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Oct 2018 · 584
Jon Po Dom Oct 2018
Bound by chains
You scream for release
But the one who holds the key
Is gone
Who can set you free?
Oct 2018 · 2.9k
I need advice
Jon Po Dom Oct 2018
What do you do when you feel uninspired??

It’s been so long since I last wrote a piece. I don’t consider myself a poet. I consider myself an inspirational writer. I write about what I feel and though I feel a lot of things I’m just not the same. I haven’t felt inspired to write. I haven’t felt the urge. I haven’t been moved. Words elude me. I feel like I’m blocked and I’m unhappy. How did you overcome and grasp your inspiration when it left?

To tell you a bit about me and my struggles. I have a double personality. One person is Jon. The other is Dom. Hence my username. I am Jon. A quiet, introvert. Mostly keep to myself. Dom is extroverted and into some aspects of the **** lifestyle. Dom went through a rough time feeling betrayed by the one he loved and still loves, to be honest. My family never understood me and they ravaged what beautiful thing I once held in my arms. I was still writing until I suddenly wasn’t anymore.  

I want to write. I need to write but the words just don’t flow. Please help! I’m slowly dying inside.
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
Squad Kronicles
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
I miss my friends
The squad goals that never end
Four personalities well meshed
Inspiring artistic trends
And devouring all life has

The white is black
Salinas is back
To life inside this sack
Of flesh and bones fully intact
A beautiful heart where nothing lacks

Colombia is crazy
Pops ****** and makes them hazy
Disrespect her she'll beat you endlessly
But her heart of gold so full of love
Her home a place of rest for me

Gerlt! the artist
Intellectual and passionate
The alien prodigy
Ambitious creator
Bringing art to reality

Jon the ******
Forrest *** freako
Fifty shades of foolishness
Open minded to all people
No empathy for you though

Squad Kronicles
Taking on new challenges
Unmasking new ideas
Reaching new levels
Aliens amongst normal peoples

JM 4/29/17
I miss my friends and wanted to write a little something about them
Apr 2017 · 547
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
I unravel the scrolls hidden
Deep, dark secrets unwritten
Wordless experiences
The blank pages of your heart
No pen and paper relay

All your fear and pain
All the loss and gain
Those things you put away
Reflecting off your face
Though not written, I read

And you ask if I can mend
The emotional cuts that tend
To take a little piece of you
Slowly making you less and less
But I don't know where you went

A stranger is all I see
And I can't say we're meant to be
But if you're still in there
Somewhere, hidden, I swear
I'll unravel you

JM 4/26/17
Apr 2017 · 7.6k
The Beast Awakens
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
Her dark chocolate skin is an aphrodisiac
Yet I cannot taste
Awakening the beast within
Dormant for so long
He longs to play

Her chest expands with every breath
Beautiful skin tone and gorgeous smile
Hair the way I like in pigtails
Reaching down to her buttocks
And her eyes?
Big brown eyes
They pierce through me like a sword
Never letting up their gaze
Seeing through to the beast within
Roaring with intensity

I long to feel,
My hands travel freely to antagonize
I long to taste,
The forbidden fruit
I long to see,
Her body move beneath my touch
I long to smell,
Her chocolate skin moistened by the heat of immense passion
I long to hear,
Her moans and cries as she comes undone at my hand

The beast wants to torture my beauty
Whips and chains await you my dear
Let's explore your pleasure together

JM 4/26/17
Apr 2017 · 697
The Sudden Darkness
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
I once sat at the table with my family
Prepared to feast on the small bread and glass of water
Dust lingering in the musty air
From disasters ongoing
Outside our doors

Each meal quieter than the last
As outside the noise grows louder
The earth moves stronger
The atmosphere daunting
Big eyes staring at me

How they haunt me day and night
The sound of that whistling
Like a rampaging train
Signaling its approach towards hell
Making its presence known
For those unsuspecting few
Wondering where the train will wind up
Until its too late

The screams in the chaos
The unappetizing bread
The unquenchable water
Evaporating into nothing
The sudden darkness
This is what blindness must be like

The pain shooting through my spine
The confusion my brain feels
Trying to piece together what just happened
The sudden darkness
I'm all alone in the hell that is my home
Surrounded by carnage

And the white helmets
Bringing me back to what
I think is reality
I don't know
Yet the sudden darkness
Haunts me to this day
It should've consumed me too

JM 4/20/17
I wanted to write about this for some time but the words didn't come together until now. This writing is about the situation in Aleppo as I heard details of people sitting in their homes wondering where the bombs would land. I saw much horror on the news and documentaries showing the devastation and I'd wanted to write about what Syrian people felt during that time. This is not written for political reasons and I'm not interested in which side you are on.
Apr 2017 · 646
Painful Words
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017

You can't retract those words
Like angry bees and scorpion stings
That drive a wedge,
Split the bonds that join at the hem
And sever the ties that tie
Those words don't lie

You said what you said
And pierced at the heart
Five lambs to the slaughter
By ruthless words
Sticks and stones
Surely break bones
But bones will heal
The heart will not

Am I not yours?
Do we live a lie?
You're pretending
And slowly breaking
Ligaments that join us
Bone to bone
Flesh to flesh
Though we be not yours
Yours we are

You can't retract those words
Like angry bees and scorpion stings
But the wedge is in your hands
What will you do next?

JM 4/16/17
Apr 2017 · 673
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
Sleep eludes me
Like the midnight train
Leaving the station
All aboard!
I lost my ticket
And off it goes
Taking my dreams
Far far away
Goodbye sweet dreams

JM 4/15/17
I couldn't sleep so had to write my frustration lol
Apr 2017 · 922
Pro what?
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
I'm not pro War
Pro Trump
Pro Assad
I choose no sides
All men
Past, present and future
Have evil within
Power is destructive
I don't have a
Hidden agenda
I'm not looking to deceive
Convince or argue a point
I am pro freedom
Pro expression
Pro peace
Pro humanity
Pro life
In the end
We are all
One of a Kind

JM 4/13/17
I don't know what everyone's opinions on current events are. Mine is peace is the only thing which can stabilize any region. Politics likes to interfere with that process and so I avoid political views. I hope for peace in the world. I'm not Syrian but I'm human. I wish you peace Syria and Iraq. You too North and South Korea. We're all humans. Each one of a kind.
Apr 2017 · 1.1k
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
I see your green pastures
Coming back to life
Hear birds singing
The woodpecker moves
To the beat of the tree
Springtime has arrived

The waters rush fierce
Moving fish in its current
Leaves slowly returning
The building blocks of life
Arching over like a tunnel
Springtime has arrived

Water droplets fall off the rocks
Creating miniature rivers
Leading to roaring waters
A stream that flows with life
Washing away my cares
Springtime has arrived

Man made beasts
Move through the paths
Post hibernation
Breathing fresh air
And little ones following closely behind
Springtime has arrived

JM 4/9/17
Went hiking with my son for the first time this season. This is what we saw, heard and felt.
Apr 2017 · 1.4k
Letter to Syria
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
Hi Syria,

How are you feeling today?
I've heard so much about you
How strong you are
Enduring six years of illness
And counting
Of how high spirited you've remained
Watching children play in the
Midst of turmoil;
Indiscriminate shelling
Heard of the many chemical baths
You've been subjected to
Assad believing you have
Cancerous cells
Needing to be exterminated
Not realizing HE is
The cancer and you;
You the victim
How I wish I could help you heal
From your trauma

Yet I heard an injection
Was given you today
With the hope
The chemical baths can end
Because it is killing you
Slowly rotting
Destroying your body
Taking away your beauty
The side effect of corruption
How beautiful you once were
How long will it take you to heal?
I wish for peace of mind
And a healthy future for you

From JM 4/7/17
Apr 2017 · 1.2k
Death Clock
Jon Po Dom Apr 2017
The eternal clock
Starts ticking
Counting up?
Counting down?
Arms swaying
It's own master
Cruel ruler
Stern Dictator
Controlling motion
Holder of the keys to
Life and Death
Father Clock
Wise, old and fearsome
Times up
The Circle of Death

JM 4/1/17
Mar 2017 · 1.0k
I'm so sorry
Jon Po Dom Mar 2017
Your body torn
And the cause?
Uncaring Viruses
Your teachings
Subjecting you to
I'm so sorry

JM 3/30/17
Mar 2017 · 584
Jon Po Dom Mar 2017
The nightmare consumes me
Bringing forth fear and pain
Colors glistening off ur face
White and red mark you
As an outcast in my life
In the midst of darkness

Taking advantage of my sleep
Feeding into my fears of
These painted beings
The grin brings me to tears
Cowering under your big red feet
You're the Set-Up
And I'm the Punchline
Wife had a nightmare about clowns which she hates.
Mar 2017 · 692
Attend The Snow Ball
Jon Po Dom Mar 2017
The sky is crying
Fluffy white tears
Unique crystallized droplets
Of small icy shards
Blanketing the earth
In its cool embrace

Winter wonderland
When is the ball?
The trees are decorated
In beautiful splendor
The night lights glistening
And shimmering

The dance floor
Laid in black ice
Twirl in the middle
All are invited
To partake in the festivals
It'll all melt away soon

JM 3/15/17
Mar 2017 · 354
One of those days
Jon Po Dom Mar 2017
Hi ugly gray cloud
Why are you sad?
You are making me sad
There is no pleasure in you
Your misery is contagious
If only strong winds would soothe your pain
And put a smile on you
So Mr. Sun can shimmer with glee
If only.....

JM 3/7/17
Mar 2017 · 600
Life is Complicated
Jon Po Dom Mar 2017
Life is complicated
Full of things unwanted
Stresses never sought
Relations unintended, just created
Feeble beings living scripted
Roles, unaware we are all pawns
In the same game of chess
Sent to die first
So the best can thrive

Life is complicated
Even when it ends

JM 3/6/17
Feb 2017 · 521
Dark Tormentor: Pleasure
Jon Po Dom Feb 2017
Anoint me with your fragrant oils
Lubricate my body, my *******, my tips, my being
Absolve me of my sins for you are my Master
And I... I your humble sub,
Your tool, your toy, your masterpiece
To do with as You please

I have sinned against you and disobeyed your Instruction
So I may feel your wrath
Impose Your will on me Sir
Hurt me with pleasure as you once did
Make me scream in sweet agony;
My hands grasp the linen sheets beneath me,
Fiery kisses burn upon my flesh
Take my will away that I may
Crave more and more, for my ***** are set ablaze
The immensity of pleasure

Make these Mountains shake and tremble
In fear of the Unknown
The springs erupt with volcanic ecstasy
And gush like a dam overflowing,
Powerful and Uncontrollable

Take me to your harsh World
To Your... Hell
Where time is extinct
The Sun never rises
And the Moon looks upon me with envy

Grasp my hair and command me with your words
Choke me until I see the light,
And the Darkness overtakes me
Bite my ears that I may see the stars
**** my neck that I may lose my breath
Kiss my Passion with passion
That my bridge may arch
Hold me as I come undone
Close to your body
That you may admire what you've done

Until the next time my Master
When you shower me with pain,
Hurt my flesh and the darkness reigns over me,
Your humble sub

JM 2/27/17
A poetic story. Part 2 of a series.
Jon Po Dom Feb 2017
The room goes dark
Its time to play
Bewildered look on
Her face
Glowing by the sheen
From candles lit
Let the games begin
A dark voice says

Sweat builds on her brow
Like a tear drop
No sadness here
She awaits in anticipation

Her body is tense
Ropes, whips and chains
Hanging on the walls
Will we be used today
Takes hold of the ropes
Ties her to four posts
Attached to a bed
Dressed in silk clothes
So soft where she lies

He covers her eyes
Field of view obstructed
Heightened senses
Like a cave underwater
No life expected

Her ears come to life
Tingling with slow breathes
From his
cold mouth
Frozen lips
Icy tongue
She gasps for air
Her body bare

First time playing
He isn't easy
On her
A big smile forms
No serenity
Pleasure is torture

She wants more
Craves deep within
No whips
No chains
Nothing more than
Hot and Cold hands
His Toy

Moving across her body
Up and Down
Exploring her map
Over the hills
Through the valleys
From chest to navel

Mouth to Mouth
She licks her lips
In slow motions
Like a fan
He tastes so good
So much emotion
The smell of leather
In the air

Takes a deep breathe as
He rubs the ice
Down the Hills
Is it too hot?
Is it too cold?
Her brain can't function
What is this?
is it Pleasure?
Is it pain?

She wants to learn
His tender touch
Is it love?
Is it hate?
Is it passion?
Confused reaction

Please stop!
No, keep going
What to do?
What to say?
She says nothing
She has escaped
Into the confines of
Her mind distressed
She is fully obliged
To Him

Mouth to lips
Passion fruit
Cant move
She comes undone
Her body contorts
Hair stands
Like trees in the forest

What has happened?
She'll never tell
Forever changed
Her body fell
Into his arms
Her Dark Tormentor

JM 10/4/16
A poetic story. Part 1 of a series. More to come.
Feb 2017 · 391
Woo the Bird
Jon Po Dom Feb 2017
Oh what song
The love bird sings
Who woos the bird
Under its wings

Showing his colors
Gets the right answer
The look in her eyes
Loving and tender

His crown unweathered
And beautifully feathered
A stem in his beak
The future is not bleak

Become one together,
Together forever

JM 10/3/16
Feb 2017 · 535
Verbally Explicit
Jon Po Dom Feb 2017
Winter lips cool to the touch
Crystal eyes frosty much
Enduring gaze, beauty and such
A touch of class for my crush

Silhouette of diamond blush
Sweet temptation a constant rush
Tender body sweet and flush
Escaping breathe makes me hush

Hair is gathered looking plush
Forbidden fruit delectable and lush
An aphrodisiac in the cultch
Beast and Beauty dance to singing thrush

Taking hold of the clutch
Through the gears until she's ablush
Night of passion leaves her slush
Until the night time ends in shush

JM 10/12/16
Feb 2017 · 407
Mistery Woman
Jon Po Dom Feb 2017
The breezy wind blows
Her dark brown hair flows
Freely as she walks
Like a beautiful bird flies
Freedom in its eyes

Who is she? I've never seen
The look in her eyes, keen
Cutting through armor mesh
Reaching me
Her smile? A white sheen

The mystery woman will stroll
People's eyes scroll
Up and Down
Too much beauty
She is glowing
Eyes are burning
None can see

Who can look upon thee?
Strange words form, doth thou see?
My mind is boggled
Head is spinning
Beautiful woman is crushing

My lungs lose breathe
Coming up to thresh
The surface of the water
Like a fish in a net
There is time to escape yet

I have to walk away
Your gaze burns through me, can't stay
The mystery woman is unaware
A poetic endeavor proclaimed
My life forever changed

JM 10/14/16
Feb 2017 · 858
Jon Po Dom Feb 2017
City besieged
So many fallen
Beneath your feet
Joy and Laughter
Replaced by
Horrors unseen

I see the pain
In your eye
Senseless fighting
Bombs falling from the sky
Screaming, Yelling
Children crying
Blood on your streets

The world on its knees
Hoping for peace
Your beauty forsaken
Loved ones taken
A path of destruction
Complete devastation
Will you ever be
Aleppo again?

JM 10/3/16
Feb 2017 · 755
African Beats
Jon Po Dom Feb 2017
Music in the air
Drinking, Dancing
Joyous laughter
Salsa flows
African Beats
Africa in Me

One, Two, Three
We feel free
Four, Five, Six
Moving to the mix
Seven, Eight, Nine
Spin her around
See her smile
Hair spills all over
A twinkle in her;
Eyes, bright
African Beats
African in Me

Love for our roots
A song that unites
All peoples
Everyone is kind
All cultures
No one left behind
We are all one
Thanks to those
African Beats

JM 10/4/16
Feb 2017 · 823
Eternal Misery
Jon Po Dom Feb 2017
The air is heavy
None can breathe.
In this place
No smiles, just grief.

A barren wasteland.
Fallout from the Phantoms.
Menaces whose pleasures lie
In the pain and misery
Of those beneath them.

Their feet press
Down upon the chests.
Anxiety builds like
Pressure from a fire hose
Capable of tearing
Flesh from bone,
Crushing rib and spine
Leaving one in
Dread and despair,
Like lost souls
Over a scorched earth
From burning hell fire.

There is no joy.
No satisfaction.
No sense of community.
Only desolation and desert
With dead camels,
And vultures
Circling their rotting corpses;
Life ****** right out.

In here,
The fools leading fools
Leading the Intellect,
And no end in sight
From this eternal misery

JM 10/26/16

— The End —