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27.6k · Aug 2014
Bookmark Personality
David Leger Aug 2014
Late night car rides,
Empty pints of *****,
A one-night ecstacy,
With a heartbreak dawn:

She shows her shallows,
As if they're great depths;
A cry of sorrow? Honey,
You ain't seen nothing yet.

She's not an open book,
She's just a bookmark type of personality.
Stuck between the pages of something more interesting,
Like a catalog or a Cosmo magazine.

Oh, she's always just caught between someone's pages,
With bits and pieces of their's stories rubbing off on her,
But them words don't look the same tattooed on her, oh no.

So stop pretending you're the deepest sea,
Your pretentious crap never fooled me.
Meant to be a spoken word, the tone is sort of casual carelessness, or a passive aggressively condescending. Hopefully that helps you to understand the tone of this piece.
9.3k · Aug 2014
The Optimist
David Leger Aug 2014
You'll see me here again
At the end of the dock,
In the morning mist;

Waiting for soothing rain
As waves crash the rocks,
Yet I remain the Optimist;

For when I breathe a sigh of sorrow,
I trust my sun will shine tomorrow.
What is happiness without a little sorrow?
David Leger Nov 2013
The Sparrow's song is my happiness
A friend that darkness never takes
A remedy to my greatest sadness
And is always there when morning breaks

As it flies through the forest singing
The angelic tune brings comfort to all
A true moment of simplicity rings
Even as the sun again begins to fall

In presence of the Sparrow's innocence
We will always pursue it with diligence.
My Facebook Page:
6.4k · Dec 2013
Roses, Orchids, & Lilies
David Leger Dec 2013
This is for you,
The Roses, the Orchids, the Lilies of the world,
Your colour, your fragrance, your perfection unmatched,
This is for you:

It is for you that the sun rises everyday;
It rises so that you may bask in it's rays.

It is for you that the rain falls down;
It falls for you and seeps into the ground.

They are for you, the birds and the bees;
They prune you of your wilted leaves.

And they are for you, my deep blue eye;
To gaze upon you all until I die.
My Facebook Page:
6.0k · Dec 2013
Cock & Asshole
David Leger Dec 2013
These words they cannot be rewritten to bright beat the minds of pop culture fiends
Against the steel wall of the infinite Hollywood signs, dripping blood,
Until the creative mind is bled dry.

Then working the street corners to pay the corporate copies far too much for a strip tease by a fat transvestite, night after night;
But we never realize there is no end,
No end to the ***** **** being shoved down our throats —
Though we think there will be a ***** at the end;
Except there's just ***** hair stuck in our teeth,
And along the way we've forgotten what it is like to have an empty mouth,
Without **** coming out of our mouth and *******,
Such that now it feels right.

Look up at the man in a suite holding the camera,
Like the attention you get from the broken world. 

One man ***-***** another then gets ***-****** himself;
Then bumped further in by a third,
Till the world is united by **** and *******.
My Facebook Page:
4.8k · Aug 2014
Whore For The Cold World
David Leger Aug 2014
Coiled around the core
     of my heart
Is a sigh for the *****
     who sold my art.

I was that fiend, lusting for care,
     not long ago,
I wrote the shame on the page I tear,
     I am my foe.

But dead now, is that ***** *****,
     Buried deep within;
I write for me forevermore,
     Yet carry still that sin.
I used to write for the wrong reasons, but not anymore. I'll never let that ***** in me sell me out again.
3.7k · Oct 2012
A Passionate Plea
David Leger Oct 2012
A crown of thistles and thorns,
Worn as I walk through the Wasteland
Carrying my burdens and hope on my shoulders
The noon light and the twilight.

Step and another forward forever
Into my now broken journey ahead
Footing the edge of the final ledge
Final steps filled with regret —
Or could it be hope?

My Passion is dark from my view;
Somehow, I shine as a Beacon
To the hopeless and the desperate,
The hearts that are broken by fate.

String me up now before I destroy them all,
All along with myself, in my pain.
I was meant to be this way,
To die while I’m still pure.

My bitter victory makes you ever sweet.
My Facebook Page:
3.1k · Aug 2014
Shallow Lakes
David Leger Aug 2014
If shallow lakes hold your beauty in their waters,
I do not care to break their stilling surface,
Water lilies and reeds of wild grass do not tempt,
Because where do I find more, once the image falters
With little more than a gaze at the lilies? Their grace,
On the surface, is all they can give for an attempt.

In shallow lakes, I can see their bottom is nigh,
So to swim is not feasible, nor delightful;
To merely wade in a shallow pond — uninspiring!
Alas, to surface from deepest parts yields but a sigh,
And if waters here were to drink, it would not fill my soul,
Still beautiful to gaze upon, but after little time is tiring.

So I indulge myself in the vastness of the sea,
The depths are endless, and the storms are foul,
But in the ocean deep, when I start swimming far,
The waters are an infinite sea of fantasy,
To be swallowed whole within the temptest’s howl;
The deepest depths will heal the deepest scar.
I'm not looking for some shallow lake; I'm looking for a deep ocean to get lost in.
2.9k · Feb 2014
Deep Sea Memories
David Leger Feb 2014
A silent sea, reflecting me at eventide;
Oh how I miss the water’s caress,
Flowing over my skin like silken dress.

The Ocean Queen, in Her depths I’ll confide,
I’ll swim deep with Her by my side,
Letting my fears sink into Her vastness.
2.7k · Apr 2016
Spyglass Hill At Dawn
David Leger Apr 2016
Real life has no filter;
It's sweet and bitter,
     but mostly sweet.

Savour. every. moment.

See life as it is —
a stream of passion
that runs fast and
then dry. So go paint
the sky. no excuses.
paint the sky. do it.

I don't want to leave;
it was just getting good.
Thoughts from my notebook written while sitting on top of Spyglass Hill, looking out at the river and town below.
2.1k · Aug 2014
Primrose On The Shore
David Leger Aug 2014
She's out there somewhere,
Among the tall grass,
Waiting for me, still unaware.

She's dancing with breeze
As the winds come off the shore;
She's singing with the seas
As the waves crash and roar.

Her scent sails to me
In the flowing evening air
While I still travel seas

I'll land upon that beach
One day and find her there;
She'll be within my reach
*Elle est ma fleur de la mer.
1.9k · Jan 2016
Just A Passerby
David Leger Jan 2016
Everyone slips into the sea,
Everyone does eventually,
And then they never return.

Memories grow faint, I feel,
And now seem so unreal
As time, like fires, burn.

But as people come and go away
With the tides of every waking day,
I embrace the constant churn.

I laugh and cry with them,
Love and die with them;
I become part of them with every turn.
1.5k · Jul 2015
Passive Love
David Leger Jul 2015
Gumdrops in Candyland, teardrops in soup;
Tomato red, I spin my head;
And jump now through the hoop.

In the rain I walked, in the rain we kissed;
Paper hats, playful chats;
Forgetting what I missed.

Forethought for me, an afternoon with you;
Flick the light, to day from night,
More love, your love, I do.
The feeling of realizing you should probably be in love with someone. What are you waiting for? Go!
David Leger May 2014
If for a moment time wasn't at my throat swinging like a pendulum with a cold blade at the end,
I’d challenge the world with that moment and in just a handful of seconds change everything —
but reality pulls back, those frozen seconds slip from my grasp, and I’m stuck in the infinite now;
trapped between the longing past and the hopeful future.

I’ve pondered the certainty of desolation;
The impossibility of the divine forever moments,
Against time’s constant undertowing motion,
we cannot contest / we cannot relent!

But now, as I stand and observe the city lights through the low-hanging mist,
I ponder the dark questions about humanity and what it has become from the early days through to now.
Is there not more wonder than a green blade of grass cracking through the crushing weight of the sidewalk’s concrete slab at my staggering feet?
I may enjoy this night — but I don’t.
I enjoy life despite a sorry excuse for love in a pseudo-relationshitstrorm and cheap *** with a sour aftertaste of pure regret.

I am heartbroken, and heartless.  Trying to make up for it with imagined feelings for a person who was never there.

And when I see all the people around me finding love in a bare, bar bathroom stall, I wonder in all my pity: did I miss out on opportunity?
David Leger Aug 2014
Vien ici, ma belle,
Vein et me rejoindre
Alors qu'on peut reve ensemble
Sous la ceil de la nuit brillant.

Nous peuvons aller n'import ou,
Et quand le matin se reville
Nous serons encore ici
Dans la mer profond de la vie.

English Translation (sounds a lot better in french though)

Come here, my beautiful,
Come and join me
So we may dream together
Under the sparkling night sky.

We can go anywhere at all,
And when we wake
We'll still be here
In the deep sea of life.
Wrote this in french. I thought it would be a good idea to start writing in french since I haven't been exposed to it for a year now. Hopefully writing in french again will help me retain the language more.
1.2k · Apr 2015
David Leger Apr 2015
I've never lived in Nebraska.
     God knows why anyone would ever want to.
One or two days without Alaska
     and I'm already about to lose my ****.

I wish she would visit soon, Alaska,
     It's been a couple months now.
But the more I think about it
     She'll never see Nebraska;
Where violets and lilacs are trampled
     And hold no more value to me;
Where technicolor has no place,
     And is a broken concept;
Where people merely exist,
     And nothing more.

I was here for a three years
     And now I'm leaving Nebraska.
With little to show for it
     And I have not a memory left of Alaska.
I never lived in Nebraska.
     I probably could have tried.
1.2k · Aug 2014
The Last Rebel
David Leger Aug 2014
I've come to lay my arms down,
So take me quietly into crowded streets,
Set me free in amongst the bustling town,
No Resistance. I'm beaten and weak.
When the last rebel falls, will there be victory?
1.2k · Nov 2013
The Last Hunt
David Leger Nov 2013
When his heart is overcome with the cold of winter
A light shines through the falling snow
Accompanied by the melody of the lone hunter
Playing for the silent night, his only foe

Alone, without himself, the wolves stalking closer
Acceptance of a life ending and nothing expected
Tonight on the eve of his death, he thinks of her
The dimming light of his fire, beautifully prophetic

She who can dismiss his deepest fears
Even with all that will come to pass
With the deepest memory held dear
Of her love, greater than nature's wrath

Faced his foe with courage in her name
He laid his head on a softest pillow of snow
Smile on his face, resting in peace, they came
And the strength she gave she'll never know
My Facebook Page:
1.1k · Aug 2014
Nymphomaniac Fantasia
David Leger Aug 2014
Her lips against my skin,
My hand caressing her ****** thighs,
This night where I am within her.

I'll bleed my passion into her depths,
As she ***** the breath from my lungs,
And the tides that bring her ecstasy,
The still night is broken as she cries joy.
A tribute to the Nightwish song of the same name.  Experimenting with eroticism.
David Leger Apr 2014
Would I be correct to assume you are what you do?
I see you watching TV -- oh, you must be a watcher.
You walk across the street -- no way you're anything but a walker.

She eats, so why not call her an eater?
He sleeps, so he must be a sleeper.

Why is everyone so naive? -- they must be naivers.
Cause if they do it, that must all they are. Right?

I may write poems,
but I am not a poet.

I write the same way you watch TV;
I  watch TV the same way you cross the street;
I cross the street the same way she eats;
And I eat the same way he sleeps!

I am not what I do,
That's not even close to true!
And neither are you,
But if that's how you see me, that must be you.
1.0k · Nov 2013
David Leger Nov 2013
Black windows
Black skies
And blacker shadows
Cast by your silhouette

I see your death a thousand times
During the sleepless nights of mine
So much it's grown to be a part of me
So much that my eyes only sorrow see

You carry on, drifting through my void memory
Like a ghost walking in the aftermath of tragedy
Until there is nothing left but you
And I am shades of black through and through.
My Facebook Page:
1.0k · Jan 2014
Ah, Youth!
David Leger Jan 2014
Where has the time gone;
Why aren’t the days as long;
Where did all the laughter go;
Why do memories seem sweet from long ago,
Wherewith shorter time passed are not so?

Why did the dreams become so lecherous;
Where are the days that were adventurous;
Why has innocence lost its allure;
Where is the field of flowers so pure,
Why, nothing could give hope an aperture?

Where has the sunshine gone so bright;
Why has the moon forgotten my night;
Where has my innocence been taken;
Why must time left me forsaken,
Where a Dead Boy can never awaken?

Why do we yearn for a silent cry;
Where is the child with the spark his eye;
Why has all the magic died for me;
Where is the awe of curiosity,
Why has the world grown bleak to see?

Where can I find all I miss once more;
Why is it lost, so quickly been forbore;
Where comes that blissful echo;
Why is it so familiar, shall I never know,
Where it comes and the happiness it show?

Once passed, never to return;
Oh, how I wish to relearn,
And I try to see and feel,
I try to keep alive the unreal,
But with every day it slips further away,
As days cross over, closer to the Ferryman, and a penny to pay.
My Facebook Page:
1.0k · Jul 2015
50 Ways To Escape
David Leger Jul 2015
I thought for a month the moon would never return,
But as young as I am, I still have much to learn
White light piercing black veiled skies,
What a sight, for a widower in paradise!
Vision, gentle now with this glory bright,
Death may shake the earth but I'm steady in flight.
971 · Aug 2014
She'll Hunt Me For Eternity
David Leger Aug 2014
She draws nearer in her hunt for me,
While I cling to my world within;
Her poison dart seeks purest blood,
I am the child without sin.

Her alluring lips, the scent of lust
Like scores of ropes constricting;
I fear the Dark Angel will claim me one day
And fear I most that her love will be addicting.
This is one that I think requires some explanation.  I see so many people I know falling in love and they lose who they used to be. Some for better, but many for worse. I fear the same thing will happen to me: I'll find a girl and all my interest will shift to pleasing her. I also fear I'll lose part of me because it's something that she dislikes, or I won't be able to be myself around her because she wouldn't understand my quirks and they would turn her off. I dated a girl once who never knew I wrote, and I didn't tell her because I wrote a lot about her, and it was too early in the relationship to be revealing the feelings I wrote about. That may have been the wrong thing to do, but wither way, doesn't matter now. However, I still wonder what I might hide if I were to start a relationship today.
This poem is about that fear of losing myself, and the fear that I might pursue a relationship because I've been single for so long. I'm not against "hooking up" but rather I think I'd fall for almost anyone if they show interest in me, which is why I'm careful as to who I show interest for. Anyway, that's enough rambling for something most people won't read.

David Leger Aug 2014
I am left the lone soldier on the battlefield,
The others have fled.

Heroes into the arms of God
Cowards to the hills.

I am alone in the light of day;
No masters to serve, nor subordinates slave.

I can see for miles,
Yet this ground is unknown to me.

I walk the line between history,
And numbered days.

Shall I be a fabled burst of flame,
Or be forgotten as smolders of ash?
Is it better to burn out or to fade away?
966 · Aug 2014
Organ Thieves
David Leger Aug 2014
I thought heartbreak was a movie deal
Never knew it would turn out to be this real
But when everyone you care about
Leaves you in a world of doubt
You feel,
Like your heart is never gonna heal
And that ain't all you're gonna feel but now it's got some massive mass appeal.

I stepped into the world out side,
Shortly after I began to die
I left my eyes wide open
And they were quickly stolen
And I,
Could only turn a blind eye,
When everybody walking by
Were ***** thieves, and they were sly.

Just as I was looking to spread my wings
I saw them for sale on a street corner with my other stolen things:
But they were somewhere far away,
I saw them through my eyes stolen just the other day.
I'm all over the place in some love-devoted crime ring,
But while I'm everywhere, I'm still dreaming
Cause maybe someone out there can mend these lonely heart stings.

And I don't care what happens to me!
Cut off my legs and I'll search the seven seas
Cause I'm not a machine
I'm a human being
Just because I'm broken i won't run out of steam!
I'll gather myself one day, whenever that may be,
And she'll be the one who bought the missing pieces of me.
Probably going to add to this, I think it still needs a bit of closure to bring it full circle.
950 · Jul 2014
David Leger Jul 2014
Time will sweep the seas aside
And dry the wistlful shore,
But I'll stay here for you my dear,
And count the graves of war.
943 · Nov 2013
Song Of Myself
David Leger Nov 2013
A child asks me, "Is there life after death?"
I wish I had an answer that would not crush him infinitely,
But I can't bring myself you say, "Yes!"
He is so ignorant, so empty of knowledge happily,
And I'm so filled with envy.

I am unsure, that is the curse I bare,
At least with a definite leaning to fact or faith,
Onward may one go, but I am stuck at a crossroads

Is it real? Is what's real good?
My mortal mind can never be sure
In the end I will know,
I cannot go on until the end when I cannot.

From what I've seen,
Not a lot but enough to question,
I do not know, yet my mind is keen,
If I don't choose, from both I face rejection.

What are we,
Fact, or fiction?
That is the question.
What are we?

In the beginning, god created the heavens and the earth,
A vile creation, abandoned long ago by the Lord.
The place which so violently ripped apart with all mortal hurt,
Our blood and guts hang out for ridicule of our gore.

The soft green flesh of the world, eaten off by humanity,
It reveals the cold stone skeleton with flesh all gone;
It smells of cold black death from years before we.
We roam the dry barren wasteland, walking on earth-bone.

See our half-life is also merely a half-death,
Be what we can, but ourselves we should always stay.
Whether, we succeed, fail, wither, prevail,
It is beautiful that dream in the night, of better days.

Whether we are divided with many around us,
For with others then we may share,
Or united with none in sight of us,
With ourselves we may stare to the empty universe
Go forth into the abyss, singing a human verse.

Before I go, I cannot sleep
Until I leave myself painted on everyone I know
And all the paper is writ upon by me,
telling my story forevermore and completely so.

I will never leave a verse within myself,
Expel every brilliant word from my head;
So that I may one day be taken from a dusty bookshelf
Long after I am dead.

Whatever we do in the moment is nothing,
But not to us.
Whatever we create in the moment is everything,
But not to us.

It is you to me,
And me to you,
And the world to come,
If stay us true.

We are all gods when we create.

So this be it,
My final verse to be writ;
Nothing left to be said,
Only a song of myself to be read.
My Facebook Page:
933 · Apr 2016
Some Happy Words
David Leger Apr 2016
I wish you’d write some happy words,
cause God know’s I need some now;

It’s been awhile since we’ve talked,
but I still know you somehow;

I wish you’d write some happy words,
do you still remember how?
919 · Aug 2014
The Dress
David Leger Aug 2014
my daughter wore
     a white dress
          to school today;

     it now looks awful
          red on her.
style somewhat inspired by "The Red Wheelbarrow"
903 · Nov 2013
Deep Dark Symphony
David Leger Nov 2013
Link to Music:

I left the shore and with my memories
Traveled far from forlorn fantasies
The sea winds sailed me into waters deep
All the future and past I weep

Abandoned my pen in shame
Silent deep words lost in vane
A dying poet without a name
And nothing but the sea remains

Drifting on endlessly through dreamworlds and the sea
I see a meadow a scene that comforts me
Warm winds breeze in the rye and golden wheat
There my heart will take its final beat

I yearn to grace the shore of Elysian Fields
Gilded beaches, warm sunsets yield
But the sea winds howl my deep dark symphony
Dreams that only my death can set free

"And I forgive the sea
For all it's done to me
It is my home,
My grave forevermore
As the tides take me under, deeper down."

Horrid memories carved in stone
Waves can never wash away
Tortured souls that died alone
Ghost still haunt the seabed graves

Drown all hope drown all grace
Drown in past you never faced
Sins that cloud the poet’s sea
Storms rage for eternity

The albatrosses fly over
The deep dark ocean, left Cliffs of Dover
And the poet's dreams of paradise
Reborn from his sacrifice

And the symphony still plays on
Melody for those lost at sea
Heartborne poets final song
Sailing fast to Elysian Shores

“My symphony begins at the end of all love and loss."
My Facebook Page:
David Leger Jul 2014
You are in no way an angel,
And are careless in most you do,
So it don't matter anyway --
By the way, I love you.
* If you don't know about the controversy behind the font Comic Sans, I suggest you look it up.
David Leger Aug 2014
These here, these great seas,
All the poets have come to you;
and stood in awe before vast pleasing views,
Of tempests wrought great sorrow,
Of skies filled with ore and silver light,
Of deep unknown and questioning existence,
Of gods, and heavens more vast than you,
Of who sails beyond the horizon,
Of the winds and scents of your shores,
Of endless sands to set foot upon,
Of all the arcane myths and lores!

How may I greet these great seas any differently?
So that I may cause a shift in the tides?
Alas, dreams far grander than I, these are;
The tides will shift as they may,
And every soul will be swept away.
A tribute to Whitman's style.
852 · Jun 2015
David Leger Jun 2015
Here they fall,
    As words they lay;
Like rain on leaves,
    Then drift away—

New ones come
     Lonesome and weak;
Shrugged off by the old,
     Obese and bleak—

Stillness, then shock
     Illuminates my mind;
A scape of rusted reveries,
     Desolate and unkind—

Hallucinations by and by,
      And I chase their light;
Dreams and adorations,
     Faint whispers in the night—
843 · Nov 2013
The Graveyard
David Leger Nov 2013
A window into my mind shows a bleak scene
Gallows stand in a graveyard of my dead hearts
Cold with autumn winds is the season it dies again
It's dying season again
The crows gather on the skeletal trees
And on the iron fence peaks
The sky floods a grey sea

It's amazing how you hold the lever
The one that kills this love forever
Do you dare to pull
And send another heart of mine under
Or will you clear away these clouds of thunder

It will happen one day though
One day the love will go
I wonder what happens when this graveyard is full
And there's nowhere to bury my hanging heart
The swaying body stops with a lull
The love will not go away though its dead, fallen apart
I'm stuck on this one, it won't go away
Until I go too on my dying day

Is this true love?
My Facebook Page:
812 · Aug 2014
The Streetcar
David Leger Aug 2014
They clasped their hands together,
and rest their worked brains
Thinking that everyone around them is insane,

A homeward bound subway train,
And they're rattling change to their ears
Convincing themselves they're not all the same.

A humble gulp of insecurity to ease the stress,
The street car travels on with great unrest.
A twitch, and a cough, but no one admits any word.

They halt at their homes. Disembark the train and settle down to watch TV shows.

The lights down low, the flickering box of rerun shows flashes out for the night.

They're all tired, and close their eyes with one another.
That copy, copy, copy,
Is a never-failed routine,
And they'll repeat it again,
Thinking old days are new.

They'll wake, they'll wear dress shoes,
and suits, and sing a silent blues.

Where comfort suits them,
They'll rot in the same old rut. Together.
I sometimes worry that we're all the same.
811 · Sep 2015
Decay Of My Reality
David Leger Sep 2015
I've asked questions that should not have answers,
And have dreamt they were never real.
I've fallen in love with ideas
Too perfect to ever feel.
My impossible expectations
Of moments I cannot steal;
Chilling, life, what day is it?
Will I ever make a sound?
805 · Apr 2016
Dry Ink
David Leger Apr 2016
I acquired an old typewriter today,
Someone was just giving it away;
All the letters it must have written—
what love stories it's told...

I can now write the stories I see,
All the letters sit perfect in front of me,
But the ink dries more with each second gone by;
Write, ******! Write!
      I can't (sigh).
For those times when the words won't flow onto the page.
798 · Dec 2013
Trust Betrayed
David Leger Dec 2013
And I had no idea that you could bleed so much for me.
When you're tied to a feeling,
And it's hard to believe, I don't in anything,
And I trust my heart when it says:
"Let it go, let it go. Let it go, let it go."

Standing in the shadows healing the scars you endured for me.
I can't see you're still bleeding,
And it's hard to believe, I don't see anything,
And I trust my mind when it says:
"I don't know, I don't know. I don't know, I don't know."

Swimming in the seas of your blood you spilled for me.
I never notice the tide's rising,
And it's hard to believe, I don't feel anything,
And I trust in my lungs when they say:
"Breathe in slow, breathe in slow. Breathe in slow, breathe in slow."

And it's just another day;
I don't care anyway,
If I drown in your care;
Because I'm not aware.
My Facebook Page:
761 · Dec 2013
David Leger Dec 2013
Reality has become recently,
Detached from my body, mind, soul,             , most of all.

It comes and goes, goes up and down on a sporadic path
And,             , was once beautiful a moment ago to me,
but now she's different, and tomorrow I'll love her again, then I'll hate her, then I'll forget her -- hell! I've already forgotten.
And I've already loved again.
And hated again.
And forgotten.
Her name:            ,
I don't want to remember, and I wish I never met her!

It comes and goes, goes up and down on a sporadic path
And, Love , was once ugly to me a moment ago,
But now I love her, and tomorrow I'll love her, and then I'll love her, and I'll never forget her.
And I've already loved again.
And loved again.
And loved forever.
Her name: Love,
And I'll never forget her, and I'm grateful to have met her!

It comes and goes, goes up and down on a sporadic path
Again, and again, and again, and again, and again / / / / What a desperate coil of emotion!
My Facebook Page:
743 · Apr 2015
Cry For The Moon
David Leger Apr 2015
Every day people astound me and I don’t know why.
They’ll astound me util the day i die. Why?
Don’t get me wrong, but where are the important people,
I wouldn’t know one if I met one. I’ve never met one.
But they’d be all that much more special if one appears to me ever.
I thought I found one once, then twice, and a third time, but before long they fell to ruin under the weight of themselves, they were abnormal and reality was normal, always clashing, and crashing, and bashing heads with each other.
I cry, oh how I cry for them to come back to reality where I am trapped. I see their reality and they do not. I wish I was like them. I wish I couldn’t see their faults and mine. As I slip away and their eyes glazed with rose pedals, I let out a shout! “Take me!” but their grins grow wide with sweet eyes and they drink my tears while I cry for them. I am sunk like a forlorn ship in the storm long ago. Like the sorrow they write about, I am that reality without readers. Unbeautifully broken. My story is worth not their hearts.

My eyes still close dreaming of you.
Written while listening to "Howl" by Allen Ginsberg.
739 · Jan 2016
Comfort For The Soul
David Leger Jan 2016
My soul, my soul,
You have taken a toll;
Weathered through the years,
And the heartbreak tears.

The marks have to all turned to scars,
You can forget all the fun times riding in cars;
It's alright, you can open your eyes,
And watch the morning sun rise.

Forget where you were yesterday,
And try it all again today;
Love will meet you,
Eventually, love will meet you.
726 · Nov 2013
The Trees
David Leger Nov 2013
The trees whisper to me
In the cool autumn wind;
They comfort me within
And let me walk amongst them
Freely and effortlessly.

The buildings shout at me
Echoes from the roaming gas animals;
They make me fear myself
And block me from places I want to go;
They are the roots of insecurity within me;
Posters of praised artificial pseudo-perfection,
Draped on billboarded roof-sides
That give me a place to find death quickly.
My Facebook Page:
702 · Aug 2014
Fire For Friends
David Leger Aug 2014
I search for wood in the darkest hour
In the coldest forest amid the trees
Facing the wicked winds with valour
At a toppled tree, I bend down on my knees
Collect the lumber dry and frozen
I rise and begin my journey back
Wherewith the fuel now chosen
A simple light is all I lack
699 · Jul 2014
Distance vs. Time
David Leger Jul 2014
Walking along the desolate seashore,
Hand in hand with the breeze,
I think of you and the last we spoke,
Exchanging farewell pleasantries;

The road I walk now along,
Winding with the golden strand,
Palisades of rocky cliffs, you'd love to see,
As I muse and grasp your ghostly hand.

Though you're not beside me,
You walk this path and gaze this shoreline;
For all seas converge, all roads diverge,
And all distances vanish with time.
697 · Nov 2013
From G To E Minor
David Leger Nov 2013
A lone violin plays the sweet change from G to E minor, echoing sounds of sadness in my soul, and showing me that my red heart can bleed forever. What a strange feeling as I crave the chords to be played once more and satisfy the bleeding score which I always longed for. My heart was meant to bleed, all my emotions set free. Release my lock with the key of C and the combination from G to E minor.
My Facebook Page:
693 · Nov 2013
David Leger Nov 2013
I feel like we are two halves of a whole:

You are boastful,
I am bashful,

You are confidence,
I am innocence,

You are regretfulness
I am forgiveness.

However, we are of equal understanding
And know the path taken by the other half
And we understand the other half
And respect his chosen path.
My Facebook Page:
662 · Jun 2015
We Are The Art
David Leger Jun 2015
I lost nights of sleep,
  Days, and weeks
    To these words I weep;
They've coiled around my soul,
  Wrapped me up tight,
    And swallowed me whole;
My blood runs black with ink of the art,
  Beneath the skin pale as paper,
    Words beat through and through my heart!
I am the poem come alive,
  I write and write
    Just to survive.
661 · Nov 2013
The Siren
David Leger Nov 2013
Drifting on a moonlit sea
Siren sings her song to me
The Lullaby of remedy

I cannot escape her bliss
She has all I miss
All that makes me reminisce

Take me in now siren's song
Life without love is too long.
My Facebook Page:
653 · Apr 2015
A Whisper From The Loam
David Leger Apr 2015
For us, with calming winds came late,
     we know not their pain;
The seas and tides had taken care
     not even left a stain—
Of all the broken things there were,
     I still have yet to see one;
But veldts of green and daffodils,
     in which to play and run—
They say to me in a whisper soft,
     “Do not dwell on us below."
So we dance among the fields above
     those forgotten long ago.
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