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May 2019 · 204
What Am I?
Jay M May 2019
I fear what I am becoming
What am I saying?
What am I doing?
Am I insane?

Where's my shame?
On the inside...
Where's my guilt?
Threatening to break lose...
Will I let it go?
What am I?
I don't know...

- Jay M
May 7th, 2019
May 2019 · 237
They're Watching
Jay M May 2019
Trying to escape my lips
Hands moving at the speed of sound
Can't keep still
With all that I long to say
Yet keep bottled
Toss it to the sea
Leave it
For someone to find

I want to smile
To say
I'm truly happy
I don't know
I just don't know

What are the plans?
An answer would be nice

I know she said yes
But did she say anything else?
Soon, later
Big, small
Holy, nonreligious
How will you do this?

Where am I in all this?

Throwing the petals
Carrying the veil
'Cause I don't know
If I'll be able to breath
So scared that I'll ruin it all
On your special day
Redone for her

Once more
I ask;
Where am I in all this?

Will I be forgotten
Or be smothered in love?
Will I be what you want me to be?
What is my role in the end?

The reminder of your failed 1st attempt?
The failure you dress up
To be your pretty little princess?
Well, I'm not that type of child

This storm is rising inside of me
And I don't know what to do

Not tell you
Hell no
But what then?
Take that rage
Put it on the page
Send it away

The look on your face
Looking at the crowd
What do you see now?
I'll be seeing you now
Taking her by the hand
Dressed in white
Dancing to your song
Trying to make me
That picture perfect girl

But I'm not perfect
I'm not something to be paraded around
The truth is;
I'm not a good girl
I'm not your trophy
You weren't the victor
Of the last marriage
Because there is none
So stop acting like I'm your trophy
Your gold medal
For making it out alive

I'm your daily wake up call
You messed up
And now I'm here

But I'm still here
So what now?
Dress me up
Show me to the crowd
"This is my girl,"
"from my 1st wife"?

Whatever you say
Whatever you do
Just remember
They're watching you

Watching us
The family
Oh, and remember
Don't get me started
On the girl of your girl.

- Jay M
May 7th, 2019
Just putting my thoughts on the page...
May 2019 · 222
What To Do
Jay M May 2019
What to do
Lost in the waves
Of uncertainty
And confusion
Thrashing around me
Tossing me to and fro
Like the kelp in the ocean
During a tempest.

- Jay M
May 7th, 2019
May 2019 · 157
Dad - Changes
Jay M May 2019
Musing through memories
For all I wish I could say

Yet when I hear the news
I cannot choose
So I act
I laugh
I say I am happy...

But the truth is;
I am in shock
How can this be?

I know
It's been 2 years
But even so
Can you do so?

Carry out the vows
This could be your last chance
Please make her happy
Please stay with her
If that's what you
Both of you

I'm scared of what's inside my head
Don't make me right
Lost in a sea of doubt
Don't let me find out
What lies ahead
Unless it's good for me

What if
The game I always play
In my head

You are both so happy
And make a choice
Will I have a voice?

You agree
Will it be a gift
Or a curse?

Will it destroy us
Or make us grow stronger
As a family?

I'm your baby girl
I want to see you smile
Do what feels right for you

But please,
Make it right

You only have one shot
Please don't throw it all away
Make this one count
Stay with her all your life
Make her the queen
Because no king deserves to be alone

If you love her
That much
Then go get her
But don't stop loving her
Take care of her
This time...

- Jay M
May 7th, 2019
My dad proposed to his girlfriend that he's been with for 2 years. He told me this morning, and I'm shocked. I hope they are happy, and that he has the best life with her.
May 2019 · 267
Jay M May 2019
Buried deep in the ground
Waiting to be found
Ages pass
It shatters; like glass
These secrets we keep.

- Jay M
May 6th, 2019
May 2019 · 216
Didn't Stop
Jay M May 2019
Coming back
From a land unknown
Far beyond reach
Yet right in front of me

Flashes of memories
Faster and faster and faster

They didn't stop at the red light
That red light
They didn't stop at the red light

Less than a foot away
Only inches away
From chaos
Screaming in terror
Then going on like nothing happened

Saved by chance
So what is this?
The one in ten?
What if, then,
If we hadn't seen them coming?

Broken, probably
Shattered glass
Moments flashing
Faster and faster
Until all is but a blur

None shall ever be known
For such didn't happen
They didn't stop
But we did
Just in the nick of time

- Jay M
May 6th, 2019
In the summer, some person ran a red light and almost crashed right into the drivers side of our car. Almost right into my mom.
May 2019 · 278
Jay M May 2019
Why do I try?
Why do I carry on
When I can barely go on?
Every breath
Every footstep
Each is forced

Nights of restlessness
Only a few hours of rest
Of peace
Turned quickly away
Ushered back to reality.

- Jay M
May 6th, 2019
May 2019 · 395
Jay M May 2019
Picking up the pace
Trying to win the race
Attempting to flee this place...

Running wild
Movements swift
Like that of a hare
Legs pumping

I need to be free

Here I come
Prepared to strike
But the question is;
Are you?

Brace yourself
Collision is inevitable
Like the flow of time
Ticking away

Be careful
I'll strike
'Cause you know what I am
I'm a monster

Teeth bared
Believe me
I don't care if it's aired
I'll still tear you apart

So please
Get out of the way
As I come charging through
Like a rhino
Destroying all in my path...

- Jay M
May 6th, 2019
I've been a bit...aggressive lately. Just - no surprises...
May 2019 · 247
Cannot Evade
Jay M May 2019
Acting like everything is alright
Just fake it
Take that pain
Bury it deep inside
But what happens
When someone looks?

HEAL **** IT!!

These scars just won't fade
This, I simply cannot evade
Say nothing
I fell
Don't hold me under
Don't pull me under

Let me live
Let me have this
"Normal" childhood
While I still can

Fading, yes
But gone, no
Let me grow
Let me be what there is for me

I did wrong
But spare me!

Let me live
Don't torture me
Driving me beyond insane

I am but a child
For the sake of living
Let me

Don't rip me away
From those I love
And all I know
Let me live
Let me grow

For the sake of a child
Let me stay
Let me live...

- Jay M
May 2nd, 2019
May 2019 · 164
Past Regrets
Jay M May 2019
Whilst the sun doth rise
Bird and beast awaken
From slumber
So profound
Canceling all else out

In the cavern
Walking into the tavern
I should have known

Awaiting me
Sins I should not know
Never should I commit such a terror
For reasons I simply
Can no longer grasp
Such was completed

Quicker than a hare
I flee
Feeling it
Closing in
Making my skin ripple
Crawling uncontrollably

Walking up
The stairway to hell's door
Have it
I shouldn't
It won't hurt...

A quick sip
Pain rushing in
Regretting all in an instant
Never touching it again
I didn't even know me anymore

Close my weary eyes
Open again
Peace to chaos
Wondering what went wrong
Then realizing
It's all over now...

Toss it aside
Bring it back
Tear myself apart
Drag the pain across
Blood oozing
One after another
Thump, thump, thump
I plee
To me
Let me go...

Watch it all go
Mocking you
Talking to you
You do
Only momentarily eased...

Nothing I can do
About these past regrets
But look back
Take the attack
Head on
Then submit
To the painful defeat

- Jay M
May 1st, 2019
Apr 2019 · 322
"Happy" Birthday
Jay M Apr 2019
Approaching the day
Oh that day
Fate tempts
Yet I ignore it
Telling it
That was the past

Fear and excitement
This is something I can't escape from
No hiding
Pacing back and forth
Looking to the clock


The days pass by
In the blink of an eye
I'm not ready
I'm not that strong
Not another year...

Feeling my soul; so *****
Dragging me down
To the depths of the unspeakable

None, nothing
Inside I feel nothing
But everything all at once

You raised me
Yet what do you know
Of my pain?

A sea
Waves crashing down
Like everything I touch

Knocking on the door
How could I do more?
I am in constant wonder

That's all I have to do


Today is the day
Throw my life away
Or should I stay?

They sing
They dance
But they don't know

8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13...

The day I planned
The day I longed for
Now fearing

Plan ahead
Don't dread
It's all in your head
It's all in your head...

The past is the past
Don't cut the cord
It's not your place
To erase all you know

- Jay M
April 30, 2019
Apr 2019 · 330
Jay M Apr 2019
Non dies transit, ut non **** te
Sed, putatis de me?

Numquam erit vere scio,
Quia ego sum non a mente lector
Aut via, possum tamen te amo,
Non possum?

O bene.
Not a day goes by that I don't think of you
But, do you think of me?

Never shall I truly know,
For I am not a mind reader
Either way, I can still love you,
Can't I?

Oh well.

Latin and translated to English. The title means Darling.
Apr 2019 · 133
Jay M Apr 2019
In the dark of night
Creeping in the tall grass
Swaying in the breeze
Then, a canorous sound fills the air

Ensorcelled by the melody
A deterge of all worry
Overcome with tranquility
The dulcetity of the voice

Erubescent when I look at you
The eviturnity of words to say
Yet none would tell of the inexplicable emotion
I somehow contain
For you; it shall remain

You pull me in
Embracing me
I feel your heartbeat
And hear it
Echoing through your ribs

Take my hand
It'll be alright
You are stronger than you know

Taken aback by your manner
The way that you laugh
Makes me giddy
The way that you smile
Makes me blush
The way that you look at me
So affectionate and sheepish
Makes me ripple inside
With joy and happiness
Something I haven't felt in a long time

Yet somehow
I am still plagued by sorrow
Steadily festering beneath my skin
For years
Threatening to take hold
Yet when I'm with you
It's like a camisado
The demons suddenly attacked
The happiness you bring battling them
Capturing them
Keeping them at bay

I feel it tearing me up
The blood of the demons
As you strike them
Is still blood
The demons
Though so cruel
Held me when I was alone...
They wiped away my tears...

Seeing them so
Makes my attachment to them grow
Then, when I go
I let them go
The happiness gone
Drained like the flip of a switch
That only goes off
Only on
By your hand

- Jay M
April 26th, 2019
Camisado: A military attack in the night
Canorous: A melodic or resonate sound
Ensorcell(ed): To enchant or fascinate someone
Deterge: To cleanse thoroughly
Dulcet: another word for beautiful
Erubescent: reddish or blushing
Eviturnity: to be everlasting in duration/eternal existence

Have fun trying to keep up with this one...
Apr 2019 · 135
Holding On
Jay M Apr 2019
Pacing back and forth
Worrying what you think
Of your little girl
But the truth is
I'm not that little anymore

13, going on 14
Weeks away
I promise you
I won't take myself away

Even though I want to
So badly
I'll stick around
A bit longer
I'll fight
For the sake of fighting
Not for me
But for everybody
So let me be...


Crying my eyes out
Screaming the cry of the lonely;
"Leave me alone!"
But that
Is another way of saying;
"Show me that you care enough to stay with me.."

Take my hand
Lift me up
Where the demons can't get me
Hiding in the marrow of my bones

I'm holding on..
I'm right here...
But what does that matter
When they only see you
When you mess up?

More reasons to leave
Than to stay
Just give me a reason.
One good reason why I should listen
To the "good things" about me?

I am a tainted soul
A demon in the skin of a child
Wanting so badly for things to be okay
Better than just "okay"
To be happy...

But how
When everything around you
Leaves you,
Hates you,
Despises you,
Doesn't know your name
But you know so much about them?

There is no good reason
Not for me
But for some reason
A purpose I have yet to classify
I remain.

I will
For as long as it takes
Until I've finally given up
Reached my breaking point
The last breaking point
When, finally,
I have no will at all
All is empty
Not a false reason
Void of all humanity
To the point where I am but a corpse
A shell of a person I used to know well...

- Jay M
April 25th, 2019
Well, I'm sticking around...
Apr 2019 · 146
Don't Want To Hurt You
Jay M Apr 2019
Seated beside you
Pulled in and held close
Talking, laughing,
What a marvelous thing indeed

What's in your head?
This, or something more?
Such is only lore...
I think

Do you wish to caress my lips?
To kiss me?
Well, dear one,
Be careful
For I am unpredictable
Not even knowing what I would do
If such were to occur

The last time
I was kissed
I froze in anxiety
Not sure what to do
Yet liking it
To such an extent
That I had no idea how to react
Ruining the moment
Hurting them...

Don't take it personally
My emotions for you are boundless
But I don't want to hurt you

Whenever I get close
Like in such manner
I fear I have no way
Of doing a thing
But freeze

From it too
But other things fester...

It is hard to
Let it all go
Try to learn what to do
I'm afraid you fell for a fool

- Jay M
April 25th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 238
Someone Cares
Jay M Apr 2019
Lying on the floor
Trying to get cold
Burning on the inside
Nausea plaguing me
Head spinning
Up in the sky
Can't feel this mortal body

A single tear drops
The first drop
Signaling the rainstorm

Trembling violently
Unable to stop myself
Slipping away

Hearing voices
The ground leaving me
I'm being lifted

In arms so strong
I am silent
Hiding in the chill of my bones
Laying still
Heart beating

Grasping tightly to a cord
Then staying just that
Loose, yet there

Back on my feet
Wishing, halfheartedly,
That I had let go

Then again
The other half cries in relief
So glad it remained

Pulled in
Heart beating
Words mumbled
Feeling in my hands fleeting
Unsure what shall win

Then suddenly
All is gone
I find myself eased
Over time
I realize;
Someone cares

- Jay M
April 24th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 258
Back & Forth
Jay M Apr 2019
I hear you wondering
Why things aren't they were before

Holding you
"It'll be okay"
But not believing it myself

You are not alone
Don't be afraid
I won't go too
Pulled from your small arms

Holding you
Then you lashing out
Kicking me aside
Shutting yourself off
Healing slower
Than a car crash victim

Wailing that split the night
"You don't know!"
But little did you know
I cried
And I cried
Like silent raindrops
They fell

Each hit
From your small fists
Like a bullet
Piercing my heart

Moving from place to place
Feet barely touch the ground
Then finally
When you stop
Every second
You expect to leave

Bouncing back and forth
House to house
Mother to father
Father to mother

Can't stop this train
One to another
Feeling like a tool

Do this
Do that
Lists of expectations
Remember them all?

Yet we have to
We don't like that
But we have to go on
Doing it anyway
Until we leave
To be on our own

- Jay M
April 23rd, 2019
My sister used to cry about my parents divorce. She was so little when it happened. She was scared of loosing me too.
Apr 2019 · 159
Jay M Apr 2019
When the light turns
When dawn breaks
Illuminating this land
Unknown to the innocent
All too familiar to the ******

Some make themselves at home
Others run for their lives
While I perch
Overlooking the city
Filled with the dead

Here again
One of thousands
Miles apart
Yet never closer

I've lost so much
Yet almost nothing at all
Finding everything hard to bare
Yet taking it on in a heartbeat

It still exists
Though it shouldn't be
Not to me

Not supposed to be in pain
Not supposed to be down the drain
Washed over and over by the filth
Toxic waste of the world around me

There I was
Here I am
And always will be

- Jay M
April 23rd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 300
Jay M Apr 2019
Causing them so much frustration
Wanting me to be their perfect little princess
But that's the one thing I'll never be

Why do they put pressure on me?
Expecting everything to be easy
And for me to be so oblivious to them
What they say
What they whisper
Behind my back

You should love me for being myself
Let me be who I am
It's torturing me
That I can't break free
From the expectations

Not a stranger to the lies
When our eyes meet
I do not wish to be afraid
I do not wish to be a disappointment
Even though I already am

These scars wouldn't be so hidden
If you would just look me in the eye
I want to be safe in your embrace
Not threatened to  be caged
Far from all I know

I am alone
In this house
Barely heard
Tears that cannot drip
Yet crash like rain
A hurricane of pain

The violence causes silence
From it
The ashes stir
Who are we mistaken?

With their words
And their actions
And their lack of empathy
Another will is breaking
Heart takes over

They are writhing in agony
Bottling the truth
And giving it to the ocean
Forever lost
Yet always there
Waiting to be found

Their way
Or no way
Just keep quiet
They won't suspect a thing
When you disappear...

- Jay M
April 22nd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 248
Jay M Apr 2019
Out of nowhere
Outbursts of rage
Fists flying
Immediate action

All is silent
Fear to even move
The two gone
Yet the shock remains

Minutes on end
But still
The fear endures
Despite all being over

Voice barely shared
I work
Writing for seemingly nothing
In the midst of the recovering people

- Jay M
April 19th, 2019
There was a fight in my science class. Well, sorta.
Apr 2019 · 255
Jay M Apr 2019
Droplets of red
Upon my head
As I cry
But it just won't stop

Keeping a wall of thorns
Decorated by the blood
Of those who tried to get through
You can't break through...
Don't let it get you, too...

An invisible hand
Tugging my strings
Pulling them tighter still
Killing me inside
Every breath battled for
Every step forced forward

Holding my head
Blood dripping to it
From my legs
From my arms...

Sleepless and so tired
Barely getting by
And every day
I ask; Why?

Growling at me
Snapping jaws
Scaring me
Into obedience

Elongated ears
Black hide
Slick, like tar
Muscled and lean
It awakens
And looks to me
With utter calm
And understanding
It stands
Dots of white for eyes
Guiding me to a tunnel
Dark and unknown
Then leaving me...

Lying on the floor of the bathroom
Trembling hands as I hold it
The sewing needle
Dragging it over my skin
Over and over
My light has long faded
Maybe never was
Dropping the needle

Grasping the cup
Drinking the soothing water
Then holding some
In my mouth
Pills in my other hand


"I just want to be okay...
No more lying...
No more crying...
No more being the little failure..."

Delicately placing them in my mouth
Swallowing my poison
Now waiting
Hiding in the chill in my bones

Then I look up
Seeing the room spin
Go dark
Fade away from view
As I fall away...

Waking up in my bed
No blood oozing
No pills in my hand
No fading away to my rest...

Helpless, but I try anyway
Picking myself up
Dragging myself around
Because I know;

No matter how bad I get
There is always someone who cares...
Someone who would take my pain...
Never do I want them to take my burden
So I'll stay for them
Whomever they may be...

- Jay M
April 19th, 2019
This is based on a drawing I made...and a dream I had. Well, here you go...
Apr 2019 · 91
The Boot
Jay M Apr 2019
Long ago
I recall
Standing up tall
Pulling myself up
Then falling down
Crying, wailing in pain
Thundering footsteps come
Taken away
Then all is just gone
Lost from memory

Strapping on the heavy boot
Black fabric
Velcro straps
Comfortable, despite the injury
Then came crutches
Smiling despite my pain
Showing I am not prey

Months of waiting
Slowed down
Pressing questions
Too much fuss over something so small
Leave me;
Go care for thy self

"A little more time will do you good."
Never in any extra second was it
The torture 'twas
Unable to do much of anything
Merely there
Observing everything
Another world away
Muzzle in a book

At last, the day came
Freedom once again!
Just awaiting the moment
To run into the wilderness

- Jay M
April 17th, 2019
In the summer between 3rd and 4th grade, I sprained my Achilles tendon. I read books in my spare time, and when I was healed all I could think about was running.
Apr 2019 · 256
Joy & Nervousness
Jay M Apr 2019
Unimaginable joy
Un-channel-able emotion
So good
Yet so terrifying
Fear of messing up
But boundless joy of the return of emotion

How shall this be placed into words?
I wonder
Coming up with anything
Yet nothing truly fits

Shaking before you
Looking to the floor in nervousness
Short, yet comforting

So loud and calming
Then a little wave goodbye
Once out of sight
A little twirl in the sun
Smiling in glee
For what has become of me

Taking a seat
My heart skips a beat
Thinking of this marvel
That this has become.

- Jay M
April 17th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 1.6k
Forest Of Memory
Jay M Apr 2019
Following me
Chilling my bones
Sending ripples through my muscles
Fear slowly injected into my veins

But none show
None are there
Only you

Looking back
Only to see you are lost
In a forest so dark and unknown
Stealing the light
Not even doing so much
As to put up a fight

Feather falls
Bird unseen
Cries into the void
Echos returning

Fragile soul
Yet ever so bold
Stronger as it grows old
Scrape away the mold
To reveal the marvel within

But this mold
Cracked and chipped
Will it ever break of its prison?
Will it ever glimpse a future
Beyond this childhood?

Wailing from the depths of the heart
Only one of two emerges
Taking the child in
Arguments burst
For years...

It overwhelms

Temporary stability
Then the world quakes
Your life shakes
Then all is quiet
Only for a little while

Yelling, shouting,
Whilst I am hiding
Trying so hard to escape it
But you're too caught up
In your terror and rage
That you don't think of me
Hiding in the dark
Waiting for the sweet
Yet haunting
Sound of silence...

- Jay M
April 17th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 340
Jay M Apr 2019
Aching in my chest
Pain of loss
Yet who have I lost?

Running to the balcony
Laying on the edge
Looking at the stars
Taking the pain away...

Barely holding on
The demons I'm made of
Locking myself in
Letting them win
But I didn't stand a chance,
Did I?

They say they'll make you right
But they only make you worse

Long endless highway
Finally pulling to the streets
Someone runs a red light
Braking, we're inches away from being hit.

Driving off like it was nothing
But I could have lost you
All of you...

Sitting alone in the dark
Used to take one
Now it takes six
Going over
But never under
Shaking uncontrollably
But I'll be okay
I'll still be alive...

I feel my heartbeat
Wondering when it will stop
Letting me go
Into the unknown

I swear I love you
But if I stay
I'll only destroy you...
That's all I ever do
To everyone I love...

Fighting to stay
Yet yearning to go
It all comes back to this
Doesn't it?

I can't take your hand
Mine are bound
Living a nightmare
Crying, aching,
But somehow
I'm still here
I just want to hear you
"Lets go home.."

- Jay M
April 16th, 2019
Memories just...haunt
Apr 2019 · 121
New Solution
Jay M Apr 2019
Walking to fate
Door opens
Familiar face
But even so
Not all things familiar
Should be welcomed with embrace

The new solution!?

Only anger
Thoughts still uncontrollable
"Go, go.."
But that's not what they're supposed to say.

Still the same thoughts
Never caged
Not for long in the least

A cure?
No such thing could be
Even if it were
Without me knowing
It would be buried
Deep inside me
Beyond that of which I cannot recall
Cast to the lowest it may go

Tears, screaming, pain,
Everything becoming dull
My reason for being made null
But still I remain
Still I drag myself along
This rugged road
Feeling so much
But nothing at all...

- Jay M
April 15th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 188
Soundless Cries
Jay M Apr 2019
Hopeless and left for dead
Going with what they say
Hiding behind the mask
Never to ask...
"Help me."

Words, images,
This madness consuming
The darkness surrounding
Calling to me
Whispering my name
Making nightmares reality
Reminding me of what is to come...

Locked myself in the bathroom
Lying on the floor
Delicately, firmly,
Dragging the needle across my skin
My pain
Reminding me
That I am still alive
Still human...

Lying alone in my room
I cry out
But no sound escapes my lips
Not a sound
Aside from each breath
Each one forced

Closing my eyes
Hearing whispers
Too scared to utter a word
To a soul

Back to the wall
Curled in a ball
Tears forced on
Pain throbbing
Thoughts bobbing
In the ocean of my mind.

- Jay M
April 15th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 261
Anxiety of Crushing
Jay M Apr 2019
New week
There was no reason to worry!

You were not told
So I can put my anxiety on hold
Yet still
I wonder...
Is there a chance
In the future?

My emotions
Churning like oceans
The inner tempest
In temporary rest...

I hope this is a phase
While I walk
In this maze
Of which
Is nameless.

For the time
When my heart stops racing
My pulse under control
Put out this strange fire
Pulsing in my veins

Other matters
Left for another piece
Of the endless numbers
Of parchment
To hold my thoughts.

- Jay M
April 15th, 2019
I'm such an idiot.
Apr 2019 · 298
Jay M Apr 2019
You strumming your guitar,
While I play my Irish whistle,
A beautiful and strange duet,
Filling the air,
Turning heads here and there,
For now,
What could I have to regret?

Then, another speaks,
Stops the music,
Reality hits,
Then it come creeping back,
The anxiety,
The worry,
Out of nowhere;

Walking swiftly away,
For some reason,
Glancing back,
Seeing you looking back at me,
Then I turn, run a bit,
Hide in the crowd,
Fearing that if I look back,
You'll catch up,
Asking me if it were true;
If I've been thinking about you...

- Jay M
April 12th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 426
I Like You
Jay M Apr 2019
Here I am again
Broken into pieces
Of who I once was.

I lost so much along the road

Longing to find something
In someone
Keeping in mind; you're likely out there
Eventually making me whole again
Yet, I wonder if such is possible
Out there in the expanse
Understanding me...

Some say I am too young for such things
Alas, did they not have a first love?
Maybe someone
Will understand me
But until that day
I am alone
Lost to myself
And all reason.

- Jay M
April 12th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 318
Where Is Here?
Jay M Apr 2019
Seeing you
Sitting there
Strumming away
Glancing at me
But saying nothing.

A question here
A song sung there
But still I wonder;
Where is here?

People pass
Day after day
Jealousy of a friend
But what does it matter?
I dare not ruin the friendship
Not a chance.

Still I wish to come close
To hear your heartbeat
The rhythm
Somehow perfectly
Matching the tune
You play

But I still try to navigate myself...

Just looking
At you
Kills me
Even filling me back with energy...

- Jay M
April 11th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 135
Gone Home
Jay M Apr 2019
As I sit here
In the same desk
Looking across
Only seeing you're gone.

Listening to this sad song
I can't help but want to hold you
But you're at home
Where I can't reach you
Wishing to make sure you're alright...

"Hold on,"
Friend, do I worry too much?
Do I care too much
That every inch of me aches when you're gone?
Even if only for the day
Knowing I'll probably see you tomorrow
I still wish to run in and hold you...

Friend of mine,
I care so much
But what does that matter?

I'm trying to continue
Partially have
But still I care for you.

Is this friendship I feel
Or is it something stronger?

Either way
I care, I worry,
Because I'm only human.

- Jay M
April 11th, 2019
something stronger = closest friend/sister (To clarify)
Apr 2019 · 251
Jay M Apr 2019
This day
Torturing me so
Never letting me go.

Not long ago
Out worlds collided
Someway, somehow,
Trying so hard to catch the drift.

Barely speaking
Playing your emotions
A beauty, enticing me,
Framed with something unseen.

I do not wish to be afraid
Yet I do fear
For I hope to hear
Those sweet words
From your lips.

Day after day
You see me
But talk so little..

Am I the reason,
Or am I simply
Getting it all wrong?

So gentle
That soul of yours
Trying to hold yourself together
But just know
Even if your eyes don't see this truth
That I would rush to your aid
And hold you.

What is it
In your head
That just makes you so fascinating?
The way you mumble
The way you fumble
Strumming the minutes away
Like they are all you have.

I did not mean to feel this
But here I am
Falling for you
More and more each minute.

Worlds apart
Yet only a foot away
Daring me to come closer...

Daring me to ask the question...

- Jay M
April 10th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 120
The Lake
Jay M Apr 2019
Maybe I wouldn't be so closed off
If you would just look me in the eye.
I don't want to die inside
Just to breath in....

"You are not alone"
Is that so?
Crippled by anger
Tears that drip
Forming rivers
Leading them home
Feeding the lake.

In winter
Never frozen
Yet colder than ice.

In summer
Never less
None evaporated
Hot as a flame
Yet still water.

- Jay M
April 8th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 385
Sing Me To Sleep
Jay M Apr 2019
Sing me to sleep,
Lull me into a dream,
So I can be at rest
At last.

A melody so soothing,
A harmony so comforting,
Tone so gentle,
Relaxing my ever anxious mind,
Bringing me to an eased state of mind.

- Jay M
April 5th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 226
Drowning Out
Jay M Apr 2019
Drowning in an ocean
Of emotion
Torturing me
Unable to break free...

- Jay M
April 5th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 157
I Thought Wrong
Jay M Apr 2019
I've been following every road I can find,
Falling in a hotel,
I cannot keep living with a delicate mind,
Waking up with it all in my head,
Running through memories I shouldn't keep...

What for?

I can't find an ending until I'm on my own,
On my knees in pain,
Why can't I reason with them,
To leave me be?
These demons in my head.

I thought wrong.

I can't ever get rid of them,
You can't get rid of something
That's been a part of you,
For all your life,
Unless you cut it out and off...

Every time I look up,
I try to put it up,
Out into the clouds,
But that doesn't mean they'll go.

- Jay M
April 4th, 2019
Apr 2019 · 230
Start Trying
Jay M Apr 2019
Sometimes I want you to know
That I am only human
And not a machine
Reaching for a reason
To keep going.

Too much
Really, is this what you want?
Yesterday you said you loved me
In the end; calling me crazy
Never thought you'd say that
Going 'round in my head now....

But that was yesterday.

- Jay M
April 4th, 2019
Let's see if you find it.
Apr 2019 · 231
Jay M Apr 2019
Here I stand,
Helpless and left for dead,
Larva crawling across my skin,
Eating away my eyes,
In this world so cold..

Feeling those cold, dead eyes,
Stealing this life of mine.

My soul wants to go home,
But it's tethered,
Chained to this shell,
Unable to be released until
The shells final dawn.

So far,
Yet growing ever closer,
Through each passing day,
Reminding me to make each one count,
Yet, to what amount?

In the end,
Will it matter
What good I did?
'Cause I know my sins are too strong,
Probably outweighing the good deeds.

Potential deity, fate,
Please ease my pain,
Please tell me there's a happy ending...

- Jay M
April 3rd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 210
Close Friend
Jay M Apr 2019
You were my flashlight,
Guiding me in the dark,
Smiling with me in the rain,
Then you stopped,
Let me go,
Never let me back in,
But what did I do?

I have always been there for you,
And still will be,
But why did you throw me out of your world?

Dear friend of mine,
Why lies in that mind of thine?
Did I,
Some way,
Do you wrong?

Talking to you,
Spending time with you,
Asking to see you over,
Or go over,
Do those normal things,
Wasn't that enough?

What ever happened to the sky is the limit?
The night we spent together,
When I held you,
While you cried,
And talked to you,
Helping you,
Sneaking out with you,
Yet, what does that mean to you now?

You act like I don't exist,
Making every excuse as to not see me,
But what is it all for?
What for?

I wouldn't mind,
If you just came back,
If you just were my friend again,
Treating me like a human being,
And not like a stray dog.

No matter the reason,
I would come running back if you called,
I would run into the burning building,
And carry you out,
Nurse you back to health,
And stay with you.

If you ran in fear,
I wouldn't chase.
I'm not ignorant -
I know when enough is enough,
But please,
One day, once again, would be nice...

Maybe something as gracious as an explanation;
A reason why I was made a wraith,
Sitting alone in the rain,
Instead of by your side,
Where I long to be...

If this is creepy,
I apologize,
I only mean to say
I miss you,
And wish,
So much,
To know why I was ghosted...
Or at least to be your friend again...

- Jay M
April 3rd, 2019
I just hope one day you'll be my friend again.
Apr 2019 · 112
Jay M Apr 2019
Times of pain,
Though seemingly eternal,
Like all things,
Come to an end.

Look into my eyes;
They still have that same spark,
I still keep trying,
Even if I feel like dying,
There will be a time,
Some time,
When I am at peace with my demons.

Though I find it hard to believe,
And others such as myself,
There may just be a future waiting there,
If you keep going,
And go meet it.

Don't forget who you are,
Because you are so much more than this pain,
You can concur it,
Maybe one day look back,
Filled with pride of what you overcame.

Please, just don't stop fighting,
Just don't give up,
There could be so much more,
If you just give it a chance.

- Jay M
April 3rd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 81
Jay M Apr 2019
Underneath the skin,
Burrowing into the flesh,
Carving itself a home,
Wrapping up around the heart,
Coiled around the brain,
Relentlessly, slowly, squeezing,
My demons, my devils,

Sinking in since the beginning,
Put in,
Made the creature of horror I am,
Tainting all around me...

Sleepless for a week,
Unable to stop lowering my eyes,
Saying goodbye,
Trying, and failing,
Then the cold times arise....

Thrown down,
Pulled apart,
Unable to make the past disappear,
Never quite being enough...

Running in the dark,
Sitting in the cover,
Watching the rain fall,
Peaceful, contently,
Only a memory...

Made a wraith,
Walked right through,
Falling down,
Unable to resurface...

- Jay M
April 3rd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 108
Jay M Apr 2019
Silently, I scream.
Hopelessly, I reach out to an unknown figure.
The storm is rising within,
Raging like a tempest,
Unable to settle,
Maybe for a moment,
But all gone in an instant,
Swept up in the madness.

Waves crashing against the shore,
Out among them,
I drown in an ocean
Of emotion,
Yet everyone around me is breathing.

Crippled by woe,
Beaten by the most powerful foe,
So tired of feeling so weak,
Helplessly tossed in the winds,
Bashed against the rocks.

The only anesthetics,
Are the things that bring me physical pain,
Yet it feels so good,
Just to feel something,
And know where it's coming from.

Tears that still drip,
Never stopping,
Never seen,
Told they don't exist,
Yet here they are...

Another head hangs low,
Beside me in the madness,
But you see,
This is no fantasy;
They too are crying,
They too are tired,
They, too, have struggled to find a way out.

When the violence causes silence,
When the silence causes insanity,
What could thrive there?
In this empty crypt?

It's the same old thing,
Since the dawn of time,
Since the birth of our world,
So beautiful,
Yet so killer...

- Jay M
April 3rd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 134
Alone In Misery
Jay M Apr 2019
Caught up in the expectations,
And you say you want the best for me,
Want me to be your perfect little girl,
And it's torturing me,
This pain won't go away,
Every day keeping it at bay,
Now all is so bitter...

It's getting harder to breath,
Burning my lungs,
One day you'll learn from making your lungs black,
While I try to learn from making my soul black.

I hope so immensely for the pain to go away,
Yet if I spoke it,
I would be taken away,
From all I know,
Into oblivion...

Sitting here,
Alone to bathe in my misery,

Too many problems,
And I want to run home,
But what good would that be?

Being rejected;
Now I can't find what I've left behind...

This is where I lie,
Broken inside,
Slowly outside,
Loosing my mind,
Being left behind.

- Jay M
April 2nd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 281
Hardly Knew
Jay M Apr 2019
She's fallen from grace,
Her mind's all over the place,
How can she keep running this endless race?

Fantasize the happiness,
Put aside the loneliness;
Making the same mistakes again,
Don't know where she belongs...

Broken inside, with no place to go,
Dried out her eyes,
Open yours;
The feelings she hides,
Falling behind,
Every moment; remind, relive, repeat,
Lost in the silence,
Lost inside,
The land inside...

Dark and damp,
Awaiting a savior,
Someone, reach to her...
Is there anybody out there...?

No, not even the remains of the family,
Torn apart...

She cries tonight,
Wondering what she can do;
Another pill,
Another drink,
Another fake smile,
She lives her worst nightmares...

She cries, she lies,
She's on memories that she once knew,
Then there's another empty bottle on the floor,
Not hers...

Every night, just one more night,
She tries so hard to go on..

Dried eyes, there's nothing more she can do...
The daughter that they hardly knew...
Once so innocent,
Now so far gone...

- Jay M
April 2nd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 194
Jay M Apr 2019
I could use a hand sometimes...
I am only human
So imperfect
So strange
Yet so much like others that it scares me;
On some levels.

On most, we are as unalike as day and night
As sky is to sea
Or as large is to shrimp.

I fall down
I get hurt
So easily
But nobody can see...

Being left out in the dark,
Being punched in the face,
Stabbed in the back,
Kicked to the curb,
Even so far as demonized...

Then again; was I not a demon all along?
That's what they keep telling me
Branding me with this thing...
This parasite that has burrowed deep within,
And won't stop until it has consumed me entirely.

- Jay M
April 2nd, 2019
Apr 2019 · 92
Jay M Apr 2019
Crying in the night,
Mother, uncertain of what to do,
Tried so many ways to hush her,
Yet she cries in her arms.

Taking her outside,
Under the star light,
In the moonlight,
The beauty it is,
Soothing the child,
The cries slowly stop,
Giving way to slow, sleeping breaths.

Years later, the child is restless,
Sitting in bed, unable to sleep,
Finally getting up, and going to the window,
Looking out to the moon,
Giving her that soothing feeling,
As the many times before,
Yet a bit of energy,
Some sort of comfort,
So strange, yet familiar...

Night falls again,
The child is older,
Senses the connection,
Goes into its light,
Basking in it as the moments go on.

Found, she is brought in,
Puzzled, the mother asks why.
The answer comes,
Easily, like breathing;

"It comforts me,
It soothes my soul,
It connects somehow,
So familiar,
Yet so...different."

Realization, though not entirely,
The mother brings her in,
Seats her, and holds the child in her arms.

"Not even I understand,"
She admits,
"But it soothes me too."

- Jay M
April 1st, 2019
Apr 2019 · 118
Jay M Apr 2019
Pretending to know,
Pretending to be one of them...

One of the group,
Belonging to a people,
Yet no matter what,
I end up on the outside...

Expected to know so much,
Yet knowing so little,
So naive, so foolish,
Feeling little connection,
Yet so strong.

Being on the outside all my life,
Wanting to find a place I belong,
Yet when I think I find it,
I am cast out,
Thrown from all I then know,
And tossed to yet another empty road,
Eventually picked up out of pity,
Or drifting to people after the loneliness is unbearable.

The bonds once so strong,
Yet faded so easily,
On one end;
Never mine...

So desperately I hold on,
Trying to come back,
Yet, they never want me back...

Once an outcast,
Always an outcast,
Once a reject of society,
Always a reject of society.

Never again will they talk to me;
Not unless it is to turn me away,
Never again will they see me over;
Not unless they are so desperate,
So needing for company,
And all else turn away but I...

So long I have tried to find my place,
Yet never have I truly fit anywhere...
Will I ever be at rest?
No, I suppose not,
Considering that none stay for long,
No matter how long I've known them,
No matter if I give them gifts,
No matter if I try to talk to them,
No matter if I try to be the person they want me to be...
Because no matter how much I try,
I can never be that person they want me to be,
Or even me...

- Jay M
April 1st, 2019
I'm here too...
Apr 2019 · 653
Deserve It
Jay M Apr 2019
I take a deep breath,
Not sure what to do,
I walk in circles,
But I'll never figure it out...

Watch my eyes; they're not filled with fear,
I'd be with you forever,
As long as you need me,
Just keep fighting,
Keep trying..

We all need to be free,
Deserve it,
Born with that right,
Just talk to me...

- Jay M
April 1st, 2019
Apr 2019 · 233
Drag On
Jay M Apr 2019
Bracing for battle in the night,
Fighting because I know I cannot hide,
Forever I shall be chased for my lies...

I'm not fine,
I'm not alright,
I'm running scared...
Of myself.

It's just a game of waiting;
Take the pills,
Feel better now,
Feel better now,
You'll be better by tomorrow...

Weeks go by,
No, months,
No change...

Take a hit,
Shoot me down,
I'd rather die than give up the fight...
Wait..or are those the same thing?

I'm not scared to shed a little blood,
This time I won't let go,
Not now,
I won't go down slow,
Not with this sinking ship,
This sinking feeling...

Let it go,
Keep trying,
Slash it off,
Won't wave my white flag,
Won't let them take over just yet,
Drag on just for them,
See how they like it.

- Jay M
April 1st, 2019
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