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Matthew Harlovic Jan 2017
i woke to darkness,
alarmed by a starlet.

charmed by her starkness,
we embarked on our parlous

but have you learned we
marked our awakening

by taking the chance to dance
with a groundbreaking

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2016
We are all afraid about something,
not of something. For the reason
that there is no fear in abstraction,
it is always in relation to something.

© Matthew Harlovic
What are you afraid about?
Matthew Harlovic Sep 2016
it does not
matter what
i do because
it does not
matter to you.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic May 2016
I walked through the Harrison
Street Fair earlier in the afternoon
with the expectation and angst
you would be there as well.
Much like the year before, vendors
and artists were sprawled about the
street from Cuyler Avenue to Humphrey.
Rough-and-ready goods and chattels were
perched on display, but my eyes were fixed
on the crowd. I thought I would walk into
you and your new boyfriend, but you were
nowhere to be found. Perhaps we missed each
other; perhaps you never went to the fair.
But be that as it may or may not,
I thought we would walk into each other.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Jul 2016
You’ve stuck with me
through thick and thin
just like a tick,
you’re under my skin.

© Matthew Harlovic
This could be applied to a few things.
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2015
For the wistful youth
bitten by the wit
of the forbidden fruit
loose lips strip the tree of its roots.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Aug 2017
I used to be a bright boy before the white noise,
disrupted my poise and ****** the joy
out from the world around me.
It’s astounding to see such a change.
No it’s strange but I found a way to get around the grey
but you’d probably say I’m deranged if I told you.
No I’m not scolding you I’m holding you to the acquisitions
you back with whack facts you extract from your fruitless
disposition. Act aloof but you and I both know it’s truthful
the only loophole here is feedback so don’t fear the relapse
and I won’t appear so relaxed to you.

I used to love the sound of white noise while I sat in bed.
I found it reminiscent to the voice in my head.
I counted sheep to the static;
the ratchet put me to a deep sleep.

I used to be a quiet boy before I found a slight noise
coming through the television.
I can’t tell you what it sounds like now
so you’ll just have to listen for yourself
Momma call the technician.
Something’s wrong with the transmission.
I no longer see a picture.
Momma fix it ‘cuz its pixelated.
Momma listen, I’d fix it myself if I had the proper tools
but school never taught me how to.
Wow look at what I amounted to
when you took the time of day to stay around
and watch what I’m doing when you could’ve found out
why I wasn’t viewing pleasure like I used to.

© Matthew Harlovic
copy & paste the link below to hear in full
Matthew Harlovic Mar 2018
i lost my identity
to a friend of me
but it's alright,
we all got our tendencies.
maybe it was not meant to be
but you meant to me
a lot more than the time
you spent on your knees.
not to whine but i can't
get you out of my mind.
think i'm out my right mind
thinking bout what's left
i thought it was high time
to get things off my chest.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Oct 2014
Darling, forgive me for my wishful thinking,
but I’ve been passing up a lot of pretty pennies lately.
Ever since you caught my eye in between those box seats
I’ve been tossing you pick-up lines as worthless as the
gum on my shoe. Silly me, for thinking that you gave
me another chance after you wished me well, and
well, I wished that we were more than “just friends”.
Darling, forgive me for my wishful drinking,
but I’ve been trying to pass up a lot of heartache lately.
All the times that I’ve paid mind to you, aren’t well spent.
So, this is my farewell, but let me tell you it isn’t fair
that you lost interest in my expense. Then again, shame
on me, for wishing for change after I threw it all away.
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2014
I’ve dubbed my wastebasket the wishing well
Well I wish for nothing more than a dime of
creativity to hit me,  ripple across my wrinkles
Knocking some sense in,
sink beneath my pores
So swallow my codswallop wishing well
because this is another petty penny for you.

© Matthew Harlovic
This is something that I salvaged from a while ago. I’m glad, I didn’t throw it out.
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2014
'As toddlers we sat on that
timber floor, playing like wolves.
You tugged on my collar,
lifted my chin and made a promise
that we would be brothers
till death did you part.
But death didn’t do a part
in breaking up our pack.
Throughout the years you taught me
how to hunt and gather
my props, you taught me
how to front and swagger,
you wanted me to be at my best
before you left. But you never told me that
you had to leave.
Then when you started to stray, I tried to trail
your footprints, thinking that you were just
past that tree line waiting for me to catch up.
But the farther that I went, the farther
we grew a part. I can forgive you
for never giving me a warning
but those years that I fought
as a lone wolf still haunt me.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic May 2016
I just wish I could make you understand
but words are words so I guess I can’t.

© Matthew Harlovic
If only I could.
Matthew Harlovic Dec 2014
Head held high, flexing the shell
bright lifestyle, I know it too well.
It’s a tall tale to tell but its best that you know
that things get better at the end of the road
Not too long ago, I felt the same way
I dealt with demons that crept in the grey
And maybe it’s hard enough to ask for help
but it’s harder to watch yourself
give up once you’ve left the shelf

Nah, I couldn’t stomach the pain
like a trumpet, I blew the in out of sane.
I popped open a vein to paint my blues, violet
and threw a pair of cans on to block out the silence.
I’m not defiant; I defy any tyrant
that tries to buy my compliance.
I ride with the giants, stride like Midas
minus the greed, all I need is kindness.

Spread your wings; shed the ego
live amid the kings like a needle.
Be your own hero, succeed the sequel
take charge, zero in on the easel.
Reach for the stars, you are an artist
Van Gough goals; erase all the hardships.
I may try my hardest
but I’m not the smartest
but good work ethic leads to a harvest.
Reap my carcass, long after I’m gone,
brains over brawn, shame on you all
for thinking that these walls can hold me in.
You get the memo? I’m better than I’ve ever been.
Binge drinking is a sickness in itself
try to **** the pain but the pain kills the help
as well as low thinking it will **** your brain cells
if you try to **** the pain, you will **** yourself

© Matthew Harlovic
A incentive meant to inspire those that are going through a rough time.
Matthew Harlovic Sep 2016
hope springs eternal
in the human breast.
though, we cope to journal
what we can't digest.
i digress. i confess,
i’m a mess yet i address
what i transgress and i reassess
my disposition. for instance,
i made a decision to make progress and what i set, i met.
yet i let myself regress to a great depression
in which i questioned what was predestined
so i searched for penance and found surrealism.
i heard sundry ideals, the sounds of theism.
i let my thoughts run free among the prisms
and tasted other worldly wisdom on my tongue.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Oct 2016
stress builds up in the chest when you're left behind
to fend for yourself. when all else failed, you sailed away,
promising you'll return someday. but let me tell you my
friend, you're blessed. there's no need to dwell on the past
because at long last, my little castaway has found
herself back at the bay. but if you're gonna' stay
you better tie down. if you stray from the shallows,
you'll surely drown. this small town carries bigger lies,
there's much more here than meets the eye.
and i was worried sick about you,
ever since you left it was all i could do.
i can't control the tides, this i know.
but sometimes, it's so hard to let go.

© Matthew Harlovic
am i out of the blue?
Matthew Harlovic May 2016
You were such a worry wart.
You would dwell on the possibility
of us breaking up. You always
said if and when the
relationship ends, you’d ****
yourself. You said you couldn’t
live without me, but then you
dumped me. Although months have
passed without response from you, I haven’t
come across your name in the newspaper
nor has it come up on the television.
I know you won’t **** yourself.
I don’t want you to, but what I want is
for you to stop being such a worry wart.  

© Matthew Harlovic
More thoughts to share.
Matthew Harlovic Jun 2017
i didn't think things
would get this worse

to where discourse
turns to discord.

we thought with force,
we fought with sources

when we were taught
to endorse reinforcement.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2014
Writer’s block is the misplaced brick in one’s conceptual “university”.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Aug 2019
the pervasiveness of this type of grief
is hard to comprehend: it's debilitating.
it's the first thing you think about when you wake up,
and it eats at you at varying levels of pain, and anger,
and sadness throughout the day.

onto year two.
jimmy i miss you.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Sep 2017
i saw the sunrise in mundelein and for the first time, i felt alive.
i plucked a muscadine from the vine, casting aside the rind;
my girl was surprised to find me in a different frame of mind.
she sighed, i hope you remain aligned.
i took her by my side and said, "i made up my mind".
i forgave myself for my past crimes and that was the last time
i brought up my past life.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Feb 2018
such a precious child
with the freshest smile
i'll walk miles through the storm,
just to feel your warmth.

i’m a reckless child
though i'll reconcile
once the moon rises
oe'r your brown iris

i miss the taste of your lips,
your waist and your hips,
the way you brushed
my hair with your fingertips.

© Matthew Harlovic
Matthew Harlovic Nov 2014
Buddha was the broken hourglass
that spilled seconds across my backyard.
Mother Earth scolded him for his slipup,
so I smoothed her over with my minute hands.
She told me that he who skips an interval
needs to double back his ticks
so, grain by grain, tick by tock.
She rewound my hands to round out
the stonewashed garden that was being fabricated.
So I steadily swept shards of seconds
under the rugged rug of ill will.
I riddled ripples within her granular skin,
skidded stones across her carved clock
face fitting ****** features together like cogs.
Buddha shook the soil off
and fixed his gaze on my clockwork.
He explained that patience is key
if one wants to harvest his feast.
Before the goods go about,
pivots and rivets need to tie together.
Mother Earth collected her thoughts
and agreed with his concept.
I finished my work, stepped back,
admiring the hourglass I rebuilt.

— The End —