicated, muffled in fumes of disease and fleas that cling onto your skin,
Use the energy within, and repel them this is where your journey will begin,
I've been searching for a moment or a pin, point in time,
When these rhymes and lines will be classed as devine, as I perfect and refine,
I'm just wondering how many times I can assign the same rhyme, so all sit back with a glass of wine, whilst I intertwine every line, lyrics so evil I'm committing a crime, maybe I'll get a statue, maybe a shrine, I need to switch it up so let's all decline, but you'll remember this verse as one of a kind.

Whilst I'm standing still over this hill, I think of moments in life that gave me a thrill,
But I remembered the pain and I remember the chill,
Of the cold dampened hearts that never seemed to spill,
Love or affection, like it's protection they need during the question, should I mention, you never gave me attention,
Like the worlds in one convention and I'm stood outside looking in,
I grin, whilst I use these forces buried within, to show people in verse what I mean, before the planet isn't green, before the seas collapse and wind is no longer a breeze,
We freeze in an ice block, tick Tock, tick Tock we stopped the clock.

But no body hears me so everyone listen up,
Stop what you're doing and please raise a cup,
For stopping global warming and extinction of animals, because we're all valuables on this tiny spec of galaxies,
Yet governments plan strategies, to profit from the tragedies, they keep us all living in fantasies, but strike in catastrophes
So let's help our families and all become one, before we've got none and everything we love and everything we feel is gone,
Putting a bet on the apocalypse, odds are 10 to none,
So hold hands with me now let's rejoice in song!
Just some rap lyrics I wrote quickly last night. Drafts but as well as sharing poetry I like to share lyrics I write also. This one was a massive play on words and quick succession rhyming.
2.9k · Jun 2017
Calcium Love - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Don't leave yet, my bones
Already miss you like they
Lack in calcium.
2.4k · May 2017
Manchester Bombings (Rap)
Ryan Holden May 2017
I see the violence,
I hear no laughter,
It's all faith to capture;
I can feel the rapture,
Disaster another chapter,
Darkness within these walls,
a fall,
No more buildings too tall.
Fire choking the young,
It's only just begun.
There's no sun,
We hear a bomb,
Innocent children,
Deprived of fun,

Shrapnel flying everywhere,
Smoky air,
Streets are bare,
It's all despair,
I feel the Animosity,
Knowing I'm dead probably,
We do this to our society,
Because we have religion and rivalry,
Violently, involved yet independently,
You walk so silently,
Scared of your own shadow frightfully,
With your messed up psychiatry,
That’s irony.
Restless Ramblings of a mind, that still doesn't understand why.
Quick succession rhyming used here. Some lyrics are taken from a rap I wrote, in similar context to what is happening in this sad, miserable world.
2.4k · Aug 2017
Summer Sun - Haiku Poem
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
The doorstep we sat
Frantically eating ice cream,
before it melted

My sister would laugh
with her blonde fringe, big blue eyes
and round chubby cheeks.

Most simple image
Yet it captures a fragment
Of my purest soul.

One that dreams a dream
inside a wrapped up moment
For my heart only.
Oh, I remember the days like it was yesterday. In the summer sun with our ice creams
melting on the doorstep of my grandmas house! 4 Haiku's making 1 poem :)
2.3k · Dec 2018
Final Goodbyes
Ryan Holden Dec 2018
Breaking everything I love,
Letting my insecurities ruin me
In ways I could never describe,
Never to see
Dimming lights
That disappear in the distance,
Over that hill we used to lay
Shining away
Eating at my conscious and heart,
Echoing my regrets as you go.
An acrostic poem I wrote that says “blind to see”. I wrote this on the train a few months back. Enjoy peeps.
2.3k · Aug 2018
Repeat Happiness - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2018
Always wake with choice
Let everyday be as
Perfect as your last.
2.3k · Jun 2017
Hairbrush - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Leave your hairbrush as
The insignificance still
reminds me of you.
2.2k · May 2017
Haiku - Youth
Ryan Holden May 2017
When I was a child
We threw stones outside our home,
Wishing time away.
2.1k · Jun 2017
Aging - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
I know poetry
Made me age quicker as each
Line wrote are wrinkles.
Just a perspective. Haha.
2.1k · Jul 2017
Deeper Perspectives
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
Currently we judge,
Looking at angles to win
Just to please your own mind.

We throw insults and we fight,
We ignite fuel to our fingers
Tapping away like it's a race for popularity.

The world spins and spins,
Yet nothing really changes
Because we just keep spinning.

But it's as if we have weaved
Ourselves into a ditch of
Despairing linear paths.

As we watch, we listen, we observe
And try to become something else,
Something we're not supposed to be.

Just to let everyone know
That you watch the same things,
That you do the same things.

But then after it all we realise
As we grow older and as we mature,
We merely did nothing for ourselves.

We just followed the same road,
We followed the same destiny
And we lose ourselves in our journey.

At the end of it all we start to notice
We have taken the wrong path,
And the other roads are too far away.

So we turn into the side-roads,
Which lead to nothing but plagued floors
Broken doors and empty souls.

Mobiles have taken love out of ***,
Generations have missed out
How it feels to actually be connected.

You make love and your phone rings,
People stop to answer like your moments
Aren't precious enough with loved ones.

We eat meals at restaurants
With our families and friends,
All I see is arched necks and fiery fingers.

I wish I was in a time when we spoke
To one another about our days,
Not about a video that has gone viral.

I wish that as I grow and my children
Will walk amongst the earth I have,
It won't **** them into inevitable fates.

I don't want them to be another
White sheep hopping the same fence,
Like the rest of this miserable world.

Systems have taken individualism
Out of individuals and get labelled weird,
They give us titles like "OCD, ADHD".

I'm not either, and I don't actually have
A label to my name, yet I feel I should
I feel why shouldn't I?

After all I like to think different,
I like to think one day we will see
The clear glass in front of us.

But most of all, I truly hope one day,
We can become a better world
Instead of repetition in characters.
Just some quick thoughts I had on my brain. But this type of thing doesn't get spoken about enough. This may "offend" some, but I only speak in truths. My heart can only love so much until it gets stretched beyond its limit.
2.1k · Jul 2017
Eyes - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
Read my eyes not my
Lips, as my eyes move towards
You, without any thought.
2.0k · Jun 2017
Monsoon - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
You were the drought in
This monsoon, when I was the
Rain that fell too soon.
2.0k · May 2017
Ryan Holden May 2017
Whilst you screech,
Through ships sails,
Like a thousand banshees,
Your icy, scarce warm touch,
Gives me shivers and sweats,
as you howl into spaces,
Destroying bark,
And concrete structures,
Of her tactual sensation,
and power.
Just a quick poem about wind
2.0k · Jun 2017
Come Back For More
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Tasting your skin
Whilst you scratch my thirst,
A flavour into the uncharted,
Flashing lights on our taste buds
As we fall into one another's worlds,
Our legs intertwine like vines,
Our breaths match simultaneously,
You raise your back like you're
Stretching your senses into my soul,
I separate you into two dimensions
And you still come back
For another whole universe
To explore.
2.0k · Jun 2017
Haiku - Crocodiles
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Scaly pointed skin,
Log shape body, razor teeth,
Spinning coil of death.
1.9k · May 2017
The World We Live In
Ryan Holden May 2017
Dark clouds,
Pollution fills air with dust,
Melted paintwork,
Cars rust,
The world is cold,
Hearts, brains and souls,
Full of mould.

Innocent animals die,
Innocent children cry,
The peaceful natural world
We once lived in,
Is full of death,
Heart break and sin.

I struggle to find a kind person,
The more I try and help
The more it seems to worsen,
If you're in doubt
About the life you live
Put on a smile,
Ask more and give.

For the world a bitter place,
So pick yourself up
An exception to the human race,
When you wake up grin
Share the laughter,
Eventually you'll wish
You did after.

If you feel times are tough,
Go explore, see the world,
You haven't seen enough,
Meet new people, meet new friends,
And fall in love,
Before your soul is caught
In a star from above.

Small children in poor countries,
Don't have healthy water,
But families go out and buy
A new car for their daughter.

With the world always spinning
Throughout the years,
All you're doing is sat
Shedding tears,
Just sit for a moment
Open your eyes and ears
It's not all bad,
When you've got family,
Friends and beers.
My final version of this, one of my originals but thought I'd go back and finish it :D
1.9k · Aug 2017
Wild Love - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
We can both become
Predator and prey to make
Beautiful nature.
1.9k · Jun 2017
Rays Through Drapes - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
You were the rays of
Light, that shined through cracks in my
half open curtains.
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
The dusk fog reminds
Me of walks home after I
Had just been broken.

You caused the water
Drops like condensation, on
My dripping burnt skin.

Just to come back for
Another round into your
Heat-stroke and cold lies.

I had been frozen,
In place whilst burning, welding
Onto the embers.

Left in a heap and
Waiting for the next person,
To mould me again.
5 Haikus making 1 poem!
1.8k · Jun 2017
Hold Me - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Keep me close at night,
I want our hearts to beat in
One dreamy rhythm.
Wrote a few love Haiku's. I hope you like them! :D
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Sharing her beauty,
Mother Nature wears flowers
In her sweet green hair

Glowing with wonder
Her aura breaths through the airs
Natural essence.

Unable to fight
Her petals taken away
Replaced by buildings

Yet remains patient
Waiting for a hand to plant
Primordial touch

One tree left standing
Each leaf blowing in the wind
People walk on by

Only to receive
A fur covered paw, wet nosed
Kiss and tenderness

Where memories of
beauty once blossomed, now part
Of yesterday's past

Because nature is
a giver, a mother that
we take for granted.
Collaborative Poem by Myself and the wonderful Donna Jones! Enjoy guys :)
1.7k · Aug 2017
Butterflies - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
''Twas her smile that let
My butterflies tickle my
Gut, to say "you fell"
1.6k · Dec 2017
Stained Puddles
Ryan Holden Dec 2017
Perhaps one day
the ink that I
Will form into a puddle
for you to jump into,
Only then will you know
Everything I write
is soaked in devotion
for you.
You're the reason I still write.
1.6k · May 2017
Ryan Holden May 2017
Arising to your fascinating persona,
Sleeping to your colossal heart,
Gasping frantically, to reach the surface,
Trapped underneath the coldest ice, in the widest river,
Shivers down my spine,
Pins and needles through my heart,
Consuming me with fear,
Scared of the rapture,
Inner interrogation of mind,
Acquainting myself of new horizons,
But remaining lonesome and fearful,
Crumbling when in your presence,
Listen to my penance,
Would you be attuned,
To my vulnerable aching heart?
Scared to love again.
1.6k · Jun 2017
Balloon Love - Tanka
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Love is a balloon, One tiny
little pin ***** and all of the
Filled love that has been blown,
Will Burst into absolute nothing.
1.6k · Jun 2017
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
A fresh lick of paint
Is applied to these houses
That are so far and few
In between.

Just like deception
And lies that are covered
Up to steal another life force
For your benefit.

But you don't think I see
The transparency of your ways,
I've seen your type before
Succubus of stone hearts.

You reap and haunt
The dreams of innocence,
Men who are so happy
To be loved and to be whole.

But that's your favourite trick,
Once they're yours, you disappear,
As you siphon liquid gold
And purity from trapped souls.

Trapped in an endless cycle
Of doubt and hope,
But they still hold onto
The woman they once knew.

If that woman ever existed.
A poem about women who use men. I've seen this many times in my life and thought I'd give it a quick go!
1.5k · Jan 2018
Cheetah - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jan 2018
Golden elegance
subtly peeks over grass
With spying brown quartz.
1.5k · May 2017
Haiku - Sleep
Ryan Holden May 2017
Dire need of sleep,
Sellotape eyebrow to cheek,
Wandering white sheep,
First Haiku.
1.5k · Jun 2017
Moving On - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
If you feel broken
You need to break the force that
Is pinning you down
1.4k · May 2017
Little Bill
Ryan Holden May 2017
A boy called bill grew up on a farm,
So bouncy, smelly and loud,
Mum shouted over "bill clean your plate, it won't do you any harm",
She gave him some new shoes to set him a test,
let's see if they can stay clean, please do try your very best,
Bill ran outside wearing his wellies so proud, happy and sleek,
Horses, cows all so fluffy and cute couldn't help but take a sneak peek,
Bill hopped, skipped and leaped so high,
he thought for a moment he could fly,
As he jumped over the fence to tend to the pigs, the wooden panel broke off,
Bill could see as he slowly fell down he was landing face first in pig trough,
When he collided there was dirt everywhere,
Poor little bill looked up surprised, he had it in his face and hair,
He opened the fence not daring to leap back to his mum, woke her from sleep,
He tapped on her shoulder smelly and brown,
His mother looked curiously and began to frown,
She said "bill I told you and what did I say?",
Bill said nothing, looked down stood in the doorway,
He slowly looked up and said "ok you were right"
And bill started cleaning his plate every night.
Just a random idea that popped into my head and thought I'd write about it. Enjoy! :D
1.4k · Jun 2017
Lies - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Even after I
Cut out my eyes I can still
See truth behind lies.
1.4k · Jun 2017
I Forgot To Write It Down
Ryan Holden Jun 2017
Before I started draining parts of me
onto this page
I couldn't see for the clearest of paths,
I would dwell,
Hide away in my own safe house
Of saturated stories.

I would scratch my head catching gravity
between my fingertips.
A color would be a rainbow in black skies
of circling crows.

The floor around me would move
dancing along,
It would lead me and my pen to paper
Like a knight's sword to stone.
I would wonder why my mind
Could paint,
My thoughts would explode
into millions of fireflies.

Sometimes I would see the most
flawless imagery
But I couldn't write it down for the awe
of being lost,
Inside my own world of untold stories,
and poetry.
For the times I don't get chance to write down my thoughts!
1.4k · May 2017
Ryan Holden May 2017
Glimpse of hope
Through those washed eyes,
As I envisage us surfing
The roughest of tides,
A million waves crash,
Heavily into my chest,
Because I'm afraid
I'll drown in a sea
Of emotion because
You're the ocean,
And I'm just a stone.
1.3k · Nov 2017
What she means to me.
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
I feel all of this love I can never reveal,
So I'll spill my soul in my ink -
Just for you to see what you mean to me.

I've told myself -
"What am I supposed to do"
When her eyes are filled with stars -
Her smile butterflies,
nearly knocking me over every
Single time -
And this dream I keep dreaming -
Where we live forever and always
The ages we are now.

We still go around differently
Every single time -
And that's the beauty of it,
You pinch me - I pinch you back,
But you always seem to win.

Only because I'm soft -
I call her "Marshmallow"
I say she has a "Great Wall Of China"
But ha,
Prowess tells me it's only "Berlin".

You see -
she's squishy on the inside
for those times I get
a mere glimpse into her heart -
Inside her soul that shines
So bright.

For she lifted me from the
Deepest depths -
Of my lowest self
Giving me strength
To take her with me
on my journey back up,
Only to flourish
Together - chasing both our dreams
no matter how bizarre,
No matter how far.


Every hand I throw
For her to catch and hold,
I chisel through nooks and crannies -
trying to find a weakness,
I make you whole -
You make me complete,
Yet no matter how hard I hit the wall
I can't knock it down,
I have merely
chipped my way into her heart.

But that's why "Berlin" is here,
To make sure I can't poke around
enough to let her see,
What she means to me.
1.3k · May 2017
Cold hearted feet
Ryan Holden May 2017
My mind begins to whisper and speak,
Bizarre stories, grotesque honesty,
"It's only true love you ever seek"
Tearing myself apart constantly.

When illusions always perceive me,
My mind stays forever incomplete,
If small details were so plain to see,
Intercepting your cold hearted feet.
1.3k · May 2017
If I was
Ryan Holden May 2017
If I was an eagle,
Soaring through skies,
If I was a cloud,
And my inner self dries.

If I was a giant,
Who never hurt flies,
If I was a demon,
With red, behind my eyes.

If I was Benedict Arnold,
Who always told lies,
Would you still love me,
Despite my disguise?
Just a quick write :)
1.3k · May 2017
How Many
Ryan Holden May 2017
How many rhymes and lines,
Have met the same paper,
With the same pen,
Minds thoughts and designs,
Differ from poet to next,
Lyricists to artists,
Beginning a new quest,
Breaking and making,
Pain and love,
Experienced emotions lay down,
Written in rhythm,
Express to distress,
Tearing page after page,
Of flooding emotions,
Signature of similar,
Inked on white,
Within multiple occasions,
How many authors,
Write the same write?
Whilst I was picking a new topic to write, I suddenly thought, how many writers write the same thing, in similar form, but the writers aren't aware of!
1.3k · May 2017
Silly Little Hedgehog
Ryan Holden May 2017
As you tip toe
Through these leaves,
Crunches and snaps
Alert us of thieves,
Rummaging around
This narrowing night,
You popped up suddenly
You gave me a fright,
Silly little hedgehog
Appearing behind plants,
I feel a sudden warmth
I've soiled my pants.
Just a quick write I decided to make when a hedgehog appeared as I took the bins out haha! Just to clarify, I didn't soil my pants xD
1.2k · Jul 2017
Moment - Haiku
Ryan Holden Jul 2017
From the moment we
Met, I knew it was you who
Would repair my heart
1.2k · Nov 2017
Leap Of Faith - Haiku
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
I was ready to
take the leap, but I choked on
fear of losing you
1.1k · May 2017
Ryan Holden May 2017
Destination home,
My room begins to spin,
Memories of amusements,
And copious amounts of Gin!
1.1k · Aug 2017
Her Dreams - Haiku
Ryan Holden Aug 2017
Her smile caught my eyes,
Whilst her dreams alone captured
Every piece of me.
1.1k · Nov 2017
Dolphin - Haiku
Ryan Holden Nov 2017
Dolphins skip over
The ocean surface catching
wind between wet fins.
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