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MetaVerse Sep 2024

#this #is #a #pome
#e #t #iphone #home

#no #notes
Delicacy8100 Oct 2024
Does it not
Feel for the standoffish
Does it not
Stand for the forgotten
Does it not
Ban all that forgotten
Does it call when the man drops his call
Bonds will be broken
Time is woven
The last steps are the same we all have choices
Choice pursues all man's
David Hilburn May 2024
Cold shouldn't
Cold havocs
Cold weddings
Cold twilights

With a couth...
We are a pleasantry
Sake to work overtly, youth
Make me your lover, about profanity...

Sorry, knowing a house?
Wished for, wasting a knot...
Shoulder's with a best, know the mouse
Curious? save the grace in a hop...

Begun before, a rise has a chance
A liberty to share nothing, but us
Longer laughter, than a real face
Somewhere the rain, has become one to discuss:

A broken deed?
So savored, so favored
By wonder, in the voice to lead
A wager of admission's service, a luck sour...?
And kiss my alka seltzer, you flaming pink flamingo...
xavier thomas Sep 2022
She placed me as her best friend.
Finally pulling me out of her “friend zone” because she failed to grab the man she really wanted.
ZACK GRAM Jan 2022
You shot me with area 51 Osama
I burned a country with Jimmy
I shot it down


Ten cha gillion rounds
Cash appeal

Nigdaw Oct 2021
underpass gallery
where urban Picasso's
tag the walls as their own
having never paid a penny
in tax to offer compensation
for their spray paint intrusion
or maybe a **** and *****
or just *******
freedom of expression
being let out from under
the thumb of authority
mum and dad
school teachers
social workers
this is their voice
crying out into the darkness
of the unknown hereafter
that scares the **** out of them
perhaps we should listen
they are the future
perhaps we should be down there
with them
some of us could do
with a bit of freedom of expression
let some hair down
while there is still some left
to let
Zoe Mae Jul 2021
Is my car really that good on gas?
I mean think about it...
And, what's that spltoch on the ceiling that's been here since I moved in a decade ago, and is now starting to look like a gigantic two-headed cherub? What is that brownish stain actually made of?
I mean think about it...
And, is Philip Michael Thomas still alive?
I mean think about it...

Mind blowing
Just Maria Jul 2018
When I was a kid, Summer was so much fun
Playing and laughing all day in the sun
We would all gather for a game of tag
Or running a race to the finish flag

We would think of ways to try and stay cool
Like going for a swim at the public pool
Drinking tall glasses of cold lemonade
While sitting under a tree in the crisp shade

Riding our bikes up and down the street
Waiting for the ice cream truck for a popsicle treat
Staying up late with my best friend
Hoping that Summer would never end

I'm grown up now but it's just not the same
The loss of innocence is such a shame
It's been a long time but they're still  very clear
Those summertime memories that I hold so dear
Summer is here and it got me reminiscing about those fun days I spent as a kid playing  with my friends having so much fun during summer vacation once school was out
Jim Jan 2021
I am trying to feel anything
Like others across the land
With senses dulled
And feelings cold
Here alone I stand
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