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RH 78 Feb 2015
I looked the other way but saw you coming
I heavily subsidised you and acted on impulse but I saw you coming.
Like a leach unable to find it's own food source I saw you coming but let you take a sip before you could bleed me dry.
You ducked and you dived but I saw you coming.
No fancy footwork though, you tried to bulldoze your way by acting out a false reputation.
No one works for someone who barks. That's your style. A riddle makes more sense than you do.
I saw you coming.
You're a sugar loaf!
I'm golden syrup!
I saw you coming!
Seeing is avoiding!
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
RH 78 Feb 2015
I twist and turn your wheel like a man possessed.
Stamping on the brake
Stomping on the gas!
Turn that lever
Honk that horn
Get me there quick!
You growl back at me!
But then comes the affection
I maintain you.
I polish you and give air to your tyres.

Keep going we will get to the finish line together!
Feb 2015 · 453
Night night sleep tight
RH 78 Feb 2015
It's ok
It's ok
It's ok
I calmly say to you
You're barely two
It's the Middle of the night
Did a noise give you a fright?
Time has no meaning in your young and growing mind.
Did you wake because it was your blanket you were trying to find?
Or did the cold make you quiver?
I wrap you up in my grown up arms to stop any type of shiver.
Your lids flutter and then you realise it's me.
I'll hold onto you until you are as comfortable as can be.
Once you start to dream again I'll rest you snugly in your cot.

You have other ideas....

You have me wrapped around your little finger in case I have forgot!
Feb 2015 · 2.2k
RH 78 Feb 2015
Sorry loses it's definition if the lesson isn't learnt quickly.
Feb 2015 · 729
RH 78 Feb 2015
Jealousy breeds envy but breeding is envious if done lots!
Feb 2015 · 557
Shakespeare now
RH 78 Feb 2015
What would Shakespeare think if he were alive today?
Using hellopoetry as his platform to express all he has to say.
Would he choose twitter to tweet and have a Facebook wall too?
Instead of a using a pen he'd be stuck to his laptop like glue!
Feb 2015 · 2.0k
RH 78 Feb 2015
A blind person sees more than someone with eyes shut.
Feb 2015 · 629
A Mothers loss
RH 78 Feb 2015
Innocent and inebriated.
In the dead of night she staggered.
Young at heart but intoxication excess had made her slightly haggard.
Emotionally charged with deep rooted scars upon her heavy heart.
Shadows clouding judgment her world had been torn apart.
No one knew her plight, her fight, the tragedy she'd faced.
Take the story one year back where the cause is easily traced.
Her little boy of five years old
Alfie was his name
Knocked down by a drunk
Killed stone cold
What an awful shame!
A downward spiral an empty house
The result of a mothers loss
Equating to another drunk
Who couldn't give a toss!
Feb 2015 · 16.5k
Cracked screen
RH 78 Feb 2015
New technology
          Evolving circuitry
                       Shiny quality tactile
                                                  Need it
                                              Want it
                                          Got it
                   New technology
   Swipe swipe gleaming
          Add the apps for gaming
                                              Have it
                                                Played it
                                        Dropped it!
                             Cracked screen
    That's what happened to my
            new technology.
Has this happened to you?
Feb 2015 · 1.2k
Never ending
RH 78 Feb 2015
Hold my hand
Hold me close
Never leave me
My pumping chest
I've never wanted anything as bad as I want you!
The strength
The ease
The passion
Never ending
Never ending!
Feb 2015 · 12.1k
Vikings son
RH 78 Feb 2015
Up on the hill.
Stood the Vikings son.
King of the land.
Now ruled everyone

Flames licked the boat
the cremation took place
The Vikings did gather
pain in their face
Feb 2015 · 308
Who am I?
RH 78 Feb 2015
Who am I
I am neither complete nor the finished article.
I'm a little moody when woken in the night.
I'm not a morning person.
I'm a father
I'm a brother
I'm a son
I'm an uncle
I'm a lover
I'm a companion
I'm a shoulder to cry on
I'm a fault finder
I'm a teacher and guide

I'm just an average man.
Feb 2015 · 307
Over for now.
RH 78 Feb 2015
If I was wrong.
Why did I think I was right for so long?
An argument is all it took.
I felt free and single.
Am I not allowed to look?
You said it was all over.....

Or did you mean over until you decide it's on again?

Now I've given you a real reason to think its over.

You made your decision!

It's ON again!!

Tell me.

Who is wrong?

You or me?

This is crazy!
Jan 2015 · 493
1 up
RH 78 Jan 2015
Come down
Calm down!
No need to frown
Your horse is too high
Touching the sky of morality
My own mortality is all I have left after surrendering to you
Don't let there be a next time
As there is no defence when you commit a love crime!
Jan 2015 · 597
The blanket
RH 78 Jan 2015
Covered from head to toe.
A layer of sweat covered my face.
A pocket of space allowing me to breath a little
I'd been Knocked down like a skittle.
Rocked to the core by the blanket of lies you weaved.
Eventually relieved you jumped again which was your style treating love like a career path.
Jan 2015 · 5.3k
Alien in the bowler hat
RH 78 Jan 2015
Jeremy the green alien
Wore a bowler hat
His favourite sport was darts
And he had a pint with that

He drove a little mini
Made in 1985
It chugged and spurted down the road
The alien could drive!

He was popular with ladies
He stood out from the crowd
He always had one on his arm
Despite not being loud.

But Jeremy was lonely
And sometimes he felt down
His family from the planet plaxo
Never came to town.

Aliens are clever
And aliens are bright
He tinkered with his mini
So that it could take flight

So if you're sitting in the garden
And a mini flies overhead
Think of little Jeremy
With his bowler hat upon his head!

Jeremy visits Plaxo
And flies to earth for dinner
No more sadness anymore
Jeremy is a winner!
Jan 2015 · 450
Idle Arbol
RH 78 Jan 2015
Trees are masters of idleness. Swaying gently in the wind.
Jan 2015 · 2.0k
RH 78 Jan 2015
You know if you are right. If not, back down.
Jan 2015 · 229
Last words.
RH 78 Jan 2015
I couldn't  look you in the eye
Knowing that your Dad was soon to die.
My guts were twisted.
It's "terminal" the doctor said.
It didn't register in your head.
You were just a kid.
Why is my dad blind?
Life is wicked, so unkind!
His last words to you were "I love you son"
I led you away.
You were unaware it would be his final day.
The suffering passed from father to son.
You fell apart.
Too early was he to depart.
No more dad.
A grieving son.
A heavy heart can weigh a ton.
He lives on through you.
Memories and thoughts are never far away.
I will never forget that very sad day!
Death departed sadness love heartbreak
Jan 2015 · 371
Through the needle eye.
RH 78 Jan 2015
Bricks and stone.
                         Magnificent structures.
              Towering above me.

       ­      A glint of light.

A reflection in the Thames.
                              ­ My eyes seek beauty.

An elderly couple hold hands.

                     Sunlight blinds me.

Angels pass me with their halos.

                   Beaming light!

                             Heavy tears.

Ready to drop.

                            Am I invisible?

            Swollen heart.

                             Tired eyes.

Back into the dark.

                             Next time.

Jan 2015 · 1.2k
London rush hour
RH 78 Jan 2015
Bobbom bobbom.
Bobbom bobbom.
Blurred visions outside the window as the world rushes by.
bobbom bobbom
bobbom bobbom
Close to other passengers avoiding eye contact but not knowing why.
bobbom bobbom
bobbom bobbom
Time to plot my exit plan as the train slows to a stop.
bobbom bobbom
Schuuum...... Thdddd
Another London rush hour
Squeeze past giving apologetic looks to those I've trod on or knocked.
Jan 2015 · 919
My girl
RH 78 Jan 2015
Every time you look at me I melt a little more.
Wrapped up in your innocent face.
You idolise me.
My smile makes you smile again and again and again!
Arms outstretched I need no excuse to lift and protect you.
Absolute pure beauty.
A living doll.
My girl.
Jan 2015 · 641
RH 78 Jan 2015
Holland park to Queensway
Safe as houses
North Acton to White City
Stay on the train
Finchley Road to Wembley Park
"All change please"
"This train terminates here"
West Ham to Star Lane
6 minutes to walk 6 minutes to wait.
Elephant & Castle to Lambeth North
IWM you know what I mean!
East to West North to South
Oyster at the ready!
O I love it!
Jan 2015 · 22.8k
RH 78 Jan 2015
Box fresh protectors.
How can 2 items take such a pounding day in day out?
My feet are safe in their leather enclosures.
Bound up like 2 Egyptian mummies.
Jan 2015 · 663
RH 78 Jan 2015
Side lined by sudden lines in the form of eye lines. Should a new line be drawn under it? Maybe not . I'll make a B line the next time so I fall in line as my shoes shine.
Jan 2015 · 395
RH 78 Jan 2015
Annoyance after misunderstanding negative comments which results in a lesson that sometimes nothing really has become something. Breathe. Life meanders on!
Jan 2015 · 3.1k
The Sloth
RH 78 Jan 2015
The sloth is the most delightful creature.
It's smiling face is an endearing feature!
Jan 2015 · 3.4k
The lift (elevator)
RH 78 Jan 2015
The lift is a truly marvellous creation
It moves people via elevation.
Jan 2015 · 550
Pure Primal Instinct
RH 78 Jan 2015
The silence of night
Interrupted by light

The calmness of day
Corrupted by a ray

The stillness of time
Interrupted by a crime

The innocence of a kid
Taken and hid

Small voice
Little choice!

I will always protect my child's innocence
For danger can lurk in unexpected places in this dark world.

Take heed.

I will watch, look over, guard, nurture, strengthen, bolster, teach, advise, protect, fight for my kids!

I promise a childhood of love and laughter!

Touch my kids and I will swoop down like a hawk hunting a mouse and I will tear you limb from limb! For there is no greater bond in the world than the bond between parent and child.

Pure Primal Instinct.
Jan 2015 · 771
RH 78 Jan 2015
The bridge of trust smashed by bad judgement. It was made of bamboo anyway. A stone bridge would have stronger foundations to withstand this indiscretion.
Would the deep cracks limit it's resurrection?
I've rebuilt my side of the bridge but your side has drifted away down stream due to the earlier misconstruction.
The shaky understructure unable to withstand the bamboo obliteration.
Jan 2015 · 378
Seven years
RH 78 Jan 2015
Seven years
Years of tears
Tears of a joy
Joy of life
Life of fun
Fun times
Times were wasted
I was wasted
Why did I get wasted?
Jan 2015 · 1.8k
Snake attack pt1
RH 78 Jan 2015
Slithering snake skin over my arm
Will this creature cause me harm?
It tightens it's grip I stand dead still
I'm at it's disposal it's programmed to ****.
I gasp for breath it slides round my back.
I realise then that I have to attack.
Jan 2015 · 2.1k
Warped mind
RH 78 Jan 2015
Mind gone wild
Calm down!
Keep your cool!
Why do I have to tell myself that?
Mind corrupted like an old computer system?
Cranium struggling to keep up with the sub conscious decisions being made by instinctive body movements.
What are you looking at?
Head shakes again to rid it of the dark thoughts inside.
Deep breath
Still there
Lash out
Blood drips
How did it come to this?
Am I going mad or already insane?
That's not me in the mirror!
I smile again
Jan 2015 · 3.2k
RH 78 Jan 2015
Aching belly
Aching back
That's better!

What shall I wear?
Go informal I tell myself
Blend in.

I think it's time to leave for work.

Don't forget to lock the door
Don't forget your phone

**** I forgot to put out the *******!
Jan 2015 · 937
RH 78 Jan 2015
These words are not mine
These words are not yours
No one owns them
We can reorganise them
We can restructure them
Everyone can use them
Some words mean everything
Some words are meaningless
No one can deny them.
One Word to comfort.
One Word to cause harm.
These words have been regurgitated a trillion times before.
We will use them again.
Jan 2015 · 10.1k
RH 78 Jan 2015
I never met you
I didn't take the call
We never crossed eyes
We didn't have lunch
We never touched
We didn't rush
You had been honest
I hadn't been so stupid
He never knocked on the door
The truth never came out
I made a different choice.
Jan 2015 · 3.8k
RH 78 Jan 2015
So much waste.
When will it stop.
Too many people letting it drop.
Streets full of litter.
******* galore.
Crisp packets cigarette butts.
All over the floor.
Think before you throw.
The ******* piles will grow and grow.
Jan 2015 · 763
The Beast part 1
RH 78 Jan 2015
Its eyes were red with rage.
Water dripped from the cage.
Locked inside with nowhere to hide.
The monster was centre stage.

Its claws as sharp as razors.
captors were armed with tazers
Then came the silence followed by violence.
This monster was quicker than lasers.

Those who were left stood frozen with fright as the monster ran off into the night.
Jan 2015 · 1.4k
RH 78 Jan 2015
An unfinished conversation from a turbulent time
The unfinished drops of a glass of red wine
Each unfinished task you moved on from
It was unfinished business when you were long gone
An unfinished dinner I could no longer swallow
The Unfinished sentence I failed to follow.
The relationship unfinished long after the love had diminished.
Unfinished love relationship failed
Jan 2015 · 290
Say it
RH 78 Jan 2015
"Eloquently put"
Said the man with one foot.
"Righty **"
Said the man with no toe.
"Fantastic singer"
Said the man with half a finger.
"What the heck?"
Said the man with a long neck.
"It goes over there"
Said the man with green hair.
"Knock in the pegs"
Said the man with short legs.
"Time to get going"
Said the man who was rowing.

Does it matter what they said?
All had one thing in common.
They had something to say.
Jan 2015 · 2.5k
RH 78 Jan 2015
Cancer sticks.
Burning lungs.
Smelly breath.
Yellow teeth.
Hanging out of a mouth like a silly clown prop.
Take a drag
Tar smothering the lungs limiting their functionality.
Cool look when you're 12!
Hell at 42 when the lungs no longer function and your body is poisoned by the uncool part of a *** you can't see!
Jan 2015 · 313
What if?
RH 78 Jan 2015
What if I never met you?
What if I didn't take the call?
What if we never crossed eyes?
What if we didn't have lunch?
What if we never touched?
What if we didn't rush?
What if you had been honest?
What if I hadn't been so stupid?
What if he never knocked on the door?
What if the truth never came out?
What if?
Jan 2015 · 607
RH 78 Jan 2015
The touch of your hand on the back of my neck.
The smell of your perfume after you've gone.
The feeling of love when we kiss.
The warmth of your body when you cuddle up close.
You smile.
I smile.
I close my eyes.
You are always on my mind.
The familiar sound of your Spanish accent.
No one else comes close.
No one can make me feel the way you make me feel.
You consume me.
I love you.
Jan 2015 · 1.3k
Daily grind
RH 78 Jan 2015
The daily grind
Is on my mind
Not all the time
But on Sunday night
I will recite this rhyme
So I can sleep tight
And not fret
So I get
Jan 2015 · 525
Looking back
RH 78 Jan 2015
If I knew now what I knew then
I would have done it all again
Again you ask?
What do i know?
I knew in time that I would grow
Grow you say. Grow into what?
That my son i have forgot.
All I know is now I'm older
I have become less bolder
I've lived life
I used to take a chance
I used to dance
I used to run free
I was blind to what I couldn't see
I used to jump high
I used to Laugh until I was forced to cry
I loved and lost
I fell asleep out in the frost.
I made mistakes.
I skinny dipped in rivers and lakes
I have no regrets
It's your time now.
I live on through you!
My son, do all the things you want to do and always stay true to you.
One day you too will know what I knew before the day I met you.
When you look back as I do, you too will understand the unconditional love that I have.
For you are a reincarnation of me.
Your dad.
Every step
Every moment
Every event
Every time you need help
Every tear drop
Every achievement
Every failure
I will always be there!
Dec 2014 · 267
Life and Death
RH 78 Dec 2014
Death is life as life is death
Keep on going till your very last breath
Keep on going till you breathe no more
No more breath fear not death
Fear not life
It's too short
Live life love life
till your last breath
Life breath death fear lifeistooshort
Dec 2014 · 1.7k
Work bullies
RH 78 Dec 2014
A willing volunteer
It was out of my hands
Not my choice
No regrets.
Should have seen the signs
Went in blind
Naive to think I could trust you
My style never changed
You lured me in
For your own hidden agenda
Massaged my ego
I kept my options open
You found out
You took it personally
You took it the wrong way
I broke your trust
You sought revenge
I read the signs
You tried to trick me
You turned the tables
Hindered my growth
Made me a scapegoat
Damaged my reputation
Stitched me up
Left me out on a limb
You acted on impulse
You spoke too soon
You showed your cards
I held the aces
I made sacrifices to meet the target
I made mistakes
I left myself exposed
You thought you were clever
I knew your next move
You couldn't predict what was coming next.
You never chose me
I was rejected
Not valued
Not appreciated
Shame on you and your accomplice
Exposed for what you are
A pair of bullies
No turning back
I've had enough
I'm going
You grin
I saw through it
I'm no clown
I'm just a fool for exposing my weaknesses to a pair of manipulative *******!
My character traits twisted to bolster your own selfish positions.
Surpression is the lowest form of greed threatened by my presence.
I'm no longer your target but now direct competitor.
Watch your backs
I'm on a mission to crush your egos to mush you pair of ******!
I will Expose you for the clowns you've become.
Blowing smoke up each other's arses does nothing to build up the team.
A dog will always bite if provoked.
Dec 2014 · 1.4k
RH 78 Dec 2014
There's no going back
Tick tick tick
Hands pass
Tick tick tick
The sands in constant motion
Tick tick tick
Features change
Tick tick tick
It waits for no one
Tick tick tock
I have none of it
Tick tock tick
Mustn't waste it
Tock tick tick
Dec 2014 · 2.1k
RH 78 Dec 2014
They roll.
The close.
They're near my nose.
They wink.
They weep.
They dream when I sleep.
Windows to the soul.
Pupils black as coal.
I see all sorts.
They are the gateway to my thoughts.
I cherish my eyeballs!
Dec 2014 · 899
Another day (hey)
RH 78 Dec 2014
Another day
Another night
Another morning
Another journey
Another face
Another job
Another sandwich
Another missed opportunity
Another chance
Another frown
Another light
Another queue
Another crowd
Another beep
Another station
Another drink
Another deep breath
Another groan
Another moan
Another half smile
Is this life?
I see my kids
I feel alive
They are what I once was
Full of promise
Bright eyes
Life bottled
Keep it!
Moments in time I will cherish forever.
Gone but never forgotten
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