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Matthew Harlovic Apr 2016
She wanted space-time
so I left the dimension
to return only when
my name was mentioned.
Matthew Harlovic Feb 2015
It is selfish but
we long for stability.
Someday, we will die.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Feb 2018
Close. Welcoming. My
name. David. Absurdly—I mean, out of
tune. Ordinary language permits
the paraphrase:

Things could have been. But
actually are. Countless ways,
certain descriptions. To consider,
“ways things could have been.”

Things might be. The possibilities,
the propositions, the structures.

© Matthew Harlovic
Inspired by David Lewis, Keith Waldrop.
Matthew Harlovic Jan 2017
what a day, what a week,
what a month, what a year.
what a time to be alive,
what a time to drive off the pier and disappear.

i thrive in fear so don’t revive me,
it deprives me of what i hold dear.
let me lie beside me, my friends,
my family and peers.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic May 2020
I’m tryna move on I’m tryna let go
but all I’m feeling is I’m better off left alone
I always set the tone for I’m set to explode
It goes, 3, 2, 1 of my episodes

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Apr 2017
eyes fume,
tongues stir.
we're young
and unsure
but among
dark skies
sparks fly
with her.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2016
you used me
the abuse
suited me
stupid me,
to lose

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Jan 2017
you are surreal
from what i see, i feel.

kneel before me, i'll reveal
the brush i paint the faint of heart with.

i give color to the artless,
i give color to the darkness

but you my darling,
you are my artist.

© Matthew Harlovic
a light in the darkness.
Matthew Harlovic Dec 2015
Since I’m too hardheaded for a gunshot,
I’ll wait for these thoughts
to fade like phases of sunspots.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Sep 2015
I will not sugar coat the truth anymore
with similes and metaphors.
I may have a sweet tooth for wordplay
but not for fabrication.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Oct 2014
Love was in the air
causing cardiac arrest
but **you held your breath

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Sep 2016
you tempt me
with your temper
but i have a temperate
response to your tantrum
because a tempest like you
will attempt to ride tandem
if things do not follow through
like you planned them to.
© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic May 2016
I feel a bit tense
because my love
for you
exists in
the past tense.

© Matthew Harlovic
I loved you.
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2016
i'm sorry if i hurt you
but you deserve the
best and i'll take the
time to study for this
test of virtue.  

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2014
****** tension.
Luna wants to be on top,
Helios gives in.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2014
The early bird croons
seducing the morning worm.
Mother cries softly.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Feb 2015
The front seat is full
of coffin nails, Bic lighters,
and mutilation.

©  Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Jun 2018
How do I push away the ones who love me the most?
And for what? A burning bush and a chat with a ghost?
Engrossed in the outermost region of thought.
I’ve seen quite a lot; believe it or not.
I sought therapy to discuss my problems
but my trust issues make it tough to solve them.
I must admit the moment we kissed
the world and its the chaos didn’t exist.

© Matthew Harlovic
You can hear me rap this poem here:
Matthew Harlovic Jul 2018
I sink inside my head
and think about the things I said.
But I often find myself in bed,
catching a wink.
If the world really lies on a thin thread,
am I a fragile link?
If I blink,
will everything I love
and hold dear disappear?
Why do we use such an expression to perpetuate the fear of loss?
Here I thought I beveled and embossed
the impression but it’s just another load
of dross.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2018
I toss and turn at night nervous the inferno might
swallow me whole if I leave a light burning bright
so I keep to a crawlspace that I call my room.
Home alone, roll the stone, seal me in this tomb.
The Lord will heal me soon. Has the Spirit always loomed
over me since youth? Where's the proof to back the truth?
I opened up about my life of doom-and-gloom to a sleuth
who replied with nothing from across the booth.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Oct 2014
On my hands and knees,
I peeped over the board
Momma did you see?
There was a squid with tentacles like extension cords!
Oh! Never mind it swam away…

On my hands and knees,
I crept to the edge
Momma did you see?
There was a shark as big as the front yard hedge!
Oh! Never mind it swam away…

On my hands and knees,
I snuck to the brink
Momma did you see?
There was an eel that could fill up the kitchen sink!
Oh! Never mind it swam away…

Momma! Momma! Come look, come quick!
I think there’s more! Oh wait! Forget it…

© Matthew Harlovic
Have you ever peered over the diving board as a kid and imagined all the things that could be lurking in the water? I sure did.
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2014
I’ll show you the ropes,
Step one: tie a noose

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2014
I think* that overthinking will be the death of me.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic May 2015
I cut my wrist on a blade of grass as I tried to bury the past.

© Matthew Harlovic
Sometimes all you need to say is just one line.
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2015
Seconds turn to minutes,
minutes turn to hours,
hours turn to days,
days turn to weeks,
weeks turn to weakness
and I give in.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2015
I'm here for you,
always and forever.
Whoever you are,
wherever you are,
just know,
I'm here for you.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Dec 2018
to them or they
here's a brief overview
find me on a bad day
i'll hurt both of you

© Matthew Harlovic
I only tagged love because I'm full of it ****
Matthew Harlovic Oct 2014
There’s pills, potions
but nothing truly
can cure my emotions

© Matthew Harlovic
Thanks for letting this poem trend. It's a nice gesture to wake to.
Matthew Harlovic May 2015
Once the positive trending tags
outweigh the negatives,
we’ll find continuity
within our contemplation,
our emotional state,
and our existence.
But as the negative trending tags
outweigh the positives,
our continuity will be conflicted.

© Matthew Harlovic
DO NOT GET ME WRONG, I understand the complete concept of poetry. It is a means of expression, whether it is out of contentment or depression.  More than anything else, this poem was out of empathy. I CANNOT be the only one that is upset that the negative trending tags outweigh the positive ones. I am NOT telling you what you should write about. I am reflecting on an observation. Do NOT get me wrong.
Matthew Harlovic Oct 2014
You only fail if you fail to try, Try it.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic May 2016
I tried, it's true and what we once had was tried-and-true
and I'd be lying if I said you haven't tried it too.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2014
You only fail if you fail to try
Keep trying.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Dec 2016
love is impermanent
as all things of nature.
i could never hate her
because i think of her
of as my creator.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2015
For every two steps forward, you take one step back,
but you are still one step further from where you were at.

© Matthew Harlovic
Just something to think about.
Matthew Harlovic Aug 2016
i theorized the continuity
of my contemplation
as you picked your guitar
questioning all of creation.
you told me, "i hold no
obligation to anyone else.
if i break a promise, then
i will break it to myself."

© Matthew Harlovic
[in theory]
Matthew Harlovic May 2016
I wonder if my friends saw you at prom last night,
parading around with your new boyfriend.
I’m sure all stink eyes were on you two,
but you always seemed to like that attention.
I thought you would accompany me to the dance
this year, but you chose to find your own company.
I thought this prom would make up for the one
I never went to, but you didn’t give me the chance.
I know you remember my prom night
because you were there and so was your little brother.
I chose to hang out with you, my best friend,
and go to a movie instead. Though when the talk
about the wonders of prom rolled around, I knew
it meant a lot to you and so I promised to take you,
but I see that my promise will remain unfulfilled.

© Matthew Harlovic
Another prom missed.
Matthew Harlovic Dec 2015
Our Father, hails Mary,
the mother of a coward.

© Matthew Harlovic
Scrap from a journal.
Matthew Harlovic Jun 2017
how could i delude someone who
put themselves through and through
black, blue and purple hues
hurtful words and the certain few
who circulate skewed conclusions
illusions and preconceptions
on the dimensions of perfection
when such a mention doesn’t exist
because tensions persist and fits
are thrown as much as fists.
i wish beauty didn’t consist
of “haves” and “have not's”
when this image is all i have got.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2018
My music is like Velcro:
hooks and loops fastened together.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2015
Astraea ascends
for innocence entails love,
goodbyes are the worst.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Jan 2017
i miss my sunshine
on a day like this,
she could lift my
spirit with
the light
of her kiss.
at night
we would lay
and reminisce
of a simpler time
when we were kids.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Apr 2016
I’m not a smooth talker,
I can’t sweep you off your feet
but I’ll walk with you longer
than your shadow does down the street.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Feb 2017
you called me trash, a piece of garbage
so i collected myself and analyzed what
i brought to the table.
i thought about what i could manage
and determined the effectiveness of
my current strategies
but i concluded that i wasted my
time sorting through my problems.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic May 2020
I tried to cultivate a garden
When my world was burning.
The metaphor is simple:
I was working with no purpose.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Jan 2016
Waste (wāst) v. 1. To use, consume, spend, or expend thoughtlessly or carelessly: For hours on end we laid waste beneath the plastered moon. 2. To cause to lose energy, strength, or vigor; exhaust, tire, or enfeeble:  The tar wasted her lungs. 3. To fail to take advantage of or use for profit; lose: You wasted an opportunity to be with me. 4. a. To destroy completely. b. Slang. To ****; ******. The cigarettes wasted our relationship. 5. Garbage; trash. You had the audacity to choose to keep them than throw them in the waste basket.  6. Regarded or discarded as worthless or useless. You were a waste of my time.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Dec 2016
every dog has its day,
every day has its dog
if you claw your way
into the lap of the gods.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2015
This morning,
my father and I
chased leaves together
after we argued for an hour
on relationship complexities.
And after a while of paved palms,
he bellowed with a fistful of yellow,
when you waver with the wind,
things will fall in your favor.

Since this morning, the wind
has been wavering Eastward.

© Matthew Harlovic
Waver with the wind.
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2016
come rain or shine
hail, sleet, or snow.
you always know
which way the
wind blows.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Jul 2015
There’s a widow in the windowsill
weeping like a willow, weeping like a willow
while her child tries to fall asleep
weeping in his pillow, weeping in his pillow.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2015
“The side of her head is shaved,
isn’t that weird?”
Afraid to admit my attraction,
I nodded in agreement.

And in a low voice
I responded with,
yeah, weird…
Yet again he pointed out,

“Look at her septum piercing!
Doesn’t she look like Benny the Bull?”
I looked away. Under my breath
I said, “I think…she’s cute.

My friend turned
with simpering eyes.
Really? Cute?
You’re a ****** too.”

I looked up, “I’m not weird.
I just think she’s pretty,
that’s all.”
He scoffed,

“Nah man, you’re really weird.
Tattoos and piercings aren’t attractive,
they’re weird but I guess weirdos
are attracted to other weirdos.

Flustered, I looked up to him.
“So what?  Punk rock is pretty.
At least I’m not a pretentious ******* like you.”
And with that, I left him there.

© Matthew Harlovic
Just something that happened a while back.
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