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733 · May 2015
The Snow Child
moss May 2015
Skin made of frost
Hair made of snow
Thought to be lost
But only she knows

Dashes around
Quick as her fox
Never is bound
But destiny knocks

The cold gives life
It pumps her heart
Never caused strife
Love tore her apart

It took her down
Though she was warned
She falls and drowns
When a child is born

And as she melts
Without the cold
She knew she felt
What she had been told
Inspired by Eowyn Ivey's novel The Snow Child. What a beautiful story! **SPOILER ALERT** It's a classic Russian fairytale about an old couple without children and they build a snow child that comes to life, but this is taken to a whole knew level. In the novel it depicts a variation of the story where it ends with her falling in love and melting, but instead of her dying automatically, it's after she's given birth to a child and domesticated too long. It has a bitter sweet ending, but it is truly a beautiful story. It is definitely one of the best books I've ever read.
724 · Oct 2016
moss Oct 2016
for any meaning to flow through my fingertips
or for flowery words to pass my lips
it seems I must experience a personal apocalypse
or lose myself in romantic feelings' grips

falling apart, my world crumbles
each breath I take, a catastrophic stumble
my motivation hardly mumbles
my brain maintains a senseless jumble
and the words seep through my pores

falling in love, my world glows
each breath I take, my jubilance grows
my motivation never slows
my brain maintains a continual flow
and the words seep through my pores

so which is it today?
well who's to say?
maybe it all sounds too cliche.
at least I'm writing anyway.
"I write best when I am either falling in love or falling apart."
-Rudy Francisco
693 · Dec 2015
the living and the existing
moss Dec 2015
if life is for the living
as I've heard it said
I hope that life's forgiving
because I often feel so dead

my lungs inflate and deflate
my heart beats in my chest
but locked inside a prison gate
and so deprived of rest

the birds sing their happy tune
but my ears have shut out sound
at night I look out to the moon
when in darkness I am bound

there is no large bolder set on me
just pebbles piled up to sky
from underneath I can't get free
I've no control, my hope's a lie

sometimes I feel everything suffocating
sometimes I feel empty and deserted
I can't decide which and it's frustrating
so I keep my faltering attention diverted

I know I'm not the only one who feels this way
so please tell me, if life is for the living
why do we put ourselves through this every day
if we know being alive is more than just existing?
686 · Nov 2015
Metastasizing Melancholy
moss Nov 2015
everyday his melancholy metastasizes
as he grow exponentially emotional
and their words continue to tantalize
until his feelings are unproportional
they are split up and segregated
happy to the right, sad to the left
and though they were once integrated
all that he feels now is depressed
678 · Jun 2015
distraught by the plot
moss Jun 2015
and sometimes she thought
all her life had ever wrought
was a thickened plot

and tied in a knot
she wondered if she would rot
every time she fought

and she was distraught
that she might never be caught
she was always fraught

and she hadn't taught
herself all the things she ought
so sickness she bought
667 · Feb 2015
Love is Not the Same
moss Feb 2015
His voice is the wind in the trees
It is the ocean crashing on the soft sand
His voice is the sweet, sweet breeze
Brushing up against my cold hand.

His life is a shining star
It breathes the life into my lungs all day long
His life keeps my hear in a jar
Holding all my dearest tears.

My love is a hurricane
It keeps me held down out of the fear of shame
My love brings me only pain
For my lover does not feel the same.
663 · Apr 2015
Anatomical Heart
moss Apr 2015
He thumps in your chest
Never stops to rest
Beat and beat
From head to feet
Keeps you going
Keeps blood flowing
Pumps life in you
'Til your life is through

Despite his cause
He recieves no applause
For he's to blame
For all our pain
But is that true
If only we knew
The anatomical heart
Isn't the one tearing us apart

He does his job
Doesn't blab his gob
And yet we gloat
On our scapegoat
We point our flaws
Against all laws
And he is the defendant
Still we are so dependant

He says, "I'm full of reason.
I've comitted no treason.
If you feel drained,
Accuse the brain.
She always gets away with it.
It makes me want to have a fit.
She toys with your emotions.
I've created no commotion."

Feeling comes from our mind
So next time try to be kind
Because the atomical heart
Is an important body part
And you wouldn't want to beat it down
Then one day find that it has drowned
In your false accusations
Made by your frustrations
658 · Feb 2015
She Went Numb
moss Feb 2015
She was a volcano waiting to erupt;
She was a hurricane barely kept off the shore.
And when she fell to the ground,
And shattered into a thousand shards of hurt,
They did not understand why
Because she had become so good at hiding.
They told her to keep it together
And she followed their orders well.
She kept her feelings hidden from the world.
And after a while, it became too hard,
So she started to keep her feelings from herself.
And after a while, she became confused.
She didn’t remember how to feel anything;
She didn’t remember if she could.
And everyone else thought she was fine.
They applauded how well they thought she was doing.
But they did not know what they had done.
They trapped her in a cage and bolted the gate,
Not caring if the rusty bars tore her flesh,
And she sank along the wall as she tried to catch
A gulp of air polluted by the words of others.
She listened as they chanted their rhymes
About stick and stones as she thought about
All her broken bones.
They didn’t understand why she was lonely
When a swarm of people came at her
From every side of her body.
But she felt like a whale in a school of clown fish.
They told her to be herself
But she knew deep down that
That was the last thing they wanted her to be.
She let them pour her into a mold
That they wanted everyone to fill,
But when she got worn out of being numb
She couldn’t remember how to feel.

She tried to feel something, anything,
Even if it was pain,
But she couldn’t remember how.
It had become too late.
648 · Oct 2016
my sunrise
moss Oct 2016
sometimes the only thing
that keeps me going is the sunrise.
most mornings, I wake up and my
first thought is that I wish I hadn't, and
nothing is going the way I wish it would.
but then I see the sunlight piercing through
holes in the clouds and all of the colors
fading together as if the brush strokes
had just been wiped away, and I
feel as if my lungs are being inflated with oxygen for the first time,
and I feel as if everything is going to turn out okay.

I feel like that when I see you, too.
it was supposed to be kind of shaped like a sun peeking over a horizon but that didn't turn out so well lol
629 · Sep 2015
Grass Stains and Mud Spots
moss Sep 2015
Green smudges on a child's knees
As he falls into the grass
After playing in the trees

Dirt puddles on a child's pants
From rolling in the soil
But no one takes a second glance

Grass stains and mud spots
The wounds of a child's play
Maybe if our scars were only that
We'd all be okay
607 · Aug 2015
One Week of Sanity
moss Aug 2015
One week left
'til school starts
One week left
'til I fall apart

Preparations begin
for sleepless nights
Frustrations give in
to haunting frights

Anxiety skyrockets
in my weary mind
Checking all my pockets
to see if I can find


*Just a little bit longer
Of having sanity as an option
I'm not ready for school to start. Please notify me if you know where to find and how to hire a time lord.
586 · Dec 2015
obstructed airway
moss Dec 2015
anxiety stampers on my stomach
worry hampers with my heart
in my throat there lies a hummock
slowly tearing me apart

as it sits there, suffocating
obstructing my wounded airways
my mental health begins degrading
and leaves me in a foggy haze
585 · Nov 2015
Fog Blockade
moss Nov 2015
a gray fog cloaked the small town
and in its mist, the people drowned
though none of them would ever frown
but they were broken and worn down

as they watched the colors fade
the town was sheltered in its shade
melancholy is where they stayed
until they were buried by the *****

as life grew dismal, they turned their faces
and continued to run their daily races
so none acknowledged the changing places
as they were bound by conformity's braces
584 · Jan 2016
moss Jan 2016
She asked me if I wanted to go
I told the truth, I told her "no"
I'd much prefer to stay right here
And if I could, I'd disappear
Well, she got mad and asked me "why"
She said that I don't even try
I said I couldn't handle crowds
They close me in and scream so loud
She scoffed and said "oh, that's the case"
With disappointment on her face
"It makes it difficult to breathe
When closed in tight, the people seethe
I hear my heartbeat in my hand
My legs , they shake, and I can't stand
I try to hide, but don't succeed
People notice, my faults decreed"
"Well, this is how you learn," she said
Which hit me like a brick of lead
I said, "No, that's not how it is
You think you are, but you're no wiz"
"You should go out; you're a recluse
To socialize is no abuse
Face your fears, and live you're life
You're causing everyone such strife"
Even if I wasn't afraid
I'd still prefer quiet and shade
I guess I'm going anyway
Here comes another stressful day
582 · Oct 2015
one through twelve
moss Oct 2015
"there are never enough hours in the day"
a thought that consumes many with dismay
so many joys continue to decay
as we watch our lives waste away
one through twelve is where we stay
slowly vigor turns to grey
579 · Feb 2016
gray day
moss Feb 2016
the sky is gray and cloudy
it's cool but not too cold
my world is resting soundly
safely and controlled

my blanket's warm and cozy
don't make me leave my bed
please go and don't be nosy
while I revisit books I've read

this kind of day makes me smile
and makes the world seem sweet
so please just let me be a while
this time is such a treat
enjoy this elementary-school-level poem about today
576 · Sep 2015
After the Rain
moss Sep 2015
clouds bring me
your deluge for I am
parched. this well has gone
dry, and I have nothing left to give,
so water me with your life and let me
live lushly. let my leaves become dark green
instead of this dry brown that crumbles at any
touch. pump my wilted stems with energy
to power my brilliant growth towards the
shinning blue sky that will gratefully
occur after the rain.
562 · Aug 2015
I Am No Bird
moss Aug 2015
I am no bird
I cannot fly in the clouds
and I do not grovel on the ground
trying to trick slimy worms

no net ensnares me
you cannot keep me enslaved
and I will not stay here in your cage
pleading for your sympathy

I am a free human being
never shall I kneel before you
and you can never make me bow down
praising your indecency

with an independent will**
never shall I let you decide
and you can never govern my life
ruling with your tyranny
"I am no bird, and no net ensnares me; I am a free human being with an independent will." - Jane Eyre (Charlotte Bronte)
548 · Oct 2016
Slow Down
moss Oct 2016
The clouds are passing quickly
Too fast to say hello
The world is rushing past me
And I'm still stuck in slow-mo
538 · Oct 2015
dear novels,
moss Oct 2015
envelop me with your yellowed pages
as I read of stories throughout the ages
let me melt into your printed letters
and wash them away like stormy weather
let me sink into your wondrous words
until my wounds are mended and cured

oh please, dear novel,  be so kind
and let me escape my wretched mind
my weary eyes have not the strength
to focus for your extended length
the voice that reads inside my head
has grown so brittle and nearly dead

so allow me, I beg of you, only to be
a part of your tale, and I'll be free
516 · Jun 2016
read my mind
moss Jun 2016
I want you to know
But I don't want to tell
I want you to hear
But I don't want to speak
I want you to see
*But I don't want to show
513 · Nov 2015
ninety hours
moss Nov 2015
ninety hours and I still can't sleep
can't close my eyes, no not a wink
melatonin still does not seep
into my brain. I'm on the edge, the brink
of plummeting fully into this wretched insanity.
I am no longer inside of my body, though
it does not make sense. what is this calamity?
this beast that eats my sleep continues to grow
day after excruciating day.
attempting to live, I fill my veins with caffeine.
all my nights I hope and pray
for some powerful force to pry away this screen
that keeps me away from my dreams
where at least my pain isn't real
and at least people aren't deaf to my screams
when everything is what I deeply feel
including my heart dragging its feet along, loosely tied to my lungs
and my head. all I hear is thump-thump
the throbbing as I fall down the rungs
of a ladder I'll never be able to climb
and no one I know understands how
I spend hours under the moon, calculating the time
to see how much I might get "if I fall asleep right now"
but I never can because my mind is boisterously loud
and though I plead with it to just calm down
it's volume remains as that of a needy crowd
so in the sleepless noise, I continue to drown...
I have chronic insomnia, and the longest I have been without sleep is ninety hours. I did not, however, write this then because I was not even functioning, making that impossible. I wrote this yesterday when I was at about 34 hours.
506 · Aug 2015
the space between my words
moss Aug 2015
the things left unspoken
live in the space between my words
the little area of nothingness
is not really all my world
all you can see is a blank space
you can't look into my thoughts
but maybe, only if you could
you'd see I'm just a knot
but just because I can't express it
doesn't mean it isn't there
*the galaxies inside of me
aren't so simply shared
503 · Jan 2016
pastel people
moss Jan 2016
they are the decorations for baby showers
and the gardens that are filled with flowers
they are the calm aesthetic of quiet hours
and the bricks that build princess towers

they are the clouds that fill the sunrise
and the warmest, mid-day, sunny skies
they are the bittersweet goodbyes
and the scent of grandma's cherry pies

it seems that they are colored in pastel
but their tender act may be a shell
and you may not be able to tell
because they have you under their spell
People are so fake.
495 · Feb 2015
Going Under
moss Feb 2015
Silent waves, sparkling sea,
Happiness and plunder,
It all turns to gloom and doom,
As I realize: we're going under.

Overboard! Overboard!
Try and learn to swim!
Sharks and fish,
Make a wish,
As you're slapped by fins.

Crying, praying,
Trying, fraying,
Way to take a chance.
Up 'til now you had no clue,
Life was so precious.

Now it grows dark and dreary,
Farther that you sink.
Until now, you've held your breath,
But you let it go and wonder:
Should I have given up just now,
Or tried a little harder?
moss Apr 2016
I just want to sleep, but I fear my dreams
That always carry me to startling extremes
Where tears and blood flood the streams
Where air's polluted with children's screams

Sometimes, I briefly feel nicer things
I'll feel like a bird with feathered wings
But then I'll remember the puppet strings
And all the turmoil that they bring

Then, at times, I remember nothing at all
And I wake up feeling like a limp rag doll
Staring blankly at an empty wall
Without motivation even to crawl
I found this in the notes on my phone. Sorry, I haven't been on in a while... I've had a severe lack of motivation to do anything except lay in bed.
488 · May 2015
the here and now
moss May 2015
it seems, these days
in many ways
i spend so much of my time

i don't know how
but in the now
i'm never really content

you'd think i'd know
the ebb and flow
but i'm still not quite caught up

i look, i stare
just everywhere
to see what the people do

maybe i should
if only i could
start living my own life soon
488 · Dec 2015
The Invariant
moss Dec 2015
Occasionally I inquire what it'd be like to be
A mind as shallow as those around me

They never think of anything unusual
Nothing that they haven't heard before
Nothing they aren't told to, nothing crucial
They never search for keys to unopened doors

How boring it must be to live in such a brain
Where imagination simply doesn't exist
Where all that they dream up is purely plain
And nothing ever has an unexpected twist

They don't ask questions that don't have answers
They can't stand stillness and never stop to ponder
All that they speak is meaningless banter
They refuse to open their minds to galaxies of wonder

But every once in a while I get curious
Until I'm quickly reminded of their invariance
I hope people get less superficial after high school, because this is excruciating.
486 · May 2020
Numbers and Hungers
moss May 2020
I stepped on the scale the other day.
It startled me in an unpleasant way.
What the number was, I'd rather not say.
Doesn't seem like you'd care anyway.

But it bothered me, and I know why.
Not the weight on my *** or thighs,
But the weary look inside my eyes,
As I gaze in the mirror, pinch my flesh, and sigh.

Effortlessly, I lose my appetite,
Without putting up any kind of fight.
My insides grumpled through the night,
But I refuse to take a bite.

My therapist thinks it's about control,
Something deeper within my soul.
The hunger makes me feel more whole,
But it slowly begins to take its toll.

I learned to enjoy the weakening pain,
Feeling the blood slow in my veins,
Any movement, a forceful strain,
But it makes sense inside my brain.

Feeling cold in a warm room is a success,
But I am not quite able to express,
Why I keep coming back, why I regress,
When I feel the slightest stress.
481 · Mar 2015
Pedaling Backwards
moss Mar 2015
you loosened your grip
let the blood run back
into your white knuckles
and you let it slip through your fingertips
you knew what you were doing
you told yourself it was for the best
you let yourself feel lonely
you needed time to rest
but now you're looking back
the past is always viewed
through the rose-colored glasses
that you wear upon your face
you long for what you once held dear
though you thought you had moved on
so take your glasses off
stare into your own reflection
remind yourself why you left it
because pedaling backwards
doesn't reverse your bicycle
it  only prevents you
from moving forward
#life #past #end #rest #lonely #bicycle #reverse
475 · Jun 2015
Brighter than Night
moss Jun 2015
What a wondrous delight!
We have conquered the night!
Oh, this glorious light,
Has driven off our fright!

But- gosh golly- oh my!
Have you seen the bright sky?
Do not worry or sigh,
For today, we will fly!

In the clouds, we will soar!
High up, above the moor!
Oh, how the sea will roar,
When we're far past the shore!

Come now, and please do follow!
There's not time tomorrow!
Do not sit and wallow,
But fly like the swallow!

Fly now, my bird,
**For we shall never know
When the skies will close.
Sometimes we spend so much time comparing how good something is to other good things. But sometimes to enjoy the present good, you must compare it not to the brightest day but rather the darkest night. Change your perspective.
470 · Oct 2015
Longing for Home
moss Oct 2015
There's a place I  visit in the back of my mind
It doesn't exist, but I think they call it "home"
Here I am not so easily bound and confined
And I am free to walk wherever I wish to roam

Wistfully I long for the refreshing rains
Accompanied by soft sunlight and a gentle breeze
That sweeps over the lush, green plains
And fills the forests of sky-scraping trees

The daisies and snapdragons blossom all year
Even when covered in a blanket of pale snow
The vibrant colors make the world seem so clear
And every surface gleams and glows

God's great palette paints the endless sky
Soaring beyond the horizon are birds in flight
The clouds are tinted, dipped, and dyed
And fade as stars encompass the night

If you're special, I might imagine you there
But I usually travel by myself, all alone
Where I can breathe in the fresh, sweet air
In the safest and most freeing place I've ever known

The only problem with my hideaway and escape
Is that it is indeed a hopelessly false reality
I plead to see its likes in any form or shape
But must abandon my grave irrationality
457 · Jul 2015
moss Jul 2015
Sometimes when I look in the mirror
I feel like I am not what I see
The whole world might run in terror
If they were to truly see me

See, all I do is live in this shell
This isn't who I really am
I only need a dark place to dwell
This show I give is just a sham

I'm not a lump of organs and flesh
That eats and walks and ***** in breath
With this body, I can't seem to mesh
Maybe that's why I do not fear death

In my conscious mind is where I live
Trapped here inside my aching skull
If you would see what I have to give
I may no longer seem so dull

It's not my brain that's the hurricane
It's only me, a parasite
Here inside this host of cellophane
Always in invisible plight
Look at ME! No, not my face, not my mask, not my shell... please look at ME.

"Take away this mask of flesh and bone, and see me for my soul alone." - Hannah Baker (a character from Jay Asher's novel 13 Reasons Why)
450 · Jan 2016
Invisible Ink
moss Jan 2016
sometimes she collects her tears
and uses them as ink
so when it dries, it disappears
hiding what she thinks
with erased evidence of fears
no one even blinks
yet she is not what she appears
and deeper still she sinks
443 · Oct 2015
light years away
moss Oct 2015
when my mind is
light years away, I feel as though at any moment
my physical body could be launched into space
so that I might be
whole again
442 · Nov 2015
moss Nov 2015
my mind is always filled up with clutter
like butterfly wings, my thoughts flutter
back and forth they go from this to that and back
overthinking leads to constant anxiety attacks
every minute, sound, every little noise
distracts me, breaks down my temporary poise
no detail ever escapes my acute notice
making it nearly impossible to focus
I cannot simply think of just one thing
for there are far too many connecting strings
that tie me to brand new topics that start rolling
as I keep the old thoughts still ongoing
sometimes I almost enjoy it
other times it makes me have a fit
but oh well, it's just me and my brain
until I'm kicked out by a migraine

so what? my head's a little bit scattered
but is that really always what matters?
436 · Jun 2015
Unspoken Spade
moss Jun 2015
I often want to tell you,
But, you see, I'm too afraid.
So I go and live my life
The host of a masquerade.
One day, I'll lie in my grave
Buried by the earth and *****.
Regret things I never said
And all the mistakes I made.

*Words left unspoken
Will bury you alive.
426 · May 2015
Inevitable Asphyxiation
moss May 2015
When I am near
I lose my breath
In a swift movement

When I am gone
I lose my breath
In a slow suffocation

Both are excruciating
But I can't seem to decide
Which is worse
425 · Feb 2015
What am I to Tell?
moss Feb 2015
What am I to tell my soul,
When the stars are out of reach?
What am I to tell my heart,
When they don’t want my touch?
What am I to tell my mind,
When I can’t understand what’s wrong with me?
What am I to tell my body,
When I can’t feel anything anymore?
What am I to tell you,
When you ask me what’s wrong?
What am I to tell the world,
When they expect achievements?
What am I to tell my soul.
When the stars are out of reach?
425 · Sep 2015
Warping Wounds
moss Sep 2015
While tending to the wounds of others
Crowded emotions seem to smother
Used as a distraction from our own pain
And happens to work out for others' gain
On the inside all we feel is void
Until we are completely destroyed
So do not get lost in the raging flood
And drown in your own pool of blood
421 · Sep 2015
Embroidered Heart
moss Sep 2015
Her name was embroidered on his fragile heart
Only thin stitches kept him from falling apart
The thousands of needle ****** couldn't compare
To the agony he felt when she was not there
His aorta was lined with little yarn knots
That made her fill and clutter all of his thoughts
As the thick blood passed through it got stuck in the thread
And he could not forget a single word that she said
And so a blood clot formed and he fell in love
She was now something he could never be free of
420 · Sep 2015
The Plague
moss Sep 2015
Ring around the rosie
Red inflamed circles of hurt
Keep them hidden deep because
People are terrified
That pain is contagious

Pocket full of posies
Show the world only beautiful things
Because everything comes with strings
And they don't want to see
The truth and harsh reality

Ashes, ashes
Burn your faults and burn your fears
So that no one will ever find them here
Put on a mask to hide your melted face
So that no one will ever see your disgrace

We all fall down*
Don't ever let them see you trip
Though we all do the same and rip
The only difference between us is our names
For we are *all
hiding our shame
An epidemic that continues to sweep the world: pain. Symptoms may include but are not limited to: overwhelming emotions, loneliness, shame, sadness, being overly guarded. Please consult a doctor if you think you may have contracted this ailment.
418 · Jul 2015
Depths Not Understood
moss Jul 2015
I know that no one understands me.
No one ever has,
and I don't expect anyone ever will.
If I spoke in
every language ever murmured,
no one would know what my words meant.
Even if, as I spoke,
the sea and stars
and all the universe
rolled off my tongue,
my words would still never reach anyone's ears.
But, for some reason,
I keep waiting for someone
to come along and know my depths
before I breathe a single word.
Feeling in the mood for some free form today :)
I know that to some people this may sound kind of like emo or something, but it's totally not. Recently I've felt oddly content in the knowledge that I think differently than others and not as empty about the fact that I've never known anyone who really got me. It's almost become comforting, in a way, to know that no one else is thinking your thoughts.
416 · Sep 2015
Turn Off The Tears
moss Sep 2015
Don't cry, don't cry
Not now, not here
Don't let them see it anywhere
Hold your breath and count to ten
Then slowly let it out again
Point your chin up to the sky
Look up and then wipe your eyes
Put a cork in it
No one wants to see
How you're hurting
How you feel
A casual conversation to have with yourself upon the occasion of publicly-leaking eyes.
405 · Mar 2015
Windows of Time
moss Mar 2015
As I close my drooping eyes
I slip into a world
Where time has come to a halt
And everything is still

I was in a room that had three walls
All stretching to the sky
The walls didn't have a color
Visible to the eye

On two walls there were windows
On one wall there was a door
At my feet a doormat
Was resting on the floor

It gave no “welcome” greeting
It sent no sweet “goodbye”
The rug gripping my trembling feet
Only made me sigh

The two windows seemed so silent
Until I carefully approached
I quietly reminded myself
That I shouldn't dare encroach

As I look into these windows
The timeline stretches on
There were visions of things to be
And things that were forgone

I looked over my left shoulder
To the window at my side
The glass was tinted as a rose
On the things I saw, I bide

Sights of memories long since past
Flood into my aching mind
Feelings of nostalgia
I’m always trying to find

I liked what I saw so very much
But I was very curious to see
What was in the other one
But when I looked to my right, I saw me

It’s true this was a mirror
But it wasn't what I thought
When I looked at my reflection
I saw all the things I’m not

My age had increased plenty
I seemed rather fat and old
My face was sagging and sluggish
I didn't fit the mold
I wasn't all that happy
This made me feel so grey
This mirror from a fun house
Wasn't meant for play

Well I turned around again to see
The window I had left
To find a blank and empty wall
Now surely this was theft

I looked again back to my right
Into another wall
Of all the feelings in this room
There were none left at all

I panicked for a while thinking
Where am I going to go?
There’s no way to escape from here
Nothing to guide me home

But then a thought so very vague
Crossed my confused mind
I turned around and saw the door
And realized I’d been blind

I gave the **** a quiet rattle
And the door opened with ease
And once again when I looked through
What I saw was me

But this was not like the mirror
That filled my reflection with dread
I saw myself quietly sleeping
In my warm and cozy bed

The windows had disappeared
They were not what they seemed
For it was then I realized
That this was just a dream

Through the door in front of me
Was the me I am right now
This door was the only option
That was to be allowed

So I stepped over the threshold
To be united as one
By my mind and body together
This battle had been won

**I viewed the past as beauty
And looked to the future with fear
But always lived in the present
For that was what was near
403 · Jun 2015
satin soul
moss Jun 2015
all she ever was, was a satin soul
she hoped that, one day, he'd make her whole
before she was singed by the burning coal
before she completely lost control

her fabric wasn't ever truly real
it was only soft to touch and to feel
she only wanted the silk's smooth appeal
her forgery she was forced to conceal

she stuck with satin, closed within her walls
but always wondered what was down the hall
still there she sits, that little satin doll
and she will always be afraid to fall
392 · Jan 2016
more than a caterpillar
moss Jan 2016
just as the             caterpillar
is not aware of its miraculous
future, you too will one
day transform into
a lovely             butterfly
369 · May 2015
moss May 2015
Why do I like poetry?
The answer isn't easy.
I've never been good at explaining.
To me, it always seemed so draining.

Well, you see,
Poetry is good to me.
I've never been good at conversation.
I always have too many hesitations.

I can express how I feel.
I am free to be real.
I've never been good at opening up.
My walls are far too thick to touch.

But somehow rhyme,
Puts a hold on time.
And I feel so liberated
And a little less frustrated.

Since I'm impaired in verbal communication,
It seems that poetry has been a useful innovation.
These words are easily writable,
Yet make me feel so much less vulnerable.

Poetry is a passionate way to express emotion,
Without causing chaos and commotion.
You can interpret poetry whatever way,
You feel most like this particular day.

Poetry is liberation
Free from condemnation
Poetry rids life
Of all its strife
Sorry this one *****. Oops. I dont even care. Whatever. Oh well... ugh
366 · Aug 2015
alarm clock
moss Aug 2015
the shrill sound
sends shivers
down my
to think of
the time ticking
and never quitting
358 · Jan 2016
Caught in the Middle
moss Jan 2016
I don't feel good, but I don't feel bad
I don't feel empty, and I don't feel mad
I feel a little blue, but I'm not sad
I feel a little yellow, but I'm not glad

I kind of want to talk, but I cannot explain
My confused emotions and what's inside my brain
What I don't understand acts as a chain
That holds me down and brings me pain

I don't want to be touched, but I want to cuddle
I don't want sunshine, but I don't want puddles
My mind seems incomprehensibly muddled
And my mixed-up thoughts leave me befuddled
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