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newborn May 2022
the entire house looks like a red traffic light
with pounding rock music blasting all around
it smells like smoke and passion
there are two people in each bathroom
i think there’s faint screaming somewhere
i don’t know, people are too high to care
sweat clings to the air
it’s sticky in this cramped house-
confetti is raining down upon us
i think she just kissed her boyfriend’s best friend
can’t wait to see his reaction in the morning
i got inspired to write this because of james cordon’s show. harry got a segment where he got to make a music video for daylight. it was honestly beautiful and i dream of going to a party with led lights. it would be so much fun. anyway, listen to daylight while you read. you know the drill

newborn May 2022
i understand that you don’t want to be a human
causing problems or making the news
or just trying to exist without lighting a fuse
with some thickheaded scoundrel
lay low
don’t mind the throbbing hearts
the fire breathing sweat machines
who slice heads off just for fun or for selfish reasons
slip into your burrow
the hyenas and lions don’t dig
(i think so)
if you drown out the noise, the noise will sound like a murmur
of distant chatter
it won’t matter
only emerge to get some food for thought
so on that note,
you won’t see me in a couple of years
at least until the fire swallows up the earth
and manages to seep into the dirt
that’s when i’ll emerge
you know...i get sick of it sometimes too
newborn May 2022
i’m more human than you are
more human than your wickedly
accentuated cheekbones
the hair that falls in clumps above
your eyebrows
has more life in each strand
than you have in your entire body
your charcoal colored locks
that get lightened in the sunshine
gather more oxygen
than your own lungs can inhale

i’m more human than you are
when i laugh, i can’t breathe
when i’m anxious, i feel inches away
from death
it lingers in the pockets of the heat
it traps inside my airways
yet, i can breathe finer air than you

even though the haze upon the horizon
blocks traffic, makes people stop for a second
it is more alive than you’ll ever be
it winds and dips and turns
flowing through the atmosphere
creeping down the downtown streets
yet, it’s more awake than your resting body

and i understand this might be
a touchy
subject for you
but you need to let the air stay in your lungs
for more than a millisecond
let it sizzle inside your skin
feel your vessels and veins shrink and grow
let the blood flow reach your panicked head
let it expand inside your brain
and feel the cells chatter and goop
like water

you’re more human than you think
yourself to be
more raw and real and vigorous
you have a soul buried in your eyes
unlike the caterpillars chewing on
plants who only do it to keep their
species thriving
you’re a human who can extend their limbs
to reach the furthest lengths
your heart can think to be
bursting with life

i’m still more human than you are
this pen i was locked in
stuffed my self esteem
but i’m still breathing, aren’t i?
i can chase the wonky walking warbler
i can lie
between blades of grass
letting the earth sink into the linings
of my skin
even though an itch might bust through
i still find a way to absorb the
outside weather
the humidity and the direction the
wind is blowing, or choosing to travel

you’re more human than you think
can retreat from out of you
breathe, and maybe the cricket chirps
will make you resort back to
rolling down hilltops or
jumping off rugged cliffs
next time when you jump
internalize it
and maybe next time
imagine you’re a sparrow for a second
tasting the air, as the water embraces you
and calls your name

                          answer back
i feel the imagery through this one. quick note: just be alive, don’t waste your time just surviving, why not thrive?

May 2022 · 13
my type? lol
newborn May 2022
i want someone who’ll raise my chin above the crowds of people and hold my hand tighter when my heart rate increases and respect my boundaries and never be childish and isn’t a gym rat and knows that he is enough 

someone who doesn’t slurp soup or cereal and never asks me if i am ok because he’ll just know and has cracked open a book more than once in his life and writes poems to me in return even though i never asked him to and likes girls in mom jeans

i want someone who sings cheesy love songs to me outside of the shower and drinks sugary drinks and lifts me up just for fun and never gives people ***** looks and always looks ready for an opportunity and is certain and calming and can get my starbucks drink for me when i don’t wanna be seen in public

someone who’ll watch fun nature shows with me and never gets angry unless i am a **** to him and can fix a chimney and a car and a motorcycle and goes outside everyday and brings me along and couldn’t care less that i might’ve gained a little weight and will let me lay in bed all day when i just wanna be left alone

or you know, i’ll take anyone
newborn May 2022
the night was young
the rooftop sang in the wind like a little kid
she twirled her hair as the sun became the hills
she pirouetted with flames in her eyes that
flew to the treetops and grew like a blossom
beneath the early summer sky
she smiled like she could have lit up the whole
entire world
the nightingale cooed, watching her fly
and i don’t even mean metaphorically
she was risen twelve feet into the air that’s how majestic she is
sporting a minidress that was populated with flowers of all sorts
she was a daisy, a wildflower, a tulip, a lily, a rhododendron bush, a whispering oak tree
the starlight saver who sparkled so vibrantly
even the moon bowed down at her bare feet
i watched her transform into an angel and she
soared like a bald eagle; her only purpose in life was to be freer than the ocean who held her down to make her drown
she was ferociously alive by the standards of the sky
i just observed her from the rooftop
captured by her looseness and her freedom and how she left the hindering feeling behind, opening the gates of the reformed prisoners who morphed into tiny stars that night as she beamed and twinkled with ecstasy
angel, i can’t believe i am able to be in your presence, in a five step radius from you
it’s an honor
i wish i was her and that you would stare at me all night and just tell me i’m your stars in the darkest night sky.
prob my favorite song of the album, go listen while you read<3

May 2022 · 20
newborn May 2022
could you love the girl who is disliked by everyone? her friends grow tired of her once in a while and by once in a while i mean every single waking day. you couldn’t love her—you shouldn’t love her. she has nothing to offer, nothing to give to you. she only buffers throughout the day, internally left to suffer. could you love the girl that is sticky like maple syrup, but not corrupt? the girl who craves bleach because she is empty and needs something to fill her shrunken stomach. i get it, no one likes her, so why should you?
you know, maybe sometimes being liked is quite a joyous thing.

May 2022 · 92
the mirror
newborn May 2022
the mirror plays favorites
she twiddles the beauty queen’s golden hair
she puckers up so lipstick can be placed on her full lips
her hair the perfect length to play with
not dry, but smooth and so healthy

she picks the prom queen’s silky dress with dignity
it’s perfect for her malnourished body
it lays and sits so beautifully
the mirror sees her and appreciates the craft she created
grins, and puts silver and gold expensive earrings on her ears

but when i approach,
she turns her face in disgust
throws an outfit at me; ripped jeans and a tacky t-shirt
she says i’m too fat and that i should keep my legs far apart so people don’t notice how weird i look
she grimaces at me and i walk away bashfully
‘never letting her look at me again’
i say
i always come back for her critical opinion
and i accept it
that’s exactly what i am
not beautiful, a fat failure
she’s evil, don’t let her look at you
maybe next time she’ll turn you into stone
who knows?

May 2022 · 6
whatever you like
newborn May 2022
i’ll be your denim jacket lucid dream
in a laundry machine
heat waves
early july
too hot for a denim jacket
taking it off
sitting down in a rose garden
sweat, the only thing
that sticks close to me
i’ll be your light blue crop top cute little prop
in a pop up shop
fourth of july
too hot to even fake a smile
ok, i like this poem, but i am just wayy too nervous about my chem grade atm

May 2022 · 18
let me forget
newborn May 2022
forgetting isn’t so bad after all
me not checking my test score cause if i don’t see it then i didn’t get that bad grade
isn’t exactly crazy
if i forget those words that imbecile described me as
oh, they’ll go away
disperse into the air
fly to someplace i’m forbidden to go to
i wouldn’t let those stupid words singe my bones
dangle in the mirror, ready to puncture me with those razor-sharp teeth
let me forget
this entire year of excruciating pain and crippling anxiety
feed it to the hungry souls in the graveyard
they will enjoy my disfavor
the ghouls can haunt that imbecile with his petty attitude and ruthless words that he thinks don’t incapacitate people
teach him a lesson in being a decent human being
he’s lucky i’m not vengeful
i don’t crave revenge, i crave to forget
to forget those years that felt like below freezing ocean waves over emaciated bodies
that stripped away comfort and shoved anguish down the throats even of entitled jerks
my brain wishes it could comprehend math and chemistry like he could
if it was that simple, i wouldn’t be worried at this point of the year when i don’t even care enough to pretend to care
let me forget that i let my friends down by talking out loud or shutting my mouth or by hesitating
i don’t wanna be the new doll placed in front of the county that i don’t belong in
those days when i went to Lake Erie and saw hot air balloons lift up into the horizon and ate sausages at some pretty hotel and then went to the beach and let the waves crash into my small figure and i’d smile because life was so easy and simple
i didn’t have to worry about failing chemistry for the year
or what ***** was gonna call me ugly when i entered that ancient building
let me forget the torment
let me forget
let me forget i had a best friend as well, so i never had my hopes up thinking that she would speak to me

May 2022 · 24
everybody dies
newborn May 2022
listen, i know everyone dies
it’s inevitable
so why do we cry when our loved ones die?
i don’t understand this world
this mandatory thing
that happens no matter what good or bad decisions you make
i am not a nihilist
so i am not saying ‘everybody dies, and nothing means anything’
i want to be someone’s centerfold
i need
someone to miss me when i am gone
i need
to be held in the arms of someone who relishes in the time spent with me
someone to go to church with me
love God like me
love life sometimes like me
die with me
cause everybody dies
it’s sad boy hour again
May 2022 · 22
the one
newborn May 2022
i’ll make an effort to write good poetry for you. my work is average at best and you look like a red moon in the most haunted night, so that won’t do. you reflect when light is shining on you. i turn to rust underneath your fingertips. when i find the one, i’m gonna scrap all my old works to make room for the newest editions. when i find the one who is a full moon filling every corner of my tiny room. maybe you can spend the night outside of my window. when i wake up, you’ll tell me to put on some clothes and i’ll greet you as if i had no clue that you were outside my window the night before. when i find the one, maybe i’ll start loving myself or write better poetry that is actually enjoyable to read. maybe i’ll start reflecting light, even in the rain.
inspired by madisen kuhn’s poetry
May 2022 · 11
newborn May 2022
who thought the stab wounds would ever go away?
from the dawn of the earliest day
to the now
to the plague
was it ever gonna improve?
will it ever improve?
     cause people still take over bodies
     they can’t help their temptations
     they have to hurt others to make up for their      
     pathetic lives  
a few decades ago
there was slaughtering of the innocent
hearts lay dying, souls corrupted
     there were bombs and heavy breathing
     children having hard times sleeping
     guns to heads that haven’t developed
and people still spray chemicals
in their “opponent’s” mouths
their tongues breathe fire
their lips so proud
     oh, what have we made?
     is this a good thing?
     i know this is definitely not ok
but oh, what can we do?
we are so doomed
they said humankind wouldn’t last longer than
a full moon
i guess they were right, whoever uttered those
how can the world improve if all of its occupants can’t change?
why do we all breed hate?
why is it almost gonna be too late?
    i wish God hadn’t trusted us with his gifts
   we bulldoze them over
   we give them a cold shoulder
t h e  f l o o d  s h o u l d  h a v e  j u s t  
w i p e d  u s  a l l  o u t

or maybe it did
and the only thing left
were the demons

and you know, people are still justifying murdering babies so we really are doomed
“maybe humankind was just God's mistake.”

-Finneas, The Kids Are All Dying

May 2022 · 19
lana has got it all down
newborn May 2022
rusty looking furniture
plastic cups sitting unbothered
on partially ***** floors
2:54 a.m bedtimes
tiny silky sheets over collapsed bodies
awakening to the smell of burnt toast and
warm wood
heavy air with the beach surrounding
vintage-looking photos on film cameras
holding hands, keeping promises, sweet smiles
snow angels imprinted in the grainy sand
worn out from the day’s sun
toasty like a bullet
crowded trailer park homes
down the coastline
couple of drinks, lots of giggles
twirling your girl
alcohol scents lingering everywhere you go
dusty trucks
little hugs
see you tomorrow as the sun rises on the beach
as your soul awakens to the moan of the earth
i’ll meet you on the sunniest boardwalk in town
hehe chemtrails over the country club who ;)

May 2022 · 86
newborn May 2022
hopeless romantic here.
i know you probably tell your parents that love doesn’t feel like it does in the movies
it’s overrated
i am guessing that’s what you say
but i
ok, maybe i am naive
but i
i don’t think love will feel like it does in the movies either
it will be better
and i hold that hope in my heart
that one day i will walk out of a restaurant
and i will see a familiar face
because soulmates are real
(the ones who don’t have them, or so they say, their partner died or couldn’t cross the layer between love and selfishness)
they are real
i think so at least
call me stupid
hopeless romantic
that’s me
i don’t get offended by that name
i swear it gets better than this
it gets better
love makes it better
it might be hard
but what have you ever done that was worth your time that wasn’t hard?
i want another person to be my safety, my rock, my eternity
bathe me in their river
cause it gets better
it does get better
and love makes it better

take all the time you need with me
i have been waiting for forever
what’s a couple more weeks?
wrote this sobbing but i still have hope
May 2022 · 20
newborn May 2022
i don’t wanna be that girl who uses her body
i don’t wanna be a little toy for one night and one night only
i am not that kinda girl

i will not be the kind of girl you can just push around
i will not be the laughed at puppet in some circus show for morons
i will not be her

i hope i am never the kind of girl who throws away her life
i hope i am never the person who loses her head and doesn’t go to church
i hope i am never her

and right now
i don’t wanna be the girl who cries cause she’s lost and lonely
but i am
and i am sorry that i let you down
**** you, lady bird
newborn May 2022
i pictured you
in my dreams
last night
saying i was ugly
again and again
like you used to
i don’t miss you
you hurt me
i just minded
my own business
and you had the
guts to
call me ugly
and now
i wholeheartedly
i don’t miss
what you did
and said to me
and the afterthought
is that i don’t miss
F.G, wanna fight?
May 2022 · 48
may 9th was rough
newborn May 2022
i’m sick of the fake world of social interaction
slouching, but pretending when someone asks
“haha, you should totally go for it,” when i don’t even support such a decision

also you should have showed me that story too
although it’s so cringe and i could do without
but i’m bad with people, talking, chatting
being a person of substance
i spilled my sticky juice down my hands
and pretended like it wasn’t uncomfortable and awkward
some weird kid i try to call my friend just hit my other friend’s boyfriend
like an infantile sociopath
now i am getting off topic
in my classroom
why are people saying being like that is a sin?
they aren’t even smart enough to believe who God really is
how sad that they’ll never be wasted
until they get burned
and maybe yesterday was awful
but maybe today is way worse
because i am fed up with everyone
(i don’t wanna curse)
i hope there’s no more rolling eyes and annoyed glances coming out from me
or maybe you should just be less annoying
yeah, be less annoying,
i was ranting lol
written 5/9/22
May 2022 · 6
newborn May 2022
i feel stupid because those that lived before me suffered much greater
but still
my organs are failing
i can’t breathe in the humid temperature
suffocated girl, poor girl
loneliness might not be the biggest issue
but it hurts
as much as a whip or a quick beating
sadness feels like an eternal weight placed upon your chest
who says this can’t be serious?
today is rough
and i’m so sick of having to say that everyday

May 2022 · 70
why can’t i just die?
newborn May 2022
i want to run
so far away that i don’t have to worry at all anymore
i hate myself
i say everything wrong
i wanna disappear
i wanna cry
sob, weep
help me get this ocean out of my lungs
severely drowning
i don’t belong
i don’t fit in
i won’t fit in
i am incapable of being anything
please let me die
or run away
so far that my feet can’t even catch up to where my brain is going
**** me
maybe it’s not so bad...

oh wait it is

May 2022 · 84
body image
newborn May 2022
i became skinny, but i still hated myself
i worked my **** off trying to “lose weight”
i was always skinny
what was i on?
i watched my slim figure in the mirror
i was never good enough
i still don’t think i am
i will never be enough
cause i think i’m ugly despite one or two people calling me pretty
my clothes don’t fit and i panic
i told my friend i needed to lose weight
and she said i was super skinny
i don’t know why
it shocked me
cause the body dysmorphia is vicious
and she is my biggest bully
my legs are muscular
i walk all day, run at night
i swear
i’m not lying about that
i pace around my room
cause apparently that’ll shed pounds
heck, i’m one hundred and twenty pounds
i said it
it’s mostly muscle
but i think i’m fat
perhaps, i haven’t thought about my weight or my legs for a long while
but yesterday i saw my stomach in the mirror
and i can’t stop thinking about that
i’m gonna start doing ab exercises
so i can be toned
and i know i’ll be happy
by those results
i’m still ugly though
i am so sorry for the self deprivation
but it’s come the time when i accept that i will never be beautiful
and i don’t know
perhaps that’s perfectly valid
i’ve been told that i’m skinny but i still don’t believe it
May 2022 · 12
newborn May 2022
you hate me cause i don’t put my lips to yours in the dim light
i hate eye contact, low cut
love and its victims, how nobody listens
amber heard, how her lawyer’s bad with words
i love vintage looking movies, love running,
despise losing
i love staying at home, i love being alone,
not running around acting like a dumb blond
i’m sick of stereotypes, reckless nights, crying in cabs,
drinking my life away
i hate the poltergeist, how he tries to be nice,
just call me ugly and slap me across my face
begging’s fine sometimes, if you’re right,
or if you wanna be immature (4 once)
i want to overdose, get super close to a boy who’s an easy choice
i want to be with someone
i want to kiss at night, but not have to fight,
or prove myself using my body
so if you wanna be like that, go ahead, but i’ll probably hit you in the head
try to be yourself not anyone else
and you’re not a martyr, you murderer,
quit trying
convince everyone that you’ve been scrutinized
when i’m gonna be told to lose my clothes and i’m just gonna have to laugh it off
when in all seriousness, i’m exhausted of this business
quick kiss and wish lists
and ‘get rid of her by the afternoon’
but if i could hold you or even get you, i wouldn’t be that true
i’d do anything to be yours
oh, i’m sick of this
remember it
i hate long awkward pauses and
all this applause
being passive-aggressive
maybe i hate to commit, i haven’t even been in a relationship
so keep your blue eyes away from mine, you won’t charm me this time
besides, you aren’t even real
i won’t beat myself up because you wanna love
me in a different light or with none at all
half of this doesn’t even concern you
you don’t even have empathy, huh, would you?
why would you care what i like?
when your hands aren’t still, they’re in for the ****, just drown me in this hazy white world
cause God knows i’m trying and i can’t help lying
beside you and to everyone i know
give me a second
you aren’t just heaven
slow your pulse
i’m not gonna give in
it’s ok to not
invade my privacy
don’t get on those carpet-burned knees
accept my offer or leave
besides, i am ugly-
don’t dim the lights
it’s 12:30 at night
and everyone’s on the balcony
so this is it for today
i will finally walk away
watch my ribs crack and me grabbing my neck
at least i came out alive
so if you wanna hate me for not putting my lips to yours
go ahead, be immature
i can just close the door
unless you want me to stay and be the greatest company
you’ve ever had
without going to bed-
that’s it, i’m leaving now
just something to think about
if you really want me-
heck, i don’t even want me
haha i really do hate amber heard and her lawyer

right now, i feel like nothings ever gonna last

i wrote a lot today

listen to doomsday by lizzy mcalpine. this was kinda to that melody a little idek what i was going for

May 2022 · 26
not a poem, but hot
newborn May 2022
dancing in light wash jeans
you should shove your veiny hands in my pockets
just me?

May 2022 · 9
newborn May 2022
how am i still hopeful?
dreaming up plots that are impossible
who do i wanna be?
can you laugh at my jokes?
call me invincible?
pull me in your arms so it doesn’t get cold?

make me your Heaven in human form
cause you’re an angel, i hope you know
as long as one day you can laugh at my jokes
maybe i’ll be invincible
this flowed so easily when i wrote it and i love it so i hope that you do hehe

newborn May 2022
if you love my writing, i’ll love you

i wanna feel your hands
on my body
like poetry
stanzas and alliterations
upon my guilty skin

your eyes twinkle
and they sing
i’m sure you would be good at writing
we could exchange ideas
paint words vividly
but maybe you do write out of
your own accord
i don’t actually know you, forgive me

i am tired of being invisible
know me
let me know you
in a way that no one else knows you
a way that is secretive
but capable

i’ll write your wrongs
and right down the street
are my open arms
to hold you in spite of the horror
to build you sanctuary
to construct buildings out of
your bulging eyes
hold me as well

i am not a handful
          just kidding

but whatever
let me be your muse
that way i can live forever in
hardback books and film screens
so i don’t doze off one day and leave
no memories
that way
you’ll always have me

i can stamp you on paper and
keep you in the paragraphs
line breaks

i can sketch your eyes into crystal *****
fortune tell for the distant future
inside of our tightly held palms

i will love every square inch of your
olive oil skin
and every ounce
of your soulful soul

i’ll write you into metaphors
about the land, sea, and animals
scream your name at the top of my
lungs until
you magically appear
i’ll wipe your tears
toss em’ off your pillowcase
read you bedtime stories about
how the moon adores the tides so
much, but they change every time

also how the sun stopped shining
and ruined his true love
with the earth
and ever since then, all citizens
get burned in extra passionate heat
he wanted to make it up to her.
but he can’t.

please adore the way i draw the
rhyming into poetry
fantasize about me smiling on a bridge
in Chicago
so tiny in comparison to the
that cling to the clouds
almost touching Heaven
(they think so)

be my muse
if not from closeup
at least far-away
at least
at arms length
i wanna feel your chilly
hands grace my body
like choirs in unison
looovvvvveeeeee mmmmeeeee

(or at least like my poetry)

(you don’t even have to like me)

(just read it)


May 2022 · 48
pretty + skinny
newborn May 2022
she giggled
and she’s pretty
and she’s skinny
and she goes out with boys
and she’s fun
and she’s funny
and she’s great to be around
and she makes me sad
and she makes me mad
and she doesn’t acknowledge me
and she’s perfect
and i’m jealous
and she makes me wanna die
and i hate feeling this way
cause it feels wrong someway
but anyway
she’s pretty
and she’s skinny
and she’s a ghost
in the wrinkle of my brain
stop tormenting me by being in close proximity to me
May 2022 · 73
newborn May 2022
chomping on crunchy bones- my frail bones
how hard is it to just be a skeleton
unbothered, just straight-up dead
under the grave, just a small feeble corpse
let me rest in peace, you deadly humans,
let me be
i can’t stand the silence let alone the laughter
of the ****** bodies with crooked souls
let me rest in peace
it’s like an inferno down below
why can’t it be just like before?
when i was just a skeleton in the grave
before they sawed my bones
before i lost my own
in these weeds
in these plunging depths
let me rest in peace, you foul idiots
i am dead. convince me otherwise
newborn May 2022
i wanna go home
home to the bed i own
home to the chaotic laughter
i wanna go home
home to where i can be alone
home to where only i can roam
home to you
home to everyone
who loved me
when i wanted to return home
when i wanted to be alone
when i didn’t want to be provoked
take me home
but proceed with caution
don’t break me when you are taking me
lay me on my soft bed
kiss me on the head
fly me home
so i can dance in my room alone
so i can finally breathe after being choked
take me home
who am i kidding, just anxious?! i feel like i am bleeding from the knuckles and as if my brain is being chewed. it won’t stop. i just wanna escape it. i am soooo sick of being the “new one.” love me already

May 2022 · 34
newborn May 2022
the flames are rising
the wood is burning
the earth is crumbling
from under the
quaking’s hand
here in a charred building
sits a fear stronger than
an ocean flood
the fear that maybe
there are never any
happy ever afters
and instead just
raining fire
please save me from this monstrous death that is high school. i feel like a wild animal inside a cage.

May 2022 · 20
newborn May 2022
could someone love me like i love the rain?
how i wrap myself in the mist
and dream and sparkle and...
no one can love me like the rain.
it’s so gorgeous and rambunctious
i wish i could touch it
i can...
but i can’t reach the full span of it
it’s little bit by little bit
no one can love me like the rain.
it falls too fast
and it’s impossible to grasp
but please
even if you try
a little tiny bit
you could love me like the whole span of the rain
and maybe that’ll happen someday
Apr 2022 · 15
newborn Apr 2022
sweaty hands, take me to dance
i swung my arm around
you told me i was doing it wrong
so you grabbed my waist
and swayed
to the beat of the drums
to the beat of my overwhelmed heart
the neon lights shone on your heavenly face
i stared deeply into your glowing eyes
my sister was jealous
that i could land you
so easily
from that glittering stage with neon lights
into your arms only tonight
this was all a dream, duh. i am as single as it gets lol. but what a beautiful dream. i wish this was real life. but the kid i am writing about is gay (i believe so) and he goes to another school and he’s much older than me. whatever happens in my dreams, stays in my dreams

newborn Apr 2022
and stuffy basements with kids underages
smoking cigarettes while vinyls play in the
skateboards and monster energy drinks
clothed in baggy white t’s with dangling chains

i JuSt DoN’t BeLoNg
basically, i hung out with my friend today downtown. we had fun at first, but then she went to a skatepark in this basement thing and a lot of her friends were there. it was kinda awkward for me. i had such a weird feeling in my stomach. it felt like i shouldn’t be there. but you know, i don’t wanna be friends with drug addict sk8er teens. and maybe i don’t wanna be friends with her anymore cause she hurts me and makes me feel away from the stable grasp of reality. idk tho

Apr 2022 · 57
newborn Apr 2022
i am trapped.
glued to the floor.
quicksand around my ankles.
enveloping my lungs.
can’t breathe.
can’t stop.
dragging me down to the depths.
the depths of inescapable nightmares.
screaming ****** ******.
sand filling my throat.
scratching my esophagus so roughly.
clawing at my sensitive skin.
scraping my neck.
open wounds.
hourglass specks falling on top of me.
quicksand pulling me under.
can’t think.
can’t breathe.
arms reaching for anything.
branches, safety—more sand.
bubbling stomach with layers of salty sand.
suffocated by the dust.
head underneath.
engulfed by the vicious sand.
that’s what i will be if this won’t stop
Apr 2022 · 20
ghost town
newborn Apr 2022
i wish this was the last thing i would ever write for you. i just wanna move on, but i watched you walk across the dewy lawn and i felt empty inside. ghost town vibes. it hurts seeing you be the life of the party, the happy one, the “gets out of situations so easily cause she’s so pretty.” being friends with you was so amazing and i wish i didn’t take it for granite (granted apparently) back then.
cause now i’m the loser and ashamed that i didn’t say hi to you. now i ignore your every move as if i don’t even know who you are and nobody even knows that we knew each other or were, oh my gosh—friends. oh wait, forgot one word, or two. best friends forever. bffs. we drew in notebooks together, went to the book fair and found little friendship books and wrote in them. we were attached at the hip, so incredibly close. why did we lose that connection? you have so many **** friends and i have nothing against them, i just wish they would help bring back our friendship. and i am sick and tired (exhausted) of seeing you in the halls and looking the other way or up at the ceiling. i am embarrassed that it’s come to this. avoiding eye contact because i fear you hate me, cause God forbid, you send me a single message saying, “you know, i hate to admit it, but i miss you and i wanna start over.” but no. and perhaps i’m coming to full terms with that. i guess the contract is over and the summer sun has sunken into the fortress of the creepy night. i’m fine. it’s just- you had your car and i wished to ride in the front seat jamming out to music before school and having study halls together and making friends together and being friends forever. but it’s ok. i realized true friendship doesn’t exist. it’s all an in the moment thing. they’ll say they wanna be friends forever, but once you move from the ground to the sea, you’ll never wanna be dry again. and i get it. my lungs are drowning in the water, but i still don’t wanna climb out before it’s too late. i’m so sorry
perhaps missing you is a mistake as well
Apr 2022 · 24
dusty old school rock cds
newborn Apr 2022
the dusty old school rock cds on the cracked cubby top
brush it off, but some still remains
coughing a bit up before setting it down to reminisce
it all reminds me of
the way the Polaroid camera snapped the life outta me
how every word you said was so heavy that i started sinking
how we were headbanging for kicks and started becoming wild creatures
how the radio cringed and squealed and how we still sang every word to “Pour Some Sugar on Me.”
how the guitar riffs are just pain coming out into art
bursting with meaning and passion

the dusty old school rock cds sit there, stationary on that same cracked cubby top
and we recall the past as if it was some life-changing yesterday
inspired by harry styles’ album and what a person who reacted to his first album said about it. something about an old school rock song and it all came from there lol

newborn Apr 2022
could someone please fill the lines of their notebook with my name
write poetry
they may or may not wanna tell me about
but it keeps them awake at the witching hour
and they want my lips to leave marks on their pillowcases
they want my voice to ring throughout their hollow hallways
echoing through their bitten hearts
so i can finally be wanted
and i won’t have to stay up at the witching hour, crying tears of loneliness cause i’ll have someone who’ll sketch my eyes with charcoal and construct a poem out of my sadness and we can be best buddies
**** it
i wish it was all that easy.
after a year of writing about everyone and everything, i just wish someone would do that for me :>(

Apr 2022 · 33
shower thoughts ll
newborn Apr 2022
would it be easier if i was prettier?
being pretty sounds so wonderful and simple
maybe that’s why i don’t fit in at this cemetery-like building

Apr 2022 · 41
under the surface
newborn Apr 2022
the ocean floor is crowded
covered in coral reef
fish and sharks with gut-piercing teeth
grins that make their bodies glimmer
deadly killers
in evil environments
help me
cause i don’t wanna wait
to be saved
from crowded ocean floors
rescue me in fishnets
bring me to the surface
that’s not a request
metaphor for this place i’m stuck in
newborn Apr 2022
i don’t wanna hang out
if i don’t want to, don’t act putout
salty tongues with razor sharp words
being immature, left on read
kicking up dust while throwing a tantrum
being an introvert is not my fault
frowning lips, squinty eyes
i just wanted to stay inside
i am not the bad guy
title is the exact text i sent to my friend and she left me on read. wtheck

Apr 2022 · 11
tiny footprints
newborn Apr 2022
tiny footprints in the grainy sand


tiny footprints in the salt licked sand

tiny footprints stay in the sand

until the tide washes away all the evidence
why did they suffer so brutally?

Apr 2022 · 42
newborn Apr 2022
the broken bodies burning
in basins that bust, bruise, and blast
bandaids barely benefitting to brave the blood
to bring back beauty and blessing
beaten bodies lay berated by black baleful
blokes with bitumen souls
bent buffoons with busted beings
barely believing their blunders be brutal
or belittling
bathe in blood and bask in beastly behavior
newborn babies through broken bashed-in bodies
blasted fools better bewail
better beware
because beheadings leave boiling bothered
busted, bruised and blasted
i wrote this poem because we have been taking about wwii and the Holocaust for a while in school. (first of all, i used alliteration to reinforce the idea that what happened sticks in the heads of everyone nowadays and in people’s culture. by using alliteration, it made this poem run smoother and made it catchy.) i can’t even fathom how evil and despicable those people were who went through with persecution and ******. i just want to quickly say i am still praying for anyone who was persecuted or killed during the Holocaust. may all your souls rest in peace. and i pray for all those who had to witness those horrific sinful things being carried out on innocent people. i can’t imagine the fear such poor innocent beings had inside from being traumatized and demeaned and for what? for a ****** man to keep his “perfect” race going? for commoners to live upon malice and mass graves? for the world to become a better place? what world could ever be better without jewish people? i break down crying every time i hear about this subject and my eyes are watering rn writing this. our world was and is still messed up, so...speak up if you see persecution in any form, raise your voice at those who are antisemitic and never say nothing. remember what happened and i (myself) will never let this happen again. rest in peace innocent souls, you have always been missed.

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

-Edmund Burke

Apr 2022 · 26
newborn Apr 2022
dynamite with purple eye
sweating through the steamy night
you came here with your raspberry lies
in stuck suburban side
bit on the fiery side
confide in me
lucid dreams
paranoid screaming through tiny teeth
you didn’t want to plummet
into purple eye
on cigarettes
and chloroform eye-
luck and stuck with dynamite
explosive nights
raspberry lies
hazardous tries
and over the top
and the fear of being a reject
with eruptive tendencies
toxic needs
and a little bit of tnt
of relatability
and dynamite
this world is too
to be blowing stuff up right now
there isn’t a frenzy of deadbeats
only purple eye
and would
and tnt
light it up like dynamite, woah, woah

-my fav bandddd

Apr 2022 · 14
newborn Apr 2022
there are brats and rats and scumbags
crowbars and cheap cars and phantom stars
in the town of denial
down by the frothy beach
in the middle of a place called insanity

there are temptresses and trespasses and messages
phony ploys and bloodthirsty boys and aimless joys
in the dust-accompanying countryside
the place that silver wolves and pistols occupy
in foreboding high midnight sighs

there is loneliness and helplessness and acid
soda cans and grunge bands and peculiar bans and queer vans
all inside my throbbing heart
in the space i refuse to stay
in the place where it’s never “ok”

down by the frothy beach
in the middle of a place called insanity

this is when i like rhyming

*holds hands up to face like a villain in a sci-fi movie*

Apr 2022 · 75
smoky haze
newborn Apr 2022
you and me
and our cheesy
twinkling as the ashes
burst out of the effervescent
i’m wearing your
sweater and
i look like a little
in an old mug
of hot cocoa
you pull me into your
sturdy arms
the breeze whips through
whistling like a singsong
we’re cuddled up next
by the snug heat
of the wood burning
orange sheet
you’re holding me
around my belly
(you know how much
i hate that word)
the fire builds cityscapes
and countrysides
and warm embraces
cheeks are rosy
hearts are cozy
ashy smoky
burning bark
and rustic willow
leaves chattering
in the silence
of the
frozen in time
i fall asleep
in your lap
so you lay me down
and i still smell the
smoldering fire
as you put the flame
to rest
and the hazy smoke
envelops our stationary
just imagining a woods with a small opening in between a million (probably a thousand, but a million sounds more dramatic) thick trees. little bonfire love and hearty hugs <3

Apr 2022 · 42
those girls
newborn Apr 2022
oh, how i wish i could be those girls in miniskirts
those girls who make 360 turns
in their Range Rovers
those girls who have boyfriends in perms
those girls who never recycle
those girls who party all night and never see real struggles
those girls who find opportunities on their rich stepdad’s floor
those girls who walk lightly cause they’re attainable  

but those girls die early due to their depression
they overdose on medication cause the media’s attention is too
they scream into their pillows at night and
cut their tongues to make an effort to be silent
they kick and punch, but the world has no sympathy
they get discarded and left for the next best thing

and so
maybe i don’t wanna be those girls
i wanna stick to my world
where normal isn’t boring, it is a staple
and in a world where the only thing the future holds
is the future
not sick and twisted girls in miniskirts
i hate myself so i wanna be someone else, but i know that’s not the way to go...

Apr 2022 · 45
shower thoughts
newborn Apr 2022
funny how smiles make wrinkles on your face
and we deem no wrinkles as “beautiful”

we as a society love sad people
kinda deep lol
Apr 2022 · 41
newborn Apr 2022
daisy’s spread out in a vast field
twirling as the wind whips their blossoms
salty lips and caramel hips
dips and tricks
picking up the flowers that fill the ground with
laughs in Flagstaff
sidesteps and triceps
gracefully holding sweaty hands
in fields that only flowers inhabit
liberated limbs in little lands
with boundless promises
sway with arms on shoulders
hands on slim waists
spreading fake wings while lying in the yellow
smelling the scents, but with no allergies
spinning until floating
two in one without knowing
falling into enchanting spells
flower field remaining sweet
while kissing is faintly heard in the brisk
night air

oh, what a magnificent thing is to be in love
i love to love love and love loves to love me loving love
newborn Apr 2022
i missed his party so i didn’t get to see you
   and i write as if you hear my anguish
   as if you care enough to listen
**** it, i would give you my poems to read
    i miss you
    because without you, i blame it on myself
perhaps we were made to break
   to crack on hardwood floors and windows
   to grow apart as the famine destroys
i missed his party because i was sick
   so we didn’t get to mend our relationship
   and our beaten hearts are ruined

      i missed his party so now i miss you
oh, shut up by now. ur voice makes me mad and it lingers in the humid air. you know i hate saying i miss people, but maybe you don’t know. maybe you never knew me and i was just some little gimmick, some arm candy. cause u moved past this faster than a roller coaster ride, and i feel as if i am obligated to move on too. i forgot about you for basically 4 years, and i really don’t think i have been too affected by this until now. but it’s whatever. cause i will move on and be in love and stop creating fake storylines to feel alright. that’s soon, i can feel it too. letting go is the most powerful thing a person can do, and you are slipping out of my bitten nails and becoming less of a worry and more like an old story. ok, bye, you’ll never read my poems so you’ll never know that i actually care. and if you still care about me and want to talk to me, talk to me. i wanna reach out to you, i am just afraid of rejection. pls forgive me. i’m sorry
                                      so sorry

Apr 2022 · 11
my voice
newborn Apr 2022
i sang from the rafters
only echoes came back to me
lonely, locked and loaded
cries of desperation caused the vigorous vibrations
i sang until it took me over
my voice didn’t sound like beach houses in malibu anymore
it was car horns and rooster crows and confounded snores
the only benefit was-
i was trapped up there alone
no one else i could harm with such a hideous voice
haha sometimes i realize that i am a bad writer and sometimes i just like to pretend :)

Apr 2022 · 41
Red High-Heels
newborn Apr 2022
park benches and arm stretches
hugs that feel like roses blooming
like footsies fooling
diehard chasers and fearless makers
high heels carving holes in the concrete floor
how is that possible?
holding hands on carved bridges made from men so long ago
touching each other’s shadows
behind telephone poles
dreaming mid-yawn
spinning in silk and satin spindled suits and dresses
red streaked eyes and tempered smiles and luxurious bodices
dancing on picnic looking tabletops
laughing our butts off
swinging from low hanging chandeliers
drinking from low budget wine glasses with koolaid since we’re minors
laying on each other’s chests and stroking each other’s hair fervently
trying to ***** dance in the sparkle of the sunlight
catching each other as we fall into trusting positions
pretending to be spies on top secret missions
grabbing my waist and falling onto the sparkly clean floor
becoming so mad yet never unsure
captivated by your lips and the way your skin twinkles a million different shades
and the way your voice calls my name in a billion languages,
some completely made up even
meticulously planning the way our shoes will leave marks in the dusty spots of the castle
sweating and eating brunch for dinner and not eating filet as an entree but as an appetizer
falling into your strong arms and losing control of what we are
seeing stars in the retinas of your eyes and mysteriously feeling dead-alive
like never before
nobody would have ever seen the manner in which you bat your eyelashes at me
and how the soft murmur of the breeze echoes across the coarse part of your cheek
and calls for me
safe and compact into a life that’s so magically intact
loving would never have been so tranquil if we had planned every single sought after moment
candidly slow dancing in the velvet summers day
being odd and obscure and strange in several colors and in multiple ways
touching the surface of your ocean wave body
sloshing so wonderfully
the rhythmic sound and all your capabilities
the rampant sweat clinging to your face, your throat,
looking at me
clowning around, tackling each other while grinning wildly
pillow fighting so hard the feathers exit and get caught on our wet tongues and shivering bodies,
and we collapse and watch hours and hours of tv while we sing karaoke from the 80s and pretend to be heartbroken like in the mvs
sitting on established thrones without the grueling jobs and committed work
losing sleep cause we stay up all night playing monopoly, but mostly it’s just you making fun of me cause i don’t participate i just grab my knees and admire the way you pick up the cards and still lose to me
and watch your rage fuel our fake arguments so we end up with full stomachs and happiness
watching theater from the highest balcony and grabbing my shaky hand and ridding of my anxiety
lovers spit, kissing cherry lips in the darkness of the abyss
kicking papers off of desk offices and messing around as if we are two tiny kids
having the kind of love that doesn’t get trapped beneath the sofa cushions that are crusty and ready to give away, but haven’t yet
the kind between gapped teeth, white as ivory, licking the dwindling flavor and savoring the last moments till it’s not sugary
taking life so seriously is absurd,
instead dance ballroom style on tabletops and try ***** dancing for once in your darned life
it ain’t gonna hurt
sooo when i was writing this, half of it got deleted because my storage is trash and decided to take it out on my notes app :’(

anyway, it was so so so so good, but half of it got deleted so it will never return. i went through all the stages of grief. right now, i am accepting it. i cried and sobbed until i fell asleep, it was honestly really sad and still is.

i’ll never get it back.

ok so basically i wrote this poem because i listened to Sebastian Yatra’s song of the same name and i am obsessed. the music video was adorable and i want that kind of love for God’s sake! like unfair!

i hope i find carefree love one day, i hope it all turns out ok. rip to the other half of this incredible poem. you will be missed.

newborn Apr 2022
i imagine death to be solemn but beautiful
just like Edgar Allan Poe’s poetry
the end will bring peace
not a single tragedy

i imagine death to be similar to love
something that fills your glass to the brim
but feels so right
and so effortless

i imagine death to capture all my emotions
and i am stable in every way
in Heaven
with God
free in death,
alive in death,
more alive than i can manage at the moment
death will be glorious
and patient
and quiet
and Heaven won’t be like living
it’ll be effortless
this is similar to my falling in love poem, so if you liked that or cared enough to read that, you might like this. just maybe tho. i listened to 60’s music while writing this so it kinda has a little of that flavor, ig. ‘tis a poem i thought could comfort some wary people. thank u, next

jk, stay happy, healthy, heartbroken (i just want my heart to be broken so i can write about it , don’t condemn me, teehee)
and joyful at the same time.

now i am just rambling, but i want a 20th century love and i wanna wash the dishes for my husband and i want a kiss on the cheek from him. i would be a housewife for such a brilliant man lol.

ok, officially done
don’t die or cry alone
i am always here

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