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May 2019 · 885
Poetress2 May 2019
A Demon  was buffeting a woman,
this went on for many years;
She tried and tried to rebuke him,
through her multitude of tears.
He would constantly remind her,
of things that she'd done wrong;
Things of her days in the past,
it was like a really bad song.
Night after night,
and day after day;
He tortured her,
in so many ways.
She finally prayed to God,
to make the Demon stop;
But all God had to say was,
"Rebuking him's your job."
May 2019 · 168
Poetress2 May 2019
Alone and afraid,
she grabs for a knife;
Depression will end,
this twelve-year old's life.
She places the blade,
against her small wrist;
Makes a small incision,
she could not resist.
She watches the blood;
as it runs down her arm;
She just can't go on,
they've done too much harm.
Her mind flashes back,
to a time and a place;
When they left her defiled,
and they made her ashamed.
She pushes down harder,
'til the blade meets the bone;
'Tis the only way,
she could escape from her home.
May 2019 · 353
Poetress2 May 2019
My husband is a good man,
he does the best that he can;
I feel safe within his arms,
with him there is no harm.
He does all of the chores,
with my disabilities,
I can't any more;
He's faithful, caring and kind,
without him I'd lose my mind.
He's such a blessing to me,
fulfilling all of my needs;
He holds me, oh so tight,
no matter the darkness outside.
He is the man of my dreams,
he is my everything;
I couldn't ask God for more,
then the husband whom I adore!
May 2019 · 151
Poetress2 May 2019
From morning until evening,
and all throughout the night;
The men of our Armed Forces,
are standing by to fight.
They give of their own selves,
to protect this precious land;
They do it with conviction,
they do the best they can.
Maintaining freedom is their goal,
with the blood and tears they shed;
They fight through their own fears,
and they'd do it all again.
With guns in hand and ***** boots,
they trample through the mud;
Defending our great country,
this land they dearly love.
Singing, "God Bless America,"
it gets them through their days;
And when they go to bed at night,
this is what they pray.
Apr 2019 · 562
Poetress2 Apr 2019
It was in late Spring, time for me to go to school.  As I carefully walked down the age-weathered stairs, it was a balancing act between the rickety steps and my black, leather pumps. The stairs won, and down I went, hitting my head on the wrought-iron Banister

"What a way to start the day," I thought to myself as I rubbed my head.  I picked myself up and continued on the 3.5-mile walk to
school.  My head was still pounding when I arrived.

I saw my best friend Bonnie, as she came around the corner of the school.  We had known each other for ten years, and there wasn't anything we didn't know about each other.  "Hey Bonnie," I yelled.  She turned around and gave me a huge smile.  The rays of the Sun made her blonde hair glow.  With a stature of 5'9, she was a real beauty.

The day was uneventful, just a normal day.  Bonnie was in three of my classes; Math, Science, and History.  She made the day go incredibly fast.  We cheated off one another, here and there, praying we wouldn't get caught.  No wonder we were straight-A students.  We were both highly intelligent.

After school, she came to my three-bedroom-home to study.  I liked my ranch home and was proud for everyone to see it.  We sit on my bed, skimming through the pages of our History book, trying to remember what we read, for tomorrow's test.  
Soon it was time for dinner, so Bonnie went home.  We talked later on our Verizon phones.

After taking a shower, I climbed into a nightgown and brushed my teeth.  They were pearly white, always being complimented on.  I said my prayers, then turned off my blue and white lamp.  I went to sleep, hoping I would pass the test tomorrow.
Inspired by me, falling down the stairs on my way to school one day.  I hope I am not just rambling on and on.  Such a silly write.
Apr 2019 · 447
Poetress2 Apr 2019
"Come to me,
my little one;
We're going to have,
alot of fun.
I'll make this playtime,
a pleasure for you;
So come on in,
take off your shoes."
Just what they meant,
I did not know;
As I entered my bedroom,
of pink and gold.
My little hands,
began to sweat;
Down my back,
shivers were sent.
They laid me on,
my Minny Mouse sheets;
I was not happy,
I was not pleased.
They tortured me,
that's how it felt;
And then they told me,
not to tell.
They walked away,
bearing a smile;
They left behind,
a tortured child.
Apr 2019 · 140
Poetress2 Apr 2019
No one knows the Me I am,
I wish they'd truly understand;
I'm full of love and sympathy,
but they don't see, these things in me.
I'm easy going and quiet at times,
for anyone, I'd lay down my life;
A blessing I do long to be,
I truly love Humanity.
I want to fulfill, my God's plan,
a purpose for the me I am;
I'm nice to everyone I meet,
though they may not, be nice to me.
I am, by no means, cruel at all,
even though I do have many faults;
I try to treat everyone so kind,
I'll always have the extra time.
I'm ordinary, not much to me,
I'm simple in the ways I think;
I will stand up for what is right,
and won't back down from any fight.
I think this sums up who I am,
I'm not that good, but I'm not bad;
I pray for everyone I know,
and wish the best, where e'er they go.
Apr 2019 · 498
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Her Mother doesn't want her,
her Daddy, just the same;
They think she is a burden,
she's the only one to blame.
When bedtime has arrived,
they send her to her bed;
No hugs or kisses for her,
no, "Sweet dreams" ever said.
A hug she would delight in,
someone to hold her tight;
The words, "We love you so much,"
only exist within her mind.
She craves what she has not,
someone to love her so;
But all she ever feels,
is their touch, so icy cold
Poetress2 Apr 2019
My RIGHTEOUSNESS, like filthy rags,
weighed heavily on my mind;
I BID my Lord to take the weight,
for I knew He would in time.
A quiet KNOCK on my heart's door,
I answered it right away;
T'was my Jesus, standing there,

JUSTIFICATION He brought to me,
the moment I opened the door;
Satan would BUFFET me each day,
when Jesus became my Lord.
When Satan threw his NET out,
trying to LURE me in;
His plan, it failed quite miserably,
this QUACK, who was nothing but sin.
My Jesus, He gave me a hug,
it showed His love and CARE;
I knew He would never leave me,
for my God is just and fair.
These are the words my husband gave me to write a Word bank poem with.  I really enjoy writing them.  If any of you would like me to write a WB poem for you, just let me know.
Apr 2019 · 133
Poetress2 Apr 2019
As the Moon glows, on top of me,
God's miracles, I can clearly see;
He created and molded everything,
even a sinner, just like me.
Yet even though I sinned against Thee,
He died upon a Dogwood tree;
Forgiveness He did grant for free,
He granted for the likes of me.
He shed His Blood,
died in my place;
Offered Salvation,
through His saving Grace.
What a Father, I now do serve,
His forgiveness, I do not deserve;
I love Him with every breath I take,
I'll meet Him at the Pearly Gates!
Apr 2019 · 148
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Remember me when I am gone,
sing and dance to my favorite songs;
Please keep my memories alive,
by viewing them, in your mind's eye.
Be kind to me, as you once were,
when at first, you rocked my world;
Then hurtful words you began to use,
and a punching bag, I became to you.
You do not need to use cruel words,
I've heard them since I was a girl;
Bloodshot eyes, I've often cried,
to keep this Marriage barely alive.
I think it's time to call it quits,
I simply can not handle this;
I'll be the first to pack my bags,
my closet's full of lots of rags.
Apr 2019 · 336
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Another Dawn has come again,
I am so thankful for my friends;
Each one of them stands by my side,
within my heart, they all reside.
They fill me with a sense of pride,
I feel so lucky I'm alive;
They always have the time to help,
they've put me on a pedestal.
When I laugh or cry my tears,
they've always there, through the years;
I have their backs, they have mine too,
there's nothing that I wouldn't do.
I try to improve their life's so much.
from each of them, my life's been touched;
All I can say is, "Thank you all,"
for making me feel ten feet tall.
Apr 2019 · 493
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Submerged to its' eyes,
Crocodiles hunt their prey.
It is very still.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Upon this Easter morning,
celebrate what it stands for;
Jesus rose up from the dead,
the Grave held Him no more.
The Devil watched the Tomb,
where Jesus' body was kept;
The first two nights he gloated,
sure of Jesus' death.
But when the third day came,
Satan knew Jesus arose;
He shook in utter terror,
from his head down to his toes.
Jesus was the Conquerer,
and Satan lost that day;
So please remember Easter,
and keep it in its' way.
Apr 2019 · 597
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The Boxed Jellyfish,
is the deadliest creature,
on this whole planet.
Apr 2019 · 164
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I know I love you, this is why,
I'll dry each teardrop that you cry;
I'll comfort you, when you are sad,
make you smile, when you are mad.
I'll never leave you all alone,
help you find your way back home;
Believe in you when others don't,
and guide you on each path you roam.
I'll lift your spirits, when they're low,
show you where you need to go;
Stand by you, through thick or thin,
and then repeat it all again.
My love for you bears no disguise,
my precious little, child of Mine;
I will never leave your side,
I've loved you since the start of time.
Apr 2019 · 13.0k
Poetress2 Apr 2019
"Come to me," he said one night,
and I will make your world alright;
"I will fill your heart with love,
my precious, little, snow white Dove."
I will calm your weary soul,
never will you feel alone;
Protect you from all types of harm,
wrap you in my arms of warmth.
Cuddle you when you're afraid,
give you what you've always craved;
Dry the many tears you've cried,
give you comfort, give you pride.
I will do all this for you,
because my dear, I love you true;
And if you should e'er need a friend,
on me you can always depend.
Apr 2019 · 497
Poetress2 Apr 2019
When she was but a child,
she built a man-made shell;
And there she would retreat,
on her many trips to Hell.
No animosity or strife,
did ever reside there;
She was at peace within it,
no expectations or cares.
She felt peaceful and secure,
as she rid herself of the Beast;
Who tortured her, every night,
before she went to sleep.
There was no chance for escaping,
for it came without a sound;
And in the quiet of the night,
her teardrops hit the ground.
At least she had her tomb,
a place where no one came;
If not for her safe place to hide,
she might have gone insane!
Apr 2019 · 373
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The Inland Taipan,
is the most venomous Snake.
Death occurs quickly.
I've been researching snakes for years.  This is a fact about the Inland Taipan, native to Australlia.. One drop of its' venom is capable of killing 100 men.
Apr 2019 · 405
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The Gaboon Viper,
has the longest fangs of all,
5 centemeters!
Apr 2019 · 316
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Anteaters eat Ants.
How can they taste the small Ants,
their delicacy?
Apr 2019 · 727
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The hungry Lion,
kneels down as it hunts its' prey,
cunning in its' ways.
Apr 2019 · 243
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Upon this Easter morning,
celebrate what it stands for;
Jesus rose up from the dead,
the Grave held Him no more.
The Devil watched the Tomb,
where Jesus' body was kept;
The first two nights he gloated,
sure of Jesus' death.
But when the third day came,
Satan knew Jesus arose;
He shook in utter terror,
from his head down to his toes.
Jesus was the Conquerer,
and Satan lost that day;
So please remember Easter,
and keep it in its' way.
Apr 2019 · 663
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Squirrels gather nuts,
to prepare for the Winter.
They plan very well.
Apr 2019 · 503
Poetress2 Apr 2019
An Anaconda,
captures it's prey, then eats it,
swallowing it whole.
Apr 2019 · 381
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Within the stillness of that night,
when nothing seemed to be quite right;
They came to me with veins of ice,
and at that time, I was only nine.
What they wanted, I knew too well,
the shame, the pain, the guilt, the Hell;
My pulse went up, my heart, it fell,
they made me promise not to tell.
What could they possibly want with me,
I didn't understand, I couldn't see;
The horror drove me to my knees,
and I quietly cried out my small plea.
My call, it fell upon deaf ears,
as it had done, all of these years;
This wasn't the first time they brought fear,
nor the first time that I cried my tears.
"Won't you please just go away,"
this I wished, this I prayed;
But to no avail, they continued to play,
I felt that I was on display.
Just like the other nights before,
my body ached, and I was sore;
I didn't feel alive no more,
as I picked myself up off the floor.
When they were finished, they let me be,
alone again, just the walls and me;
I was shaking from my head to my feet,
they left me impure, and incomplete.
Apr 2019 · 564
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Love me like you use to do,
when we first met, and I was new;
Cherish me, with all your might,
as when at first, I spent the night.
Respect me for the woman I am,
in the days, when you first held my hand;
Protect me as when we first met,
and we didn't know each other yet.
Take pride in everything I do,
even if you don't approve;
Be on my side, through thick or thin,
please believe in me again.
Apr 2019 · 578
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A Snake in the grass,
is very sly and cunning,
and ready to bite.
Apr 2019 · 325
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A Horse is graceful,
as it gallops through the field,
proud and majestic.
Apr 2019 · 393
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Sweet smells of a Rose,
and the beauty of them all,
are simply priceless.
Apr 2019 · 548
Poetress2 Apr 2019
To all of you,
I want to say;
Thank you for bringing,
Sunshine my way.
The comments you leave,
truly makes my day;
I no longer feel,
my words are in vain.
I do not write,
for compliments;
I write for all,
the ones' depressed.
And what I pen,
is from my heart;
I have no other,
place to start.
So thank you all,
for encouraging me;
Sometimes that's all,
I ever need.
Apr 2019 · 164
Poetress2 Apr 2019
We'll see no more snow,
for Winter has past away,
until the next year.
Apr 2019 · 263
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Spring is here at last.
I'm headed towards the River,
to do some fishing.
Apr 2019 · 351
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Don't you know who I am?  I am your be cherished and admired by you.  
I can't be something I'm not!  I am me...that's who I was born to be...I can't be who you want.  
I'm not a Victorias Model, not a Super Model, not even pretty by any standards.  I've gained some weight, and I have more wrinkles now then when you met me.  
I'm sorry for growing old...sorry for not looking better...sorry for not being who you should be in love with.
I am not sorry being me.  It's who I am.  If you can't see that, then I suppose you'll just have to carry out your miserable life with me....or get a Divorce!
Apr 2019 · 354
Poetress2 Apr 2019
There was a little girl,
I knew so long ago;
What happened to this child,
I truly did not know.
I felt so badly for her,
as I watched her in her room;
She never laughed or smiled,
inside her small cocoon.
She simply sat there gazing,
had she ever been defiled;
I wondered as she sat there,
so timid and so mild.
She was a mini-me,
of this I knew for sure;
For she behaved like me,
after being made impure.
I turned my head away,
I couldn't watch no more;
I said a small prayer for her,
this little one of four.
Apr 2019 · 322
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A Deer stands frozen,
when it sees my bright headlights.
The Deer can not move.
Apr 2019 · 428
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A Thunderstorm is brewing,
the likes I've never seen;
It's headed in my direction,
coming straight towards me.
It will be most deafening,
how will I stand the sound;
As my flimsy house of plastic cards,
goes crumbling to the ground.
I can not stop its' furry,
and it's much to late to run;
So I'll face the roaring Thunder,
and Clouds that block the Sun.
A product of my past,
and the pain I've held inside;
It's building up too quickly,
and I've nowhere to hide.
So I'll wait the lightning out,
prepared to face that day;
When I must tell the truth,
hoping I'll know what to say.
An explosive temper, her husband doesn't like for her to have an opinion.  She doesn't talk to him, for this reason.  She knows she must tell him how unhappy she is, she's just not ready to do that just yet.  She fears him.
Apr 2019 · 225
Poetress2 Apr 2019
He had lied, deceived, and cheated,
used mind games to make her stay;
She'd slowly died, deep down inside,
yet she could not get away.
He played the "Blame Game" often,
yet he never took the fall;
He claimed she was the problem,
everything was all her fault.
So she tried her best each morning,
to hide the tears that she shed;
They were room mates in their home,
and strangers in their own bed.
He no longer loved this woman,
and she did not love him back;
She saw no sense in staying,
so she slowly began to pack.
No trust or communication,
excisted anymore;
She wondered if she left him,
would he hear her shut the door?
Yet she was much too weak,
to go out on her own;
She lacked the strength, that it would take,
to leave her unhappy home.
Apr 2019 · 272
Poetress2 Apr 2019
As I wander aimlessly,
within this life I know;
I wonder if the dreams I have,
will truly ever grow.
It seems so easy for me,
to stray from God's own plan;
For me to have a life, fulfilled,
at times I think I can't.
I am a Christian, bought by Christ,
and still it makes no sense;
That I commit sins everyday,
of this I've no defense.
Somedays I feel unsaved and lost,
though I know this can't be true;
For Jesus lives inside of me,
His Spirit is my proof.
Apr 2019 · 330
Poetress2 Apr 2019
A black Cow grazes,
in the midst of a Hayfield,
in the Summer air.
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Tinsel, bows, lights, and gifts,
this is a part, of what Christmas is;
Carolers, shopping, and bright Candy Canes,
T'was never the reason, our Lord Jesus came.
A tree, wrapping paper, and green Mistletoe,
Christmas cartoons, that they always show;
A feast, baking cookies, and stockings to fill,
does not acknowledge, that Jesus is real.
Santa Clause, Elves, and plenty of cheer,
counting the days, 'til Christmas draws near;
Bells ringing, mittens, and flying Reindeer,
does not signify, that Jesus was here.
What is the reason, for this Holiday,
when families gather, to all celebrate;
They'll open their presents, on this Christmas Morn,
not giving a thought, to why Jesus was born.
Yet on this glorious time of the year,
please don't forget why Jesus was here;
He came to live, and be Sacrificed,
He did this all, for all of Mankind!
Apr 2019 · 294
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I had a dream last night,
that Jesus came to me;
His Glory shone so brightly,
it was hard for me to see.
"Could Jesus really be here,"
I wondered in my dream;"
And then I heard His voice,
calling out to me.
"I need you to reach others,
those who are unsaved;
Tell them that I love them,
and do not be afraid.
Tell them how I lived,
and tell them how I died;
Tell them it was worth it,
to save one single life.
Tell them I bring Hope,
to all men, everywhere;
Tell them I can save them,
from the Grave they can be spared."
Then I suddenly awakened,
my heart was full of Peace;
"I'll tell them all, dear Jesus,
and I'll preach it from the street."
Apr 2019 · 339
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Pigs wallow in mud.
It is like Suntan lotion,
for their tender skin.
Apr 2019 · 334
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Ants work together,
to gather food for their homes.
They could teach us much!
Apr 2019 · 443
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Why do the dark nights seem darker,
when you are all alone? I do not have the answer. 
It's as if loneliness tangles its' frayed fingers around your hair,
and encompasses you like a sand storm.  
It seems as though there's not much hope of escaping this endless nightmare.
Apr 2019 · 443
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I once had no direction,
I felt so very lost;
My sorrow came with a price,
my misery, with a cost.
I longed to find a purpose,
in this crazy world I lived;
A place where I belonged,
somewhere that I fit in.

Then one day I met the Lord,
Forgiver of men's sins;
The One who truly loves me,
the One who helps me live.
I asked Him to forgive me,
I asked Him in my life;
He then became my Savior,
and I became His Bride.
Jesus is my Lord of Lords,
I gave everything to Him;
He laid His life down for me,
and washed away my sins.
Apr 2019 · 525
Poetress2 Apr 2019
No one ever told me,
that life would be this hard;
That men could be so cruel,
it simply breaks my heart.
Some with power and money,
rarely think about the poor;
They're the worse of all,
always wanting so much more.
The epitomy of selfishness,
only thinking of themselves;
Slamming doors upon the needy,
refusing to lend their help.
With a smirk upon their faces,
they snub all those in need;
Refusing to help all those,
who are starving in the streets.
They sit at their fancy tables,
with food in abundance to share;
Not concerned about the hungry,
these Vultures do not care.
Do they ever feel remorse,
having more then what they need;
They hoard all their possessions,
consumed by heartless greed.
When night time falls upon them,
they climb in their, soft beds;
Their souls are full of darkness,
their hearts', already dead.
Apr 2019 · 474
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Wolves hunt in a pack.
They look out for each other,
like a family.
Apr 2019 · 547
Poetress2 Apr 2019
An Owl on a branch,
with 20\20 vision,
stalking her dinner.
Apr 2019 · 378
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I went to the park one day,
just to watch the children play;
And upon one of the Swings,
I saw the saddest thing.
There sat this lonely child,
whom I never once saw smile;
It broke my heart to see,
this nine-year old, next to me.
I quietly said to her,
"How are you, little girl?
Would you like for me to play,
with you, on this beautiful day?"
She never made a sound,
as her teardrops hit the ground;
"Didn't mean to make you cry,"
she answered, "It's really alright.
I must be going home,
Mama doesn't like me to roam;"
And then she disappeared,
so full of anger and fear.
I climbed into my car,
it wasn't parked very far;
And sitting in the back seat,
there sat a part of me.
I turned and gave her a smile,
"Can I come with you for awhile?"
"Of course you can, I replied,"
to the child I am inside.
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