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Nov 2024 · 141
Beeyond the joke!
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
Beeyond the joke!

Humble met up with his friends after work.
He had a big smile because he was thinking about her;
The bee he had kissed, remembering the bliss.
She said her name was Ever Queen.

As Humble was telling them what happened, Bee-Real said,
You know she’s got a boyfriend don’t ya?  His name is Zed.
Humble’s heart sank and he said, Right!  That’s it!
I’m no longer going out with anyone from this hive!  I quit!

Oh come on Humble, said Blondebee.
I’m sure you’ll meet someone eventually.
Yeah right, I don’t think so, I’ll never bee loved.
You want Tiny Dancer (Blondebee started to blush).

Blondebee and Tiny Dancer hadn’t yet admitted how they felt.
Tiny had broken up with Buzzie, so all was well.
They could be together now if they wanted,
But they would have preferred if Humble hadn’t announced it.

And every girl I like never likes me.
I guess I have to bee a lonely little bee.
Why do I always fancy the wrong ones?
I’ve had enough of this place.  I want to be gone…

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 123
Aa Harvey Nov 2024

The third date was ok, Humble thought.
At least this time Blondebee didn’t look so bored.
She was up to her elbows in shopping bags.
Humble paid for the dinner and they had a laugh.

They ended the night on a triple date.Bee-Real and Love-Bee and Tiny Dancer’s date was late,
So Tiny ended up talking to Blondebee until Buzzie arrived.
They all had fun and then they said their goodbyes.

Humble walked Blondebee home and wanted a kiss goodnight,
But she said “Er, excuse me, not tonight.”
She was his friend, so why couldn’t he love her?
Humble’s confusion reigned, love was hard; oh brother!

Humble wasn’t happy, but he’d been single long enough,
And last night they all had a lot of fun.
He thought it worked well when they were all with each other,
But the two of them alone were far from lovers.

Humble remembered what The Queen had said.
Jeez, it’s like she’s in my head.
Did she see this all before me?
The psychic foresaw this eventuality.

Humble talked to Bee-Real about his situation.
Sorry Bruv, I only know real love, and not infatuation.
You like her, and she likes you.
Where’s the problem?  What you gonna do?

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 129
Bee Happy
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
Bee Happy

With Blondebee Humble was always searching,
Forever looking for the answers;
But with Bee Bee it was easy learning,
He already knew she was his enchantress.

At last Humble knew what it was to bee loved.
Bee Bee, he knew, was truly good.
Life seemed so easy now with her heart.
He couldn’t beelieve the struggle had been so hard.

Every day they grew with each other.
First came the kiss and now they were lovers.
Forever bound to love eternal.
Epics would bee written in endless journals.

Humble wrote poetry; Bee Bee wrote stories.
Each of them spoke of despair and glories.
They loved to tell tales and in each other found home.
They were two parts of one heart; no longer alone.

Their journey together had just beegun,
But already had passed many moon’s and sun’s,
And at the end of each day they lay together.
They fell asleep holding hands, like his father and mother.

Humble thought back to when he had first thought about love.
Never beelieving it could bee so good,
But at last he had found what his parents had.
In Bee Bee he had found a love that he knew would last.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 140
Beautiful Tears
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
Beautiful Tears

Life has an expiration date.
Call it sad or call it fate.
It has to end and all fades away.
You can fight against it but you can’t evade.

Remember your dead for they are not here.
You have loved them now for years and years,
And when you next meet them you will once more be near.
Their ending was not the beginning of your tears.

You have already cried and you did not die.
They fade away but you hold their light.
Inside your heart is where you will find them.
They will be waiting for you at your bitter end.

So do not cry for hollow reasons.
Life is change and so are the seasons.
Passion lasts but it’s gone in a flash,
If you fail to hold or give it back.

Love is beauty, beauty is love.
Up is still up when you are feeling no good.
If all you have is pain, then simply wait.
Life will come good again, one day.

(C)2022 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 254
Aa Harvey Nov 2024

I tell you the truth, but I digress.
The lies you breathe into me are Heaven sent.
I try to believe but life is stress.
Memories leave me broken and spent.

Bruises heal, I do not.
Give it your all, or it will be gone.
Smack me with lies of hate and betrayal.
I will survive, you will not prevail.

I have been beaten with many words.
The best ones were hers, but there are others less heard.
I chose to believe though they sounded wrong.
You cannot speak of love and criticize the song.

They have lived it brick by brick.
They have heard all your lipstick kiss.
They have given their heart and soul.
Yours was sold for a little gold.

(C)2022 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 175
Baby steps
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
Baby steps

A life in a bubble ain’t no life at all.  
You’ve gotta not be scared of a little fall.
So lift your head little one to the endless call.
Stand up tall, don’t crawl, now walk.

Midnight, dark light, under a sea of lights.
Bright stars, so far, we are temporary in this one life.
Wishes come true when I awake to the sunlight with you.
With your hand in my hand I can find a way through.

Be my reason, to be less resentful.
Lead me forward forever more.
Help me to see I need to be less hateful.
Show me a light I have never seen before.

Before you all I knew was angst and pain.
Now through you and with you I can rise again.
I never had the courage, but you pulled me through.
Now I can see the truth in you.

One step at a time I can learn to fix me.
You’re so tricksy with your magic smile.
You give me reason to laugh with you endlessly.
Stick with me through thick and thick…it gets easier in a while.

(C)2022 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 354
Aa Harvey Nov 2024

She is keeping me up tonight.
She’s done this lots of times.
We tell each other we are friends.
We know each other lies.
We’re more than that,
I want her bad, but to be good to me.
I need her love, she could be enough;
Maybe she could make me happy.
I want to grow old with her,
But my existence has become a blur.
I knew her long ago, but I want her to feel like my first.
I want the fear, the excitement, the nervousness of a kiss.
I want to tell her how I feel,
But I don’t know if she is his.
Is she alone?  Does she want my love?
Does she know I need her touch?
I need to hold her in my arms,
For I am charmed by all her charms.

(C)2022 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 125
Almost Broken
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
Almost broken

If you change the words you will never find your end.
You will forever be chasing your thoughts,
Until the day that you are dead,
And when you are left without strength,
How will you once more rise to stand again?

I guess it's cool to be okay.
I think, I thought, I hope it ends up that way;
But life is a mystery of a story not yet told.
Who will guide me when I am beyond getting old?

Life has kicked me and I have bitten back.
People have used me, I’m used to that.
Family loved me, the best love I ever had.
I was almost broken, but I’m still swinging my bat.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
A collection of ‘Love is…’ Poetry -

Love is gone.
I am done.
Setting sun,
On One.

(C)2022 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 186
A beautiful lie
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
A beautiful lie

Tell me a beautiful lie…I’ll believe it because I have to.
Find me a corner in which I can cry, for this soul cannot be soothed.
Gift me a word of truth that I will never believe.
Give me your honesty so I can once more see.

A lie is just a truth, wrapped in an enigma inside a box,
And I can’t find the key, I need to unlock.
The words are misremembered or never understood.
Show me your truth and I’ll despise your good.

Hand me my life in a basket, I’ll devour your soul.
Wrap me in a casket, when I get too old.
Punch me with a line, so good that it hurts.
Flesh me out of paper parts, and mould me last and first.

Give me life or death, for that’s all I have left.
Leave me in a mess, alone inside my head.
Let me beg and beg, but never forget.
The last words are unsaid, until they are the dread.

Too weak to fight for a lost cause forever more.
Painstaking curiosity, peeking through doors;
Looking for a light on, but all the other side is dark.
Lift me with your haunting tune my beautiful lark.

(C)2022 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 40
Lupe Velez
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
Lupe Velez

It’s your beautiful ending.
It’s your careless sigh.
It’s the way that you ended,
Without a real goodbye.

(c)2023 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 146
All war is unjust
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
All war is unjust

You celebrate your murderers like they won you a war
And what for?  Is my question.  Do you pass inspection?
No genuflection; no halo you own.
You gun down the innocent and gnaw on their bones,
Like the savages you are, you fallen stars,
Are dead to me.  I see such glee.
Oh the pain you reap.
Your just reward, for an unjust war,
For all are…is a silver star on your heart.

(C)2023 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 340
A darker shade of blue
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
A darker shade of blue

The stars call to me through the use of a screen,
But my curtains are closed to them really being seen.
I’m scared of the dark, the night such a fright.
I wish my heart would allow me to not fear closing my eyes.

Sleep with one eye open, praying not to die.
An eye for an eye, in this world full of lies.
I am the day walker, incapable talker, memories stalker.
Midnights death.

I am so lost, I have lost the plot.
I reach for a God, but believe only with my final breath.
The nightmare continues, an eye to a view.
Beauty in natural form, my gift anew.

So dark in my heart, but still I continue.
Poet (slash) dreamer, if only they knew,
Do you think they could tell, the Hell in which I dwell?
The love that I hold has no-one under its spell.

So I stay in silence, lips unused, closing eyelids,
Soul a darker shade of blue.

(C)2023 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
A collection of ‘Love is…’ Poetry

Love is here!
Love is now!
Got to get my hands on it!

(C)2023 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2024 · 294
2 of 6
Aa Harvey Nov 2024
2 of 6

I can’t decide which woman I want.
I fancy six but it comes down to two.
I will probably end up with none,
But as I always have given you, this is my truth.

Honestly it is frustrating.
Can’t be bothered with all the dating.
Just want to say will you be mine?
But still in my mind I can’t decide.

One I know to be quite lovely.
One to me is a complete mystery.
The one I know has little flaws.
The unknown quantity could possibly have more.

One is single and could be dated,
Whilst the other I don’t know if she wants to be dating,
Or already has a love of her own.
Choices are discussed with you on my phone.

That’s how it starts,
With a self-sent text message.
Want one of two to be my missus.
See them talk and want them both,
But I’m getting old and they are both so far and yet so close.

One has beauty.
One is beautiful.
One might be perfect,
Though that is doubtful.

So which shall I choose?
I will leave it to fate
And wait for the day,
They ask me out on a date.

But the time is approaching.
The day of love Valentine.
Will you be mine?
Or will I never shine?

Left for dead, because of my head.
Can’t have only heart in charge.
Lust may lead, but I want more.
I want a connection which will never part.

The next is my last.
At least that is what I hope.
Don’t want a million to choose from.
Just a sign that says go,
An answer which is not no,
And a woman who understands why I say ‘nope, nope, nope’.

(C)2024 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
May 2021 · 480
A calling
Aa Harvey May 2021
A calling

I wish I could have been born in the 60’s.
Back then the world seemed like such a better place to be.
The hippies had the right idea, fighting for peace.
I had the long hair and the hope, but I lack the will to live.

I can hear London calling;
It’s been a sound I have heard for a long time.
I used to wish I could live there,
Back before all the riots and fires.

Everyone is call'en,
Maybe today will be my day;
But know that when I am taken,
I made my own mistakes my way.

If I am chosen to be the fallen,
Then I will embrace what is meant to be,
For this will be my calling,
And only with death will I be set free.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 719
Pathetic acts
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Pathetic Acts

Stop all the traffic; a million ants are passing by.
Red light, Amber light, waiting on a Green light.
All the windows have their curtains closed inside,
And nobody knows how to feel secure beneath the night sky.  

Do a hand-stand, against the man,
So he can hear from the bottom of your soul,
As it refuses to accept his master plan.  
Tell him it is time for you to go.

Become a light inside the storm.
Become guidance to those who are torn,
Between loving life and complete apathy.
Falling from the top of a tree.
I am not the leaper that I used to be,
But still here I stand speaking in symmetry.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 494
Aa Harvey Nov 2020

The gun is on the pulse, pull the trigger or live.
Truth or false is not a choice they are willing to give.
It’s you versus us, versus the things that they did.
Do you believe and trust or never forgive?

They claim to be our protection,
But are unwilling to allow closer inspection,
For they have no reflection as they sold their souls.
The ‘God’s’ teach us genuflection,
Because their badge is misinformation,
And their prison plantations are only built for gold.

A man is never born free,
There is always a price that must be paid;
And from your very first day to the day with the *****,
You are made to work, digging your own grave.
One day at a time, there is a game that must be played.

Choice is not a thing we choose without regret.
Do we get out of bed or put a bullet in our head?
With life’s hands ‘round your neck, I’d say the choice is made,
So put a smile on your face and just hope for the best.

It’s a pretty world if your mind is blind.
It’s a lucky life if you are not kind.
It’s a ******* good day; a good day to die.
It’s a choice we made when we chose to no longer cry.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 367
Full on
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Full on

Couldn’t sleep last night,
Got love on my mind.
Want to travel through time,
To the point where you are mine.

I saw you sat there looking so beautiful,
That’s when I decided I want you as my girl.
It’s been a while since my life was so full on,
Now you’ve got me hoping the emptiness is gone.

Believing in miracles again,
Is it time to play?
Fearless to the pain,
This day.

Got my head in your direction
And my heart on my sleeve.
I believe you are perfection,
Do you believe in me?

Will you hold me close,
Or let me go?
Living life in currency of ‘what if’s’ and ‘maybe’s’,
Who knows what the future holds…

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 351
Be aware
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Be aware

Be careful what you wish for, for you have fire in your heart.
The cravings that have driven you on to chase after stars,
Could be the final nail that they drive through your chest.
Beware of witches selling stones that turn out to be worthless.

If all you want lands in your hands pure,
Then how can that be real?
Love is a thing worth fighting for.
Only evil ‘lovers’ are allowed to steal.

When great perfection takes a life time to find
And must be fought for like woman or man,
Will you stand up tall and never mind,
Or will you crumble into the sand?

Find love before it is too late,
Or walk away and live your days thinking of the grave.
Money comes and goes and life is never great,
But with your heart on your sleeve and her heart in your mind,
You can live to see the better days.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 401
My final line
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
My final line

The sky is black, the curtains have been closed.
I have lost all the love in the world; so empty; so alone.
The lights are turned out, the heating is off.
It was once so bright and warm here,
But now all that was and all my dreams are lost.

I am without a hope; nothing to see.
Everything gone; broken pieces.
The clock has stopped,
My world no longer spins;
Time is at an end and there will be no more beginning.
I pray for reincarnation, but I am without faith.
The only emotions I had, like my hair, they are all fading to grey.

The roots have cracked,
The branches have snapped,
The leaves have fallen,
The trunk is under attack,
From the cells inside;
No light shines from my eyes.

I can no longer smile, this is my final mile.
At the end of a short race,
I could never keep up with the pace.
My pacemaker heart needs another kick-start.
Hook me up with love;
Do you have her number?
Tell her I am going soon and this is no rumour.

But if she wants to be loved for a moment in time,
Then she should let me know if she wants to be loved,
Before I read my final line…

(C)2017 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 371
We know
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
We know

The thoughts we think run around our heads.
They try to make us not forget,
So we remember all that which came before;
Our guiding light towards a better shore.

And as we arrive we climb to our feet,
And in our souls we hope to meet,
A gracious soul, so worn and old;
A beautiful soul, so knowledgeable.

So wise we know that we were meant to teach and learn.
Since night became and the sun began to burn,
We have known we need to become an introvert,
Because deep inside we still feel scared,
Of the things that we once yearned.

So we hide away all the love we hold inside.
We hide away from the possibility of lies.
We hide away until the day that we die.
We die alone because we could never let anybody stand by our side.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 279
That word
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
That word.

All we can give is one hundred and ten percent,
Or the lack of effort that we all did.
All I have left to give is the emptiness,
Of a future already behind us, so let’s give it a miss.

We are young; we are evermore.
I am the strongest with your hand in my hand.
We believed forever more that we would be pure,
But life changed us into The Devil’s man.

It began with *** and inside my head,
I had all these thoughts that I would confess,
To a woman I loved, if I ever loved any,
But life ain’t like that; lover’s are ten a penny.

They come and go and on with the show.
They say I love you like it is just a word they have heard.
All I can say is the pain that I have known,
When that word has been said to me…my God that word.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 820
Thanks for something
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Thanks for something

Thanks for something.
Thanks for nothing.
Thanks for all those words you said.
Go to bed, you’ve said enough.
You’re all out of luck and I’ve got nothing to say.
Go away!  Have a nice day.
Peace be unto me.

Use the force in May, to make them change their mind, maybe.
Little time left for you; time to be crazy.
I’m not listening, no more a slave to ladies.
Use a noun, not a name, hello Baby.

Left all sad at the end of a phone.
Cut the line to the lies…leave me the Hell alone!
I know you better and more than you would like me to believe,
But babe please, don’t be a tease,
Waving your love at me.
If it ain’t real then it ain’t no-thing.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 228
Still going
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Still going

Before the end I will find a way.
Of this I am sure, no need to pray.
Never been a believer, except when I was told.
The story is getting very…old.

If wishes are real, then why am I here?
I cannot believe love is still not near,
When all I do is desire the fire.
My life in the ice is oh so dire.

But still on I go, through all the snow sorrow,
Not knowing where it is I will end up.
All I know is I am destined to be loves woe.
Still going forward; still distracted by lust.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 799
Aa Harvey Nov 2020

Self-sabotage; it’s all I know.
There is no way I am letting anybody get close.
Self-sabotage; it’s all I have got.
If you want my love then I will be sure to be gone.

Why try to love me?  I can’t be loved.
Why try to like me?  I have given up.
Why try to talk to me when I am mute?
Self-sabotage because I could love you.

I am a broken record who totally ignores,
Any possibility of ever being loved.
Say I am bored, when inside it burns to the core.
There is nothing in this world that is purely good.

Holding on to losing hope.
Sun still shines even when it snows.
In love with misery; happy with apathy.
So full of nothing; love being empty.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 367
Second sight
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Second sight

When you are young, you can only see the future.
When you are old, you can only see the past.  
When you find yourself at the right moment in life,
You can look forward gladly, as well as being happy to look back.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 395
Right for me
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Right for me

I want a beautiful soul.
She has a beautiful soul.
I want somebody to find me beautiful,
The way that I find her.

I need to express my love.
I think she could be loved.
I’ve got these feelings that bubble inside.
She makes my feelings stir…sigh.

I want a woman that rocks my body,
The way I want to rock hers.
I want a woman who loves rock music.
She rocks my heart, it purrs.

I need a woman without tattoo’s.
She wears her heart on her sleeve.
I think that she could show me her ****,
Underneath the sheets.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
It’s the way you make me feel

It's the way you make me feel.
It's the way you make me feel so bad.
It's the way you make me feel.
It's the way you make me feel so sad.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
It’s the hope that kills you.

I don't wanna be there for you.
I don't wanna have to save you.
I don’t wanna be the one you need,
Because I will only ever hurt you.

I want you to be strong for you.
I want you to be ok.
I want you to be able to get by fine without me,
Because we both know I’m not here to stay.

Stuck to you, so you think you can’t leave,
When I know you can because I have seen it in my worst dreams.
You were gone and I was deceived.
The story never changes, love is my disease.

I offer you a part time love.
It’s never going to always be good,
And one day you will eventually lose my trust,
Because my love is broken, and I am not enough.

My love is truth spoken in riddles.
I will gladly meet you in the middle,
But do not put all your hopes on me,
Because my love is only temporary.

If that is what you want and that choice feels right,
Then I will drop all I have to do this night,
And I will be with you before the morning sun.  
Never stop believing in me and I will leave you stunned.

I will travel across this land to end up with you,
If that is what you need;
Because all I want to be,
Is whatever you need me to be.

I will be like the others, a false impression.
I will confess to you my reasons for the depression.
I will never learn my stupid lesson!
I will hurt you with my pain…
This is my confession.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 350
I wish
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
I wish

I wish I was better, but never, but never,
Will I ever be better if I’m not with you.
I wish forever that Heaven was never,
So far out of reach when I need to be though.

I wish this life didn’t have so much strife,
When I’m lacking a light to shine down on me.
I wish the knives were not pointing at mirror eyes,
Being held behind lies of a man of misery.

I wish I was free, but that will never be,
Because all I believe is the total deceit.
I am trapped in this being, always dreaming of seeing,
But always so blind to a utopian dream.

I wish I could talk, like I was wielding a sword,
But I am too lyrically weak to stop you being bored;
So I will take this door and close it behind,
Desperately hoping you walk through it, through kind.

I wish I was you, just to not be me,
But that will never be; I am not that clean.
I wish you were *****, so I could be flirty,
But it is too early to speak of such things.

I wish you were near, so you could hear,
My pitiful cry for sympathy.
I wish you were here, to be my seer.
I wish you could show me it will get better.
I wish you could show me how to see.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 324
Groan (up)
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Groan (up)

Age is a shame when it comes to love.
It reaches a point where you just give up,
But the heart’s desire keeps setting on fire,
Every time you meet someone who lifts you higher.

I’m feeling too old to love her or flirt.
She desires another and I am left to hurt.
My heart wants to love whilst she just wants fun.
I wish I could, once more be young.

I want marriage.  She wants to party.
I’ve had enough, while she’s just getting started.
I could be right for her as she is wrong for me.
She is so beautiful.  She is my need.

I have to move on, be gone!  I’m no fun.
A setting sun remembers being young.
My thoughts haven’t changed,
Still wanting the same.
Marriage is the way,
But not today.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 228
For you I would
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
For you I would

So beautiful to see you here.  
I find myself when I am lost inside of you.
Thoughts lost to never seeing you again,
Were proven to not be true.
So beautiful to see you here.
I wish I could stay here too.

Watching beautiful women walk past my window.  
Only ever watch them go and I stay inside my hole.
I am a gold fish in this room and I am losing my colour.
Forgotten how to love and forgotten all my lovers.

My heart is a thousand sun’s;
They were ignited by your smile for me.
Each of the stars that made me, died,
Now I am now left in peace.

Life is only torment and I am not alone.
I have humans all around me and names upon my phone,
But still I wish it would all disappear,
And I was allowed to stay in my own zone.

Lust is not a friend of mine,
It makes me want for more.
I wish I could be celibate,
And have nothing to do with your world.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 505
Fantasy reality
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Fantasy reality

Strange times call for stranger people.
Magic exists and it’s mostly not evil.
Fantasy worlds are there if you believe.
Use your imagination and you will once more see.

When I was weak I noticed you through stained glass.
Now I am strong enough to take a chance.
I reach into your world and find my spirit.
You drag me into being with you, where the Queen’s are not all wicked.

Where next to go on this magical road trip?
Into your heart is a place I want to visit,
And maybe you would let me stay.
Let’s create a movie and fly away.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 1.8k
Aa Harvey Nov 2020

We need magic in our lives.
Imagine a world without it.
I still dream of dragon’s fire.
I have since I was a kid.
There are many worlds, somewhere out there,
And they all need the stars to shine.
Every kingdom needs an heir.
I wish I had a fantastical mind,
Which could easily speak of fantasy more readily,
But I am all I am.
It is not enough, as it should be,
For fantasies do not happen every day…
But stories must be told,
So I had to say.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 668
Aa Harvey Nov 2020

Cigarette butts on the floor.
Time for me to take a walk.
Work is easy when you’re not this tired.
Want a day off, hope I get fired.

Trucks pass on by, on the fly,
And I can’t see eye to eye.
Trains they come and then they go.
Aching legs dream of home.

Rest a while then work again.
Life is Hell when things don’t change.
Easy job, but lack of motivation.
I don’t need no education.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 295
Truly live
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Truly live.

Find your light in another light.
Do not continue to search blindly in the darkness,
For darkness is all you will find.
Open your eyes and see what is out there waiting for your insight.

Know what you want and find it aware,
That it may all just fade and die, if you don’t make it there.
Maybe it will survive.
At least give it the chance to live.
If it does and you feel alive,
Then you will have truly lived.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 460
You swear
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
You swear

You swear that you're faithful.  
You swear that you're in love.
You swear that I can trust you,
But that still isn't good enough.

You will never be good enough to feel my love,
Because I have seen your kind before.
You will never get near my love,
Because your words mean nothing more…

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 384
This is my station
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
This is my station

This is my station.  This is my place to be.
When all is said and done, I am not free.
I guess I never left you with the best,
Of my heart, but this is my station.

This is my freedom of choice.
With all I had and threw away,
I know you must have felt betrayed,
But this is my station.
This is the place where I belong.
There is no other way.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 498
Never better
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Never better

You were crazy, just like me baby.
You were my lady and you set me free permanently.
You were crying, just like I was.
I was dying, just for love.
All we had we too soon lost,
But what we had defined everything about us.

You were in pain, so you kept on hurting me.
You walked away and destroyed my life of peace.
You were amazing, until you ended everything.
I never replaced you with a better being.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 347
Zeitgeist translucence
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Zeitgeist translucence

The spirits are unseen to those who have not felt their presence.
The non-believers will never see them, if they remain faithless.
Without a Heaven to look forward to,
We would have no reason to live right.
God sent us a message of peace; we use it to fight.
We are no longer made of starlight.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 423
One love
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
One love

Only had one love that mattered.
The rest were just for fun.
My heart was completely splattered,
By her true love gun.

She blew me away and I never returned.
Spent a lifetime of hurt wishing for another her,
But no-one matched up to the idea of an ideal love,
So I'm stuck in this rut for twenty years plus.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 383
Nothing left
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Nothing left

I got nothing.  Nothing I wanna say to you.  
Nothing that says what I'm going through.  
All the pain is unreal because I can't be this sad.
Just one day of happiness, is that too much to ask?  

Think what you like.  I like what I think.
I like when I sink deep into the pink.  
Feeling better than ever on my final day,
Is the only way I can say what I have to say.

Goodbye to you all.  Goodbye to this world.
Goodbye to the bad times and forget me for sure.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Nov 2020 · 873
Confessing love
Aa Harvey Nov 2020
Confessing love

Some people are so paranoid,
That they are actually afraid of succeeding.
Always dreaming of finding love,
But never able to take a chance and confess their feelings.

What if it worked out and you got close to happiness?
What if the next person you kissed was better than all the rest?
Your throat could be ripped out and you could end up dead.
What if life wasn’t like that and it worked out in the end?

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Oct 2020 · 152
It's nothing personal
Aa Harvey Oct 2020
It’s nothing personal

It’s nothing personal; I hate the entire human race.
It’s the way they talk, the way they act,
I hate the look upon their face.
In fact I hate everything about you all.
Like I said before, it’s nothing personal.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Sep 2020 · 766
Kiss me twice
Aa Harvey Sep 2020
Kiss me twice

I saw you rocking on a Saturday night.
I fell in love with a beauty wrapped inside a light,
That snaked its way over your body.
Scream aloud.  I need to love somebody,
So I can appear in front of your eyes.
Devil dancing, under multi-coloured lights, at night.

Raise my soul up to newer heights and let me get lost inside,
Of the sound of your heart as it eternally sighs.
I love you in this moment in time.
Fire heart needs a soulful cry of delight
And a kiss that remains electrified,
As I move my fingers down your spine,
Pressing all the right digits in all the right places.
Forget all of the other faces.
We are alone in this moment in time.
Kiss me twice in case it doesn’t immediately hit you right.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Sep 2020 · 299
Aa Harvey Sep 2020

Everything is a chore.
Everything is a bore.
Everything is worth nothing at all
And everything is no more.

You want to get high, but not experience the lows.
You want a life where anything goes.
You want the love, but not the pain.
You want a love who promises to stay.

If you get high, then low’s you will find.
If you want love, then you will lose your mind.
If you want to find your own way,
Then you will end up lost and one day fade away.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Sep 2020 · 461
Aa Harvey Sep 2020

Take a second to enjoy the moment.
Slow right down to find fulfilment.
Wait a while to see the change.
You could become spiritual and fly away,
Or remain lost, living life head on,
Accepting all comers, bring it on,
Show me what you got.
If you have anything at all.

Are you a wolf howling at the door?
Or are you Bambi?  Is that all you want to be?
Write a book on how to love.
Snap a paint brush when your work is done.
You are not all you have to entertain,
Relax your brain and find a new way,
Float on waves over the pain,
Then draw a line through the fear and win again.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Sep 2020 · 1.5k
Aa Harvey Sep 2020

Feeling dead when I’m alive,
My sun no longer shines.
Crazy days are all behind me;
All I have is half-remembered memories.

Time is not a healer and I am not a friend.
Every time I see her face,
I want the world to burn to its end.
For all love ever caused me;
The scars upon my heart.
An empty box of what I could have been.
Written down is not who we hope we are.

These are just in pieces, the thoughts upon my grave.
Mask to hide diseases.
Once you have been lost, you have had your love me days.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
Sep 2020 · 241
Aa Harvey Sep 2020

I never said I was dead.
I never claimed I was real.
I never saw you as a great.
I only tried to feel.

I couldn’t help you in space.
I’m way too far away from love.
I remember your tear-stained face.
I am giving up.

I never believed down there.
I never believed up here.
I never seemed to care.
I only saw what was never near.

I lived in my dreams.
I hid away from the world,
By floating off into a place of make believe.
Fantasy kept me alive when I wanted to be still.
Here, take my grief.

(C)2020 Aa Harvey. All Rights Reserved.
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