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13.6k · Mar 2020
Jenish Mar 2020
manifested will hide
and hidden will manifest -
life and death playing.
1.6k · Jul 2020
Jenish Jul 2020
I was on a plantain branch
Cra cra… Cra cra.. Craa..
She put her bangles on a rock
Cra cra… Cra cra.. Craa..
Glimpse of gold, shined my eyes
Cra cra… Cra cra.. Craa..
I took it and flew back home
Cra cra… Cra cra.. Craa..
A cry of fury trembling hut,
I wonder why she made that fuss.
With a bit of twinge I shout,
“One I took, three with you!”
Still her rage in frenzy mood,
Crowd is fanning flames to grow,
In my nest it shine and rest,
Golden bangles shining lust.
Then I went back looking around,
To watch the jokers in a run,
But my eyes in surprise hunt,
The bustle of hut in deep slumber.
Oh! Again this gold will turn
me a golden queen of crows.
Another bangle on the rock,
I took it and flew back home.
What a foolish bird I’m!
Fallen on their tricky trap.
They found my nest and climbed up tree,
My two bangles went with them.
1.1k · Jun 2022
A Baby Daffodil
Jenish Jun 2022
A little baby dear Daffodil
Teasing me with her fiddle
Robbing my heart, in my mind
Dancing free, an angel find!

Beneath the way, I belittled shackles
Closing near her, fingers crackles
Alas! A bee, a wilful warrior
Driven me back, a startling barrier.

"Around a month, about an aeon
Waiting for this bud to be born
Away you go, alone that way
The flower is mine, let us play."

Wush! A wind flush my foe
Swirling like a cotton fro
"The flower is mine, away you bee
Longing for the fragrance flee."

While we three, averred free
Behind the tree, the daffodil plea
"Let the wind cuddle my fragrance
And you bee, ******* joyance."

And then the beauty gone with me
Back to home, we walked in glee
Heavenly souls, leaves their virtue
In their kindness, we hold life true.
Daffodil, wind, Bee, Virtue
1.1k · Aug 2020
Exuberant Friendship
Jenish Aug 2020
My ardent faith in you leading me to your divine pond where I will flap my tiny hands and swim with you to the other shore.

streak of pleasure rose
as the swimming lesson grows -
swan and little boy
1.0k · Mar 2020
Dark and Light
Jenish Mar 2020
ravenously ruled the rocky cave for many hundred years
fearfully fled to the firmament when a little lamp brought
693 · Aug 2020
Teats of Love
Jenish Aug 2020
From a distant village, where forest lining the edges, where nature dancing with wild rhythms, where human existence have usual conflicts with minacious wild life, I bought an unparagoned cow.
superbious gait
she glimmered in bright spotlight -
wild domestic breed

In that romantic night, where moon shy to pop out from behind the murky clouds, the queen in the cowshed spend her first night with the howling songs of dogs.
croaking frog's sonnets
blended with loud fearful barks -
greeted the new guest

As the symphony of greetings continued the night and the night after, I was puzzled and forced to look around to meet a vacant sky and under it the haunting darkness.
predawn darkness stood
a veil to my eyes hiding
mysteries of night

Unable to squirrel the burden of anxieties of my quizzical mind, I decided to stay awake to watch the cowshed and my cow under a splendid moonlit night.
mask of truth divulge
laurels stirred in fiery force -
a fine leopard leaped

My abstentious legs dragged back the fleeing heart, and I was rooted trembling as a pole left alone in a cyclone eye.
watchful twinkling eyes
stem the course to silent cow -
fearless mother licked

Astonished to saw the nonchalant cow, licking the beast same her calf, I decided to rend the skies for the jewels of truth behind this precious spectacle of love.
beast lost his wildness
under legs of licking cow -
Leopard lied there low

I took an assiduous journey back to her previous owner with the imagery of a leopard cherished by their benign cow, where I was welcomed by the most baffling story of motherhood.
the truth rushed at last
shivered reminiscence –
fed curious mind

Once a female Leopard lost her way to the erf of human dominance and suffered a pitiful end in their retiform, but before she touched the sacred stream of serenity, a baby was born to the hands of her pursuer.
crying cub was fetched
from dying womb to the barn -
cow turned loving mam

Until the baby Leopard transformed to riotous youth, the halcyon mother cow fed him directly from his teats of love and then one day he was transferred to a faraway forest as an avowal of the law of land.
objections obliged
mother and her son parted -
but distance was dim

Hither to, on every darkest hours of silent nights, the different son visited her foster mother to share his adventures in the distant wild and to cherish the beauty of motherly love and it continues even the mother was transported to another house as the uncouth son followed her to her new abode.
trembled with pleasure
flower of truth opened soft -
fine fragrance of love
553 · May 2020
One-legged Sparrow
Jenish May 2020
One drop fell down, one followed more
Then my count failed, free downpour
From two cloudy eyes, tears wishes feet
My lone miseries, life's endless beat.

On my bay, a sweet sparrow sat
Flown from far, but resting at last
In his beak a thread, thin long
Kept his weight down, started a song .

Weary of singing, he looked over wings
In such small frame, life joyfully blinks
Then I spot his one-legged walk
How shameful my moans, how so dark!

Oh God, tiny wings evinced glee
In his woes, but a king in flee.
542 · May 2020
I Thank!
Jenish May 2020
World of dreams in her *****, pain of the earth bearing with ease
Days and nights were spared in fire, wishes and tastes for her blossom
Oh mothers! Bowing on your angelic gentleness, I thank.
542 · Aug 2020
starts the music
Jenish Aug 2020
swift breeze rolling waves
bamboo flutists trying notes -
symphony in air.
517 · Jul 2020
Jenish Jul 2020
rain rake rattling raft
river roared ravenously -
rider relished ride
498 · Jan 2020
The Dancing Tree
Jenish Jan 2020
Long long ago in a lonely lovely hill
When earth was young, handsome and green
Besides the meadow near the curly winding flow
There stood a tree proudly high and spry.

Swaying and dancing in wheezy pleasy breeze
Never was he still, always in a swing.
Not even a speck, not a little flea
Never allowed any, sitting in his spray.

Winder came to hinder, pouring all her snow
Our tree kept fighting, throwing all his snow.
Jutting high he stood, leafy and green
In the midst of an ocean of falling snowy flakes.

Two little sparrows, flying from the north
Searching for a shade in that minacious wind.
Saw the mighty tree, swiftly they descent
Nestled in his branches to save their little lives.

Before they could settle, hurled to the ground
Without any mercy, our dancing prancing tree.
Again they tried, again thrown to ground
Again and again, bereft of any kindness.

Tired and puffing that little sparrow mother
Sprawled on his feet fighting for her breath.
Two tiny pearls rolled from her eyes
Smelted on his foot with her warmth and pain.

Dazed and watching, the mighty tree stood
Feeling all the pain the little creature bear.
Heavy at his heart, Heavy was his branches
Forlorn and silent, melting hefty heart.

The feathery teeny couple, eyed the tree quiet
Perched on his branches, prudent and happy.
Later on that day, picking twigs and leaves
Weaving with care, they made their winsome nest.

The dotish dancing tree, spying all their actions
Tussled with tempest, stayed there without motion.
Not a single leaf, not a petty branch
Not even a sigh, he uttered without care.

The pair of lovely birds, huddled in their home
Shared lovely blankets, spreading wings and feathers.
Peeping through his leaves and crimson little branches
He watched the birds slept, with a sense of love.
Teeming deep-felt care, bearing flakes and fall
Proud dancing tree, stood there rapt and frozen.
Winter slowly left and the spring was yet to come
The tiny sparrow mother, laid three wonder eggs.

Hugged and rolled in love, day and night in hurry
Feeble tweets and cry, woke the vigilant tree.
Weeny songs of love, doting brush of quills
Tiny goofy beaks, jutted from the nest.

Like a foster father, our tree stood blessed and chilled
Wished to rock and spin, but moved not in the least.
Time kept flying away, spring came dazzling in
Pretty little chicks, learned to flutter and dance.

Rapture spilled around, florets blossomed out
Covered nacarat flowers, stood he shy and blushed.
Chasing flies and bees, singing songs of love
They float around their grandpa, lovely wonder kids.

Swinging salmon fruits, he fed the little birds
Bowing head and pride, with a dancing heart.
The naughty sparrow chicks, poohed on his branches
But the mighty tree, never mind their doodles.

As the wings got stronger, they soared high and far
On the vicinal lands and to the distant shores
Sailing wonder worlds, flying with their dreams
But never forgot to return, for a goodnight sleep.

On to the cerulean sky, not any farewell words
The happy little family, one day flown and gone.
Watching day and night, our doomed dancing tree
Waited for their return, dreadful and as dead.

Sun shed all his splendors to wake and make him happy
Dismal clouds cried, drenching him in showers.
Winter came and poured, covered him in snow
The dancing tree never moved not a single leaf.

From distant snowy clouds chirping sounds he heard
Woken from his slumber, shaking all his snow.
In wheezy pleasy breeze, swayed and danced in glee
Waited for the couple and one more tale of love.
472 · Apr 2020
Death in Disguise
Jenish Apr 2020
Pattering rain shattering on grey road
With grisly green umbrella she troad
In a black attire looking ghostly white
Her red woeful eyes sending fearful jilt.

Watery moon painting yellowish lips
Frozen fear dancing on pink finger tips
Her flowing hair sweeping pain of ashes
An orange lamp blinking passing wishes.

Violet blooms falling from whining trees
Covering brown earth - a graveyard in pleas
Ah nature, dull and dreary, standing still
Her fervid eloquence under blue spill.

My canary cage cried a fearful moan
While eyes shifted, into thin air she gone.
460 · Jul 2020
I Wish To Be..
Jenish Jul 2020
I wish to be the gentle breeze
Sweeping tearful eyes
Of the weary midday flower.
Or to be the horrid shadow
Casting fearful darkness
For a passer-by to rest.
A rippling river of white
I wish to be the one
Drenching thirst of arid earth.
Or to be a dancing wave
Of the mighty sea
Playing with a child.
A guild of fleeting clouds
Hiding splendid sun
For a homeless soul
Or the canopy of green
Thwarting rain for a home
I wish to be the one.
I wish to be a cresset
Guiding glimpse of hope
In the prosaic paths of pangs
Or to be a firefly
In the dim toilsome journey
Of a soul to his divine home.
456 · Jan 2020
Drink and drive
Jenish Jan 2020
endued speed of wind
he crashed to his funeral
drink and drive again!
435 · Aug 2020
Cry of a City
Jenish Aug 2020
Wake! Kokura to a novel world of peace
Under the canopy of dark divine clouds
A million deaths and a zillion days of sufferings
Ah! Flown to a distant land
While the holy hands patting your shoulders
Away Nagasaki crying,
… a loud ghostly cry..

When the fat boy shed fireballs from above
Flitting shadows unable to find a cwtch
Death solidified, melted to florid streams
On a boundless billowy sea of hellfire.
Murky minds killing unknown souls
Burnt alive was innocent, wicked and wise
On their knees, a nation bend
Away victory cried,
… a loud cheerful cry…

Ah! Know me first before you please
to squander guns, grenades or guillotines
At least the cognizant me die in peace,
And a better predilection for your choicest blessings.
Silent guns are a hackneyed dream
Begging only for a better aim
Away hope loath to stop,
.. a loud wishful cry…
433 · Jul 2020
Jenish Jul 2020
queasy queen questions
quirky quail's quivery quacks -
quill quietly quit
416 · Apr 2020
Portrait of my Crush
Jenish Apr 2020
Nipped the brush, picked the paint, let the canvas fill
Oh my crush, like a saint, keep your head still
Let me first, draw the sketch, what a cute face!
Body next, let me fetch, lovely gaze and grace
Lines are made, streaks of color, your portrait is good
Bit of shade, made it duller, a monkey in woods.
405 · Apr 2020
Mind Bloom
Jenish Apr 2020
Little floret, little floret, when will you bloom?
Egging with watchful eyes, I waited in the gloom.
Gentle dreams hit my eyes, missed your secret dance
Engulfed in mystic fragrance, took me into trance.
Drowsy lazy timid mind, one day sure will blossom
Yes that day, spreading fragrance, makes the world awesome.
401 · Dec 2019
Solar Eclipse
Jenish Dec 2019
stern King of days and
sensuous Queen of nights
of Heavenly kingdoms
mating in the sky  
staring above is not wise -
as they may get shy
399 · Sep 2020
The Rescuer
Jenish Sep 2020
Solo bird
Strayed in the
Ocean sky,

Heaven sent
Appeared for rescue.
388 · Jul 2020
surfing on the waves
Jenish Jul 2020
rider bridled wave
carving through the curving crown -
ebullient sea smiled
375 · Jan 2020
Around the world
Jenish Jan 2020
Above sea and dale
I wander the world in a wink –
Mighty speed of mind.
372 · Apr 2020
Spiritual Awakening
Jenish Apr 2020
Like buds open soft,
Mind blooms with no serenade.
But it's pure fragrance,
Reaches distant akin hearts.
The symphony tolling long...
368 · Jun 2020
buzzing wife
Jenish Jun 2020
on the wake of day
ah! I stir her hornet nest -
now longing sunset.
367 · Jun 2020
The bath
Jenish Jun 2020
the effulgent sun
dipping everyday in the
river of darkness.
what lose, burning him as fire?
what blame, he bathing away?
365 · Aug 2020
everyday dubiety
Jenish Aug 2020
twilight in delight
move with sun or stay with moon -
blushed sky painting red
364 · Apr 2020
Little Saint
Jenish Apr 2020
Windy sunny funny days in hurry
In my home I dine and slept in merry
One day from blue landed on my terrace
Lonely dove came ill and still to scare us.

Not a vet to consult in this dark time
Like a drunkard tripping falling at times
When I lend my helping hand for his lift
Angry murmur heard I while he makeshift.

Like a waiter waited with his grand food
Not a stir or happy face my guest stood
No grain no drink he made for four long days
Little dove saint kept on barring my prays.

Prying peeping praying for his prime life
Hearing, stretching wings he fly heaven safe.
349 · Jul 2020
perfect playmate
Jenish Jul 2020
puny pink primrose
pursuing phantom pleasure
pecking playful puff
345 · Apr 2020
Delineating Dawn
Jenish Apr 2020
tearing a black leaf
divine artist painted blue -
sun, clouds, **** and wheel
344 · Mar 2020
An Angel's Teardrop
Jenish Mar 2020
My lazy muse went wandering around
When fallen into my knees, I astound
A cute lady like a coloured teardrop
Fallen from heaven an angel's eye drop.

She sat silent on my lap, I wonder
Shy or timid, what her cute mind thunder
In bright red attire with black beauty spots
An angel's love blot, my muse I forgot.

O lady, from the garden of Eden
Did you come with a tweet from the heaven?
Or to tie my naughty mind on his seat
And to teach me to taste nature at least .

While my thoughts fly far away to the sky
Tiny wings blossoms, ladybird soars high.
341 · Dec 2019
Mother’s eyes
Jenish Dec 2019
I'm the two year old
With white hair and wrinkly skin-
Mother's eyes' magic
336 · Dec 2019
Thank You
Jenish Dec 2019
For the breast milk and the care I thank you:
Oh dear mother earth.
Jenish Jun 2020
for a fresh fragrance
the tender petal bearing -
pang of her life time
Jenish Jul 2020
Bygone days of childhood
I met a pet, a grave and graceful purring cat
My 'Poppy'

Her coquetry
Still sybarite years cherishing
With love

Oh! she
Dusky colour

Bygone days of childhood
Still sybarite years cherishing
315 · Aug 2020
Playing with Wings
Jenish Aug 2020
Rabble of butterflies, fluttering on.
Bluish beauty,
come to me.
Touch me,
my kiss.
Play with me,
sing my soft purr,
Roll with blissful wind's gentle euouae.
310 · Apr 2020
Jenish Apr 2020
Ponder me, I'm the best poetic expression
In yonder world, my father had wrote.
Awful me, I'm the depth of calmness
In buoyant sky, the eye of storm shows.
Fearful me, I'm the lord of darkness
In dreadful night, residing beneath the light.
Cheerful me, I'm the light of lightness
In playful way, children adore to hug.
Joyful me, I'm the pleasure of a new born
In delightful might, when motherly angel nears.
Wishful me, I'm the wise of the wisest
In brightful day, like sun showering his grace.
Colourful me, I'm the blush of the rose
In beautiful hands, picked and worn in romance.
Tearful me, I'm the cry of the heaven
In cloudy day, drowning the earth of hope.
Blissful me, I'm the minute of the minutest
My faithful Lord, allowed to wander in this world.
Humble me, falling into the pit of ignorance
Boasting myself, for impressions in distant hearts.
305 · Dec 2019
Winter Foolishness
Jenish Dec 2019
Wrapped in cloths I watched
Shedding everything she stood -
Foolish winter tree.
303 · Feb 2020
Breeze from the Streets
Jenish Feb 2020
On the streets where striplings beseech
Sweet benign breeze swept my tears dry
For some nibbles, they beg and preach
While some granaries choked and sigh.
300 · Jul 2020
A Tale of Bravery
Jenish Jul 2020
The welcome sun gilded, the mighty seven mountain peaks
As fingers adorned with rings, they lay aloft our eyes
Beneath our feet, the silent sleeping snowy snake
Conquered on the kiss of cold, a cambered frozen line.

The eternal night of valour, written in silver past
Still shining in the faces of unshuffled uniforms of bravery
Twenty daring sons of motherland, in the ticking clock of darkness
On the giddy throng of foes, fallen lightning strokes.

Time was what they need, till the distant succour
They fought an infinite war, fringing their martyrdom
Until the land kisses, the unclouded moment of victory
For the present cradles to sing, made their last salute.
299 · Jun 2020
The Boat
Jenish Jun 2020
the boat to heaven
roving arcanum of life
have truth at the wheel.
285 · Jun 2020
Acid Tears
Jenish Jun 2020
Under the passing smile he nourished his monstrous collusion
Plunder the face, while my shattered mirror fallen in confusion
Hunter shammed in the veil of love, pursued the pleasure of delusion
Thunder struck into a litter pile, driven me to a life in seclusion
Wonder how the hostile acid, deformed my face into exclusion
Sunder my life into an isle, the immense vacuity of illusion.
282 · Dec 2024
Echoes of a Drenched Rose
Jenish Dec 2024
I bent my mind like a bamboo tree to experience the fragrance of her soul, and in return, I received a bouquet of flowers sprinkled with the earthly happiness of love. She opened her rosy heart for me to smell and share until the rain as soft as tears, wiped the imprints away forever. Even the splash of golden sunlight, trying daily to flood the void of my stolen heart, could not succeed, for the wound was larger than anything that could heal.

Petals fall and fade,
heart once bloomed socked in the rain,
wounded heart still ached.
279 · Jan 2020
God’s Gracious Butterfly
Jenish Jan 2020
Go, go my dear butterfly
On to the garden of flowers you go
Don’t ever funk to flutter in wind
‘ll be watching your funny leaps.

So gracious from flower to flower
Gliding and swimming through the air
Rather than flapping your little wings
As an artist you turn and twist.

Coming and going with ease and will
In my garden you dance at thrill
On the flowers you sit as still
Until get full with honey that fill.

Surfeit zest you bring my mind
Buried in your flight I forgot mine
Unto the sky and heaven I soar
To the gracious God, my soul‘ll fly.

Teach me dear this art of flying
Else I lay buried under soil
Raise me with your tiny drifts
From hell to heaven I flit at will.

Like loving God’s Gracious Butterfly
Yonder sky, my dear soul, I will fly!
279 · Jun 2020
Candle of Faith
Jenish Jun 2020
I wish to love you, like the moth for the light,
Flickering your fire and ending on its heat.
I will shed my soft wings before your might
And embrace the grace, melting at your feet.

While the seasons refine, again my wings will sprout
And then with intense love, I will fly around.
Hear my little jingle, Oh! God I devout
If many lives given, on your candle I inbound.
277 · Mar 2020
Love in Dark Woods
Jenish Mar 2020
Grape vine held out her soft hands
Red pine bow down and hold hands
Will they care not my shy look?
Love in dark woods that thrive lands.
275 · Mar 2020
Hurry – Worry
Jenish Mar 2020
Winter shoved soft snow
Summer came in fierce fervour
Passing seasons gone
Joys and sorrows also pass
Never hurry, why worry?
274 · Aug 2020
Glimpse of Truth
Jenish Aug 2020
Golden strings of life singing exuberance of birth
Silver strings of death ringing grievance of fate
Between life and death wandered cotton clouds
Shedding shine of sun or pouring useless tears

Winding mysteries of labyrinths lying ahead
Waiting to tread to a denizen of paradise
O man, your frenzied footsteps of lies sure ‘ll fail
When the holy glimpse of truth in the florid firmament.
271 · Jun 2020
Maze of Mind
Jenish Jun 2020
With timid steps and a trembling heart
I walked through verdant barren paths.
Toward a rusty gate it took my feet
Into a garden of roses among the weeds.
Carmine flowers, dripping in blood
Wrung my heart in pain of fear.
They caught me from every side
With their lithe and sharp thorny fingers.
Raveled in clutches of copious wines
Turning and twisting I struggled to escape.
Evening shades pirouetting ghosts
Trapped in light tracing fiery faces.
Pouring perspiration pooled my feet
Shedding grappling thoughts I decided to run.
Back to the sinuous path,
Away from the puzzle of life,
Till I reached the black bricked wall,
Beyond it I lost my memories,
Maze of mind closing behind me.
265 · Jan 2020
Jenish Jan 2020
Her feathery dress
she lifted and danced in style-
Until flew away.
262 · Jan 2020
Jenish Jan 2020
pale trembling body
mind leaking flames of fire
love fever conquered
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