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Jul 2022 · 28
newborn Jul 2022
your fists are like cannonballs
hard, closed
you trap me in the palm of your sweaty hands
crushing me
but the warmth is the only temperature i feel
so i stick by your disheartening side
i wrote this the other day, i kinda liked the idea of it lol. i’m not in an abusive relationship btw, just clarifying

newborn Jul 2022
what would you do with all the sand in the world?
if the tides disappeared, a dry land appeared
what would you do?
would you pile it on top of me to smother me?
would you put it over my head to taunt me?
or would you make it fall, ever so slightly around me, filling up my space with sandy fumes, glass trapping me inside?
would you give me a slow death, watch me suffer?
or would you pull me out after seeing me take the brunt of it?
what would you do with all the sand in the world, one may ask?
nothing, just leave it put
this is so so random
Jul 2022 · 13
change in nature
newborn Jul 2022
the frost avoids the heavy breath of the sun
breathing down its neck
the hush of the wind rustling through the leaves, strong minded and eternal
in every season
there is death, there is ending, there is beginning
the hurricanes clear way for new surfaces, new surges of ocean
brushing against the shore, eroding its edges
saltwater pouring into its greenish-blue veins decorating the bodies of nature’s whisperers
change is constant in nature
it brings rebirth and brand new lives
brand new fawns and pipers and sand dollars
filling nature with the specific scent of motherly love
nature is content with change
for it allows her new species to know, new species to grow
it drags in the good, the bad, the indifferent
filtering out the good for nothings
the old and seasoned bucks
to create a beautiful place
for life to team and expand
change is constant in nature
nature is content with change
kinda inspired by where the crawdads sing and the nature in it. yuh, feel me?

newborn Jul 2022
was she just a friend when you kissed her chapped lips?
was she just a friend before we called it quits?
did friends ever equate to the same definition of mine?
you could’ve told me so i didn’t have to waste my time.
never even had a boyfriend

Jul 2022 · 17
newborn Jul 2022
his grip on her worn denim shorts
made her feel like a bird in the marsh
free, cherished, independent.
his pleading was convincing
beneath the cypress trees
and its dangling branches
kissing the tops of their heads
in a serene motion.
of course, this is inspired by where the crawdads sing. i saw the movie last night and i loved it. the vibe was so cool so i wanted to write a poem about it. the chase guy is really gross and some things he did shocked me idk. i can’t wait to read the book. i am so excited. there will definitely be more where the crawdads sing inspired poems coming. (this sounds like a kindergartner wrote this haha)

Jul 2022 · 47
text anxiety
newborn Jul 2022
text bubbles moving
as i wait for a carefully
calculated response.
the anticipation is brutal.
sentences ending with lol
cause there is nothing else
to say, but if i stop speaking
it will be rude and offensive.
the screen lights up and
your name flashes by and
my pulse increases in speed.
how do i respond…
this is what happens when i text people
Jul 2022 · 51
hostage in the silence
newborn Jul 2022
the ice filled
my esophagus
i couldn’t breathe
it froze my tongue
no words could exit
they touched
me with
their warm
wicked hands
memory fading
but tears rolling
down my cheeks
ever so softly
i am so obsessed, i have so many issues

Jul 2022 · 66
pool of doubts
newborn Jul 2022
the pool filled with all my doubts
sits outside a quiet unoccupied beach house

hopefully one day, i will get to fill it with my certainties
i’m super proud of this lol

Jul 2022 · 56
la luna
newborn Jul 2022
the countryside passing by gradually
from the windows in the car.
wind whistling.
he stops abruptly
parking the car at the side of the dirt road.
you both exit the vehicle.
he grabs you by your sweaty hands
and lifts you onto the roof of the car.
slowly, he pulls himself up as well.
you both stare at the cornfield
as the sun is setting
along the line of pine trees.
you just watch nature, calmly, quietly.
his hand touches yours and you lean
on his shoulder.
he kisses your forehead and you smile
brightly, seeing midnight stars in his
golden hour blue eyes.
he climbs down and lowers you
as the sun sinks
below the brush.
he walks over to the passenger side
where you sit for the drive.
he buckles you in and kisses your lips.
they taste like cherry chapstick.
he packs into the drivers seat and looks
over at you adoringly.
you return the same exact breathtaking look.
the car starts moving, just as
leisurely as before.
soon you both spot an open field
hidden in between millions of shrubs
and trees and freshly bloomed flowers.
his teeth glisten as he grins so widely.
your wild hair tamed by the halt of the engine
whispers “yes” to his childlike disposition.
you both book it out of the car
and bolt towards the field,
yelling and pretending to fly.
you get a head start and twirl like
a ballerina in the light of the early moon
with clouds forming circles around
her majestic beauty.
he comes up right behind you and scoops
you up and hugs you so tightly.
you break out of the hug and tackle
him to the dry grass.
you both roll around, laughing, giggling,
smelling pollen, acting crazy.
you both stop for a split second,
seeing fireworks explode and
specks of the new moon
in each other’s pupils.
clarity strikes you and you fall softly
onto his chest with a sigh of pure bliss.
he strokes your hair,
the motion of the movement of his fingers
soothes your heartbeat.
you could die happily at this moment.
but he hears the howl of a
coyote and perks up.
you both jump up with enough energy
to power a twelve ton truck.
you race to the red jeep parked on the side
of the dusty road.
breathing heavily, you pack
into the automobile.
frightened, you turn to him
and you both burst out laughing,
throwing your heads back cackling like crows.
perhaps, you were afraid in that moment
but nothing allays you
better than him and his confident mentality.
once more, the engine restarts
and the road behind you grows
smaller and smaller,
the moon above sparkling,
leaving spots on the car where she shines
down on you.
she knows, she knows, she knows,
he loves you
to the moon and all the way back to earth
a thousand billion times
the scenario i thought of last night. i wanted to make the reader more involved, so i made it second person. this is the type of stuff i imagine.

Jul 2022 · 14
shower thoughts lll
newborn Jul 2022
young kids are always afraid of the dark
in their closest, the monsters under their beds
and when they grow up, that never actually goes away
we just realize there’s more darkness in the people around us
than in our childhood bedrooms
i am still a little bit afraid of the dark, but more afraid of humankind

Jul 2022 · 44
newborn Jul 2022
stuck, writing about every person i come across
my friends, old ones, new ones
excerpts from movies that make me remember why love only exists in the grasp of the cinema
or in the manipulated minds of fourteen year old girls enthralled by the greek godlike men onscreen
confined, writing about people i wish i were, people i talk to on a daily basis
i exercise my brain so i can make it all go away, so i can write about the next person i see
maybe next time, someone will write about me
i wish someone would write about me for a change
Jul 2022 · 23
mechanical monster
newborn Jul 2022
a familiar chirp of a machine
a fever dream lodged into my lungs
buried underneath surface tension
enough to swallow a bus

a familiar whine of a machine
hollering like a tea kettle
ready to be placed onto the burner
so so loyal, ain’t it?

a familiar wail echoing in every room
clogging the circuit systems of the opinionated
brainwashing the center of gravity
coursing in these veins of mine

if you only call me a monster, the only trait you’re gonna get out of me is monster
and if you only call me a monster, then monster i will be
i’m so proud of myself for this one ahhhhh

Jul 2022 · 13
inherently evil
newborn Jul 2022
am i inherently evil cause of my skin color?
do these blue eyes define evil in the shadow of brown eyes?
why must i feel ashamed for my pale skin?
i didn’t chose to be in this body.
didn’t chose to look this way.
half of the time i wanna punch myself in the face and turn purple so my skin color doesn’t protrude through my clothes.
i wanna hide in my blankets, cover my head with a bucket, my legs with a floor length gown.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
let me be someone else.
someone with browner eyes.
someone with black flowing hair.
someone with darker skin.
someone with more joy.
someone from a place prettier than here.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate who i am.
i hate it.
i hate it.
i absolutely hate it.
i hate myself. and who i am. and the world. and everyone

newborn Jul 2022
she was dreams filled with dead trees and dying bees
she could fake tat her entire skin canvas and drive herself insane cause it looked better that way
older men impressed her, they acted like the ocean in which they caught her up in their tides and then she was trapped
she was twisted headphones pushed deep into her eardrums, blocking out the overwhelming echo of negative voices

she wore basic tops and regular ripped jeans to fit in with the rest of the bleach blonde “be fake friends” squad
but she only ever got glanced at
she was rambunctious, but cautious
she took refuge in greasy hair and cardboard cutouts
her bed sunk where she sat just like her heart did when she would feel worth and then it would disintegrate

she cowered in the dark, shadows looming over her, coming alive to terrify her
she was confusion and crises
her insecurities turned against her, choking her and catapulting her against the nearest wall
she was rabid social anxiety shouting at her 24/7, shaking her, berating her, changing her
hair fell in clumps in the shower, the faucet raining down on her, disguising her tears
she was short curly strung out brunette hair

she filled voids with smiles from people she didn’t even know
painted her walls black to cover up the darkness she could feel circulating in her soul
she was overgrown weeds corrupting luminous gardens, invading the soft soil buried beneath the rugged surface
a balancing act wavering on insanity and death, dithering whether to end it all or to let psychiatrists determine what her main issue is
she had an avoiding tendency, not wanting to hear the truth pour out of choosers’ mouths

she was admirable though, she gathered all her thoughts and apprehensions and threw them on paper using ink pens to secure its existence
she never let it get too out of hand, she returned to her safe haven; her room, where she would make her knuckles sore from bawling cause she would not strike someone other than herself for destroying her pride
it had to be her fault in the first place

she struggled, but she got up, climbed the cliff with jagged edges, arrived at summit with ****** ribs and scraped knees and hands rubbed raw
she swallowed the pain like it was some chalky tasting pill, not grieving herself, not mumbling one complaint
she’s strong
she’s proud
she’s accomplished
she’s alive
she’s who i am now
why do i feel nostalgic and sad rn? idk i always just hate everything around me and i’m always so worried

Jul 2022 · 27
busted-up dump
newborn Jul 2022
this house is overrun with illness, with disease, with plague ridden rats
the shoelaces on her favorite pair of shoes are chewed to the bone, the shoes to the soles
there are cobwebs hanging on peeling walls
termites, ants, and spiders crawl up to the ceiling, up into the chimney
soot clogging the lungs of tiny minds
the floor is creaking and cracking and breaking as little feet patter on its surface
there’s an odor so foul the neighbors complain that it’s unsanitary
but the maid can’t work as hard as the diseases, as fast as the creepy crawlers lay eggs
her mop is too ***** to cleanse any more creases, her broom is covered in corpses and skeletons of bugs and rodents
the duster collecting ash while sitting still in place
high-pitched wailing circulating the entire residence, cries coming from children getting bitten as screeching opera music chants
blowing out eardrums as we speak, as i move my fingers left to right
in a clean, quiet, peaceful house in a safe suburban neighborhood
couple blocks from the nicest people, surrounded by family and friends and american flags and freedom dangling from every soft-spoken mouth
what do i have to complain?
measure your goodness by how well you take care of one another

newborn Jul 2022
there’s something about belonging
that sounds so sweet
his clutch on my skin
my devastation from his manic-like episodes
his huge sweater dangling off my body
something like being someone’s pawn
look in the mirror and tell me who you are
without a him
i am a tornado and i need a house with a stable foundation.
Jul 2022 · 31
must have been love
newborn Jul 2022
the dance floor is crowded and the floor shines like it was freshly polished.
dresses fitted tightly and loosely, dresses purple, blue, yellow, unladylike.
hands moving like torpedoes, high kicks, deep dips, choreographed nonsense.
twirls, spinning in tent like shapes, hips gracefully swaying as the trumpets scream.
waltzing my way back into reality, into the arms of a familiar stranger.
clouded with the strawberry coated thoughts of a busted up balcony with my dance partner swinging me into a trance.
must have been love in the folds on your forehead, must have been love in the lights reflecting on the dance floor, must have been love in that gloomy air upstate, must have been love where i never saw it appear before, must have been love; nothing else has ever made me feel the same brilliant surge of energy as your touch on my back.
it must have been true love.
inspired by the school dance scene in west side story
Jul 2022 · 17
newborn Jul 2022
i haven’t spoken to you in two weeks.
i push people away
afraid they’ll cut my wings
and i’ll fall from the sky
onto razor blades.
you get grounded almost every week
for vaping or hopping back and forth
from friends’ houses.
at times, i hope to do rebellious things
with you.
ride in shopping carts, get held at gun point,
act rowdy in parking garages at two a.m.
most of the time though my mentality is
avoid, avoid, avoid
dodge, dodge, dodge
stop, stop, stop.
hehe, luckily you don’t know i publish stuff on here
Jul 2022 · 49
skin hatred
newborn Jul 2022
might as well have poisonous chemicals poured onto my skin
since i want to rip it off
strip it off my body
pile it inside the trash
for the raccoons to go to town on

the body i came with
i want to send it back to the store
i want it to be returned
packaged away
return to sender

invasive species
on the layers of my skin
that i should be calling home
but i disown them
get this dead weight off of me!
i am insecure about everything on my body. make it stop.
newborn Jul 2022
the beat of drums pounded into her heart
releasing signals in her brain to jolt her head up and down to the rhythms.
she sang and screeched and carried on long into the night as she kissed the cheeks of some man who called her cute.
she returned home with his tattooed arm in her coat, clutching onto her for dear life; the way he should have treated his phone on the dance floor.
he flopped on the sofa, slurring his words like a sorority girl; hammered.
he blacked out belligerently drunk on her couch and at one in the afternoon he arose, coughing, residue on his fingers.
his face covered in drool from sleeping dramatically like a madman.
she handed him an advil, a glass of purified water, and her phone to call someone he had had any contact with before.
his face was pale and sickly; she could tell he felt crushed by the weight of his bewilderment.
his eyes, though strung out, were jet blue with a glimmer of teenage angst and a spark of the hopeful nature of a child in a field of dandelions.
he uttered few words and collapsed into the firm motherly hold of the couch, struck from exhaustion.
he gazed up at her, who was half naked since she had only been awake for three hours and had nowhere to go because she was too embarrassed to bare the bruises in the creases of her neck to the public.
but instead of speaking to her, he started gulping down the water after taking 3 pills of advil to make the pain disintegrate.
carefully, he set the chilly cup down and stood up slowly and steadily.
he gasped feebly, but managed to prop himself up on his two wobbly legs.
“you alright there?” she asked as casually as possible, to make him perceive her as less of a threat.
“where am i?” he inquired to this woman he faintly recalled.
“oh,” she giggled, “my house. you blacked out on my couch yesterday and i didn’t want to move you, you looked so peaceful, so i just left you there. hope you’re ok with that.”
“okay with that?” he asked gently.
“well yeah, i’d feel pretty worried if i ended up at a random strangers house on a saturday morning.”
he chuckled.
“well, to answer your question, yes i am quite confused, but i am a free spirit. so this is basically just a new experience i can add to my repertoire.”
she raised an eyebrow. “repertoire?” she pondered.
“well, i write music for a living.” he smiled sumptuously.
“you do?” her cheek bones got visibly higher and her eyes didn’t have the same troubled look to them as they did a few minutes ago.
“yes. i am not a very good musician, but my band and i get by. we play gigs at places. oh right, like last night. we were playing for fun and then...oh! a girl was kissing me. now i remember!” he was quite proud of himself for that.
“well, that’s the funny thing,” she started, “i was the one who was kissing you.” she laughed briskly.
“you were?” he asked, totally perplexed.
“of course. i didn’t know you were playing for that place last night, i thought you were a waiter or a pedestrian or something. ooh, or an alcoholic!”
“ouch.” he grinned delicately.
“no, no offense though.”
“too late, i already took it to my cast iron heart,” he joked.
she laughed.
“well, you were one cute waiter at that,” she stated seductively.
he smiled with his lips pushing into his mouth a little bit.

“thanks for everything. the couch, the advil, the talk. maybe you should see me another time. i play at bars all around the city. i’d love to see more pretty girls come around and hype me up once in a while.” his grin turned into a beam.
“no problem, i suppose i would like to spend some time around people who are rich and aren’t fun sponges,” she joked effortlessly.
“i can be sometimes.” her little giggles poured out of her mouth.
“well, i’ll see you around. hit those drums!” she called out to him as his uber arrived.
“sure thing!” he waved as he entered the car.
and for the first time in forever, his heart caused him to feel more emotions than his wicked hangover.
oh gosh

Jul 2022 · 40
newborn Jul 2022
they say don’t judge other people
yet they do
sorry my book of truth offends you
and makes you hostile towards the world
the world that was destined for you
to be good, to give you eternal salvation
and what did you do to ***** it up?
press your lips against a body
against a boy who hates your guts
who only wants you for favors
you worship his unreliable devotion to you
then, call him crap after he cheats
the throne placed in the desert
He sits on it, tears rolling down His
perfect saddened face
so many people mistake His true meaning
hide behind things such as misogyny
or forcefulness or the dust on the pages
i believe, i believe, i believe
you don’t have to, you can participate
in a meaningless life, striking your
fist against our faces, but i will always
turn my other cheek for you
you can have every square inch of my
pride and dignity and after that, i will still
keep turning my other cheek
your bullets ricochet off my bulletproof vest, sorry my book of truth offends you

Jul 2022 · 8
scream therapy
newborn Jul 2022
disgusting. pls don’t fight me. my opinion at the end of the day

newborn Jul 2022
i don’t crave your big green eyes
but you’re using them to watch over somebody else.
i know this relationship is over
but i wish i could’ve ended it with somebody else.
and i don’t like that you’re sharing drinks with another woman
who sells her body to get money
wouldn’t you have liked to be with somebody else?
she has your favorite songs on cds and i never did
i wish you could’ve ended up loving somebody else.
somebody who’s rude to waiters, somebody who is only good for a first date or
at least somebody else.
now i have to hide my cold hands under my winter coat
cause you’re too busy holding somebody else’s.
your dog still loves me more
but he has to spend some time with somebody else.
just like you went and forgot me
cause it was more beneficial to see yourself with somebody else.
now you’re happy go lucky
since you’ve replaced me with somebody else.
lonely eating ice cream
while you’re shoving it down in the house of somebody else.
perhaps, i don’t miss your company
i’ve just been enjoying it more with somebody else.
or maybe this is hopeless
and i should let you make love to somebody else.

i don’t want your body
but i hate to think about you with somebody else.
somebody else inspired poem. 7/7/22
Jul 2022 · 14
newborn Jul 2022
dust and chemicals risen into the air.
sidewalks coated in ashy film.
homes left uninhabited with toys.
fine china up on shelves.
amusement parks with zero traffic.
soft breaths of little children.
smiles that disappeared.
life—frozen in place.
nuclear waste.
and lost memories.
seeing pictures of Chernobyl makes me kinda sad. those people just had to get up and leave their homes, never to return. love you Ukraine, always🇺🇦

Jul 2022 · 23
death for the loners
newborn Jul 2022
snapped out of existence
in a rustic flannel
lying at the bottom of a pit
far into the mushy ground
the core of the earth
pinned against my ribs
lips as cold as the Antarctic
stomach as empty as words
left to rot
as rain descends
on my emaciated corpse
your ghost is probably more beautiful than the real and authentic version of yourself. shame.

Jul 2022 · 8
newborn Jul 2022
the tennessee sky never did like him much
never treated him right
maybe that’s why i was placed on this earth
to love a lonely soul
just like him
how tragic
Jul 2022 · 80
newborn Jul 2022
the red light distorts the cigarette smoke coming out of your nose. in the haze, i’m caught up writing prose with a bottle of coke in my left hand. trying not to choke on the heavy smoke ruminating throughout the suffocating room. your eyes the same shade of blood red as the lights. i’m boarding windows claiming i need no fresh air in my paper mâché lungs. pollute me more.
you know when a character smokes and it makes them a thousand times better. idk lol, not condoning smoking tho

Jun 2022 · 36
newborn Jun 2022
candle wax dripping down your hands
a tablecloth tied around your waist
dawn feels like the apocalypse
cause it’s so still
and endless
we’re both helpless in this realm
but you are gripping me so tight
i’m going numb
how come you can ease this pain
with your bruised arms
hidden underneath the tablecloth?
immortal love
is a concept i only heard of in the
highest heavens
speaking of that, where are we?
gravity seems too difficult of a subject
matter to explore
i’ve only ever been on one planet
but you can be my next
although the dark seems like
a cloaked monster with
bear claws
and candle wax
seeping from every vessel
it can’t envelop us
it can only change our ambience
nothing can capture us
through the tight grasp
of our arms together

where did you come from?
cause i lit every candle in this room
now they’re all blown out
and the darkness doesn’t exist
science can’t explain this
neither can my lips
so i dance in the burning kitchen
with your hands on my waist
and mine on the tablecloth
you wrapped around yours


oh my gosh, space ship vibes and i don’t even wanna tell you why cause it’s kinda embarrassing.
Jun 2022 · 39
porch dwelling
newborn Jun 2022
sweltering air
nibbling at your ankles
california dreaming
in pennsylvania meadows
clouds moving like
cotton candy
in the robin egg colored sky
curly hair blowing
heat exhaustion
but satisfaction
nfr on the balcony in the hot summer air hits different. try it sometime

Jun 2022 · 37
oh, let our love survive
newborn Jun 2022
it was when you looked at me as the fireworks exploded in your eyes that i realized this is what life should be like

ballrooms and bokeh lights
another poem inspired by the elvis trailer. the part where he looks up in the limo and the fireworks explode. it is so **** beautiful, my gosh. thx for reading.

newborn Jun 2022
houses becoming space stations
for the next generation
oxygen in a limited supply
looks like the economically disadvantaged
aren’t going to live in the future
sadly, bye bye
about climate change i guess. i wish people would take it seriously
Jun 2022 · 40
newborn Jun 2022
you chose convenience over morals
lit a fire with your loathing heart
chose the embers over life
cause it was convenient for you
only for you

you chose empty rooms over cribs
picked wilted flowers up instead of children
cleaned dishes but never cleaned your soul
cause it was convenient for you
only for you

you chose blood over growth spurts
slashed out birthdays instead of tires
craved pleasure more than motherhood
cause it was convenient for you
only for you

you chose selfishness over nine months
you made your mistake someone else’s fault
and you screamed out that it was your choice
cause it was convenient for you
only for you

you chose darkness over light
patched your windows up to hide
kicked a child out instead of kicking dust
cause it was convenient for you
only for you

and i bet they still admire you
even though you despised them
you chose your satisfaction with
a devilish smile on your face
you chose your satisfaction over adoption
cause it was convenient for you
only for you

you hated war, but participated
told citizens to stop the hate crimes
but you committed one in your own life  
you conveniently forget about that
just as you conveniently forgot about
                                ­your child

you could’ve chose life instead of ******
sadly you chose the latter
it was more convenient for you
there’s consequences for your actions, it’s so strange how everyone seems to forget that...conveniently

Jun 2022 · 22
no regard
newborn Jun 2022
bouncing cars
no regard
for anyone
on the block.
chase your
you’re almost
you’ll never
frame me
like the
mona lisa
i won’t be
the reason
you drive yourself
off the road.
reckless driver
careless person.
the smoke
doesn’t rise
over your home.
it must be cold
for a june.
hearts and
veins and
to flee
from out
of your body.
your poor little
duh, i’m using
no regard
but i have
a mind
and i am
not a ditzy
you can’t
me to
serve your
every move.
get a servant
for that type
of excursion
you have no
there was an ad for beer and it inspired this lol. it had no creative direction

Jun 2022 · 9
ocean lover
newborn Jun 2022
the water, though murky
is full of life
in all forms
juveniles, females, males
fish, dolphins, whales
heck, even coral

your heart, though cloudy and guarded
is teeming with life  
a pulse slowed in tempo for love
for stability, for affection

you are like the ocean- though murky- it is still the most beautiful wonder on earth
wrote this at my vacation house. the ocean and the beachy atmosphere always inspires me

Jun 2022 · 5
newborn Jun 2022
he’s in my bed, but he is as cold as the winter wind whooshing on the patio
quieter than the snow that falls in pivots and covers the holes that he dug when he went insane.
he’s in my mind, but he is as dead as an old gold mine
his valuables were torn from under his feet, now his hands are like frozen blocks of ice.
he’s in my bed, in a clump, in a frenzy from the casualties of last night
and i’m scared if he awakes cause his mind is someplace else
somewhere dark
somewhere he doesn’t let my toes tread
somewhere he’s hiding his vilest mistakes
encased in the old gold jar
it’s the start to a new day
carolina by taylor swift inspired this. it’s so folky and bittersweet and kinda creepy and hunger gamesy. idk

btw the he is not a person

Jun 2022 · 11
roller skates
newborn Jun 2022
there were people dining in a roller skating rink
i was a waitress in a tiny skirt
you saw me
possibly in the corner of your eye
i was pretending i didn’t see you
but it didn’t matter
cause you saw me.
you were so excited
i thought you hated me
but you brought me over and
begged with your eyes for me
to extend my arms and
embrace you
i did, cause why not?
and then
it faded to black.
now it’s back to reality.
yes, it was just a dream.
maybe i’ve been watching too much stranger things and thinking about you too often

Jun 2022 · 71
bye for now
newborn Jun 2022
you’re dissolving in my hands.
your smiles are dripping down your teary faces.
how is this actually happening?
you’ve freed me.
you’ve done so much for me-
what’s it gonna be like without you?
or at least with you further away?
i never would have thought this would happen
in a million years, but here we are.
i’ll love you through the entirety of this.
i won’t fade away.
you won’t have me to miss.
i’m proud of you in every way.
take all the time you need.
you deserve this.
you are gonna be a memory.
or at least until you flourish
and reach your best capacity.
whatever you do
i’ll be there for you.
never doubt that.
goodbye for now.
love you always.
whatever you do, i’ll support you :)

Jun 2022 · 9
happy birthday i guess
newborn Jun 2022
happy birthday to the best friend who left me in the dust. who left me to fend for myself and my frail bones. i guess i am wishing you a happy birthday from an app whilst your new friends are probably throwing you a rager, but i am not mad. i am never mad at you.

some of the best memories and moments that came from you; they sure aren’t the same:
you told me about stranger things, that was the first i heard from it. now the fourth season has come out and i haven’t heard a peep. and don’t even think i forgot about how you told me the entire plot and how scared you were in your little bedroom in your old and memory filled house. how the horror lined your bones and made you tense. and you couldn’t forget it even as the night air twinged your skin. it stung a little as you begged to forget you ever saw the demagorgan or realized will was missing.
i still watch the dang show.

you and i trampled around in the woods with my older sister who you were super close with because i couldn’t leave her alone. you ate some snow and i told you it would be *****, but you said it’s clean.
don’t eat the yellow kind.

my teacher and you had the same birthday. as well as donald trump. but he doesn’t matter. you laughed with her and showed her your teeth. must be nice to be birthday buddies with someone. someone who desired to be.
you better wish her a happy birthday.

i was jealous back in fourth grade because you liked leah better...or so i thought. you sat on the opposite end of the table although i told you to set yourself by me. it bothered me. walls of jealousy put up just because i realized that was the first time i had low self esteem. a picture of you and i at the lunch table still made the year book.
leah was in it though.

sleepovers at your house. that same stupid house. in a different town than you live now. by the pit bulls you told me about as soon as you moved in. you better have gotten that pepper spray to ward them off. anyway, i brought my sleeping bags and threw em’ in your mother’s car. you played basketball and i had to watch from the sidelines. with your dang mom and dad. your dog ate our popcorn when we clothed it in salt cause of course God gave me allergies to everything i can see. we laughed so hard our stomachs hurt. or the time when you invited all your sporty friends from other schools and they made me uncomfortable. they were too mature and riskay for my nine year old liking. we watched the sand lot.
i am on the bench.

and it’s your birthday. another year has passed and you’re still gone. i think it’s too surreal for me to handle, so i keep writing you little notes (or long ones) hoping you’ll stumble your way back to me.
i still miss you but

happy birthday for now

newborn Jun 2022
flat stomachs and rolls royces
climbing the social ladder one step at a time
his eyes whisper rhymes
and he taunts me with this hands atop my thighs
the la weather really makes people delirious
i saw flat stomachs and quick regrets
and jealousy and anger and toxic environments
pool tables with *****
and glasses of ***** cause he bought your drink so you can think about messing around with him when you’re already drunk
rowdy girls who hate commitment
who adore drinking as drake plays
neon lights bouncing off the ceiling
confetti falling and tears streaming down your face
they’re bitter and sharp like the tequila you downed in a frenzy of trying to have fake fun
now your apartment is messy
and you can’t see carpet beneath your feet
were the flat stomachs and abs and shared guilty grins enough for you?
did they make you feel more alive than the drugs and the alcohol?
did they make you feel human?
or did they just fill you up
and empty you
and leave you bawling on your bathroom floor?
tell me the truth.
party vibes. a lot of lonely people forget they are alive, so they guzzle the alcohol to feel something.

newborn Jun 2022
and ghosts hover over the box of memories in my room

my word choice is average and boring and useless
think, think, think;
vestige: what does that even mean?

summer feels like swinging
my stomach hurts

and you booked it out of my arms cause maybe they weren’t warm enough

i wish i ‘broke a finger knocking on your bedroom door’ so you could see my wounds and write me a song apologizing though it was my fault

lol should mean laughing or lying cause that’s what i’m doing when she texts me

i think i am deprived of male attention

real life ***** and i don’t wanna go anywhere, i just wanna stay put
prob not poetry but who cares my account won’t even work:(

Jun 2022 · 13
newborn Jun 2022
wanna get broken into tiny shards of glass
by an ex that was always destined to **** me
wanna be dragged across the bamboo tile
with so much force, i can’t feel the pressure anymore
wanna miss the times spent together like they were my life support
on the very edge of pulling my cord
wanna be destroyed from the inside
beaten so brutally
that i can’t even find time to survive
last day of school and i want a summer love and i want it to end and for me to be so brutally heartbroken that i never forget about it until i meet someone sweeter, kinder, and prettier.

newborn Jun 2022
resting on a ledge with my feet dangling
this is the most alive i’ve felt in the longest time
(don’t tell the people around me)
the wind smells like summer and boys and freedom
i’m not worried about the present
it’s just flowing in the breeze
the sun feels like a warm embrace
and from this height
it’s almost like i’m powerful
almost like i’m reaching for God
and His hand is firm and safe
He says it’s all gonna be okay
i taste starbursts, gatorade, and freedom
Jun 2022 · 13
people don’t change
newborn Jun 2022
blood courses like crimson rivers
in my cells
i envision darkness through the corners of my eyes
****** into the core of this earth
we never get out, do we?
we never change, actually
i know us humans
lying is our defense mechanism
we can’t capture oxygen in our lungs
without running off our tongues
people don’t lose touch
they consciously “forget” something that isn’t convenient for them
a person
it’s that simple
it isn’t rocket science
they make it quite apparent
we never change
our bones grow
but our souls-
they don’t
they just age along with what we are taught
what knowledge our brains can wrap themselves around
so we create new memories
but we never truly move on from the past ones
they stick like honey
along the walls
they won’t dissipate
they don’t dissolve
people don’t change
people are selfish
they want your body and they’ll do whatever they want to touch it
no matter your decision
unless you ruthlessly punish them
or let the storm do all the ***** work
we cry with the sixty percent of liquid sloshing inside of our skin suits
we pound on the outer edge
sometimes scream to let us-
the hostages-
but somehow
they forget we ever meant anything more than a change in the air
a change in their environment
a little switch
people don’t change
no matter what they say
the amount of times they’ll say they are sorry
they’ll never actually mean it
with every fiber of their being
you 𝐜𝐚𝐧’𝐭 change
your petite self ain’t gonna change him
he’ll still go out with girls upon girls
and open up doors
and legs
he’ll still reprimand you for doing absolutely 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐠
like being 𝐛𝐨𝐥𝐝
he wants you in 𝑖𝑡𝑎𝑙𝑖𝑐
he wants you 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟
people don’t change
ever since the fourth grade
he’s been beating himself up cause he was always so 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑡𝑙𝑒
so 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑦
so 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑡ℎ𝑙𝑒𝑠𝑠
and you can’t fix that
with the fragments left of your kindhearted heart
people don’t change
we’ll never escape
school is just preparing you for more school
work waits patiently with you
for retirement
your back burns from trying to staple your spine back into what it was a few years ago
the crushing of skulls
is the only motivation you’re receiving
i sat in a 𝑡𝑖𝑛𝑦 desk
my gluts were aching
as i just had to sit there until the grim reaper lifted my feet up
he left me hanging there on the rope-
i don’t even believe in the grim reaper
he ain’t gonna collect my cold and desolate body and place it somewhere-
in a grave
where people who will never be better
will place me in the ground
they’ll be corpses soon
but they aren’t aware of that
cause we get no due date
for our own deaths
no warning
unless you’re slowing deteriorating on a hospital bed surrounded by white walls that
swallow you up like a man-eating whale
people don’t change
life slams into you with the force of a ten million ton freight train
it leaves faster than a scared and lonely teenager when they are asked if they are fine-
quick note: they are never ever ever ever fine
asking that question won’t do anyone any good
won’t cause their bodies to slow the process called life
that stings more than death will ever be capable of
people don’t change
they only like to think they do
so they can act like they are changing the world
when they are really just getting 𝑠𝑚𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑒𝑟 and
people “don’t” change
Jun 2022 · 20
four hours
newborn Jun 2022
gold drains
from the sewer
i once inhabited
sewage piles up
on the banks
of the frisky
leading to my
dizzy heart
slapping the shell
of me
with your bare
-i can put up
with this
because i won’t
be locked
in the sewer
any longer
to see your
colored eyes
scowl with scorn
praise the Lord
mañana ...yo voy a ser libre
Jun 2022 · 8
newborn Jun 2022
when the mountains
come crashing down upon
the crops
and smother us
like a mother
maybe that’ll feel like
or wanting.
cause you fed the fire
in me
but now i’m burnt out
you planted the truth in me
but now only lies slip out
of my mouth.
come to think of it
the mountain
peaks are lower
than your
self esteem
can’t believe
i trusted you with
my blood
my tears
my values
you trampled them
like an avalanche.
liquid pours out of
my ears
my eyes fizzing
in them,
is making an appearance.
sometimes i don’t know
what to do
i have no clue
what i am writing
right now
let alone
why my mind won’t
stop flooding with
images of your ivory skin.
this prison sentence
is on the brink
of ending.
thank Heaven.
i write to fill space
and that’s what
i did
with this.
oh shoot. gave me a heart attack. also, i got mad and annoyed at my friends (this happens all the time) and started writing this. then i ended up having so much fun after lunch so everything fizzled out and now i have no direction for this poem lol

400 poems, woohoo!
newborn May 2022
i have a c+ in chemistry
i have a basic style
i am so far from prodigy
it takes me 10 minutes to run a mile
but why do i desire to be more than one?
                             i still think college is an
college is the best i’ll ever be

                                my friend said that i don’t
                     wanna be trailer trash
    well, i don’t let my worth be defined by grades
                     -no way

it hurts
my pain is immense
i am weird
i am failing
i am a failure
                                     and people have the
                                                     guts to say
                                   ahem, no you’re not

you aren’t a mistake or a blank part of a page
            oh, honey
            trust me
                            I have tried a million times to    

but ever since my best friend left
    every place i’ve been is
     ­                                             uPPsiDe-doNwnn
               i pray to God every night
        and things change
                He helps me through the car crashes
     the beatings
-the emotion

                             i swear,
                                             i owe Him
        i should have redid the lab i already did
      ***** you chemistry!
      you’re disgusting!

                           you’ve got me resorting to
                                 yelling at classes
                            and grades i can’t help

a problem

and they are taking ap chemistry
    and they are smart
and might get accepted into harvard
       and they will have wives who bake
  blueberry pie
and five kids in a red minivan
       like my mom and dad

  ­              i have to go outside
            to tan, to feel like i’m alive
                to try to determine the rest of my life
           at fifteen years old
                                              i don’t even trust myself with my chem grades
             let alone the whole rest of my life
                                                               if only
        we weren’t defined by the grades we get

but society says
                                try me, little girl
i sat up front alone :(
only God doesn’t see me as a failure

May 2022 · 8
please, release me
newborn May 2022
so close to freedom
the dam is about to open
for the water to flood
out of it
at last
school is a living nightmare
newborn May 2022
here’s to all the bloodshed
all the tears
all the fallen soldiers
all the days that seemed like months

they’ve given us more than
we could’ve ever asked for

so thank you
thanks to all the troops and people who have laid down their lives so we could be free
May 2022 · 10
i get wild on you, baby
newborn May 2022
you like the wild type
rides in your car
lipstick stains on your leather seats
beer breath
headbangers playing guitar
tiny skirts
playful smirks
driving 100 miles in a 70
tabletop dances
soft fingertips
bloodshot cherry red eyes

but honey,
i spend my days in bed
dreaming of love,
butterflies and honeysuckles
my shorts are not too short
i don’t gaze longingly at random men
in public
i listen to boy bands
don’t leave lipstick stains
in stranger’s cars
i get to know people first

you like the wild type
but you could always give me a try
i can be wild in some ways
like going camping
and kissing for a few seconds
tackle me in the haystack
hold me like you wish you
never would have touched anything else
we don’t need late night ***** sessions
after getting obliterated
we can share hotel rooms
and sleep in separate beds
to keep it cutesy
road trips across the country
while obeying the speed limit
contentment spreading across the flowers
and it reaches the sky

you know,
i’m not the original wild type
but i can go wild and crazy for you anytime
nectar of the gods lyric. love ya Lana
May 2022 · 21
ohio hills
newborn May 2022
someday far from now,
i’ll be sitting on my porch with my soulmate
watching the grass blow in the wind
we’ll go to church
eye the maple leaves as they fall swiftly to the ground
our hands will be glued together
and we’ll watch our dog frolic in the yard
but, that’s someday very far from now
inspired by taking a car ride through ohio.
everything i do turns to poetry lol

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