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Apr 2019 · 249
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The Penguin waddles,
on the ice, he is graceful,
in his peaceful home.
Apr 2019 · 411
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The rabbit is scared,
as it scurries in the bush,
trying to escape.
Apr 2019 · 551
Poetress2 Apr 2019
At first I felt quite tingly,
when the withdrawals first set in;
Two days without my medicine,
I need my Klonopin!
Then I felt numb all over,
I'd bump into the walls;
I didn't even feel it,
though my bruises told it all.
I feared taking a shower,
that I'd encounter a Snake;
My fears were based on the withdrawls,
how much more could I take?
Nausea and Diahreah,
became my two, best friends;
For I had spent much time with them,
so I prayed, "When will this end?"
My appetite was no matter,
I couldn't eat a bite;
My appearance began to decline,
and I felt as if I would die.
I couldn't stand to be touched,
it actually made my skin sore;
I was at the end of my rope,
and I wondered, "How much more?"
But I survived the Hell,
that the lack of Klonepin caused;
I clung to my Heavenly Father,
and held His hand, because.
Apr 2019 · 185
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Whenever I think of a Mother,
one person comes to my mind;
She is full of love and compassion,
and I'm so glad that she's mine!
I can proudly say, without a doubt,
that my Mother-In-Law is my Mom;
For she treats me like her own daughter,
in spite of all of my wrongs.
She comforts me when I'm distraught,
she wipes away tears that I cry;
She's wise beyond the years she's lived,
she encourages me when I try.
And even though her life's been hard,
she still shows her love to me;
Happy Mother's Day, my sweet Mother,
thank you for everything
Apr 2019 · 82
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Whenever I think of a Mother,
one person comes to mind;
She is full of love and compassion,
and I'm so blessed she's mine.
I can proudly say, without a doubt,
that my Mother-In-Law is my Mom;
For she treats me as her daughter,
and loves me in spite of my wrongs.
She comforts me when I'm distraught,
she wipes away tears that I cry;
She's wise beyond the years she's lived,
and she always stands by my side.
Apr 2019 · 289
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I don't want to get out of bed,
I have no reason at all;
I'd rather lay here, all day long,
basking within these four walls.
Nothing seems to interest me,
I'm much too sad to enjoy;
And everything I use to love,
I now can't find any joy.
Everything seems quite useless,
a darkness wells up in me;
I can not find a glimpse of hope,
"Oh please everyone, let me be!"
But they harp upon my sadness,
I'm ready to just give up;
What is the point of living,
when I've taken far too much?
Apr 2019 · 831
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Depression plagues this woman,
who can't find the strength to move on;
Stuck inside this Rabbit's cage,
exactly where she belongs.
She feels like her heart's been broken,
it's is damaged and torn to shreds ;
"Snap out of this sadness you're feeling,"
is what all her loved ones have said.
She wishes it were that easy,
but she can't control her moods;
She's tucked away in misery,
in the corner of her bedroom.
No happiness dwells within her,
no excitement does she ever feel;
No smile you'll see upon her face,
"Maybe this nightmare is real?"
She's everything she's hated,
everything that she has become;
And if she strays too far away,
back to the Cage she will run.
Apr 2019 · 670
Poetress2 Apr 2019
After the nightly news,
she faces the ***** wall;
She ***** her wrinkled thumb,
as she curls up in a ball.
She knows what's soon to come,
it happens every night;
When the nightly news is over,
this small child's full of fright.
And just like all the nights before,
they come into her room;
She has to reassure herself,
"This will all be over soon."
Her breathing becomes shallow,
"Perhaps they'll think I'm dead;"
"Your being such a good, little girl,"
is the only words they said.
Motionless she lays there,
as they touch her baby soft skin;
She feels overwhelmingly ill,
guilty and shamed from within.
When they are finished using her,
they leave without saying a word;
She shakes as she cradles her Teddy,
this precious three-year old girl.
Apr 2019 · 291
Poetress2 Apr 2019
One day I'll have a happy home,
somewhere among the Heavenly host;
I'll feel no pain, no quilt lies there,
and Love in abundance, is free to share.
I wonder what my Mansions like,
I'm sure it is a miraculous sight;
Walking on the streets of gold,
where people would trade, for their Souls.
I'm sure I'll talk to men of old,
Abraham, Paul, Jacob and Job;
I wonder what they will be like,
I'll have the best time of my life.
I also know Christ is my Lord,
and I'll go up when that Trumpet blows;
But for now, I'll live my life,
anticipating when I'll see Christ.
Apr 2019 · 328
Poetress2 Apr 2019
"Now don't you tell," they warned her,
Don't say a single word;"
"Why would they want to harm me,"
wondered this little girl.
"Just do as you are told,"
they warned her once again;
"Perhaps our little playtime,
won't ever have to end?
If you are a good girl,
we'll buy you some ice cream;"
The thought disgusted her so much,
she just wanted to scream.
They did things to this child,
that she didn't understand;
She was at the mercy,
of their freely, roaming hands.
They stole away her innocence,
her trust and childhood;
And as they left her bedroom,
They said, "Playtime was good."
Sometimes I just need to write about my feelings.
Apr 2019 · 1.2k
Poetress2 Apr 2019
She sits in the Doctor's office,
with one thing on her mind;
To rid herself of this Fetus,
so she can go on with her life.
Her dreams would all be ruined,
if this child were to be born;
She just can't let that happen,
thus she decides to Abort.
They call her back to a room,
she follows the Nurse's lead;
Gently she lays on the bed,
then sees the ******* machine.
Her mind is filled with doubt,
"Am I making a huge mistake;
The baby isn't even alive,
get a grip, for pity sakes."
Then the Doctor enters the room,
he is really quite polite;
Inside of her, he inserts a tube,
and she squeezes her eyes tight.
But deep within the occupied Womb,
the Fetus flinches away;
As the hose begins to tear apart,
how and what it may.
Then it grabs onto her tiny hand,
no longer a thumb to ****;
The baby's eyes are filled with tears,
for the pain is just too much.
Little by little, it tears her apart,
no one can hear her screams;
But parts of her pass through the tube,
thanks to that horrid machine.
Her tiny head is the last to go,
donned in curly, black hair;
She's simply but a memory,
Mama's product of an affair.
Apr 2019 · 170
Poetress2 Apr 2019
As I began to pray one night,
on bended knee I fell;
A peace I could comprehend,
came o'er me as I knelt.
God calmed my weary heart and soul,
as He began to speak;
I listened to each Word He said,
although my Faith was weak.
"My Child, I feel how sad you are,
and it makes me saddened too;
But don't dismay, for there are things,
I have for you to do.
I wish for you to tell Mankind,
that I'm the great, I AM;
Their lives will be much easier,
if they'd only take my hand.
And miracles occur each day,
sometimes in the Midnight hour;
And if they ask Me in their hearts,
they too will have great power!
I calmed the Storm, with My own hands,
and their storms I'll calm as well;
Tell them I said to please not fear,
not even the pits of Hell.
For they are mine and I am theirs,
they can read this in my Word;
And if they grow, with Me they'll know,
they won't perish with the World.
Please tell them that I love them,
and my Love runs oh, so deep;
For every promise, I have made,
I certainly will keep."
Everything the Lord had said,
I felt it in my heart;
I promised Him I'd spread His Word,
in doing my own part.

Apr 2019 · 199
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The crowd became more chaotic,
many shouts were quite obscene;
I'd like to paint a picture,
of the Crucifiction scene.
On the top of a steep hill,
was a place called Calvary;
There stood three wooden Crosses,
with Jesus in between.
Just imagine, if you will,
the pain that Christ endured;
He was bleeding most profusely,
it was dripping onto the dirt.
His flesh, it hung in ribbons,
from His body, they did beat;
They drove two nails into His hands,
and one into His feet.
His unsightly beard had been pulled,
He'd been cursed and spat upon;
He endured this for all of Mankind,
this One who had done nothing wrong.
Could I endure the pain He felt,
could I gladly lay down my life;
Only one man could have done all this,
and His name is Jesus Christ!
Apr 2019 · 3.4k
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Within these lonely walls of mine,
sometimes I wish that I could die;
I curl up in my Mickey Mouse sheets,
and quickly pretend, that I'm asleep.
Just like the nights I've faced before,
I hear them open up my door;
They quietly lay down in my bed,
and I truly wish that I were dead.
I push their hands down, everytime,
but to no avail, they begin to rise;
The shame and guilt seems all too real,
for that is almost all I feel.
They leave me torn,
they leave me shamed;
They leave me damaged,
yet it's me I blame.
Apr 2019 · 318
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I feel a need, deep down inside,
if only from it, I could hide;
It starts with just, a tiny knaw,
before I know it, it snowballs.
It's not a feeling of deep despair,
but rather, a feeling that no one cares;
It starts deep down, begins to grow,
before I know it, I feel old.
There are no meds. to ease my mind,
no quick fix, for this heart of mine;
Something's amiss, inside of me,
I do not know, what it could be.
Apr 2019 · 207
Poetress2 Apr 2019
If I had known the future,
and all that it entailed;
I would never go, down those same roads,
that lead me straight to Hell.
If I had known the heartaches,
which many times I've faced;
I'd run and hide, deep down inside,
in a place that's sound and safe.
If I'd have known what love is,
I may have loved much more;
But I didn't know, how to let it show,
never knowing what love is for.
If I were but a child again,
and attention I  yearned to seek;
I may have become, much different than some,
but all I became was me.
Apr 2019 · 2.0k
Poetress2 Apr 2019
She never wanted to be a Mom,
and now her life is nothing but wrong;
What will she tell everyone she knows,
maybe she'll wait until she shows?
The Fetus who slumbers in her Womb,
one day will be running out of room;
She must Abort this one in her,
for shame she simply can't endure.
She makes an appointment at the clinic,
know one must know, no one must see;
She arrives the next day, still so unaware,
that her Fetus is growing, lots of hair.
They lay her on a Hospital bed,
where soon the Fetus will be dead;
The Doctor inserts a clear, long tube,
where it wreaks havoc, within the Womb.
The baby moves away from it,
it feels like she has just been bit;
Upon her face, there is a scowl,
it's much too late to turn back now.
The hose clamps on to her very, small hand,
the Fetus can't cope, nor understand;
It pulls the hand right off the arm,
yet Mother thinks she did no harm.
Next it grabs onto her hip,
and her tiny leg begins to rip;
Emersed in pain, she pulls away,
she'll not live to see another day.
At last it latches onto her head,
the heartbeat stops, this child is dead;
She smiles, her reputation intact,
a conscience is one thing she lacks.
I watched a video on a live abortion.  It had such a sorrowful impact on me.  My prayer is that these words, while graphic, may save but one baby's life.
Apr 2019 · 243
Poetress2 Apr 2019
They never want anything from her,
until they come to her door;
And when they leave, her tender heart bleeds,
for there's nothing they want, once more.
Even though she is young, she remembers,
the shame and guilt they have brought;
She blames herself for their mistakes,
and she wishes that she were not.
Each night since she can remember,
their nightly ritual's go on;
They climb in bed beside her,
she wonders what she's done wrong.
With roaming hands, they touch her,
in places that make her feel weak;
She utters not a single word,
she can't find the words to speak.
They continue to touch this child,
she endures this in heartache and pain;
"Adult Games," they call their playtime;
as the child lies there in shame.
And when at last they're finished,
they leave her alone in the night;
She doesn't know what just happened,
she just ***** her thumb as she cries.
Apr 2019 · 340
Poetress2 Apr 2019
In a pit far hotter then Hell,
Satan's fate doth lie within;
And when this wicked world's over
God will then throw Satan in.
Into that lake of Fire and Brimstone,
also known as the Pits of Hell;
This is Beelzebub's destiny,
and he knows this, all too well.
Yet before this time will come,
he's seeking those to devour;
Trying to harm God's Creations,
believing he has much more power.
But woe to Satan upon that day,
when God's had more than enough;
'Tis then the Devil will realize,
his kingdom will then come undone.
His empire will certainly crumble,
as if in a major Earthquake;
Satan will tremble in utter fear,
his Demons will quiver and shake.
The words of God will be fulfilled,
when He cast Satan into that fire;
And within that Lake, he will remain,
no hope for this Beast and his liars.
And as they burn, their knees shall bow,
as each of their tongues shall confess;
That Jesus Christ is the Lord of Lords,
this truth they will surely profess!
Apr 2019 · 73
Poetress2 Apr 2019
I thought I'd given more to God,
then what I actually had;
Until  the Devil buffeted me,
reminding me of my past.
I sat and thought about my sins,
falling short of the Glory of God;
So on bended knee, I asked the Lord,
to forgive me for all of my wrongs.
Each hurtful thing I'd ever done,
came with a flood back to me;
I felt such guilt consume my Soul,
it felt like I'd ne'er be free.
How could God ever forgive me,
for the sinful things I'd done wrong;
My Faith seemed to be lacking,
I'd lost my Spiritual song.
So on bended knee I quickly fell,
my face turned downward in shame;
I begged the Lord to forgive me,
and I rightfully took all the blame.
Then a Peace that I had never known,
filled every place in me;
Jesus then said, "You are forgiven,
and I've cast your sins in the Sea.
Do the very best that you can,
and I'll help you along the way;
For you are one of my Children,
and I'm always here, should you stray."
Apr 2019 · 303
Poetress2 Apr 2019
As I lay awake one evening,
with thoughts speeding through my head;
I knew sleep was evading me,
so I wrote this poem instead.
It did not come quite easily,
as the poems I've penned before;
But I knew that I had much to say,
so I continued to write some more.
I lacked an idea or topic,
was I penning this poem in vain;
Then I began to contemplate,
the sun, the moon, and the rain.
Deep within my troubled Soul,
Christ Jesus came to my mind;
He who created the moon to glow,
and the sun in the Heavens to shine.
He calmed the storm with His hand,
as He calms the storms in my life;
He made a miraculous Rainbow,
and the stars to twinkle at night.
I then began to see Jesus,
in the trees, the grass, and the sky;
Thus I began to see clearly,
God's handiwork in my own life.
Apr 2019 · 381
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Bare feet in the sand,
as it squishes neath my toes.
I love the Ocean!
Apr 2019 · 320
Poetress2 Apr 2019
It was early in the Morning,
when he strolled through the door;
She hit him with her baseball bat,
and he landed on the floor.
"How dare he do this to me,"
she uttered, 'neath her breath;
"I'll fix his little wagon,
and he'll ne'er do this again."
She stared down at her husband,
whom she could not live with;
Just knowing that he was cheating,
made her troubled heart go limp.
When at last his Funeral ended,
she cried as she walked away;
The guilt that she was feeling,
was more then she could take.
Yet still no one e'er knew,
it was her that welded the bat;
Home was peaceful and quiet,
something she never did have.
Apr 2019 · 385
Poetress2 Apr 2019
Oak branches reach up,
as if to kiss the blue sky,
a breathtaking sight.
Apr 2019 · 187
Poetress2 Apr 2019
They'd stand before a Judge,
their trial would soon begin;
These Saintly men of God's,
would be judged, but once again.
The Prosecutor entered the room,
so confident and strong;
Beelzebub, the evil one,
would bring up all their wrongs.
He'd point his crooked finger,
and name all their mistakes;
All the failures of their past,
he'd remind these Godly Saints.
Then entered the Great Almighty,
the one and only, I AM;"
He would have the victory,
o'er the one who had been ******.
The Courtroom doors then opened,
and in walked Jesus Christ;
He would be their Advocate,
disproving Satan's lies.
"We all know why we're here,"
Satan grinned in sheer delight;
"To prove these Men of God's,
are imposters of the light."
He pointed his crooked finger,
at each one he cheerfully named;
"You see this man before you,
he's lied for his own gain.
And this woman is a sinner,
she cheated on her spouse;
She practiced to deceive him,
no remorse did she announce."
Now Jesus had enough of him,
so He slowly began to speak;
"You do know, Heavenly Father,
at times all men are weak."
God gave Jesus a knowing nod,
for He saw them white as snow;
No sins had they committed,
no sins did their pasts show.
Apr 2019 · 287
Poetress2 Apr 2019
The Devil and all of his Demons,
were having a meeting one night;
Satan scratched his pointy head,
"What shall we do with the Christ?
All of my plans become ruined,
everytime this God-Man comes near;
He heals the blind, so they can see,
and restores the deaf ones to hear.
He causes quite a calamity,
when He wins another lost Soul;
It feels like Hell is crumbling,
it's beginning to take a toll.
And everytime we come face to face,
His name makes us flee in pain;
Don't want to go near Him again,
'less He binds us all up in chains.
I think we can finally win this war,"
Satan said with a laugh and a grin;
"We'll win the Souls of His mighty Saints,
and He'll ne'er bother us again."
Now Jesus heard all they had said,
and He shouted to them through the door;
Now Satan, and all of your Demons,
I command you all to come forth!
Be gone with you, oh wicked ones,
'less I cast you into the Swine;
Don't ever mess with my children,
those ones whom I call "Mine."
Apr 2019 · 264
Poetress2 Apr 2019
You walk through our front door,
and I rush to greet you there;
You hold my body tightly,
I can feel the love we share.
You softly whisper to me,
words I long to hear;
Your breath is soft and sweet,
as it's pressed against my ear.
I gaze into your big, brown eyes,
the most beautiful I've seen;
Within I see our future,
staring back at me.
You take me by the hand,
to the Fireplace we go;
Where you kiss my tender lips,
so soft, and sweet, and slow.
When you hold me close,
I  don't want it to end;
You are my all and everything,
my life, my love, my friend.
Mar 2019 · 110
Poetress2 Mar 2019
We built a Snowman,
in the fresh, glistening snow.
It was beautiful.
Mar 2019 · 259
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Snow looks like diamonds,
crunching beneath my warm boots.
The sound is so sweet.
Poetress2 Mar 2019
When you face disappointment,
or nothing goes you way;
Just count all of your blessings,
you'll see a brighter day.
When you ponder on your past,
mistakes that you have made;
Just remember that you're Human,
God created you this way.
When you dare to have your dreams,
which rarely do come true;
Simply cherish each tomorrow,
where another dream could bloom.
When your trials and temptations,
seem more then you can bare;
Confide in your Heavenly Father,
He's only as far as a prayer.
When you think you've had enough,
and you can't take anymore;
God will give you strength,
to greet another Morn.
Mar 2019 · 222
Poetress2 Mar 2019
The newborn nestles,
softly on her Mother's breast.
How precious is this?
Mar 2019 · 100
Poetress2 Mar 2019
My abuse began when I was small,
large, were the teardrops I cried;
They fell to the ground, without a sound,
in the darkness of my nights.
The pain I felt was endless,
I carried the shame in my heart;
I blamed myself for everything,
as they tore my world apart.
Each night they would come to me,
their hands began to roam;
They explored each inch of my body,
'til I wanted to explode.
I'd lay in bed, eyes shut tight,
and endured until they were through;
Then they'd leave me to myself,
hoping I'd forget the abuse.
As I grew up I wondered,
"Do they remember too;"
Were they proud to harm a child,
guess I'll never know the truth.
Mar 2019 · 189
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Some profess they can't hear God,
that He's not there at all;
Perhaps they're much too busy,
to hear Him when He calls?
Others claim God's never been,
and the Bible's full of flaws;
That man evolved from Apes because,
our hands look like their paws.
Still some doubt He doth ecxist,
that He's just a Fairytale;
They even doubt and disbelieve,
that there's such a place as Hell.
I once was just like all of them,
so blinded to the truth;
I chose to live in darkness,
always searching for some proof.
Then one day, some troubles came,
thus I cried out for some help;
Although my pleas were genuine,
I was only afraid for myself.
I decided to reach out to God,
so I knelt down on my knees;
Asking Him if He was real,
needing so much to believe.
Then I heard a still, small voice,
gently calling out to me;
I listened quite intently,
wondering who it could be.
"My child, you still have doubts,
of the things you cannot see;
Just trust that I'm the great, "I AM,"
on this you must believe.
All that you have been through,
I've also been there too;
Mistrust, betrayal, and cruelty,
I've felt them just like you.
I breathed in you the breath of life,
and watched you as you grew;
I long for you to believe in Me,
as I have believed in you!"
I sat in awesome wonderment,
not sure of what to say;
So I simply asked Him in my heart,
to become my Savior that day.
Then a peace I've ne'er felt before,
flooded my heart and soul;
My doubts and worries went away,
knowing God was in control.
Now I believe and have no doubts,
when I witness for my Lord;
I tell everyone what He can do,
as I go from door to door.
Mar 2019 · 299
Poetress2 Mar 2019
On a winter's day,
a beautiful, baby Doe,
was born in the snow.
Mar 2019 · 157
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Our love ties us together,
hence we will always be;
From the first time that I saw you,
your love was meant for me.
You treat me like a lady,
I treat you like my man;
And even in my silence,
you seem to understand.
And as you hold me tightly,
I feel what you don't say;
A love which needs no words,
is a love you've brought my way.
As you bring my morning Coffee,
I feel so very blessed;
For you always do the sweetest things,
too numerous to be said.
You never try to change me,
you accept the "Me" I am;
I cherish you, with all my heart,
on this I'll take a stand!
If you were e'er to leave me,
I don't know what I'd do;
Life would seem so worthless,
without the love of you.
Mar 2019 · 270
Poetress2 Mar 2019
The hot, sticky air,
looms heavily in the night,
causing me to sweat.
Mar 2019 · 256
Poetress2 Mar 2019
She walks to grade school,
sack lunch in her hand;
Dressed in old, tattered clothes,
that a Flea Market had.
She hangs her head low,
don't want them to see;
The bruise 'neath her eye,
which is now blue and green.
Her shoes do not fit,
they're too large for her feet;
So she stumbles along,
then falls to her feet.
Since her lunch yesterday,
she's had nothing to eat;
She sheds a small tear,
which runs down her cheek.
Children pass by her,
they point as they laugh;
And under her breath,
she lets out a gasp.
She despises those bullies,
for the things that they do;
So she quickly runs home,
grabs a gun from Dad's room.
She rushes to school,
she'll make them all pay;
So she guns down nine children,
uncontained is her rage.
A teacher subdues her,
wrestles her to the ground;
Her killing spree's over,
yet she makes not a sound.
Nine children lay dead,
everyone is in shock;
They all learned a lesson,
No one's to be mocked!
Mar 2019 · 135
Poetress2 Mar 2019
I don't have all the answers,
why we don't talk or touch;
I think that we, would both agree,
it's becoming just too much.
We never hold each other's hand,
the way we use to do;
We never kiss each other, "Bye,"
as if we have the Flu.
We rarely say, "I love you,"
nor give hugs anymore;
And we always seem so sad,
when we walk through the front door.
We both ignore the other,
this happens all day long;
We don't communicate because,
everything we'd say is wrong.
When we go to bed at night,
we never say, "Goodnight;"
We're nothing more then roomates,
who are living seperate lives.
We both keep our own distance,
as if we're miles apart;
It seems we're always, "Butting Heads,"
just like we **** our hearts.
The two of us aren't happy,
what are we going to do;
Perhaps it's time, to realize,
this relationship is through.
Mar 2019 · 266
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Can you picture Jesus, on the Cross,
where He laid down His life, to save the lost;
Can you see Him hanging, on that Tree,
where they strung Him up, for all to see?
Can you imagine, the pain He felt,
when into Him, they drove three nails;
And from the beatings, of which He took,
Human was not how Jesus looked.
Can you feel the betrayal, can you understand,
why His flesh, it hung in ****** strands;
Can you hear within your own, small mind,
the crowd as they called out, "Crucify?"
Can you see Him suffer, could you watch Him die,
would you turn your head away and cry;
Do you think you'd remember, the reason He came,
"twas to set the Captives, free from blame.
Mar 2019 · 213
~I AM~
Poetress2 Mar 2019
He is our God,
the great, "I AM;"
Who created us,
'fore time began.
He cares for us,
as nobody could;
He's accepted us,
when no one would.
He's watched us grow,
He's watched us play;
And He never once,
turned His face away.
The great, "I AM,"
deserves our praise;
Not only on Sundays,
but everyday.
Mar 2019 · 328
Poetress2 Mar 2019
No words were ever uttered,
no tears fell from her eyes;
She felt her heart, being torn apart,
in the darkness of her night.
"What did I do," she asked herself,
"to deserve this pain I feel;"
For every night they'd come to her,
and all she felt was ill.
Enduring the pain she wore like a Cloak,
she'd lay motionless in her bed;
Shattered and torn, since the day she was born,
oh how this child's heart bled.
When they were finished using her,
she was cast aside like trash;
Stepping on her clothes, when they arose,
her heart would burn, as it crashed.
So damaged and used, torn and abused,
she never felt wanted or loved;
She'd face the wall, curled up in a ball,
and began to **** her right thumb.
Mar 2019 · 472
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Majestic Mountains,
reach up to touch the blue sky,
with beautiful hues.
Mar 2019 · 273
Poetress2 Mar 2019
My cruel, grouchy old Mother-In-Law,
is a sight for sore eyes to see;
Save your money at the Circus,
'cause to look at her is free.
She's really not that hideous,
in her very own, special way;
What hair that hasn't fallen out,
has certainly turned gray.
But dare you have to live with her,
she becomes an old Batalax;
Yet she always feels much better,
when she gets her Mustache waxed.
She does have a few, good qualities,
but overall, she's awfully mean;
That's why for Christmas this year,
we bought her Vaseline.
We greased up her 'ole toilet stool,
then we greased it up some more;
She slipped right off, and hit her head,
and her teeth slid under the door.
She didn't care for that at all,
no sir, not one little bit;
For when she fell, her wig flew off,
and she cut her bottom lip.
But I guess we're cruel to her as well,
for we never allow her to date;
When night time comes, we lock her up,
'lest Bigfoot wants to mate.
I could go on for days on end,
about how bad she's been;
But now I have to stop right here,
'cause there's no ink left in my pen!
This is my Mother-In-Law's favorite poem I wrote about her.  She carries a copy in her purse, and reads it to strangers.  Lots of love Mom.
Mar 2019 · 177
Poetress2 Mar 2019
You and I are different,
not cut from the same cloth;
We **** heads everyday now,
both wanting to be the boss.
You have your set of interests,
and I have my own too;
Together we are night and day,
things we have in common are few.
We simply have no chemistry,
and a lack of passion we share;
The tension felt between us both,
lingers heavily in the air.
It's not often we see "eye-to-eye,"
so we happen to clash every time;
For when you're angry, you explode,
while I simply sit there and cry.
Pain we've both dealt ourselves,
is not easy for us to forget;
It holds us down like an Anchor,
and we drown on our own regrets.
No longer can we feel our love,
that use to stick like glue;
Perhaps it died, along with trust,
each one of us once knew.
Mar 2019 · 368
Poetress2 Mar 2019
Do you ever feel,
as if life's not real,
and your on the outside, looking in;
This happens to me,
quite frequently,
and I know it will happen again.
I pull myself up,
even though I'm not tough ,
my weakness' get in my way;
I must keep in mind,
that I'm one of a kind,
and I'm going to make mistakes.
So whenever my day,
is going astray,
I accept I'm not perfect at all;
So now I can take,
whate'er comes my way,
and bounce back after I fall.
Mar 2019 · 301
Poetress2 Mar 2019
The lake was serene,
as Swans swam on the surface.
They were beautiful!
Mar 2019 · 568
Poetress2 Mar 2019
My Mother-In-Law lives with me,
and boy does she need some help;
She doesn't brush her hair anymore,
she's given up on herself.
Her outlook is mostly negative,
for she sees no good at all;
I which she was a Horse,
so I could put her in a Stall.
I cringe whenever she wants to cook,
for a Pancake she can't even flip;
I'd love to take her for a ride,
and push her off of a cliff.
She's become a bit, "Man Crazy,"
she'd take anyone who can breath;
So I took her to a Nursing Home,
she replied, "Too old for me."
I began to feel quite sorry for her,
so a "Blind Date" I one day arranged;
He brought her home, 'fore ten p.m.,
and said "She was much too strange."
Her bleach-blonde wig kept slipping,
and her teeth, they wouldn't stay in;
I believe she doesn't stand a chance,
of finding a date, e'er again.
She has no taste in men,
so I never allow her to date;
I keep her hidden inside all day,
'less Bigfoot wants to mate.
It seems I'm truly stuck with her,
so I'll take the good with the bad;
For she has a never-ending love,
that I am so blessed to have.
I truly love her.  She loves it when I write insulting poems about her.
Mar 2019 · 201
Poetress2 Mar 2019
When you hear the Thunder rolling,
and you're in the eye of your storm;
You can always take your refuge,
in the mighty name of the Lord.
When the lightning flashes brightly,
and you don't think you're prepared;
Just reach out for His hand,
in your whirlpool of despair.
When the sheets of rain are deafening,
and they cause you fear inside;
Go stand by the mighty Mountain,
in the blessed name of Christ.
When the rain turns into hail,
and you don't know what to do;
Just call upon our Savior,
and He will comfort you.
He'll take you by the hand,
and calm your frightened Soul;
He'll always hold you tightly,
He'll never let you go!
Mar 2019 · 156
Poetress2 Mar 2019
I'm lost and alone,
no one to lean on;
I've no place to go,
no where I belong.
Since I was a child,
my failures began;
No one gave me comfort,
no one lent a hand.
Why was it so hard,
for them to be kind;
I don't have the answers,
they've eluded my mind.
In my little world,
my retreat still remains;
I dare not come out,
I can't stand the pain.
I once made a promise,
I've kept to this day;
I'd stay here forever,
within lies no shame.
No harm can befall me,
I sleep safe and sound;
My heart ne'er again,
will e'er hit the ground.
Life without agony,
the sound is so sweet;
I sing this each morning,
I sing this for me.
Mar 2019 · 417
Poetress2 Mar 2019
My tears, they fell like raindrops,
as they softly hit the ground;
Then they began to cease,
when I heard an awesome sound.
It was a still, soft voice,
that was calling out to me;
I knew it was my Jesus,
as I fell upon my knees.
His voice I heard quite clearly,
His comfort I could feel;
His grace was most abundant,
His love was truly real.
"My child," I heard Him tell me,
"The fears that you now know;
I too felt in the Garden,
so many years ago.
I asked my Heavenly Father,
if He could take my cup;
Yet if it not be possible,
to give me strength enough.
I did all I could do,
and obeyed my Father's Will;
I must trust in Him always,
no matter how I feel."
The storm in me subsided,
Peace filled my heart and soul;
I always want God with me,
whatever I may go.
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