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24.3k · Jun 2018
Please listen
Semicolon Jun 2018
Hey mom-dad, listen.
Hit me, hate me, throw me out,
But don't shut me up.
My dear mom, my dear dad,
Please listen to me talk.
You're the place where I can unveil myself and be true to who I am.
You're the place where I can pour my heart out and expect to be heard.
You're the place I want to spend my life talking and being heard.
Please don't tell me to shut up
Because I talk too much,
Because no one likes what I speak,
Because I talk *******,
Because no one would listen to me,
Because I need to stay silent sometimes,
Because nobody likes the stories I have to tell,
Please don't tell me to shut up,
Just because that's what I need to do.
Listen to me.
11.3k · Jun 2018
Semicolon Jun 2018
You are made of stardust;
Your skin sparkles the way those stars do.
Your veins are made of the earth;
Your blood blooms flowers and leaves and trees.
Your breaths are made of the air of this planet;
You blow life into this world.
Your mouth, your lips are made of words;
You speak tales that nobody else feels.
Your eyes contain the universe in them;
They have stories to tell and stories to bury.
Your scars are made of the chronicles your life has lived;
They're constant reminders that you've felt emotions nobody has.
You are infinite.
How'd you think it's okay to burn yourself down?
6.7k · Aug 2018
Length (10w)
Semicolon Aug 2018
The length
of my skirt
does not determine
my consent.
No means no.

(This write up is mine but not exactly mine. I read a related quote somewhere– which wasn't exactly this but somewhat related– and then I thought of this)
3.6k · Jul 2018
Purple Tulips
Semicolon Jul 2018
And when I planted
Your best loved flowers on your grave,
I knew I missed you.
And every time I see a bouquet of tulips, I secretly hope it's from you to me.

© Semicolon
3.3k · Jun 2018
Semicolon Jun 2018
There's more to suicide than what we think it is.
It's not just unanswered questions,
sometimes, it's unasked ones.
For all those out there who self harm, please don't do it. Please don't do it, for me. For your family, for your friends, for all those who care, for yourself. You're not alone in this, trust me❤
For all those out there who are battling self harm, I'm so proud of you, keep going. I love
you, and I'm always here for you if you need me❤
For all those out there who help people that self harm, you're doing a great job. You're beautiful and you're going amazing❤
For all those out there who know people that self harm, please help them out. Tell them they're brave. Tell them they're not alone. Tell them you care. Tell them you love them. Give them your hand, they need it❤

2.3k · Aug 2018
Semicolon Aug 2018
Let’s make a boat out of the moon,
Braid these stars into our hair,
Sail this endless galaxy till the end of time,
Breathe in every little fragment of this entirety,
Let’s get lost in this universe.
Let's get lost together.

© Semicolon
2.1k · Apr 2018
Semicolon Apr 2018
.                               “I
                            lo­ok out
                        side the window
                      and there
                   I see the
                moon, and
            that makes
           me wonder,
            ‘why would
              such a beauty
                   always want
                     to hide a part
                       of herself, why will
                             she want to?’
1.5k · Oct 2018
Semicolon Oct 2018
Have you ever seen a sunflower reaching out to the sun, following him wherever he goes?

Or an evening water lily shying away and blushing under her lovely pink at all times when the sun is in the sky?

Have you ever seen a dandelion break herself into countless little pieces and fly away to places unbeknownst, just to make herself full again?

Have you ever seen a rose, apprehensive of what might destroy him, guarding himself with numerous thorns, yet so beautiful that you can’t help but ignore his thorns?

Have you ever seen daisies growing through the cracks in the sidewalk, reminding you to look for beauty even when you can’t?

Have you ever seen flowers? Then you have seen love; for flowers are nothing, but love.
"Flowers are love's truest language"
– Søren Kierkegaard

© Semicolon
1.4k · Sep 2018
Semicolon Sep 2018
The dark silently crawled into the dimly lit corridors, the cabins, and my boss's ***** mind.
The cold breeze gently and mercilessly caressed my shoulders, and my boss my *******.
I shivered from my head till toe, while his greedy gaze scanned me, from my head till toe.
The off-key beeping of a distant computer troubled my ears, and so did his hungry voice.
My incomplete files presented a pretty sight in front of his hands piercing through my self esteem.
Per his routine, he'd played all what he wanted with my body, and left it there to perish.
Next day in the meeting he tells his employees, "this office is your temple."
"Sure," I whisper.
"There are wounds that never show on the body that are deeper and more hurtful than anything that bleeds."
-Laurell K. Hamilton

1.3k · Sep 2018
Semicolon Sep 2018
You're more than
the blade to your wrist,
than the noose to your neck,
than the sleeping pills to your lips,
than the pen to your suicide note,
than the footsteps to the edge of your windowsill,
than the 'broken' to your 'dreams',
than the 'bruised' to your 'heart',
than the 'troubled' to your soul,
than the 'pained' to you.
You're much more than that,
I promise.
"Suicide would never end the pain, it'd just give the pain to someome else."

I love you
I care for you
I always will
I'm there for you
I will always be.

Please always try and help people out of their mess. Today, on 10th September, 2018, World Suicide Prevention Day, I promise to love every troubled soul out there. Do you?

1.1k · Sep 2018
Semicolon Sep 2018
In the end, even
wilted and withered roses,  
are, well, roses too.
Broken doesn't mean not beautiful;
don't let broken mean not beautiful.

1.1k · May 2018
Semicolon May 2018

Will you walk through the daisies with me,

while the moonlight wraps us

in a cold huddle,

making us feel at home?

We can walk barefoot

through the flowers,

while the grass tickles our toes.

We can lay down

and look up at the sky,

while humming your

favourite song.

I can pluck the stars

and sew them into your hair.

I can make you a tiara

out of all the wishes

which the shooting stars carry.

I can lasso the moon

and fix her into your eyes.

I can capture the hush of the night,

and place it in your smile.

We can talk about nothing,

yet everything.

We can be alone

with each other.

We can get lost.

Will you walk through the daisies with me?
Give me your hand, and we can run down the fields, love each other more than the daisies.
868 · Sep 2018
Semicolon Sep 2018
Dawn adorns the sky,
Golden drops of sun ooze through
my window quietly.
The dawn is beautiful, isn't it?

© Semicolon
822 · Sep 2018
Cross (10w)
Semicolon Sep 2018
When you cross my mind,
do you look both ways?
I hope you do, because it's cold and dark
and dangerous in here;
look out, so you won't trip and fall over
a large chunk of my love for you.

754 · Jul 2018
The rain
Semicolon Jul 2018
I am the rain,
Holding my skirt,
I descend from my abode,
To be with you.

I tap on your windows,
Hoping you'd see me,
Waiting for you to embrace me,
So I could be with you.

I wish you would want to listen to me,
To the secrets I have to tell,
And I uncomplainingly wait,
To breathe songs into your ears.

I slide down your hands,
Savouring every little inch of them,
If only you'd wrap me around your fingers,
And make me stay.

But you don't,
And I slither down you,
I glide past your windows,
Flow down your walls,
Drip down every thing that's yours,
I slide away
I was the sadness of the heavens wrapped up in the tears,
You, the happiness of the earth curved up into a smile,
Maybe we were never meant to be.

© Semicolon
735 · Mar 2018
Semicolon Mar 2018
My favourite time of the day
is when it is no longer day;
when night has fallen.

I step out of my house,
into the dark,
waiting to be embraced by the
ineffable love
and consolation
it gives me.

But oh! as the sky begins to
breathe darkness,
so does the world
existing beneath it.

As I walk down the
the night scares me.
I see
shadows lurking round
the corner;
I see
their greedy gaze
piercing through the dark,
running towards me;
I see
their selfish hands
cutting the atmosphere,
extending towards me;
I see
their brutal thoughts
waiting for me
to fall into their trap;
I see
them ***** me,
kidnap me, **** me, **** me;
I see-
I see them leave me

As the night falls,
I run away
from my favourite
time of the day.
679 · Sep 2018
Pens and erasers
Semicolon Sep 2018
And maybe,
I wrote your name
On my heart
In pen
Which is why
I can't erase it.
I remember how you used to be such a big part of my life,
And now you're just gone.
We were meant to be burning bright,
And now we've been incinerated to ashes.
This is not how we planned it, is it?
Oh, now I know why they say
It's all so unpredictable.

618 · Sep 2018
Wounds and scars
Semicolon Sep 2018
I was healing,
The wounds were healing,
The tears had stopped,
The demons had fallen to sleep,
The blood had dried up,
So had the pillows,
I was healing.
But then,
I picked at the scabs,
And I bled again,
And it left behind
A scar.
I was healing,
But now I can't.
I was healing,
But now I have scars.
I was healing,
But not anymore.
The wound healed and closed up, but the scar remained.

601 · May 2018
Always & Forever.
Semicolon May 2018
Dear love,
Every time I think of you, I can't help but thank you in my head,
Thank you for all those bitter sweet memories you gave me,
Thank you for all those moments you spared for me,
Thank you for each time
You looked at me and smiled
Like I was an art to behold,
Thank you making me feel like I deserved love,
Thank you.
Maybe, our happily-ever-after
Wasn't meant to be,
At all.
Maybe, our meant-to-stays
Were here to say
Maybe, all we were,
Was a chapter,
Meant to be
Thank you.
You left,
But the pain still lingers,
And it always will.
Thank you.
Yours, once-upon-a-time,
Thank you.
573 · May 2018
Who am I?
Semicolon May 2018
Am I the demons,
Or the angels in my thoughts?
My scars or my powers?
When they describe me, do they describe me as my strengths, or my weaknesses? Who am I?
547 · Jun 2018
Semicolon Jun 2018
Come, let's
Take a walk down the street
Where the troubled hearts go,
To hush their insecurities;
Stroll along the roads
Where the broken souls go,
To take a breath of life;
Wander around the avenues
Where anxious minds go,
To find solace;
Saunter in the crossroads
Where ripped consciences go,
To heal where they were pricked;
Amble in the places
Where people like us go,
To mend their dreams.
Come, let's take a walk down the
Boulevard of broken dreams,
Shan't we?
I was listening to Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day in the afternoon and got this idea.

488 · Mar 2018
Empty Verses
Semicolon Mar 2018
If my messy letters and my haywire words
don’t speak my stories to you,
if my commas hanging down the lines and my full-stops flying away from them
add no essence to my tales for you,
if my chaos and my strangled thoughts aren’t strong enough
for you to let down your walls,
if all you see in my writing is scribbles,
then, for you, I’m a whole universe waiting to be unfolded…

Read my words,
because their silence would scream my mysteries out to you;
look at those syllables,
they would unfurl my world before you;
feel my scripts,
they would echo the colors I hold within.

Read what I write,
and behold my words paint my worlds before you...
My heart breathes the stories my pen says in words...
484 · Mar 2018
Bleeding Souls
Semicolon Mar 2018
What have I done to help those bleeding souls?

Stood here?
Gaped at them?
Been a spectator to
their eyes swelling up
after shedding gallons of tears?
Seen their bodies
wither away
like the happiness in their smile?
Watched their soul
shatter to pieces,
while they tried to fix it

What have I done to help those bleeding souls?

Felt their cold hearts
turn colder?
Lent an ear to
hear their soul weeping?
Promised them
to be by their side,
unlike their hopes and dreams,
which lay broken
on the ground?

Yes I did; I did
stretch out my arm
to clasp their
hands tighter
than their fears and
insecurities; I did
sing lullabies to hush their
anxieties to sleep; I did
stretch out my hand.

But how wrong I was;
I did not realise that–
they never needed the
sympathy I bestowed upon them,
all they needed was–

What have I done to help those bleeding souls?
478 · May 2018
Our In-betweens
Semicolon May 2018
Somewhere between
Our stolen glimpses,
Our avoided phone calls,
Our empty inboxes,
Our overflowing diaries,
Our false excuses,
Our truthful lies,
Our passionless conversations,
Our emotional poems,
Our unkept promises,
Our treasured secrets,
Somewhere between us,
We lost each other,
And found ourselves.
One day, you'll realise that all the pain made sense. It was here not to break you, but to make you.
Don't lose faith in love. Find yourself, and fall in love.
468 · Jun 2018
Semicolon Jun 2018
The war ended,
The pain stayed.
My condolences to all those who've lost their lives, literally or proverbially.
Unfortunately, all I can do is offer my condolences. I do hope to help in the best way possible, I believe in the power of the pen. Today, if across the globe, pens scribble about the war, I am sure that we'd be able to help.
466 · Aug 2018
(Un)broken home (6w)
Semicolon Aug 2018
My family hangs on loose threads.
My family's not broken,
But **** me if it's any better.
My mom tells me
That the only reason she's in this relationship
Is for my sake.
I laugh and laugh and laugh.
Mom, as if this relationship is of any good to me.
I want to run away,
Away and away and away,
But then, I'm the only one actually stitched deep into this family,
And not just standing there for the sake of its existence.
No, I'm not a child of a broken home,
I'm a child of a house hanging loose.

© Semicolon
465 · May 2018
Semicolon May 2018
It's one of those nights,
When I take off from Netflix,
Dump all those excuses,
Give a break to my life,
And sit down to write
Those little daisies
Tenderly flickering in the air,
Those specks of dust
Warmly mingling with the sunlight in my room,
That last particle of confetti
From the party popper to land on the earth,
That hushed tick tock
Of a forgotten clock on the wall,
That breathy crackle
Sung by a fire under the moon,
The stardust
Enveloping all of us,
It's one of those nights again.
Breathe every little fragment of the entirety that surrounds you, and let it drip through your fingertips on the paper.
459 · Jun 2018
Hope (10w)
Semicolon Jun 2018
I hope that one day,
I would be myself,
There's this feeling,
That I'm happy,
But I'm not,
That my mind is a healthy place,
But it's not,
That I am good enough,
But I'm not,
That I'm still myself,
But I'm not.
There's this feeling,
And it's eating me up.

454 · Nov 2018
Leave (10w)
Semicolon Nov 2018
When you leave,
make sure you
shut the door
© Semicolon
433 · Aug 2018
Last (10w)
Semicolon Aug 2018
Oh dear,
I still save
the last bite
for you.
But what hurts the most is you're never coming back home, to me.

407 · Aug 2018
Roses and thorns
Semicolon Aug 2018
Dreaming in roses,
Living in thorns.
"like the sky
my beloved is everywhere
but next to me"
– Rupi Kaur

278 · Aug 2018
The Ocean
Semicolon Aug 2018
I wish I could be
the ocean,
rise and fall
love and break
scream and whisper
bury and give
shatter and heal
I wish I could be
the ocean,
rise and fall
"We dream in colours borrowed from the sea."

© Semicolon

— The End —