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1.6k · Apr 2019
Evie Apr 2019
my greatest fear

reveals itself to be

something happening

and you never missing me
902 · May 2019
so simple
Evie May 2019
i can give others the world in a heartbeat

but i cant give myself a single sliver of hope


i want the very stars to sing praises to each person on earth

because everyone has a little bit of universe in them

but i cannot allow those stars

to whisper a single note for myself


i must learn to love myself

as easily as i love others


it sounds simple
785 · Mar 2019
moved on
Evie Mar 2019
im so beyond done with you

so why do you keep bothering me

im so much happier with someone else

does it bother you?

god i hope so
******* :)
671 · Mar 2019
7 a.m.
Evie Mar 2019
as the sun rises slowly
it illuminates your eyes
you take my hand
you pull me in
our lips brush
hair tousled
by an early morning breeze

you are beautiful
i am obsessed
659 · May 2019
Evie May 2019
and the calm came over me
washed me away
like the tide sweeps away the sand

melodic words from an angel
as he searches for the universe

delicately you love me
fingertips gentle
grazing over skin
like its fine silk

honey colored rays of light
gently settling on your figure
softening those hard edges

intertwined in this moment for eons
i would jovially stay
a pure and untainted
nearly fictitious exaltation

624 · Mar 2019
poetry, the finest of arts
Evie Mar 2019
i write lots of poems
                          most mediocre
whatever is inside my head
                                    flows through my fingers
into the keyboard
                      i spill my thoughts into the world
for others to see
                its amazing really
and beautiful
              to experience everyone
                               ­            through their poetry
yall are incredible and it hurts my heart because you all deserve the world
602 · May 2019
Evie May 2019
please stop
im done
i dont want to hear it
i dont care about the excuses

i did my part
i said sorry

i dont want to hear about why you cant
559 · Jul 2019
Evie Jul 2019
i almost had a midlife crisis and dyed my hair a soft baby pink

it woulda been pretty

pair it with a tattoo under my eye

a broken heart on one side

a sparkling star on the other

but then i thought to myself, it’s not exactly a midlife crisis if i’m only 16

more of a quarter life crisis

not nearly as dramatic

so i settled for painting my nails pink instead
it’s been a wild summer. lots of emotions.
553 · Feb 2019
Evie Feb 2019
i am sick of this endless cycle
a few good days
where i haven't felt little bits of my soul being ripped off
and lost in the wind.
where i feel i can conquer this illness
this plague

then i spiral

to weeks of bad days
where i cannot get out of bed
i am empty
tears welling in my eyes
for reasons i cant understand

there is no constant
instead there is constant change
i have no stability
no solid ground

people say change is good

people lie.
534 · Mar 2019
Evie Mar 2019
this **** wild
no kidding
516 · Apr 2019
i know
Evie Apr 2019
i am aware my poems are not high quality

i am not a very high quality person

i just need to empty my mind out somewhere

poetry has become the unfortunate victim
498 · May 2019
best friend
Evie May 2019
and as we ran through the shallows
i found myself smiling
the water lapping my ankles
as i watched your blonde hair fly like a sail
the sun glinting in your eyes
the promise of summer around the corner
i missed you
i got to see my best friend for the first time in a while yesterday! she recently moved and i was so happy to spend time with her.
482 · Apr 2019
hate it
Evie Apr 2019
i hate that i miss you
i hate it so much
i hate myself for getting so attached
i hate my heart for skipping a beat when i see you
i hate my stomach for dropping when i hear your voice
i hate my body for craving yours
i hate my mind for imagining the way you looked at me
i hate my eyes for tearing up in the middle of the night

i hate everything about me
as much as i loved everything about you
sorry to be so negative but im upsetti spaghetti
461 · Feb 2019
Evie Feb 2019
from what i understand,
some of you are sad
very sad.
some are mad,
beaten down by life
who wields a baseball bat
with nails sticking out at funny angles

from your sorrow comes beauty
the words you write
so moving

you're all too talented to quit.

so stick around

you never know when things might get better

please save yourself for another day
im always open to give any ounce of comfort to anyone. if you just need to rant send me a message!
452 · May 2019
no one
Evie May 2019
he was here last night
in my bed
his chest rising and falling against my back

our heartbeats in sync
skin warm

it felt so wrong

he isnt you

he is no one
trying to fill that gap sux
444 · Apr 2019
for the poets
Evie Apr 2019
poets are the most fascinating of creatures
coming in so many stunning varieties
lyrical flowing words
hard arresting phrases

you are all creators of such intense beauty
442 · Apr 2019
sad but true
Evie Apr 2019
others come and go
you will always be permanent
even if you aren't mine any longer
i keep telling myself im over it
440 · Jun 2019
i’m asking nicely
Evie Jun 2019
please stop

i’d really appreciate it

you’re hurting me
i don’t like it

please stop
437 · Feb 2019
Evie Feb 2019

433 · Sep 2019
i hate spanish
Evie Sep 2019
i hate spanish

thats all

my least favorite class is spanish 2 its the worst you cant change my mind
430 · Jun 2019
give me an answer please
Evie Jun 2019
(im sorry. ill send her a message)
(and let her know how u feel)

                                                                                                  [oh. u guys still]
(i sent it)
(i miss u)
you never answered my question
shes the reason this went to hell in the first place
and you claim you're trying to be better so you can have me back
you've got a funny way of showing it
420 · Oct 2019
Evie Oct 2019
i thought she was beautiful
every tiny detail was wonderful

maybe a bit too beautiful
and maybe i noticed a bit too much
404 · Apr 2019
leave me alone
Evie Apr 2019
you left me

don't you dare get after me
because i'm doing what i please
with whom i please

i am not yours anymore
don't act like i am


after you gave me up
go awaaaaay im so over it *******
396 · May 2019
packing a bag
Evie May 2019
clothes thrown into a heap
sitting on the bag to drag the zipper around
that midnight excitement
like a child on christmas
phone ringing
friends asking if they need this and that

wednesday night

the adventure begins
i cannot wait to goooooo
388 · Apr 2019
i am NOT
Evie Apr 2019
The Perfect Child™
**** sorry <3
386 · Apr 2019
Evie Apr 2019
i ain't got time for their *******
375 · Apr 2019
i might have made a mistake
Evie Apr 2019
i sit here waiting for you in the dark
staring at my screen
my face illuminated by the white light
its not just the light that makes me look sad
crybaby whispering through my speakers
rough voice quietly soothing my twisted conflicted soul

why am i still waiting

why am i still here
why did i agree to stay friends. it just makes it that much harder. yeesh. should have let completely go. if you get my crybaby reference pleaaaase tell me and we can be best friends forever
368 · Apr 2019
cared for by the universe
Evie Apr 2019
my blood feels restless in my veins
i need to move
to walk
to run
to speak
to scream
to be heard
to be ignored
i kick out the screen separating me from the night air
the roof spans before me
my bedroom two stories above the ground
i step onto the shingles
in my kitty cat socks you gave me
my t shirt goes to almost my knees
it waves around me like the skirts of a ball gown in the breeze
my hair tangles around my face
the moon illuminates my skin
my earbuds sing to me
feeding me slow sad rap
from a beautiful person dead and gone
"i just wanna lay my head on your chest, so im as close as it gets, to your heart"
my tears are grazed off my face by the wind
"nobody wants to talk to me, but everyone wants to walk with me"
i crumple to my knees, the shingles rough
"i just keep it to myself and try not to cry to loud"
the sobs ive been keeping inside shake my small shoulders now
no one can hear me
my voice is snatched away by the gale
my screams are sent to the stars
the moon reaches for me
the planets love me
the galaxies are my friends
the universe will care for me
as it has cared for many broken souls before
363 · Mar 2019
Evie Mar 2019
you keep me up at night love
thinking of our future
and how wild the odds are
that i found you
354 · Mar 2019
Evie Mar 2019
something that scares me
is that so many people feel like i do
i want to help everyone through their hard times, but i cannot seem to help myself through my own
351 · Oct 2019
looking up
Evie Oct 2019
things are looking up
things are getting brighter
things are getting warmer

hope is not only an idea
it is active
it is optimistic
it is stunning
it is eyeopening
it is life changing

self improvement starts small
baby steps every day
self love isn't self centered
self care isn't selfish
self image isn't vain

my heart has been opened
my mind has been cleared
i am starting to understand
happiness is beautiful
and it is real for everyone
had an amazing talk with some people i really love and care about. a lot of incredible things were shared. things that make so much sense. i can change my situation. i can solve my problems. i am not worthless. i am strong. i am able.
344 · Apr 2019
a true fact
Evie Apr 2019
you're going to get judged no matter what you do
so you may as well get judged doing something you like
do what you want!!!!!
338 · Mar 2019
Evie Mar 2019
warm skin
soft lips
gentle eyes
roaming hands
trading breaths
heart soaring

i crave you
319 · Apr 2019
out of it
Evie Apr 2019
i feel the need to write a poem
i feel the desire to write a poem
sometimes it seems
everything has already been written
i feel i am out of ideas for now
god knows some other version
of hell on earth shall come along
giving me painful inspiration
i cant seem to find anything to write about today. i have an unhealthy addiction to lil peep for some reason at the moment and i am realizing his music is, in fact poetry, despite the fact that everyone thinks he *****. i certainly do not believe he ***** but hey whatever cracks your glow-sticks amiright
317 · Apr 2019
Evie Apr 2019
its not my fault you fight
is it?
i hope not
Evie Jun 2019
so detached

everything in my life seems detached.
my own dad fakes a father daughter relationship for the good of the show so people don't ask questions. out in public hes a saint. at home hes a monster. at home he yells and breaks things and points out everything i'm doing wrong.

my ex boyfriend and first love, who i dated for a year is trying to talk to me again and part of me wants to let him but i honestly don't know what to do. we've been apart for 5 months and i've tried to move on with other people and be with other people and i've looked around and had a few little crushes but as soon as they show me attention back my stomach feels like physically sick. is that normal? i don't even know. i'm just scared no one will ever make me feel the same, and if hes the only one that makes me feel as happy as i was, do i really want to spend time with him? we broke up because he started hitting on my best friend, and then as soon as we broke up, my "best friend" stopped talking to me and spread a bunch of rumors. i want us to happen again but honestly i don't know what to do and i'm just a little worried. what if he hurts me again? then what?

school ***** and i've stopped caring because its so close to the end of the year and i feel like i should care more but i physically cannot. like i need to care because of finals but i have no motivation and i just get ****** into snapchat and then boom 3 hours gone. plus i need a job and if i don't get certified for life guarding i have no job. certification is next week but what if i cant do it? i've been on swim team since i was 7. i'm strong. it should be fine. but like, my anxiety is a beast and tells me i cannot do this thing.

because of all this stress i havent been sleeping, and ive eaten two meals in the last three days. but its okay. everything is going to be fine eventually. its just not right now and that *****.
just an anxiety dump. ignore it if you want. i just needed to get it all out of me. i could have probably made it more poetic but my brain isnt working correctly.
303 · Jun 2019
internal damage
Evie Jun 2019
your words
are so heavy
so sharp
so lethal
heinous poison
force fed down my throat

you hurl them into my soul
some gouge themselves deep into my mind
blood pooling around the edges
of the wound you left
with whatever agonizing phrase
you slice the fibers of my being with

others bruise
painting my heart black and blue
green around the edges
purple fades into green
my spirit
looks as though it has been thrown
down a flight on concrete steps

slowly things heal
others are more permanent
injuries not seen from the surface
can be the most dangerous of all
you have caused
internal bleeding from the soul

i feel sore
like if a light breeze were to wash over me
i might shatter like glass
into a fine powder
never to be repaired again
299 · Apr 2019
my best
Evie Apr 2019
i'm sorry i am not enough

you don't even have to say it

you even deny it

we both know you're lying

i'm not trying to be a disappointment

everything i do is to make you see me as something better

i'm doing my best

cant you see that

i'm tearing myself limb from limb to please you

you should love me as i am

after all

you raised me
hooray for crazy parents! :')
297 · May 2019
Evie May 2019
so i'll sit and watch
as you stay with someone else
someone you don't even want

and all that time you wasted
i spent wanting you
i have a crush and its a problem.
297 · Apr 2019
apple blossoms
Evie Apr 2019
apple blossoms float
through the air like pixies
the sun shimmers on her skin
like a precious metal
each freckle dotting her cheek and nose
like a new penny

water swirling in the creek
crystal clear cold
burbling merrily
through the stones
and leaves

her smile blinking in the sun
his hand
warm and tan cupped around hers
pressing his lips to her wrist
286 · Apr 2019
Evie Apr 2019
i long for the sun
warming me to my bones
tan lines
cool water
windows down
music too loud
late nights
soft breeze
late sunsets
early sunrises
no more of this chill
i cannot seem to shake from my soul
its time for summer. this cold ******* is awful.
286 · Apr 2019
Evie Apr 2019
it seems i am losing people

crazy how something that has been going on for so long can end so fast
285 · Apr 2019
one day
Evie Apr 2019
i will love you
for longer then i should

we both agreed
this was for the best

we are stuck in quicksand
trying to hold each other up
the most you lift the other
the more you sink

one day
we will be in a better place
and we will stand strong
we will stand together
i understand we both need this for a little bit, but it hurts so bad.
283 · Mar 2019
11 months
Evie Mar 2019
I can never forget the mistakes we made.


But I can never forget the way you make me feel.
relationships are maintained when you are able to talk through problems and understand that if you really care for the person and really love them, you can figure things out. if they are really the person for you then you can hold on and both try to make the situation better. i wish everyone luck, and love, and all the beautiful things in this world.

happy romancing! ;)
279 · Apr 2019
Evie Apr 2019
and just like that

we are over

nearly a year

jesus christ
275 · Jun 2019
a sense of control
Evie Jun 2019
tonight i am staying up until every page of my homework is done
every surface in my room is clean
it is currently 8:51
only god knows when i'll finish
gotta be able to control something in a world where everything is spiraling
271 · Apr 2019
Evie Apr 2019
"alcohol tastes better underage because the secret ingredient is crime"
-a wise person on twitter
264 · Feb 2019
how did i get here
Evie Feb 2019
how did i get to this point
where i cant get out of bed
my eyes look so empty
deep lifeless pits
my body aches
with the pain of being alive

i don't understand
is it chemicals in my brain
scrambled into the wrong combinations
is it something i did
if it was
i cant remember

i'm not gonna last long
261 · Jul 2019
Evie Jul 2019
the good weeks and the bad ones
they flow like a current
sometimes your temper is choppy
drowning me
beating me
against rocks and sand

other times it is gentle
and pulls me lovingly out to sea
i think i can trust the waters
i feel safe

and soon after
i am thrown against the cliffs

how much longer
till i am dragged below the surface
by a fierce whirlpool
sunk against the bottom
breath gone
eyes blurry
never to be seen again
254 · Mar 2019
good enough
Evie Mar 2019
everything i do is to please them
i follow their rules
i do as they ask
im home before curfew
i turn off my phone
i work for my grades

but its never enough
im still
a *****
a liar
a disappointment

the unconditional "love" of a parent

im sorry im not enough
im doing my best
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