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pull my lighter out
and smoke me
i'll unfreeze
and put you at ease
watch my water melt
that's what i thought i smelt
now hit me
hit me

get that high
you get me?
i'm saying what i mean
it gets harder every time
but this is how we get along

i'm frozen
now hit me.
Natalia Dec 2014
I new something was wrong
Everything seemed so real
So unconditional
Almost too good to be true

I was obsessively inlove
You new it, you took advantage of my summer hot love
Your Hypnotizing winter froze my summer time breeze.
My heart in a center, your icicle  stabbed right through it several times freezing my summer bleeding heart almost falling apart but still kept together frozen with open wounds

You were so cold my heart felt it even in the deepest vain that was once alive . I felt it throb in pain and you felt no sympathetic emotion.

I was still frozen after a couple of years you won't let me unfreeze . I started to find comfort in the pain and realized that you didn't want to let me go. I loved you . Gave in the last bit of my soul for you.
You didn't care...
You loved plenty...
Broke hearts...
I was just another..
Another heart you won't let mend

But then I realized your the only thing holding me together
Until you fall for someone else I'll be your submissive
And after I'll live in the snow flakes of your winter storm waiting for the next new flake to finish the last bit of my heart.
Free write
They'll get their powers back
by tomorrow morning
and unfreeze the well
to save the water
because they had to carry in snow
and melt it.
When my mom talks, she has a rather thick French accent and adds an unnecessary "s" to everything. She was talking about this family who had a power outage.
Patrice Diaz Nov 2014
mend my soul
make me whole
bring out the darkness
from within me

unfreeze my heart
tell me it's real
tell me that i'm okay
tell me that it'll all be okay
Brett Burger May 2012
I try to forget.
I try my best with
a smile.

The thing is
you didn't promise
me anything. You offered
a hand of friendship.

However it changed when
secrets were released. Friendship
evolved. It blossomed like a tulip.

Until that tulip decided to become
frozen. Frozen in my feelings I felt
for you. The tulip remains frozen until
you decide to chip it open
or someone else awakens it with a kiss.

It's hard when I want that kiss
to be yours. However you have
an appetite for a different flower. You
want your lips on a nearby rose.

The worse is I can't use anger to hide my
feelings because I can't be angry with you.
It's not my fault you don't want to unfreeze
my tulip. It's not your fault either.

It's just the way it is.
Dark Dream Jun 2021
I’m frozen
With words at my feet
And a crushed heart

I’m still
With your nightly goodbyes
And good morning hellos

I’m waiting
With impatient dreams
And a racing mind

I’m ready
With a willing spirit
And a conquering soul
Firewalker Nov 2014
The Red Teapot sits lonely atop my stove,
Never filled and never heated,
A reminder,

Hearts apart, we fade with every sunset
Drifting memories, lingering thoughts,
They always end up at the same place,
Stored somewhere between fantasy and reality,

Winter cascades, pushing out your summer's touch
You were my sunshine, the clouds give me comfort now
The cold embraces my heart, the chill reaches deep
I miss you,

You gave me music, and today it still sings to me
Art, Passion, I cherish your gifts to me,

Oh how I regret taking so long to attain my darling little boiler,
Today, I will fill my beautiful teapot and it will not be alone, I’ll heat it
And I will drink, and the soothing warm liquid will unfreeze my soul
Juliet Escobar Aug 2014
As I look at short films based on love and happiness a feeling of pure want flows deeply into my chest and spreads through my whole body.

To look at someone in their eyes and not give into my instinct of looking away is foreign.

I miss the comfort of love.
I miss the smile love creates.

I miss the me that had someone to fight for, someone to defend.
Someone to jump off a bridge for.

when your in love the air is different,
gravity changes,
priorities change,

I miss the person i was when i was in love.
A non broken smile
A filled heart

I've been alone for quite some time now
the only time i truly miss it all is when i see love in peoples eyes
its crazy to me how when someone is truly in love you can actually see it in their eyes...
i guess thats how powerful it all is

I believe to have forced myself to forget how amazing it is to be in love

i feel so dull now
i feel so filled with everything that has to do with absolutely nothing without love we cease to have any purpose.
i want to love
a genuine pure honest and crazy love
i remember what that feels like and its the best feelings i have ever felt. i want it.

relentless butterflies
Flowing through my veins and making me weak to my knees
Shortness of breath
like if nothing else in the world matters at that specific moment when you are looking into her eyes
her oh so beautiful memorizing eyes
Forfeit to all the walls your monsters and your past have built in you for so long
The end of the superficial world you live on the outside and the reemerging of the everything you are on the inside
The universe within you that you work so hard to hide from others coming to light and making home in the visible world

Being in love does all this to you

Oh how i long for that greater power to infect my blood stream, unfreeze my heart, brake everything the monsters have built, and bring the real me to light so that the whole world can see that I'm still there

One day
I can't wait for that day
Aditi Mar 2015
You are the only antidote to the pain you caused
But like everything that could save me
You just ended up tearing me out
And i was hoping you would come
before there was nothing left to fix
And you came
but i was already gone
now this shell of the girl i used to be
remains to remind you of what you have lost

You were the only escape i had to these tragedies
that laid scattered all around me
but like everything that could have helped me
you were a bit too out of my reach
And i was hoping you'd take a step to bridge the gap
maybe you did
but it was a bit too late
i was already in too deep
to ever surface again

You had the touch that could keep me from falling
a million suns in your soul that could unfreeze me
but like every hope, you chose to forsake me
And i kept hoping and praying you'd see
how The cold kept burning the life out of me
maybe you would have, maybe you did
but life had already left me
never to come to me
You were the one
i would write these poems for
but unlike every person who got impressed
you were still left untouched and cold
Sean Hunt Dec 2015
Good Fences

Oxymoronic mania
Infecting ordinary beings!
Through the ages.
“Good fences make good neighbours”
They say
So they say

Israel, one day
Will be the best
Of neighbours
With the wall all around them
From east to west

Buddies to Bedouins
Touted by Saudis
Lebanese unfreeze
Hamas 'no mas'!

We should all build
A wall!

Sean Hunt
Windermere  Jan 30 2015
Phineas Prescott Feb 2014
Wandering but trapped.
Like the coral beneath the ice.
Can't run, can't hide.
The water flows and consumes.
Traps and constricts.
Trapped beneath the ice
She flows like a river with no delta.
Like the wind with no trees or mountains.
Time will unfreeze they say.
But time has no watch.
Time has no clock.
That coral looks to the sky and to the clouds,
The shapes are gone as are the memories.
Slowly fading away,
Like the cirrus wisps against the blue sky,
Slowly fading away.
Clem Nov 2016
Nothing is more chilled
than slanted sunrays through pines
trembling with want

Nor nothing worse than
the young cardi’nals trilling
out to the white trees

Voices unfalt’ring
answered only by echoes
of forgotten spring

Cold, thick powder snow
blithely reminds us of the
small, white spring hen eggs

that, forever lost,
cracked among the ****-strewn straw,
oozing into earth—

and I think of you,
whispering back to the birds,
just as lost as they

waiting for pre-spring
dew to unfreeze from the grass
that you may lap it

with painful blue eyes
like black-stripped and impish jays,
looking down on all.
haiku. partially inspired by the Mountain Goats song of the same name.
River Scott Feb 2015
I want winter
to be over.

It reminds me
of the cold
and bitter
that is my soul.

I need spring
to come again.

To push me
out of the cold
and be happy
unfreeze my soul.

I just feel so cold.
Lexi Sep 2024
You don’t want to die.
You want happiness.

You want to wake up in the morning feeling alive with each breath that comes easily and weightless; You just want stop feeling like this is a nightmare you can’t wake up from.

The possibility of happiness manipulates you into thinking you can have it then, inconveniently at the most in opportune time reminds you that happiness is just not something you can have no matter how deep the yearning you have to submerge yourself in it; happiness is there, all around yet just out of reach so that you can see but never manage to have it.

You’re hopeless, alone in a cold darkness that suffocates you, leaving you breathless and isolated from others by past wounds that wont heal.

At times you’re overwhelmed, like a deer in headlights you can’t move; feeling paralyzed not knowing what to do, say, think, should you sit? Waiting until you “unfreeze”
you’re frozen in an attempt to pullaway from an invisible hand that has a tight grasp of your upper arm. Eventually it releases its hold allowing you to move once more leaving you to now wondering, lost on what to do .

Sometimes you’re trying to find reason to live, more reasons than your kids. If it weren’t for the kids you wouldn’t be here. You have tried so many times. But are left to fight for yourself. You’re all you can depend on in the end. Whenever that will be.
Leptal Jul 2013
The pieces of glass stucked in the eyes
One like a poisoned dart hurt the heart
With the brains on ice the boy is smart
Feels need to leave his green ground yard
So when the cold blonde calls he goes with her
Sure, there´s a girl who understands the spell
They´re almost lovers, or at least she cares
to save his pale face from the palace
Well, maybe all what she is jealous
cause Snow Queen is quite a chick
(but no trick would blush her cheeks)
The river told her he´s not dead
Has no oars, but floats the stream istead
All is getting worse,then she scents that
the rose grows upon the corpse
of crow where all are wearing crowns
She knows, she must follow its odour
Untill robers became sober
on the road that´s leading nowhere
fell five feet of pure white snow
Without fear she´s riding reindeer
through the field of polar geysers
through the woods of frozen firs
Then her tears so warm and bitter
like rain that brought the end of winter
are what should unfreeze her cold dear
Hot touches without the mittens
The part that has been never written
cause the children shall not hear
that love with no *** ain´t no real
Carolina Oct 2016
It was an insignificant date to her.
At least that's what she always said,
even though she'd never tell,
deep inside her heart
it was a little special.
It made her believe there's still hope,
even in the darkest and loneliest place.
She never wished for much,
just for a few gold friends
and a little of the happiness she was pretending to feel.
But tonight,
as she lays awake trying to fall deeply asleep,
and failing like every other night,
she felt a sudden need, and a new wish.
A blurry vision of an untouchable body
and a loving caress.
It was the strongest longing for the warmth
that would unfreeze her ice cold soul.
A longing for a ghost hug
that would light her existence.
Tonight, she closes her eyes,
I close my eyes,
and wish for you to break into my dreams.
You, the blue eyes and the tall figure,
the boy who was hidden,
the boy who remain ageless.
Like a God in the sky,
a sparkling star placed in the distant void,
a pair of wings that make the sun shine.
Please come inside my broken mind
and make the fear go away,
help me feel safe,
in this insignificant special date
which means nothing to me,
or at least that's what I always say.
PK Wakefield Jun 2010
in the part of the cool hill's soft thighs
trembles the callous shaft of dawn
penetrating the ephemeral violence
of the stabbing rods of arbor scent
damply the night mare goes galloping
whinny little sins of star caresses

but none are so shy and sly as the
eye clasped hollow in the stench
of (and also the slender flowers
smirk at the blossoms young
flesh broken by the light song)
Morpheus' guileless laughter

as shattered the disheveled clubs
swing ransoms of heart lips between
the twain of the enchanted leaves
there rests a silver bit of girl so
blisteringly beautiful blushes all
the world for holding this trembling
aperture of onyx plait holding femininity

so electric is the artifice of her glimmering
chastity, swore the sun it would never
shine on any other thing so savagely its
shivering skin of golden pleasure as this her
(but just so the moon loved her too
as passionate as any other lover ever imagined
or material. spitting delicate strands of shimmer
upon the golden-brown skein of her shoulders)

she woke startled by the amorous dome
crinkling on the perfection of her lithe
sensual frame. stupidly the ideal birds
sang, trying to match the elegance of
her narrow waist; but failed hideously
drowning the silence in virulent soundless
noise. then brimmed every god to the lip
of everything to peer upon this unbearable
visage and dither in the perfection of its curves.

suddenly the Rose blistered from the soil
and came wetly a residue of crimson from
its supple petals mounting the vision of her
absolute eyes. splaying the gentle hips of
sight to receive the splendor of its thorned
stem into her hand and ***** the silk
of her hands slowly releasing a jewel of life

all this witnessed by the cloistered huddles
of gossamer children. hideously perfect men
wantonly begging for the grace of her sensual
pond. beckon they, to them, her but she refuseth
and make for the realm of Hades. quietly, in
death, waiting for some heat to unfreeze the
skin of her blue heart frozen still darkness.
Sam Hawkins Jun 2013
paved over is our feeling
and truth is nigh

know this stillness
it is real

faith can supply and make
for all what must be love

our earth is ill

she cries and she chokes
at our words

which say she's not
or it's not so bad

or that we are trying hard
which we aren't

come O earth lover -- Sun

speak now speak
release our ways

shake unfreeze us
god-self be true

we are careless children
and we misbehave
Born Mar 2015
I stopped writing like I used to
and I tried writing like your used to
but the syllables and hard words am not used to

am dry with words that can intoxicate you
but I know if I write my truth
the stars will glow as the wind brings you

so am gonna write to unfreeze my heart
am gonna write the unspoken words
am gonna write to free me from the chains that strangle me
KateKarl Nov 2017
I lift myself up,
pointed on toes
tipping at the edge.
A wind molds to my face.
I'm held there by grace,
as my mind begins to dredge
         Up memories
         of you and me
         blessed with resilience
         none are faded by time
         in feeling
         if not in sight
        some are good
        some are bad
        all are mine

I take a breath
inhale this wind
bowing me back from this cliff.
But I hear waves below.
It's a siren's song so
strong to my ears
as I sniff back tears
          from memories
          sent by this breeze
          so old to me
          of when you would tease
          so I'd unfreeze.
         The only other thing
         that could put me at ease
         is the violent sea
         I stand above now so desperately

And I'm tipping
         at the edge
      of my sanity.
  Oh, I'm tipping
     on this ledge,
questioning your humanity,
                          as I tip above
                            the oceanity
                    of what could be
                         in front of me.
                     And I'm tipping
                             at the edge

I take a step back,
release my breath,
settle my heels
into this earth.
Let the wind roll my tears
back towards my ears,
the sound so much quieter than
          these memories
          I hid from me
          to let myself
          relearn how to breathe.
          They swell up again,
          just as wind dies down.
          I grit my teeth,
          say an amen,
          and prepare to drown.

And I'm tipping
         at the edge
     of my sanity.
Oh, I'm tipping
    on this ledge,
questioning your humanity,
                          as I tip above
                            the oceanity
                    of what could be
                         in front of me.
                     And I'm tipping
                              at the edge  

                           Air at my face
                       Earth at my feet
                      Seas in my heart
         to drown you out of me
Then I cry oceans away
   with the saltiest tears
  I can taste all my pain
   And my leaving fears
                    Cause you left me
                           and I can't see
                     this edge you left
                           in front of me,

         And you left me tipping

Any constructive criticism is welcome!
Tallulah Mar 2013
There’s frost
Still capped on your nose
Your heat is lost
A battleground froze

Unfreeze your hold
On corrupt conventions
Lined with gold
Misguided intentions

Open your eyes
To spring’s fresh sky
Melt  icy lies
& Give love a try
Amaris Oct 2019
I don’t want time to cool off after getting mad
I want you to prove that you’re sorry
Stop asking what you can do to make it better
Don’t just sit there and repeat back to me
Offer me suggestions and do them anyway
Beg my forgiveness down on your knees
Spend the next eight hours overthinking
Get angry and expressive, ******* unfreeze
Fight back, take up a weapon and strike
God knows I’ve given you a million to date
Or deliver an overblown romantic gesture
It could be literally anything I’d appreciate
Hey, can you listen? It’s not that hard
Do I have to scream to be heard?
I don’t think I’m making an impact
You still stand there undeterred
Mims Feb 2019
I'm not saying you made all the bad stuff go away!
I'm just saying!
You made me not care if it was there...

There was so much wrong in my head

I'd stare at the ceiling, lying in bed

Trying to figure out why my brain leaks out of my ears if I hear a certain song or
why when the sun hits me just right I get triggered for too long or
why in all my relationships I couldn't move on or
how the ******* priest thinks he can preach to me saying daddy never left and that's why you love buying Christmas trees


A word that fits weird in my mouth
a word with a different meaning behind it than everyone else

they say blood is thicker than water but they both run in the river after you jump...

hold the edge of the bridge

hold my hand

feel my ribs

look deep

jumping was never in my plans but death felt like the option at the end of the tunnel for me

just exist

don't get ******

let the love wash over you
let the fear and drama drive you

let it make you want it so much more

I knock on your door twice

I used to dream that it was his but then I realized he, wasn't it.

God, fought so hard, never did anything but kick up sand now I'm trying to fit the love of my life Into my 20 year plan

it changed so fast sometimes I feel my love lag he's moving onto the next episode and I'm not passed the intro..


That's all this is, is buffering.
And if you wait long enough.

You'll unfreeze

trust me I know,

and I never trusted anyone but me.
The light at the end of the tunnel is not in fact a glowing exit sign
Xphaedos Dec 2015
You said I was everything.
Then you left me, and I was nothing.
So what am I when you came back to claim me?

I was hidden away in the dark
Without you, I had a stone cold heart
Did you think by appearing you could unfreeze it?

I lost myself
And didn't want to find myself
So when you came back in my life and reminded me who I was
I sunk deeper into the shadows.

I'm glad you're back.
I'm no longer lonely.
You say you won't leave me.
But how can I trust you?
Especially when you've already left once.
Zak Krug Jan 2013
Looking at the frozen rocks,
trying to decide what
is so beautiful about them.
There has to be something.
Beauty is in everything.
They glisten in this clear January day.
Thousands of them
sitting there.
Mysteries unsolved.
That is why the Gods
laugh at us.
We turn nothing into
Our grasp on the infinite is
already so thin.
Every rock must be turned over.
The beauty is elusive.
That is the beauty.
Staring at these rocks
help make us understand what
might happen to us.
Carefully observing the universe spin,
traffic lights change,
birds fly overhead,
these rocks unfreeze.
Amanda Kay Burke Sep 2018
Hurt and doubt revealed on my face
I recall bad memories in distaste
I remember hate in your expression
Your rage fueled my own aggression

This place coated with memories
Clocks are stopped and won't unfreeze
Hands endlessly stuck, seconds stand still
Beg them to move but do not think they will

Tell me how to bridge the gap
Separating you and I before we snap
Give everything I have to you
It is nothing compared to what you do

Problem is you still expect more
Feelings are different in my core
Trying to restore the glow obviously lost
How we once melted eachothers frost

I want more time to throw away
Do you still long for my presence each day?
As much as I would love to stay, I'm unsure
I selfishly want to but I'm frightened you'll get burned

Forceful ocean storm rages out of control
Behind eyes a tortured soul
It's sad to sit down and do the math
Discover we are fractions, less than 1/2s

Familiar smile I yearn to see
Share with someone better than me
Strange to think back when we met
Had no idea how close you'd get

Although we have encountered distress
The hard days were leading up to the best
Lately best is fading to bad
Scared bad will become the worst we've ever had
Not sure what to say about this one so... thoughts anyone?
Sandra Dee Jan 2016
Remember the good stillness?
When each other's presence meant more than anything?
When a moment of nothing meant everything?

Remember the good thoughts?
When we'd look in each other's eyes and just know?
When a glance was harmless?

Remember the good silence?
When we'd sit together and let the quiet speak for itself?
When a moment was peaceful?


Sometimes it's hard.
Wrong placement,
wrong timing,
with someone who could be everything.
Sometimes, things are rushed.
But sometimes, clocks freeze.
They freeze to keep that good stillness.
Maybe things will be good again one day.
Maybe one day we'll move forward again.
Maybe one day, our clock will unfreeze.
Ignatius Hosiana May 2017
Consumed by hunger, creed to my philosophical mind feed
and by greed of finding more words you may never read
I stared straight at the sun and my eyes hurt
when I noticed it doesn't hurt with my eyes shut
and whatever still aches is 'cause am looking back
at the wounded mark rather than the new doors of luck...
With eyes shut the heat was doing my icy spirits unfreeze
I listened to the serenity of the of the breeze amidst trees,
they said sometimes lads move on but on their knees
and it's what the shards gotta do as it's all there's
that as long as I walk there'll always be a road to follow
and as long as I despair my soul will often be hollow...
so am gonna find another to hitch on my ride rather than go solo
I'll drink to quench the fires of my delusion
I'll make a path through which to move on of this confusion
even if it was a perilously deep first incision
and albeit it took so long to make this decision
to finally cope with the fact that we're totally through
and to find happiness in a world void of you
rather than hurt myself and others along trying to find another you
am glad I bled this long,it proves every word I said was true...
I hope you know whilst you promised to be there till your very last breath
I never promised but my affection's bound to outlive my death...
All the same, I'd still wait for you but I've run out of years
I was willing to cry forever, but I run out of tears
yet as well learned that I can be Superman to another Lois
and the only distance there's between melancholy and Joy's just a choice...
So I've made this choice, to laugh louder than I ever cried
to tend to all the bruises I have inside
to make a presence of your absence and to live as much as I died...
Xaela San Dec 2018
Each passing of time
Like breeze passing by
And cherry blossom flowers fly
Into the air and lands on to the Earth
In which it will withered
Without a trace as time passed
Claiming once breathing and alive
Now, is with Death in the afterlife

Each passing of time
Like breeze passing by
I miss you like spring in winter's nights
And as the moonlight shines tonight
I dream about us in my memories
As if our romance blossoms once more
Yet, with each passing of time
Seasons change, rivers unfreeze
And flowers bloom, new seasons unfold

In my mind this love cease to continue
Withered into the past
A story can never brought back to life
Yet, how I wish this passing of time
Help me move forward
Cherishing this once living romance
Unto my broken heart
Until time stopped to pass on my life.
Yozhik May 2017
She's stuck within the ice of space and time
She's paralyzed by threats of yesterday
Leaving her coldblooded and cased in ice
They stole her warmth but she still has to pay
Steel she seems to feel makes up her walls
but you approach her, warmth within your hands
You feel she's frozen.

Unfreeze! they say as if it worked that way
Just melt! dismiss her as a drama queen
But there's a reason she wants you to stay
She shivers but can't shatter the cold screen
But there's a reason she wants you to stay
Because of your hands she feels.
She feels less frozen
Sonkei Ichimaru Oct 2014
Sometimes it feels like I could freeze the world and be the only one unfrozen, take a deep breath, get some rest and the unfreeze it.
I love you still,
Can't you see it,
I know your hearts gone cold,
But my heart is full of warmth,
Let my heart unfreeze yours,
Let me in,
Let me love you,
I want you to love me like you use to,
You didn't tell me until it was too late,
I wish you told me sooner,
So many things would be different,
But One thing is always constantly true,
I'm still in love with you.
PJ Poesy Mar 2016
Velocity, mind spins so speedy
You again, where often you were not
Seeing you proves urge so needy
In flashing passes, I'll take what I've got
Hold precious memory, know its spot

Beauty as yours, emphasizes sickness
Endure side effects, as love my disease
Blood surge surrenders a quickness
Anemia, thinning of you, if one please
Burning in heart, condition an unfreeze

Then it is back to cold, as we must part
Spells trick lover's euphoric trek
Being bound to sorcery, your back art
No matter to me, as all is in check
Make me your moment, make me a wreck
It's so sometimes worth it.
A glimmer of light shine so deep into the night
holding visions in my eyes;
while your hands are around my waist
asking me to tell you what it is I see,

I pray for true love to find its way
back into the deaden hearts that you have taken apart,
while I see you counting the hills across the way
just to see if you could find another heartache,

the sheets of clouds are making its way in,
I would hear you say repeatedly
That I am a falling star you left marked,
While a glimmer of lightning lights up the night
While you give me fright to save my own life,

I admit I'm a bit of a fool for playing by your rules
I've found my escape in your eyes;
That’s when I started to cry,
While I am alone with you
I learn to find love in my heart to forgive you,

But the more I true to do what is right
You started playing games on my mind,
you kept me on confuse about you,
Oh, I cry for you to turn down the sounds
Of your words of lies that haunt me in my life,

when we fight about your dark life
you take me by the bridge for me to see
the city that never sleeps;
here in the moment on the dark side of the screen
I see you looking back at me,

I hope one day soon your heart will unfreeze
I want to feel the warmth of you while you breath.

Poetic Judy Emery © 2000
The Queen of Darken Dreams Poetic Lilly Emery
The Queen Of Darken Dreams
Phia May 2017
Tell me,
Was my love not enough?
No, of course it was enough,
I loved you with everything I had.
You were just to blind to see it.
And now as your world keeps spinning on
Il be stuck standing still
Waiting for you to come unfreeze me
It's 1:17 am now. I'm tired, this one's for you jack
Amanda Kay Burke Jan 2018
Love is like spring,
There will always be pain,
Equal parts sunshine;
Equal parts rain.

The thick sludge builds up,
It's hard to trudge through,
There are obstacles,
Involving two.

Then snowbanks unfreeze,
There are boundaries no more,
Now aware that this weather
We can no longer ignore.

Tears always fall,
Words always fail,
The love that we had,
Melts away with the hail.

Raindrops come down,
Into puddles they descend,
We have to face the bitter truth,
Our time has reached its end.

My heart is as broken,
As the ice on the lake,
I see the cracks and wonder,
If underneath it feels the ache.

Icicles are dripping,
Disappearing like oxygen,
Along with any chance I had,
Of being with you again.

The hole in my chest is the same size,
As the one in our ozone,
The season will soon be over,
The snow will thaw, I am alone.
Carolina Jul 2017
My dreams turned to black,
I cannot get them back.
My life is an error
but now I'll spread terror.
They all made me cry,
killed all light inside.
They laughed at my hopes,
but I'll be the one tying their ropes.
I'm broken apart,
now I'll smash their hearts.
No mercy nor remorse,
you better be calling your hearse.
The pain becomes rage,
I won't be sorry for the rampage.
Because the tears that I've cried
no one heard through the night,
the tears that I've bled
show the words that they said.
My empty brown eyes
for sure you'll despise.
And your warmth they will steal,
you'll tell me how painful it feels.
I'll crush your head open,
I fantasize about it popping.
I'll torn apart your chest,
with a demonic wrath you'll be blessed.
One day they'll beg on their knees
but I'll have become a deadly disease.
If you're wondering when will it end,
it's simple, with the caress from a friend.
A friend who's hurting like me,
someone who comes as a soft breeze.
A caressing hand to free me from disease,
a gentle touch to make my cold dead heart unfreeze.
Sometimes the things we need are the things we'll never have.
A K Krueger May 2016
Love is a dream
or so they say,
my winter heart,
it begs to play
“unfreeze me please”
you’ll hear it say
“for I miss the warmth of summer.”

And love is young
though I am old,
they say it can
unwind the cold
like ticking clocks
and bells of old;
echoes fading into silence.

And love is kind
but I am scared
of fangs beneath
the lips you bear.
The last one said
he also cared,
so I am slow to trusting.

‘Cause love is cruel,
and I’m not new;
affected words
and lover’s cues,
strangled trust
and selfhood, too,
I’ve the eulogies to prove it.

But love is birth;
it can give life.
If I could let
the dead horse lie,
and promise you
that I will try
to want to become different.

To love at all
is to have felt
your stolen heart
transcend yourself,
blessed by the hand
of God Himself,
the seeming giver of your dreams,

but to love again,
it is a choice,
to speak aloud
in broken voice,
“Though it may hurt,
still I rejoice,
though it may end,
still I rejoice,
take all I am,
still I rejoice,”
and try, though hard it seems,
to remember how to dream.
Remember how to dream.
My Tears
If In
Dry Ice
You Made
A Purpose
To Not
To Die
In My Eyes
8 Pawprints
2 Said
2 Said
"How Are You"
2 Said I'm Fine
2 Said I'm Dying Inside
~Paris Styron~

— The End —