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Jan 2019 · 262
lovers are losers
adriana Jan 2019
you're ******.
i'm *******.
we got nothing left to lose.
but tonight it was better than ever before.
Jan 2019 · 97
think of this as chess.
adriana Jan 2019
i am the king.
and i am surrounded by my queens.
my pawns are even important
(and you know just who you are).
but you,
you're just all wrong.
off the board and out your mind.
check mate.
watch me straighten my crown and i'll watch you fall.
adriana Jan 2019
so you kicked me under and i'm six feet deep.
now i've got dirt in my eyes and blood on my jeans.
just when i thought that i had dug myself a hole, it turned out to be my grave instead, dug ever so lovingly by you
adriana Jan 2019
Because Of You, All Of LA Is Grey,
And I Know You're Wearing Red.
I Never Capitalize My Writing, But You Make Everything Just A Little... More.
adriana Jan 2019
a white picket fence and blue shutters
describes the house i see in my mind.
a quaint and childish fantasy,
with love blind and hands intertwined.
i left my shoes by the door
and i left that door unlocked.
you locked the door behind you
and didn't care enough to have knocked.
i built that house to have you in it,
and i wanted your shoes by the door.
but you don't bother with much of anything
and i can hear your steps against the floor.
then things get a little lonely
and you're the only one sleeping in the bed.
and i'm sitting on the hardwood because, well, actually, i forgot to imagine anything else in this godforsaken house except for that bed because i was too busy thinking of you.
things got a little lonely and they hurt a little more.
then i made an effort to run from you,
but my shoes were still by the door.
the pavement probably would've felt worse than the pain i endure from trying to love you. at least, it feels better to think of it that way.
adriana Jan 2019
you can't build a kingdom with someone who still wants attention from the village
all i wanted to do was make you a king, but i don't think you realized i was a queen from the start.
adriana Jan 2019
sometimes all it takes is for someone to do you wrong
in order to realize that you were right about them all along
adriana Jan 2019
if you say you hate what's in your head,
why do you always want to speak your mind?
adriana Jan 2019
your love wasn't convenient
my love wasn't commonplace
sometimes i start thinking we're crazy
but then again, there's nothing quite like you
Jan 2019 · 797
the seven deadly sins
adriana Jan 2019
i don't really want to get with you,
but all i need is something to get me through.
adriana Jan 2019
if you can't stand to look a little deeper
you don't deserve to stand by me.
Jan 2019 · 402
adriana Jan 2019
you're the only person i know that says my name in texts.
the only person that says my name at all, really.
in the end, it's the least meaningful thing that you say,
and that's really saying something.
names have power. mine, specifically (to me at least).
adriana Jan 2019
we need to practice shutting the hell up and calming the hell down.
either way, it's still gonna be hell, no matter what we do.
but you have to admit, it's the prettiest hell you've ever seen.
you would know.
adriana Dec 2018
my prince has died trying to slay my dragons,
dragons that keep me up at night.
his head is at my feet and his sword is in my hand.
instead of living in a world in need of a savior,
i suppose it is time for me to save myself.
only for that of sacrifice.
Dec 2018 · 182
a prayer for the damned
adriana Dec 2018
i'm on my knees like it's a sunday
you look like heaven and hurt like hell.
guess we're close enough.
Dec 2018 · 343
for what
adriana Dec 2018
you keep asking me "what's the move"
when all i'm trying to do is make moves on you
Nov 2018 · 567
corruption and contusions
adriana Nov 2018
i down the whole bottle before the sun's in the sky.
the way i live is the way that i lie.
i'm fighting the lows by staying high.
but its better if you never know why.
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
i did a bad thing.
adriana Nov 2018
my bloodlines have turned to fault lines
because of lines drawn in the sand.
adriana Nov 2018
i've told pretty lies and made fatal mistakes.
i get what i want, no matter what it takes.
but in the end, the worst thing i did was
Nov 2018 · 1.1k
adriana Nov 2018
i trade money for magic,
looking for ephemeral feelings with eternal damage.
and when you're not there to save me,
i keep taking codine to stop the saline.
and there's a few things i forgot to mention,
specifically every bad intention.
i drove for miles to find you
but in the end i found myself.
that, and a couple empty bottles of jack.
Nov 2018 · 226
last in the yard
adriana Nov 2018
i was probably high when i met you
but now i'm out of my mind cause i love you
Oct 2018 · 1.4k
tongue in cheek
adriana Oct 2018
i want you to ruin my life
and even though i know it's wrong
i want you to make it all right
Oct 2018 · 418
the lights get low
adriana Oct 2018
and there's weight to this gun
and i don't mean the mass.
and i number my days,
don't know which one's the last.
but when it comes down to it,
you can't break unbreakable.
when everybody's pressed
the fake is unmistakable.
it's sunday night.
you call me when you're drunk.
Oct 2018 · 483
saturday night amnesia
adriana Oct 2018
you stay forever see through.
you say, "I can't read you".
all I need is you and nicotine.
a month ahead, got to keep it clean.
daytrip took it to ten, again
and it's not the same as it's ever been.
you wanna drink just a little more.
you want a hit until you hit the floor.
you wanna go until you can't anymore.
but i don't think i can anymore.
Sep 2018 · 662
here we go again
adriana Sep 2018
all my friends all live in pretend
because heaven always has an end.
there are new stars in the sky
and everybody does what they like.
still, god can bless a world full of crime
so maybe he can still save mine.
bliss city
adriana Sep 2018
i love you more over text.
i just can't love you in person.
i love you when you don't talk.
i love it when you don't say a thing.
i only love you in the silence that fills in the gaps
of everything i'll never tell you.
you can't love someone if
you never want to talk to them.
so i guess that means i hate you
Sep 2018 · 253
love is hell
adriana Sep 2018
and if this is real, then where the hell are you going?
adriana Sep 2018
how the hell are you about to hold it down
when you can't even bother to hold up
Aug 2018 · 288
not poetic, just pathetic
adriana Aug 2018
my promises are, at best, overcommitted lies.
your words are dull and mean less than before.
we are aesthetically pleasing and so we stay.
we both think we're the one
and so we are.
Aug 2018 · 894
when i am finished with you
adriana Aug 2018
you will be poetry wrapped in skin.
they will melt under your faded gaze.
the spaces between your lungs will be explored.
they will fall in love with the darkness behind your lips.
they will live in the familiarity of your movements.
i will have stripped you of everything that made you the same.
you will be nothing like the person before, for now you are art.
you are simply the words penned onto your bones.
you are a masterpiece in human form.
you made me write, and i made you beautiful.
when we are done, you are perfect.
you are poetry wrapped in skin when i am done.
when i am finished, you will be one of two things.
you will be broken, or you will be beauty.
i cannot let you be both.
adriana Aug 2018
The blood of many, the salt stained pink
A girl sitting pretty on the brink
And, inhibitions aside, a body to sink
Jul 2018 · 383
save me.
Jul 2018 · 521
Bleach pt. 3.
adriana Jul 2018
Cabo San Lucas.
Gratefully dead.
You in my head.
you're about to catch that flight, said you wanna wait on me. told you i'd been up all night, but it's better not to wait on me.
Jul 2018 · 1.7k
drive me home
adriana Jul 2018
you'll be the love of my life until my tan fades away,
then we'll walk through the halls and be strangers again
adriana Jul 2018
i'll stay if it's the last thing i do.
i look for something new,
but old is familiar and tastes like you.
i'm counting the days on hands tainted blue,
shivering, cold, in the storm of what's true.
trying to play with the cards that i drew,
but i'll always fold, always fall through.
over the span of an ocean and a year or two,
i'm standing here shaking, waiting for your cue.
adriana Jul 2018
we're breathless 'cause we're always chasing us.
running this town then burning it down.
smoke in our lungs and heat on our skin.
both of us the same.
both of us insane.
Jul 2018 · 1.9k
pretty white pills
adriana Jul 2018
i'm counting every sin
and trying to drown my pain in
benzos and cocktails
and it never really fails.
no one else has noticed i'm
never on time.
i'm always alone
or on my phone.
my speech a little slurred
and the roads a little blurred.
i cover up what i'm feeling
with meds meant for healing.
my intentions are clear
but the end's kinda near.
all 'cause i ended us.
it's cool af though.
i swear.
Jul 2018 · 1.2k
You Are Here.
adriana Jul 2018
I’m preoccupied.
I’m busy trying to wash the feeling of your skin off of mine with tears of my very own.
I’m busy trying not to cry every time I think about you crying over me.
I’m busy drowning my sorrows in a few words too many and now it’s over.
Once and for all.

Here is where I find that there is no artistic way to break your heart.
adriana Jul 2018
whipping hair and stormy blue eyes
not as innocent as she implies
child of the chaos, ruler of the skies
adriana Jul 2018
It is nights like these,
When I stand and look out at everything,
That I know neither moderation or mercy.
What am I to do when the stars painted on the ceiling tell me that I Control every game and every play made?
What am I to do when the neon lights on the slot machines tell me
That I am the house, and I always win?
Resistance is unbecoming,
And I can't just ignore what the they tell me.
So I slip my legs over the balcony railing,
Watching and waiting for my time.
All the while,
I feel no sympathy
And I regret no choices,
For, tonight, I do not care about mercy.
No one will be spared.
adriana Jun 2018
"why don't you talk to me anymore?"
"why do i need to?"
"i can't live without you."
"then die."
adriana Jun 2018
i've bitten my tongue so much
that it bleeds because it stops me from talking,
helps to keep the peace.
it stains my lips red as a reminder
that your words can start wars,
hurting those around you and
leaving destruction in their wake.
for what is the worth of the blood of one
when it has saved the lives of many?
You impacted me in a way I can't put into words. You saved me, but, in the end, no one could save you. I'm sorry this is how your story had to end. You'll live on.      r.i.p. xxxtentacion
adriana Jun 2018
i'm so cold i can make your blood boil.
Jun 2018 · 422
no strings attached
adriana Jun 2018
i've always wanted to introduce you to all my friends
we sacrifice ourselves just to break ends
we're abused
we're confused
and maybe feeling a little used
welcome to hell as you've never seen it before.
it's under new management.
we hope you enjoy your stay.
adriana Jun 2018
you run your fingers along my fault lines
and watch everything crumble to pieces,
unaware that we're both in a dangerous place
as the world falls down around us.
adriana Jun 2018
we can’t play tag with time forever.
it’ll catch us soon.
adriana Jun 2018
to my favorite infatuation,                                                     ­                           

you told me that i was holding on like it was my lifeblood.
i said you weren't wrong.
right before i left, scared of what might happen next,
you told me that my voice gave me away.
that there was a certain naivety to it.
i hadn't yet been tarnished by the harshness of the world,
and that's what you thought was most beautiful about me.
i will never forget your words.

                         with love,
                                                                ­ the stranger you said was perfect
adriana Jun 2018
One day we’ll wake up and call each other.
Our voices will be monotone.
We won’t really have anything to talk about.
We’ll go through our photos.
Make ourselves see how good it was.
We’ll look at each other and see why we fit.
Determine the pros and cons of staying together.
It’s just not that good anymore.
It’ll all end that way.
Not because anything is dreadfully wrong.
We’ll just be bored.
Everything will go back to how it was before.
Except that we won’t be a couple.
Just two people who coexist.
I can talk to guys at bookstores and fall a little bit in love with a perfect stranger every day.
You can pick up girls at the baseball field that you always thought were better than me.
But we’ll always have us.
For now, let’s stay us and hold off until later.
adriana May 2018
the pounding in my head only stops when my head is resting on your shoulder.
i never though that it would be you, though.
May 2018 · 238
the ***** condition
adriana May 2018

you best save yourself

before i can
sink my claws into you too.
uh oh.
here i come.
i suppose i didn't notice until it was
far too late.
every time. every single time.
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