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Joshua Phelps Sep 2023
if you stay in
your own head

the memories,
faded, might

leave you
in dread.

just torturing

simply feeling
hopeless, and
angry instead.

it's not worth
putting yourself
through this

even if life's
a little complicated.

look with your
eyes, not
all hope is lost.

even in the
darkest places,

the light will
shine bright
when you need
it most.
Afeksi cita May 2023
Katanya, tak baik untuk memendam
Tetapi, tak semua rasa mudah memadam
Katanya, janganlah selalu dipendam
Nyatanya, tak semua cakap bisa meredam

Mereka, bisa menuntut
Tetapi, haruskah hati selalu menurut?
Mereka,  bisa bertindak sebagai penuntut
Tetapi, rasanya.. jiwa tak perlu selalu berlutut

Ada masa.. untuk menarik diri
Untuk bersimpuh, dan memberi diri afeksi
Ada masa... untuk menangis, memendam semua emosi
Untuk menyadari semua hanya proses menjadi asri

Terima kasih, sudah selalu kuat
Berdiri dan menjalani semua walau terasa berat
Terima kasih, sudah selalu kuat
Untuk kamu, yang terhebat..
Elsie Greek May 2022
From now on I summon
My fugitive selves,
All at once to nuance
the stitches and shells.
Should they not be complete,
I will handle it.
In the darkest of nights
There's no way to keep
Unabated light,
But to brace my mean heart,
Tape it shut but somehow
Lose it into the wild.
There it goes:
Beastly wonderful storm
Through the hurdles of challenge;
They blazon them selves — yet another refrain of acceptance.
Spoken truth is an armour of gold,
But my only concern is to hold an opinion of selves,
as they matter.
After stitches are dealt with,
Mostly painfully sheer in their glory,
After shells are assumed
to be me: I'll summon the suit.
Pardon this free interpretation of the Marvel comic.  Still, an inspiring art piece makes it worthwhile to suggest any idea or subjective take on it.
J Jan 2022
Consumed by the fear of what others thought about me
Playing a game of charades in every social activity
Slowly loosing sight of my true authenticity
Rather than deal with an occasional adversity
I refused to play another games of charades anymore
As I throw my mask, on my face, down to the floor
I let out a deep sigh and look off to the side
I stand proud in a large crowd
Now that my natural stance is finally allowed
I did it again... I did what I didn't want to do, that thing I've been resisting, that thing I no longer want in my life... I did it again! How can I do something I didn't want to do? There are 2 possible answers:
1- I decided to do it anyway, which is dumb!
2- Something else made me do it, which is suspicious!

If something else can make me do things, I don't have free will, and if there is no free will... It means I'm a SLAVE! Well to a certain extend I would say the science of brainwashing and manipulations which the most popular branch is named "Marketing" is just the science of Slavery! How to enslave people without being caught! Therefore, the second answer has some truth in it, yet I feel like I made the decision to do it. Just like all great sellers, they always make the prospect think that they made the decision to buy. Then if they don't like what they bought, they can only blame themselves. What a pitiful civilization.

Now you'll tell me that this is a sane world to live in! Everybody is doing their best to enslave you to their product, to their belief system, to their view of the world. They all want your money, your time, your house (if you have one), your mind, your attention... your soul! This is like "Wall-E", "The Matrix", "Terminator" and "The walking dead" mixed together with some "Constantine" black magic behind it...

So from a slave to another, next time you do it again (because you will!), don't beat yourself up. It's your responsibility, but it might not be your fault.
Random words about falling into bad habits.
Zoe Holden Apr 2021
I’ve been feeling so small
feet took the best of me
and i didn’t want to tell you
but i thought my flowers were poison
and i thought that’s why he didn’t pick me

But i’ve been feeling so different lately
i stopped fearing the best of me
and i’ve been meaning to tell you
i think that’s why he didn’t pick me

Sun so high
i’m going to be carried away in the breeze
nature’s new lover
what a buzzing full song

I’ve been feeling too floral for the trees
i’ve learned to love me
and i guess i just told you
i don’t need you to pick me

Let my roots grow deep into the earth
let my blooms grow on
consumed by the green
i have love for the butterflies and bees

And i can grow up endlessly
leaves to scrape the sky
i’m going oh so high
and i’m going to be carried away in the arms of my lover’s breeze
LannaEvolved Dec 2020
Take time to know yourself
Find out about your life

Sit in the den and stay silent

You do not know
Who I am.

I am a Prophet he would say
And you’re mine

I'm all yours
But not whenever you want me
I'd reply

Taking dark selfies in a temple
Creepy rituals with the cult of the Tempili Orientis
Studying Bible names
His social script became mine
When I felt like I was losing my mind
a scripture
That repeats itself in mystic fables
Façades of King Solomon
persecuted by his existence

The script:

I take orders from pastors, aliens, angels, bible thumpers, avengers, excuses from sickness, while he spoke of the devil, talking for hours about ******* to thelema, bouts of depression
He was nowhere to be found.

Behind closed screen doors and
phone calls gone raw

The Elimination of Alive
Took over
Spoke of necrophilia
Casting spells by saying
‘that's hot’
“I miss you” but only ever saw me 1x3

To risk my need and call it yours
When you’re out $125, starving for a hit, no love or affection, beaten to a pulp, and emotionally marred
‘It’s hard to heal’

When his real fam goes by
A man named Sam
He would go with him everywhere
A false son
Playing the part

A spitting image of the dark
Left in a pool
of hypocrisy

This was nowhere.

Off the grid
Forever lost inside a universe
that fails so many.
Not everything can be saved.

He was born into modern day slavery
An absent mother and father
Trying so hard to make it
Money is all he wanted to make
And lost it with his words

Tunnel vision
The drug is the delusion
that craves and prayers
Can’t afford

And yet how peculiar that I looked at everybody like they have 3 eyes blind
Feeling like I wanted to leave my body sometimes...

The lost souls out there
That got suckled in

She must know he said.

His script continued:

I am already gone
I had love somewhere  
but impossible to keep
I'm so expired

You're a clown
I told her

But when I look in the mirror
All I see is the loneliness of a dead man buying and selling a dream that can only be found
In a man who is not me.

Begging for bread
The last drop of
pink moscato burns the roof of my mouth

Hot chocolate
Ice cold
And my emotions
Buried in mould
for over a decade
I’m Schizotypal
When I speak to her

I say I miss her but these suicidal thoughts
of death still tempt me
That's why I need Angels to protect me

Projecting who I believe I am
A rich one Flaming
A Rosicrucian Cross on my chest
Throbbing panting for salvation

“I am in the middle of nowhere losing everything that could have ever made me”.  

He was other people.
And that is it’s own Hell
Learning from other people’s pain gives us the perspective to learn about ourselves and nothing can ever make up for that. Not everyone you meet will be for you, but that’s alright because the experience is not a sacrifice. It’s a lesson and it’s part of your journey towards a higher evolution of greatness and the vision you have for yourself and your people.

Do not put yourself down or dwell in guilt or shame for what you’ve been through or the not so good choices that you’ve made when it comes to your relationships with other people. Your growth is more significant and you’re better for it.

Keep striving and live the essence of who you truly are. Never deny it to anyone who tells you what they want you to hear. Words can only mean so much, but they are not enough. Your insides know what makes you come alive. Your mental health and your sanity come before anyone or anything and let no one take advantage of that. There are so many people affected by mental illness that aren’t even aware they have something that makes them behave in distorted ways. You are not at fault for their harm done. You are not at fault for their pain nor are you responsible for their words or behavior. Whether they can help it or not. Mental illness is a difficult phenomenon to pin down. Some know what they are doing and are conscious of their behavior while there are others who are not and believe that what they do or say especially tactics like manipulation and suffering are normal acts that don’t affect people negatively. Staying away from that is not something you should ever feel ashamed of or uncomfortable with because you don’t want to hurt the person and because you are naturally a compassionate empathetic human being. Do what you have to do for your own health and respect for your own life.
You are only responsible for your empathy and your own wellbeing.

Protect that. And the right people will surround you fluidly in the circle of your own magnetic faith. Your being, your health in all ways, and your self-love is the highest form of psychology you can gain. Never forget it. You’re worth it!

You want to use your experiences as a source of power rather than a source of shame.
sergiodib Nov 2020
I am the other one,
not the one I’m telling you about!
I’m a grain of sand in the Sahara desert.
I’m a whiff of wind in the Antarctic winter.
I’m a drop of water in the Ocean of Tranquility.
When I lose myself, I find myself.
When I don’t know who I am; I am myself.
When I am no one then I am everyone.
And When I am everyone no more,

Then I’ll be everything.
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