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Phia Jul 6
Our souls intertwine
Differently now.
My heart beats
Differently now.
Your presence feels
Different now.
I love your presence and your company, but nothing is the same anymore.
Phia Jul 6
I could’ve spent the rest of my life with you
Phia Jul 5
It’s an odd thing
You know
Having a front row seat
To my own self destruction.
Being so mentally broken
Yet so painfully self aware
I wanna get better
Phia Jul 1
And in those moments,
However fleeting,
I thought we would make it;
I thought we were infinite
I miss you
Phia Jun 23
And so I wait
For the ghost melodies in my favorite songs
To stop whispering your name
You’re everywhere
Phia Jun 23
I don’t know the last time the skin
Kissed itself on the corners of my eyes
My laughs are as hollow
As the smile they emanate from
Phia Jun 19
You peeled back all of the rotten layers of my existence
Until I laid bare before you
And you planted kisses on my skin
And in those moments I felt seen
I felt understood
I felt loved
Now I feel like an exposed nerve. Cold and alone and in pain
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