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5h · 50
Lasting Shadows
As a child
I hid under my covers,
Fearing the monsters of the night
Lurking beneath my bed.

But now they live in my mind,
Crawling through the cracks,
Festering— even in the sun’s warmth.

No blanket can shield me.
No lamp, no lullaby.

I close my eyes
But still, they linger.
The worst monsters
Aren’t under our beds
But inside us
2d · 51
A Path Divided
If I betray my freedom
I betray myself,
Becoming a stranger in my own skin
Quietly echoing the voice of the crowd.
But if I betray the rules,
Break free and stray from the paved path,
I betray my comrades
I betray the people I lead
If I break free, I stand alone in exile
But if I conform, “I” do not exist anymore
6d · 69
There has to be a reason
Why I'm here on Earth,
And not in a world far away, where I can be anything more
More than a child who can do nothing but cry
Why am I here?
7d · 40
Use me
Hurt me
Abuse me
Exploit me

But please
Don’t toss me away
“I’ve already played with you for so long, let me play with my new friends instead.”
Words and actions, we were five.
I’ve feared replacement all my life
You gave me this trauma.
Blades clash, shattering
Unspoken words, a sword falls
Silence, then weeping
Friends from different sides spar together for the very last time
7d · 35
I am Misplaced
I am not the black sheep, so why don’t I belong?
My wool stands out amongst the heard, a speck of dirt on a
I am not flicked away, but forced into another’s coat
To match the sea of white.
I am a stranger in my own body,
A mess of shredded wool and yearning
Yearning for my home
“Return to home!” My soul does cry, I want to listen so. But my heart has sheep that it holds dear, refusing to let go.
Lostling Feb 23
Just when I think I’m clean,
The blood is on my hands again.
The knife clatters to the floor; I wish it’d stab me through my foot
Because you won’t let me apologise.
Can’t you see?
Atonement is the only thing that will cleanse these hands
At least till I fall again
No need for a knife. Paper cuts still bleed.
Feb 20 · 49
Before Bed
Lostling Feb 20
Quiet nights alone
Pen scratching against paper
Finally, day's end
Feb 20 · 94
Lostling Feb 20
I saw a familiar face in a crowd
Like dye in clear water
Disappear before I could reach it
What used to be a daily sight
Snuffed out like a candles light
Only smoke remains
Feb 20 · 65
When you fly away
Lostling Feb 20
I could only watch
As the people that helped me out of my egg
Took flight
As my seniors that showed me how to walk
Spread their wings
As my friends who showed me that path to the skies
Left for the clouds
Now, as I watch over the baby birds,
I know that soon, I too will have to leave.
Faces leave like birds in the winter
Except sometimes they don't return

(Another passing out parade is coming up, and I dont know if I'll cry or celebrate at mine)
Feb 20 · 188
Lostling Feb 20
The claps
Explode inside my ears, thundering blanks of noise
The cheers and chatter
Rush into my ears like seawater, and I can't help but drown...
Static everywhere, wires zinging and zapping,
Skewer my brain and blend it into froth
Pouring out of my eyes as I squeeze them shut.
And as the frost rushes through my spine, into my lungs,
Curling its claws around my throat,
My screams for silence are just that.
Where you hear commands
I hear abuse
Where you hear applause
Only gunshots ring out for me

(Never touching uniform groups again)
Feb 14 · 100
Valentine's Day
Lostling Feb 14
I have no lover
Nor fiancé
Nor crush or valentine
But still I have
A different kind of love
I can call mine
I have my friends
And family
Whom do I treasure so
They love me well
And I do too, more
Than I can ever show
Happy Valentine's Day!

(One does not need a valentine to know the warmth of love
Instead it’s found inside the heart, around thee, and above)
Feb 12 · 84
Russian Doll
Lostling Feb 12
The biggest shall protect the small
That’s how the doll’s life goes
Lies that cover up the truth
So weakness does not show
And even if you think you know
What really lies within
Another face laughs mockingly
In secret with a grin
Each one is different, yet the same
With layers stripped and worn
Who can tell what’s real from fake
With this ever changing form?
I realise now, they are not masks
Nor lies or false facades
Instead they are a spirit, whole
Made up of different parts
(I’ve long accepted I am me
Even the parts you cannot see)
Lostling Feb 11
You came
Like a thrush;
Swiftly over the soft hills of powdered snow

And landed
On my shoulder
Perching on me as snowflakes dusted my hair

Then you left
In a single breath
Leaving me behind to face the avalanche, alone once more
(One moment of air, ten years of drowning
Hold my breath and keep on counting
Till I can breathe again)
Feb 10 · 140
To stay awake
Lostling Feb 10
Rest did not come find me last night
Instead I laid wide awake staring at the ceiling

Now exhaustion sits on my shoulder
Smirking and taunting me

So I pop a coffee sweet
Bitter alertness rolls over my tongue

But exhaustion returns, a sly fox
Dragging my eyelids down, stealing my strength

So I take another sweet
This one just as bitter as the last

The day crawls by and once again,
The wold is getting fuzzy…

Another one swallowed
And soon, I’ll need to buy a new supply
(As sleepless nights siphon from my soul, caffeine’s the tape that keeps me whole. At least just for the day)
Lostling Feb 10
I fear not the freezing nights on my lonesome
Nor the sad return to an empty house
Nor the burn of the blazing sky
Nor the voices berating
(They don’t exist)
Nor the dark

For you are here
To save me from myself
And take me to another world
One where we can live in our memories
Memories we call safe, and safe is what you are
Mid pleasures and palaces though we may roam, Be it ever so humble there's no place like home!— John Howard Payne

To me, home isn’t a place, it’s a person.
Feb 10 · 383
Nothing’s New
Lostling Feb 10
Stuck in a time loop
Of endless days with only false ends in sight
Filled with papers
That cut me up and down
Till I’m once again a coward
Wanting the easy escape
Just to break the cycle
Just to make the pain stop
I hate school and I don’t know what to do.

(Though time may pass and sessions change, it wavers not, this lasting pain)
Feb 10 · 58
Lostling Feb 10
The day I watched the fire die
Only once did my tears fall
But I knew that once the moon was neigh
I would answer sorrow’s call
Despite the embers that remain;
Pathetic wisps go hope
I know it’ll never be the same
As I clutch this rotting rope
I think the walls rate closing in
But maybe it’s just me
The emptiness hurts from within
So suffocatingly
I guess this is the place where we
Have no choice but to part
In the future I hope I’ll see
Us in each other’s hearts
Till the next time we can meet, friend,
I’ll save a seat for you
Though many faces are fleeting
You’ll stay one of the few
This was literature homework =P

(Emptiness this loss does bring,
And so the pain I shall now sing)
Feb 7 · 113
Peace at last
Lostling Feb 7
The silence is my only friend
The one whom I yearn for to sit with me
In quiet nights alone in bed
And like hushed snow drifting down
Silence comes along, a ghost
Tucks in all my thoughts
To bed
Till they wake the next day
I wish my brain would shut up or at least slow down at night

(My thoughts and dreams, they’re racing still
As I sit on my window sill
And watch the sleeping world)
Feb 6 · 47
Am I too much?
Lostling Feb 6
My smiles and hugs
My fears and funs
My joys and jumps
I mix

Into my *** of caramel, the warm sugar fills the air
I'd serve it all to you, my friend

But then I remember: you're sick of jt
To sweet for you, you said

The *** of caramel sits
On the stove

I'll eat it all alone
Or maybe it'll go into the bin again
Words that no one wants to hear, died on the tongue, held back by fear

(Also this is the second version. For some reason I got an error and lost the original when publishing T.T)
Feb 6 · 80
Lostling Feb 6
I might close my eyes
Let darkness consume my world
Please… just take me home
I need a break
Feb 5 · 327
Lostling Feb 5
T h e   d a y s   s e e m   t o o   l o n g
A  n  d     t  h  e     y  e  a  r  s     e  v  e  n      l  o  n  g  e  r

Funny how quickly
A life can be-
Cut short.
Feb 4 · 75
Lostling Feb 4
I’m tired of feeling everything all at once
They fight, I take the wounds.
I smile
A mask to hide my tears
While my heart rots with the tortured corpses

They’ll never know I’m dying
Or understand
Or care
And yet I’m scared to close the doors
For what is one moment of respite if I lose the key again?
Emotional exhaustion due to being over sensitive. It’s like I feel too much and it gets overwhelming.
Feb 3 · 64
Writer’s Block
Lostling Feb 3
I sit
Behind a blank screen
S     c a   tt e    r  e       d
Like dandelion seeds in the wind
A swirling mess of fluffy white
I can’t help but think they look beautiful
What a gift it would be to share this beauty!
But I can’t catch them
They s
Right through my fingers
Laughing and dancing around me
While the white screen
And the blinking text cursor mock me…
Angry bees buzz in my mind,
Itchy and hot
  j        p,
I             and swipe
Trying to grab anything, ANYTHING!
But I fail to fly with them
Harsh hands only chasing away the seeds
Like parting water

I stop
Hope d r a i n i n g out of my body
I’ve broken and spring a leak
Condemned to the ground
I can’t do this anymore

The sun sets
And the dusts settles
I sit among among the dandelions drifting down
Wait, what?
I can finally hold them
Funnily, I write this as a practice while having writer’s block on another story. I really liked how it turned out =)
Feb 3 · 84
Chinese New Year
Lostling Feb 3
With twin oranges
Welcome blessings for new year
Relatives around
Happy Chinese New Year!
Feb 2 · 157
Lostling Feb 2
I sit on a hill
Grass poking into my palm
The night air woven in ice
The sky is filled with glittering stars
Nestled within the frozen void
Like little jewels in black velvet

Such beautiful corpses
The light of stars will still be visible from earth for a long time even after they die.
Feb 2 · 82
Lostling Feb 2
Behind the screens
They cannot see my tears
Or hear my silence
Through the words they do not shout
I cannot bear to read
For harm befalls my heart in silent weeping
Feb 1 · 254
Lost and Found
Lostling Feb 1
Always searching
For a reason

Always looking
For a sign

Always seeking
For an answer

Always hunting
All my life


What If
I’m the one who’s lost?

What if
I need to be found?

What if
I’m the one who’s dying?

What if
I’m the one who’s drowned?

Nah… that’s impossible
Loves helping others but never asks for help because they’re convinced they can do everything and don’t need help if they try hard enough? Couldn’t be me.
Feb 1 · 380
Lostling Feb 1
If I speak my mind
Behind a blank mask,
I do not own the thought
I do not speak my mind
Feb 1 · 64
I’ve lost my tongue
Lostling Feb 1
I sit at my chair
For hours on end
Staring at the blank paper

The story is at the tips of my fingers
The characters chatter in my mind, ready to take the stage
But to my horror

My words are gone and only the silence remains
I’ve been silent for so long I’ve forgotten *** to speak
Feb 1 · 249
Lostling Feb 1
As I grow older
There were more big problems
Overshadowing the small ones
And so I stopped tending to those small things

Like brushing teeth
Or going for walks
Or bathing
Or eating
Or sleeping

Huh… I think I might be dying
Under great stress, people sometimes forget to take care of themselves. So if you’re one of these people, take a short break and drink water or go for a walk around your neighbourhood. These might seem small, but they’re still important.
Feb 1 · 45
Little Rose
Lostling Feb 1
There once was a child
Young as buds not bloomed
With dreams of all that might be.
His spirit, wild
His hair, ungroomed
And hopes far beyond the sea.

His petals grew
Their untouched white
A canvas yet to flower,
But yet he knew
He’d have to fight
For he was not in power.

The glinting shears
And bloodied hands
The heads that often rolled,
He shed his tears
And fled the lands
For he knew those foretold

The taint of red
Forever stained
The cutting of his leaves
His blossoms shred
Forever pained
If the queen he did not please
For the artists that weren't and aren't accepted.
Feb 1 · 69
Lostling Feb 1
I came
I saw
I laughed
I cried
I grew
I flew
I fell
I lied
I hurt
Was hurt
I healed
I sighed
I loved
I loathed
I smiled
I died
I want to live it all again
Feb 1 · 146
Sitting by the Shore
Lostling Feb 1
Spooky little white lights
Dancing out at sea
Deep beneath the waves and
Underneath the breeze

Little lonely lovers
Sit under moonlight
Waters stretch between them
The other not in sight

Shattered little glass shards
Glinting on the beach
Sands of it has smoothed them
Safe enough to keep

Boats and ships a-rowing
Rocking to and fro
Lost to far horizons
Wherever they may go
Imagery practice
Jan 31 · 58
To Fit In
Lostling Jan 31
From days of flight
To nights of tears
To hazy smoke all year round
The light I once was is now blurring

“Too bright!” They said
“Too much!” They cried
And so I faltered
Till the voices stopped

They pointed to my hair
My tongue
My legs
My heart
My hands
My soul
My eyes

Everything that didn’t belong
Everything they wanted gone

What was I to do?
And so I let them hold the knife
Against my chest
Sliding between my ribs
As they cut away the best parts of me
Going from homeschooling to school, I suffered a lot because of the loss of freedom.
Jan 31 · 62
Lostling Jan 31
My tongue is tied by invisible bonds
I cannot speak my mind
Instead, I layer my words with song
And hope they read between the lines

Can you hear me?
Jan 31 · 61
The first letter
Lostling Jan 31
Getting to know you will forever be my favorite memory
Over the years we've certainly been through a lot
Of course there was the times we fought
Days of cold shoulders and simmering anger
But I'm glad I met you
You're the best thing that happened to me
Enjoy life to the fullest, friend.
Not sure if this is a good one
Jan 31 · 57
Lostling Jan 31
Such a small word for something so big
What does it mean?
Gunshots ringing through the air as his strong arms wrap around me, covering my ears
I can still hear the screams
Families are ripped apart
The ones that survive pick up the broken pieces, if there are any left
Most of them are broken too, shattered souls still bleeding
Many have no tears left to cry, hearts freezing over, sharp icicles drawing blood, both theirs and others
Everything is grey. Even his eyes look...dead
A few nights ago we were clinging to each other, was it for warmth or comfort? It didn't matter
Phantom feelings of a ruined past, like a ghostly touch, start to stir
A melody I can't quite grasp, sung by a memory, forever lost to the chaos
I can almost picture an angel-white dove taking flight
It keeps me going through the pain
But when I open my eyes, it's fallen, red staining its feathers
His calloused hands were cold and still, wrapped around me in a final embrace
His last promise to protect me
The gods came that day, too
They were too late
Now I think to myself, "Is it really over?"
And every time, my reflection whispers back, "No, it's not."
Jan 31 · 66
Lostling Jan 31
The first “hello,” a waving hand
We’re only seats apart
“How do you do? Wanna be friends?”
That’s how it used to start
Expired words, still on my tongue
The words I wish to hear
Now changed from days when I was young
To whispers in my ear,
“All this is fake, so shallow too.”
“You sure you’re really friends?”
“I bet they just put up with you,
Cause you help meet the ends.”
The questions dragged up from my mind
I’ll tell the moon at night
And search alone, hope I can find
The answers to my plight
Tomorrow when the dark retreats
I know I’ll call you friend
I hope you’ll do the same for me
Even if you just pretend
Lostling Jan 31
Danger from above
We scatter like mice
Running for the shadows
Lest your paws come down on us from above
And imprison us
We hide our faces and our claws,
Crossing our fingers over our lives,
Waiting till you finally rest
So we can breathe

Aren’t you glad frozen smiling faces
Are beaming up at you?
Offering rotting daisies with trembling hands
Noses twitching with fear
The lies we tell to survive the war
Jan 31 · 335
Lostling Jan 31
Lost and lonely I drift

Wandering through hazy days

Looking for the chubby little fingers

That used to tug me around with laughter
Short poem. I was sad.
Lostling Jan 31
I didn't have a name
I had no identity
I was nothing and no one
I existed, and that was it

Until you found me
And gave me something to call my own


I liked it
The way it left your lips
The way I knew it was mine
I was finally someone

Someone in your eyes
Quick poem
Jan 31 · 273
Lostling Jan 31
Rain is falling from the skies,
My eyes still do not weep.
Now my sorrow shall be cleansed;
to wash away all I've lost.
The broken pieces of my heart
Drift with the waters
Cascading down into the drains
Never to be seen again
Practice poem

— The End —