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Jan 2018 · 588
night time waltz
Eva Ellen Jan 2018
I will dance at night
Bats sing a dark, Hamlet song
Shadows make great leads
Jan 2018 · 388
Vonnegut's Etc.
Eva Ellen Jan 2018
So many people
will come and go before me
But who will be
Jan 2018 · 357
words to travel by
Eva Ellen Jan 2018
feet only take you
words will only make/break you
so far or so long
Aug 2017 · 402
deep dark space
Eva Ellen Aug 2017
would the moon call the Earth an abuser?
constantly trying to escape,
always being absent-mindedly
yanked back
like a big child with a balloon.
with hands that show hate
deep in its lines and cracks
from years without love.

would the Earth call the moon a molester?
slowly ******* at her heels,
asking for visits
for attention,
for life,
to soothe dry bones.
constantly breathing stale vacuum-air down her neck.

millions of stars
shine sparkle twinkle glimmer gleam
like asinine onlookers and
perverted peeping toms
waiting for the sun to rise
Aug 2017 · 504
The Creative Director
Eva Ellen Aug 2017
Shakespeare wrote, "All
the world is a stage" So when
I laugh at myself

I'm only being
an engaged audience and
when I applaud at

the end I am just
thanking God for his good sense
of Hamlet humor
Aug 2017 · 456
A women's success
Eva Ellen Aug 2017
Bubbling over,
white picket fence smile,
bouncing from piggy toe to piggy toe,
gesticulating like a willow
on a blustery day,
wishy, washy, rushed words, warm

Today you were the lucky one
Because I was the one who felt genuine joy
Because I was the one who radiated like the sun
Today you were the lucky one
Because I was the one who chose to share it with you
Aug 2017 · 440
Funeral on a Saturday
Eva Ellen Aug 2017
I'm going to a party
My little black dress is ready
I have my face all set
My lines are learned, practiced, perfect
I haven't felt like this for months
My dearest will be there
I hope the alcohol is strong
The flowers will be beautiful
She was beautiful.
I never did like surprise parties
Aug 2017 · 732
Eva Ellen Aug 2017
A man once told me, "Never write a movie where a man is left shouting after a woman who is sure to return"

I was raised by wolves and Don Quixote
lead with(in) the heart; regret with(in) the brain
dead weight hangs hungry in my chest
I see fear creep in my knees
my teeth are looking to be tested
my skin is stained like a constellation capricorn gemini pisces
I am my own galaxy:
only porcelain angels looking over me
backstage pass to my caterpillar identity crisis
My imagination (machinations of muddled emotions) was waiting for someone like you

His laugh rattles my subconscious and decomposes my rigor mortis
kiss youmeus like your tongue was made of money
finger me as much as I do my hair
I like sinking into your mind; it's warm in here
bread & butter
you're the apple pie to my adam's apple (with all the cavities)
I'm a headless chicken framing instant coffee amber memories
ice cream melts the closer I get to the sun...

It rained today.
Some statues talk, some people have nothing to say;
who will you dip in gold and call your temple?
Why does it have to be art and not just us?
you're just another outlet mall; your sheep are in Leeds
the shoes are from your closet and I need reupholstering
my feet will go where they dare but
the yellow brick road is turmeric and
I'm on a deserted island and all I see are birds
all my doors have a neon EXIT sign
It began and ended with the Space Odyssey-

Sep 2016 · 1.1k
Decent Human Being
Eva Ellen Sep 2016
I'm lying & I'm thinking
under the sun's omnipresent gleaming
how to be a decent human being
but it's hard to stop from drinking
in the beauty that surrounds and distracts me

I'm only dreaming, only scheming
to think that any sort of feeling
will throw into doubt my belief in
that everything that I'm seeing
seems to be more important than any individual thought

I'm breathing & I'm sinking
more deeply into nature's pleasing
cherry blossom carpet, hearing
nothing but blue free birds singing
as they soar between my version of heaven & I

I am only speaking, only sleeping
on this hill; it seems that I am seeping
into the earth; a new beginning
to my mother's secrets I am listening
It looks like I got to be a decent human being
after all
Jun 2016 · 720
Eva Ellen Jun 2016
My mind is a cavern
pulsing with secrets untold
But it's dark in here
Jun 2016 · 523
Eva Ellen Jun 2016
Eyes closed--breathe in slow
My mind is somewhere only
I can go--thought floats
Jun 2016 · 374
Eva Ellen Jun 2016
I think Icarus
fell to the cold dark blue
when his ice cream did
Feb 2016 · 857
Public University
Eva Ellen Feb 2016
Mass incarceration.
****, I mean institution.
Forced vacation that I can't escape from.
So blessed and stressed, no choice but to blaze on.

Learning those ABC's & 1,2,3's
so I can get my  PhD,
but my mom only needed a ******* GED.
Grades so ******, professor thinks that I want a that D.
But, like *** that GSI is such a QT.

So which one of you liberal *****
do I have to ****
so I'm not ******--
living in the basement working at Starbucks?

Academia has done nothing but convince me
that my mind is empty.
At this point I can't tell if that's a good or bad thing.
Am I forever young and dumb
or is this a temporary vacancy?
Jan 2016 · 2.5k
Fading Memories
Eva Ellen Jan 2016
Alzheimer's headaches
              Brain tangled like my headphones
Tied like a shoelace
Aug 2015 · 402
Eva Ellen Aug 2015
Once upon a hell of a time,
Memories happen without warning,
Tomorrow never was
and some of us stay and some of us don't.
Will you,
Creature Untamed,
Future Imperfect,
Crack life open?
You can have it all.
Because it is just the right amount of wrong.
Hooked on a feeling.
It feels electric.
Jun 2015 · 604
Eva Ellen Jun 2015
There's a hole
in the pit
of the abyss
that sits
tucked under my lungs
and below my breath
But it's leaking
and seeping
it's black stinking
into my veins
corrupting my brains
until all I taste is sour disappointment
and all I feel is fear
dripping up my spine
into my ear
where there's always ringing
a quiet whispering
always giving
a keen sense
of my unwanted loneliness
I sip swallow spit the sickening knot of jealousy
because they confuse anxiety
with insanity
But I know there's something wrong
Doubt weakens my bones and I cannot move on
I see nothing around me
That's what got me here in the first place
Apr 2015 · 1.4k
Second Best
Eva Ellen Apr 2015
I go to hold your hand,
only to find that it's not empty.
I try to fix your broken heart,
only to find it already mended.
I ask to fill your days,
only to see your calendar's full.
I go to kiss you gently,
only to feel that your lips are wet.
I try to say, "I love you",
only to find that you're not listening.
I look into your baby blues,
only to see someone else inside.
I can never truly call you mine,
if you already belong to another.
Apr 2015 · 4.6k
Eva Ellen Apr 2015
Sip from my soft, silky soul
Bite my hot, ****** heart
Devour my dangerously divulgent dreams
Feed on my forgotten fears
Wash it down with my whispered words
Help yourself to my everything

You say love makes you strong
You need me so you can grow
I give you my body and mind
Until I have nothing left
Except the gnawing feeling
Of being hungry...
Apr 2015 · 4.0k
Eva Ellen Apr 2015
hot wet grip squirm throb lick whisper gasp groan
touch yes gooey sticky heat rushed seize ****
hush drool coy moan grab push pull eat eye-roll
tease yes swirl soft shiny squeeze tasty tongue

fingers **** ***** ugh unf yes breath *******
pound lips hard angry bite slap choke spank stroke
pant blow yes rub tan pale mumble please pink
flutter mutter sigh gasp heart pause oh yes

arms legs quiver plead whine feel beg body
yes tense grunt **** smooth play two deep desperate
*** fasterdeeper passion yes slow no
yes sudden laugh bruise scratch oh yes shake kiss

love yes smug yes come yes scream yes wow you
yes close spit swallow peck pet soft sleep dream
Feb 2015 · 1.9k
Hide and Seek
Eva Ellen Feb 2015
You're hiding something from me;
It's not a secret, ******, lover, or family.
It's your heart;
I can't feel it.
You never meant to set it free.
Nov 2014 · 531
Love Letters
Eva Ellen Nov 2014
Dear ,
You will never read this letter
Of this I am certain
Our friendship will be better
I hope.
I will take the burden.

Dear _
I am lucky to call you friend
And I never will forget
And while I don't want it to end
I'm filling with regret.

You are innocent
But every new girl is like a knife
If romantic comedies are real life
I am the one.
But of this you are ignorant.

You don't hesitate to risk love
You trust strangers completely
Why don't you look to me?
I am here.
Happiness won't come from above.

Do you not see?
How much I try and care?
Do you think just friends share
as much as we do?
They don't.

Dear _
Hey, you
We could be something real
I know you are looking to feel
true love. I know.
I am too.

With Love.
Nov 2014 · 1.1k
You not I
Eva Ellen Nov 2014
You and I will have no end
because there never was a beginning

You fall in love like it's some trend
because you're looking for the one like me

I am helping you get on the mend
because she will never know you like I do

I am the one on who you can depend
because we're as thick as thieves, forever

I am doing a backwards bend
because I need you to notice I want more

You have the gall to call me friend
because you can't see I'm falling for you

You are looking for someone new to apprehend
I'll keep waiting, trying to pretend
Oct 2014 · 577
Eva Ellen Oct 2014
What is beautiful in San Francisco?
In this city we are all ***** sinners looking for a sweet distraction of purpose.
What is beautiful about San Francisco?
In a place where desperation meets innovation, we give birth to skyscrapers, art, music, joy, hate, ***, love, and positively shining ideas. However essential to our existence and our sanity, these things are ugly because they stem from us and are therefore destined to warped, mangled, stretched, killed, and forgotten. But San Francisco tries on, steady as her bridge, to bring people to the enlightened kingdom. But we dark inhabitants are fated to lose the battle; for she cannot help us rise above the pull of the flaws of man.
This is the story of me.
And of Him.
And of San Francisco.
The story of opportunity for a new life, and an unavoidable failure.
Eva Ellen Oct 2014
We can build a house of cards, but with a misplaced whisper it comes tumbling down.

Shots fired I fell
I stand to make my case
But now it's become a race
For who can start the hell

I have no resentment
But it gets angry fast
How long can patience last?
I swore you weren't blatant

My heart is aching
My head is ringing
What are we doing
I'm tired of yelling


Am I wrong for feeling wronged
I never heard a sorry
I'm beginning to agree
Maybe he was right all along

I make mistakes I know it
My anger gets the best of me
I try to say I'm sorry
But you won't let me show it

How could I forget
To my nature I am bound
When you're unwilling to forgive
I'm filling with regret

There is no relief
You won't let me say sorry
You sigh slowly
And say whatever with disbelief

We can stack the dominos, but with one wrong move it's all scattered.
I only used punctuation when I was sure.
Oct 2014 · 981
Eva Ellen Oct 2014
September 8, 2013
It's you.
In my arms
On my mind
In my smile
On my lips
In my heart
Its you.

October 15, 2014
Hate you.
Get out of my life
You broke my heart
Get out of my hair
You don't care anymore
Get out of my mind
Hate you.
Oct 2014 · 5.9k
Jamie's Song/Two Faced
Eva Ellen Oct 2014
You are the apple of my eye,
but this fruit's rotten to the core.
You're suffocating me in your grip,
but baby your hands are so warm.

You're a corrupt tyrant king,
and ***** tortured prisoner;
Make me your silent queen, broken cell mate,
and crying court jester.

You stroke my hair, but your hands
are on my shoulder.
You bring me to new heights but,
when I soar you grow colder.

You're sweeter than our honeymoon
phase on Valentine's Day baby.
But the dentist said your **** gives
me one year cavities.

You have no doubts, "our
dream's pristine and love is true".
Then how come my heart,
my soul, is black and blue?

I am more alone when you hold my
hand and say, "I'm here".
But I feel so sick with fear at the
thought of you not near.

It's crazy.
You're crazy.
I'm crazy.
Crazy (in pain)
Crazy (in love)
How could I go?
Why can't I leave?
Oct 2014 · 627
Eva Ellen Oct 2014
My heart is an old tin can,
dented, and full of worms.
I got kicked down the street,
when all I wanted to do
was fill her up
with Campbell's.

My smile is a broken piano,
no beautiful song to sing.
My teeth creak from silence.
She left me in the parlor
when she took up

My feet are tired of searching,
my ears are sore from promises.
I'm running out of body parts
to rust,
and break,
and die.

But there's roses in my eyes,
just the sight of you makes my heart bloom.
You bring springtime to my soul,
I don't have to suffer anymore.
You've got the green thumb.
Love makes me feel like a garden.

I've got roses in my eyes.
Hey baby, let's plant roots and grow.
This garden can withstand wind, rain, snow.
Who needs arms and legs and all that ****?
All I ever need is roses,
and you.
May 2014 · 524
Can't You See I'm Free?
Eva Ellen May 2014
I am a silent prisoner with you
My love I cannot possibly detail
For when I look into those dear eyes
All of my seducing words seem too frail.

I fear that securely barred are my thoughts
And never known will my emotions be
If you don't know my poor heart is in knots
Surely you won't think us destined to be.

But, know it's chains of love I cannot best
Your look lets my soul fly while my lips lock
The breath before the kiss is like arrest
But you dear are the key to life’s cell block.

Do not doubt when you hear only jail birds
For when I'm hush I love you more than words.

— The End —