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Aug 2020 · 1.1k
Cigarettes and Memories
Before today, I’d never bite the cigarette
You dangled in front of my lips;
But the smoke is the scent of ‘regret’
All over you and our relationship.
The smoke is dense, greying with each puff;
It is poisonous and carcinogenic.
I’ll accept your tease today
Because perhaps our memories with each other will fade away
As the smoke does once it is inhaled and released,
Lifted with the winds.
Jul 2020 · 273
Know Your Consequences
Swallow is a goof.
Why do you fly like that, bird?
You will harm yourself...
Apr 2020 · 185
2 Years
I miss, and only miss...
My thin chapped lips shall never kiss.
Two years have passed;
Depression swallowed my bliss.
It ate my love to you,
And the good old past I reminisced.

I miss, and only miss...
Empty heart shattered in night’s hiss.
Two years, internally harassed;
Demons work my soul at last!
Darling—save me from the absence of your kiss.
Bruh, I’m so committed to this collection.
What’s so good about the stars?
Like humans, they live and die.

But at least the burnt-out stars
Look better than the bones of our dead;

The dead who claim to ‘die for us,’
And rise again just like the sun.

Galaxies expand all the time,
And so I hope our minds.

Call the black holes in our space,
The sockets in our eyes.
Not even a poem, ngl.
Hi, I haven’t been on here in a while...
Observe the darkness;
Yet the star and moon shed light;
Yet my head has no
Lit path in itself or a
Way to waltz throughout its night.
I’ve been trying to post, but this thing keeps crashing on me.
You have a mother;
She doesn’t know
That I’ve given you a paper
That you have yet to throw.
In other words,
Your mom’s a ***.
Ahahah this vine is stuck in my head.
May 2019 · 2.0k
If there is purpose to life
Then it is death,
As all men die,
And some men mourn.
My “philosophy”...
Though, to me, there is no set purpose to life.
Apr 2019 · 1.6k
Once Upon a Time
I was the female
Whose eyes and soul
Were like a mystery
Wrapped inside a fairytale.
Mar 2019 · 437
Shower Thoughts
I’m being burned:
Burned by the water.
The water’s hot,
But I am hotter.

Read this with a wierd accent and then wink at the end hehe. I was really bored in the shower...
Mar 2019 · 795
12 Months
I miss––for still I miss.
My lips are stone, and cannot kiss.
My year was long;
What is this "bliss"?
What is love?
I can no longer reminisce.

I miss––for still I miss.
Heart is empty; no roar, no hiss.
A year, and you're still gone,
And poems are written into dawn.
Thoughts are dark like an abyss.
Finally an actual poem... as the months pass by, it only gets worse.
Mar 2019 · 370
The Ice & Sun (Tanka)
Ice said he would do
Anything for Sun. But he
Grabbed her sunny ray,
And he melted his skin. Oh,
Ice—you were fooled by the Sun.
And vice versa as the Sun was fooled by the Ice, thinking he would always stay; the Sun thought she would never be hurt.

(Written after a test)
Mar 2019 · 1.3k
Her face was like an auto
While being struck by an auto.
And the driver?
Well, the driver just laughed.
“Thanks god my car isn’t damaged;
I stole it yesterday night.”
I made myself laugh so much, but basically my dad always says “you look like an auto” when someone’s face is like 0_o.... yeah, it’s not that funny but **** it.

I might post another ACTUAL poem before I go to sleep.
Mar 2019 · 7.6k
False Compare
Their eyes were like the stars—
But stars are not blue,
Nor green,
Nor the deepest shade of brown.
**** watch people not read this note section, but this is another parody on those wannabe poets that think by making prose aesthetically arranged and making it look like a stanza is poetry. If you know, you know.
Also, watch this trend because it’s “aesthetic.”

Also, Shakespeare’s sonnet gave me the idea for this ****. Hence the title.
Feb 2019 · 368
Glued to the Past
I am stuck and forgotten in the past.
I wasn’t planning to rot in this hell.
Still here and all this time has passed.

Time goes by quite fast.
Forever behind the bars of this cell…
I am stuck and forgotten in the past.

I have deprived myself of my sins at last…
But through a trapdoor of the past I fell.
Still here and all this time has passed.

My ******* deeds molested, and harassed
Me, but I’m not trying to dwell.
I am stuck and forgotten in the past.

And now I am done this villanelle at last.
I try to call out but the walls block my yell.
I am stuck and forgotten in the past.
Still here and all this time has passed.
I was not sure if I should post this poem here or not... lol...
It is not simple;
My emotions won’t easily fade.
It’s happened so often
For me to be afraid.
*******t y poem... it really does reflect how I am feeling though: useless, a failure, trapped in another web of forbidden love... the list goes on as the words decrease and prose become vague, and poems tell and don’t show as there is ‘emotional emptiness’ that can only be felt but not described.
Jan 2019 · 10.6k
Copycat, copycat.
Mimic all that I do,
Even though
you know
it's not good for you.

Copycat, copycat.
Do not be a fool.
You can fool
So many people.
But not me;
I will not drool
All over you.

Copycat, copycat.
Giveback my life.
No, I do not care if copying me is how you survive.
No, I hate you a lot... so goodbye.

Copycat, copycat.
I shouldn't call you so:
You're a *****, and I hope that you know.
I appoint you head ***** from now on.
Bam! Scram!
It's about time that you've gone.
Ahaha this is a phat mood
Night 1:
I spend my last, and hurting days
Attempting to erase your face,
And the memory of your last hug:
Fingers tugging on the lace
of my dress,
and the purple velvet of the blanket,
Covering both our skins,
Our vulnerability,
And passion.

Night 2:
I am trying to forget,
But you stained me like ashes from a cigarette
On the white fabric you used to wear.
Or still do... who knows?
You haunt me, but I come to trace your silhouette,
And ****, you’re gone again—
Maybe protected in the shadows.

Night 3:
Where are you today, my joy?
Where am I?
I hopelessly wander the empty, sandy dunes,
Watching the full infinite moons
Pass by.

Night 4:
I never thought I would be the one to leave you—
I always thought it would be the other way around.
I am truly lost...
The sandy dunes are, in fact, hills of beige frost,
And I am scared;
I am scarred.
You’re an irreplaceable piece of art,
And I’m too far from where you are.

Night 5:
My hands are shaken, and are bruised.
I am ashamed; I am confused.
Clearly, the only way to **** off a memory is through abuse.
I learned to take a pill—
It does claim to have my pain reduced!
And the velvet,
And the lace,
Are appearing to erase.
Then goes a smudge of colour;
Next, leaves a seraphic face...
What was the purpose of a greyish-blueish gaze?
Who knows?
Who am I?
Who are you?
Who is who?
  I am no one anymore;
  For there is no one to adore.
Ultrabored & ultrarandom.
Dec 2018 · 641
No One Can Compare (Tanka)
Wind stings and nips at
My cheek, but it’s nothing like
Your seasoned kisses.
Kisses that I am lacking
From your sly lips: bitter-sweet.
Bitter-sweet is bitter because of the cunning and manipulative lips, and is sweet because, indeed, my ‘lover’s’ kisses were magical—entrancing!
Dec 2018 · 711
One Out of Many (Haiku)
Flower speckled plum.
For once it was the flower,
And not the whole field.
Plum is referring to the deep purple colour.
Also, I have a second version where in line one the word “speckled” is changed to “coated.”
Dec 2018 · 645
9 Months
I am missing, and still I miss.
Reminisce, is it? Well, I reminisce.
It’s been more than far too long;
I am still without a bliss,
And your touch,
And your kiss.

I am missing, and still I miss.
The silence in my heart roars—
No more does it hiss.
9 months gone wrong;
I’m weary; almost gone.
Darling, my memory of you I cannot dismiss.
It wasn’t a lie
When you told me that time flies.
You said I’ll be forever alone,
But I didn’t listen, and said goodbye.
Now we will die,
And never reunite...
w e  a r e  t h e  o c e a n . . .

      y o u  a r e  t h e  s u n s e t . . .

                        I  a m  t h e  s t a r l e s s
                                                         s k y . . .
Personally, I hate this type of poetry, and don’t even find this poetry, but I had a thought and thought it should go on here for aesthetic purposes... yeah... this does not make sense, but hey, it’s all about aesthetics, right?

Update: honestly, this was made as a parody on those Rupi Kaur type of “poems,” and it really concerns me that this has more views than some of my actual poetry...
Oct 2018 · 5.9k
[A Season's Poetic Whisper]
Autumn has nothing on me now;
Summer has changed me as a whole.
But winter is coming soon, I fear,
And I'm afraid by spring I'll have no soul.

Spring: a season's anticipation,
Awaiting the exciting summertime...
Crashing down comes ice and snow,
And brings me to the winter-rhyme.

Winter, bearing ugly days––
To bring out nips upon the skin,
And tears to turn to killing hail,
And morals to turn to bitter sin.

Autumn, so full of nothingness:
Empty, and dead, and decaying-brown.
Leaves that swarm the dried-out air
Like clumps of ashes falling down.

Summer, the warm, and lovely season––
"Hurry up," I say, "and run, run, run."
I'm missing sun in every corner;
I'm missing freedom; I'm missing fun.
I don't know about this poem... comment, please...(?)
I did not want to post this at first, but it gave me a decent reason to procrastinate and not do homework.
Oct 2018 · 2.3k
7 Months
I miss, and I miss.
But who to kiss, dear? Who to kiss?
It’s been far too long;
Where’s that bliss?
And your touch?
And your kiss?

I miss, and I miss.
With silence my heart may only hiss.
Seven months too long.
I’m weak, not strong!
Darling, I need your sweetened kiss.
~A little thought in math that morphed into a poem~
Jul 2018 · 1.4k
Once In, Never Out (Tanka)
Living in your head
Is like living in a maze
Of wildfire;
Thoughts never stop, but they burn.
I wish I never stepped in.
I was low key inspired by a Zemfira song called “To Live in Your Head”
Jun 2018 · 5.0k
Ocean Tide
Ocean tide, please wash away
All of the misery from yesterday.
And my past, and the winter.
White, frantic snow that made me bitter.

Draw in the sunshine and the love.
Take back a previous life that was rough.
Ocean tide, I know you can
Help me see my love again.

Ocean tide, release your wave.
Blend in with the melted snow and rain.
Move my boat to find my treasures,
Or my pile of long lost letters.

Gold locks and chains buried deep.
I thought that my love was one to keep.
Ocean tide, do be brave,
Though this path is somewhat unsafe.

Ocean tide, it’s getting late.
Do not make me sit and wait.
Search the seas, maybe sky.
I want to see my love tonight.

Splash around your waves of salt.
The loss of my love was all my fault.
Ocean tide, do me well.
I’ll keep the secret... I shall not tell.

Ocean tide, it’s now or never
To find the person I thought I’d lost forever.
The wind is too light to drift you astray.
Please don’t take long or my dead heart will decay.

There is a secret that I only know,
And the time seems so very long ago
That I stepped up and set out to find
My one true love with the ocean tide.

There is the secret which I only know,
Washed away together with the past and snow.
The secret is that with the ocean tide,
Forever one may never hide.
May 2018 · 17.7k
Deceiving Space
I reached for the stars,
And I think I may have reached too far.
The stars, they blistered and scorched my hands,
While I was just trying to understand
Of why in the first place I was there;
Up in space throwing a glare
at the moon.

The moon who shun a godly, divine light,
And at night
Who was so bright, white,
And elegant.
Space who was dark, and as dim as my soul:
The colour of ash and coal.
I was just trying to obtain a stupid goal
That I had.

And the moon was white, and the space was black.
The stars were gold and I had my back
Towards the earth.
But the gold stars and the white moon were not all that
When they brought down an evil wrath
On me.
So the sun, who I actually feared,
Cradled and held me near.
Rocked me from side to side and called me dear.
Circled the earth and formed a year
To teach me that looks can be deceiving,
And can lead to infinte internall bleeding.
[yes, ik that the sun does not circle the earth, but it went w/ the poem so **** :)]

— The End —