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-Blood Of My Blood

They say blood is thicker than water and to that I agree,

Loyalty will always be synonymous with family!

If the world were to turn their backs on me and push me around,

My dear family would be there to lift me up from the ground. 

Family's forever, unlike fickle friends who come and go,

No other bond comes close to the family bond, this I know.
-From Darkness unto Light

Whenever you experience any kind of pain,

Just know there will always be sunshine after the rain.
Johnson Oyeniran Dec 2024
-Birthday wish

Chapter 29 was definitely not my cup of tea,

Perhaps Chapter 30 will turn out to be great for me.
Johnson Oyeniran Dec 2024
-Fickle Friends

Who will help me up when I fall?

I have no friends, no one at all...
Johnson Oyeniran Dec 2024
-Sound Advice

Listen oh reader to my advice I have for you,

You'll find it deeply unsettling but I swear it's true.

Now, I am very sorry, I hate to be that guy,

But real friends dont exist, it's all a big fat lie.

Human nature is so fickle, that's just who they are.

People come and then they go just like a shooting star.

So, do not let yourself get attached to anyone,

Treat everyone as an acquaintance under the sun.

And if you take my advice, your life will be stressfree,

No drama, no sorrow, no abuse, I guarantee.
Johnson Oyeniran Nov 2024
-Shivers of Winter

Down from the heavens came a host of pure white snow,

Dreaded winter has come to fill our lives with woe!
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2024
-My perfect match

Years of heartbreak sadly left me in such a broken state,

So I thefore concluded that loneliness was my fate.

But one day, Jesus told me, ''dont lose hope, its not too late,

Take my hand my son and I shall lead you to your soulmate!''
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2024
-In the centre of my heart

These words I speak, I speak them true,

Nothing matters to me but you!
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2024
-When two became one flesh

All my life I've been alone,
No one waits for me at home,
For I thought love hated me.

But by chance we met one day,
In the sweet cool month of May,
And now you're my wife to be!
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2024
-What joy you give to me!

Beautiful as always and a heart as pure as gold,

Just like the stars of heaven, you're a sight to behold!
Johnson Oyeniran Jul 2024
-My heart I give to you

Lovely golden long brown hair,
Altogether sweet and fair.

You're the piece which makes me whole,
You alone complete my soul!
Johnson Oyeniran Jun 2024
-Hold tight my hand

Come, lets fly away to a land free from judgmental eyes,

There, our love shalt never know shame all the days of our lives.
Johnson Oyeniran Jun 2024
-Clouded by love

Although it is as clear as day you and I can never be,

My stubborn heart refuses to search for other fish in the sea.
Johnson Oyeniran Jun 2024
-From my heart

If you were to google the definition of beautiful, my dear,

A photograph of your sweet and radiant face would then appear!
Johnson Oyeniran May 2024

Do me a small favour, look up at the nightime sky,

Your beauty is on par with the lovely stars on high.
Johnson Oyeniran Mar 2024
-Buried within my heart

Last week on a windy Monday out of the blue,
You asked if I love you.

Whilst I said no as I gazed into your brown eyes,
My heart confessed otherwise.
Johnson Oyeniran Jan 2024
-Luna Thapa

You reside as always upon my mind,

Before I slumber in the dead of night,

And the second after I rise and shine,

For you're all I think about all the time.
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2023
-Used and Discarded

In times of need, people always flock to me like vultures flock to fresh meat on the ground,

But once their desires have been fulfilled, they are not surprisingly nowhere to be found.
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2023
Another day of living is another day of misery,

My meaningless life is exactly like a depressing movie.

Every day, i tried to make my goals and dreams a reality,

But i conclued success is impossible unless im lucky.

So i made a new goal for myself that i know will be easy,

I will leave this earth young at the earliest opportunity...
Johnson Oyeniran Mar 2023
Hang in there my Buddy, please remove the rope from around your neck,
Your life is just like an unfinished story, so dont go just yet.

Life can be cruel for people who play by the rules, I'll confess,
I'd be lying if I said life is not filled with hate and stress.

But despite all the evil that happens in our world you abhor,
If you stick around, I promise youll find something worth living for.
Johnson Oyeniran Mar 2023
The ballad of Nalum by Johnson Oyeniran

Under a Sakura tree on a warm and pleasant day,
Sat a battle hardened soldier, trying to stay awake.

''Arise, you must stay vigilant'' muttered the combatant,
''Or youll suffer the same fate as private Melicent.''

But her eyes grew weary then she fell into a deep sleep,
Before the enemy quietly slipped into their keep.

They were bested by ruthless devils more savage than beast,
All the while the sleeping soldier slumbered against a tree.

Luckily for her, she was mistaken for a body,
So they left her be and continued with their killing spree.

Time passed since the enemy took the army by surprise,
They outnumbered them nine to two and left not one alive.

When the enemy were done having the time of their lives,
They merrily marched home with plunder and kukri knives.

In the midst of her fallen comrades, the soldier woke up,
In a state of shock at what she had just seen, she choked up.

''This isnt a prank nor am i dreaming'' wailed the soldier,
''My...brothers and sisters in arms are six feet under!''

''Before long, their mangled corpses will be food for scavengers,
Then nature will bury whats left of these warriors.''

Alone and orderless, the soldier randomly went west,
A tragic choice she would ultimately come to regret.

Now up ahead, roughly half a kilometer away,
Was the entire enemy, camping beside a great lake.

''This can not be happening'', whispered the protagonist,
''How did I end up near the camp of these terrorist?!''

But before she could try to sneak away, she got captured,
Embarrassed by her mistake, the soldier felt so awkward.

After hours of abuse, she was brought before their leader,
He demanded to know how she survived their massacre.

However, the female soldier preferred to stay silent,
Which caused the commander to get extremely violent.

He ordered his guard to pluck out one of her amber eyes,
And use an urumi to render asunder her thighs.

She was no stranger to torture and refused make a sound,
Though she was covered in a pool of her blood in the ground.

Her hands were bound in bronze chains by the commanders order,
But little did he know he had made a deadly error.

Whilst a male guard lead her to a human sized cage at night
She slipped out her chains once she saw he was preoccupied.

Immediately, she wrapped her chains around the guards neck,
Fueled by rage, she choked him with her might till he dropped dead.

Nearby was a deep hole she used to conceal the dead guard,
But first, she took his uniform and cut off his male part.

Later, she blended in with her enemy in disguise,
Her plan was to destroy them all with a fatal device.

Now in an empty tent, she performed a ritual,
Her special blood was needed to make her wish possible.

Soon after,12 ghostly heads hovered out of her symbol,
They were ancient wish granters who were all ethereal.

''Your request?'' asked the 12 heads floating in the air,
''Fashion me a bomb'', begged the female soldier in despair.

''As you wish'', answered the 12 heads she summoned from heaven,
''With this, Ill avenge them all'', declared the army woman.

Just then, word had quickly spread that the soldier had escaped,
So the enemy searched high and low for her in great haste.

Suddenly, they were bewitched by the soldier's melody,
One by one, they mindlessly marched to her tent, slowly.

Out stepped the female soldier standing firm and unafraid,
Wrapped around her body, was the bomb the 12 heads had made.

At the cost of her life, she ignited her lethal bomb,
And at last, the whole enemy both small and great, was gone.

Nalum, Nalum the brave and mighty female warrior!
May your story live on within my poem forever!
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2022
Keep an eye out at every moment for snakes in the grass,

Never Let your guard down or you will get ******* in the ***!
Johnson Oyeniran Sep 2022
-The Meaning Of Life

Of all the numerous books written under heaven,

The bible gets the meaning of life right, no question.
Johnson Oyeniran Aug 2022
''Faith or logic pick a side.''

They cant coincide I've tried.

This is hard I'd rather die,

Than decide which one is right.
Johnson Oyeniran Aug 2022
Once upon a scary night, within the dark streets of London,
Five women all met their demise by a shadowy demon.

One hundred and thirty three years and eleven months later,
No one to this very day knows the name of the vile killer.

So he'll continue to go by the name of Jack the Ripper,
Till someone brings to light the identity of the monster.
Johnson Oyeniran Aug 2022
Nestled within these rhyming stanzas will you see,
The six bothersome questions which plague me daily.

Is the bible a book of real history,
Or a book of absurdity and fantasy?

Is Jesus the Christ the only way to heaven,
Or a fraud who tricked us with clever deception.

Perhaps Yahweh is just a man-made deity,
Who ancient people invented to deceive me?
Johnson Oyeniran Aug 2022
Sticky white cream upon your face,
Gushed out of my pipe at fast pace.

Now open wide for my surprise,
I'll try this time to dodge thine eyes.

My milk is sweet and fairly warm,
Lets hath more fun from dusk till dawn.
Johnson Oyeniran Jul 2022
Death at one time use to give me anxiety,

Thanks to made up assumptions by society.

But one thing Im completely sure of is I know,

When my cold lifeless body is lowered below,

I'll lovingly be recieved by The Almighty,

As well as his entire heavenly family,

Who will fill my spirit with everlasting glee!
Johnson Oyeniran May 2022
Im alright, Im good, Im fine. No wait, I just lied,

I wish my depression would cease hounding my mind!
Johnson Oyeniran May 2022
Hello new face
Came into my life.

Some day you'll forsake me
Others did eventually.

But thats fine,
Much of my time
Spent with loneliness
With mankind.
Johnson Oyeniran Apr 2022
Wealthy, poor, short and tall,

Death will come for us all.

Healthy, sick, strong and lame,

In death we’re all the same.
Johnson Oyeniran Apr 2022
Differing sins bicker
Amongst each other
As to
Who shall Permanently
Shape me,
After their ways
Until the end of my days.

Let your ways
Oh Yahweh
Become my second nature
That I may breeze
Tempation with ease.
Johnson Oyeniran Mar 2022
-Odd personalities.

We are
As the
Summer Heat
From the
Winter Snow.
Johnson Oyeniran Feb 2022
Rose cheeked Maisy
Always brightens
Gloomy days
With her
Radiant smile.
Johnson Oyeniran Jan 2022
Unless luck is by your side until the day of your demise,

Struggle will be your companion for all the days of your life.
Johnson Oyeniran Dec 2021
-Sensual Encore

To my surprise, you returned to my front door step for another spicy time with yours truly,

In the twinkling of an eye, you will without a doubt end up making me your **** buddy.
Johnson Oyeniran Dec 2021
******* to work
My magic
Is all that I
To stimulate what
Vast men fail

You'll see,
I guarantee.

I'll be your addiction,
Your daily routine.
Johnson Oyeniran Dec 2021
-All Night Long

No chick can ride my **** like Paige Swiss,

Ah! My gorgeous Paige, you are my bliss!
Johnson Oyeniran Nov 2021
Love will never invite
My life.

My place in her eyes,
Is to watch her
Work, on the sidelines.

For a
Decent price,
I pay to have
Good time,
Under the covers
The night.
Johnson Oyeniran Nov 2021
-You decide

Hard and rough or gentle and slow?

Whatever you want, Im ready, lets go.
Johnson Oyeniran Nov 2021

During the thirteenth reign of king Josiah, the spirit of Yahweh came upon Johnson the scribe,

Then suddenly at once, he penned down what's now known as: The chambers of pleasure from the priestly tribe.

One day however, the detestable pagan Philistines, burned up the much adored work of art,

And when the entire community of Israel found out, they all mourned with a heavy heart.

But with the guidance of the ever beautiful and compassionate archangel, Victoria,

I, Tamar, discovered a secret copy between the border of Judah and Samaria.

Twelve elegantly worded songs in all, were composed onto a scroll by the man of God, Most High,

They will stand the test of time, for they were inspired by  Yahweh, who'll never let his servant's words die!

Song 1:
The Man

Darling, darling, cutie pie,

You're the apple of my eye.

Never will I leave your side,

Love you always til I die.

Song 2:
The Man

Anytime I gaze up at the sky,

My thoughts immediately race to you, my dearest wife.

Without you I would break down and cry,

For you're the one good thing that ever happened in my life.

Song 3:
The Woman

Kiss me with a thousands kisses, sweet hubby,

My rosy cheeks are in need of your warm soft lips.

Altogether faithful, pure and lovely,

One in a great sea of billions, my perfect Prince.

Song 4:
The Woman

Life without you my dear husband, would be very painful,

For you honestly are the closest thing to an angel.

The sheer thought of losing you would surely tear me apart,

So don't ever leave me alone in this vile world, sweetheart.

Song 5:
The Man

Doubt at one time managed to convince me  I would forever be lonely,

But then one day, you came into my life and now you're my one and only.

Song 6:
The Man and The Woman

Precious wife, this body of mine belongs only to you,

Your love is my antidote anytime I'm feeling blue.

Sweet husband, my body is yours to do as you see fit,

To you alone my love, do I wholeheartedly submit.

Song 7:
The Woman

Once I was in love its true,

But my heart got torn in two,

So I vowed never to love again, no matter what.

But my broken heart you fixed,

When we fell in love and kissed,

And thus I thought it best to give love a second shot.

Song 8:
The Woman

Forever will I treasure the day you proposed to me,

Deep within my heart I always knew we were meant to be.

Song 9:
The Man

My heart often skips a beat whenever I am with you,

You are the centre of my universe and my wish come true.

Song 10:
The Man

Oh Yahweh Most High who rules from above,

Please let me grow old with my one true love.

No one but my wife makes me feel so free,

Only she fills my heart with utter glee.

Song 11:
The Woman

All my life, not a single living soul gave me the time of day,

But you appeared and with your love, melted my broken heart away.

Song 12:
The Woman and The Man

The Woman:

Oh darling husband!

When im old and weary and my beauty is no more, will you still love me? will you still care?

Oh my precious wife!

In this life and the next will you forever be mine. Never will I forsake you, I swear.

The Man:

Oh apple of my eye!

Whenever times are rough and money is tight will your love for me grow cold?

Oh love of my life!

Forever will I be by your side. My love for you will never wax old!

The Woman:

My rock and soul mate!

Just as the golden sun brightens the whole world with her warm presence,

So too do you brighten my broken spirit with your warm essence.

The Man:

My one true love!

You are as beautiful as the early morning sunrise,

And as pleasing to the eye as the nightime fireflies.

The Woman:

My world!

Even if you were to forsake me, my burning love for you would always remain alight,

The Man:

My beloved!

And even if you were to forsake your vows, my love for you would continue to burn bright!

One of the bible's treasures, Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon, is a personal favorite of mine. This poem was inspired by its beauty.
Johnson Oyeniran Nov 2021
-Flawless rear end

Hop on my bed and get on all fours for me **** woman,

I will ******* ******* and fill your **** with my *****!
Johnson Oyeniran Nov 2021
Soft, natural, symmetrical fine *****,

**** body right down to your *****.
Johnson Oyeniran Nov 2021

******* brings about the greatest sensation ever,

Nothing on this planet even comes close to this type of pleasure.
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2021
Between your legs is heaven, where I'll undergo the greatest high,

Out of all the vast men on this planet, you chose me, the shy guy!
Johnson Oyeniran Oct 2021
-Naughty, Naughty!

So to keep it simple, long story short, way back when,
I drove to a pleasure house only for ***** men.

The worker was **** from her head down to her feet,
I loved the way she looked at me when she ****** my meat.

According to her, mine was the biggest she had seen,
I told her I'd treat her with respect, like a queen.

In every postion I penetrated her real good,
She could not get enough of my massive long black wood.

After moaning and groaining and dripping with sweat,
The worker's C u next Tuesday became soaking wet.

And once she came after letting out a **** cry,
She opened her big mouth so she could ******* *******.
Johnson Oyeniran Sep 2021
-Silly Billy

Mid afternoon,
Stubborn Jane Dune,
Wondered into the forest of death that her folks deemed forbidden

Soon she got lost,
And cried alot,
Because she couldnt find her way back to her parents grand mansion.

Moments later,
A large tiger,
Saw the scared lost girl alone and suddenly sprang into action.

She was attacked,
By the huge cat,
And as a result, little Jane Dune died and went up to heaven.
Johnson Oyeniran Sep 2021
-Real Monsters.

''Daddy'' the Son asked,
''What do Monsters look like?''

Monsters are not ugly creatures studded with spikes,
Nor do they have long sharp claws that resemble knives.

All their thirty two teeth are as neat as a pin,
They consistently bathe to maintain flawless skin.

Red is not even the colour of their eyesight,
And do not suppose they only come out at night.

They are very civilized and walk on two feet,
Yet  are more deadlier and scarier than beast.

There is one species that fits this catergory,
What starts with H and ryhmes with brutality?
Johnson Oyeniran Sep 2021
-The hard truth

Do what you must to get by,
Because life isn't black and white.
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