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Feb 2022 · 1.6k
Perri Feb 2022
It's crazy how long we've had this tube
I've said to myself "when it's finished, I'll move"
We often go through three, four a year
But this tube is prolonging our time, my dear
Each brush of this paste is how I cope
A twice daily ritual, this tube is my trope
I predict enough squeezes to last us through March
And after one last squeeze
We'll inevitably depart


When I moved back home
The tube here was new
I think about you twice a day;
I'll always love you
Nov 2021 · 1.2k
Perri Nov 2021
Ugly ugly ugly
I can only assume
How you think of me
While I lay naked in our room
I'm hungry
For a touch
Of strength and admiration
Ugly ugly ugly
This is deprivation
Ugly ugly ugly
I beg to please you
Every touch seems new
4 years of cold
I've been waiting in our room
Ugly got ugly
And I'm only left to assume
Ugly ugly ugly
Your attraction to me is doomed
Idk what to do anymore
May 2021 · 145
Perri May 2021
My days are filled with adventure, you see
sniff flowers
watch a stranger
the movement of grass
your absence lingers
And then you walk through that door
my fun is over
the silence is loud
the air - sombre
we play tug of war
with the sheet that we share
the only thing keeping us a pair
Jul 2019 · 629
Perri Jul 2019
Holy ****
I love you
I want to scream it
From earths peaks
A buffet of love
eating it makes me weak
From the hot summer breeze
naked in the sheets
I love you cold as winter
And sweaty from the heat
Two years ago
today we meet
Our journey has been
cheap bourbon
First bitter, now sweet.
Jun 2019 · 537
Perri Jun 2019
Ying and yang
Wild and tame
Desert and rain
Curvy and framed
but I'll always
love you
the same
May 2019 · 380
Perri May 2019
The air is so thick
the intensity and despair
like swimming in soup
this feeling is not rare

It sensed my new comfort
feeling of fresh and bare
vulnerable and excited
I start to repair
while in the shadows
was waiting a scare
a toxic energy
prepared to impair
with one negative tear
my fair skin
and red hair
I beg
I swear
don't drag me down there
I thought I escaped
my mind was aware
now it's pulling me back
I refuse this nightmare
I pray
I plead
trying to end the affair
As warmth turns to cold
I take a last breath of..
Mar 2019 · 584
Moved On
Perri Mar 2019
See, it's just the sudden realization
That I am powerfully
More excited
Beyond curious
And spontaneously
different than you.

It's not that I don't love you, boy.
It's that I am beyond it all.
I starve for my independence.
Feb 2019 · 366
Perri Feb 2019
I only love you when I'm manic
All those other times?
You're just tolerable.
Jan 2019 · 542
Bring me home
Perri Jan 2019
I miss being cold from my head to my soul;
I want to be ****** back in to the dark hole
I found comfort in for years.
I long for the feeling of lack of touch; hungry for the deprevation of human contact.
So please listen when
I wish to be ignored,
I pray to be unloved
and I beg to be forgotten.
Because that's where I feel
most at home.
Jan 2019 · 474
Perri Jan 2019
I think about other men
while laying cold next to you
not because I don't love you
but because you don't touch me
Nov 2018 · 460
Perri Nov 2018
I wish I could describe
with words of the unknown
the quivering of my organs
and the shaking of my bones
from heat of your mouth,
the potentness of your tone
because with every ' I love you'
I feel more at home
Oct 2018 · 267
Perri Oct 2018
It's okay
It's okay
Someone will love you deeply
One day
But until then
Lonely with him
You will stay
Until you gain the strength
To turn the other way
Because you know the love you need
To keep your soul at bay
And anything less
Isn't a price you should pay
Sep 2018 · 732
Perri Sep 2018
I have this RAGE burning in me
that I can no longer hide
You make me feel so worthless
that daily I pray
that I die
because I can't stand your face
your stupid ******* hair
and smile so wide
but you wont let me leave
for a year now, I've tried
so please, sweet souls
that reside in the sky
take me up there with you
for every night that I cry
I am drained of hope
as I let out an exhausted sigh
I'll be waiting for my turn
As I am ready to say goodbye
Sep 2018 · 2.1k
Perri Sep 2018
Other men look
with interest and intrigue
while I walk behind you,
as you take lead

I look them in the eyes
hoping they sense the hurt in me,
seeing my distress,
praying they will come set me free

So as I walk in your shadow
and unimportantly
I'm hopeful
my worth
will shine
for all the others to see
Jul 2018 · 753
party of love
Perri Jul 2018
loving you feels like
I am always at a party;
contrasting and exciting
but it is obvious - my lack of appeal;
anxious and lonely
Jun 2018 · 421
lonely mountains
Perri Jun 2018
I moved to the mountains
to experience elevation
But the mountains
are pushing me
closer to extinction
Apr 2018 · 1.0k
No one.
Perri Apr 2018
No one loves you.
No one loves you.
The voice reminds me
as the loneliness creeps back in.

No one loves you.
No one loves you.
The words slip off my tongue so easily,
and it feels so truthful to say.

NO ONE loves you.
NO ONE loves you!
It blows me away that this is where I am today,
but it's where I reside
and it's somehow comforting.

No one loves you.
No one loves you..
Days go by;
I am invisible.
Out of sight, out of mind.
Out of strength, out of time.
Mar 2018 · 737
Perri Mar 2018
Your skin was so thin
your structure, so frail
but your mind so available
like a puppy
down a trail
You would hold me close
my red hair and skin pale
I miss the smell of liquorice
that was always so stale
But I wouldn't care
because your presence was fresh,
Every night
an enlightening tale
And your grasp so warm
at night when I'd wail
for my mothers absent touch;
your love purer than hers,
without fail
So I hope you're watching
and know
my love for you
will always prevail
She was my best friend
Feb 2018 · 298
Who Holds the Answers
Perri Feb 2018
my brain is the logic
full of wisdom and precision
keeping me inline
making carefully planned decisions

my heart is the emotion
full of wonder and hope
pushing my boundaries
until it is broken
unknowing how to cope

my gut holds other worldly knowledge
it throbs when flags are red
considered the second brain
if I chose not to listen
by now, I'd be dead

my soul is a combination
of the energy in my gut, heart and head
it is kind and fragile
delicate like fine silk thread

But who do I listen to?
Who will lead me to the right choice?
They are in a constant battle
when all I long for is to rejoice.
Feb 2018 · 391
Winter Senses
Perri Feb 2018
Do you smell that?
It's the scent of cedar burning
for weeks its been snowing
the smell is so warming
and my love for you is growing;
much like the ambers that are glowing.

But if you listen closely
you can hear the ice cracking
from the lake that is thawing
hope for winter's ending
so that spring can be inviting
similar to your grasp;
refreshing and exciting.

So for now,
it's the taste of cocoa
- hot and so soothing
my tastebuds are dancing
I am shamelessly swooning -
and you;
the best way to enjoy
all the sweet winter choosings.
I left out sight because it didn't flow properly.
Feb 2018 · 820
Perri Feb 2018
I am so vulnerable
an open wound
And your "love" is salt
stinging my soul
infecting my blood
causing my heart to slow
while brain is losing oxygen
and my liver is secreting toxins
eyes are swollen shut
and I am trembling with shame
because I exposed myself to you
and you left me here to rot
Jan 2018 · 436
Love ~ In Love
Perri Jan 2018
love* was the excitement
for the next moment we'd meet
it was the the warmth of your hand
when you first brushed my cheek
it was the vulnerability
of inviting you
into my sheets
love was that you were
proud of me
while all the others had been so discreet


in love* is your scent
you leave on my pillows
that is oh so sweet
it is the the rush of blood
that leaves me tingling
from my heart to my feet
in love is the way you look at me
with eyes
full of passion and heat
while you hug me hard
and kiss me so deep
because being in love with you
is being away for the week
and yet knowing
everything is still so concrete
Jan 2018 · 556
Perri Christmas
Perri Jan 2018
Merry Christmas
- says the tequila gold
as I lay alone under my duvet
But the alcohol is warming my veins
as a family
would warm a room
Nov 2017 · 442
Missing Nat
Perri Nov 2017
this crisp air
and the scent of burning leaves
in this small town
I will continue to grieve
for my lost girl;
I am still so naive
and very ignorant
because I didn't want to believe
but I will always regret
not showing you
how special you were to me
So I hope you have become
the woman you wanted to be
and finally receiving all the love
you yearned
wherever you are,
my sweet Natalie
Oct 2017 · 407
Perri Oct 2017
Give me the strength
to ignore
To escape his grasp
and lock the door
Give me the will to run
and hide
for 97 nights
I've laid and cried
How lonely he makes me
I stay for my pride
And I need the courage
To stop my love
With every force
I will shove
His cold soul away
Until the day
He is lead astray
Because my passionate soul
Deserves much more
And I am sick of feeling
Like his chore
So please Lord
Give me the strength
To ignore
Sep 2017 · 265
1 of 7
Perri Sep 2017
Oh it's achy
Oh it's achy
My soul is quaking
1 of 7
But I'm so lonely
That I dream about heaven
Because it's not enough
I need all the love
And it's so tough
How it's not enough
And I'm ashamed
For my need of you
Has to be tamed
To 1 of 7
And it's hurts too much
How I feel your touch
And I'm still so lonely
But nothing will cure me
Not even your clutch
On only 1 of 7
Lonely one sad depressed love relationship help
Aug 2017 · 387
Ugly on the skin
Perri Aug 2017
My red hair so frizzy
My dry skin so fair
I've always wondered
Why people stare

My off-white teeth
protrude from my face
I don't deserve admiration
I'm an utter disgrace

My body so curvy
My cheeks so chubby
I will never understand
How anyone could love me

As I lay in my bed
With tears in my eyes
I pray
One day
My shell
Will match my lovely insides
But you're lovely from within
- Die Antwoord
Aug 2017 · 503
Perri Aug 2017
I warned you
But you were confident
You'd be able to handle the ride
Because I am the face of truth
I do not tell lies
I bare every emotion on my flesh
I have nothing to hide
And nothing scares a man more
Eyes so wide
Than a woman so real
Due to his ego and pride
So run terrified man
Your lack of strength
You cannot hide
Like all the others
Lie to yourself
Say that you tried
For I am alone again
And I'm sure many tears
Will be cried
Until the next one approaches
With arms open so wide
Until my passion
Also leaves him terrified
Aug 2017 · 416
Birth Day
Perri Aug 2017
It's that time 
Where I was brought here
Without a say
And year after year
I'm guilted to stay
People feel obligated
To celebrate my day
But the other 364
Want me to fade away
So I beg of you please
If I get one wish
Just leave me astray
Aug 2017 · 636
Perri Aug 2017
I'm going to push you
So far away
With every force in my body
And curl back up into the little ball
I call home
Because it is safe in here
And the shell grows stronger
With every man who leaves me reaching
Until one day
It is impenetrable
Please just go away
Aug 2017 · 277
Perri Aug 2017
I keep my fan running all year
because the noise
keeps my roommate
from hearing me cry
And the breeze
keeps me cool
to remind myself
I'm undeserving of someone's warmth
Jul 2017 · 1.0k
I've Been Waiting
Perri Jul 2017
My heart is so full
there's warmth crawling up my spine!
You're holding on tight;
it's truly sublime,
the heat starting to rise
as we lay intertwined.
At first so scared
but it's different this time.
You're grazing my chin
with words so gentle
and kisses so fine
yet so robust
your hands
and jawline;
a perfect design.
The days I lay cold,
dark and controlled,
I choose to resign.
For you, the calm lake,
and I, the fickle skyline;
opposing elements
that are perfectly aligned
but also a contrast
that is beyond the divine
for I am relieved
I get to call you mine.
I am starting to see the light.
Jul 2017 · 341
Cry out
Perri Jul 2017
I'm crying out for help
But I'm invisible
My pleas are going unnoticed
I need reassurance
So instead, I scream
While flailing my arms
In a dance on the edge of death
No one is watching my performance
So I decide to wail
Sweat is dripping down my face
As I beg for someone to hear my pain
My soul is aching and I need help
Please someone rescue me
You will feel guilt
When you realize I was begging
And you turned a blind eye
But by then
It will be too late
Jul 2017 · 511
Perri Jul 2017
I can't breathe
I can't breathe
My mind is wandering
I'm assuming you have lied to me
Just like all the others
Why do I bother
Why do I bother

I can't breathe
all this anxiety
My mind is spinnin'
I realize I've been fooled again
right when I've surrendered
and courageously let you in

I can't breathe
You're ignoring me
why do I trust
so easily
I'm so angry with myself
panic is creeping in
when will I learn
I am merely here to be used
when love is what I yearn

I can't breathe
How dare you do this to me
For all the scars I have shown you
My throat is closing in
Tonight I will not sleep
I am never going to win

But I've begged you
to not do this to me
I lay in tears wondering
why I'm so worthless
and I can't breathe.
I have panic attacks when I know i've been used again. Man after man, I tell myself to never trust again.
Jul 2017 · 512
I Fear the Unknown
Perri Jul 2017
It's cold down here 
You're pulling me down so deep
I'm terrified of the monsters that reside
in your depth
but the cold, while descending to the bottom,
is so refreshing

It's dark down here
I need to swim up for air
but my muscles are tightening
and I'm so scared
It's darker than velvet
I sense slight movement
indicating there is still life
in even the most deadliest of places

I'm known for wading
lingering on the surface
so this is further than I ever wanted to dive
But as my heart rate is slowing
I am becoming comfortable
with the frigid grasp
that I have been avoiding for years

It's cold
Please, just let me swim up
for one last breath
to feel the sun's warmth
one last time
before I try accept that this is
the right decision

I'm so scared.
Jul 2017 · 611
no more friends, please
Perri Jul 2017
it started at five
I tried and I tried
I did not understand
why people wanted me to die
my mother
the others
taunting me
haunting me
I was curious
red and shy
full of hope
I would harm no fly
please, just tell me

next thing I know
its junior high
this is the time
where we all have to try
god forbid
you don't fit in
don't show weakness
don't let them see you cry
the taunting
the haunting
on your back
a bullseye
spoke of being a friend
in a week
you're alone to mend
hope for the future
is running dry
people questioning
why I'm still choosing
to be alive

highschool was a mess
so college will be my high
a phrase I told myself
unknowingly full of lies
again and again,
I try to make friends,
at first full of grace
then evil behind their eye
I will never escape
why, why
do people push me to die

now I'm twenty-five
and I let out a painful sigh
there is nothing left
I am drained
of all emotional supplies
who I call "friends"
wasting my time
it worked, everybody!
all your taunting
all your haunting
it worked,
because here I am
just praying that I die
One day, I would love to make even just one friend who is genuine and empathetic, and will reciprocate the friendship. It is lonely when you are the target out of your group of "friends".
Jun 2017 · 555
Perri Jun 2017
Come on, come on!
Step right up!
I am the most popular attraction!
Step on me, step on me
Harder, harder
Show me why
I'm my mother's worthless daughter!

Hey you, next in line !
Come step right up
stomp all over my spine
I'll even give you a deal
10 stomps for a dime!
Show me how my trust for you
Was a waste of my time!

You're next sir!
Come on up and crush my soul!
Squish it between your fingers
Bruise it deeply
with that there pole!
Burn it if you wish to,
I'll even throw in some free coal !

I'm the main attraction
Step right up and you will get some action!
Use me, use me
I beg of you please
I'm here for you to stare
To kiss
To squeeze
I'm the main attraction
I'm not here to tease
I'm just an object
And I am free of all fees!
I have just been feeling very betrayed by my best friend lately. They dropped me and kicked me brutally to the side once something better came along.
Jun 2017 · 1.1k
The Invisible Friend
Perri Jun 2017
How convenient this friend is
Always readily available
When a wave of loneliness washes over you
She is there to fill a void
A pigment of your imagination
That only you can see
For she is merely just a gust of wind
When you no longer need her
But your whole world
When you are desperate for an ear
A one sided relationship;
You shouldn't allow her to become comfortable
Keep her at a distance
So she never gets a sense of belonging
as you continue to age

Until one day
She will come to realize
You have outgrown her
And as she fades away into the breeze
lest you forget
that invisible friend
is me.
I am so sick of being a good friend to others, and having them use me only when is convenient for them.
Jun 2017 · 481
Perri Jun 2017
Why so many ignorant sheep
In this grassless land
Depression does not come cheap

It is not a joke or a tale
It is a fact that is uncontrollable
No matter how many
Meds or lonely whails
When all else fails
Don't you dare doubt my mental state
I do not fake
This burden
This demon
And don't you doubt
I've tried it all
And don't you compare
To those who didn't choose to fall
Because depression is out of your control
It takes ahold of your soul
Eats it's up and spits it out
I wouldn't lie about such a curse
Don't you dare look at me with doubt.
So many people in my life are not naive about depression, they're ignorant. They think they know the facts and they like to tell me them when they have never experienced such a thing, and it hurts me more than the depression itself.
Jun 2017 · 357
Award Winner
Perri Jun 2017
Am I entitled to an Oscar
For the act I put on everyday
Is harder work than any A Lister
Will ever endure

I am the comedian
Enticing laughter
While the demon inside
Finds joy in my cries

I am in theatre
Where everyday
I paint on my face
Masking deep sorrow
That crawls over my skin

I am in silent film
Where my actions speak louder
Than my muted words

I am an actress
And everyday
I perform
And life is my stage
Jun 2017 · 471
Window to the soul
Perri Jun 2017
I don't wear my heart on my sleeve
Oh no
I wear my sorrow in my eyes
May 2017 · 1.2k
The inevitable storm
Perri May 2017
Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Here we go

The calm before the storm
Always as predicted
The stillness was reassuring
But I should have known

Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
I should have known
That as I opened my petals
Into the sunlight
Exposing my colours
My scent
That the storm would hit
Right as I started to grow

Oh no
Oh no
Oh no
Dark clouds are rolling in
Thunder is shaking my stem
And just as I am about to close my petals
You strike me with 1000 bolts
Again and again
Turns me black
But this time
I don't think I will grow back.
May 2017 · 339
Perri May 2017
An aching soul makes the day go slow
May 2017 · 1.3k
Perri May 2017
Natalie, Natalie
I know you can hear me
from the heavens where you choose to reside
For in memory of your pale skin
blonde hair
that cosmic energy
you could not hide

you're the only girl I craved to lay beside
a smile so radiant
contagious laughter
but always pain behind the eye
such a beautiful shell
that started to crack
when few allowed you to confide

I am sorry for you, that life was a disappointing ride
I will never be mad
maybe envious
that you're at peace
no longer rolling down this landslide

you are now the wind
in fields so wide
rhythmic waves
in every salty tide
buzzing beetles
along every roadside
for you,
you did not die.
My best friend took her life and I am just trying to express it.
Aug 2016 · 561
Perri Aug 2016
how cold I have become
to even the faintest of touches

I feel nothing
when gazed upon
I am numb
when talked to
I feel empty
when admired

will someone have the heat
to restart a fire in my soul
or am I as frozen as permafrost
Jun 2016 · 839
Perri Jun 2016
twohundredthirty days
with no touch
skin to skin
the things I would do
the money I would pay
oh how I long for the warmth
in any way
let me in
or let me die soon
with no kin
being so untouched
I consider a sin
could be as simple as
a brush of my hair
or a stroke of my chin
because no human contact
is a loss
not a win
Apr 2016 · 988
all talk
Perri Apr 2016
please do not entice me
with an offer so grand
that you will regret
the moment that you present it
for I am weak
and the mere slight communication
makes my blood boil;
not inducing anger
but excitement
for our potential together
even though, we both know
your words are empty
and your offer
is all talk.
Apr 2016 · 507
Six months
Perri Apr 2016
Six months of freedom
from this evil within
thought I escaped the sorrow
the devil had vanished,
thought I was finally going to win

Then the pain came crashing back deep into my bones
so sudden, so intense
as though I was being pummelled with stones
please not again,
don't make yourself at home
I was so excited for myself
to feel no anguish
it was soothing to roam
yet I lay here
after six months of ease
escape my grasp
and yet again
I am alone.
Oct 2015 · 536
oh no
Perri Oct 2015
oh no
dear boy
I have let you too far in
with no future in sight
how will I ever know
if a relationship is what I will win

oh no
sweet guy
the way you touch my pale skin
with hands so soft
your actions so gentle
this is a sin

oh no
hesitant man
the way you look into my eyes
with such empathy
when I am with you
I no longer want to die

my heart grows fonder
as I lay here alone
but my soul is aching
my brain is throbbing
because what we have
may never be set in stone
Sep 2015 · 877
Perri Sep 2015
Every exhale
feels like hot, negative, lonely pain leaving my body,
an exhausting task;
it is so heavy that it is almost a chore
I wish I could exhale enough that
I would no longer feel so alone
But no amount of exhaling in my lifetime
will take away the fact
that I have no one who cares
if I ever inhale again
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