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Jan 2019 · 200
One and Only Jan 2019
I want so badly to hear you,
I want so badly to feel your embrace.
Tell me hello out of the blue,
Say that you love me too.

But then after that what?
We still can’t be together,
What was I thinking...

I wish I never let go,
But what would you have wanted though.
I miss you so badly
Jan 2019 · 177
One and Only Jan 2019
Why does letting go
hurt so bad?
I thought by doing this,
I’d make both of us happy.
I dunno about you,
But I think I was happier
when I had the slightest chance
to come back into your arms.

But Lord knows what is best for both of us.
Far away as we are taken from each other.
I hope you find the happiness I know you deserve.
And I hope I can find a way to be a better person.
I still love you.... and I think I might always do so.
Jan 2019 · 324
I love you, be free
One and Only Jan 2019
It hurts so much,
Loving one person to your max,
And one day needing to make a choice.

Stay and they are confused and tormented.
Or let go and he is free from your commitment.

I chose to let go…
Lord, watch over him please.
Give him the best in life because he deserves it.
I know he is strong but in times of weakness please show yourself to him so that he can believe in himself, the way I believe in him.
Lord, I love him.
I wish him the best.
I chose to let go after a month of “a confusing break up” because it was no longer fair to both of us. I wish we could’ve stayed but, I could never let him give his dream up. I love him too much. I hope wherever he’d go he’d be happy. And I hope I meant as much to him as much as he meant to me.
Nov 2018 · 329
One and Only Nov 2018
I had a dream
It started out innocent
I was running through the city
Saw some friends
Had sweets and cookies
Funnily enough
I got lost after running
Then all I remember
Is falling, falling.

Blackout then lights

Saw you lying beside me
Eyes so sweet
It made me swoon.
You looked at me
Held me
Made me feel safe.
Kissed me,
Caressed me
Touched me in many ways.
Held me close,
And grinned with intent.
But no sooner than it started.
My dream had to end.

Woke up with a start,
And a fast beating heart.
I craved for your touch
And your presence so much

But I guess that’s all it was
A dream.
I wished my dream would’ve gone on and finished at least. Or would come true in reality. But we don’t have that luxury right now.
Nov 2018 · 601
One and Only Nov 2018
There are pictures I have kept
Saving each for the feelings brought back
But I cannot send them,
I cannot right now.

There are pictures I have kept,
Kept for the memories we had.
I’d love to send them
But would it be bad?

There are pictures I have kept,
They still live in my phone.
Reminding me of you,
Is it so bad that I want old to be the new?

These pictures I keep,
Tell me of our love,
Tell my heart be strong
tell me to rise above.
I dunno if it’s okay for me to still be clingy and lovey and all that. I want to, trust me. But is it okay for you? I want you to be happy and if in any way I’m stopping you please tell me. I love you so much ❤️
Nov 2018 · 327
My Love
One and Only Nov 2018
One of the happiest days of my life
Was seeing you again after 3 months of pining.
I can’t say I didn’t expect what happened,
But I know it wasn’t for the lack of loving.
We loved so much and tried other ways,
But this is not our end.
If anything this needed to happen,
If anything we need to be friends once again.
No one is to blame, no one to be held at fault.
Heal, mend and grow.
Maybe in the future, we’ll be even closer
You never know.

My Love be happy
My Love stay sweet
My Love breathe freely
One day we will meet.

My heart is yours,
Don’t you fret.
You are the home
It will never forget.
It still hasn’t sunk in that we parted but I know I’m already missing something and I know it’s for the best. Take your time love ko, I’ll be here for you for better and for worse, as your friend or more I promise I’ll be here. Please take care of yourself and open up to a friend. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH KEAN, till next time ❤️
Feb 2018 · 600
One and Only Feb 2018
By the time you see this,
I hope we are both truly happy.
By the time you see this,
I hope I haven’t done something heartbreaking for you to leave me.
By the time you see this I hope you’ve already realized,
You are my dark
You are my light
You are what keeps me going.
We may be too young,
I may be too naive right now
But whatever happens,
Please know I love you.
From the depths of this cracked soul and heart.


I love you for who you are.
I don’t care anymore what happened in the past.
Losing you is not worth fighting over
“who was wrong, who was right“


I love you for the flaws you have
I love you for the moments we spent laughing
I love you for the moments we shared crying
I love every bit of you.
And I hope you know that too.
I love you so much KCMB. You’ve done so much and been through hell and back for me. I don’t deserve you, but I’m so happy you still chose me.
Jun 2017 · 457
One and Only Jun 2017
"You deserve better"
I don't want better,
If better isn't him.
I loved him and I still do. Honestly I can't stand the thought of either of us hurtin. But we both need to get past this first. I can only pray that the best for us will happen, and he will live happily.
Mar 2017 · 602
Rants #4
One and Only Mar 2017
I thought I could take it
and so I endured.
I thought I could make it
and so I went on.
Dismissing each thought
each farewell suggestion.
Little did I know
I was not that strong.

I've been good and I've been behaved.
I haven't had an idea like that for even more than days.
But somehow recently, I have been thinking,
planning once more,
my life which is fleeting.

I don't know why it's hard to tell others,
hard to tell those who you love and vice versa,
They tried asking when they seem to catch me,
but it doesn't seem that they take me seriously.
I'm just that extrovert who's had a bad day.
Doubtful it seems for me to wish myself away.
Some people have it worse and say I can't complain,
but this time it's different,
cause maybe you can handle it but this is my pain.

Stop calling me dumb,
Stop calling me intimidating,
Stop calling me walang hiya
please, stop calling me big,
It's not exactly a compliment,
so please stop saying it.
I thought you understood me
though maybe I'm at fault here,
for I could never show my feelings
as clear as my streaming tears.
I don't know how I can do this.. Most people seem to be fine leaving me alone.
Dec 2016 · 1.8k
One and Only Dec 2016
I feel like a trophy.
Something to be won,
then thrown away once I begin to dull.

I feel like a trophy,
Paraded around when beautiful,
Left alone to rust and dissolve away.

I feel like a trophy,
loved at the start,
then kept only for the memories

I feel like a trophy,
Marveled at in the spotlight,
then slowly forced to share the shelf space.

I feel like a trophy,
naive enough to think
that that my next owner would treasure me.

I feel like a trophy,**
non-living, replaceable,
and disposable.
I don't get it. What is wrong with me?
Nov 2016 · 375
One and Only Nov 2016
I used to dream of success,
of finding hope in the darkest abyss,
of being loved in a hateful world,
of seeking truth in this messed up world,
of making peace in a chaotic ensemble.

I dream of escaping reality,
of ending my life sooner or later.
I dream of a day when I don't cry myself to sleep,
a day when I'll feel as happy as before.
I dream of a time when I won't worry about being replaced,
a time when I won't just be the second option.
I dream of  people who would not hurt me,
of people who  do not carelessly throw words around not minding their actions.

Now I dream of a different life, one unlike mine, one where I do not feel used, forgotten, unloved, or broken.
I don't know what to do anymore. I can survive but not live truly. I just want it all to end. I can't go to anyone, I don't trust myself nor them.
Oct 2016 · 381
One and Only Oct 2016
I should never have let you taste ambrosia,
should never have given you sweet nectar.
I should never have given in and let you have your way.
Now that you've gotten a taste of freedom,
there is no way to stop you before it's too late.
It was my fault. I'm sorry.
Oct 2016 · 492
Rants #3
One and Only Oct 2016
When you say "I love you"
Please say it to me
and not while looking somewhere or at someone else.
I don't have the guts to tell you and so
I live with my own consequences.
Have I ever told you that my body is no longer as important to me as before?
That getting sick and feeling pain is a way for me to know I live?
Have I ever told you how horrible I feel day after day?
That each hour passing by decreases people's love for me and I don't want that especially if your love for me as well decreases.
That each time I do not fulfill your request you'll love me less and less.
Angering you does nothing to help and so I am not to speak lest I disappear for long from this earth.
I don''t want to tell you. You might just laugh me off and okay I get embarrassed. I don't want to say anything
Sep 2016 · 409
One and Only Sep 2016
Hey, after we fight..
Can I please have one request?
Just hug me, hold me.
I need assurance. I need you. I need clarity. Please I can't break apart again. I don't think I'll be able to hold on much longer.
Sep 2016 · 1.0k
One and Only Sep 2016
The strongest people break too,
they break when they are all used up.
At times like these a hug can help put the pieces back.
A simple hug that isn't malicious, that isn't carefree but meaningful.

We all need it once in a while,
Right now? I need it.
I need a genuine hug,
A caring hug,
A hug that means you care and you understand,
A hug that will make me feel safe again.

But right now?
No one is there to give it to me.
Time again to cry myself to sleep and hug the sheets and pillows that entangle me hoping never to wake to the day I know will come. I am not strong for myself, I am only strong for others. I need to change, because the longer I am weak the longer I will hurt and cry out for the end of all the torture.
Sep 2016 · 402
Rants #2
One and Only Sep 2016
Why is it sometimes relieving when I think of how I die?
My imagination places me in everyday situations and just dropping down dead. Then people would stop and stare or maybe just pass by?
Would people other than my family be affected?
Would my so-called friends even realize what hurt they'd put me through?
Would you even care?
Would you ever realize that sometimes you step on me and I allow you to because I'm scared?
Everyone is scary.
They all can break me apart
I want to die and just go away to a better place
I want a new life..
I want some of you in it but that will ever happen will it?
People would blame these rants on my period but NO okay? It doesn't mean that I'm on my period I change into some lying monster that just blurts out every whine she can. I wish people would understand sometimes.
Aug 2016 · 252
One and Only Aug 2016
It's ironic to think,
I forgave my bullies for what they put me through.
I worked hard to make them my friends,
to make them feel happy and loved.
Only in the end to be heartbroken, left an outcast, forgotten and hated once more.
My heart hurts each time I see what is left of a once fruitful friendship
and to remember only all the times you shunned me before and excluded me from your lives.
It hurts, please I thought you knew me
I am not strong enough for all this
Please I don't want this pain anymore
Where did I go wrong? I can't think straight anymore. I need escape I need this to end
Aug 2016 · 833
I'm Sorry
One and Only Aug 2016
I'm sorry for being too analytical,
for thinking too deeply about things around.
I'm sorry I feel unwanted,
I do appreciate your effort, I'm just not used to it.
I'm sorry I can't handle myself,
I don't know how.
I'm sorry if  hurt you.
Some you deserved and others were just what I was used to.

I'm sorry that for all my wrongs "sorry" is the only thing I can say
I'm sorry because I am ashamed.
I'm sorry because I am insecure.
I'm sorry that I cannot explain myself to you.
I'm sorry that you can't understand what I try to tell you  so instead I hide. I hide everything because I feel as if no one will get me. No one does.
I'm sorry that I still feel hurt when your eyes fill with disappointment because I can't deliver.
I'm sorry if I was not what you expected.
This is everything weighing down on me.. Not just one problem but everything. I'm starting to crack, I can't take it. I need someone but I find darkness and the whisper of the wind as I reach out for comfort and guidance. I need my friends back, I need my best friend back. I need my happiness back please.
Jul 2016 · 6.8k
Hello Stranger
One and Only Jul 2016
Hello stranger,
Can I tell you something?
Everyone's like a stranger to me.
So; you know,
it doesn't seem hard to open up to you.
'Cause all the people in my life
are becoming strangers to me.
I don't know who to turn to
Jul 2016 · 491
Move on
One and Only Jul 2016
Ladies and Gentlemen..
I've moved on..
from the people who've hurt me,
from the people I cared,
from the people who I trusted
after they shunned me
when I wanted to care.
I've finally accepted that they won't be there,
when I turn around..
They won't have a care to spare.
I've tried for years and now you say you need honesty to be able to trust people. HA HA HA HA. You lean on others and refuse to see me.. I've done so much, and all you can say is NO. Then I'm sorry. I'm not the friend you want.
Jul 2016 · 406
One and Only Jul 2016
Hurts, all over..
Notice me, **** it.
Call me her name, it hurts.
It was the name you had for her,
It was the name you called her.
It destroys me,
It tears me apart.
It rips me into pieces
and now I've ruined your mood....
I'm sorry if I'm sensitive,
I'll change, I'll shut up
Just please don't replace me.
Not now not ever.
But you've already started haven't you?
I'm just there, but you've got videos to keep you happy.
I'm here uhm excuse me, you've got games to keep you busy.
Hi? Hello? Bye? Now, you notice me.
But you know what?
I keep silent because all the pain is worth you...
So am I worth it too?
HURTS, you were the one I could share my problems to before. Now, who do I turn to? Where do I go? When we fight, how can I be strong? How do I turn my emotions off like before?
Jul 2016 · 424
The truth is..
One and Only Jul 2016
..I'm in love you
..I miss you
..I care for you
..I adore you
..I can't stand seeing you with others
..I get hurt too
..I don't want you to leave me too.

.. I love you
The truth and nothing but the truth. I can't tell you how much I love you. I can't say how much it hurts to think of the possibility that you'll grow sick of me. I can't control it all and I need you to know but you're not around yet again.
Jun 2016 · 417
One and Only Jun 2016
She may be just a friend
But she is something I cannot compete with.
And it doesn't feel good.
One and Only Jun 2016
Breathe in
Breathe out.
"It'll be over soon"

"It isn't going to be fine"

"All will be forgotten then forgiven"

"But what if it won't go back to normal"

"Relax, you're over-reacting"

"What if it's hopeless?? What can I do then??"

Breathe in, Breathe out
"You can and you will"
You can do this. You can survive. You don't need to live. You can survive. You'll look back at this and realize this is stupid. But for now all you need is support. You love him, it's all that matters.
Jun 2016 · 703
One and Only Jun 2016
A trickle, a glimmer,
a ray of hope.
Starting from nothing,
Ending to elope.

Fights in the middle,
Smiles in between.
Whatever happens to us,
this is the best I've been.

I love you so much today,
I'll love you even more tomorrow,
The love we have can never leave me hollow.
I love you and I'd gladly spend my lifetime loving you. Fights and arguments are a part of us and will always be, it's the bittersweet parts that make it all the sweeter. <3 12
Apr 2016 · 959
One and Only Apr 2016
Slower and sadder,
Jealous and envious.
Happier and brighter,
Loud and raucous.

Looks like waiting seemed better,
Hopeful heart setter.
Looks like I saw an illusion,
a needed delusion.

An option was made,
A second choice created.
Time might have fixed it,
Waiting might heal it.
Mar 2016 · 477
I am
One and Only Mar 2016
So confusing,
Crude at times trying
Am I simply thinking too much?
Reality is here to crush
Everything I tried dreaming,
Destroy the walls I've been rebuilding
Nothing to do and no one at fault
Mar 2016 · 2.5k
One and Only Mar 2016
I feel so little,
It's so hard to keep trying
When none notice you.
What wrong have I done to you? I was not the one who stopped trying, I was not the one who fell apart and succumbed to everything else, I was not the human who became a robot! I wish I could say you are nothing to me, but Lord knows I still love you.
Mar 2016 · 1.5k
One and Only Mar 2016
It's been some time since we've spoken,
I don't mean a one word greeting...are we broken?
I've tried everything there is
gave my pride up for this!
Are you saying it's all for nothing,
That my efforts are simply rotting?
How quaint of you to think that,
How kind of you to say
that all that I've done
will be forgotten, washed away.
How the heck do you think I feel?
That all I had been working for was never even real?
I trusted you so much,
and then you started to change.
When I made my decision,
We were still family.... Just estranged
I didn't give up,
I still cared
I couldn't stop!
But all of it
fell on deaf ears not attempting to hear,
unseeing eyes not willing to try,
dying souls not daring to live,
closed mouths not striving to speak,
shattered hearts not struggling to be made whole!
My efforts were in vain
and yet why can't I release myself from this?
Why do I still freaking care?
I shouldn't care for you, I shouldn't acknowledge you let alone smile at you. ALL OF YOU! You talk **** behind my back when you were my most trusted friends, the best of the best among all the rest??? **** it, I've had one person on my case before, you made it a horde, thousand more! And yet I can't find it in myself to stop trying.... my so called friends.... who the heck do I trust now??
Feb 2016 · 479
One and Only Feb 2016
Here it starts,
Another journey beginning,
I had no idea
A surprise was in store.
When I was to open that creaky old door.
All was pitch black and I waited to see,
If there was possibly a person to scare me.
But when I peeked through,
In the middle was you.
In hand were flowers and a chocolate I see
You started the song and played it for me.
I was overwhelmed couldn't take it all in,
All I did was gasp and wait for it to sink in.
After all that was done I didn't even know,
You still had friends to join the show.
"Will you be my Valentine"
Burst through the door
while in your hand you still held more.
Forever? A lifetime?
I still couldn't speak.
All my these feelings left me so weak.
I had to choose, I was red as a rose.
So the best and happiest one I chose.
Yes I say and yes I will.
I'll stand by my choice until time keeps still.
I take my risk and I will honor it for good. I hope it goes as well as it should :D 2/12/2016 Happy me
Feb 2016 · 743
One and Only Feb 2016
I feel so happy,
Light-hearted and free
Of all the things this was one,
Very much I thought might not be.
Each moment I remember, each second I recall.
You were there standing in the midst of it all.
Oh, joy my King sing me that song.
Under which I fell,
Much a victim to your spell.
2/12/2016 :) Happy me and happy you.
Feb 2016 · 291
One and Only Feb 2016
Today is the day, and yet
Here we are,
Each of us hoping, not getting too far.

Probably through it all,
And yet it knocks.
So I ask you to think,
To whom is the pleasure, while taking the locks.
Dig deeper and see what I mean.
Jan 2016 · 549
My Risk
One and Only Jan 2016
I love you, you know.
Too much though.
Because I can't tell when its hurting me bad,
Or when your love so strong makes me glad.

You didn't seem to be what I thought,
I took the risk,
My sweet, you caught.

This choice I made,
goes the deepest for me.
Because you're the only one,
who got through my walls, you see.

So I beg you,
Don't make me regret,
this decision and risk
I wish to forget.
Carefree to a fault. It was my choice anyway. I gave it all to you, I took the risk. I don't want to regret it..
Jan 2016 · 714
One and Only Jan 2016
Honestly I'm happy, really.
I'm so glad to have all of you.
To know I can love and be loved back.

Honestly, I don't want to care.
I want to be free and feel safe.
I want to be light and bright throughout my life.

Honestly though it troubles me,
how I can trust but you cannot.
That you seem angry at my choice.

Honestly, I'm scared
because I don't like being your problem.
But I know I've done nothing wrong.

But honestly, I hate it when people judge.
Because you don't know others' story.
And you don't know why I do so.

I hope you'll see it my way and understand the way I do.
I'm most afraid of you.
I want to say I trust you and that I can tell you everything, but that's just it you judge too fast and understand too slow. But when you have problems I try and understand because I don't want you to feel what I feel. I hope you'll respect what I decided on because I'm happy. Please, you are my family. I do not want another fight.
Dec 2015 · 494
A Wish
One and Only Dec 2015
"I'm perfectly fine"* is what she says.
While seeing becomes less and less.
"Passive aggressive, that's what she is",
But she just truly has a wish.

A wish to end all that she fears,
a wish to take away the tears.
The tears that never seem to fall,
yet pain  in masses seem to call.

A wish to say all that she can,
with nothing there she can offend.
To offend a person, a friend, or group
Will forever keep her from the loop.

A wish to feel safe and sound,
so even alone she can be brave and proud.
Of what she is and what she's done,
and all the voices she has sung.

There is one hope she has held onto,
but one I fear will break her too.
She must be strong just in case,
That last hope was simply a waste.

My own wish is she'd find succession,
to guide her away from her depression.
I see it tearing her heart to pieces,
while she remains standing speechless.

**Of all the things she's ever wished,
the last I dream she will accomplish.
**** it.
Dec 2015 · 405
See Me
One and Only Dec 2015
Is there nothing I can say,
Leave to ponder
Or give to wonder?
Various times I have tried.
Each a failure

Over time I came to accept
Understanding is hardly met.
Sometimes these days it better even
Out with the truth or,
Mouth shut but eyes awaken.
Undisputed in this battle,
Chance I hope will be good to me
Heavens be kind and let it be.

Do you get it?
And do you know?
My love for you like Hi and Hello?
Never-ending, never ceasing.

My love is always just increasing.
I don't know anymore.
Dec 2015 · 537
One and Only Dec 2015
ticking by..
suns and moon..
Passing by..

Long ago we did not mind,
Of the weight of choices,
of what we'd find.

Long ago we did not care,
for tomorrows and soons,
for they were always there.

Long ago we felt no pressure,
no joy to end,
no sadness to measure.

But now..
It's time,
to make a choice,
to decide.

Whether or not
we take a stride,
into the future
with dreams in our hands.

Or take a step back,
and blow everything,
to sand.

Whatever we do,
whatever we say,
It's our decision,
To go on or stray.
One choice two options, I can't decide.... life is hard but it must always be.
Nov 2015 · 409
One and Only Nov 2015
It hurts like hell,
It's embarrassing
Am I the only one who can do no right?

I feel unwell,
like only ripping apart my chest,
slitting my throat open,
and gouging my heart
can make me feel better.

I feel useless,
I feel unwanted,
I don't feel good.

I feel a pain in my chest,
I've felt it before,
I've hoped it would never return.

I don't know anymore,
I'm at a point in my life,
where I need help,
where I need guidance.

But I'm so **** stupid to see!
All this revolves around me.
My decisions,
my choices.

If I weren't in this ****** world,
would something be amiss?
Would there be any change at all?

I hate it!
I hate myself,
Everything seems to be crumbling around me.

Every night I can't sleep,
Every night I cry just to feel relief.
Every night I need someone to tell me it's okay.
But no one does.........

I can't take it anymore,
If my best friend is reading this..
I'm sorry...
I can't tell you face to face.
It just hurts so badly.
I can't help it,
**I'm sorry
I'm sorry, I'm not that strong. I'm not the person people believe I am. I still swear to protect you from anything and anyone, but I cannot worry you when you seem so happy. I'm thankful I met you, I hope you would never forget about me.
Oct 2015 · 655
One and Only Oct 2015
Color in my dull palette,
light in my dark abyss,
eyes to my unseeing soul.

You who has conquered this heart,
knows nothing of a battle.
Sitting as still as a metal pole.

Hold my fate
gingerly I plead.
As the storm's waters
in my heart secede.

I've given everything,
anything and all.
Please, I beg you,
**quit trying to stall.
The guy knows I like him.. It just hurts sometimes.
Sep 2015 · 703
One and Only Sep 2015
You know I like you,
You brush it off like nothing.
I am here hoping.
I told this guy i liked him like a crush kind of like. And all he says is he can't believe it and why, then we're back to talking like before..
Sep 2015 · 345
One and Only Sep 2015
How happy was I
when we first spoke,
when you would call
and bring joy to me.

It went on for a while
but maybe.
Somehow you grew tired of me.

It hurts because I believed,
It hurts because I fell.
It hurts so much more,
because I thought it went well.

Today I was excited,
to see you at last.
I would see you amidst them all.

But what I saw,
and what I felt,
made my vision go small.

There you were,
standing with a smile.
The kind that made this life worthwhile.

But everything changed
when I realized.
I wasn't the one who made you smile.

She stood beside you,
hair hiding her face.
You spoke sweetly,
like honey's embrace.

It pained me to think,
that you didn't want me.
That all we had was just play.

Why didn't you like me?
Why didn't you say?
But I guess that's how my story will go.
Each and every day.
I like you, but you like someone else. I thought you liked me back after the late night calls. Laughing because we couldn't hear each other, playing around like kids.. IT FREAKING HURTS.
Aug 2015 · 487
One and Only Aug 2015
We've all got problems,
You and I.
We've all got secrets,
some truths, some lies. *

Yes its true,
you've got things on your mind.
But don't think for a second,
I didn't give you my time.

While you rambled on,
I was always there.
Comforting, protecting,
Did you even care?

I put you first,
I did what was asked.
And now you tell me,
our friendship won't last??

You said I never shared
a piece of my mind.
Oh, I'm sorry I'm too busy!
I was just being kind.

You always spoke,
I merely supported.
You had to many problems,
I did not want to add.

Yet now you say,
I was never trusting.
That I kept to myself,
Finding them amusing.

I hate being rejected,
I am never appreciated.
You think I'm mad?
You're just overrated.
Jul 2015 · 387
One and Only Jul 2015
What is wrong?
Is it wrong to love twice?
Is it wrong to say lies?
Is it wrong if it's okay,
If one who loves you acted anyway?

My heart is torn,
My brain worn.
It's going two ways right now,

My brain says one,
the heart another.
But the next day
it switches altogether.

These two from the start,
were there all along.
One with a poem,
The other a song.
Jun 2015 · 798
Parents Listen
One and Only Jun 2015
Sometimes parents think they know you.
But all you are is a mystery.
They think children are all the same,
Been there, done that, you're history.

Sometimes they fool themselves,
Saying that they care,
Telling us dangers of the world,
"It's a scary place out there"

I think what happened here,
has a simple explanation.
Kids are scared of people,
Like there parents in aggravation.

They're scared of what they might become,
Because they've seen it all before.
The people they see daily,
Ones they used to adore.

When you tell your parents this,
They're sure to get angry,
But at least there is a small percent,
Nodding to agree.

So parents please listen
I just hope you understand,
not all people are the same,
just a few in the land.

You talk when we speak,
You listen when we're silent,
Then ask "Why can't you tell us?"
"Because your way was too violent"

But kids sometimes close up,
because of what they see.
Their thoughts will lead to many things like:
"For once listen to me"
Jun 2015 · 1.4k
One and Only Jun 2015
Every wall I've built,
Every place I've kept in,
Each stone you have thrown,
Each one you burst in.

Every time I ran,
Every time you followed,
Each time I stayed away,
Each time was simply borrowed.

Each day you would get through,
Every time I'd push you out.
Every lie I'd made,
Each one a dying shout.

I'm not used to affection,
no less, yours.
Hoping for a miracle,
truth must come by force.
May 2015 · 1.8k
One and Only May 2015
I'll confess I'm a coward,
and yes I am scared.
But no one really asked,
so I thought no one cared.

I'll confess I'm a liar,
And yes that is true.
Trust me this once,
I'll begin life anew.

I'll confess I'm no good,
Though I'm sure now you know.
Please, help me get up
from my all time low.
May 2015 · 620
Curse or Cure?
One and Only May 2015
My downfall.
Waited by all,
Seen by all.

Plotted by few,
wanted by many.
That is my demise,
my destiny.

Pain, helps me;
and yet hurts me.
It brings me away
by keeping me there.

A blade,
A word,
A gun,

All are my downfall,
Pain, I must decide for her.
Be she the curse,
or be she the cure.
May 2015 · 1.3k
One and Only May 2015
Pain, helps me.
Fire, consumes me.
Hatred, devours me.
Yet love, embraces me.

I am the essence,
the raw matter in love.
Without me, there is nothing.
Nothing to have.

Everything has me,
Everything knows,
Hurt may soon take over,
from 3 simple words.
Apr 2015 · 467
One and Only Apr 2015
The feeling was nice,
he made me feel wanted.
In a harsh world,
I felt coveted.

But the person was wrong,
the feeling so right.
It had to end,
before a new dawn's daylight.

Yet it still hurt to say,
for he was my friend.
Then he used my conscience,
to begin my end.

But you, oh you.
Made it all quite clear.
To stop the game or
suffer being near.

It all went fine,
though I hoped for better.
You, on the other hand,
were my hopeful heart setter.
Mar 2015 · 3.2k
One and Only Mar 2015
Maybe it's fate,
Maybe it's destiny.
That losing the battle,
Was meant for me.

I tried my best,
I gave my all.
I'll push through again,

I lost the battle,
Not the war,
I'll spread my wings,
I will soar.

This is simply a lesson,
Life's timely reminder.
Plan well, stay strong.
Be the commander
Congratulations to my friend for winning :) I'd rather you win than someone else, goodluck, may god be with you :)
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