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1.7k · Dec 2021
For Her
Triscuit Dec 2021
I want to finger paint you against the sunset, encapsulating your beauty for a moment in time, enraptured by the glow of fading light

I want to catch your gaze as you laugh, your eyes alight with glee ascribed to the humor of something so seemingly mundane

I want to kiss you beneath the stars, each one singing a tale of long since forgotten lovers who have carved their paths below them

I want to hold you for endless minutes, the touch of your skin scorching into my memory the intimacy and intricacy of such fleeting embraces

You are divine essence in motion. You are ethereal.
For my girlfriend
1.2k · May 2021
Triscuit May 2021
I lay dormant
Subdued but in whole
I manage my being in stasis
At peace, I am cradled by the light
The long and gentle fingers nestled into the ether
A lengthy slumber is ahead of me
What comfort may it bring?
1.1k · Jun 2021
I can't define you
Triscuit Jun 2021
No matter what I do
I cannot define you
Your delicate features
The way you express yourself
The things I love
And the things I loathe
You are simply you
I cannot define you
I think about you more than I care to admit.
729 · Mar 2018
In Dreams
Triscuit Mar 2018
Your fingertips cascade softly like silk against my skin, and your breath is warm; invading the nape of my neck with muffled desire.
I cannot forget the way you smell, and the texture of your deep golden hair.
Brassy locks resting against my palm.
Those deep blue pools I submerge myself in never fail to swallow me whole.
I can only touch you in dreams, hold you in dreams.
I miss you.
645 · Dec 2017
Triscuit Dec 2017
The invisible weights cast their impression on my ankles.

I walk in breathless silence.

I can no longer extend my hand to the fingertips once there, now consumed by creeping vines.

I turn back to see the clearing empty, your shadow is gone.

The weights become lighter in time.
Time heals all wounds.
572 · Dec 2017
Fleeting Moments
Triscuit Dec 2017
I watch these fleeting scenes flit behind my eyes.
Moments where I've captured you.
The silence is unbearable.
I can't undo hurt.
Taking blame is losing my pride.
I'd give it all.
I've thrown it all away.
You lie there, in a troubled slumber.
I brace for the next slide.
Trauma on replay.
Please don't leave.
It's only over once.
562 · Dec 2017
The Departure
Triscuit Dec 2017
The departure, sullen and sweet.
Parting ways thoughtfully, only to obsess.
I've got errands, I've got my things.
Recalling your pupils I suppose...
Maybe it wasn't just dim light.
But I will not know for a very long time.
The twilight absorbs me, ******* me into the dusky void.
I return to my path and begin to walk.
At last we talked.
537 · Jan 2018
Holstering My Emotions
Triscuit Jan 2018
My emotions are like a pistol in a holster.
I've kept them seated for weeks, trying to convey a maturity.
I don't need you to turn to, and I grow a little each day.
Change is hard, but our vignette was harder.
Chapter by chapter we grew more climactic.
Drama begets danger, and the ringing sounds like shrill bells, each one screaming a letter of your name.
I put on my headphones and get to work.
I will undo the anger I've seen, you can't drag me under.
Healing is a long process and doesn't happen easily.
534 · Feb 2018
One Tall Morning
Triscuit Feb 2018
One tall morning the sun wakes and kisses my face.
I wander the streets skidding about, looking for a sign.
What am I supposed to do?
The perfume wafts, the smell of mud and drowning grass mixed in.
I can fill anything, a pitcher, a bag... With something new I find.
I ***** the earth with excited feet, a fervent toddler ready to love the moving scenery.
One tall morning, I saw what I was missing.
Open your eyes each day.
514 · Jul 2024
A Poem To A Lover
Triscuit Jul 2024
The weight of your love raptures me
Above a height unknown to me
The clouds caress my face
Embraced by the sunlight
Cloaked in ethereal bliss
When you kiss me I can feel my heart escape the confines of my ribs
Your touch electric and warming
Your scent envelopes me like a shroud
Swathe me in your embrace
Lead me towards the edge of oblivion
A poem meant for a lover
511 · Oct 2020
All I can think of
Triscuit Oct 2020
I want you to transcend me. I'm unhinged and my breath is bated.
Come in for the **** and end me, the trepidation is like condensation. The release you provide is enough to drive me crazy. I can't help but think about it. It's an addiction now, but I'm not trying to fight it. Pull me in closer.
494 · Jan 2018
The Help
Triscuit Jan 2018
The help has arrived, but they don't wear an apron or a coat.
No hats, no starch white collars.
The help came from inside of me, deep down in a place that I could not see.
The help came from a person I didn't know I was until I looked back and tapped on the glass, watching the fishes dart back and forth.
The help loves me, the help wants to see me succeed.
I was always the help. I was always the key.
If you look deep inside, and crawl around on your hands and knees... The help is inside of you, too.
Set yourself free.
Help lies deep down inside of yourself. Sometimes you can't see it.
472 · Dec 2017
It Always Comes Back
Triscuit Dec 2017
Our eyes make acquaintance in the dim light of the car.
I search them for a person I once knew, someone different, someone not you.
I see a familiar glare.
I want to test your patience.
I want to taste your soul.
Two different bodies with the same paces.
They make your intellect into copies.
Not the same, no.
The differences are obvious, but the intrigue stays.
It always comes back.
No two people are exactly alike... But love starts out the same.
466 · Jul 2020
It's Simple
Triscuit Jul 2020
Sometimes I feel like a stone caught between tides
I crave to be smoothed beautifully by life
Sometimes I am knicked
Sometimes I'm pulled too far beneath
But I will always find my way back to the shoreline.
I will glisten in the sun, and ride the waves
Where the water takes me next, I will never know.
But I am not aimless, or without purpose
I'm eternal, even in death
My memory etched in every wave, every grain of sand.
I am a rock you see.
I'm always exactly where I need to be.
450 · Dec 2017
The Rapture
Triscuit Dec 2017
I feel the proximity of the ground escape me.
Weightlessness weighs heavy on the soul.
Afraid to be enraptured by the temptation of sinless pleasure.
There is no sinless pleasure like the way the ocean breeze kisses your face.
And you follow the shells dotting the coastline to a forgotten treasure.
The strangers fade into granules of sand.
The noise dies into a whisper.
Raptured by the tide.
Hiding from the crowd.
Meet me by the ocean side.
Let us rapture.
437 · Dec 2017
Triscuit Dec 2017
I woke up this morning to you towering over the foot of my bedframe.


When I stared blankly at my cereal bowl, disinterested and afraid to eat.


I take a shower at a snails pace, petrified of returning to the mirror to be bathed once again in your foul cocoon.


When I leave the house I look down at my feet, to escape the gazes of strangers with motives unknown to me.


As I cry alone in the bathroom stall, not knowing who to turn to for a problem that never leaves.


I just want you to know that you're killing me.

Sometimes life is an unnecessary struggle we are just trying to beat.
416 · Dec 2017
The Excursion
Triscuit Dec 2017
Sunlight swathes the car door window, warming my shoulder with southern heat.
Tunes hum, rattling around in the radio, patiently waiting their turn to serenade me next.
The anxiety coats the air like warm milk in your stomach, clinging to the interior of the vehicle.
Words are few, silence abundant in it's absence, it only pauses for brief discussion.
There is not much left to say, the worst is over. New chapters begin, the fear seeps out and reality creeps in.
. . .
391 · Feb 2018
Just a little bit closer
Triscuit Feb 2018
Everyday I get just a little bit closer to you.
I say things I mean with fervor.
I try drowning you with praise and sincerity.
What do I chase when I've already arrived?
Clock in for another round of small talk.
Who are you when I'm not around?
390 · May 2019
Will they know you?
Triscuit May 2019
We collect words throughout our lives
We share profound thoughts and insignificant snippets
But will they know you when you die?
Will your words still resonate?
Will your thoughts dissolve into the wind?
Or will you forever be interred on a wall, your script timeless in it's verse?
Will they know you when you die?
Just a thought.
384 · Dec 2017
Triscuit Dec 2017
My heart lurches.
I feel the jitters coming on.
Can you taste the acerbic air?

It's so cold.
Your eyes are frozen.
Locked beneath the hull of your anger.

Hit me.
Don't flinch.
The words cut almost as deep as my unkept fingernails.

Apathy rings loudly.
Empathy has yet to resurface.
I choke.

It's over.
Jitters have passed.
The footsteps fade.
Almost there.
377 · Dec 2017
Triscuit Dec 2017
The endless trickle down my neck reminds me of you

The memories like warm honey that dry into a sticky mess on my back, pulling me down to earth whenever the next fall is taken

I can't hold in the rasping breaths that plague me, hyperventilation crushing the base of my skull, a fight for my conscience, my concious

I can't see the end of this now as I know it is near, I can hear it. I can taste the bitter synchrony of our thoughts, and I give my final look

One last trickle, my darkest friend.
337 · Dec 2017
Never Again
Triscuit Dec 2017
Never again will I walk those floors, or will I see the stars in your eyes.
The rooftop romance we once had will dissipate into a soiled garment on the floor, one I left there months before.
You left me in the winter, and I met you years ago in the hot summer scape.
I've evaded this fear too many times until I realized my love was gone and yours was too late.
Never again.
I love you. But you're not coming back, and I don't want you to.
326 · Jan 2018
You'll Never Know
Triscuit Jan 2018
The glance when you turn your head.
Electricity forming in the sockets of my eyes.
You feel like a blanket freshly pulled from the dryer.
The static undying.
I play coy.
Nervousness never known by me.
I feel the escape in your lips.
I feel inadequate.
You never fail to please.
Soft in nature.
Baby, be kind to me.
310 · Oct 2018
Since Then
Triscuit Oct 2018
I haven't smiled with a glimmering passion since then.
The salt water wasn't as pure, but the heat filled my heart.
You weren't so far away, yet you were still many states.
I sigh with incomprehension, I've forgotten my lease and there's so much to do, yet nothing new to see.
I hope I make it in the blistering cold, as I miss who I was but this is who I'll be.
It's time for change, I hope we meet again some day.
When I reach a fervor with the mildest degree of sincerity, I'll be like I was back then.
Moving has been a big toll, emotionally and mentally. I miss greatly the life I had previously. I hope to go back someday and relive the same glory.
304 · Oct 2018
Triscuit Oct 2018
Today was warm, I felt a little bit livelier.
Challenges never cease to erupt from the cracks in the sidewalk like brazen dandelions, the sun a relief after unyielding darkness.
I see a lot of roadblocks, they make me anxious.
The taste of defeat is not foreign, but the saccharine glow of success washes the horizon; set ablaze with ambition.
I want to be better, almost perhaps somebody else.
Today was warm, I felt a little bit happier.
Introversion breeds inward ideas.
304 · Sep 2018
Turning Tides
Triscuit Sep 2018
The I.V. undulates momentarily with life before settling back into motionlessness, liquid still passing through smoothly, coolness flooding the vein.

Is that chill ever deep enough? The one I left with the last time my leg grazed the metal rests of a hospital bed.

Pain is limitless when the mind never rests, crisp white linen tucked thoughtfully around the outline of your sullen frame. Is it you? Or is it them? Who do you blame for the ache?

I remember years ago in a state like this, that I had wondered almost the same. However, back then I would've said, "surely it is you if I feel the sorrow." Now I think I may be to blame. I cradle my emotions like a colicky babe.

Once again a fool to a game that ceases to end, running in circles only to bite my own tail. The monitor hums.

Eyes grow heavy from the weight of obsession, mind on overload, sifting through piles of useless information and intense thought.

Wake up tomorrow to run another race, maybe we'll meet again one day. I'll see you at the finish line.
Left alone in a sea of thoughts.

— The End —